Sunday, April 19, 2020

Does Listing High Court Hijinks Risk Jinxing My Court Stuff?

Howdy y'all dear availees and apologies for another 9-10 day lull in this 'ere blog, I've had cause to have to trawl-back through a bunch of stuff related to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and that's been really unpleasant and traumatising...also, that last post about the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines the Catholic Church, that really knocked me for so many people, it hasn't been a great week...(and of course there's the Lutherans and the Anglicans and the Pentecostals and Judaism, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, as previously stated, the facts of Pro-Paedophile Corruption in Religious Organisations are well defined and it's only the wantonly wilful whom refuse to acknowledge and accept this reality...Language Warning...(career fuckwits like Greg Sheridan, rancid sack of mindless Murdoch-scummery that he is-Ed)...End Language Warning...well certainly, his appallingly blinkered, ignorant and twisted hissy-fit on the ABC's The Insiders this morning, attacking the ABC for it's 'campaign' against poor ol' Career-Paedophile Protector George Pell, was/is exactly typical of the sort of deeply twisted defence of Pell that has been evident from so many Right Wing Nut Jobs like Gerard Henderson, Andrew Bolt, Miranda Devine, etc, etc, et al...(and they're seemingly always from Murdoch media and/or Sky News-Ed)...which is itself Murdoch...

The ABC is irretrievably infested with these festering Murdoch minions, eg, the week before last The Insiders program was wall-to-wall Murdoch hacks, the host David Speers who has repeatedly proved himself a willing LNP sycophant/supporter, and 'guests' Patricia Karvelas, David Crowe, and Simon Benson...and again this morning, Speers and Guests have worked a (reported) collective 94 years for Murdoch...and they carefully didn't even mention the Ruby Princess LNP Scandal or the LNP anti-worker bastardry of changing Fair Work guidelines to allow employers to give employees only 24hrs notice before 'negotiating' new pay and/or conditions, etc...(or how employers are rorting the Jobkeeper scheme-Ed)...not one word...(or the latest Peter 'Spud' Dutton Fascism of a 'Centrelink focussed taskforce' to crack down on people rorting that scheme even though it's employers who get handed the cash, etc-Ed)...yeah, as per usual it was the ignoring of controversial issues that might show-up the LNP for the anti-worker nut jobs that they are...(it was pretty piss-poor alleged journalism-Ed)...indeed, but even then, it was Grego's little spew-fest that really lowered the tone...

Today's show concluded with that rabid serial pro-paedophile denialist and apologist Greg Sheridan, who deliberately and cynically left it to the very last comment of the program to have a sickening whinge about the mistreatment poor ol' George Pell, and heap abuse and derision on the ABC for their coverage of various Pell and/or Catholic Paedophile issues, including Grego's farcical misrepresentation of the realities around Pell's legal defence and special Pro-Pell/Pro-Paedophile treatment of the High Court, etc, saying; 
     "...the large and powerful ABC against one man...."
...(yeah, the one man who had the power, finances, and influence of the Pro-Paedophile Catholic Church behind him and received vastly preferential treatment from the High Court, etc, etc-Ed)...well officially 'the Catholic Church' did not fund him, but 'Catholics' of various definitions were encouraged/recruited by 'Catholic institutions/publications' to donate to George, etc, so gourd knows who actually paid for what...(fair enough, but the stuff about power and influence and special/supportive treatment from the High Court, etc, al that stuff is specifically correct-Ed)...well indeed, especially the extraordinary conduct of the wholly compromised High Court...Grego also criticised musician Tim Minchin as being an ABC employee, which he ain't...

So I'm all for criticising the rancidly Right Wing compromised ABC, but if y'all are gunna' get stuck in to the national broadcaster, at least get it right, Greg, mate...I was mildly shocked that someone took the time and effort to leave a 'Comment' (albeit anonymously) on my recent post about how the ABC deceives and manipulates it's 'Left Wing' viewers/supporters by;
1)  using LNP language and talking points, etc, as the basis for their reporting or questioning, and;
2)  carefully ignoring issues that might embarrass the LNP, and/or;
3)  tossing-up fairy-floss 'Dorothy Dixer' questions to the LNP, then allowing the interviewee to 
     repeatedly not answer and/or just lie without contradiction, and;
4)  rabidly attacking Labor interviewees, constantly badgering and interrupting and demanding that
     Labor explain how they'd run the country, etc, even though they're the Opposition. that's how they do it, pretend to question the LNP, give them unaccountable carte-blanche with the 'answers', and attack the ALP (Labor)...(and then constantly refer to themselves as being 'Lefties", eg, Micallef's Mad As Hell comedy show, and banging-on with relentless self-promotion about how they're "your most trusted source of news, without bias or agenda"-Ed)...exactly, it's absolute gaslighting...    

I thought I had explained this reasonably, thoroughly, and effectively, but no, apparently not, 'cos the 'Anonymous Commentor' agrees with me that there are issues of concern with the ABC, only in the complete opposite direction to that which I'd just explained, thusly;
     The ABC is a disgrace. It doesn't report news it produces Loony left propaganda
     disguised as opinion pieces or "analysis". I try never to listen to it or watch it.
     It's a tool of the ALP and the Greenies. It needs its taxpayer funding taken away
     from it or get back to following its charter. on
 The Sanctimonious Self-Congratulatory ABC's Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up there you go, I've done a post that I thought explained how rancidly pro-LNP compromised the ABC is, and that's what one person gleaned from that...(wow-Ed)...yep, it's a fair indicator of just how much some people will continue to see what they want to see despite the facts before them...

But I digress, 'cos the main point of today's post is to not-so politely dissect the High Court's latest act of deeply compromised pro-LNP and therefore pro-Corruption buffoonery with regards to the
AFP (Australian Federal Police) raid of the home of NewsCorp journo Annika Smethurst...and in    what is clearly an attempt to try and regain some small shred of public credibility in the wake of the outrageously compromised construct of the Pell 'aquittal', the High Court has ruled the AFP's warrant was 'invalid' and is therefore 'quashed'...(well hoorah!-Ed)...but the High Court allowed the AFP to retain the info/evidence accessed/attained from Ms Smethurst's phone, etc...(oh, well that's not right is it-Ed)...and the AFP can still use that info/evidence in any future charges/trial...(but if the warrant isn't 'valid', how is it appropriate to retain any info/evidence gathered relative to that warrant?-Ed)...well it isn't is it, that's the point, it's as shonky as all get-out...(yeah, but that's automatically self-contradicting their own finding, they're saying that the warrant is dodgy but that it doesn't matter, keep that info/evidence that's technically illegally gathered!-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what it's saying, the High Court has now told the AFP, doesn't matter if you's can't even get the basic legal requirements correct, we'll just let ya's do whatevs ya's want, whenevs ya' want, and then let ya's keep whatevs ya's happen to stumble across in the process...(well shreck me, that's so wrong on so many levels-Ed)...absolutely it is, but it gets better...(oh gourd, do I want to know?-Ed)...   

The High Court did not even consider and therefore hasn't ruled at all on how this extraordinarily Fascist raid on the home of a journalist impacts on the Constitutional Law Convention of 'Implied Freedom of Political Communication'...(well isn't that the same issue at play with your "bizarre trial" and most directly with the SA ICAC Act Sec 56 stuff about not being allowed to ever say anything about anything because it 'might' end-up in the ICAC, etc, etc?-Ed)...indeed it is... 


Tomorrow: The Irony Of A Self-Isolating Agoraphobe

And I've jumped to here to complete that paragraph 'cos I'm having some weird formatting issues, for which I apologise, gourd knows what I've done but I ain't gettin' it undone, so anyhoos, here we are...and as I was saying, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, I mean the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 Section 56 directly compromises the Implied Freedom of Political Communication, and this is the exact point that should have been investigated and resolved via a COAG (Council of Australian Governments) meeting prior to my trial commencing, as identified by SAPol (police) Prosecutions themselves...(and should have probably been reviewed before it was even passed into Law-Ed)...indeed, but certainly and definably it has been officially identified as a pre-requisite relative to my "bizarre trial" and subsequent rankly corrupt 'Conviction'...(I absolutely agree, but if that ship has already sailed due to your 'Conviction', and you're so sure that this should go before the High Court for review and as part of your 'Appeal Process', aren't you shooting ya'self in both feet before you even take the first step up that 'Appeal' path?-Ed)...mate, do you honestly think that I'm going to be allowed to 'Appeal' this to the High Court?...(mmm, fair point-Ed)...they've already rejected it once...

(Sure, but wasn't that 'cos it was still 'at Trial' here?-Ed)...yeah, but it doesn't negate the fact that they are aware of the ICAC Act issues and have therefore refused to consider them...(yeah, not sure how that works, but I can see your point-Ed)...and I reckon we've covered this before, namely, I gotta' get through the SA Appeals system first, where I've already been rejected the same day I lodged my initial 'Appeal Application' in April 2018, and rejected 'cos the Legal Sertvices Commission and Courts Administration Authority advised me to use the incorrect forms and lodge them incorrectly, etc...(yeah, that was all a bit unhelpful-Ed)...and exactly 2 years after my rankly corrupt "bizarre trial" concluded in typically bizarre and corrupt circumstances, etc, 2 years later I'm still trying to get access to my own transcripts...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and after years of being ignored by Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, and relentlessly screwed-around by Magistrate Ian White, etc, I did finally get a positive response from the CAA a coupla' months ago, and they've finally approved access, and to the recordings no less...(well that's great, what does it all say?-Ed)...ummm, don't have them yet...(okay, when?-Ed)...well apparently, it's all very complicated...(oh here we go-Ed)...'cos it was such a long trial and stuff...(here come the new excuses-Ed)...and they'll get back to me, sometime...(imagine my surprise-Ed)...well quite...

And when I've finally had access to those recordings, which hopefully won't have already been edited/censored, then I have to try and negotiate my way through the same Pro-Paedophile compromised Judicial system that spawned/allowed the farcically corrupt 'Trial' that saw me 'Convicted' in the first instance...(and in a context where you'd proven to Magistrate Anderson that this entire Fascist farce was a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", which Her Honour had identified as "Malicious Prosecution" and is identified in the official Certificate of Record as being "Abuse of Process"-Ed)...yep, and yet somehow my 'Trail' just continued-on anyhow with the rankly complicit, biased and ultimately definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White sent to 'Convict' me, after all of that, I've got to back to that 'System' that has definably and willingly and relentlessly screwed me over in the most fundamentally obvious ways, I gotta' go back to that 'System' and ask for and expect a fair hearing...(it ain't gunna' happen mate-Ed)...of course it's why worry myself with tip-toeing around the outrageous conduct of the High Court when there's a snowball's chance in hell that I'm ever going to be allowed anywhere near it...(and then there's the issue of costs-Ed)...yep, of course there is, and it's a genuine issue across the Legal/Judicial System, but specific to my case/'Trail' that too is all but irrelevant given that I ain't ever gunna be allowed onto that mountain, let alone to achieve the summit...         

And in conclusion, it is indeed an irony-rich diet I'm on at the moment...I'll also include a hopefully witty and concise discourse/explanation about the difference between 'Irony' and 'Hypocrisy'...(not to say that they can't co-exist-Ed)...well indeed, and for example, when Scummo was recently mouthing-off in Parliament with his pseudo-dictator militaristic jingoistic Nationalism about 'the ANZAC spirit', and how "we're all in this together", etc, it is both screechingly hypocritical that we reportedly refused to allow some of our Kiwi/ANZAC cousins to return (from Europe?) on an 'emergency flight', and coincidentally ironic because this happened on the same day of Scummo's 'ANZAC' statements...and sorry that I can't be more detailed with this, I heard it on the day (BBC/ABC Radio?), but cannot find a specific reference to it despite extensive searching...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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