Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Sanctimonious Self-Congratulatory ABC's Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees in Canada, Spain, Pakistan, and Switzerland, welcome to a shortish post as I try to get back on that long-bolted horse that is me wanting to even do this 'ere blog...(whaaaa?-Ed)...I'm trying to get back to doing a more regular posting, 'back on the horse', but that desire left a long time ago or is even demised...(so when you say "long-bolted", do you mean 'bolted' as in run away, or 'bolted' as in 'been put out of it's misery' on the receiving end of a bolt gun, ie, as in an abattoir?-Ed)...well that's a hilariously appropriate summation of the situation, and that's exactly what I'm saying, I'm not sure which it is myself...I don't feel any particular desire to continue, it seems to be more of a combination of stubborn bloody-minded refusal to back-down, propped-up by the fact that I literally have no choice...('cos this 'ere blog is literally the only place that the realities of what's being done to you, the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution stuff, here-in is literally the only place that you get to canvas and expose those rankly corrupt realities-Ed)...exactly...(realities that include the complicit conduct of the Main Stream Media, particularly The Advertiser, The Border Watch, and the ABC South East-Ed)...indeed...(and protect yourself from the gross Pro-Paedophile Corruption of your "bizarre trial" and the even more bizarre current Corrections SA proceedings-Ed)...all true, it remains a wonderful irony that that which has got me in so much trouble is the one thing that offers me any sense of protection or hope...

And it's not just been the ABC South East who've been the problem, it's the entire ABC actually...(sure, but it is the ABC South East who were/are critically complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...true, but that complicit corruption extends also to Adelaide, eg, Sandra Winter Dewhirst and a host of producers, etc, the Four Corners program, etc, who all refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up...(agreed, but it's here in this community where they could have had some positive influence that they've really failed/refused to act-Ed)...yeah, but even I don't know to what degree the office here failed/refused of their own choice or whether that was orchestrated from Adelaide and even Sydney...(fair point-Ed)...suffice to say, the ABC en masse have failed/refused to address the St Martins Cover-up appropriately, and have on multiple occasions been definably complicit...(yeah, fair call mate, but it was the ABC South East Radio who initially provided SAPol (police) with the lie-laden Affidavit used against you in Court-Ed)...sure, good point, but remember that it was their Sydney-based lawyers who responded to Magistrate Anderson's Court-issued Summons for information relating to that Affidavit...(sure-Ed)...it was ABC Sydney lawyers who appeared by phone at those Summons hearings and who said it was all too difficult, the Summons was "oppressive" and "fishing for information", etc, and then lied about not finding any documents at all...

The ABC Loves Me, They Have Fletcher Files:...(yeah, and they also lied about having supposedly sent you a letter in January 2014 allegedly ordering you to stay away from the ABC-Ed)...well right there's another delightful irony isn't it...the ABC has claimed that they sent me this 'banning letter' but then fail/refuse to produce it in Court, even after being Summonsed, but then the ABC's testimony in Court, albeit in my absence when the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White continued and concluded my 'Trial' in my absence...(so many layers of corruption-Ed)...indeed, but we digress, 'cos the ABC South East's testimony in Court was that they kept a 'Special File' on me and that when I had attended their office in January 2014 with a document, that it went straight into that file...(what the shizzle? but they said it's all too difficult and didn't even produce the alleged 'banning letter', but surely it's all right there in their special Fletcher File?-Ed)...apparently not...(and hang on, what the shreck is the ABC doing keeping 'Special Files' on private citizens? does anybody else get a 'Special File'?-Ed)...only if you're special...(oh I get it, they love you 'cos they are 'Fletchophiles', nice one dude, particularly considering the bizarrely corrupt lengths they are prepared to go to to try and get you-Ed)...and that brings us to this... 

That right there's the critical point...(more critical than the lies the ABC told in attacking you personally, knowing full-well that your original motivation is the abuse of your child and dozens of other 7-year olds by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, and the ongoing cover-up of those abuses?-Ed)...ok fair enough, that's absolutely critical, and it's 100% relevant to my personal situation, and you're right that it is absolutely deplorable that the ABC would/has knowingly acted to help protect a grooming paedophile and the rancidly corrupt Lutherans, etc, etc, all of that is really important, but remove me personally from the equation and the ABC's Pro-paedophile Complicit motivations, etc, and what do you have left?...(ummm, not much I reckon, that seems to be the ABC's role in this whole sordid St Martins disaster-Ed)...yeah yeah, sure, but set-aside the specific St Martins issues, and what is the stand-out issue here...(errr, dunno', enlighten me?-Ed)...the Affidavit itself, the Affidavit is itself the critical issue...(I don't follow-Ed)...well the ABC South East Radio and their lawyers, etc, apart from lying about 'no documents', etc, etc, what have they done?...(ummm, supplied the Court with a fraudulently false but damning Affidavit for SAPol to use against you?-Ed)...exactly, and?...(ummm-Ed)...consider this...   

Right there's the issue of the ABC bleating about how inappropriate it was for the AFP (Australian Federal Police) to raid the ABC offices and threaten prosecution of 2 journos re an ABC story about Australian troops committing crimes in Afghanistan...(but those raids are incredibly concerning, it's bare-faced Fascism to go after the media like that-Ed)...sure, and concerning that it involves the AFP's apparent 'right' to redact and/or delete and/or alter documents and/or emails, etc...(yeah, that shizzle is just bizarre-Ed)...like I said, and particularly in light of the AFP's multi-layered protection racket it's running on behalf of the LNP, where-in the AFP refuses to investigate leaks from Ministerial offices, eg, Michaela Cash leaking to the media about those AFP raids of Union offices, such that the media were there waiting for the AFP to arrive...(yeah, 'cos that ain't at all corrupt conduct by Cash & Co-Ed)...or the multiple failures/refusals to investigate Angus Taylor for the $80m Water Theft saga, or the fraudulent Clover Moore Travel Expenses Document, or the Grassgate scandal...(what about these perpetual Sports Rort thingies?-Ed)...yep, or Barnaby Joyce getting his mistress a fake job in a colleague's (Matt Canavan's?) office?...literally everywhere you look, it's wall-to-wall LNP corruption being effectively protected by a complicit AFP, but back to my original point...what was the main alleged concern from the ABC, and what do we constantly hear from other media about the importance of protecting their sources?...(errr, just that, protecting their sources is paramount-Ed)...precisely...(but I, ooooooooh, I see-Ed)...care to share with the rest of the class?...

(Well, on one hand, the sanctity of the source/journo privacy stuff is absolute, when it suits them, but when it comes to Nick Fletcher, they're falling over themselves to cooperate with the police and dob-in their 'source'-Ed)...spot on...the ABC et al have been bellicosely bellowing about the importance of protecting their 'sources', particularly as it relates to these AFP raids, but both the ABC and The Border Watch have readily dropped me right in it...indeed, the ABC were so keen to screw me over they've added to the falsely derogatory narrative by providing a lie-riddled Affidavit that refers to me as a 'problematic complainer' who was 'banned from the ABC', etc, and in Court claimed to have kept 'a file' on me, and quoted staff as referring to me as 'that shit'...("your most trusted source of news, without bias or agenda"-Ed)...indeed, as they regularly self-promote, and as often contradicted by their massively biased and skewed 'reportage' of my "bizarre trial"...every story they've done was about how rude I was to the poor ol' Magistrate and how I'd been warned about 'Contempt of Court', etc, etc, but never a word that supported/reported the actual realities of how appallingly biased and corrupted the whole thing was...when it comes to me, the ABC South East Radio has one agenda, get the bastard, and they have never ever let the facts get in the way of a good character assassination...   

I force myself to listen to the ABC South East as often as possible 'cos of the Need To Know thing, but I rarely if ever watch ABC News anymore, and their morning news program has degenerated into little better than a pro-LNP infommercial entirely indistinguishable from the dross being produced in the MSM, eg, the appalling Sunrise program...(it's almost a disease, isn't it?-Ed)...well it's clearly infectious...can't bring myself to watch the appalling The Insiders program, with the new host David Speers, freshly recruited from the lunatic-fringe Right Wing Nut Job cavalcade that is Sky News...but, driven by the 'Need To Know To Have An Informed Opinion' paradigm, I try listening to it instead on the ABC/BBC News Radio...Speers has already proven himself to be a stooge-like Liberal/National apologist, and his original 'interview' with PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...(I like 'Scotty From Marketing' better-Ed)...whatevs, that interview was at best pathetic, and better described as complicit...today's The Insiders was even worse...Speers continuously spewed-out LNP rhetoric as facts/questions, and then feverishly interrupted and badgered ALP leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese, particularly when Eggsy started to dismantle the massively biased questioning...I ain't no Eggsy barracker, indeed, I reckon that the ALP is only marginally better than the LNP...(well just look at the corruptly complicit role that SA Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jat Weatherill have played in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed, and that complicit corruption runs to Federal Ministers, including the much-celebrated Julia Gillard...regular availees will be well aware of the communications between then Liberal Member for Barker Patrick Secker and then Labor Education Minister Julia Gillard...(is that the one where Gillard wrote back saying 'gee whiz, so sad, not my responsibility, it's a state issue'?-Ed)...that be they...

Anyhoos, The Insiders is appalling but it's no more than a culmination of the wholesale pro-LNP bias that contaminates every single piece of work coming out of the supposedly Left Wing ABC...and in my extensive personal experience, the ABC is willingly complicit in covering-up Child Abuse to a far greater extent than they have 'exposed' any...and that brings us to this week's latest ABC festival of self-congratulation and hypocritical sanctimony...(you mean the stuff about the child abuse at St Kevin's College and the grooming of a student and the self-absorbed attitudes of the headmaster and broader Catholic community, etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, all that stuff, and if dear availees are not familiar with that story, there's tons on the Interweb, just search it...this just hammers home to me the vast gulf between what the ABC claims to do, and what they've actually done with the St Martins Cover-up...in this instance they've gone after a case that apparently involves a single child and that has already been through the Courts, so what ever they've generated since is effectively after the fact, they're on relatively safe ground...however, that's not my main gripe here, arguably any action that holds any perpetrator and/or their supporter/protector to account is a positive outcome, but this case is specifically about a teacher 'grooming' one child...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is about "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling emotionally and psychologically manipulating a whole class of 7 year old kids so as to facilitate physical abuses.

There is clear evidence of this from the kids, including physical abuses already occurring. 

It was Flinders Child Protection Unit who used the term "text-book grooming paedophile".

The ABC giving deeply traumatised parents minimal and highly-censored airtime in a context where we were being viciously attacked in our community as troublemakers, that's not reporting, that was deliberately setting us up for further abuse and denigration. 

The ABC has always presented any discussion of the St Martins Cover-up in a highly censored form, and as being 'allegations' of parents, not as fact.

The ABC has never done any independent investigation of the St Martins Cover-up.

The ABC has repeatedly refused to do any investigation of the St Martins Cover-up.

The ABC is absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.

Myself and a coupla' other families were and still are being attacked as deceitful troublemakers, including the extraordinary Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the former Member for Mt Gambier, the rankly corrupt Rory McEwen, who regularly had me 'banned' from the ABC by having a chat with his mates there, and who openly attacked us parents on the front page of The Border Watch in May 2005, accusing us of "actually hounding the teacher", etc...similarly, TBW has never done any actual story about the St Martins Cover-up, instead presenting any story as 'parent allegations', etc, whilst simultaneously allowing people like Rory McEwen to corruptly attack us on the front page...and TBW were also a key SAPol witness against me in Court...(is that the 'Charges' you were 'Convicted' of for 'talking to the media'?-Ed)...yep, think about that dear availees, 'Convicted' for merely talking to the media...(and 'Convicted' under the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 even though those 2 charges were actually alleged breaches of Sec 54?-Ed)...indeed...(which SAPol knew but pursued anyway-Ed)...yep...(and Magistrate White was either ignorant or just complicitly biased-Ed)...or both...regardless, this is what the whole fiasco is about, it's about attacking me and deliberately causing me as much stress as possible, etc, but more importantly, it's about trying to denigrate and discredit undermine me by promoting the idea that I'm just some nasty troublemaker...

Don't like me? your choice, I'll get over it...don't believe me? then that's your loss...it comes back to those 2 basic points, namely, if I did to someone, eg, Member for Barker Tony Pasin and/or any number of other politicians and/or ABC/TBW/Lutheran hierarchy, etc, if I did to these people what they know Glyn Dorling was doing to 7 year old kids in that classroom at St Martins, then I'd be at the very least facing charges of Assault, Sexual Assault, and Deprivation of Liberty...(and as you've so graphically illustrated before, just alluding to doing that brings with it a looming and threatening sense of impending violence, etc-Ed)...exactly, just talking about it shows how serious it is...and secondly, if I'm such a lying bastard, why have I not been held to account with multiple 'Criminal Defamation' trials?...and I don't mean the multiple vacuous 'Defamation Threats' that have been hurled my way by the ABC and the Education Dept and the Crown Solicitor and my li'l mate and alleged lawyer 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, etc, etc...why have none of these corrupt clowns followed through with their 'threats'?...why hasn't Billy, himself allegedly a lawyer, why hasn't li'l Billy sued me as he has repeatedly threatened to do?...because those threats are exactly that, threats, gutless attempts to try and intimidate me and/or to be used to try and manipulate The Googles into pulling down damning posts... 

In conclusion, the ABC is absolutely complicit in covering-up the gross abuses committed by "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School, abuses that they (the ABC, Lutherans, SAPol, politicians, etc) all know did happen, and apparently/likely occurred across several years and to potentially hundreds of kids at that school...in my experience, nothing the ABC does about addressing Child Abuse excuses or extinguishes their rank Pro-paedophile Corruption regarding the St Martins Cover-up... 

Tomorrow: Corrections SA Says Gaol Is The Correct Place For People With Mental Health Issues

(Particularly if their name is Nick Fletcher-Ed)...well it certainly doesn't help, and that's why that post is titled, Corrections Commits To The Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution Of Nick Fletcher, but the more critical and fundamentally indefensible reality of what's being done to me, is best high-lighted by again removing me from that equation...(yeah, I see your point, even though this is clearly about punishing you for continuing to speak-out about the St Martin's Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and SA's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, etc, it's even more damning of Corrections when considered as a broader reality-Ed)...yep, as described just above it's irrefutably damning...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...sorry about the lack of humour in recent posts, but I just ain't got it in me at the moment...and if this post causes stress or triggers stuff for you, again, please to be talking to someone about it, being the victim of assault and/or the parent of an abused child, etc, that ain't your fault, the responsibility lies with the perpetrator and the Authorities who are supposed to deal with it...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. The ABC is a disgrace. It doesn't report news it produces Loony left propaganda disguised as opinion pieces or "analysis". I try never to listen to it or watch it. It's a tool of the ALP and the Greenies. It needs its taxpayer funding taken away from it or get back to following its charter.
