Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Corruption Reigns Supreme, Don't Download The COVID19 App

Dear availees, it's been another very long week sliding into the next, and I find myself entirely sans energy and/or motivation...I know that I'm currently overwhelmed with the totality of corruption that defines the Body Politique in this openly Fascist Pseudo-Democracy we call Australia, and particularly when it comes to Scott Morrison and the Liberal/National Party...

I have one simple message for today, and it's directly related to the Scummo Posse and their incessant obsession with increasing surveillance of us the Citizenry, whilst simultaneously guarding themselves from appropriate scrutiny...(a perfect example being the Angus Taylor Forged Document Cover-up-Ed)...exactly Ed, a clearly forged document that 'Angry' Angus signed his name too and circulated, but the New South Wales Police and the Australian Federal Police didn't even question Angry or his staff...(and Angry refused to speak to the Rozzers, despite guaranteeing in the Federal Parliament that he would 'fully co-operate'-Ed)...indeed, it's absolutely rotten from the core, upto and including the supposed 'investigators'...there have been no Warrants issued re Angry, and therefore no searches, etc...(it is as you say, a text-book study in Institutionalised Political Corruption, a cover-up of clearly definable criminal behaviour, with the state and federal Plod fully complicit-Ed)...and only one of a literal litany of Angry's rorts, see Watergate, Grassgate, JamLandgate, etc, etc...

So, Angus Taylor distributes a Forged Document that is publicly published in the media, and 2 different police forces (NSW and AFP) fail to conduct the most basic Warrants, no searches, and Angry is not even spoken to...that's the level of Corruption and Cover-up that is Standard Operational Procedure from the LNP and the NSW Police and most particularly the AFP, who are clearly nor independent, but are the official enforcement branch of the LNP...(and compare that to the outrageous AFP raids on the home of journo Annika Smethurst and the ABC offices-Ed),,,exactly, and the ongoing persecution of Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Colleary for outing the LNP corruption of bugging the East Timorese Parliament...  

The Criminal Cabal that is the LNP has massively increased 'Security Legislation', not least of all the extraordinarily Fascist 'Assistance and Access Act 2018', which not only does allow government to 'force' Internet Providers to build-in 'backdoor access' to programs, applications, etc, but also criminalises the public disclosure of that 'backdoor' by the IP...that is, government can demand the inclusion/creation of a secret means to access your data, etc, but the IP, who is forced to comply, is also banned from telling you, the affected consumer...research this stuff for y'allselves, it's absolutely chilling and openly Fascist...

And now we've got Scummo ramming the COVID19 App down our throats, with relentless manipulation about 'returning to our normal way of life', and relentless lies about 'legislated safeties that guarantee that no data will be accessed by government, etc'...(well the lie is self-evident in telling peeps that they're 'guaranteed by legislation' to be safe from personal tracking and data harvesting, etc, when that legislation hasn't even gone before the Parliament-Ed)...indeed, as guaranteed by corrupt and pathological liars who have repeatedly ramped-up 'Security Legislation' that rips into citizens civil rights to protest, to privacy, and to protection...and it was exactly this sort of increased secret powers and associated secret monitoring, etc, that Ms Smethurst exposed in her story that got her home raided, etc...   

Everything that Scummo announces is a grandstanding hyperbolic carnival of self-congratulation, and every $$$ he promises is printed on smoke and delivered with mirrors...look at the wraith-like $2billion Bushfire Recovery Fund, as initially stolen from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but reportedly approximately 90% of people in fire-affected areas have received nothing from the BRF, and in some areas are still living in tents without running water or other basic he's gone from bullying schools by threatening to withdraw/withhold their funding to force them to re-open, through publicly denigrating teachers et al with a pathetic Facebook assault, to where he's now openly bribing private/religious schools with promises of advanced funding grants...Scummo is absolutely obsessed with forcing kids back into school, and it is being fully supported/manipulated by alleged experts who are thinly-veiled LNP lackies/stooges...the constant refrain is that kids do far better in schools that online education, etc..(and that schools are somehow parallel Universes where the COVID19 doesn't exist and/or doesn't transfer from child to child, from child to teacher, from child to parent, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, absolutely non-sensical bollocks with a purely political agenda...

And then Scummo's bangin-on about 'getting back to normal' as it relates to the Mental Welfare of people as another excuse to politely demand we use the COVID19 App...(with the associated direct and deliberate inference that you're a bad Australian and you don't care, etc, if you don't use it-Ed)...exactly, and all this from a man who otherwise doesn't give a dead rat's fat festered clacker about the Mental Health of Australians, it's just another slickly cynical manipulation from a soulless B-Grade Marketting Sociopath...classic Stick and Carrot manipulation from a pathological liar, use the App and we can all get out again and it'll help the poor ol' Mentals, etc...(and I don't believe a word they're saying about how 2.8million people have already downloaded it-Ed)...well quite, not least of all because the LNP are such pathological liars, but also because the Apps that track the popularity of other Apps show a far lesser uptake, well below 1million, possibly only a few 100,000s...(and then there's the reports that people are having to try multiple times, each attempt potentially another supposed 'uptake'-Ed)...indeed, there's many issues here, and for my part the LNP are more than capable and more than likely to grossly exaggerate/lie about these figures to trick people into believing that is widely accepted and therefore it's okay to use it...and as per usual the pathetically complicit Main Stream Media and ABC just regurgitate verbatim and unchallenged and unchecked the LNP's agenda and dis-information...   

Corporate Socialism And Disaster Capitalism:...and then there's the reports that during this Pandemic Crisis the world's billionaires have somehow managed to increase both their personal individual wealth and their collective percentage of humanity's wealth in it's entirety...a cursory look at Scummo's supposed plans to help citizens shows that the vast majority of this Tax-payer funded 'stimulus' has gone directly to corporations like Qantas, and to employers, etc, whilst the LNP continues to doll-out Franking Credits and Tax Reductions, and continues to attack Unions and Worker's Rights and Wage Settings,'s why they didn't do a straight-out Wage Guarantee and instead went with Jobkeeper which leaves the employee at the mercy of the employer, and haven't increased Pensions at all, etc...for all the flowery speeches and self-congratulations about 'stimulus', literally nothing has changed with the LNP's perpetual Anti-Worker Agenda, and Scummo's Pentecostal 'Worthy Wealthy' philosophy, etc, and very little of the promised $130b has actually been distributed, well below 10%...(closer to 5%-Ed)...well indeed, and there-in lies the obsession with forcing kids back to school, etc, its about trying to force the economy back into /normal functioning' so that the LNP doesn't have to stump-up the actual funds for these relentless and unfunded 'Announcements'...

And if you believe a single word coming outta' the alleged Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, then, dear availees, I cannot help you...he is so obviously a LNP mouthpiece running the party line/agenda, and has repeatedly contradicted himself and/or completely misrepresented information, etc...(what was that one about blaming medical staff in Tasmania for partying and therefore spreading COVID19 leading to deaths?-Ed)...oh yeah, and as stated as fact to an Aotearoan (New Zealand) Parliament hearing, and only clumsily withdrawn when he was exposed for that lie, explaining it away as 'something someone told me and I just repeated it'...(wow-Ed)...well quite, it's not a great endorsement of his reliability, is it?...and he's also relentlessly backing this 'it's okay to go back to school' stuff...(I note with interest that when this incredibly important COVID19 Tracking App was officially launched, they used one of the Deputy Chief Medical Officers, not Brendan 'Uncle Stooge' Murphy-Ed)...seethingly indicative of the level of trust that many peeps have in Ol' Uncle Stooge...(and also that it was Health Minister Greg Hunt not Scummo who did the presentation, and has since been denying the 'secrecy/tracking implications', etc-Ed)...yep, Scummo wasn't even present, not even furtively lurking in the literally screams volumes about what little trust people have in Scummo and Uncle Stooge, what very limited credibility that they have, that the LNP would trot-out these other 2...(and potentially what little faith they all have in the App itself-Ed)...well quite...     

Remember also that this is the LNP who accessed and publicly released the personal Centrelink info of someone who criticised them/Centrelink...(and that the presiding Minister is the notoriously corrupt and incrementally incompetent Stuart Roberts-Ed)...oh for shreck sake, you are shreckin' kiddin' me?...(do I look like I'm joking?-Ed)...oh for shreck sake, again...and wasn't he just publicly shamed and ridiculed for 1) failing to have the Centrelink system ready for the millions of sudden applicants he/the LNP knew would be trying to access it?...(that be he, and he then 2) went on to blame the failure/collapse as being a 'hack'/Denial of Service (DoS) Attack-Ed)...which it obviously wasn't, of course there were going to be huge demands in a very short period...(wait for it, before going on to 3) admit there was never any evidence of a DoSA-Ed)...sweet baby cheeses...(and then 4) officially declaring it "my bad"-Ed)...oh yeah, I saw that bit, it simply boggles the mind...another serial rorting Pentecostal LNP disaster just looking for somewhere to happen...look-up his previous various rorts with Rolex watches, home internet charges, etc, etc...(and I again note that he, the Minister overseeing this App, he wasn't present at the launch either-Ed)...indeed, the LNP is a Credibility-Free Zone, and even they know it...   

And the further you dig down into this stuff, the worse it gets...there's no clear and often conflicting info about exactly where the 'data' is going to be stored, be that here and/or in the USofA via Amazon, etc, etc...(and how that potentially makes the info vulnerable to access via USofA laws, eg, the Patriot Act, I believe it's called?-Ed)...mmm, sounds unpleasantly familiar...(which brings us back to the original multiple issues/concerns with the Assistance and Access Act and non-legislated status of the COVID19 App-Ed)...absolutely, so even if that data never 'leaves' Oz, the government has all the powers/tools it needs to do whatevs it wants, whenevs it wants to...and even as I type, concerns being discussed on the ABC/BBC Radio about potential access by the Chinese government via a 'private' Chinese company...

This rabid saturation official promotion of the COVID19 App, with all it's associated Social Guilting and/or Bribes, and the unquestioning MSM-pushing, etc, etc, it absolutely reeks of manipulation, corruption, deceit and deception...(I have a cologne that does that, makes you reek like that-Ed)...oh ai, what's it called?...(L'NP by Dodgy and Grab-asser-Ed)...well that's a series of appalling puns that very succinctly sum-up the entire situation, well done sir...

My ultimate position is, if I have not made it clear already, do not use this COVID19 App, it as suss as all get-out, designed and implemented by a wholly corrupt LNP.

Tomorrow: The Irony Of Self-Isolation For An Agoraphobe

And I will try to apply myself to a more frequent posting-ness, but I am unashamedly struggling at the moment...appreciating the support I do get, and as always and as to be covered tomorrow, always aware of and grateful for the many things I do have in my life to be 'grateful' for and happy about...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

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