Saturday, May 9, 2020

COVID19 Safe App Lies And George Pell's Pro-Paedophile Criminality

Howdy dear a post on two very unsettling and disturbing issues, and the title pretty-much explains and covers it...but here goes anyhoos...oh, and a general Language Warning for the entire post 'cos sometimes a man's just gotta' drop a few f-bombs 'cos sometimes no other words suffice...(hey, I get it man, and I'd like to congratulate you for the relative restraint that you do apply most of the rest of the time, 'cos gourd knows you ain't got some stuff to swear about-Ed)...indeed, and I certainly don't have the monopoly on either, restraint or justification, 'cos the gourd you just mentioned knows that even on a good day, and even with all the Pro-Paedophile stuff aside for a moment, this criminally complicit fraud of a Federal LNP government gives daily cause for frothing fury and associated cursory cussery...("cursory cussery"?-Ed)...yep, when even just a casual glance at the actions/realities gives rise to fervent cussing/cursing/swearing...(I'm think I'm going to have to write a children's book about Kirsty the Cussing Cassowary-Ed)...yay, you could call it a 'Cursery Rhyme'...(hmmm, I think that's enough appalling attempts at humour for one post-Ed)...fair enough, just trying to raise the tone a little before the upcoming torrent of expletive-riddled abuse...(I get that, really I do, but there's no avoiding what's coming, so maybe let's get through this stuff and then try to round it all out with a li'l bitta' humour at the end?-Ed)'s a we go then...

Cardinel though we didn't know already just exactly what sort of Paedophile-Protecting criminal that Catholic priest/bishop/cardinal George Pell is, the official findings of the Child Abuse Royal Commission have just been released, confirming that as far back as the 1970s Pell was fully aware of the extensive abuses committed by various Catholic paedophiles...I have neither the energy or control to address this any further, and as I say, we all knew, we all know...(well except for those Right Wing Nut Job perpetual Pell-apologists like former Liberal Party Prime Ministers John Howard and Tony Abbott, and all of the assorted self-infatuated Pro-Paedophile fuck-wits in the RWNJ media, predominantly Murdoch cesspits like The Australian and SKY News, etc-Ed)...well quite...and that's a lovely li'l segue into the COVID19 stuff, 'cos I did want to identify the very 'Nazi' Pro-Eugenics discourse from these self-same RWNJs, not least of all this particular classic from that horrific excuse for a human being, Janet Albrechtsen, as printed in The Australian, titled thusly;
        "Coronavirus: Old or young - every life has a different value and we accept that."   
...(and of course you just know that Janet includes herself in the 'greater value' demographic-Ed)...oh absolutely, where-as "we", all averagely decent Australians with even a shred of basic human decency, "we" include her in the 'Do us all a fuckin' favour and just fuck right off and die ya'self ya' fuckin' RWNJ' demographic...(that's quite a graphic demographic you've got there-Ed) apologies for that mate, these RWNJs have earned and deserve every bitta' abuse that comes their way...

And two things, 1) Janet is far from being the only one spewing this deeply offensive dross, so that 'Fuck Off and Die Ya'self' abuse is aimed at not just her but all involved, and 2) I do not generally jump to comparisons about 'it's what Hitler and the Nazis did', but there is an absolute correlation between 'Nazism' and these lunatic COVID19 'Herd Immunity' and/or 'Survival of the Fittest' narratives...(hang on, you're always bangin'-on about bloody Fascism-this and shreckin' Fascism-that, particularly when it comes to South Australia's Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and most especially when it comes to SA's Independent Commissioner Against Corruption-Ed)...sure, but as a very basic distinction, Fascism is a general political ideology/strategy, and 'Nazism' refers to a specific group and time-frame, that is, using World War II as an example, Hitler was a Nazi and Mussolini was a Fascist...(sooo, 'Nazism' is a form of Fascism, and Fascism isn't necessarily Nazism-Ed)...pretty much, but this ideology of 'Herd Immunity', is a very polite way of deliberately misrepresenting the reality, namely, Eugenics, the weak will die but the rest of us will be fine, just fine...(but even then it's misrepresenting the realities of Herd Immunity, 'cos that is a real thing but relates to extensive Immunisation, not from widespread infection that in and of itself doesn't ensure future immunity-Ed)...exactly, suffering some illnesses can potentially provide personal immunity from that specific condition/illness, eg, mumps, but many others, eg, colds, flu, cancer, etc, having the illness and/or treatment does not ensure future immunity...(even seasonal flu vaccinations don't absolutely guarantee you won't get a different strain of flu anyway-Ed)...exactly, it's very complicated, but in the COVID19 context it is deliberately being grossly mis-used... 

Herding The Community Toward Herd what the Scummo LNP are doing with the combined stupidity of the problem-plagued COVID19 Safe App and the sudden stampede toward 'Lifting Restrictions'...(and before that, Scummo was right on form with abusing teachers as being lazy, and demanding schools re-open and threatening and/or bribing schools, sending out Education Minister Dan 'The Not So Bright' Tehan to attack Victorian Premier Dan 'Actually Looks Like A Leader' Andrews, etc, etc-Ed)...exactly, and the prize LNP stooge, the Alleged Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, he's repeatedly stood up at press conferences and wildly contradicted himself, often with-in the same sentence...he has repeatedly stated schools are (somehow) safe and children aren't carriers/spreaders, etc, but then immediately said that 'we don't know about the asymptomatic and/or contamination rates with kids', etc, and most recently 'there are some issues with COVID19 related illnesses identified in kids, but schools are just fine', etc, etc, etc...(and as ludicrous as his many self-contradictions are, that stuff still doesn't even address the issue of teachers or staff getting exposed/infected-Ed) has been seen to happen in multiple cases across several states...(he is an appalling LNP/Scummo sycophant, openly toeing the LNP line-Ed)...indeed, across the Twitterverse he has exactly zero credibility...    

And Scummo has been rabidly pushing this 'Back to School' agenda because it is a critical part of justifying/enabling his 'Re-opening The Economy', which he's desperate to do for 2 basic reasons...1) business interests need workers to make profits and worker's health is very much a minor consideration...(if considered at all-Ed)...well quite, and 2) this allows Scummo to declare that the economy is now 'open' and he can immediately withdraw/cancel the various farcical 'Welfare Measures' he continuously congratulates himself for...(does that mean that he can/will cancel the schemes like the ludicrously complicated Jobkeeper?-Ed)...absolutely, and as he has recently conceded/bragged, he will rush to cancel/reverse the 'Jobseeker' increases to Newstart...(so it's just another raft of Scummo self-congratulation and grandiose unfunded announcements and faux empathy/concerns for workers, etc, but politically it's 100% business as usual?-Ed)...well, 'Business Over Worker's Rights' as usual, absolutely, and continued/renewed attacks on wages and Unions, on the so-called 'Green Tape' of Environmental Protections, etc, etc...

Scott Morrison has dropped any pretense of actual 'Empathy', now openly acknowledging that the Economy is more important than the health and welfare of individuals, and acknowledging that, as a consequence, there will likely be 'outbreaks' and fatalities.

Is Scott Morrison/the LNP trying to force this pseudo-Herd Immunity agenda on us because he's actually trying to kill people, or is he just trying to avoid actually having to stump-up for the Unfunded Welfare of Jobseeker and Jobkeeper?

It is base-line, wholesale offensive when Scummo/the LNP state that they are doing any of this 'Re-Opening' because they are concerned about Disadvantaged Students and increased Domestic Violence and people's Mental Health, etc, because the LNP has proven to the Nth degree that they do not give a flying fuck about people's welfare. 

And as for this deliberately derogatory and manipulative discourse about how people expressing concerns about and/or opposed to this ridiculous Tracking App are 'the new Anti-Vaxxers' and are dangerous to the community, etc, to anyone running this dialogue, please feel free to be fucking right off, go on, off you fuck...(well the 'Anti-Vaxxer' issue is a highly complicated and contentious one, but there are people expressing genuine concerns about the animal-based development of various vaccines and how that might lead to other health issues in humans, eg, the massive increase in Lymphoma type cancers-Ed)...indeed, and that has been related to the animal-origins of diseases like Ebola, Swine Flu, possibly even probably COVID19, etc, etc...some of this does seem like quite reasonable theory, but that's all it currently is, theory...I am a Lymphoma survivor/sufferer and I am far more concerned with the wholesale chemical pollution/contamination of our water and food production systems, etc, and how that leads to a massive load on/in our Lymphatic, Renal, and other internal 'cleansing' systems, and how this relates to disease, etc...I also have my own personal concerns about the Triple Antigen shots we use in Australia, and would rather see those given as individual shots several months apart, but that doesn't make me an 'Anti-Vaxxer'...what we do know as fact is that vaccinations have effectively improved health globally and in some instances have 'eradicated' illnesses, eg, Smallpox...beyond that, trying to relate COVID19 App Opposition to 'Ant-Vaxxers' is a farcical and hyperbolic escalation largely driven by a desire to denigrate and discredit...

In the same vein, and as regular availees will know, I am absolutely opposed to Flouridation of the Water Supply...there are many reasons to question/oppose Flouridation...firstly, it is ludicrous to justify this Mass Medication via The Water Supply agenda, because that's what it is claiming to be, a positive medical outcome by adding a chemical to your water, this is not justified by referring to modern improved Dental Health outcomes...and for one fundamental reason, simply, Dental products like toothpaste have had Flouride in them for many decades now...secondly, drinking a 'topical medication' like Flouride means it only contacts the teeth for moments, if at all, before it goes into the body where your various Cleansing Systems do their best to remove it...brushing teeth with Flouride applies the 'medication' to the specific area required, drinking it does not...this doesn't mean Flouride does not have a positive effect, it's a question of how you apply it...similarly, in the vast majority of cases vaccination has a positive effect, but that doesn't exclude the possibility of complications and/or problems, and we must always be aware of and alert to that possibility...beyond that, the COVID 19 Safe App is not medication, and Scummo comparing it to 'Sunscreen' is deliberately deceitful and highly unhelpful, giving a false sense of security, and clearly part of his strategy to justify and support his 'Re-Opening Agenda'...

Official Lies About COVID Safe App:...are frequent and ongoing...but the best one is the first one, and as being profusely sprouted on the ABC/BBC Radio, namely, 'Your Privacy Is Protected By Law'...(what?! how's that even possible? it hasn't even been before the Federal Parliament!-Ed)...not least of all because Parliament isn't even sitting...(exactly! but whatevs the reasons, that's an outright lie, there is no legislation therefore it is not law!-Ed)...tell it to the Main Stream Media, and the ABC, all of whom continue to just regurgitate and promote whatevs the LNP tell them to...(fuck me drunk, it's just another classic example of how complicitly compromised and pro-LNP corrupt the MSM is-Ed)...well quite...and as we covered in the previous post, there are multiple 'Security Concerns' regarding who is storing the data, where is it stored (which country), Australia's own wildly Fascist Assistance and Access Act that allows our government to retro-actively force providers to install 'backdoors' to allow government access and bans providers from telling their customers about that, etc...(and of course the USofA's own Patriot Act which allows their government similar if not greater 'surveillance powers'-Ed)...yep, all of that stuff, as supposedly addressed and dismissed by the above outright lie, 'Protected By Law'...(and if it's such an obvious lie, why are Scummo et al so relentlessly lying about it? what's so problematic and/or dangerous that they gotta' lie about it?-Ed) mate, apart from the fact that Scummo and the LNP are just pathological liars on each-and-every subject,  it's a self-defining lie that immediately identifies that there's massive concerns to be had...     

Some quick dot points:
1)  The App supposedly tells you when you've spent 15 minutes within 1.5m of someone, but,
      a) we're not meant to be within 1.5m of someone, and,
      b) it doesn't count for brief encounters, or surface contamination issues, etc, both which
          happen at places like supermarkets, eg, trolleys and checkouts.   
2)  Doesn't work properly (at all?) on I-phones (which I have an older version of).
3)  Needs to be constantly 'on' and running, which can compromise other important Apps, flatten
     batteries, etc, and using other Apps, eg, Twitter, can (will?) interfere with it.
4)  'We want/need 40% of people to download it' - there is no justification/explanation as to why
     this is the magic number.
5)  Scummo/the LNP says that over 5million have downloaded, but various 'App Counting Apps'
     have the numbers way below that, and there are also issues of people having to do multiple 
     'downloads' to get it to work.
6)  Why jump to 'Re-Opening' well before the magical but unexplained "40%" is reached?
7)  Only days ago, weeks after launch, the App wasn't even working yet. 
8)  Why has the 'Code' only just been released weeks after the App was launched?
9)  Just reading on Twitter where 'nerds' have already created/Tweeted over 80 corrections and/or
      improvements to the App code/program.
All of these very genuine and reasonable 'Security/Privacy Issues' aside, and acknowledging but partly-ignoring Scummo's Pentecostal Rapture/Disaster belief-system and various other theories about how and/or why he's trying to deliberately kill us, etc,  
        I believe that, as his main motivation, Scummo has launched this COVID19 Safe 
        App to justify 'Re-Opening the Economy' and therefore pulling the plug on his 
        unfunded and ultimately vacuous Welfare/Support Programs's the "notional" $2billion Bushfire Relief Fund all over again, all announcement, no genuine intent, and no actual funding...(I note that places like the famous Cobargo have still received the best part of sweet fuck-all from the BRF-Ed)...indeed...(until a local by-election was called and suddenly there's 9-10 ATCO hut 'emergency homes' appear on the backs of trucks and the LNP is bragging on Social Media about all the support they're providing after "the recent bushfires"-Ed)...geez they're fucking pricks aren't they? do absolutely sweet fuck-all, then act when it's politically expedient for their self-promotion, and then deliberately manipulate the language, using "recent" to infer this action is appropriately prompt, to distract from and/or deceive about the fact that these fires were months ago and they've done fuck-all since...   

Tomorrow: My Personal Ironies of COVID19 

Just one last mind-numbing note...apparently the Australian Federal Police have just employed Renee Viellaris (The Courier Mail) as their new 'strategic media advisor'...(Viellaris? where do I know that name from?-Ed)...she's recently been on the rancidly Murdoch-compromised ABC The Insiders program a coupla' times, spewing verbatim LNP ideology and/or talking points as supposed 'opinion', she is absolutely appalling...(oh her, yes, she's only one of a cabal of pro-LNP Murdoch hacks that have been on The Insiders, but indeed is one of the worst, a younger female version of Gerard Henderson if you will-Ed)...well I'm not sure she's quite that bad...(not yet, but Gerard's got decades of LNP sycophancy under his belt, she's just playing catch-up-Ed) others have observed, her 'appointment' is yet further indication of 1) the influence of the Murdoch Media, and 2) just exactly how politically/pro-LNP compromised the AFP to conclude with an actual joke that isn't an actual LNP political action...  

One of the Not The Nine O'Clock News classic sketches is the one with Constable Savage who is in strife with his senior officer for charging someone with such classics as 'Loitering With Intent To Use A Pedestrian Crossing' and 'Urinating In A Public Convenience', etc, "117 of them in fact, against the same man", etc, etc...(and your point?-Ed)...well, not only is it hilarious ridiculous in outlining and critiquing Rascism in the UK Police, remarkably it has become very timely/current because of contemporary global events, specifically, the COVID19 pandemic...(how so?-Ed)...well one of the charges laid by Constable Savage against Mr Winston Kodogo is 'Coughing Without Due Care And Attention', something that has become an actual some jurisdictions there were already laws about assaulting police and/or emergency workers, including spitting on them, etc, but COVID19 has seen specific legislation/penalties introduced about 'coughing on someone'...(it's a bit like the opening mini-feature for Monty Python's The Meaning of Life-Ed) mean the Crimson Permanent Assurance?...(yep, that's the one, when the American corporate sorts are discussing world domination and 'the alarming realisation of just how much there is still left to own', etc, and the 2 main issues they discuss are 1) the Meaning of Life, and 2) People Aren't Wearing Enough Hats...naturally the executives are more interested in the 'Hats' issue-Ed)...ah yes...(and with the prevalence of skin cancer, promoting/encouraging wearing hats has been a major part of recent campaigns to reduce occurrences-Ed)...yes, both very serious issues, but there is a distinct irony...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...

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