Monday, May 18, 2020

Dear Availees, I 'Borrowed' This From Twitter

And a huge shout-out to the author, 'Belinda Jones'...have followed her for quite some time and this Tweet bobbed-up in my feed, and I just had to post apologies to y'all dear availees, and another huge thanks to Ms Jones...(and to all those other Twitter jockeys who continue to be the genuine media in this sadly compromised and increasingly Fascist country of ours-Ed)...absolutely, there are a plethora of appalling Right Wing Nut Jobs on Twitter...(and many a politically motivated 'false account'-Ed)...indeed, but it's peeps like Ms Jones who make no secret about who they are and clearly really apply themselves, etc, they make it all worthwhile...and as Ms Jones identifies, this only takes us to January 2020, a whole world away from where we find ourselves re COVID19, anyhoos, here's the actual Tweet...

Replying to
A lot has happened in that time, a couple of months ago I did a timeline of Morrison's Prime Ministership I need to bring it up to date (it's Aug 2018 - Jan 2020) Just to jog everyone's memory here it is, it's very easy to forget with everything that's been going on #auspol
...and if that's not enough to get you there, here's the links to the 4 pages... I hope that works properly...anyhoos, it's quite long, so I'm just gunna' leave it at that...but if you need a li'l pick-me-up down-time afters...(gourd knows I did-Ed)...indeed, well check out Scottish soccer/football commentator Andrew Cotter 'commentating' the living heck outta' his adorable doggos Mable and Olive...(and then check-out the totes hilarious USofA comedian Sarah Cooper who has done a coupla' rib-achingly hilarious lip-synching piss-takes of The Orange Roughy, Donald 'The Groper' Trump-Ed)...yeah, on TikTok as @whatchugotforme...that bit where she sniffs the marker pen, classic...and if ya' still need some sweet, sweet laughin', you can always do what I do to de-stress post-post, and that's check-out some old Not The Nine O'Clock News...happy trails...
Tomorrow: A Proper Post
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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