Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Australia's Fascism Trumps Even The USofA's

***Just gunna' crank-out a quick post today, and then set me'self down again tomorrow and do it all again, and then and then and then again, etc, etc...I'm not doing too well just at the moment and I can't see any other way other than to force myself back into the saddle...and I know that I've said all this before, for nuthin' much to change, but to credit myself, at least I'm still trying...and I've still gotta' bunch of stuff goin' on, eg, I remind dear availees that good ol' SA Corrections is trying to have me gaoled for supposedly not doing my Community Service related to my rancidly corrupt 'Conviction', etc, and in a context where SA Corrections own Affidavit states that, due to my officially diagnosed Agoraphobia/Depression issues, etc, that I am not suitable to do their Community Service...(but that doesn't even make sense, they're saying that because of Mental Health issues you should be gaoled for what is itself a non-custodial offence!-Ed)...yep, it's a blindingly obvious illustration of the ongoing Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that motivated my "bizarre trial" in the first instance...and this is all relevant to this post 'cos my "bizarre trial" and the definably corrupt conduct of and collusion between SAPol (police) Prosecutions and Magistrate Ian White, etc, etc, all of that is about the openly Corrupt and deeply Fascist nature of South Australia's Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, and particularly the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56...

With the wholesale bastardry of the LNP-complicit Main Stream Media, particularly the ABC, it is always the right time to remind dear availees that in my rancidly corrupt "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) I was 'Convicted' under ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, as specifically altered via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 to allow/facilitate prosecuting me, and that 2 of the 18 'Counts' were about merely 'talking to the local media', namely the ABC and The Border Watch, and that both of them were SAPol Prosecution witnesses against me...(including the ABC's definably corrupt lie-riddled Affidavit and subsequent corrupt refusal to provide the Court a single document, etc-Ed)...indeed, journalistic integrity and protecting sources, etc, etc, bollocks, these corrupt clowns were queuing-up to stick it to me because it was me...but beyond that, the really concerning reality is that I have been 'Convicted' for merely speaking to the media, in a context where nothing was subsequently reported/published...(and those alleged offences happened in January 2014, before the November 2014 ICAC MAA actually made that 'illegal'-Ed)...indeed, it's so corrupt and openly Fascist on so many levels...

The South Australian ICAC is a deliberately corrupt structure/mechanism of intimidation, threat, and control...if you merely try to report corruption/maladministration, you immediately become subject to the ICAC Act Sec56, and to all of the attached restraints/controls, and potential repercussions and/or retribution that I've suffered...(to the tune of $30,000 per 'Count'-Ed)...exactly...(and of course those self-same controls and repercussions also apply to any complaint about Judicial conduct and Police conduct-Ed)...indeed, because ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander wears all 3 hats, ICAC Comm, Judicial Conduct Commissioner, and Police Conduct Commissioner (via the Office of Public Integrity), and the exact Sec56 legislation applies in all 3 situations...this has a devastatingly efficient 'Chilling Effect' on deterring reportage in the first instance because people become aware of the limitations/controls and repercussions, etc...and I say "efficient" because that is what it is designed and operated to do...we've covered this in many previous posts, but it is as relevant and important now as ever because there are several 'Punish the Whistleblower' cases running, namely Witness J , Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery, and former Australian Tax Office whistleblower Richard Boyle...and that's Fascism...

And this 'Punish the Whistleblower' agenda is exactly what I've been subjected to, my Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution is exactly the same every turn, by every definition, what has been done to me...(is still being done-Ed)...indeed, it's a punitive and retributional response to this 'ere blog and my various other efforts identifying and challenging the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...(good ol' SA-Ed)...and it's text-book Fascism to use the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary to attack and punish opponents and perceived enemies of the Ruling Junta, and that is exactly what has happened to me, unrelenting persecution via a corrupt and definably Fascist ICAC as established by a corrupt Parliament, including passing legislation specifically to prosecute me, via a definably corrupt and incompetent SAPol Prosecutions, with the complicit collusion of the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(it really is quite extraordinary the huge effort and expense that has been applied to 'getting' you-Ed)...yes, yes it is, and whilst it's extraordinarily concerning, I take genuine pride in how hard I've fought against it, and what I've managed to achieve...but anyhoos, this post-script intro's now nearly longer than the post itself, so, back to the actual post proper, cheers...*** 

Howdy dear availees in Egypt, Hong Kong, United Arab Emirates, and Argentina, and here in Oz...(and to our sweet bros' across The Dutch-Ed)...indeed, howdy to y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand) from here in the North West Island, across the Tasman Sea...would like to open with a coupla' quick apologies today, starting with a personal apology to Aotearoa's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, I was wrong, sorry...(please explain-Ed)...when Ms Ardern became NZ PM I was intensely skeptical about her apparent meteoric rise to the position, and my equally intense political cynicism caused me to question who was the real power behind her, etc...and I was apparently 'wrong' because her conduct has proven that she has every qualification and every right to be PM, and like many others in Oz, I wish she were ours...I further apologise to y'all and particularly to Ms Ardern for the appalling conduct of the Right Wing Nut Jobs who run politics and the media here in Oz, and for having to conduct business with pathological liars like our wholly incompetent PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison...(I particularly loved that gem from career boy-stalker Alan Jones, the stuff about "shove a sock down her throat", etc, what a National Embarrassment he is-Ed)...indeed, and that was after Ms Ardern made Scummo look like the puffed-up political paperweight that he is at that press conference where she gave him a very polite but very thorough serve about us dumping 'criminals' back in Aotearoa...

I completely reject Scummo's recent inclusion of Ms Ardern in the National (COVID19) Cabinet meeting as nothing more than a clumsily obvious attempt to hitch his wagon to Ms Ardern's political star, and try to hijack some of her immense political credibility for himself...(great call mate, I absolutely agree-Ed)...he was trying to grab a few grubby handfuls of her integrity and smear it on his own bloated carcass...(well it wouldn't be difficult would it, I mean, you put such a massive vacuum as Scummo's integrity up against such a solid volume as Ms Ardern's, and the laws of physics assure that transfer-Ed)...yeah, but that metaphor doesn't quite work in the context, because by associating with someone so obviously superior it only serves to emphasise how pathetically incompetent and hollow is The Scummo...(fair point-Ed)...the entire National Cabinet process has shown how pathetically ineffectual Scummo is, state Premiers have been running the show and Scummo has been scuttling along behind fervently congratulating himself for everything he was forced to do by the Premier's actions...and the National Cabinet is itself another layer of Fascism because it does not include the Federal Labor Party, and has effectively replaced Parliamentary processes and scrutiny...and elsewhere in Oz politics, it's Fascism 101 LNP Playbook as per usual...   

New-Age Nazi 'Home Affairs' Minister Peter 'Spud' Dutton's latest grab for even more power includes the 'right' to interrogate 14 year olds, and let ASIO tap your phones, etc, without any external approvals or review, etc, and he tries to justify this by referring to 'terrorism' that hasn't happened...and when he talks about "politically motivated violence" that could and undoubtedly will mean any sort of protest that the LNP doesn't like...(oh you can count on that-Ed)...I mean, just look at the difference between Scummo's highly derogatory language around the recent Climate Crisis protests and his excusing support of bizarre Anti-COVID Isolation protests...the Climate Protestors were "anarchists" and "a new breed of radical activism"...(you mean those people standing there when they were attacked by police?-Ed)...correct, and there's how to manipulate your "politically motivated violence" right there, set the cops on peaceful protestors and then screech about 'a violent protest', etc, and these latest 'laws' can be applied, eg, ASIO phone-taps, surveillance, etc...(and we're already having bizarrely 'paedophile-ish' strip-searching of kids by police at music festivals, etc, including filming of those 'searches'-Ed)...yeah, there's nothing sickly concerning about any of that is there?... 

The LNP's COVID19 Recovery Committee is paying $500,000 for 6 months for mining/gas executive Nev Powers, and how was he appointed?...(personally, by Scummo, with no interview process, etc, etc, it's the ultimate Jobs For Mates rort-Ed)...indeed it is...(and is quite deliberately about giving a Mining/Gas Industry stooge control of the supposed Recovery Plan-Ed)...yeah, absolutely, and that $500k has since been 'revised' to only $280,000 or there-abouts, dunno, the reportage is all over the shop, but that's supposedly 'not a wage' but is in fact for 'expenses' 'cos the poor bastard needs to fuel-up his own private plane to jet back and forth from Perth to Canberra, and/or fly repeatedly first class, etc...(when everyone else is doing Zoom meetings, etc-Ed)...indeed, and he needs to be paid a small fortune for his 'accommodation', etc, etc, and Scummo says that Nifty Nev is a top Australian, a great bloke all round...(give a rat's arse what sort of bloke he is, he's a mining executive, and only one of several on a critically powerful 'panel' that is responsible for negotiating our way out of a Global Pandemic-Ed)...and that 'panel' doesn't actually have anyone with any medical experience...(sorry what?!!!-Ed) heard, no doctors of any description, it's wall-to-wall mining executives and other 'big business' reps...and imagine everyone's surprise that Nifty Nev has recommended that Australia's way out of the economic repercussions of COVID19 is gas, lots and lots of gas development...

This 'Committee' is Fascism, when the 'leader' unilaterally appoints people to perform what should be government functions, and itself follows-on from Scummo appointing himself as a one-man 'Cabinet Committee' so that he can hide/bury literally any meeting he has with anyone on any subject, because that meeting can be deemed 'Cabinet In-Confidence'...this means that the other parties involved are also banned from discussing it...these are base elements of Fascist governing...    

And yet again I've run into something on Twitter that says exactly what I think...(and potentially better than you could say it ya'self-Ed)...yep, so of course I've shamelessly 'borrowed' it...excuse the big gaps but I can't get it to format better...
It was written by Dr. Jonathan Giftos, the Chief Resident for the Primary Care/Social I get it that the USofA under Obama was largely exactly the same as under previous Presidents, eg, it's conduct internationally, eg, using drone strikes and/or 'interfering' in global politics, etc, etc, but the current 'internal politics' of the USofA is absolutely rancid...(also, with the 2020 USofA Election looming, Trump is feverishly trying to get his support base furiously focused on what Obama and Biden did and/or didn't do, not least of all because he, Trump, can't afford to have anyone looking critically at his own woeful performance, particularly re COVID19-Ed)...fair enough, but it's not really an issue for Trump and his supporters, is it? I mean, they're not exactly renowned for their collective acts of self-reflection and/or contrition, are they?...(true, reality and truth-telling are not something they let contaminate their belief structures, like Scummo and the LNP it's all about lie, deny, obfuscate, scapegoat, and 'gaslight'-Ed)...indeed, in the context of it's current prevalence it is a relatively modern modality, but one that has worked through-out history...(and that brings us back to the discussion about the resurgence of Political Fascism in what are supposedly 'Democratic' Countries, including the USofA, but especially Australia-Ed)...yay...

And the main difference between us in Oz and the USofA, we do not have a ratified and codified Bill of Rights, so instead of actual 'Rights' we get the farcically dysfunctional dross of 'Conventions'...(you mean like the Implied Freedom of Political Commentary? that particular 'Convention' that supposedly gives us 'Freedom of Speech' but doesn't even come close?-Ed)...exactly, and it's exactly that 'Convention' that was/is the issue with the Fascist ICAC Act Sec56, and is part of the design/intent of SA's ICAC, to allow for the official 'burying' of any instances/issues of high-level corruption, eg, the Gillman Land Sale debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(and as happened with corruption and/or maladministration issues with the Robe Council, Sec56 makes it expedient for corrupt public officers to report themselves to ICAC and thusly get their case/issue officially 'buried' away from public scrutiny and discussion-Ed)...a perfect example Ed...and given the ongoing demands for a Federal ICAC, it would serve these 'demandors' well to have a good long look at the farcically bastardised version at play here in SA, for fear that we all could end up with a Federal clone...    

And I'd find it a whole lot less traumatising if I thought and/or saw any evidence that the Labor Party are really any better...I'll concede that they ain't quite the Criminal Cabal that is the core functioning of the LNP, but they ain't far from it...for example, only weeks ago Labor's Mike Kelly 'resigned due to health issues', thusly forcing a costly by-election in the seat of Eden-Monaro, and he then immediately started with 'data-mining arms-dealer' tech firm Palantir...(but what about that 'rancid traitor' Liberal Minister Andrew Robb who sold the Darwin Port to a Chinese company, then quit and went to work for that same company on approx $1million/year?-Ed)...well my point exactly, absolute traitorous bastardry that throws a huge shadow over Mikey's li'l effort, but that doesn't excuse the lie of 'retiring because of my health issues' stuff...(fair enough-Ed)...furthermore, the Liberal candidate for Eden Monaro, Fiona Kotvojs ran against Mikey in May 2019 and was all about how Human-Induced Climate Change was nonsense, etc, but is now saying that she absolutely believes that it's real, etc...(what the actual shreck?! these people will literally say whatevs they think they need to say, won't they?-Ed)...well quite...(and what's all this stuff about how she's actually ineligible to run under Section 44 of the Constitution 'cos she's the holder/recipient of several Federal Contracts?-Ed)...dunno', it's all over Twitter but ne-ery a mention in the MSM...(so it's true then-Ed)...nice one dude, indeed, given the wantonly complicit and ineffectual MSM, those are indeed indicators that the S44 stuff is true and relevant...   

And of course, control of the media is another cornerstone of successful Fascism.

In Closing, A Very Rude Joke:...that I half pinched from Twitter and modified and concluded myself by adding 'governed by the Liberal/National Party'...(whaaa?-Ed)...ya'll understand when we get there, but dear availees if y'all feel ya' might be offended just jump to the next paragraph...y'all have been warned, so here we go...we used to live in Empires run by Emporers, then we lived in Kingdoms run by Kings, now we live in a Country run by the LNP...(bahahhhahhhaaaaaa, nice one man-Ed)...yesss, many a true word spoken in jest...(even when it's such a confronting and traumatising truth-Ed)...indeed, career politicians, professional thieves, pathological liars, sociopaths bordering on psychopaths, spivs, shonks, misogynists, cretins, Right Wing Nut Jobs, Happy-Clapping God-Botherers, the LNP is indeed a broad church...(you forgot to mention their relentless Murdoch Media and Mining Industry sycophancy-Ed)...thanks for submitting that omission-rectifying addition, yes, it's all part of the broad tapestry of self-interest and sub-intellect that is the LNP...

Tomorrow: Another Post About Hilarious Fascism Stuff

Again, I fully intend to try and do a shortish daily post all this week, and then continue that on into the future...and I know that recent posts are a bit all over the shop and jump about a bit, etc, but I'mnot too proud to again admit that I've really been 'suffering' this last coupla' months...for example, got half-way through what I thought was gunna' be that hilarious post about the multiple ironies of COVID19 isolation and border closures, etc, but the realities of my own perpetual existence in that space, and how that relates to my officially corrupt "bizarre trial", etc, etc, it's all just a bit too much for the moment...but anyhoos...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I'm still going...cheers and laters...

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