Monday, March 23, 2020

Fear And Loathing And A Largesse Of Vagueness - Putting The Panic In Pandemic

***Irony Is:...when you started this post about Scott Morrison's perpetual gibbering and self-contradiction and relentless divestment or responsibility, etc, etc, when you started this yesterday 22nd March 2020, and nearly had it finished, but then you stopped to watch Scummo's latest De-Press Conference, and you're so over it all by the time it's over that ya' just can't come back to the post, and it's suddenly another day here's what I nearly finished yesterday...***

Howdy dear availees...apologies for a long break between posts but I kinda' snookered myself with the post about the FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre), in that it got so complicated and extended that I've had to try to break it up into 2 posts, which will happen tomorrow and the day after or certainly within the next coupla' days, after I've properly tidied them up a complicate matters I spent gourd knows how many hours/days simultaneously preparing my verbal submission to the State Commission Assessment Panel about Mt Gambier City Council's 156 page FARC Development Plan Application...("Plan Application", I thought you said it was the Development Approval Application?-Ed)...indeed, there is a difference, and that's part of what complicated things for me...(your own ignorance?-Ed)...well, to be fair, and as I explained to the SCAP, I ain't done do one a' these 'ere SCAP thingies before skipper...anyhoos, let's not get into it now, there's a better explanation in the next coupla' posts...also been having lengthy and frustrating 'tech problems', including a drop-out and losing some stuff that hadn't I understand it, it's a fairly common complaint down our way, not least of all because many extra peeps are working from home, etc, and the NBN is a Liberal/National Party $50billion basket-case...(yay-Ed)...the one thing I will say about the MGCC 156-page FARC Plan...(oh here we go-Ed) no, just one very critical thing...

MGCC has repeatedly and vehemently denied that there will be any Rate Rises to help pay for the FARC, but on page 148 of the FARC Plan it clearly states, and I quote;
     "The greater frequency of discussions and community representations over the timelines
       noted above have been tempered by;
        -  Council knowledge of the significant previous works identifying the capital costs
           which are beyond the affordability of Council on it's own;
        -  a strong sense of social responsibility for ongoing operational costs which will
           necessarily flow through as rate increases to the community;
        -  a strong appreciation of the broader non quantifiable social benefits on health,
           community resilience and wellbeing.
..."necessarily flow through as rate increases"...(has MGCC perhaps been carefully word-weaseling their way around the difference between 'Construction Costs' and 'Running Costs'?-Ed)...great point Ed, I'll try and look into that and add it to the upcoming posts...

Today I want to very briefly try to cover the bizarrely contradictory information/guidelines/suggestions/orders/etc, etc, ad infinitum, coming from 'Official Sources' relating to the COVID19 pandemic...(um, could you be a bit more specific? I mean, "suggestions" and "orders" are two very different things-Ed) point exactly, and I can't think of a better example than what occurred on ABC/BBC Radio just this morning (Sunday 22 March 2020)...just another day, just another gibber-jabber self-contradictory rhetoric-fest from our salubrious leader, Scott 'The Crime Minister' I've previously stated, I'm so sick of his pathological-level lies and deceptive deceits and sneering word-weaseling and open seething hatred of those few who do dare question him, etc, etc, that I can barely bear to listen to him, let-alone look at that leering smug mug...(I can't stand him, he's a liar and a swindler and a crook-Ed)...indeed, but ironically, for those self-same reasons, it is imperative that I force myself to try and hear/see as much of his drivel as possible, eg, our last post was about Scummo's extraordinary religion-riddled Fundamentalist Preacher-style performance at the Financial Review's Business Summit thingy...and in that exact context, given his appalling feet-dragging inaction, is he just grossly ineffectual as a 'leader', or is he operating to a 'Pentecostal Rapture Agenda', ie, is this the plague he and his happy-clapper mates have been praying for...

And thusly I witnessed where Scummo' weasel-worded his way around a specific question in Parliament a coupla' weeks back, when Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese asked him about the LNP Bushfire Promo Ad that Scummo personally 'authorised'...(the one that used extensive footage of defence personnel?-Ed)...yep, and that was the basis of the question, namely, given that it was so inappropriate to do that, had Scummo' spoken to the Chief of Defence, General Angus Campbell...and Scummo replied, 'I regularly speak to the COD'...(that's not answering the question-Ed)...exactly, it was deliberately going around the actual answer, which was 'Yes'...(and how do you know that?-Ed)...because only days later, in a Senate Estimates Committee hearing, a clearly unimpressed Angus said just that, namely, 1) it was inappropriate and he'd rather not see defence personnel used in that manner, etc, and subsequently, 2) he'd actually phoned Scummo directly to inform him of that...(strewth, no wonder Scummo didn't want to answer that question, imagine the blow to his massively sociopathic ego to admit in Parliament that he'd been phoned-up and castigated by the COD-Ed)...well quite...

And while we're on the subject of Scummo's lies and Senate Estimates, that's where it was exposed that the LNP's $2billion Bushfire Relief Fund doesn't actually exist, rather, and as described by the former Australian Federal Police Commissioner and now head of the Bushfire Recovery Agency, Andrew Colvin, he called it "notional"...(which means?-Ed)...exactly as it suggests, it's a 'notion', it doesn't actually physically exist, it's not budgeted for, there's no dedicated account with $2b in it, etc, etc...(well that might explain why many people are having such a hard time even just trying to access it, let-alone actually getting funding-Ed)...indeed, I've seen the terms "blind gully" and "smoke and mirrors" used many times to describe the Fund/process...we covered this stuff about the abject failures of the current Parliamentary Processes, where-in the LNP constantly refuse to answer questions and/or simply shut-down questions and/or debate...(and where it seems almost all of that investigation of policy and legislation and funding/grants, etc, all of that stuff is scrutinised and/or exposed in Senate Estimates rather than in the Parliament-Ed) on the slightly brighter side, whilst the Public Service and the AFP and seemingly the High Court, et al, whilst they're all grossly politicised/compromised, our democracy isn't completely dead...(well not yet-Ed)...yay...      

Just this morning (***yesterday) Scummo was again motor-mouthing his way through a press conference, making grandiose announcements about 'Stimulus Packages' for Newstart recipients and pensioners, etc, but those payments are potentially months away...(and what's the story with not establishing the '100 Testing Stations' until May? why the delay? do we not have the facilities and/or supplies, etc?-Ed)...and all the conflicting info about hand-shaking and 'social distancing', etc, coming as it has from supposedly independent experts like the Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy...(mate! he's a public servant clearly serving his paymasters, the LNP, if he's 'independent' then I'm a real boy-Ed)...thankyou Ed, you confected literary device you, as utilised here on TMGI to create debate, discussion, and set-up jokes, etc...(word-Ed)...anyhoos, Scummo started talking about 'stopping non-essential travel', but then reeled off a long albeit vague list of 'exemptions'...(so which is it? travel or don't travel?-Ed)...exactly, and even this 'suggestion' immediately followed by a lengthy list of vague exemptions, even that seems to be in response to actions taken by some States to close their borders, etc...

***and then last night, he did it again...a motor-mouthed spray of undefined gibberish and shedding responsibility...verbose drivel about how he's not closing schools and it's up to the States and/or parents, etc, etc...(it's like he's setting himself up a 'Plausible Deniability Defence', ya' know?-Ed)...indeed, when this failure to close schools proves disastrous, and it likely will, he can point back to where he said 'or but I suggested that you could do that', etc...(and it's absolutely disgracefully deceitful for Scummo and SA Premier Steven Marshall to justify leaving schools open by comparing us with what's happening in Singapore-Ed)...absolutely, Singapore has a daily screening program at schools and a far superior testing regime...(exactly, and what about Scummo's clearly self-contradictory nonsense about kids are better-off in schools and teachers are safe, etc, because 'kids aren't an infection vector', but then saying he doesn't want kids spreading disease by hanging around in shopping centres, etc?-Ed)...absolutely, it's self-evidently an absolute lie, but what's the genuine motivation?...(and it looks like the various State leaders are running the agenda by acting and therefore forcing Scummo to fall in behind, eg, closing State borders-Ed)...yep, it's a triumph of confused responsibilities and crassly clashing misinformation...(and they wonder why people panic-Ed)...***

Language Warning:...and strap ya'selves in 'cos I gotta' bitta' steam to let off, one very bloated spleen to vent, so here goes...fuck Scummo and his merry band of thieving fucking liars, they couldn't fucking lie straight in bed...(and fuck the woeful Main Stream Media who are falling over themselves to fucking congratulate these criminal fucking bastards that are the fucking LNP!-Ed)...that's the spirit Ed, get stuck in...(and the fucking ABC continues to be one of the worst fucking offenders, repeatedly failing to challenge what are clearly absolute fucking deceits, manipulations, and outright lies the fucking LNP spew forth-Ed)...testify brother...(who the fuck wouldn't be confused when we're told by Scummo to fucking Social Isolate, and he's shut the fucking borders, but then the fucking Border Force and/or New South Fucking Wales Health let 3,000 fuckin' plague-riddled zombies just stagger off a floating fucking petri dish cruise liner in the middle of Sydney, but no fucking testing!-Ed)...ummm, okayyy...(for fuuuuuck sake!-Ed)...yeah, perhaps that enough effin'-and-jeffin' for now, it's getting a tad gratuitous...(orrrrrghhh, it's extremely fucking cathartic though-Ed)...I'm not denying that, and indeed, I suggest all dear availees let have-at-it just quietly in the privacy of their own homes, but as far as we're concerned, End Language Warning...but seriously, you can't chastise people for going to the beach, like Scummo did from his Ivory Lecturn, the day after you've just let 3,000 COVID19-compromised people just walk off the boat...

And as appallingly selfish as it is, you can't blame people for stampeding into supermarkets like a herd of bewildered wildebeest and stripping the shelves, etc, because;
1)  even if they don't consciously realise it, they don't trust what Scummo & Co are telling them...even the most stubborn, pig-ignorant LNP voters have been exposed to enough of the LNP's rorts and thieving and lies, etc...(almost entirely thanks to the Twitterati, 'cos the MSM is so pathetically compromised and complicit-Ed)...exactly, cheers Twitterati, your efforts mean even those LNP supporters who continue to publicly support the LNP, subconsciously they have no confidence in what they're being told and they're just flat-out panicking, albeit not entirely sure why, and;
2)  they/we've been told for decades by the LNP that the less fortunate amongst us and those who struggle with Mental Health and/or General Health issues, etc, etc, those people, us people, we're 'Leaners', we're a burden on the Proper Australia, on the "Quiet Australians"...(I hate that term, it's such a deeply cynical and manipulative dog-whistle to the basest natures/aspects of selfishness and inaction-Ed)...absolutely it is, and that's exactly why Scummo uses's the LNP Play Book, target and demonise and attack the poor and vulnerable, and praise greed and selfishness, turn citizens on each's Divide and Conquer 101...  

So what we're seeing now, what we're seeing in the worst aspects of hoarding and selfishness, and in the gross unreadiness of the National Health System, and the constantly changing mixed and/or conflicting messages, and the fundamental lack of a genuine prepared Response/Plan, etc, this is the legacy of the LNP 'Privatising' whole swathes of the Public Service and completely politicising what's left...nobody believes the CMO when he's a public servant who constantly contradicts himself and is clearly telling us what Scummo wants him to say...(which then allows Scummo to say 'we are following the health experts'-Ed)...exactly, when in actuality, in the first instance, it's Scummo telling that 'health expert' what to's a farcically dangerous bastardisation of the Public Service, with the obvious fall-out...with very good reason, people don't believe what they are being told, and they're running scared...

Yes, do what you can to protect ya'selves and ya' loved take practical and reasonable steps, eg, careful and extensive 'Social Distancing', particularly in personal situations with elderly relatives, etc, and hand-washing and sanitising shared surfaces, etc...if you feel a bit crook (unwell), by all means try to get medical attention and/or testing, but if that proves unlikely/unworkable, do 'Self Isolate'...(and good luck with that testing stuff, 'cos I've heard stories locally of people being refused testing, even people in Health Provision and meeting the very strict 'Exposure Criteria' and displaying symptoms, etc, and even they can't get tested-Ed)...yes, unfortunately I'm aware of several such situations/allegations, and I am aware that front-line personnel like nurses and ambos are not being provided appropriate basic Personal Protection Equipment like masks, etc...I've been mildly unwell for a coupla' weeks and tried to get myself tested a week ago, but after an hour on hold, I was told via the phone hotline that I 'don't meet the criteria', and that's despite being in the 'Vulnerable Cohort' because I'm immune-compromised due to the truck-load of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy I had back in 2004/05... 

As a nation we ain't about to run out of food, and hoard-buying just denies more vulnerable people like pensioners their basic requirements...(it also makes them far more vulnerable to exposure and potential contamination 'cos they have to keep going back to supermarkets, etc, just to try to get those basics-Ed) on, and for many that means multiple trips on public transport as well, an exponentially more dangerous exposure vector...lose the fear a bit and leave some stuff on the shelves for others...we may be all-but buggered as a genuine democracy, but we are still in many ways the Lucky Country, eg, when it comes to producing our own food...(well at least we produce something, we've got bugger-all manufacturing of stuff-Ed)...yeah, but let's stick to the basics, and at this time we're talking about water, power, food, etc, we're looking relatively okay...(and hopefully that applies to Health Provision in the not-too distant future-Ed)...well, rather than knocking down some poor prick in the supermarket isle in your mad rush for the last tube of hemorrhoid cream, instead reach-out and air-hug your fellow citizens from an appropriate Social Distance...   

Tomorrow: The FARC Submission Dissection Part I

I don't blame anyone for being drawn into 'Conspiracy Theories' like I've heard expressed many times now, eg, this was released deliberately by the USofA trying to destroy China's economy, and vice versa...(or the supposedly orchestrated 'failure' of the LNP's COVID19 response that is in reality about creating the Pentecostal Rapture stuff-Ed)...yeah, sure, there is that one, that Scummo's glacial and often undefined 'response' to the pandemic is about increasing the spread of his 'Biblical Plague', following-on from the 'Biblical Bushfires', etc, and indeed I've raised and/or discussed that with peeps...(and nobody's called you crazy for raising that possibility have they?-Ed), no they haven't, quite the opposite in fact, for I surely ain't Robinson Crusoe when it comes to my concerns about the Pentecostal influence at play with Scummo and his many fundamentalist mates in the LNP, particularly it's internal party structures...but no, whilst it's absolutely a reasonable question to ask, what I've heard far more often is, "are they trying to kill us off", "us" being Pensioners and the Elderly and the Vulnerables, etc, etc, "are the LNP trying to kill us/them off because it would save them money"...and a coupla' people have said it outright as a statement of fact, not a question or a theory, whatevs, but as a statement of what they genuinely believe is the LNP's agenda...(that it's not just incompetence, that this is a deliberate strategy?-Ed)...yep, and to make a very pointed joke in very poor taste;
        No wonder the cattle are stampedin' when it appears the cowboys in charge
        are hell bent on thinning-out the herd. 

But as I say, regardless of how well and factually they can be argued/supported, these are effectively still just Conspiracy Theories, and we need to address the realities, and the only way to do that is to hammer Scummo & Co to get their collective heads outta' their fundamental orifi...("orifi"-Ed)...yeah, it's the plural of 'orifice'...(really? how informative-Ed)...oh look, I dunno', I just made it up, but whatevs, whatever the genuine reason for Scummo's stumbling and spasmodic response to the COVID19 situation, as per usual, and with what little they have actually done, the LNP appears to be being dragged there by public criticism, largely generated by/on Twitter...(and that's why the LNP hates Twitter so much-Ed)...indeed they appears that the 2 things the LNP have given the most energy to is, 1) handing $$$billions to big business and banks, etc, as it relates to their farcical 'Trickle Down Economics Philosophy', and 2) attacking Twitter...(whilst making constant announcements about 'stimulus' for 'Welfare Recipients' and pensioners, etc, but with not Cent One actually budgeted yet, and in many cases not due to be paid for weeks and even months-Ed)...yes siree indeedee, I'll believe it when it's in my account, and not a moment before... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

*** appears that today in a skeletal Parliament, at least some of those Stimulus Payments have been legislated...more info as it comes to hand...cheers...
PPS...that title is a tortured pun from Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas...cheers...***

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