Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Random Issues Of Institutionalised Corruption

Howdy y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Germany, Congo-Kinshasa, and Vietnam...I just want to jump on several specific issues that have hit the proverbial fan in recent days...just realised that I started this post 4 days ago, feel like I've lost 3 days somewhere, dunno' where, dunno' how...(that's depression for ya'...and where exactly is Congo-Kinshasa, I thought that Kinshasa was the capital city of the Congo?-Ed)...well I didn't know, but apparently there's 2 'Congos'...(do tell-Ed)...the Democratic Republic of the Congo and it's capital is Kinshasa, and then there's the Republic of the Congo, capital Brazzaville, and the 2 Congos share a border defined by the Congo River and use their capitals as delineators...(well there you go-Ed)...and here we go... 

1) The Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre continues to generate great mirth for peeps like myself who are watching this farcical Mt Gambier City Council cluster-shreck grind it's way toward the rort-infested realities that underpin it...last Friday 28th February 2020 ABC South East Radio was broadcasting from the Mt Gambier Aquatic Centre that was due to close the next day, more than a month earlier than usual and for a period of more than 18 months, meaning no pool at all for the 2020/21 Summer season...special guests included MGCC Mayor Lynette who cherrily explained that MGCC has proceeded with this fiasco without having developed a Business Plan and/or how they/we are going to pay for the carefully non-mentioned $15m+ that Mt Gambier Ratepayers are gunna' have to stump-up for it...(that's if it stays at the predicted $39m-Ed)...which apparently is subject to the outcome of the still secret and still unresolved Tender process...(so MGCC haven't yet finalised the cost and/or the Tender?-Ed)...according to Lynnie, and they're also apparently still awaiting Development Approval...(sorry what?!-Ed)...I believe that's what she said...(are you saying that Council went to a Tender process before getting Development Approval?-Ed)...well not sure where that process is right now, but definitely, yes, MGCC put the Tender Process in place well before the DA Application notification was posted in The Border Watch back on 3rd January 2020...(oh my good gourd!-Ed)...yeah, ain't it just hilarious...we'll get to this in a full post some time soon...

2) Aotearoa (NZ) Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern very politely and very publicly tore our Crime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison a brand new shiny one regarding our charming practice of dumping 'our' criminals back in NZ after they've finished gaol sentences here, or just cancelling their visas, etc...I say 'our'...(as did Ms Ardern, well, she said "your", but in context that's about 'our'-Ed)...fair enough, we both use 'your/our' because these perps are often long-term Oz residents...one of the main issues of Kiwi concern/criticism is that this 'Return Policy' was not discussed with them, nor were they officially notified after the legislation was passed...(well that's very poor form-Ed)...furthermore, there was no criteria for Oz authorities to notify their NZ counterparts of these 'Returnees'...(well that's just plain rude-Ed)...indeed, and thusly Kiwi coppers were noticing an increase in criminal activity and/or people involved in criminal activity who they hadn't encountered before, and couldn't explain it, only to find out well after the fact that this was us dumping, for example, 'bikies' in NZ...and following this thoroughly deserved dressing-down, out trotted the Right Wing Nut Job trolls to attack Ms Ardern about her appearance, etc, and bellyaching about how this should have been done 'privately'...("privately"? so that Scummo could ignore and/or deny that it ever happened?-Ed)...precisely, Ms Ardern knew exactly who she was dealing with, a deceitful duplicitous weasel, and she did exactly what she was effectively left not other choice but to do...(your saying Scummo's own appalling record of lying and gaslighting, etc, forced the NZ PM to say this out in public so that it couldn't be ignored and/or denied-Ed)...spot on... 

And then it was the turn of the ABC's Leigh Sales to rip into the Crime Minister...it's been a long time coming, but there have been a coupla' very interesting and highly critical interviews recently on the ABC...(nowhere near enough to excuse the otherwise wholesale support and/or protection of the LNP-Ed)...sure, but it's a start...when Leigh had Scummo on the ropes, he tried to denigrate her and simultaneously dog-whistle to his blinkered LNP base by attacking her questions as "smeer", and doubling-down on that by stating "like Labor...that's what Labor does"...and credit to her, Ms Sales took that weasel-worded abuse and shoved it right back down Scummo's ever-reddening throat, '"I don't care what Labor does, (I'm asking you)"...(and the look on his face, not so shreckin' smug now, ai pally?-Ed)...indeed, it was a wonderful moment that clearly illustrated just exactly how incompetent he is and exactly how out of his depth he is when challenged by someone he can't bully and/or manipulate...unfortunately others on the ABC are still far more accommodating of the LNP...(like the unwatchable Insiders program and equally appalling Infommercial-style ABC Morning News-Ed)...indeed, and this weeks Insiders was regrettably predictable, get on a Labor person (Chris Bowen) as main guest and make them explain how they would 'fix' things the LNP should be held to account for, whilst relentlessly badgering them and never letting them complete an answer, all the whilst trying desperately to manufacture some Pro-LNP Sound-Bite Gotcha' Moment...this week it was Steers haranguing Bowen to support the LNP's 'Pandemic Stimulus Package', even after Bowen stated 'we can't commit to something we haven't seen', Steers had several more goes at him about it...    

3) Our illustrious alleged Treasurer Josh 'Joke Fraudenburg' Frydenberg, every bit the serial liar and blatant economic gas-lighter that his mate Scotty From Marketing embodies, has this week added Smarmy Self-Satisfied Hypocritical Bigot to his CV with an extraordinary display in the Federal  Parliament...always the one to leap frothingly faux-furious on anything even vaguely anti-Semitic...(and equally keen to try to generate and/or contribute and/or attribute 'anti-Semitism' to anything he doesn't want to discuss-Ed)...indeed, he and his LNP colleagues love to sling that accusation, eg, Matthias Cormann's repeated statements re Fraudenburg's apparent dual Hungarian/Oz citizenship, apparently a breach of Sec44 of the Constitution, an issue that saw several pollies quit and then subsequent by-elections, etc, etc, well when people/Labor have raised this issue re Josh, Matty mate has gone foamingly faux-furious about 'anti-Semitism', deliberately trying to demonise and derail any such allegation and/or investigation...but when it suits Josh mate, at the dispatch box in Parliament, he's up there spewing forth 'Faith-based' ridicule at Labor's Jim Charmer about a so-called 'Wellness Budget'...Joshy simultaneously mocked Hindus and Buddhists, and those who practice Yoga, Mediation, and/or 'Wellbeing' philosophies...

And wasn't li'l Joshy so pleased with himself, he was almost bursting with self-satisfaction, that moronically smug grin and flushed cheeks...(if you ask me, he looked like he'd had a skin-full at lunch and was doing his very best Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce impersonation-Ed)...well sure, Joyce is a notorious drunkard who regularly attends Parliament well-pissed, but this was Joshy just being so taken with the wonder of his own wit...(albeit deeply bigotted half-wit-Ed)...indeed, and there were all his equally bigotted mates there behind him, laughing along...(strewth, can you imagine the righteous indignation spewing outta' that lot, especially from Fraudenburg if someone from the Opposition or cross-benches got up and did a li'l skit about Judaism and someone coming in to Parliament wearing his funny li'l hat and gibbering away in his funny li'l language, etc, etc, the LNP en masse would have a shreckin' coronary screaming indignant abuse at the perpetrator-Ed)...yep, deceive, deny, and hurl hypocritical abuse as suits them, that's the LNP...      

4)   And this followed the ASIO Chief Mike Burgess specifically identifying official concerns about the rise in 'popularity' and subsequent threat of "Right-Wing Extremist" groups, eg, neo-Nazis...he quite deliberately and repeatedly used the term "Right Wing"...and the LNP's response?...(no, let me guess, he's being biased and there's good people on both sides and what about Left Wing extremists?-Ed)...so very close Ed...(well the LNP are so very predictable-Ed)...well quite...Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells castigated him for being biased and 'offending Conservatives'...(wow-Ed)...and Home Affairs Obersturmfuhrer Peter 'Spud' Dutton immediately started talking about "Left Wing Extremists" and identifying "Islamic Extremists" as being "Left Wing", etc...(uberwow, that's lunatic rantings, even for Spuddo-Ed)...well quite, and when asked to explain/defend this outrageous falsity he refused to, talking about 'where you want to place them on the spectrum', etc...(was that the bizarrely gentle Speer's interview from The Insiders Sunday 1st March 2020?-Ed)...that's the one, itself a perfect contrast illustrating how Speers bullies and harasses Labor interviewees and molly-coddles anyone from the LNP...check it out for y'allselves, it's an absolute doozy...

5)  Our mate Scotty From Marketting...(or as I and many others like to call him, The Crime Minister-Ed)...indeed, and I see that 'The Sales Man' is also increasingly popular...anyhoos, Scotty, mate, recently was bangin'-on about new powers for the Australian Signals Directorate and/or the Australian Federal Police and/or Border Force...(or all of them-Ed)...that's why I put all the 'and/ors'...(ah yeah, continue-Ed)...well when it suits Scummo and Peter 'Spud' Dutton they are thumping the lecturn about 'Protecting Children' and 'getting those terrible paedophiles', etc, etc, ad infinitum,and introducing tough new 'Encryption Laws', etc, to achieve that ends...Scummo actually said at a press conference, 'If I knew there was a kid being abused on the other side of that door, I'd kick it down'...(gourd he's full a' shite ain't 'e?-Ed)...chockers...and Scummo has also been denouncing as "gossip" very relevant questions about his attempt to get his bestie and mentor Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston invited to the Whitehouse...for nearly 6 months Scotty has repeatedly refused to answer direct questions about this, then suddenly last week he's 'fessed-up on radio, and then tried to gibberish his way out of it with nonsensical deceits about protecting the USofA/Aussie relationship, etc...(couldn't lie straight in bed-Ed)...indeed...(but I don't see the connection between these 2 issues-Ed)...allow me...

Brian 'Paedophile Protector' Houston has been covering-up the gross abuses committed by his father against children...(ah, hence the nickname-Ed)...and has been under investigation for many years now regarding that cover-up, but has never been charged, etc, and is apparently himself being protected by police and his mates in the LNP...(mates like Scotty-Ed)...exactly, and there's the connection...(ah yes, of course, Scummo screeches about getting paedophiles when it suits his Fascist political control agenda, but he's more than happy to get on stage and praise the ceiling alongside his Paedophile Protecting mentor Brian and publicly circulate those images to garner support in the evangelical communities-Ed)...is there a more cynical hypocrisy than big-noting himself as some sort of moralistic hard man with 'I'd kick the door down', but actually supporting a Paedophile Protector...(it's false Politically Expedient Lip Service versus the crass Pro-Paedophile Reality-Ed)...all over-layed with the months of denials and mocking abuse about "gossip" when asked about his personal attempts to get Brian to the USofA...(and he wonders why people hate him-Ed)...who, Scummo or Brian?...(fair call-Ed)...  

5) Senior public servant Glenys Beauchamp, the Health Dept Secretary, quits and destroys critical 'personal notebooks'...on her actual last day in the job, Glenys smilingly, dare I say smugly informed the Estimates Committee that she 1) had destroyed her notebooks that contained info about a meeting with Sports Australia that discussed the infamous Color Coded Spreadsheets related to the Sports Rorts, etc, and 2) 'couldn't recall' any details, at all...(destroyed her notes?-Ed)...yep...(but she knew she was due to give evidence?-Ed)...yep, and apparently destroyed those note-books several weeks before, and now couldn't recall, etc, etc...(isn't that illegal, to destroy official records?-Ed)...well she's trying to say that they were her "personal note-books" therefore not 'official'...(what's the difference, if any record is made in any form and as it directly relates to her employment and responsibilities, etc, how are her notes not 'official'?-Ed)...well exactly, and there was some reportage about a referral by Labor to the Australian Public Service Commission...(well I ain't holdin' my breath, you've seen what the AFP's like with this stuff, and the Electoral Commission, et al, there's a snowball's chance she'll cop any sort of genuine reprimand let-alone sanction-Ed)...I'd love to disagree with you, but...      
 6) AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw in Estimates Committee, giving evidence about the AFP's brazenly corrupt decision to drop the Fraud Case against another serial rorter from the LNP hierarchy, professional dunce Angus Taylor...where-in Reece mate's every answer was "I will have to take that on notice"...and not on obscure minutiae like specific funding figures or other statistics, whatevs, but on the most fundamentally important stuff, eg, did the AFP actually talk to let-alone formally interview Angus...(and he knew he was coming in to give evidence, yeah?-Ed)...yeah...(but supposedly didn't know Fact One about his organisations alleged 'investigation' of a Federal LNP Minister disseminating a fraudulent document?-Ed)...I'll take that on notice...(oh ha ha-Ed)...and did I mention the smug shreckin' grin on it's gormless face...(no, but it's rapidly becoming a given with these deeply complicit LNP stooges-Ed)...ain't it though...if the AFP had any credibility before this farcical display...(and that's a very big if-Ed)..indeed it is...if the abject and manifest failures of the AFP to conduct even a base-line investigation of Angus's clearly definable fraud hadn't driven the last spike into the heart of the AFP's reputation, this farcical display really nailed it...  

And here again is how the Main Stream Media is just so complicit in protecting and/or apologising for the Crime Minister and his Criminal Cabal otherwise known as the LNP...it is constantly reported that this is "an allegedly fraudulent document", but there's nothing "alleged" about it, it is irrefutably a fraudulent document...(good call mate, the document that Angus circulated to the media and quoted from and signed his name to, etc, that is an illegally altered version of the original Sydney Council statement, it is absolutely fraud, there's no "allegedly" about it!-Ed)...and add to that the 'alleged' motivation that Angus's missus Louise Clegg is 'allegedly' planning to challenge Clover Moore for the Mayorship at the next Local Government Elections...(and the AFP didn't even speak to Clover Moore or Angus Taylor before closing their 'investigation'?-Ed)...nope, nor to LNP Life Member stooge and Angus's staffer Josh Manuatu who 'claimed responsibility' for providing that fraudulent document, 'resigned' without legal repercussions, and then received several proportions within the Liberal Party...(phew, that'll learn 'im-Ed)...it's a wholesale criminal farce, protected by a wholly compromised and politicised AFP... 

7)  And why do I keep referring to the Estimates Committee?...(yes, I was wondering that myself-Ed)...well because back in the actual Parliament where legislation and government policy and government actions and/or in-actions, etc, etc...(including issues like the distribution of various 'grant programs'-Ed)...yep, back in the actual place where all that is supposed to actually be debated, scrutinised, examined, and modified/improved, etc, etc, the LNP are running a perpetual protection racket, particularly for Scummo, where time-and-again they shut-down questions and/or statements from the Opposition (Labor) and/or cross-benchers, eg, the Greens...(like when Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese asks Scummo about the now legendary Sports Rorts and tries to pin down the slimy squirming weasel about his specific role in that carefully documented corruption, up leaps LNP Attorney-General Christian 'Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em' Porter to shut-down Albo before he's even got 3 words out-Ed)...exactly, and as many have observed, it is the manifest and undefendable criminality of things like the Sports Rorts funding issue that drives/forces the LNP to shut-down not just debate, but kill-off the questions before they've even been asked...(the LNP is a Criminal Disgrace-Ed)...nothing more and certainly nothing less...

8)  Please to be availing y'allselves of the most excellent work of a Mr Michael Pascoe, who has done a fabulous piece about the multiple LNP Election Rorts across several 'Grant Programs'...it is particularly interesting to see that the Regional Growth Fund gets a guernsey in his dissection of that Rorts Agenda...(the RGF, where do I know that from?-Ed)...'cos, as we covered just above, the MGCC got $15m for the FARC from the RGF, courtesy of our local Member for Barker, Liberal back-bencher Tony Pasin...(aways back when this was first announced, I reckon we here at TMGI said that that funding stuff, including the $10m from the SA Liberal government, was all Election-Focussed Pork-Barrelling for the LNP to use for self-promotion at Federal, State, and Local Government Elections?-Ed)...that's exactly what we said and that's exactly what it is and it didn't take any sortta' genius to see it for what it was, even aways back then!...(it does tend to further highlight the apparently complicit incompetence of the Main Stream Media who supposedly couldn't see any of this stuff as it was rolled-out-Ed)...well quite...(and then only really started to look at it after it all kicked-off on Twitter/Social Media-Ed)...as with so much of this stuff these days, and it's why the LNP hates Twitter with a passion...(as I understand it, they ain't too fond of blogs either-Ed)...well I'm sure I don't know what that is like...(says the man with his own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' and personal ICAC legislation changes and 3+ year "bizarre trial" and Intervention Orders, etc, etc, all relating directly to this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah, I was working the sarcasm pretty hard there mate...  

Tomorrow: Corrections SA's Lunacy, More Persecuting Nick Fletcher

Explains itself really, the truly bizarre 'argument' from Corrections SA that they apparently accept my Agoraphobia/Depression diagnosis and DSP status, etc, and that they acknowledge that all that Mental Health stuff makes me an 'unsuitable candidate' to do Community Service in their structure/organisation...(well that's terrific, because at the time aways back in June-October 2018 they gave you all sorts of hell about that, flatly refusing to accept any of it and repeatedly demanding a 'current certificate', etc-Ed)...yeah yeah, all that terrific stuff...nothing quite like repeatedly being called a liar...(even if the 'liar' word wasn't specifically used, that's exactly what was being inferred-Ed)...indeed, well now they're saying they accept all that, so rather than doing 260hrs of Community Service I should be gaoled for a month instead...(sorry what?!-Ed)...oh yeah, and like I've said previous, you should have seen the angry, angry li'l man from Corrections repeatedly furiously spitting "Enforcement!" through tightly-gritted teeth...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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