Thursday, March 12, 2020

Scotty From Marketting: Dog-Whistling Pentecostal Nutjob Or Cynical Gaslighting Snake Oil Salesman

(I'll have 'All of The Above' for $1000, thanks Nick-Ed)...nice reference to the game-show Jeopardy, Ed, not least of all because that's what we are all in with this Slogan Bogan at the helm...(indeed, he's proven himself time-and-again to be chock-full of well-rehearsed spin and/or rhetoric, albeit mostly lies, but when it comes to The Crunch he's an empty vessel-Ed)...yep, couldn't agree more mate...but first, let's say a rowdy TMGI  howdy to dear availees in Fiji, Turkmenistan, Taiwan, and Vietnam...I know we've promised other subject matter today, but just a quick post about a crucially important presentation from the Crime Minister Scotty 'Scummo' Morrison...

In a recent post we discussed the Lesser Of Two Evils, namely, is Scummo a genuine happy-clapper Pentocostal, or does he just pay copious quantities of smug, sneering lip-service to 'The Faith' so as to ingratiate himself with the bible-thumpers?...(and where-in the lesser of those 'evils' is the cynical manipulator who is just doing it because it's politically expedient-Ed)...exactly, because the alternative, that he is genuinely subscribing to the Pentecostal Belief Brief, then strewth, may god actually exist so that She can help us...(nice, referring to god as a 'She', that'll really get the nutter's spluttering in numb-minded indignation-Ed) does what one can...but anyhoos, the title of this 'ere post specifically refers to Scummo's truly disturbing display at the opening address of the Australian Financial Review Business Summit...go to the Financial Review website and/or do what I done, just Interweb search 'Scott Morrison financial press conference 10 March 2020' well prepared, it's a grindingly gruelling 30 minutes of self-congratulating Evangelical Telly-Preacher, relentless anti-Labor Gaslighting, and the usual Outright Lies about what great economic managers the LNP are, etc, etc, ad infinitum...I have come to hate this man on a good day, I struggle to watch 10mins of Question Time because of his relentless lying and mocking and sneering, etc, and watching a full 30mins of his very special brand of absolute deceit and denial was/is fundamentally traumatic and 'triggering', but I forced myself through it because it's a frightening enlightenment as to where we really are with this God-Bothering Right Wing Nut Job...

Now I don't claim to be any sort of expert on religions, etc, but I've read enough about the Fundamentalist/Pentecostal stuff to 1) be truly concerned about the realities of what these people 'believe in', and 2) to spot Scummo's repeated references to that belief system and use of it's specific language, etc...(I just struggle to believe that these people actually believe this stuff in the first instance-Ed)...yes, well, without careening-off into an irretrievable debate on issues of 'belief', etc, let's just stick to the fact that Scummo calls himself a Pentecostal, and therefore that is supposedly what he 'believes'...(well that's a whole issue all it's own, right there, and I'm surprised that no-one's ever held him to account for it-Ed) so?...(well, if he's a genuine Pentecostal and is therefore guided and/or motivated by those beliefs, why hasn't he been made to explain to the Australian public exactly what it is that he does and/or doesn't believe-Ed)...excellent point Ed...(for example, where does his belief system place him on 'The Rapture' issue?-Ed)...absolutely, and not least of all as it relates to 1) his woefully inept and clearly uncaring response to the 2019/20 Bush Fire Disaster, in a context where it almost looked like he wanted it to happen, ala 'The Rapture', and 2) multiple other issues, eg, his demonstrated hatred for 'poor people'...(exactly, are these actions/attitudes driven by the Pentecostal Belief System?-Ed)...indeed, to what degree are his 'beliefs' imposing themselves upon his decision processes and therefore policy and therefore us?...

So I'm gunna' assume y'all have watched that excruciating Scummo display, and if not, gently urge that y'all do so because it is so instructive as to the functionings of Scotty The Snake Oil Salesman and just chockers with Pentecostal language...anyhoos, I'll do a very brief synopsis, and here 'tis...

1)  Scummo opens with a wonderful piece about how he knew this (COVID-19) was coming and that's why he behaved so appallingly as Treasurer and that's why we're in such a good position Budget-wise to deal with this, etc...(yes, he simultaneously presents himself as the visionary prophet, whilst supposedly excusing his massive cuts to pensions, domestic violence funding, etc, etc, and all rounded-out with the classic LNP lies about the state of the Budget and/or Economy-Ed)...yep, he carefully places himself at the very heart of the Pentecostal stuff by making himself the 'Prophet', and then lies, denies, etc...(and if he knew this was coming, why did he decimate CSIRO funding?-Ed)...excellent question...(and why are we so unprepared for this 'outbreak'?-Ed)...both great questions, and there's plenty a' people asking exactly the same things...

2)  He states that this crisis is different to the Global Financial Crisis (2009), 'not as bad', but then repeatedly gas-lights about Labor's highly successful Stimulus Package response at the time, eg, stating, 'we're still paying off the debt', etc...(yes, I note that he makes repeated references to Labor's policies and/or actions but never once actually says 'Labor'-Ed)...well picked-up Ed, he's clearly been advised about not doing what he and multiple LNP stooges always do, screech 'Labor Labor Labor'...(well Scummo did it in that recent Leigh Sales interview when she nailed' 'im up with questions about the Criminal Sports Rorts stuff, and he angrily retaliated "You're doing what Labor does, they smeer", etc-Ed)...exactly, he's obviously been advised to drop it 'cos it wasn't going-over too well in the broader context, but having used that language so often and told those lies so often, etc, all he needs to do now is dogwhistle those same lies and his supporters will automatically hear 'It's Labor's Fault'...
3)  (I reckon that that 'not as bad' stuff is solely about refusing to raise the miserable Newstart Allowance and/or commit to other similar forms of Fiscal Stimulus that many have identified as having an immediately positive effect, particularly the permanent increase to Newstart-Ed) on mate, and ironically today he's announced that that's exactly what they are gunna' do, tax-breaks and employer payments and one-off payments to most 'welfare recipients', but still refusing to raise Newstart...(it's apparently a $17.6billion Plan-Ed)...well whacko...(but still no Public Health Notification Program or Information Program or any official info about what to do and/or not do-Ed)...orrr yeah, but there's a plan, a $17.6b Plan...(is that like the $2b Bushfire Recovery Plan Fund thingy that is purely 'notional', ie, doesn't actually exist in the Budget?-Ed)...highly likely...(oo, oo, I've got one, about the $17.6b Plan-Ed)..go on then...(well I just heard LNP Treasurer Josh 'Fraudenburg' Frydenberg stating that he had "a very substantial package"-Ed)...and thankyou for that, moving on...

4)  The most concerning thing about this address...(apart from the blatant lies, eg, stating that the LNP have provided "record funding to Domestic Violence services" when they've actually slashed funding-Ed)...yep, even more concerning than the standard litany of LNP Lies was the whole American Television Evangelical Preacher tone and language, eg, 'I saw this coming' and using the very American term 'Patriot'...(yeah, what exactly's goin' on there?-Ed)...well I've seen others refer to it as a deliberate 'Trumpism', aligning it with Scummo's self-appointed pseudo-President status where-in he's the boss of everything and what he says goes regardless of the legality, etc, etc...(yeah I can see that-Ed)...Scummo also made 2 very specific references that mimic Pentacostal belief scripts/scripture, and that's the 2 I picked-up on, there could well be more...

He deliberately referred to the COVID-19 as a "Hydra-headed" challenge, and that is a direct reference to Biblical/Pentecostal Rapture beliefs...(whilst simultaneously rampin'-up the panic and fear in the populace-Ed)...yep, doesn't hurt to get the herd stampeding away from other issues like the Bushfire Disaster and his/the LNP's farcical response, and away from the Sports Rort scandal, and the Paladin Corruption and the Great Barrier Reef Fund rort, etc, etc...(and all those other similar rorts like the Regional Growth Fund, etc-Ed)...exactly, there are so many, literally everything the LNP does is a Criminal Rort...and you can guarantee Scummo will be doing daily, lengthy, self-promoting press conferences about COVID-19 and flatly refusing to accept let-alone answer questions on any other topic...(well he's already doing that-Ed)...indeed he is...

5)  The second specific Pentecostal reference I picked-up was Scummo referring to his '7-Point Plan' to tackle COVID-19...this '7-Points' features prominently in Pentecostal language, albeit sometimes '7 Mountains' or '7 Spheres' or '7 Whatevs'...(The Magnificent Seven?-Ed)...not quite...I've seen this '7' thing numerous times in my limited researchings of The Pentecostals, which makes me believe that it's a very important part of their belief system...(mate! I just Interwebbed about it, strewth! just go look at '7 Spheres Pentecostal', it's extraordinary-Ed)...I know, and that's why Scummo deliberately used I said, this was the 2 things I picked-up on, so gourd knows what else was secreted away in there... discussed previous, I was literally hoping that Scummo was/is a carefully calculating and cynical snake oil salesman, paying lip-service to religion because it was politically advantageous, but this outrageous and extraordinary Evangelical Preacher performance shows a rapidly unravelling Loose Unit sliding slowly into the abyss...he appears to be wholly cosumed by his 'beliefs' and his commitment to his 'faith'...everything about this is deeply concerning, it is far more sermon than speech...(wow! I've just watched!-Ed) to expand on that?...(well it's like you've identified, everything about that reeks of Evangelical Preacher, the body language, the actual language, the un-hinged tone and demeanour, it's full-on and very, very worrying-Ed)...      

I've suggested and asked and now I'm gunna' politely insist dear availees watch this footage because it's beyond concerning, it's absolutely frightening...this is our PM and he clearly ain't got both oars in the water, and you know what happens then?...(you go in small circles?-Ed)...well, yeah, literally, but I fear that there's nothing funny about what's happening in that man's head...

And just to take the edge of an otherwise hilarious tumble down the Religious Nutter Rabbit Hole with Scotty in Raptureland...(nice-Ed)...I found this (below) on thoughts and air-hugs go out to all those whom, like myself, are being yet-again 'triggered' by all this Pell stuff in the media...(not least of all all the 'Christian' morons praising-up Pell and denouncing his conviction, etc-Ed)...indeed, this specific case is only about a miniscule fraction of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption he has personally been involved in...(and 6 years in gaol is a fraction of what he deserves-Ed) on, long may he rot...can't vouch for the veracity of this Tweet, but gourd knows I've lived 20 years of the Institutionalised Pro-paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...(you're referring toithe St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yep, and my experience of that carefully organised Pro-Paedophile Corruption means that this Tweet rings all-too true... 

this is a disgrace. I've just been notified critically important footage expertly examining behavioural traits of CHILD PREDATOR GEORGE PELL; &, comprehensively analysed by a forensic criminal psychologist colleague, has been "CENSORED WORLDWIDE" BY A CARTEL OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS..

Tomorrow: The Corrections Directions For Gaoling Nick Fletcher

But in breaking news, I have officially confirmed that Mt Gambier City Council has indeed started the Tender Process for the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre before they have Development Approval...(oh yeah? and how do you knw that then?-Ed)...the relevant State Commission Assessment Panel hearing is on 19th March 2020..................(oh-Ed)...yes, "oh", MGCC has gone to Tender before getting SCAP Approval...(but what about all of the time, effort and expense involved in preparing a Tender? what about the companies going through all that when there's the potential that the FARC might not even happen?-Ed)...dunno', 'Too Bad So Sad'?...(I mean, it's one thing to go to all that effort, etc, and then miss out to another Tender, that's rough enough, but to apply for a project that doesn't even get approved, strewth-Ed)...yep, it almost seems like MGCC has some sort of prior knowledge of the outcome...(well the whole thing stinks of 'Rort' , but something here really reeks, it's just left to discover exactly what that is-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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