Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Corruption Reigns Supreme, Don't Download The COVID19 App

Dear availees, it's been another very long week sliding into the next, and I find myself entirely sans energy and/or motivation...I know that I'm currently overwhelmed with the totality of corruption that defines the Body Politique in this openly Fascist Pseudo-Democracy we call Australia, and particularly when it comes to Scott Morrison and the Liberal/National Party...

I have one simple message for today, and it's directly related to the Scummo Posse and their incessant obsession with increasing surveillance of us the Citizenry, whilst simultaneously guarding themselves from appropriate scrutiny...(a perfect example being the Angus Taylor Forged Document Cover-up-Ed)...exactly Ed, a clearly forged document that 'Angry' Angus signed his name too and circulated, but the New South Wales Police and the Australian Federal Police didn't even question Angry or his staff...(and Angry refused to speak to the Rozzers, despite guaranteeing in the Federal Parliament that he would 'fully co-operate'-Ed)...indeed, it's absolutely rotten from the core, upto and including the supposed 'investigators'...there have been no Warrants issued re Angry, and therefore no searches, etc...(it is as you say, a text-book study in Institutionalised Political Corruption, a cover-up of clearly definable criminal behaviour, with the state and federal Plod fully complicit-Ed)...and only one of a literal litany of Angry's rorts, see Watergate, Grassgate, JamLandgate, etc, etc...

So, Angus Taylor distributes a Forged Document that is publicly published in the media, and 2 different police forces (NSW and AFP) fail to conduct the most basic Warrants, no searches, and Angry is not even spoken to...that's the level of Corruption and Cover-up that is Standard Operational Procedure from the LNP and the NSW Police and most particularly the AFP, who are clearly nor independent, but are the official enforcement branch of the LNP...(and compare that to the outrageous AFP raids on the home of journo Annika Smethurst and the ABC offices-Ed),,,exactly, and the ongoing persecution of Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Colleary for outing the LNP corruption of bugging the East Timorese Parliament...  

The Criminal Cabal that is the LNP has massively increased 'Security Legislation', not least of all the extraordinarily Fascist 'Assistance and Access Act 2018', which not only does allow government to 'force' Internet Providers to build-in 'backdoor access' to programs, applications, etc, but also criminalises the public disclosure of that 'backdoor' by the IP...that is, government can demand the inclusion/creation of a secret means to access your data, etc, but the IP, who is forced to comply, is also banned from telling you, the affected consumer...research this stuff for y'allselves, it's absolutely chilling and openly Fascist...

And now we've got Scummo ramming the COVID19 App down our throats, with relentless manipulation about 'returning to our normal way of life', and relentless lies about 'legislated safeties that guarantee that no data will be accessed by government, etc'...(well the lie is self-evident in telling peeps that they're 'guaranteed by legislation' to be safe from personal tracking and data harvesting, etc, when that legislation hasn't even gone before the Parliament-Ed)...indeed, as guaranteed by corrupt and pathological liars who have repeatedly ramped-up 'Security Legislation' that rips into citizens civil rights to protest, to privacy, and to protection...and it was exactly this sort of increased secret powers and associated secret monitoring, etc, that Ms Smethurst exposed in her story that got her home raided, etc...   

Everything that Scummo announces is a grandstanding hyperbolic carnival of self-congratulation, and every $$$ he promises is printed on smoke and delivered with mirrors...look at the wraith-like $2billion Bushfire Recovery Fund, as initially stolen from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but reportedly approximately 90% of people in fire-affected areas have received nothing from the BRF, and in some areas are still living in tents without running water or other basic he's gone from bullying schools by threatening to withdraw/withhold their funding to force them to re-open, through publicly denigrating teachers et al with a pathetic Facebook assault, to where he's now openly bribing private/religious schools with promises of advanced funding grants...Scummo is absolutely obsessed with forcing kids back into school, and it is being fully supported/manipulated by alleged experts who are thinly-veiled LNP lackies/stooges...the constant refrain is that kids do far better in schools that online education, etc..(and that schools are somehow parallel Universes where the COVID19 doesn't exist and/or doesn't transfer from child to child, from child to teacher, from child to parent, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, absolutely non-sensical bollocks with a purely political agenda...

And then Scummo's bangin-on about 'getting back to normal' as it relates to the Mental Welfare of people as another excuse to politely demand we use the COVID19 App...(with the associated direct and deliberate inference that you're a bad Australian and you don't care, etc, if you don't use it-Ed)...exactly, and all this from a man who otherwise doesn't give a dead rat's fat festered clacker about the Mental Health of Australians, it's just another slickly cynical manipulation from a soulless B-Grade Marketting Sociopath...classic Stick and Carrot manipulation from a pathological liar, use the App and we can all get out again and it'll help the poor ol' Mentals, etc...(and I don't believe a word they're saying about how 2.8million people have already downloaded it-Ed)...well quite, not least of all because the LNP are such pathological liars, but also because the Apps that track the popularity of other Apps show a far lesser uptake, well below 1million, possibly only a few 100,000s...(and then there's the reports that people are having to try multiple times, each attempt potentially another supposed 'uptake'-Ed)...indeed, there's many issues here, and for my part the LNP are more than capable and more than likely to grossly exaggerate/lie about these figures to trick people into believing that is widely accepted and therefore it's okay to use it...and as per usual the pathetically complicit Main Stream Media and ABC just regurgitate verbatim and unchallenged and unchecked the LNP's agenda and dis-information...   

Corporate Socialism And Disaster Capitalism:...and then there's the reports that during this Pandemic Crisis the world's billionaires have somehow managed to increase both their personal individual wealth and their collective percentage of humanity's wealth in it's entirety...a cursory look at Scummo's supposed plans to help citizens shows that the vast majority of this Tax-payer funded 'stimulus' has gone directly to corporations like Qantas, and to employers, etc, whilst the LNP continues to doll-out Franking Credits and Tax Reductions, and continues to attack Unions and Worker's Rights and Wage Settings,'s why they didn't do a straight-out Wage Guarantee and instead went with Jobkeeper which leaves the employee at the mercy of the employer, and haven't increased Pensions at all, etc...for all the flowery speeches and self-congratulations about 'stimulus', literally nothing has changed with the LNP's perpetual Anti-Worker Agenda, and Scummo's Pentecostal 'Worthy Wealthy' philosophy, etc, and very little of the promised $130b has actually been distributed, well below 10%...(closer to 5%-Ed)...well indeed, and there-in lies the obsession with forcing kids back to school, etc, its about trying to force the economy back into /normal functioning' so that the LNP doesn't have to stump-up the actual funds for these relentless and unfunded 'Announcements'...

And if you believe a single word coming outta' the alleged Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy, then, dear availees, I cannot help you...he is so obviously a LNP mouthpiece running the party line/agenda, and has repeatedly contradicted himself and/or completely misrepresented information, etc...(what was that one about blaming medical staff in Tasmania for partying and therefore spreading COVID19 leading to deaths?-Ed)...oh yeah, and as stated as fact to an Aotearoan (New Zealand) Parliament hearing, and only clumsily withdrawn when he was exposed for that lie, explaining it away as 'something someone told me and I just repeated it'...(wow-Ed)...well quite, it's not a great endorsement of his reliability, is it?...and he's also relentlessly backing this 'it's okay to go back to school' stuff...(I note with interest that when this incredibly important COVID19 Tracking App was officially launched, they used one of the Deputy Chief Medical Officers, not Brendan 'Uncle Stooge' Murphy-Ed)...seethingly indicative of the level of trust that many peeps have in Ol' Uncle Stooge...(and also that it was Health Minister Greg Hunt not Scummo who did the presentation, and has since been denying the 'secrecy/tracking implications', etc-Ed)...yep, Scummo wasn't even present, not even furtively lurking in the literally screams volumes about what little trust people have in Scummo and Uncle Stooge, what very limited credibility that they have, that the LNP would trot-out these other 2...(and potentially what little faith they all have in the App itself-Ed)...well quite...     

Remember also that this is the LNP who accessed and publicly released the personal Centrelink info of someone who criticised them/Centrelink...(and that the presiding Minister is the notoriously corrupt and incrementally incompetent Stuart Roberts-Ed)...oh for shreck sake, you are shreckin' kiddin' me?...(do I look like I'm joking?-Ed)...oh for shreck sake, again...and wasn't he just publicly shamed and ridiculed for 1) failing to have the Centrelink system ready for the millions of sudden applicants he/the LNP knew would be trying to access it?...(that be he, and he then 2) went on to blame the failure/collapse as being a 'hack'/Denial of Service (DoS) Attack-Ed)...which it obviously wasn't, of course there were going to be huge demands in a very short period...(wait for it, before going on to 3) admit there was never any evidence of a DoSA-Ed)...sweet baby cheeses...(and then 4) officially declaring it "my bad"-Ed)...oh yeah, I saw that bit, it simply boggles the mind...another serial rorting Pentecostal LNP disaster just looking for somewhere to happen...look-up his previous various rorts with Rolex watches, home internet charges, etc, etc...(and I again note that he, the Minister overseeing this App, he wasn't present at the launch either-Ed)...indeed, the LNP is a Credibility-Free Zone, and even they know it...   

And the further you dig down into this stuff, the worse it gets...there's no clear and often conflicting info about exactly where the 'data' is going to be stored, be that here and/or in the USofA via Amazon, etc, etc...(and how that potentially makes the info vulnerable to access via USofA laws, eg, the Patriot Act, I believe it's called?-Ed)...mmm, sounds unpleasantly familiar...(which brings us back to the original multiple issues/concerns with the Assistance and Access Act and non-legislated status of the COVID19 App-Ed)...absolutely, so even if that data never 'leaves' Oz, the government has all the powers/tools it needs to do whatevs it wants, whenevs it wants to...and even as I type, concerns being discussed on the ABC/BBC Radio about potential access by the Chinese government via a 'private' Chinese company...

This rabid saturation official promotion of the COVID19 App, with all it's associated Social Guilting and/or Bribes, and the unquestioning MSM-pushing, etc, etc, it absolutely reeks of manipulation, corruption, deceit and deception...(I have a cologne that does that, makes you reek like that-Ed)...oh ai, what's it called?...(L'NP by Dodgy and Grab-asser-Ed)...well that's a series of appalling puns that very succinctly sum-up the entire situation, well done sir...

My ultimate position is, if I have not made it clear already, do not use this COVID19 App, it as suss as all get-out, designed and implemented by a wholly corrupt LNP.

Tomorrow: The Irony Of Self-Isolation For An Agoraphobe

And I will try to apply myself to a more frequent posting-ness, but I am unashamedly struggling at the moment...appreciating the support I do get, and as always and as to be covered tomorrow, always aware of and grateful for the many things I do have in my life to be 'grateful' for and happy about...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...   

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Does Listing High Court Hijinks Risk Jinxing My Court Stuff?

Howdy y'all dear availees and apologies for another 9-10 day lull in this 'ere blog, I've had cause to have to trawl-back through a bunch of stuff related to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and that's been really unpleasant and traumatising...also, that last post about the rancid Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines the Catholic Church, that really knocked me for so many people, it hasn't been a great week...(and of course there's the Lutherans and the Anglicans and the Pentecostals and Judaism, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, as previously stated, the facts of Pro-Paedophile Corruption in Religious Organisations are well defined and it's only the wantonly wilful whom refuse to acknowledge and accept this reality...Language Warning...(career fuckwits like Greg Sheridan, rancid sack of mindless Murdoch-scummery that he is-Ed)...End Language Warning...well certainly, his appallingly blinkered, ignorant and twisted hissy-fit on the ABC's The Insiders this morning, attacking the ABC for it's 'campaign' against poor ol' Career-Paedophile Protector George Pell, was/is exactly typical of the sort of deeply twisted defence of Pell that has been evident from so many Right Wing Nut Jobs like Gerard Henderson, Andrew Bolt, Miranda Devine, etc, etc, et al...(and they're seemingly always from Murdoch media and/or Sky News-Ed)...which is itself Murdoch...

The ABC is irretrievably infested with these festering Murdoch minions, eg, the week before last The Insiders program was wall-to-wall Murdoch hacks, the host David Speers who has repeatedly proved himself a willing LNP sycophant/supporter, and 'guests' Patricia Karvelas, David Crowe, and Simon Benson...and again this morning, Speers and Guests have worked a (reported) collective 94 years for Murdoch...and they carefully didn't even mention the Ruby Princess LNP Scandal or the LNP anti-worker bastardry of changing Fair Work guidelines to allow employers to give employees only 24hrs notice before 'negotiating' new pay and/or conditions, etc...(or how employers are rorting the Jobkeeper scheme-Ed)...not one word...(or the latest Peter 'Spud' Dutton Fascism of a 'Centrelink focussed taskforce' to crack down on people rorting that scheme even though it's employers who get handed the cash, etc-Ed)...yeah, as per usual it was the ignoring of controversial issues that might show-up the LNP for the anti-worker nut jobs that they are...(it was pretty piss-poor alleged journalism-Ed)...indeed, but even then, it was Grego's little spew-fest that really lowered the tone...

Today's show concluded with that rabid serial pro-paedophile denialist and apologist Greg Sheridan, who deliberately and cynically left it to the very last comment of the program to have a sickening whinge about the mistreatment poor ol' George Pell, and heap abuse and derision on the ABC for their coverage of various Pell and/or Catholic Paedophile issues, including Grego's farcical misrepresentation of the realities around Pell's legal defence and special Pro-Pell/Pro-Paedophile treatment of the High Court, etc, saying; 
     "...the large and powerful ABC against one man...."
...(yeah, the one man who had the power, finances, and influence of the Pro-Paedophile Catholic Church behind him and received vastly preferential treatment from the High Court, etc, etc-Ed)...well officially 'the Catholic Church' did not fund him, but 'Catholics' of various definitions were encouraged/recruited by 'Catholic institutions/publications' to donate to George, etc, so gourd knows who actually paid for what...(fair enough, but the stuff about power and influence and special/supportive treatment from the High Court, etc, al that stuff is specifically correct-Ed)...well indeed, especially the extraordinary conduct of the wholly compromised High Court...Grego also criticised musician Tim Minchin as being an ABC employee, which he ain't...

So I'm all for criticising the rancidly Right Wing compromised ABC, but if y'all are gunna' get stuck in to the national broadcaster, at least get it right, Greg, mate...I was mildly shocked that someone took the time and effort to leave a 'Comment' (albeit anonymously) on my recent post about how the ABC deceives and manipulates it's 'Left Wing' viewers/supporters by;
1)  using LNP language and talking points, etc, as the basis for their reporting or questioning, and;
2)  carefully ignoring issues that might embarrass the LNP, and/or;
3)  tossing-up fairy-floss 'Dorothy Dixer' questions to the LNP, then allowing the interviewee to 
     repeatedly not answer and/or just lie without contradiction, and;
4)  rabidly attacking Labor interviewees, constantly badgering and interrupting and demanding that
     Labor explain how they'd run the country, etc, even though they're the Opposition. that's how they do it, pretend to question the LNP, give them unaccountable carte-blanche with the 'answers', and attack the ALP (Labor)...(and then constantly refer to themselves as being 'Lefties", eg, Micallef's Mad As Hell comedy show, and banging-on with relentless self-promotion about how they're "your most trusted source of news, without bias or agenda"-Ed)...exactly, it's absolute gaslighting...    

I thought I had explained this reasonably, thoroughly, and effectively, but no, apparently not, 'cos the 'Anonymous Commentor' agrees with me that there are issues of concern with the ABC, only in the complete opposite direction to that which I'd just explained, thusly;
     The ABC is a disgrace. It doesn't report news it produces Loony left propaganda
     disguised as opinion pieces or "analysis". I try never to listen to it or watch it.
     It's a tool of the ALP and the Greenies. It needs its taxpayer funding taken away
     from it or get back to following its charter. on
 The Sanctimonious Self-Congratulatory ABC's Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up there you go, I've done a post that I thought explained how rancidly pro-LNP compromised the ABC is, and that's what one person gleaned from that...(wow-Ed)...yep, it's a fair indicator of just how much some people will continue to see what they want to see despite the facts before them...

But I digress, 'cos the main point of today's post is to not-so politely dissect the High Court's latest act of deeply compromised pro-LNP and therefore pro-Corruption buffoonery with regards to the
AFP (Australian Federal Police) raid of the home of NewsCorp journo Annika Smethurst...and in    what is clearly an attempt to try and regain some small shred of public credibility in the wake of the outrageously compromised construct of the Pell 'aquittal', the High Court has ruled the AFP's warrant was 'invalid' and is therefore 'quashed'...(well hoorah!-Ed)...but the High Court allowed the AFP to retain the info/evidence accessed/attained from Ms Smethurst's phone, etc...(oh, well that's not right is it-Ed)...and the AFP can still use that info/evidence in any future charges/trial...(but if the warrant isn't 'valid', how is it appropriate to retain any info/evidence gathered relative to that warrant?-Ed)...well it isn't is it, that's the point, it's as shonky as all get-out...(yeah, but that's automatically self-contradicting their own finding, they're saying that the warrant is dodgy but that it doesn't matter, keep that info/evidence that's technically illegally gathered!-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what it's saying, the High Court has now told the AFP, doesn't matter if you's can't even get the basic legal requirements correct, we'll just let ya's do whatevs ya's want, whenevs ya' want, and then let ya's keep whatevs ya's happen to stumble across in the process...(well shreck me, that's so wrong on so many levels-Ed)...absolutely it is, but it gets better...(oh gourd, do I want to know?-Ed)...   

The High Court did not even consider and therefore hasn't ruled at all on how this extraordinarily Fascist raid on the home of a journalist impacts on the Constitutional Law Convention of 'Implied Freedom of Political Communication'...(well isn't that the same issue at play with your "bizarre trial" and most directly with the SA ICAC Act Sec 56 stuff about not being allowed to ever say anything about anything because it 'might' end-up in the ICAC, etc, etc?-Ed)...indeed it is... 


Tomorrow: The Irony Of A Self-Isolating Agoraphobe

And I've jumped to here to complete that paragraph 'cos I'm having some weird formatting issues, for which I apologise, gourd knows what I've done but I ain't gettin' it undone, so anyhoos, here we are...and as I was saying, the Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption, I mean the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012 Section 56 directly compromises the Implied Freedom of Political Communication, and this is the exact point that should have been investigated and resolved via a COAG (Council of Australian Governments) meeting prior to my trial commencing, as identified by SAPol (police) Prosecutions themselves...(and should have probably been reviewed before it was even passed into Law-Ed)...indeed, but certainly and definably it has been officially identified as a pre-requisite relative to my "bizarre trial" and subsequent rankly corrupt 'Conviction'...(I absolutely agree, but if that ship has already sailed due to your 'Conviction', and you're so sure that this should go before the High Court for review and as part of your 'Appeal Process', aren't you shooting ya'self in both feet before you even take the first step up that 'Appeal' path?-Ed)...mate, do you honestly think that I'm going to be allowed to 'Appeal' this to the High Court?...(mmm, fair point-Ed)...they've already rejected it once...

(Sure, but wasn't that 'cos it was still 'at Trial' here?-Ed)...yeah, but it doesn't negate the fact that they are aware of the ICAC Act issues and have therefore refused to consider them...(yeah, not sure how that works, but I can see your point-Ed)...and I reckon we've covered this before, namely, I gotta' get through the SA Appeals system first, where I've already been rejected the same day I lodged my initial 'Appeal Application' in April 2018, and rejected 'cos the Legal Sertvices Commission and Courts Administration Authority advised me to use the incorrect forms and lodge them incorrectly, etc...(yeah, that was all a bit unhelpful-Ed)...and exactly 2 years after my rankly corrupt "bizarre trial" concluded in typically bizarre and corrupt circumstances, etc, 2 years later I'm still trying to get access to my own transcripts...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and after years of being ignored by Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, and relentlessly screwed-around by Magistrate Ian White, etc, I did finally get a positive response from the CAA a coupla' months ago, and they've finally approved access, and to the recordings no less...(well that's great, what does it all say?-Ed)...ummm, don't have them yet...(okay, when?-Ed)...well apparently, it's all very complicated...(oh here we go-Ed)...'cos it was such a long trial and stuff...(here come the new excuses-Ed)...and they'll get back to me, sometime...(imagine my surprise-Ed)...well quite...

And when I've finally had access to those recordings, which hopefully won't have already been edited/censored, then I have to try and negotiate my way through the same Pro-Paedophile compromised Judicial system that spawned/allowed the farcically corrupt 'Trial' that saw me 'Convicted' in the first instance...(and in a context where you'd proven to Magistrate Anderson that this entire Fascist farce was a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", which Her Honour had identified as "Malicious Prosecution" and is identified in the official Certificate of Record as being "Abuse of Process"-Ed)...yep, and yet somehow my 'Trail' just continued-on anyhow with the rankly complicit, biased and ultimately definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White sent to 'Convict' me, after all of that, I've got to back to that 'System' that has definably and willingly and relentlessly screwed me over in the most fundamentally obvious ways, I gotta' go back to that 'System' and ask for and expect a fair hearing...(it ain't gunna' happen mate-Ed)...of course it's why worry myself with tip-toeing around the outrageous conduct of the High Court when there's a snowball's chance in hell that I'm ever going to be allowed anywhere near it...(and then there's the issue of costs-Ed)...yep, of course there is, and it's a genuine issue across the Legal/Judicial System, but specific to my case/'Trail' that too is all but irrelevant given that I ain't ever gunna be allowed onto that mountain, let alone to achieve the summit...         

And in conclusion, it is indeed an irony-rich diet I'm on at the moment...I'll also include a hopefully witty and concise discourse/explanation about the difference between 'Irony' and 'Hypocrisy'...(not to say that they can't co-exist-Ed)...well indeed, and for example, when Scummo was recently mouthing-off in Parliament with his pseudo-dictator militaristic jingoistic Nationalism about 'the ANZAC spirit', and how "we're all in this together", etc, it is both screechingly hypocritical that we reportedly refused to allow some of our Kiwi/ANZAC cousins to return (from Europe?) on an 'emergency flight', and coincidentally ironic because this happened on the same day of Scummo's 'ANZAC' statements...and sorry that I can't be more detailed with this, I heard it on the day (BBC/ABC Radio?), but cannot find a specific reference to it despite extensive searching...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Is This A Case Of Pro-Paedophile Corruption Reaching To The High Court?

Like many Australians I am devastated but hardly surprised that the High Court has over-turned a Jury conviction and ruled in favour of convicted paedophile George Pell.

Like many Australians, I am deeply concerned with the professionally identified series of "highly unusual" actions taken by the High Court specific to this case, namely;
     1)  it is "highly unusual" for the High Court to grant Special Leave To Appeal (arguing) an
          Unreasonable Verdict, these requests are usually/frequently refused, and;
     2)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court deferred their decision on the granting of that
          SLTA, and instead heard arguments prior to that 'granting', and;
     3)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court therefore simultaneously granted that SLTA and
          released their decision to 'quash the original conviction' at the same time, and:
     4)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court has been involved in ruling on a Sexual Assault
          case at all, and it was originally reported that this is the first time it has happened*, and;
     5)  it is "highly unusual" that the High Court has not ruled on a point of Law, but has instead
          effectively 're-tried' the case and dismissed/discarded the evidence of the witness/victim
          as being less important than peripheral non-witnesses, and;
     6) it is also "highly unusual" that the High Court over-ruled the decision of the original Jury.
(*I've tried to check this but not sure, I did see this reported when the SLTA was first applied for)

In effect, the High Court has repeatedly acted in "highly unusual" ways in retrospectively granting Special Leave To Appeal to coincide with the quashing of those convictions, and in a context where they are supposed to deal with questions of technicalities of the application of Law, not issues of evidence, and here they have directly 're-heard' the evidence/Trial, and then 're-ruled'...from start to finish and through-out, the High Court's conduct has been "highly unusual" and always in favour of George Pell...for example, here's a brief quote from a national paper (sorry, I forgot to write it down), the 'Walker' referred to is Pell's lawyer...  
     But ultimately, the court accepted Walker’s arguments. In an unusual move, the court did not
     grant Pell leave – in other words, permission – to appeal until Tuesday, after the arguments had
     already been heard in March. Usually, leave to appeal is granted, then arguments are heard.

Like many Australians, I consider this Special Leave To Appeal and subsequent 'Re-Trial' and consequential dismissal/over-ruling of the Jury and Witness to be grossly inappropriate conduct by the High Court. 

Like many Australians who follow politics, I have absolutely no confidence in the functioning and/or impartiality of the High Court of Australia.

Like many Australians who follow politics, to me the High Court has exactly the same credibility as the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Electoral Commission, etc, et al...and that is none.

Like many Australians I saw the 'dissenting decision' by Victorian Appeals Court Justice Mark Weinberg as a deliberate set-up to open the door on this farcically distorted Appeal/outcome.

Like many Australians I've had my life all-but destroyed by the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines our Religious Institutions, our Parliaments, our Police Forces, and our Judiciaries upto and including the High Court.

Like many Australians, I reject this farcical Mates Protecting Mates dismissal/quashing.

Like many Australians, I believe now and always will that George Pell is himself a paedophile and that he has also acted in many ways across many decades to protect fellow paedophiles within the Catholic Church.

Preying On The many Australians I believe that the Catholic Church has always been and remains now nothing more than a Paedophile Boy's Club, and that most if not all 'organised religions' are little better if not identical, eg, the Lutherans...Organised Religion is about preying on the vulnerable and those easily manipulated, etc, to gain control, power, and personal gratification, often and usually sexual gratification via the abuse of children....

So, whilst I am the first person to acknowledge that my opinion/views of this issue is irretrievably driven by my personal experiences with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the related rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt conduct of South Australian police, the SA Parliament (politicians of all persuasions), SA public servants, et al, and the same conduct from Local and Federal politicians, and the Media, and the wholly corrupt Lutheran Church, etc, etc, it is living 2 decades of these definable Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruptions that have shown me the irrefutable realities of what happens with effective legal/Judicial protection/support of paedophiles in our community...   

And here's what the head paedophile himself has to say... 
In these days of , we've been witnessing the persecution that Jesus underwent and how He was judged ferociously, even though He was innocent. Let us today for all those persons who suffer due to an unjust sentence because of someone had it in for them.

A Very Angry Language Warning:..."...the persecution that Jesus unjust sentence because of someone who had it in for them."...hey Frankie mate, put that child down and go fuck yourself for a pleasant change!...End Language Warning...and if you dear availee, if you see the Catholic Church as anything other than a willing and wanton structure of Organised Institutionalised Paedophilia, then I can't help you, and quite frankly, I'd thank you to take your availage elsewhere...if my anger and what I say about those realities, etc, offends you more than the realities themselves, then by all means do us both a favour and dis-avail ya'selves of this 'ere blog...

May y'all in positions of Religious Authority and your supporters/sycophants/acolytes, not least of all you fatuous Right Wing Nut Jobs on Sky News, may you all rot in the exact sort of hell that your actions create for so many others here on earth...if I ever pray, this is what I pray for...and some would argue that it's not very Christian to wish ill of others, but as far as I'm concerned 'being Christian' don't come into it...I genuinely do not wish ill of people, rather, I would have them endure that which it is they bring and/or wish upon others...let their lives be subjected to the rules of bigotry and intolerance and denial and personal gratification, etc, that they force on others with Their Rules...let those who create and/or support these horrendous realities be subjected to those realities...I am a quiet and gentle person with my own ' rules', but when it comes to Their Rules, I'm more than happy to meet Them on Their playing field and apply Their Rules to Them...with brutal efficiency...

To all of you who have been deeply affected and disappointed and angered and re-traumatised by this outrageously Pro-Pell biased conduct by the High Court, you have every right to be all of these things and more, you/we have been betrayed by our supposed High Court, betrayed in favour of mates and power and influence...

Justice And The Law Be Hanged:...there is no such thing as 'Justice' in Australia, there is only bias and favour and power and influence...and via so many deeply compromised 'rulings', eg, their farcical conduct of the Section 44 Constitutional Law/Citizenship issue, most recently just dismissing the clear case against the LNP's Josh Freydenburg, have the High Court thusly outed's exactly those sort of decisions that mean it's the High Court what's built their own scaffold, slung the rope, tied the knot, and then stuck it's own head in the noose of it's own non-credibility...

I did have one person observe to me and I found myself in partial agreeance, namely, in that perversely accurate way that such farcically corrupted legal outcomes produce, this Pell acquittal is a good thing because it lays bare the wholly corrupted functioning of the Courts on these issues, upto and including the High Court, eg, how money and/or political and/or religious influence buys you your very own special brand of 'Justice', and how high-profile Child Abusers get special treatment amounting to 'protection' from the Courts, a grossly corrupt pro-bias often/usually related to the religious influence, etc, etc...this person also related it to the rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I have been subjected to with my "bizarre trial" and my own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', etc, etc...  

As horrendous as this Pell process and outcome have been, I agree that ultimately it can partly be considered a 'good thing' because it serves to illustrate the rancidly compromised realities that Child Abuse victims/survivors and their families and supporters will be subjected to at the hands of the High Court in Australia...on the down-side though, it likely will deter many others from putting themselves through that trauma...and I find it hard to believe that this is not the deliberate motivation of the High Court, namely, they have knowingly and willingly acted to send a very clear message to anyone thinking of pursuing justice against a 'high-profile paedophile' that you can go through every deeply traumatic process, jump through every evidentiary hoop, over every legal hurdle, prove your case in the face of days of hostile cross-examination, etc, etc, and 'win', only then to have it trashed by the "highly unusual" and preferential conduct of the High Court...and that this preferential conduct is not a thing of the past, not an issue resolved by the farcical Child Abuse Royal Commission, etc, it is a bias and a corruption that exists here and now...many Courts and particularly the High Court act with profound political/religious bias and a resultant definable contempt for the average citizen...and yet these same Courts demand of us subservient obedience and unquestioning respect...and I say, Earn It...

And never forget, it is not 'Revolutionary' or 'Treasonous' to speak Truth to Corrupted Power, it is quite the opposite, it is in fact the ultimate act of Citizenship, it is the ultimate respect for your fellow Citizen, it is seeking the greater good beyond and often at the cost of personal comfort and safety...and that's why the Corrupted Power hate it so much...

Look after yourselves y'all, and my biggest hairiest air hugs and my most fervent assurances that whilst I may continue to struggle and suffer, etc, I will continue...I will continue to pursue an appropriate outcome to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and to the many other unresolved Child Abuse cases I am aware of in the rancidly compromised Mt Gambier...and do so fully aware that for every incident I'm aware of there are many others that go quietly unreported and/or effectively covered-up, eg, the latest case of a teacher from a privately-run religious school who was charged with "persistent sexual exploitation" of one of "his" students, a case that has very quietly seemingly disappeared from the media and Courts, etc...the abuse has happened, and if as I suspect is the case that this has been 'officially buried', I will out that school and that teacher and all involved...I know who you are and what you've done and if you ain't in gaol, then you're gunna' get at least some small part of everything you deserve via this 'ere blog, mate...

Tomorrow: A Self-Isolating Agoraphobe - More Irony Than An Iron And Iron-Bark Ironing Board

I know I've used that joke before, but it's mine and I'll use it as often as I want mate, do what I want mate, etc, etc...(yeah, imagine telling an Agoraphobe to 'Stay Home'-Ed)...hey Ed! where you been mate?...(right 'ere, just thought maybe you'd be best allowed to work ya' way through that stuff without interruption-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, see you tomorrow then?...(try and stop me mate-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Living In The Morrison Dictatorship

***...and a pre-apology apology 'cos it's been a very long week personally, not least of all with my latest Court hearing pending, but both matters have been adjourned now until July 2020...also had a bunch a' other stuff goin' on, and a distinct lack of energy, enthusiasm, and motivation...been trying to stay across multiple issues but just watching Scummo & Co cluster-shreck their way through this "war" we're apparently in, it's just so massively draining...if it helps y'all, please to be joining me in the following yell of exasperation, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...hope that's helped a bit...(certainly can't have hurt, yelling at an empty room-Ed)...well, the doggo wasn't too impressed, but anyhoos, can't please everybody...I remember reading a 'Coping Guide' that said it's perfectly fine to talk to the walls providing you know you're going it...(and that the walls don't talk back-Ed)...indeed, it's much the same as writing letters you're never intending to send 'cos often just getting that stuff outta' ya' head and onto the page really helps put it at arms length...(literally and actually-Ed)...nice one and exactly, and can therefore allow a more dispassionate self-discourse about otherwise overwhelming issues...(and it's a big part of this 'ere blog, and indeed my very existence-Ed) on mate, as taxing and tiring as doin' this 'ere blog can be, it's absolutely worth maintaining the effort best as possible, 'cos it gives me the dual positives...1) I get shizzle outta' my head, literally, and 2) it gives me a tangible connection to a sense of doing something about those issues/events that cause me so much stress and trauma...we've covered this stuff before, where-in even the huge pile-a-shite I've had heaped on me for doin' this 'ere blog...(all the abuse and the rancidly corrupt ICAC Trial stuff, etc-Ed)...yep, all that, it just acts as cathartic motivation 'cos it proves that I'm on the right track and achieving some small part of what I feel needs to be done...anyhoos, now back to the post that I started several days ago...***

Howdy y'all dear availees...humblest apologies that I haven't finished the 2 FARC (Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre) posts but I got rather lost with-in it and had doubled-down on some issues, then deleted the wrong bit, etc, etc...(sounds like a triumph of mediocrity-Ed)...well actually, that was going to be the title of the paragraph about the ongoing and rank failures of the Main Stream Media to hold the Scott 'Crime Minister' Morrison Liberal/National Party to account for pretty much anything really...(and what about the shreckin' ABC, they continue to be as bad if not worse-Ed)...worse?...(yeah, 'cos they constantly big-up themselves about how they're 'independent' and "your most trusted source of news", supposedly "without bias or agenda"-Ed)...indeed they do, and whilst many 'Right Wing' peeps continue to attack the ABC as being 'Lefties', many people who are nominally 'Left Wing' are increasingly abandoning the national broadcaster because of it's deeply compromised and corrupted and unrelenting and undisguised pro-LNP 'agenda'...shows like the once-revered The Insiders have become unwatchable pro-LNP dross, widely berated by 'The Lefties'...(yesterday's was a whole new level of appalling, I mean, why bother to get Matthias Cormann on there and ask him half-arsed questions...he repeatedly stated that stuff would be announced 'soon', and/or that he didn't know, and ultimately didn't actually answer one bloody question!-Ed)...yes, as one guest wittily quipped, 'Matthias is the Chris Tavare (stone-walling English batsman) of Oz politics, he won't win any arguments (score any runs), and you'll never get an answer (but he won't get out)'...(hilarious-Ed)...not really...

Main Stream a very short paragraph really, encapsulated as it is by it's title...for a long time now the Main Stream Media has been driven by Reportage/Outings on Twitter and other Social Media...(but not so much Facebook, that can be fairly rancid-Ed)...well so can Twitter, but I agree it's to a far lesser extent, and with Twitter there are a series of very genuine and reliable peeps who I follow, and they have made themselves well-known and well-trusted by exposing many issues of LNP Criminality, eg, the Barnaby 'Beetrooter' Joyce/Campion affair with multiple fake jobs for Campion, etc, and then the Beetrooter's involvement with 'Angry' Angus Taylor and the Watergate Scandal, and then a bunch of other similar issues...said it before and here 'tis again 'cos time and time again, over and over, these issues are being exposed on Twitter, where they build-up a head of steam/critical mass, until those issues literally force themselves into the MSM...(albeit for the MSM to try and hose-it all down and apologise/deny on behalf of the LNP, etc, and again, especially the wholly compromised ABC-Ed) last comment from me re a recent 'Comment' on this 'ere blog...having read my recent post about how corruptly compromised the ABC is, constantly protecting the LNP with pathetic Dorothy-Dixer questions or by simply ignoring entire issues, etc, an anonymous Commentor felt obliged to 'Comment' about how the ABC is a "Left-Wing" mouthpiece and should have it's funding cut, etc...(wow-Ed)...indeed...

It is unfortunately not surprising, being as how it puts me in mind of those people who have read about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the definably Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of Mt Gambier politicians like the one I cannot name because of that "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Order, and Rory McEwen, and Tony Pasin, and the Mt Gambier City Council en masse...(and the ABC, particularly the ABC South East Radio and Adelaide offices-Ed)...indeed, but also including their head office in Sydney and their sanctimonious lawyers...(and speaking of lawyers, former Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner Stephen Lietschke who represented "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling in the Teachers Registration Board hearing in 2004-Ed)...and 'alleged lawyer' 'Bouncin' Billy De Garis, who betrayed us parents, working against as he did in complicit collusion with the Lutherans and (then) Premier Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, etc, etc, etc...sorry, I've strayed into a furious rant about the rancidly corrupt people involved in the horrendous St Martins Cover-up, but the point I started-out to make was, that despite all I've done to expose and explain about the St Martins Cover-up, I've had a whole bunch of 'Commentors', almost entirely anonymous, completely ignoring all of that stuff and instead mouthing-off about me and what a bad person I am, etc, etc...(and that includes the media, eg, The Border Watch and particularly the ABC SE Radio-Ed)...well quite, but moving on...

A Most Puzzling Comment:...last night Scummo did another of his interminable self-focussed 'press conferences, and I forced myself to watch, albeit fully prepared to be shocked, confused, and entirely dis-believing of every word that came out of that smug, sneering maw...and I wasn't disappointed...he fell back on an old favourite of his by including the missus when seemingly declaring jigsaw puzzle manufacturers and/or retailers as 'Essential Services', 'my wife Jenny bought jigsaws for the kids' brain was already churned to mush by his preceding drivel and was gently oozing from my various cranial orifi, but others have taken-up the challenge and breathed a little sanity into this...and so it is I give you fresh from Twitter...
      Aaron Dodd
      BREAKING: Australian jig-saw puzzle manufacturers have breathed a collective sigh of relief     
      after PM Scott Morrison declared them an essential service today. An industry spokesman stated 
      "At first the decision puzzled us, but then the pieces all fell in to place" #auspol 
 ...(I liked the one about how the bloke hoped the 'lock-down' would last longer than 6 months 'cos his jigsaw said 3-5 Years-Ed)...noice, very noice...I also find rather uplifting the hilarious TikTok videos stemming from Scummo angrily berating journo Andrew Probyn during a press conference...("Andrew! you're not running the press conference!"-Ed)...that's the one, just search #andrew...there's also a superb Scott Morrison - STOP IT music clip...on less amusing issues...

70/50 Blinkered Vision:...another thing identified last night was the extraordinary admission about the health status of Aboriginal people...(and I note that it's been picked-up a bit on Twitter but not at all by the media in that presser-Ed)...indeed, given the volume of (again) often conflicting info it's partly excusable that some stuff just goes through to the keeper, but this was a huge issue...Scummo'  made the side-ways admission that Aboriginal people endure massively diminished Socio-Health outcomes by stating that all people over 70 and anyone over 60 with pre-existing health issues, all presumably white, should 'Self Isolate'...("presumably white"?-Ed)...'cos he went on to say "(all) Aboriginal people over 50"...(oh-Ed)...indeed, oh, it's an outright insight as to 1) the realities, and 2) as known to Scummo and his buddies...and no offence to all peeps I've sortta' skipped over 'cos ya' don't identify as either white or Aboriginal, just commenting on this specific statement...this is an unwitting acknowledgement of generational disadvantage and current disparity that we as 'White Australia' must do better to address and remove...  

OMFG:...Oh My Freakin' Gourd, it's another Scummo presser...(have we not suffered enough?-Ed)...apparently not...yet again he's trying to sound like Winston Churchill but comes-off sounding more like Winnie The Pooh..."a decision never made before by Australian governments" and "build a bridge" and my new favourite, "we're all in this together"...(oh, so he's announcing another pork-barrelling pre-election rort fund?-Ed)...nice one man, but no...(well may I suggest that he shreckin' Build A Bridge and shreckin' get over himself!-Ed)...yes, and he's repeated "all in this together", and then it's another 2 shreckin' announcements, apparently...and now there's a 'Job Security Payment' that he previously stated the LNP wouldn't be doing...(and there's Josh Frydenburg furiously self-praising about how it's better than England's plan and more money than Aotearoa's (New Zealand's) plan, etc-Ed)...and even if the LNP hasn't had to be dragged kickin' and screamin' to this position that they until very recently refused to even consider, even then, is it really better though? ultimately, will it be more? worse, does it even really exist? is this gunna' be another round of self-praising announcements followed by sweet shreck-all actual action/funding?...(you mean like the "notional" $2billion Bushfire Recovery Fund which has seemingly evaporated and increasingly looks like it never really existed in the first instance?-Ed)...yeah, I think the clue is in the "notional" descriptor, it's 'a notion', not an actual reality...

***...just noting the chatter on Twitter about how Scummo' has announced 5 'Stimulus Packages' but nobody's seen a cent yet, and relating that to the Notional Bushfire Fund...also stories about people getting their 'pension payment' yesterday but no $750 'bonus payment'...(weren't they meant to start going out yesterday though?-Ed)...exactly, and I checked my account just on the off-chance...(and?-Ed)...fat chance...and plenty a' peeps expressing their cynicism/concerns about these payments and/or the 'wisdom' of the Job Saver Stimulus, giving $130b to employers, some of whom are guaranteed to "skim-off some of that money the same way they rip-off workers now", rather than just giving that $1500/fortnight directly to employees...back to Monday's presser...*** 

And the critical question just was asked, much to my surprise, 'when is Parliament being recalled?'...(yeah, but Parliament has to be recalled to pass most if not all of this stuff as actual legislation-Ed)...true...(but Scummo 'deferred/closed' the Federal Parliament until August 2020, that's the bizarre disconnect between constantly comparing this situation to 'being at war', and having no Federal Parliament sitting, so the real question is 'when's Parliament actually going to return properly?'-Ed)...agreed, but far more importantly and insightfully illustrative is the very many critical questions that should have been asked about this 'no Parliament' situation, but haven't...we currently have 1) a National Cabinet consisting of state Premiers and the Territory's Chief Ministers, where-in the cart (NC) is very much pushing the horse (Scummo) on a range of issues/measures, eg, border closures, and 2) a Scummo-picked Coronavirus Coordination Committee consisting of Mining executives, Scummo's mates Phil Gaetjens and Mike Pezzullo, and several other LNP stooges, but no doctors or scientists...and if you don't know who they are, Gaetjens is the clown who produced the infamous 'Nothing To See Here Report' regarding the equally infamous 'Angus Taylor Fraudulent Clover Moore Document', and Pezzullo is from the Home Affairs Dept...if that isn't enough info, just Interweb search them and this committee's other members...

This 'committee' follows-on from Scummo recently declaring himself as a One Man Cabinet Committee so he can declare any conversation/meeting/email/whatevs that he has with anyone on any subject, it can all be hidden from scrutiny by declaring it all out-of-bounds as 'Cabinet In-Confidence' stuff...(strewth, how crook is that?-Ed)'s Dictatorship 101...(and we've also had a bunch of 'National Security' laws about 'Border Security', etc, and machinegun-wielding officers in airports, etc, and all the relentless rancid rhetoric about stoppin' these filthy criminal refugee-types gettin' here by boat, etc-Ed)...indeed we have...(and yet 10,000's were coming in via planes, and then last week someone let 3,000 potential/likely COVID19 carriers off a cruise ship in Sydney-Ed)'s quite the topic on social media too, where's our mate Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton, always front-and-centre and foamingly voluminous screaching his hate-speech about 'Stopping The Boats', etc, where's he got to now, all but disappeared...but we digress, 'cos the real issue here is the sudden loss of Federal accountability with the closing of Parliament and the implementation of a blizzard of ill-defined and often conflicting 'Social Restrictions' limiting contact and travel, etc, in a context where even Ministers and Police Commissioners are publicly contradicting each other...(and over the top of that is Scummo blaming Aussies for disregarding Social Distancing, etc, whilst the Ruby Princess debasco (debacle/fiasco) looms large over the whole debate-Ed)...and they wonder why people get confused and/or panicked or just ignore them... 

Bottomline, and as many have observed, Authoritarian regimes never miss the opportunities presented by a good crisis to enact 'Security Laws' that massively expand and entrench their personal powers to control the populace...for years now I have repeatedly explained the rankly Fascist ICAC legislation here in South Oz, and the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that I have been subjected to using that ICAC legislation as justification/excuse, particularly at the hands of a corrupt SAPol (police), and now these people have the power to detain without explanation, etc...and if that weren't scary enough, now we've got a wannabe' Pentecostal Televangelist as PM, with no Parliamentary restraints and/or oversight...(check out the Aotearoa (New Zealand) model where they have a fully bipartisan Emergency Committee chaired by the leader of the Opposition-Ed)...indeed, and compare that to the unaccountable shizzle-show we got goin'...  

***OMFG Part Deux:...just watched a 6 minute Youtube clip of Scummo quoting scripture and bangin'-on about how his faith is his strength, and now praying for us, etc, etc, "your people", etc, makes my blood run cold and yet simultaneously boil...are we really at the mercy of a Rapture-motivated happy clapper?...may god actually exist that She may save us from this gibbering moron...just Interweb search Youtube - Scott Morison Commits Australia To God...may the saints preserve us and gourd give me strength...(nice one man, and I like the increasingly commonly used phrase 'vomited word salad on us' to describe any press conference by Scummo', any LNP minister, and/or any of their performing stooges, eg, the Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy-Ed)...indeed, feels like I spend half my time these days pickin' croutons outta' my recent posts we've covered our concerns about this bare-faced compromise of the supposed Separation of Church and State and Scummo's Pentecostal motivations and increasingly 'Preacher-like' behaviours, etc, and plenty of peeps are equally concerned...we are in deep, deep doodoo if he's as genuinely committed to this Rapture-driven ideology as it appears he is...

And because I've banged-on about so much other stuff, I've removed from the title what I had originally intended to post, namely, a bit about the Scummo Dictatorship stuff, but also a piece about the multiple ironies I see in my personal situation and the current 'crisis', so please ignore the following 'Tomorrow' thingy, 'cos it'll be about those ironies and how they relate to much of the stuff covered today anyway...(ooo! ooo! Mr Fletcher!-Ed)...yes Ed, you haven't had a question...(not a question sir, but Mt Gambier Mayor Lynette 'In 'Da House' Martin was on the ABC South East Radio this morning and was asked about the FARC and whether that would be continuing, etc, and her response was a very definitive 'maybe'-Ed)...reallllly?...(well she definitely didn't say 'Yes', but she did say 'it's not what we discussed at our Special Meeting last night'-Ed) a direct question and an obfuscating answer that definitely wasn't a 'Yes'?...(yep, direct question, not a 'Yes'-Ed)...fascinating...*** 

Tomorrow: Hopefully I've Sorted Out My Own FARC Debacle

Yet more apologies that I've screwed-up those FARC posts, one of the stress issues I've been not particularly coping with...annoying to lose stuff at any time, but not quite so frustrating and infuriating as doin' it to myself...

I will quickly acknowledge that there is some commentary refuting these 'Dictatorship' concerns, but I still believe that the facts/situation, particularly the One Man Cabinet stuff, are self-defining as a rank bastardisation of the fundamental structures and functionings of our Federal Parliament...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...