Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Reprehensiblely Vile 'Intervention Orders'

Howdy to France, Germany, Russia, and United Kingdom...(and 'Unknown Region', again-Ed)...absolutely, third place on the weekly stats, again...and welcome y'all else to this latest post in the sort-of-series about the reprehensibly vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' issued against me by the "rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White"...brief apologies for the brief hiatus in this series, what with all them other posts what I done do in between, but here we are now and so here we go...

And an interesting development regarding these rancidly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining/Intervention Orders', in that Friday 2nd November 2018, just after lunchtime, I've had SAPol at my home to inform me that apparently I'm 'reported' because a person I cannot identify due to these 'Orders', that person has apparently been to the Mt Gambier Police Station to complain that I have supposedly identified them, supposedly in breach of these ludicrous and deeply corrupt 'Orders'...for some reason the cops needed to video me, on my front doorstep, and I politely pointed-out to them that SAPol were covering-up the abuse of my child and dozens of other children at St Martins, and the rank corruption of SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, including that SAPol Prosecutions and ACB have routinely lied in Court with Magistrate White's support and blessing, and ACB still have my laptop, etc, which, coupled with the recent bizarre 'disappearance' of several posts from out of the blog, most likely done by SAPol ACB, means that I am unable to take responsibility for anything on the blog...(and certainly not until you've had a chance to check that stuff-Ed)...well indeed...I also explained to the 2 officers the deeply complicit role that the complainant has played and continues to play in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(well that's what this is all about, all of it, but most particularly these reprehensibly vile 'Orders', they're to try and shut you down on discussing that rankly corrupt cover-up-Ed)...absolutely, that's exactly what all of this is about, covering-up the St Martins Cover-up...

(And how did the cops take that stuff?-Ed)...well I repeatedly explained that I didn't hold them personally responsible, and that living in "The Crack-Sac" meant I'd had multiple opportunities for decent dealings with SAPol, to which the officer sortta' smiled and said "ísn't it a lot quieter up here lately?"...which it is, thankfully...some of the end of this discussion was 'unrecorded' but it doesn't really matter, because I did explain to them exactly what it was they were involved in, the St Martins Cover-up, including the farcical nature of these bizarre and corrupt 'Orders', and that I thought I had scrupulously avoided mentioning anyone, as evidenced by the recent post about my official written complaints from late 2017 about the woeful behaviour of multiple members of the Mt Gambier City Council, and the resultant letter from MGCC Mark McShane, etc, where-in I had carefully censored-out that person...the officer was clearly aware of this was all relatively polite, certainly on my part, and I was informed that I'll 'receive a Summons, probably in a coupla' months', where-in I jokingly asked, "are you sure, I didn't get Summonsed to my Trial"...I also asked permission to blog about this, and the cops said 'sure, just don't mention our names'...(and fair enough I guess-Ed)...and so there it is...  

And if y'all need to understand why and how it is I refer to Magistrate White as "rankly corrupt", simply please to be availing yourselves of the most recent posts on this 'ere blog...(or go back over the last 18 months worth, particularly the letters/emails stuff to South Australia's current Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and I'd love to show y'all Vicki's responses, but of course, she ain't...(the deuce you say, she hasn't responded to your letters about the as-yet still unresolved Constitutional Law issues?-Ed)...nope, wrote to her again only weeks ago and not even a 'thanks for your email, get back to ya' real soon like'...(and what about that stuff where her predecessor Labor's AG li'l Johnny Rau, and the instigator of your "bizarre trial", your Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce Lander got together and actually changed ICAC legislation specifically so as to be able to charge you?-Ed)...nup, Vicki's just ignoring that too...

(Well how's about this then, has she acknowledged where Magistrate White, when finding you 'guilty', tried to ignore your submission about that extraordinary change to the ICAC Act 2012 (Independent Commission Against Corruption), until he was outed about this change by the local media, where-after he has suddenly issued 2 Addenda, bizarrely stating/agreeing that you were prosecuted under the "wrong definition", but blames you for not explaining that to him properly, then dismisses it all as irrelevant and 'Convicts' you anyway?-Ed) mate, like I said, whilst all that bizarre Addenda stuff did happen, I've not even had a basic acknowledgement from my mate Vicki...(wow, so Labor/Lander changed the law via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 2014, then your "bizarre trial" started in February 2015, without you being 'Charged' or even Summonsed by SAPol (police), and then Magistrate White acknowledges that you were prosecuted by SAPol and 'Convicted' by him under the "wrong definition", but then just lets it all slide and 'Re-Convicts' you anyway?-Ed)...yeah mate, and as covered in recent posts, even after I had proved to him in real time that SAPol Prosecutions were lying, a point he himself confirmed in Court in February 2017, but then just dismissed as  irrelevant, etc, etc, etc...(and that's why you can and do refer to him as "the rankly corrupt Magistrate White"?-Ed) on...(and current AG Vicki Chapman is just ignoring all that?-Ed)...yep...(w-w-w-wow-Ed)...

And to prove the "reprehensibly vile" part of the title, here y'all are the truly bizarre end entirely unjustified 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' issued against me by the "rankly corrupt" Magistrate White...(and "unjustified" because SAPol Prosecutions asked for these 'Orders' during the second truly bizarre videolink 'Verdict Hearing' of 9th March 2018, and then Magistrate White issued them right at the end of the equally bizarre final-of-3 bizarre 'Verdict/Sentencing Hearings', and all of this without one single word of explanation, not one written word/submission, and despite the fact that you had/have current official complaints about one of the people involved, as part of a wider complaint about the outrageous attacks on you by multiple members of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...indeed, and that the 2nd-of-3 bizarre 'Verdict/Sentencing Hearings' was adjourned by Magistrate White specifically to give SAPol the opportunity to come-up with some sort of paperwork for those 'Orders'...(after he repeatedly refused you an adjournment during your November-December 2017 'Trial', and dragged your GP into Court to challenge her Medical Certificate, then continued and concluded your 'Trial' in your absence?-Ed)...yep...(and all that after there were multiple adjournments from March-November 2017 as both SAPol Prosecution's lead witness and Magistrate White himself both had Sick Leave absences?-Ed)...yep again...

(Sorry, hang on, let me get all this straight-Ed)...sure, it is quite involved...(from February 2015 there were 2 years of nearly monthly adjournments as SAPol cobbled together their farcical 'case', then a 'Trial' that collapsed in disarray in November 2016 because Magistrate Teresa Anderson suddenly withdrew because you proved "Malicious Prosecution" (HH Anderson's own words, October 2016), then another 'Trial' in March 2017, then 6 months of multiple adjournments for SAPol's and Magistrate White's unexplained health reasons, but when you asked for an adjournment on health issues Magistrate White repeatedly refused, and when you got a Medical Certificate, Magistrate White subpoenaed the doctor into Court, then dismissed that Certificate?-Ed)...well, the doctor sort-of withdrew it, but Mag White did subpoeana her, sure...(sure, but the point being that SAPol were granted 20+ adjournments, including specifically for their unidentified health issues, etc, but you were repeatedly refused and then your doctor was subpoenaed-Ed)...true, yeah...

(Furthermore, the doctor did say she was 'concerned for your Mental Health'?-Ed)...oh yeah, she did say that...(but Magistrate White just ignored that, compared your case to that of a man on bail for a violent assault, continued in your absence, and concluded your 'Trial' without you finishing your cross examination of witnesses or even getting to present any defense case?-Ed)...yep, all of that, whilst he also stated how highly unusual it was to continue in the absence of the accused...(yeah, all of that, sure, but then, at the end of the second of 3 bizarre videolink 'Verdict Hearings', he then grants SAPol yet another adjournment to go away and draft some paperwork for their verbal application for multiple 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', an application not mentioned until that 2nd-of-3 Verdict Hearings?-Ed)...that's right, SAPol Prosecutions and Magistrate White had a chummy li'l chit-chat, including him stating "and Suppressing the blog in it's entirety", then, because SAPol didn't have anything at all in writing, he gave them that adjournment...(wow-Ed)...ordering me to pick-up that 'draft' from the Mt Gambier Courthouse a week later...

Then, at the 3rd-of-3 Verdict/Judgement Hearings, 20th April 2018, I clearly identified the problematic issues with this one page 'draft'...(as explained below in this 'ere post?-Ed)...yep, and I also specifically identified my official written complaints, which Magistrate White simply ignored, after which we moved to the Vulnerable Witnesses Suite because the sound kept cutting-out in the Courtroom...(and when you stated that, Magistrate White was about to blow a gasket until Court staff interjected to confirm that indeed there was a sound problem, at which point Magistrate White had a li'l hissy fit about how he had 'other matters to hear', and just hung-up the videolink-Ed)...yep, leaving us all in the Mt Gambier Courtroom just looking bemusedly at each other, before Court staff scrambled to organise a reliable link in the VWS...anyhoos, right at the end of that bizarre hearing, and ignoring my statements about 1) the "ludicrous" nature of the 'Orders', and 2) my official written complaints, and 3) without a single word of explanation or a single justification, or 4) me having any 'right-of-reply', etc, my mate Magistrate White handed down these truly bizarre and obviously corrupt and reprehensibly vile 'Intervention Orders'... 

This first one relates specifically to a Mt Gambier City Councillor, who was not even involved in my "bizarre trial", but hence the specific reference to;
      "...or when engaged in civil functions related to their role as councillor (Public Officer)".
...this is specifically about banning me from MGCC meetings without actually saying it, to stop me personally witnessing their rancidly rank corruption, particularly this person's relentless Nepotism, Insider Trading, Conflicts of Interest, and other general corruptions...the second 'Intervention' relates to an ABC employee, and is identical save for the words "or when engaged...etc", and again, is about officially banning me from the ABC and stopping me discussing the rankly corrupt, lie-riddled Affidavit that the ABC provided SAPol to use against me, including their absolute lie/statement about how they had supposedly written to me in early 2014, supposedly banning me, a letter that the ABC's lawyers from Sydney failed to supply, even in response to my requested Court Summons for that specific was all a bit difficult, they supposedly couldn't find it at all...(but that's because that letter never existed, that's an outright lie!-Ed)...damn straight it is...fortunately for me, not only did the ABC's lawyers respond to that Summons, but there are multiple ABC employees who are absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up, eg, my mate Stan Thompson, so I'll still have plenty to talk about even if I don't mention this 'Protected Person' specifically... 

The third 'Order' refers to SAPol Prosecution's main witness, a police officer, and again is designed to stop me talking about that person's lies, any evidence about the May 2014 raid of my home by SAPol ACB, etc, etc, but I have never identified that person previous, other than to refer to their specific role in the rankly Pro-Paedophile "Malicious Prosecution" of moi...this 'Final Intervention Order' is as quoted below, but skipping parts 1) and 2), starting instead at 3), and then a slightly different 4);
     4) The defendant must not cause, allow, or encourage another person to do anything
         forbidden by this order: publish material about the protected person on internet or
         by any other means.
...not sure why 4) repeats 3), but that's what it says...
Anyhoos, here's the 'Final Intervention Order', where-in the 'Applicant' is apparently 'POLICE'...

     1) The defendant must not contact or communicate with the protected person(s) either
         directly or indirectly in any way (including phone, letter, cards, SMS messages, E-mail,
         Facsimile, Facebook, Skype, etc)
     2) The defendant must not enter or remain within 5 metres metres of the boundary of the place of
         residence or place of employment of the protected person(s), place of education or any
         other place at which the protected person is staying, residing or employed or when
         engaged in civil functions related to their role as councillor (Public Officer).
     3) The defendant must not publish on the internet or by any electronic means any material
         about the protected person(s).
     4) The defendant must not cause, allow, or encourage another person to do anything
         forbidden by this order.

...then there's parts 5) and 6) on all three 'Orders' that are about surrendering any firearm, ammo, associated licenses, etc, which I won't bother to copy-out because I don't have any of those anyway...(well what about those 2 guns?-Ed)...what guns?...(those guns, remember? back in February when that young woman selling subscriptions to whatevs charity it was, when she stopped you in the shopping centre, looking at your arms and said, "have you got a license for those guns?"-Ed)...oh yes, very amusing I'm sure, but this 'firearms' reference is far too serious to joke about when one considers the correct context of granting/applying 'Intervention Orders'...(you mean the way they should be used, namely, to protect people, usually women, from the very real threat of potential harm at the hands of an ex-partner, etc?-Ed)...exactly...(not used in the reprehensibly vile manner Magistrate White has used them here as part of a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...exactly Ed, he's used them exactly like that... 

(But those 'Orders' don't even make sense! I mean, even once you get past what a '"reprehensibly vile" act it is for Magistrate White to issue those 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' as a Pro-Paedophile Political weapon to try and silence you, to stop you talking/blogging about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines this sad, sick State, once you get beyond all that, the actual wording is a farcical nonsense!-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, and I told him so at the 3rd-of-3 'Hearings' 20th April 2018, and didn't he love that...(I bet-Ed)...had another li'l Magistrate White hissy-fit, snapping angrily at me that they were just fine, completely ignoring what I was saying about the ludicrous reality of what these proposed 'Orders' actually said...(and that is?-Ed)...well simply as written mate, just as written, these 'Orders' state that I must monitor and police other people's conduct and/or actions, relative to the 'Orders' themselves, including monitoring the Internet...(please explain further, dear heart-Ed)...absolutely...

The Language of Law is infinitely specific and endlessly pedantic to the point of ludicrous undefinability, and English as a language is a rootin'-tootin' rollercoaster of convoluted rules and self-contradiction, etc, but there are some very basic rules of grammar that are easily explained, eg, the Comma, and I cannot think of a more perfect example of where Law Language/English/the Comma combine to be absolutely and resolutely specifically clear, no better example than these otherwise bizarre 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'...(how so?-Ed)...well take that second line,
     "The defendant must not cause, allow or encourage another person to do anything forbidden..." that context, using the most fundamentally basic English grammar, the Comma here is used to reduce repetition of the basic subject matter...(as is the 'or'?-Ed)...indeed, both thusly indicating that the preceding and following parts of the sentence apply to all of the points/issues there-in...(with you so far, sort of-Ed), that means that one sentence is actually 3 sentences about the same thing, reduced to one sentence by use of the Comma and the 'or', that is,
     "The defendant must not cause...another person to do anything forbidden..."
     "The defendant must not...allow...another person to do anything forbidden..."
     "The defendant must not...encourage another person to do anything forbidden..."

...(but that can't be right, because that says that you must monitor and control other people's actions relative to these 'Orders'-Ed)...and that's exactly what I said above, and exactly what I said to Magistrate White in Court 20th April 2018, when I used the term "ludicrous"...(and wasn't he impressed with that!-Ed)...not nearly as impressed as he was when the sound kept dropping out on the videolink with Elizabeth Court, as above...(because all of that's your fault-Ed)...well quite, isn't everything?...but straight-up, these 'Orders' clearly direct me to monitor/police/control other people's behaviour, everybody's behaviour, upto and including the entire Internet and all other "electronic means", whatevs that even means...(also, these 'Orders' specifically direct that you stop anybody contacting and/or going near the ABC South East office on Penola Rd-Ed)...hey yeah, hilarious, and I have to swerve into the middle of the road when I drive past there daily on my way home, so as to be "5 metres metres (from) the boundary of the place of...employment"...(and by similar definition, stop anyone going near any Council premises/meeting/whatevs-Ed)...indeed, boundlessly ludicrous gibberish...I genuinely hope that genuine 'Intervention Orders' are written in a more professional and specific manner, because these ones are an absolute joke... 

(They also tell you that you have to research the Councillor and the ABC employee and find out where they live so as you don't go near there either-Ed)...hilariously ridiculous Ed, but exactly right, these 'Orders' direct me to know all about these people such that I can avoid them, and in a context where I don't know where they live and obviously have never been near their homes, etc...indeed, there has never been a single incident/threat/whatevs that even vaguely warrants/justifies these outrageous 'Orders' because that's not who I am...sure, I have frequently been approached and harassed/abused/threatened/whatevs, I just have to show-up places to be subjected to that shizzle, and plenty of people are 'threatened' by me and this 'ere blog, etc, but it is their own guilt that drives their discomfort...(and according to this, you can discuss these people and their actions in printed media, eg, a newspaper or a flyer in people's letterboxes, etc, and you can also apparently say whatevs on the radio, but just not "on the Internet or by any electronic means"-Ed)...well spotted...(which again, specifically targets this 'ere blog as being your sole means of communication-Ed)...indeed...(because you're effectively/actually banned from mainstream media, particularly local media-Ed)...and most particularly the ABC...(well quite, hence no need to mention them in these 'Orders'-Ed)...well quite, it's all abit obvious really, isn't it...(nah, mate, absolutely no corrupt collusion here, none at all, mate-Ed)...   

And I chastise myself for not reading these 'Orders' properly because it does say on the attached page, under IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT, that;
     1) Non-compliance with the order may render you liable to a term of imprisonment.
...which I already knew because Magistrate White repeatedly threatened me with that in Court...(along with almost daily threats about your supposed 'Contempt of Court'-Ed)...well exactly...but also under INTTD, what I hadn't noticed because I'd just skimmed through these 'official' copies of the Final Intervention Orders just enough to see that they mimicked the "ludicrous" drafts, then chucked them on the voluminous pile of Defamation Threats, Contempt of Court threats, etc, what I had missed until just now, literally today, is where it says;
     4) A copy of evidence that was relied upon to make the order may be obtained from
         the Registry. I can't wait to get that 'evidence'...(but it doesn't exist, there is none-Ed)...well exactly, so I can't wait to see how it is SAPol and Magistrate White justify these reprehensibly vile 'Orders'...

Tomorrow: Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Pool Lies

And yeah, I know I've promised this stuff before too, but I'm gettin' there, slowly...also, when SAPol dropped by yesterday, they showed me the allegedly offending coupla' words from their copy of the entire post Liberal MP Tony Pasin's Intimately Complicit Role in The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, from 26th August 2018, as copied from this 'ere blog...given that SAPol are saying that those few words are 'inappropriate', I have gone to that post and 'removed' them...I've given this a lot of thought and consider this the responsible thing to do given what SAPol have said...clearly I am not trying to hide or remove anything because SAPol already have a 'copy' of the post, etc, so changing/removing what I've been told is wrong is simply a genuinely appropriate response to that 'allegation'...I'll also briefly explain on said post... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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