Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Donald Trump Plays Around With His Small White Balls

Golf people, we're talking about golf, get ya' minds outta' the gutter, sheez...(well maybe a gap between the 'A' and the 'round' might help-Ed)...sure, but the point being he was playing golf when John McCain's funeral was held earlier this year...(it's a bit like putting an extra gap into a 'Royal Family' title-Ed) so?...(well they become the Duke and Duchess of Sus sex-Ed)...mmm, big fan of the Royals aren't cha'?...(not particularly-Ed)...yes, well, I'm sure you have your reasons...anyhoos, it's a big TMGI howdy to 'Unknown Region', Brazil, India, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and a big shout-out especially to Poland, czes'c' and witam...(whaaa?-Ed)...well the Googles reckon that that's how you say 'howdy' and 'welcome' in Polish...(well I'll be cholernie-Ed)...indeed...and of course howdy to y'all else out there...(speaking of 'out there', how are you going you Big Loose Unit?-Ed)...just super, thanks for asking...anyhoos, now that we're done with the pleasantries, let's get stuck into that serial-lying, pontificating, orange buffoon known in some circles as the President of the United States of America...(the poster boy for everything that's wrong with White privilege in the USofA-Ed)...well indeed, for privilege in general, but indeed his bare-faced Rascism warrants the inclusion of 'White' in that summation...

A few months back, 25th August 2018, John McCain passed away after stopping treatment for Cancer, and it led to a flurry of repeats of the extraordinarily abusive comments by that gibbering moron Donald Trump, serial liar, bragging sexual-assaulter, and rancid rascist...(Donald Trump, "with the body of a roll-top desk and the mind of a duck"?-Ed)...what have you got against ducks, Ed?...(nothing, they're delicious-Ed)...riiight, anyhoos, if for some reason y'all haven't already been subjected to l'il Donnie's vile denigration about John McCain's years as a Vietnamese prisoner of war, just Google it...whatever you think of the USofA and it's conduct in Vietnam, the fact remains that John McCain was shot-down over Hanoi, beaten and tortured, etc, and even refused early release because of his commitment to his comrades and his politics aside, his conduct as an individual was extraordinary and an absolute credit to his country...and then there's Donald Trump...

And I quote, "He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured"...(ooo, strewth, where is itttt, come on, aghhh, LANGUAGE WARNING-Ed)...damn straight, Language Warning, because you Donald Trump, are an absolute fucking arsehole not fit to wipe the dirt from John McCain's boots, you rancid sack-a-crap...come to Mt Gambier and say that shizzle to my face, and on behalf of my ancestors, I will bitch-slap you clean into next week...I have literally never raised my hand to another human being, but in your case, I'm more than prepared to make an exception, and to wear the appropriate are a fucking disgrace and an embarrassment to your country...

I genuinely never wish actual harm to anyone, been through that stuff before on this 'ere blog, eg, I don't want the rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile politician Rory McEwen to do anything other than rot for decades in gaol where he belongs, etc, etc, but I think it's more than appropriate to point-out that in the week that absolute legend Aretha Franklin and 'hero' John McCain both died, Donald Trump didn't...(ouch-Ed)...nah, fuck 'im, what an absolute arsehole...

(Oops, Language Warning, sorry-Ed)...nah, that's all the swearing for this post...End Language Warning... cheers Ed and apologies dear availees, but if I take issue with rancidly corrupt Pro-Paedophile politicians like Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rob Kerin, Peter Gandolfi, Tony Pasin, Julie Bishop, Julia Gillard...(and the Mt Gambier City Councillor you're supposedly not allowed to name because of those rancidly Pro-Paedophile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' as handed-down by the rankly Pro-Paedophile corrupt Magistrate Ian White-Ed)...yeah, both of them, Rob Lucas, Vicki Chapman, etc, etc, etc, et al, if I have nothing but abject contempt for these alleged people, then I despise and loathe that fat sack-a-crap called Donald Trump...

Given my family history of involvement in global conflicts, it is absolutely a personal slight to me and my kin when that leering orange idiot makes such abusive statements about a prisoner of war, any prisoner...(even the USofA's own prisoners in Guantanemo Bay and elsewhere?-Ed)...if they are genuine prisoners of war, certainly, to many people the USofA were/are the 'terrorists' in Vietnam, Iraq, etc, eg, in Vietnam it's known as 'The American War' and that followed The French War, etc...(well that's a huge discussion about a range of issues that we here at TMGI are simply not qualified to engage in-Ed)...absolutely, which is why we are acknowledging these 'positions' but not stating as fact what is right or wrong...(fair enough-Ed)...but there is no doubting the vileness and cowardice of Donald Trump as evidenced by his denigration of 'The Last American Hero'...(and no offence to those currently serving-Ed)...indeed, and it could be rightly argued that hopefully there never is any need for Another American Hero...(or for any hero of any persuasion-Ed)...indeed, may we live in a world that doesn't need heroes...

And that's where Donald Trump is particularly offensive and derogatory toward his own 'military'...(except when it suits him to ramp-up the gross Nationalism stuff-Ed)...well quite, and it's all about Free Speech until someone quietly Takes A Knee in a deeply respectful protest against exactly the sort of Rascism that defines Donald, then Free Speech is traitorous...(and when you disagree with him you're Fake News, or an appalling person and you get your press pass cancelled, etc, but he's all-over Fox News who are appallingly biased to the point of deceitful, but when it's pro-Trump deceit, that's just terrific-Ed)...absolutely, and on and on it goes, including the latest extraordinary doctored footage of a female staffer trying to grab a microphone from a journalist, and Trump spokesperson Sarah Huckerby deliberately misrepresenting that incident as the journo 'inappropriately touching the young woman'...(whilst Huckerby's also defending the latest hissy-fit of serial groper Donald Trump-Ed)...truly, is there anything more depressing than watching a woman lie about the supposed assault of another woman, whilst speaking for a man who assaults women...(it is very, very sad-Ed)...

Operation Fretful how we at TMGI choose to belittle and denounce Donald Trump's blatantly Rascist and Nationalistic manipulation of the Refugee Caravan currently somewhere in Southern Mexico, 'Operation Faithful Patriot' better example of the rancid deceits that Donald is prepared to commit in sewing and cementing the Divides of Discontent that got him elected in the first place...deploying thousands of USofA troops to 'defend the border' from a rag-tag group of mostly women and children who won't actually get there for weeks...(if at all-Ed)...indeed, and that deployment and associated Nationalistic pulpit thumping was all in the name of ramping-up fear and loathing to bolster his chances in the USofA Mid Term elections...(there's clearly no amount of damage that he isn't willing to foist upon his own nation so long as it works for him politically-Ed)...absolutely, rancidly deceitful Nationalism used against his own nation...(and what the shreck is a 'Faithful Patriot'? it's like saying 'Betraying Traitor', only stupider-Ed)...hyperbolic Nationalism needs not reason or rationale, it is just what it is...

Just for the record, my great-grandfather landed with the New Zealanders at Gallipoli, Turkey, was wounded and evacuated, and went on to serve on the Western great-grandfather is/was a Gallipoli ANZAC...his son, my grandfather, Pops, was a RAF Group Captain, who flew Hurricanes/Spitfires in the Battle of France then just prior to the Battle of Britain, was briefly withdrawn from service as one of only a handful of critically important test pilots, then went on to run airfields in the Pacific Theatre with/for the Americans, whilst also flying combat missions, etc, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his service...he was/is one of New Zealand's most decorated and famous fighter any time, he could have been shot-down and ended-up as a POW with either the Nazis or the Japanese...

My other grandfather was a teenage Scottish immigrant (to Australia) who a few short years laterended-up back in the trenches of Tobruk with the AIF, a 'Rat of Tobruk', and fought in various European campaigns, nearly all of them 'withdrawals', and then in New Guinea, etc...his larrikin nature saw him repeatedly promoted to Corporal as his comrades were killed-off, but then also repeatedly busted back to Private because of his 'un-military conduct' of insubordination, a brief AWOL, etc...(errr, "AWOL"?-Ed)...'Absent Without Leave', for going on a drunken bender with a coupla' mates, then spent a coupla' weeks in Gladstone Gaol, South Australia...his best mate was killed first night in Tobruk when they landed in the dark and accidentally went through their own poorly defined front line and straight out into no-man's land...his mate, the squad leader, was shot through the head at close range and Pops and the rest fought all night just to get back into their lines...they got back alive but then spent 2 more days fighting back to that spot to retrieve his mate's body...

Graphic Content Warning:...when they got to his body, my grandfather grabbed him by the ankles to drag him back, but the body had decomposed and both feet 'came-away' in his hands...they then rolled the body into a blanket, and it was eventually repatriated to his family in Adelaide...that family wrote to my grandfather thanking him for 'returning' their son, and my father bears his name...that's what real war is and that's what real people endure and achieve and remember...and then there's Donald Trump, what a bloody disgrace...when it suits him it's rancid Nationalism, and when it doesn't, it's open denigration of one of the USofA's genuine 'heroes'...given they both served in multiple theatres/campaigns, either of my grandfathers could have been a Prisoner of War with either the Nazis or Japanese...particularly Papa, who, as a pilot, could easily have found himself in near-identical circumstances to John McCain...

And I have had the extraordinary privilege of looking into the eyes of these gentle men on the very few occasions that either ever spoke of their journeys through war, and I have seen the realities dwelling within, for they never once spoke in terms of glory or triumph, never once gloated or denigrated their 'enemies', they only ever spoke in terms of empathy and tragedy and enormous loss, the loss of good men, on both sides...and so in my darkest and most fearful moments I look at what it is I oppose and why I am in the 'trouble' I am in, and for the all the chronic fuck-ups I may be as a deeply flawed human being, I hold my head-up with pride that maybe, just maybe, if I go this way for a dozen life-times, then just maybe I might be some small part the sort of 'heroes' my grandfather's are...and then there's Donald Trump...vale John McCain...but it doesn't end there...     

Because in Oz we are escalating the rancid manipulations of Nationalism and of Remembrance Day and ANZAC Day, etc, and nothing more indicative than the near $500million we're about to spend on a massive expansion of the Canberra War Memorial so that pontificating politicians have somewhere pretty to pompously ponce-about self-promoting with poppies in their lapels...(and aren't we spending $100m+ on some memorial if France?-Ed)...ah yeah, of course, and constantly dragging schoolkids into it, etc, etc, but what are we spending on actually helping veterans and their families?...(look at what SA Rann/Weatherill Labor did in closing the specifically designated Daw Pk Repatriation Hospital, yet they would always go to services, etc, whack-in a poppy, and then harp-on about the importance of veterans, etc-Ed)...well precisely, and do we teach the kiddies the truth about ANZAC and Gallipoli, how we were sent as minions of Empire to invade a sovereign nation, Turkey, because the English hierarchy 1) had their eyes on the land and the oil, etc, and 2) used the ANZACs as cannon fodder who would distract the Turks from other parts of the Dardenelles where English troops could then land more we teach the kiddies that?...(do we teach the kiddies that the British Royal family are all German and have been since the late 1800s?-Ed)...I'm sure we do, every time we report what hat Meaghan's wearing with her super-stylish frock...    

And if y'all are getting some sense of my rampant displeasure at the mindless Socio-manipulation of the recent Harry and Meaghan Show Down Under, spare a thought as I do for the young man himself...wouldn't want to be in his shoes for quids...not the least bit interested in Meaghan or Kate or Kate's sister with the hot arse, apparently, or which Windsor is marrying what Commoner, etc, etc, but this is a young man who lost his mother at a very young age, in terrible circumstances, amid a swirl of rumours and conspiracy theories and slavering eulogising that continues even today...for all the things I see wrong with the 'Royal Family', there is still a place for quiet humanity and empathy...

A Joke In Very Poor Taste:...because I found it ironically hilarious that the 'un-authorised biography of Princess Diana (Spencer) and the story of her death', etc, that book was reportedly "not sanctioned" by 'the Queen' (Diana's mother-in-law Queen Elizabeth)...(why is that ironically hilarious?-Ed)...because whilst the book about Diana's death wasn't sanctioned by the Queen, there are plenty of people who reckon that the 'killing' was...(are you referring to the conspiracy/rumour/theory/reports that Diana's death was not an accident but actually a 'killing' as ordered/sanctioned by the Royal family?-Ed)...indeed, reports/conspiracies that revolve around Diana's apparent impending plans to remarry and/or supposed pregnancy, etc, etc...(yeah, sure, but some say it was a 'hit' on her beau Dodi Fayed, possibly related to his father's business dealings-Ed)...well quite, a litany of rumour, innuendo, and conspiracy, but the bottom-line was that 2 young men, William and Harry, lost their mother, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone...

And so it is that, despite my intense dislike of this loathsome spotted reptile, I don't want to see some idiot literally taking pot-shots at Donald Trump, but I do want to see him impeached and disgraced and humiliated, humiliated and belittled much the way he does to others from the privileged position of the Ivory Tower of his father's I said, send him to Mt Gambier to face a few simple truths across the table from a Large Angry Hippy, in a context where he can't threaten me with lawyers or ban me or sack me, etc...(indeed, set him down in any situation where he can't just hide behind abuse and threats, and he's fundamentally screwed, because he's just a blustering buffoon-Ed)...and unfortunately many others are emboldened by his brazen bigotry and selfishness and pride-in-ignorance, etc, and you don't have to look much further than the Mt Gambier City Councillor who I'm not allowed to identify because of those rancidly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', someone who I have personally witnessed repeatedly berate and denigrate Disabled People, using the justification that "I'm sick of Political Correctness"...nasty, angry, vile li'l person...(yeah, but I think that person is just like that anyway, doesn't need any encouragement-Ed)...yeah, fair point...  

Tomorrow: More "Bizarre Trial" Stuff 

Where-in I am supposedly 'allowed/entitled to' a copy of the evidence that was tabled in Court relative to those disgraceful 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', that is, the 'evidence' used to apply for and justify those vile 'Orders'...(but I thought you said there wasn't any evidence, not any tabled/presented in Court, none even discussed, indeed, none actually exists because you've never done anything to warrant any sort of 'Restraining Order'-Ed)...exactly correct Ed, not a single SAPol (police) report or any sort of incident, well certainly not anything initiated by me...(are you referring to the lie-riddled Affidavit that the ABC submitted against you, that deceitfully and deliberately grossly misrepresents your last 'visit' to the ABC where-in you were the one abused and threatened?-Ed)...for example...(the Affidavit that you proved to Magistrate Teresa Anderson was so erroneous/problematic that Her Honour granted your request for associated info and issued a Court Summons to the ABC, that Affidavit?-Ed)...that's the one...(and what about MGCC's Full Meeting September 2017 when 2 Councillors and 2 MGCC employees abused and threatened you in the foyer?-Ed)...well I'd say attempted to abuse and threaten me because it all went a bit wrong for them, but sure, that was only one of many similar incidents...(and wasn't Councillor Who Must Not Be Named, aren't they a serial offender?-Ed)...yep, rude, abusive, corrupt, ugly li'l human being who has repeatedly bailed me up and tried to 'start something', albeit without success...

Oh, and in case I haven't mentioned it, where the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White has changed the ludicrously inept and farcically error-riddled SAPol Prosecution's 'Charge Sheet', on behalf of his mates at SAPol, where he's changed those 'Charges' from being supposed breaches of the rancidly Fascist ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b), to simply Section 56 (a)...(no (b)?-Ed) (b), just (a), where-in (b) is 'identifying a complainant' doing that, my mate Magistrate White has taken all of those '(b)s' and made them non-existent, not least of all the extraordinary 'Count' of me apparently identifying myself as the complainant, which is the sole 'Count' of 'Count 18'...(hang on, are you suggesting that he's changed the Charge Sheet so that that 'Charge' doesn't exist relative to your case, but has then 'Convicted' you of that 'Charge' anyway?-Ed) on, and not suggesting, stating as fact that I have officially been 'Convicted' of a 'Charge' that doesn't officially exist...(it just gets better and better, yeah?-Ed)...can't stop laughing...    

And some more stuff about this ludicrous Community Centre that isn't just a pool but also a creche and a cafe and a gym and a convention centre and a band venue for the youths and ghee whiz, golly, it's just everything to everyone, apparently...and Mt Gambier City Council is spending ludicrous amounts of Ratepayer's dollars on flash coloured banners draped-about town, and info stalls being staffed by Council's $200,000 per annum 'Managers', and this vacuously manipulative and extraordinarily expensive 'Postal Vote', etc, etc, etc...  

I am Nick Fletcher and despite what some may think this 'ere blog is The Harsh Reality that trumps the Fake News...(and it's yours-Ed)...sorry?...(and it's yours, it's your blog-Ed)...oh yeah yeah, this here blog is my blog...cheers and laters...

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