Monday, November 19, 2018

More Of The Vickie Chapman ICAC Circuitous Circus

Here we shreckin' go...howdy y'all in Ukraine, the USofA, India, and Mexico, and right here in the jolly ol' South East of covered back in September 2018, the debasco (debacle tail-ends a fiasco) has just kicked-off again with South Australian Liberal Attorney General Vicki Chapman and her apparent supposed breach of the exact same section of the SA Independent Commission Against Corruption Act what I done be 'Convicted' of back in February-April 2018 by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...and as per usual, if y'all have some sort of problem with me describing Magistrate White as "rankly corrupt", please just to be availing ya'selves of any of the many posts on this 'ere blog specific to his outrageous and reprehensibly vile conduct of/in my trial...(you mean the stuff about issuing those "reprehensibly vile" 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'?-Ed)...yep, all that stuff...(and his definable collusion with the serial-lying SAPol Prosecutions?-Ed)...yeah...(and refusing you presenting your "Malicious Prosecution' submission before then stating that 'there is no St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up'?-Ed)...yes, yes, and yes...

So here's a chunk-a-stuff stright from The Advertiser, but not before we'all go for a wee traipse back in time to early 2005 and the extraordinary circus that was the ousting of Peter Lewis, the then Speaker of the SA House of Assembly, and as was hounded-out of that position by the SA Parliament, Labor Government and Liberal Opposition in absolutely resolute partnership, and all for attempting to expose the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the SA Parliament...(woooweeeeooooweewoooo-Ed)...why are you wobbling-about and making that weird noise?...(because it's the thing you do when going back back back back...woooeeeoooo...try it-Ed)...woooweeeoooo...(ok, excellent, and now do the wobbling-Ed)....weewoooo...(see, there you go, back back back back-Ed)...and picture if you will a Large Bald Angry Hippy about to re-enter the SA Parliament building from the side courtyard, and in the company of a 'Child Protection Volunteer' working with Peter Lewis, and a LBAH who is slightly vagued-out due to the Radiotherapy he'd had earlier that day...(it's almost as if I'm there-Ed)...anyhoos, the pair approach the door, the CPV to the left, LBAH to the right, and a small, rat-faced individual rushes at them from the right, coming from the small laneway out to North Tce...

As stated many times previous, I've literally never raised my hand to another person in my entire life, but on this occasion I thought that the CPV was about to be assaulted, again, and was aware that just trying to grab this person probably wouldn't stop them as they were already right there next to me, so in the moment I decided to body-check them, hip and shoulder style, hard, and right into the wall...fortunately for him, this person pulled-up just short of me and started mouthing-off at the CPV, "I'm gunna' find out who you are and expose you", etc, etc...(what an angry li'l rat-faced man-Ed)...indeed, and as it turns out, it was our mate Nigel Hunt from The Advertiser threatening to do exactly what The Advertiser frequently does, attack the messenger...(didn't they print an article in January 2005 on behalf of the Lutherans, completely refuting any and all allegations about the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...indeed they did...(and then refuse to print any sort of article presenting families' views?-Ed)...that be they, yes...anyhoos, on that day in the courtyard, Parliament House very nearly ended-up with a Nigel Hunt shaped alcove slammed into it...(do you think he realises how close he came to being a permanent fixture?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs...

(And back to the present and didn't our mate Nigel also bob-up in the recent TV series, Adelaide: City of Evil?-Ed)...ah yes, he surely did...(and didn't you say that his appearance was a farcical continuation of the relentless denial of realities around The Family Murders?-Ed)...well that program did the traditional 'Address The Realities Only To Allow Dismissing Them' routine, and our man Nigel was right there amongst it...everybody who grew-up in Adelaide has known/knows that a group of people known as 'The Family' were/are responsible for the rape/torture murders of young men in Adelaide, as covered in City of Evil, where-in Nigel straight-out stated that 'it's not true'...(wow-Ed)...indeed, not exactly sure why we needed to have that series/program at all...(other than for absolute stooge Nigel Hunt to come on there and say 'no such thing as The Family'-Ed)...well quite, that's pretty much what it looked like...anyhoos, believe what you will, to my experience, Nigel Hunt is a li'l Pro-Paedophile stooge like so many before and/or around him, particularly at The Advertiser...(has The Advertiser reported any aspect of your "bizarre trial" on the exact legislation that is covered in these attached articles?-Ed)...nope, not a single word...

So, whilst I'd rather not give him any exposure at all, here's what our mate Nigel has to say about the re-emergence of the now ongoing fiasco with the SA Attorney General Vickie Chapman clearly breaching the exact same piece of ludicrously Fascist legislation that I have been 'Convicted' of back in February-April 2018, after a 39 month "bizarre trial", etc, etc...(is that the truly farcical and totally undefinable ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a) and/or (b)?-Ed)...yes, that's it...again, rather than quote stuff, I've just pasted across the full articles...***         

Anti-Corruption detectives are conducting a probe into whether Attorney-General Vickie Chapman has breached the strict secrecy provisions of the ICAC Act.
The Advertiser can reveal detectives have launched a preliminary assessment of the matter and are currently examining the available evidence.
Once that assessment has been finalised a decision on whether or not a full investigation is warranted will be made by senior officers.
A source said the assessment was expected to be concluded “in coming weeks”.
Investigators were in the process of examining a public statement made by Ms Chapman concerning an ICAC investigation involving Renewal SA executives, a response from Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander QC and legal opinions commissioned by both the Government and Opposition concerning the possible breach of the ICAC Act.

Anti-Corruption detectives are conducting a probe into whether Attorney-General Vickie Chapman has breached the strict secrecy provisions of the ICAC Act.
Police Commissioner Grant Stevens on Wednesday night declined to comment on the matter.
Confirmation of the unprecedented police activity will place further pressure on Ms Chapman, who came under intense questioning from the Opposition in state Parliament on Tuesday over the controversy.
Ms Chapman, who was on Wednesday sworn in as Acting Premier, declined to comment on the development, but said she stood by previous statements she had made on the matter.
Opposition legal affairs spokesman Kyam Maher on Wednesday night said “this is now an extraordinary set of circumstances”.
“A probe of this nature clearly compromises the ability of the state’s first law officer to do her job,’’ he said.
In the days after the controversy erupted the Opposition called for Ms Chapman to stand down while police conducted a full investigation into the matter.
The controversy is likely to come under further scrutiny next Tuesday when Mr Lander appears before Parliament’s Crime and Public Integrity Committee.
The police assessment is examining the actions of Ms Chapman on September 27 when she revealed details of an ICAC investigation involving executives from Renewal SA.
Under the strict provisions of the ICAC Act, the fact Mr Lander is conducting an investigation cannot be revealed, unless he issues an exemption authorising such a publication.
The penalty for breaching that provision of the ICAC Act is a $30,000 fine.
The day after Ms Chapman’s statement, Mr Lander recounted details surrounding his dealings with Ms Chapman prior to her statement.

Opposition legal affairs spokesman Kyam Maher.

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Bruce Lander, QC.

“Yesterday afternoon I received a request to speak to the Attorney-General by telephone,’’ he said in response to media questions.
“My recollection of the subsequent conversation is that any statement made by the Attorney would not include reference to the ICAC and that the Attorney would say publicly that neither she nor the Government could comment.
“I told her that I would not be making a statement. After I became aware of the Attorney’s statement I requested my chief executive to communicate with the Attorney’s office in relation to my recollection of the conversation.
“I was not intending to make a statement but in light of the Attorney’s statement I was of the view that I should state my position and authorise the publication of the Attorney’s public statement.’’
Early last month, the Opposition commissioned retired Federal Court judge Raymond Finkelstein QC to provide a legal opinion on whether or not Ms Chapman had breached the ICAC Act.
His legal opinion found that under the Act, Mr Lander cannot give retrospective exemption from the secrecy laws it contains.
“It is clear that the Commissioner cannot retrospectively authorise a disclosure of information which suggests a person is being investigated,’’ his opinion states.
“The plain language of the provisions indicates that it is limited to the grant of prior authorisation of a disclosure or publication.
“Importantly, it is difficult to see what purpose would be served by construing the power to be retrospective.
“If the disclosure has caused harm, either to an individual or to the conduct of an investigation, that harm would not be undone by a retrospective authorisation.”
Ms Chapman has refused to release Crown law advice she has commissioned, which she said had found she had not breached the Act.
“I have read that advice, I have considered it, I have accepted it and I am satisfied that there has been no breach of the Act or offence against it,” she told Parliament last month.

***...and then there's this bit below from a coupla' days later...there's also been a heap of stuff in The Advertiser paper-printed version, as referenced below in 'blue'...(so these two articles are from their on-line thingy?-Ed)...yes, and I'll copy and print some of the paper-printed stuff as well, soon...*** 

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman vows to overhaul ICAC secrecy laws, rejects claims she broke the law

Clunky secrecy laws surrounding the workings of ICAC will be overhauled next year as Attorney-General Vickie Chapman continues to reject claims she has broken the law.
Ms Chapman said the ICAC Act was outdated and vowed the Government would review it once legislation allowing ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander to hold public maladministration and misconduct hearings had passed.
The Advertiser this week revealed police were carrying out a preliminary assessment of evidence to determine whether Ms Chapman had breached this Act, before deciding on whether to pursue a full investigation.
Ms Chapman has previously said the Government was “not opposed” to amending the Act but told The Advertiser on Friday she agreed with media criticism of the laws.

Attorney-General Vickie Chapman continues to reject claims she has broken the law, as she vowed to overhaul secrecy laws surrounding the workings of ICAC.
“I agree and I think the community agrees that there’s a long list of things that need to be reviewed,” she said.
Ms Chapman continued to refuse to reveal the discussions she had with Mr Lander before releasing a statement on September 27 linking ICAC with the absence of two Renewal SA executives, saying she would not “breach confidentiality”.
The mysterious absence of the two executives also was revealed by The Advertiser.
Mr Lander later that day issued a statement allowing media to publish Ms Chapman’s comments.
But Labor subsequently asked police to investigate whether she had broken the law by not obtaining his permission in advance.
Ms Chapman said she would co-operate with any police inquiries but maintained her legal advice said there was no breach.
She also denied there was “any inconsistency” between her recollection of the phone conversation and Mr Lander’s. Mr Lander later released a statement saying his recollection of the conversation with Ms Chapman was that she would not reference ICAC.
Ms Chapman said she’d made her position “absolutely clear”. “(Labor) keep asking the same questions and we keep giving the same answers,” she said.
Labor justice spokesman Kyam Maher said the Opposition would look at any ICAC Act overhaul but the Attorney-General had to comply with the law.
Ms Chapman has resisted Opposition calls to stand down while the probe is under way and has refused to canvass whether a finding of a breach would make her position untenable.

***...I do note where it says here that 'Labour referred to SAPol (police)' but it was my understanding that any such investigation would be at the direction of My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...this 'Labor referral' opens the possibility that it was someone other than Bruce Lander who instigated my "bizarre trial"...(didn't you ascertain who it was who 'reported' you during your "bizarre trial"?-Ed)...well in that context, sure, it did appear to be Bruce Lander, but remember that SAPol, ICAC, and the ABC refused to provide vast amounts of 'evidence', including who it was 'complained/reported' me, so whilst that remains my belief, I'm technically unable to state exactly who it was...(just like a real trial-Ed)...not really... 

Tomorrow: More Of That "Bizarre Trial"

Just gunna' post this and get on with my day and dealing with the ongoing non-answering of my multiple letters/emails to AG Vickie Chapman as I attempt to lodge a proper 'Appeal Application Process Thingy', still stalled due to the AG's and/or Chief Magistrate's refusal to provide me recordings/transcripts of my own "bizarre trial"...(and/or the unanswered letters to the Dept of Corrections about why they won't accept your Disability Support Pension stuff and are trying to force you into a situation they know is "unsafe" for you-Ed)...indeed, and my current correspondence with the Courts Administration Authority as I try to access the 'evidence' supposedly tabled in Court to justify my reprehensibly vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'...(and your attempts to re-establish a Mental Health Plan as directed by Corrections-Ed)...yeah, all that too...(heard any more about your supposed 'breach' of those reprehensibly vile 'Orders'?-Ed)...not yet, but the cops who came to my home 2 weeks ago did say it could be a coupla' months...(ya' know, one could be forgiven for thinking that all of these people/officials/authorities are finding it a lot easier to just ignore you rather than untangle their own web of conflicting accounts and outright corruption-Ed)...indeed, albeit there are those just caught-up in the bureaucratic fall-out zone as the corruption rains down on them from their superiors/bosses, one could very well be forgiven for thinking exactly that...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and it looks like I have another terrific week ahead...(is it just me, or is it that every time you say 'hang on, that's not right', everything seems to go to heck-in-a-hand-basket?-Ed)...again, one could very well be forgiven for thinking exactly that...(and is it because you're such a Machiavellian genius, or just that the whole thing, the entire "Malicious Prosecution" is so farcically convoluted and fundamentally corrupt that it constantly trips itself up?-Ed)...well I'd love to take all of the credit, and as proud as I am of what I have achieved in pushing back against this perpetual avalanche of Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, it is mostly your second point, and every time someone gets held to account or even just questioned, the glaringly corrupt realities rear-up in their face and it gets just way too difficult...

Anyhoos, like I said, I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog and cheers y'all dear availees and laters... 

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