Sunday, October 28, 2018

Accessing Mental Health Services In Mt Gambier - Hopefully My Conspirital Paranoia, Not The Traumatising Reality

Howdy dear availees in the Seychelles, France, Indonesia, and Singapore, and of course all of ya's here in the South East of SA, gidday one and all, and welcome to a longish post, but there's several attached letters that are quite spread-out, so it's not really super-long,'s now Sunday arvo' at the end of the worst week I've had in many, many years, and I covered a lot of this stuff in the previous post about the rancid Pro-Paedophile manipulation and deceits of the Child Abuse Royal Commission...(you mean the farcical Federal CARC that ran for 5 years and refused to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up even after several families provided lengthy written submissions with supporting documentation?-Ed)...that's the one, rejected us and our carefully documented submissions about the abuses our 7 year-old children had been subjected to by their St Martins Lutheran School teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002...(so, officially refused to look at St Martins?-Ed)...yep...(before going-on to not ask the Lutherans one single question?-Ed)...that's them, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that refused to ask the Lutherans a single question...

And even if you somehow manage to convince ya'self that that failure to ask the Lutherans a single question and then barely mention them in it's Final Report, if you can somehow believe that that is just an unfortunate oversight by the FCARC, that self-deluding denial is put to the sword by the reality that the FCARC abjectly refused to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, rejecting multiple submissions...which leads me to ask...  

Who's Apologising To The Dozens Of Junior Primary Kids Glyn Dorling Abused At St Martins Lutheran School?

Who Is Apologising To The St Martins Kids That The FCARC Rejected?

Who Is Going To 'Financial Redress Scheme' The St Martins Kids That The FCARC Rejected?

And that's why I loathingly condemn the corruptly farcical FCARC and Julia Gillard for her cynical manipulation of deeply traumatised people...this FCARC was all about getting ahead of the increasing 'Social Media' exposure of the rankly Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines Religion and Politics in this sick nation, and it has quite deliberately, cynically manipulated deeply traumatised abuse victims to achieve that...and again, I invite dear availees to prove me wrong, 'cos gourd knows I truly wish I was, but trawl through the FCARC's own Final Report and it's Interim Reports, like I have, go wherevs, read whatevs, and ultimately all you'll manage to do is prove this confronting reality for ya'selves...(yes, well that's all very relevant I'm sure, given the ludicrous carry-on about how fantastic the Commission and/or Gillard are, etc, but how does that relate to the title of this 'ere post?-Ed)...ah, I was gettin' there, eventually, but thanks for the nudge...

Largely as a result of the public abuse and general denigration I've been subjected to by various Lutherans and/or people involved with St Martins, all loaded-up on top of the base trauma of the abuse of my child at St Martins and the way that the Lutherans have covered-up that abuse...(with the unwavering support of SAPol (police) and the Crown Solicitor and SA Labor and Liberals, in fact, the SA Parliament et al, and the Teachers Registration Board, and rancidly corrupt lawyers like Peter Humphries and your bestie Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah all of that that we include under the heading, The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, after suffering through all of that for a decade, I was shoved on to the Disability Support Pension several years ago, officially diagnosed with debilitating Agoraphobia and chronic Depression and Anxiety...

Now it's well known how difficult even onerous an exercise it is to be 'granted' the DSP, and that in and of itself somewhat quantifies how 'unwell' I've the other extreme, people regularly comment as to my extraordinary strength that I can endure such massive trauma and abuse, etc, and yet still even function as a vaguely coherent person, let-alone one whom maintains a genuine sense of humour...and particularly given that it's not like that abuse and denigration pf me is historical, as evidenced by the truly sad individuals like MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh and his pig-ignorant acolytes whom he repeatedly deceives, manipulates and winds-up on his "ambulance chaser" sadly mis-informed and easily manipulated as these people are, and I truly do find it far more 'saddening' for them than it upsets or angers me, regardless, they remain a source of constant amusement for others who read their wildly erroneous assertions of fact about my conduct, the 'facts' about my 'Trial', etc, etc...(well if it weren't so sad it would be hilarious-Ed)...and that, Ed, that is exactly my position on the matter....but we digress, sort of...

The broader point I'm making here is thusly, this Agoraphobia stuff, etc, is as current for me today as it was 5-10 years ago, albeit, I have come a long, long way in fighting-back against it and 'armouring' myself against it, etc, and I've covered a lot of this stuff in recent posts...(you mean like the repeated confrontations, harassment and abuse of MGCC Councillor's, eg, when Cr Frank 'The Jellyfish Who Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello bailed you up outside the September 2017 Council Full Meeting, threatened and abused you, and then Cr Mark Lovett, 'Manager' Nick Serle, and CEO Mark McShane came-out into the foyer area and joined in, and you quietly verbally eviscerated them?-Ed)...yep, just like that...(but then in April this year you encountered both Cr Lynagh and Cr Lovett, within minutes of each other, and you didn't need to say a word, didn't even feel the need to say a word, etc?-Ed)...exactly, all that stuff, because 1) I've been 'fighting' so long that it's become almost second nature, and 2) by 'fighting' I've established such a vast foundation of un-challengeable realities that I don't need to say a single word...

I am absolutely so proud of myself that I have 'fought' to a place where I don't need to say a word and I'm the one holding my head up and walking down the middle of the footpath, etc, and it's CEO McShane and Lynagh and Lovett and their ilk, they're the ones lookin' at the ground and not daring to utter a bloody word...(get in my son-Ed)...but it remains a daily 'confrontation' that I literally cannot leave my li'l abode without encountering one or more of these charming individuals, and that's why, for all I have achieved, and largely without help, that's why the Agoraphobia stuff is a constant for me...(and beyond that of course, is the constant discourse in the media about Child Abuse and the Royal Commission, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, and particularly this last coupla' weeks...

And on top of all of that was the breaking news this week that a Mt Gambier man has been "charged...with persistent sexual exploitation of a child"...and of course, because it's apparently known across the community because those involved wrote a letter asking for other people involved to keep quiet, etc, I've had people coming to me telling me who and where...but I first was asked/informed about this because Josh 'Ambulance Chaser' Lynagh put it on his Limestone Coast Community News Facebook page, apparently several days before it was 'reported' in The Border Watch newspaper, and apparently as a result of that letter...and I write 'reported' like that because TBW says 'we know all about it but we can't say for legal reasons'...and for that 'legal' reason alone I am not going to name the person or the place...not yet anyway, I'm not gunna' give these bastards the satisfaction of blaming me for a failed prosecution...(that's exactly what I was gunna' caution you about-Ed)...cheers mate, but I'm all over that sortta' bastardry because it's exactly what SAPol, et al, did to us families for talking about Glyn Dorling and the Lutherans...but I do know who and I do know where, and I will rain down on all of them like a rabid shower-a-shite if this doesn't go where it should...I know who you are and you know who I am, and you know that I ain't bluffing...

So with all that going on in the media, I have my own li'l disaster rollin' along with my 260hrs of Community Service and still-stalled attempt to 'Appeal' my rancidly corrupt 'Conviction' for talking about ICAC, etc...and that's where we get to the specifics of today's title, because I know as fact that I ain't the only one suffering through this cynical self-congratulation and relentless manipulation of the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission and the 'Apology', etc, and in the midst of all of that renewed trauma, I am being told that I must attend Community Service, at Corrections Mt Gambier, or else I will be 'breached' and sent back before the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White who 'Ordered' me there in the first place...(is this the Community Service stuff where they're telling you you have to attend at Corrections Mt Gambier's workshop to make toys for the Anglicans to hand-out to the kiddies?-Ed)...yeah, the shreckin' Anglicans with their very current, very many issues of Child Abuse and Cover-ups, I'm supposed to go and make toys for them to hand-out to the kiddies...(wow, that's just wrong on so many levels-Ed)...well indeed it is, and others have noted exactly that, but it's only the deeply hypocritical end-point of the broader issue...

Also as others have put it to me, they are gob-smacked that I would be forced into a workshop with "the paedophiles, rapists, wife-bashers, and meth-heads from Mt Gambier Gaol", particularly given my "long history of activism on the paedophile stuff"...(it is extraordinary-Ed)...and I have put it exactly like that to Corrections Mt Gambier, and the response was "they're not all like that"...(wow-Ed)...indeed Ed, wow, and this is where the Agoraphobia stuff really kicks-off for me...but, despite the fact that Centrelink have just extended my DSP until at least November 2020, this is apparently "not current enough" for the Dept of Corrections, who refuse to accept that and have repeatedly demanded that I provide a "current Medical Certificate", even though they know that it is not physically possible for me to do so because the requisite 'Mental Health Services' do not exist in Mt Gambier, and even if I could access either Portland or Adelaide, that would be more than a year to get into those services and then multiple appointments to get that 'Medical Certificate'...(wow-Ed)...and that has left me scrambling to try and provide said 'Medical Certificate', with the resultant disaster that I have titled, Accessing Mental Health Services In Mt Gambier - Hopefully My Conspirital Paranoia, Not The Traumatising Reality...what I'm saying is, I'd rather that this 'disaster' were symptomatic of my broader Political Persecution and related "Malicious Prosecution", etc, because I'd rather that than it being a standard disaster that anyone else would encounter in simply trying to access Mental Health Services in Mt Gambier...  

And because I'm so sick and tired of my stuff just 'disappearing' out of my Corrections file, I have taken to putting this in writing, as attached below, and by the Friday, I was so frustrated and concerned that I resorted to faxing my letters just so I could prove that I had written/provided them...(faxed?-Ed)...yeah, according to their letters to me, Corrections Mt Gambier don't have an email address...(odd-Ed)...indeed, but that's why I faxed, well, the second reason I faxed, if you see what I mean...(sure, to prove delivery and because that's the only way-Ed) here's those 3 letters, slightly censored, see ya's in a bit...***

Ms Mignon Bruce
Area Manager, Southern Country Region
Delegate of the Chief Executive
114 Commercial St East
Mount Gambier SA 5290

Dear Ms Bruce,
I refer to your letter of 17th October 2018 (received by post Monday 22nd October 2018) stating that I am “required” and “directed” to attend the Mt Gambier Community Correctional Centre tomorrow, Friday 26th October, to commence my 260 hours of Community Service.

As the Department for Correctional Services is aware, I am currently on the Disability Support Pension, having been diagnosed with debilitating Agoraphobia, Depression, and Anxiety, as Magistrate Ian White was also well aware when he quite inappropriately made this Community Service Order.

The only thing I have been told by Corrections Mt Gambier, and then only verbally, is this ongoing diagnosis is not acceptable to Corrections because “it is not current enough”, despite the fact that the relevant diagnosis and multiple associated issues are an ongoing, daily situation for me.

Please find attached a copy of my latest DSP card from Centrelink, received only last week, clearly identifying that Centrelink accepts that my diagnosis/condition is ongoing and likely to continue for at least the next 2 years, until November 2020.

I have been to Centrelink repeatedly since Magistrate White made this Order, to access my records from them so as to be able to provide that to Corrections, but Centrelink has identified that they cannot direct me to other services, not least of all because those services don't exist locally, nor can they provide me any sort of Medical Certificate despite my ongoing DSP.

As the Department for Correctional Services Mt Gambier is aware it is simply not possible to just “get a more current diagnosis” or even a basic Medical Certificate to excuse me from attendance, because those very specific Mental Health services do not exist in Mt Gambier.

As directed by Corrections Mt Gambier, I am in the process of re-establishing a Mental Health Plan, but am still many months, possibly more than a year away from being 're-assessed' in a manner appropriate to receive any sort of formal 're-diagnosis' and associated formal Medical Certificate.

I refer to the specific Diagnosis Report of my former Counsellor Keith Smith (now deceased) as taken from my original diagnosis that saw Centrelink put me on the DSP in the first place;
      “Mr Fletcher would currently be unsafe in any work environment due to his multiple
       disorders and his verbal behaviours which are displayed when he becomes distressed.”

I have twice provided Corrections Mt Gambier with a copy of this Diagnosis Report (they 'misplaced' the first copy), and please note that it says that I am the one who is “unsafe”, not that I am a danger to others or anything like that, and my “verbal behaviours” are not yelling or threatening or anything like that, it is my habit of quietly challenging what I consider to be unacceptable conduct, language, etc.

As I discussed with Dr *******, it is not appropriate for him to provide me a specific Medical Certificate, he can only do what he is medically and/or legally allowed to do, and that is to help me access more appropriate services, but he has provided me a brief letter outlining my current situation in trying to access those services, copy attached.

Given the circumstances, I consider that it is grossly inappropriate for Magistrate White and/or Corrections to knowingly force me into a situation where I am “unsafe”, particularly in the context where Corrections know that the relevant Mental Health services they direct me to attend/access for a Medical Certificate, are simply unavailable in Mt Gambier.

As explained above, it could take many months before I am able to access/provide a formal Medical Certificate, but that Centrelink are still satisfied that I currently meet the very strict criteria for receiving the Disability Support Pension.

I therefore request that Corrections provide me a Formal Suspension of my Community Service Order until such time as I am able to provide the appropriate Mental Health diagnosis and/or formal Medical Certificate. Unfortunately I cannot say how long that might take, nor can Dr *******, so I can only apply for an interim Suspension, say of at least 3 (three) months.

I can only apologise for leaving this request to today, Thursday 25th October 2018, the day before I have been “directed” to commence Community Service, but as explained above, this is a very complicated and traumatic situation for me and I am doing the best I can in a context where I, the 'patient', are being forced to try and access these Mental Health services that are not available locally.

I have attached my phone number and other contact details below, and will make myself available all day, but respectfully anticipate that Corrections will acknowledge, 1) the ongoing reality of my personal situation, 2) Centrelink's continuation of my DSP, and 3) my genuine attempts to do as I have been directed by Corrections to re-establish a Mental Health Plan, etc, and grant me the requested Interim Formal Suspension for an initial period of 3 months.

***...and that was hand-delivered at 0930hrs Thursday 25th October, and Corrections Mt Gambier left me a phone message at 1720hrs, rejecting my 'application' and telling me to 'show-up tomorrow' as explained further just below...***

Dear Ms Bruce,
As per my letter yesterday, Thursday 25th October 2018, and my application for a Suspension of my Community Service Order as it relates to my diagnosed Agoraphobia, Depression, and Anxiety, and Centrelink's recent renewal of my Disability Support Pension until November 2020.

I hand-delivered that letter to Corrections Mt Gambier along with the letter from my doctor and a copy of my new DSP card, and spoke briefly to my case manager, who stated that she 'did not understand' why my GP would not provide a standard Medical Certificate, stating “we get them all the time”.

My case manager said that she would review my request and get back to me later in the day, but that I also needed to make another appointment with my doctor to get “the appropriate Medical Certificate”.

Immediately after leaving I made that appointment as directed, albeit it's with a different doctor at the same clinic because that's the only appointment that was available; that will be at 0945hrs today, Friday 26th October 2018.

My case manager finally called at 1720hrs yesterday, leaving a message that my request for a Formal Suspension had been denied, and that I must attend this morning.

The lateness of this call denied me any opportunity to take any further action, and I cannot say what the doctor will do today, but due to my 0945hrs appointment I will obviously not be attending at Corrections Mt Gambier at 0900hrs as directed.

This past week with it's multiple Child Abuse issues, eg, the National Apology and the (recent child abuse case referred to above-NF) for 'extended sexual exploitation' of (as above-NF), has been one of the worst I've had for many years, greatly exacerbating my trauma and anxiety issues.

Yesterday I had a massive 'panic attack' when I ran into a local former radio employee who was/is one of many local 'identities' who are complicitly involved in covering-up the gross abuse of my child and dozens of other grade 2 children by their teacher in 2002, (******** ****** *****-NF).

I felt driven to confront that 'identity' about their rank corruption and the massive trauma it has brought into the lives of many families in Mt Gambier, etc, and this is exactly the behaviour referred to in my diagnosis, namely my “verbal behaviours”.

This is exactly the sort of contact and response that causes me such intense trauma and makes me “unsafe” in these very confronting situations.

As per today's doctor appointment, I will contact Corrections Mt Gambier as soon as possible regarding the outcome of my appointment today.

Also, I request a written explanation as to why my Agoraphobia, Depression, and Anxiety diagnosis and Centrelink's related renewal of my Disability Support Pension are considered not relevant and/or “not current enough” for the Dept of Corrections, who are subsequently forcing me into a situation where you/they know that I am “unsafe”, as identified in my original diagnosis.

As described above, it is fundamentally incorrect to state that that diagnosis is “not current enough” because it is an ongoing and daily issue for me, as yesterday's incident traumatically illustrated.

In such a small town, I have similar encounters literally every time I leave the house, and it's the relentlessly inevitable nature of incidents like that that have driven me into the diagnosed Agoraphobia.

How is it appropriate for Dept of Corrections to make what is effectively a medical decision that over-rides and contradicts both my official diagnosis, and Centrelink's continuing acceptance of that diagnosis, particularly given the very strict criteria Centrelink have for the Disability Support Pension?

Again, please provide me written answers to these specific questions, as I only have vague verbal statements about these issues, and that is not good appropriate given the confusion and trauma this situation is causing me.

I have continually done exactly as asked by Corrections Mt Gambier, attended every appointment, even re-established a Mental Health Plan as requested, etc, but none of it is apparently enough.

This letter will be faxed to your contact number (08) 8725 0923 by 0830hrs today, Friday 26th October 2018, as formal notification that I will not be attending at 0900hrs, and as stated, I will contact Corrections Mt Gambier again as soon as I have any further information.

***...a coupla' things removed there, including some personal stuff I'm not posting about...needless to say that I didn't 'confront' the ABC's Stan Thompson, and I'm damn proud of how I ultimately managed that hugely traumatising encounter, deferring as I did to the implications for others directly involved, and walking away without saying a word...(well done sir-Ed)... after that appointment I again wrote/faxed Corrections Mt Gambier...***

Dear Ms Bruce,
As per my letter earlier today Friday 26th October 2018, faxed to your office from a local newsagent at 0822hrs, a fax for which I have retained the dated and timed receipt.

As outlined in my original letter this morning, I have now attended yet another doctor appointment, as I was directed to do by my case manager, who yesterday re-stated that I had to get a Medical Certificate.

As previously explained, my GP has declined to provide any such certificate because they 'are not legally or medically qualified/allowed to do so', stating that I have to wait for the “appropriate” Service Provider to give me any certificate.

As you are aware, this refers to my current efforts to re-establish a Mental Health Plan, again as directed by Corrections Mt Gambier, a process which thus-far has involved multiple GP visits for a referral to a Berri-based psychology service which has a sub-office in Mt Gambier, and to a Melbourne-based psychiatric service.

As Corrections Mt Gambier and my GP are aware, the psychology service has already stated that ultimately they will still not be able (not qualified) to provide any specific (certificate).

As Corrections Mt Gambier are also aware, I am still in the 'triage' stage and when this process formally begins it will take months of appointments for any formal re-diagnosis; and I say re-diagnosis because as Magistrate Ian White and the Dept of Corrections is already aware, I am currently on the Disability Support Pension after being diagnosed with chronic Agoraphobia, Depression and Anxiety.

Yesterday I provided the letter from my GP, as per my appointment from Wednesday 24th October, and my Corrections Mt Gambier case manager rejected it stating that it wasn't good enough and that I needed a proper Medical Certificate, and when I re-explained the GP's refusal to do so, my case manager stated “I don't understand (why)”, continuing that “we get them all the time”, including with cases of Depression, etc.

At today's 'emergency' appointment, a different doctor at the same clinic repeated the exact same explanation/reasoning of my GP, and again refused to provide me any sort of Medical Certificate, not even a certificate for today's visit.

The doctor today cited 'the legal aspects' and involvement of Corrections, stating that my situation was “so complicated”, and then directed me to 'go back to Corrections and get them to contact your GP for further information', as stated/offered in that letter of Wednesday 24th October, a letter already rejected by my case manager.

I specifically identified my case manager's statement that “we get them (Medical Certificates) all the time” and the ensuing direction that I go and get one, but the doctor repeatedly refused, referring me back to my GP and telling me to contact Corrections myself; this conversation went round and round for several minutes.

I expressed my confusion and distress to the doctor and how this increasingly circular and farcical situation was drastically exacerbating rather than resolving my Mental Health issues, but they could only repeat their advice, telling me to contact Corrections and get them to contact my GP.

So that is what I am doing, writing to you to get you to contact my GP, as offered by my GP in that letter 24th October 2018, and who's contact details you already have.

I repeat for the record, Magistrate White and the Dept of Corrections are both fully aware of the hugely negative implications for me in trying to force me into a situation where they both know that I will be “unsafe”, as per my original Agoraphobia diagnosis.

Furthermore, I re-iterate my request from this morning's letter that I immediately be provided with a written explanation as to why my current diagnosis and associated Disability Support Pension status are considered to be irrelevant by the Dept of Corrections.

I also request that all further communications from the Dept of Corrections be in writing, not unspecific and unaccountable phone calls or conversations that say things like 'turn-up or else'.

I remind Corrections Mt Gambier that earlier this year I was verbally told that I had been “breached”, but that that subsequently proved to be incorrect, none of which has been specifically explained to me, and nor have I received an apology for the great distress that caused me; I would also like an explanation of that in writing.

Please follow the instructions I have been given at my 'emergency visit' this morning, and contact my GP, and in the absence/refusal of a Medical Certificate, the clinic will also be able to confirm that I have attended that appointment this morning.


***...(wow-Ed)...yep, wow, being directed to get a Medical Certificate in circumstances where I've been repeatedly refused one, yet directed back there again, with the same result, and then again, with the same result, repeatedly and in a context where my DSP/Agoraphobia stuff is apparently irrelevant, to all involved...and as I say, I'd rather that this were some sort of 'Conspirital Persecution' of me rather than standard procedure in trying to access Mental Health Services...I have immense resilience due to my prolonged exposure to the traumas and official abuse and/or failings, etc, etc, and whilst it really knocks me around and tires me out, etc, there's simply no avoiding that, but I have the experience and endurance to ride it out and to get up and go again...(and again-Ed)...yep...(and again and again-Ed)...yeah, don't labour the point Ed, but imagine if this was happening to someone who was freshly traumatised and/or consumed by their trauma or ill health, etc, how is that poor bastard gunna' negotiate their way through that nonsense?...

Tomorrow: We'll Revisit This Issue Somewhat

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and I ain't kidding, I genuinely hope that my experience is the extreme 'bottom-end' of Mental Health Service Provision in Mt Gambier, but unfortunately, I'm assured that it ain't...and on that sombrely sobering note, cheers and laters...

Oh, PS, I haven't had any response from Dept of Corrections to my 2 letters from Friday...

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