Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Julia Gillard's Intimately Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees...I know we promised various things for this next post, eg, those reprehensibly vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' from the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(actually, I thought we were going to cover the rancid deceits and manipulations of this 'Mt Gambier Indoor Pool' debasco (debacle/fiasco)?-Ed)...indeed, that one too...and we will get to them, but yesterday interrupted our plans...(what, you mean the farcically cynical displays from our wholly disingenuous politicians and this sickly manipulative 'Child Abuse Royal Commission Apology'?-Ed)...yep, that's the one...what a deplorable display of fakely-forced emotion, particularly the disgraceful fake crying from that glassy-eyed god-botherer PM Scott Morrison...you PM, you sir, are a bloody disgrace...(mate, I don't think it's fair to make fun of him because he wears glasses-Ed)...I'm not mate, I'm talking about the spectacularly disingenuous spectacle going-on just behind the spectacles...(ah, fair enough-Ed)...

But the most stupifyingly sick display was from former PM Julia Gillard...gender politics be hanged, she is an absolute shocker on a par with the worst that Canberra can spew-up...(I thought you had previously stated that it was the South Australian Pro-Paedophile lobby who had made her this countries' first female Prime Minister, and that she was a horrendous operator who readily manipulated 'reverse-sexism' in bleating about how she doesn't get treated fairly?-Ed)...yep, all of that, and as horrendously bigotted and 'sexist' as some of the language was that was used to attack her, eg, 'Ditch The Witch', she is as atrocious a human-being as any of the clowns who attacked her thusly...(so what your saying is, is that she is a corrupt, deceitful, Pro-Paedophile politician who absolutely deserves to be roundly abused, but abused in a non-gendered manner?-Ed)...exactly...(despite the fact that she milks the 'misogyny' and 'sexism' stuff for all it's worth, relentlessly using it to manipulate the discussion and avoid genuine accountability?-Ed)...couldn't have said it better myself...

So here again, dear Julia mate, here's the proof positive that you are as intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as any of the other rankly corrupt stooges involved, eg, Tony Pasin, Rory McEwen, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Michael Atkinson, Kevin Foley, Rob Kerin Rob Lucas, Vicki Chapman, Peter Gandolfi, Don Pegler...(the local politician you're not allowed to discuss due to those reprehensibly vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'-Ed)...yeah, that person, Gary Costello, Jim and Viv and Kyam Maher, Ted Mullighan (dec), etc, etc, etc, et al, ad infinitum...and of course, Jane Lomax-Smith...

...to which Jane mate responded with this lie-riddled and dismissive missive...

...an absolutely lie-riddled response, as covered in some early posts in this 'ere blog...(assuming those posts haven't also mysteriously disappeared-Ed)...well indeed, and that's why I've included it, if not evisceratingly dissecting each corrupt lie, but Jane mate...(maaate-Ed)...knows what she's done...(indeed, she's a right piece a' work-Ed)...anyhoos, this deceitful and dismissive response led to Mr Secker writing to Julia Gillard, then Federal Labor's Education Minister...

...and here 'tis that letter to Education Minister Julia Gillard...

...to which my mate Julia Gillard replied...

And so there it is, proof positive that Julia Gillard knew/knows about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and her response, 'oh dear, how sad, not my problem'...(what an extraordinary response, let alone from a South Australian spawned politician, SA being the state where the Lutherans have their head office, and from where they operate schools and churches nationally-Ed)...spot on, and then as Prime Minister, my mate Julia...(maaate-Ed)...convenes a farcically cynical and definably corrupted Pro-Paedophile Child Abuse Royal Commission that doesn't just flatly refuse to look at the St Martins Cover-up despite submissions from several families, but then doesn't ask the Lutherans a single question, and barely mentions them in it's Final Report...(wow-Ed)...

And that's why I hate Julia Gillard, and that's why I found her smug simpering self-centred 'oh it's not about me' bullshit so infuriating and traumatic...(well mate, when you know exactly who she is and what she's done, of course it's gunna' be traumatic and confronting and infuriating, etc, it's just to be expected, unfortunately-Ed)...cheers mate, that helps, a little...

Tomorrow: Whatevs, I'm Too Knackered To Focus Right Now...(And Too Angry To Care?-Ed)...Well Yeah, A Bit A' That...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and that's your/our first female PM...(charming ain't it-Ed)...yeah, sorry...(mate, it's not your fault...I mean, is that stuff truthful and accurate?-Ed)...well sure, of course it is, as unfortunately truthful and accurate as everything else in the 5.5 years of this 'ere blog...(so your only responsibility is that you identify and expose this stuff?-Ed)...well I s'pose, if you put it like that...(I do, in fact, plenty of people do-Ed)...orrr, cheers mate...(no no, cheers to you mate, cheers and laters-Ed)...sure, cheers and laters...

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