Friday, October 5, 2018

More Fabulously Farcical South Australian ICAC Nonsense

Howdy dear availees everywhere, and welcome to another quick 'stop-gap' post, virtually sans any attempt at humour...(but then again, the humour is naturally occurring, rampantly abundant in the actions of the Independent Commission Against Corruption's own actions, yeah?-Ed)...well quite right Ed, quite right, and that's why the first port of call for dear availees is to review the farcical carry-on of the last coupla' weeks...(and we're referring of course to the truly hilarious-if-it-weren't-so-concerning conduct of ICAC, the media, and the Liberal state government, particularly the Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...indeed we are, their collective farcical pantomime re the 2 senior public servants suddenly going on 'extended leave', partial departures 'rumoured' to be motivated/generated by 'alleged' ICAC investigations of those 2 persons...but first just quickly...

Had a whole bunch of 'Tech Issues' this fortnight with this 'ere blog and my Google accounts stuff, etc, and had to call-in the big gun of Tech Support to help me sort it all out...(do tell-Ed)...I am, had some Google notification about me and/or this 'ere blog being a 'Spammer' and/or used for Spamming and/or by others possibly for Spamming, etc...(everybody, all together now, singing Monty Python's classic hit, "Spam spam spam spam, spammitty spam, spammitty spam"-Ed)...yes, alright, thankyou, but that's what it said, albeit without explaining exactly what I'd supposedly Spammed or to where I'd Spammed it, etc...("spammitty spam"-Ed)...whilst not allowing me to access this 'ere, my own blog...(oh, sorry, didn't realise it was quite that serious-Ed)...well it was and it did, or it did and it was, whatevs, but I did manage to sort that myself by following the Google-provided prompts to change my name thingy bit...(is that the technical term?-Ed)...and request a 'review', etc, and then it somehow/somewhy re-booted access to this 'ere blog that same day...(well hurrah!-Ed)...well quite, but there was still problems with my accessing my own Google+ account and 'sharing' posts via Google+, etc, and that's where Tech Support came in...(I thought they came in over there, at the front door-Ed)...yes, hilarious I'm sure, but you know what I mean...

(I do know what you mean, but apart from being just sooooo hilarious, I'm also using that as a cunning segue into a brief discussion about the fact that Tech Support has to come to your home because you're bangin'-out this 'ere blog via an old desk-top computer because SAPol (police) still have your laptop, what they done seize/steal when SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided this 'ere abode aways away back on May 7th/8th 2014-Ed) that a question or a statement?...(errr, yes-Ed)...well then, errr yes, SAPol do still have my laptop, and it's highly possible that it is they what has been shreckin'-about with my Googlings thingos...(again with the technical terms-Ed)...and I remind dear availees of the several posts that completely disappeared from within this 'ere blog back in February/March 2018, including from the Drafts Section, and that when I stated that I thought it likely that it was SAPol deleting those posts by accessing the blog with the laptop, which would therefore give them that exact 'internal' access, etc, that my old mate, apparently-a-lawyer Bouncin' Billy DeGaris suddenly wrote to me claiming that it was he what had complained to Google, etc...(just an absolute coincidence I'm sure-Ed)...really Ed? just a coincidence?...(well, no, but other than that you're indicating/inferring a degree of collusion/conspiracy between SAPol and the rankly corrupt Bill DeGaris-Ed)...absolutely what I'm inferring...

(Sure, but for all we really know, it was the rancidly Fascist SA ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander himself who demanded that Google remove those posts-Ed)...but we've not received any sort of notification from Google, still, which is their standard practice, and what has happened several times before back in 2013/14, and even then that was only stuff 'removed' from the publicly-published blog page, the original posts/drafts remained within the blog itself...(true, but it's just possible, indeed highly likely that if he were responsible, our mate Bruce used his extraordinarily Fascist powers to ban/suppress Google from notifying you-Ed)...well indeed, all quite possible...(particularly given that you proved in Court that your "bizarre trial" was unilaterally instigated by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, who, without going through any of the appropriate legislated notification and internal review processes within ICAC, etc, was himself both complainant and investigator before then himself referring you directly to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch, some undefined time in early February 2014, which is when your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' suddenly manifested itself out of the ether-Ed)...well when you put it like that...(I do, I do put it like that, I put it like that alot...and further more, you also proved in Court that this entire ICAC complaint/investigation/referral and 'Operation Baritone', etc, all of it, all of it occurred allegedly without one single document-Ed)...and as I believe you might say Ed, "wow"...(indeed, wow-Ed)...

But we digress because, as relevantly concerning as my personal persecution by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander might be, we've swerved away from the current discussion about the current frantic shenanigannings of the ICAC and Renewal SA and the Liberal government...and here dear availees I'm a gunna' politely direct y'all to do a quick Googling of all the current nonsense about this latest totes bizarre shrecking-about, ie, jump onto the Googles and just search 'Renewals SA and ICAC' for the recent media reports, etc, and then check-out the ICAC website itself, and any other sources y'all can think of...(maybe Vicki Chapman's website/s?-Ed)...sure, why not...just to help, here's a very brief summation...2 Renewal SA exec-types are possibly being investigated by ICAC which was discussed in Parliament and Vicki Chapman released a statement to the media along with a directive that they (the media) weren't allowed to print/discuss/disclose what was in that release, etc, etc, etc, until my mate Bruce did a release releasing Vicki to approve the disclosure of that original disclosure what was previously closed...I think...(you don't sound real sure-Ed)...well that's because I ain't, it's a farcical cluster-shreck of suppression and Fascism and I genuinely don't know where it currently sits...

And Cheers Dear Universe:...because as regular availees will be well aware, I do occasionally like to big-up myself by claiming that the Universe is not only aware of my various actionings on this 'ere blog, etc, but is approving and supportive enough to acknowledge and reward me for my efforts by giving me a metaphoric pat on the head...(and ironically a 'pat on the head' to counter the piles of crap you routinely have dumped on you for the heinous crime of speaking truthfully about the rancid and institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia-Ed)...wittilly observed dear Ed, that is indeed a most excellent irony, but anyhoos, the latest such Universal Positive Reinforcement came in the form of the article attached below...I was just waiting briefly somewhere, happened to pick-up the first thing to hand, the June 2018 issue of lifestyle magazine SALIFE, and happened to flick it open to this article...first time I've read this mag, and then just by chance, open it up, and whacko! ICAC...please to be reading and we'll meet you back at the end, just down there a bit...  

In the interests of balance...(well there's always a first time-Ed)...I make the observation that this guy isn't necessarily as complicitly corrupt as the people he's writing about, perhaps not carefully and deliberately and dutifully trottin'-out the standard pro-ICAC and pro-Labor deceits...(yeah, lovin' the balance in that-Ed)...settle petal, haven't finished yet...(pardon moi, please continue do-Ed)...that this guy ain't necessarily a corrupt stooge trottin'-out the official pro-ICAC party line, he may just be a woefully incompetent commentator, billiously churning out deeply flawed dross in absolute ignorance...(and there's the balance-Ed)...absolutely, how can one be more balanced?...(I'm not sure where to start-Ed)...well how's about ya' start with the fact that he's completely, incrementally wrong...(says you-Ed)...yes says I, and I says that because he is...(fair enough-Ed)...

Now it did briefly occur to me, but it's the first thing that others have said to me in discussing this article, namely, 'why is there an article about ICAC in the middle of a mag that's all faux-marble kitchen benchtops and how to fengshui ya' fishpond and 15 scintillating new ways to grill ya' organic beetroot and a guide to artisan artichoke purveyors and feisty fashion fiestas, etc, etc, why is ICAC in there at all?'...(well that's a very good point-Ed)...indeed, and whilst it did briefly occur to me, it was these responses placing that issue first and foremost that gave me cause to pause and review that point...why?...and the more I looked at that, the more incongruous it appears...why ICAC in a glossy lifestyle magazine that is otherwise entirely without political commentary?...very odd, but anyhoos, there it was/is...(and ain't it a beauty-Ed)...if by "beauty" you mean 'farcically inaccurate piece of pro-ICAC propaganda', then sure, it's a "beauty"...and regular availees of this 'ere blog will not need me to spell it out to them because we've regularly covered all of the issues about the intent, construct and implementation of SA's wholly corrupt ICAC...(which can be best summarised by simply adding the words 'Resolving Institutionalised' in between the 'A' and the 'C'-Ed)...sorry?...(to read, 'Independent Commission Against Resolving Institutionalised Corruption'-Ed)...ah yes of course, my bad, missed my own joke...

ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander was employed and has routinely acted to protect Labor government Ministers across a raft of rankly corrupt issues, eg, the extraordinary Gillman Land Sale, and in that context has indeed acted as a perpetual South Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission, acting to protect a series of Labor Premiers and Ministers, eg, on multiple occasions, former Premier Jay Weatherill...(was it the DeBelle Inquiry that tracked critical emails right onto Jay Weatherill's desk, literally, and then actually allowed those emails to just inexplicably 'disappear'?-Ed)...yeah, all that, and the Mullighan Inquiry and the Layton Inquiry and the Hyde Inquiry, etc, etc, all farcically corrupt cover-ups of the real criminality occurring at the head of government in South Australia...and as previously mentioned, this ICAC and it's Commissioner Bruce Lander have continued this fine tradition, upto and including using ICAC powers completely outside of his/their/It's remit, using ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 to openly persecute and prosecute me for merely talking/blogging about the rankly corrupt ICAC faux-investigation of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...(but didn't you establish in Court that that entire "bizarre trial" was in fact a Pro-Paedophile motivated "Malicious Prosecution" fueled by the official desire to punish you for continuing to pursue the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corruption evidenced by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...correct on all counts Ed, corruption run-rampant and yet it is I who has been 'Convicted'...  

Firstly, this whole 'farticle', a farcical article that really stinks...(nice one man-Ed)...this 'farticle' is written in a context that describes and accepts the bizarrely inaccurate premise that Labor/the SA parliament had our bizarrely secretive and definably Fascist version of an ICAC somehow uncontrollably/unwittingly/unwillingly forced on them, in circumstances entirely beyond their control...(but the Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government of 2002-2016 furiously resisted any form of ICAC for years-Ed)...absolutely...(and then, what we have now was entirely designed by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government-Ed)...exactly...(and then was only brought into existence via legislation, the ICAC Act 2012, as passed by the SA parliament, including through the Legislative Assembly (the Upper House) with the support of the Liberal Party and alleged Independents like Nick Xenophon-Ed) on mate, absolutely spot on...South Australia's rankly corrupt and definably Fascist ICAC is entirely a product of the SA Parliament, and to even suggest otherwise denotes complicit deceit or ignorant delusion...

(Mmmm, you can just taste the balance-Ed)...maaate, really?...(nah mate, I'm joking, in support of your position on this, you're absolutely right on all 3 points-Ed)...3 points?...(well 1) SA ICAC is entirely a product of SA Parliament, and to infer/suggest/state otherwise is either 2) deliberate deceit, or 3) ignorant incompetence-Ed)...well indeed...what I cannot tell ya's is which specifically applies here, deceit or ignorance?...(or even a combination of both, a desire to deceive committed from a position of broader ignorance-Ed)...well quite Ed, another excellent point, one does not necessarily deny the other...however, just to be sure about this, it is my personal position that this guy knows exactly what he's doing, if not exactly what he's talking about, and that the carefully manipulative language illustrates that this is a very deliberate attempt to support/promote ICAC Comm Lander and counter the obvious criticisms levelled against him...

Furthermore, and as irretrievably evidenced by the definable role that Comm Bruce Lander played in instigating the "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch March 2018) of my "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson, October 2016), my mate Bruce...(maaate-Ed) pal Comm Lander is already "feral", is already acting entirely outside his remit of monitoring/exposing/punishing Public Maladministration, whilst concurrently doing exactly what he was/is employed to do, namely, protecting high-ranking corrupt public officials, particularly Ministers/Premiers/whatevs, and to achieve that by not least-of-all threatening, bullying, and attacking those who speak-out about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia...and there's nothing "sly" nor "personal" about my "attacks on him", I am spot-on rabid about the exact realities of what SA ICAC is and who Bruce Lander is and what he does and how he does it...and there again in this 'farticle' is the carefully manipulative language, belittling ICAC critics like me and those who believe such critiques as "haters", and then the classic line,
     "People's minds are easily manipulated to believe the worst even of institutions that are
      serving their best interests." 

And I further note that a number of those who fell-foul of the "heavy-handed swathe" in NSW, actually flung themselves on their own self-constructed swords, eg, Liberal Premier Barry O'Farrell who resigned whilst under investigation over a single albeit very expensive bottle of wine...I find it very difficult to believe/accept that it was the only issue at play, and that it begs the question, 'what else was lurking in the peripherins that one bottle of undeclared wine felled the NSW Premier?'...(mmm, I can see why one might be a bit skeptical about all that-Ed)...whatevs, the realities are proof enough that what this 'farticle' says is a wildly skewed and 'agenda-ed' version of events...again, dear availees, if you're not encumbered by previous knowledgings of this NSW ICAC stuff, just Googlise it all...(also, wasn't it the NSW Liberals who introduced their ICAC what then 'swathed' several of them themselves?-Ed)...well indeed Ed... 

Star a medieval Royal 'Court' "characterised by secrecy and often irresponsibly arbitrary and oppressive"...again, not my opinion, it's one of the various similar definitions I just randomly's just self-evidently wholly self-contradictory to refer to "Star Chamber public hearings", it is the fundamental identifier/quantifier/criticism of the term 'Star Chamber' that these hearings are held in secrecy, often without the accused/defendant being allowed legal representation, etc, etc...(ahhh, so you're saying that it's one or the other, 'Star Chamber' or 'public hearing', but it can't really be both-Ed)...not my 'opinion' mate, just Google it ya' best, what he's confusing here is that various witnesses to the New South Wales' ICAC gave direct evidence, not via a lawyer, but these hearings were 'public', not 'Star Chamber'...

Comm Lander didn't just 'bad-mouth' Minister Vlahos, he let her be set-up as the apparently willing fall-person for the entire government, let her quit, and then she was immediately appointed to at least one well-paid government Board, could well still be there...the reality is that no official action was taken against her or Premier Weatherill or any other Labor stooge involved...the Oakden Inquiry is yet another deeply cynical pantomime that again ultimately protected Jay Weatherill and his wholly incompetent government, there is no "fall-out" for those most best, Bruce Lander's involvement in the Oakden Scandal, a 'scandal' already well exposed before he lobbed himself into the middle of it, his 'investigation' was a cynical exercise in trying to give himself and Labor some sort of credibility...(you mean it was a desperate attempt to try and create a false reality about the supposed 'independence' of ICAC and distance Labor and/or SA Parliament from the control it clearly exercises over Bruce Lander, etc?-Ed) on Ed, and again, not my opinion, just fling ya'selves down the rabbit hole of deceit that is SA ICAC as I've clearly outlined across multiple posts, and be sure to take with you the actual timetable of events and ICAC's subsequent Oakden Inquiry and alleged 'outcomes', etc, and the Truth makes itself obvious...Labor was already dead-and-gone at the March 2018 State Election, and if it had any effect, the Oakden Scandal/ICAC Inquiry was simply another straw on the electorate's already broken back... 

I find this entire 'farticle' to be a wildly skewed pro-ICAC nonsense, that appears to be appearing entirely out of context in a 'lifestyle magazine' dedicated to food reviews and The Yarts, extensive personal experience of Bruce Lander and ICAC proves this whole thing to be just a nonsensical agenda-ed puff-piece of pro-ICAC propaganda...I remind availees that ICAC's supposed investigation of the entire Mt Gambier City Council, an 'investigation' that took 3 months from October 2013-January 2014, this involved 2 ICAC investigators (both originally and currently now again SAPol officers) 'chatting' to me in a cafe, with nothing recorded or even written down, and allegedly an identical 'chat' with MGCC CEO Mark McShane held in a hallway of the Adelaide Convention Centre, again without anything recorded or written down...(and that off the back of those 'chats' ICAC/Bruce Lander decided to do no actual investigation of the clearly definable corruption of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...exactly, 2 unrecorded public 'chats' is apparently an appropriate ICAC investigation of multiple corruption issues within Mt Gambier City Council...what a farcically corrupt joke...

Tomorrow: Finally, My "Reprehensibly Vile" Suppression/Restraining Orders

Dear Availees:...cannot tell y'all how much I appreciate that advice I had about cutting right back to a weekly post, and how much I'm 'enjoying' doing exactly that...(well I think you just have told them-Ed)...ah yeah, cheers, and that I do look at the whole shebang in a much more positive light, namely, whilst I wish that there was nothing for me to get so upset about, eg, the ongoing St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, these issues do exist whether I blog-flog myself about them or not, and that then allows me to actually move back to wanting to do more frequent posts, as repeatedly promised but as yet not delivered...

I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog, and it's worth every bit of the trouble, and more to boot...(trouble for you or for others?-Ed)...yes...(fair enough-Ed) cheers and laters y'all...  

PS Apology:...realised that the bit about how SA Parliament ratified the ICAC legislation was a little confused and counted on availees having prior knowledge of stuff I've posted about Nick Xenophon, etc...apologies y'all 'cos Nick Xenophon obviously wasn't in SA Parliament when the ICAC Act 2012 was first ratified by SA Parliament, he was a federal Senator, and the same with the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, and further 'Miscellaneous Amendments' in clarify, the initial ICAC Act 2012 and those subsequent changes to ICAC legislation were ratified by the entire SA Parliament at a time when Labor, who formed government by having a Lower House majority did not have a majority in the Upper House, therefore, they repeatedly needed support of the Liberals and/or multiple Independents or Family First (since disbanded), etc, to get that legislation through at all...furthermore, I several times personally explained the true nature of SA's ICAC legislation to Nick Xenophon, and particularly how it was being used against me, and he 1) did sweet stuff-all about it, and, 2) despite knowing the criminally corrupt nature and conduct of SA ICAC and Comm Bruce Lander, my mate Nick openly supported a federal ICAC without ever identifying the huge problems he knew were evident with SA ICAC...hope that clarifies any confusion I caused earlier, cheers...  

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