Thursday, September 27, 2018

A Brief Intermediate Review Post About My "Bizarre Trial"

Hello to y'all in the Philippines, Ireland, Indonesia, and Czechia, and to y'all else elsewhere, and welcome to what passes for coherence here on this 'ere blog TMGI, namely, a post that follows-on directly from the previous 2 posts about the extraordinarily reprehensible use...(I believe we've used the term "reprehensibly vile" previous-like-Ed)...indeed we have, mustn't forget the "vile", the "reprehensibly vile" use of 'Suppression/Repression Orders' by Magistrate Ian White...(whom we have described, very accurately, as being "rankly corrupt"-Ed)...and not just described but factually defined by actually describing some of his outrageous conduct during my farcically corrupt Pro-Paedophile Persecution 'Trial'...(as proven in Court before Magistrate Teresa Anderson in November 2016, to be, as Her Honour formally legally defined it, "Malicious Prosecution"-Ed)...indeed, well summarised us, that's a lovely back-grounding ahead of where we're heading in this post...but first...

Magistrate White Defines His Own Corruption:...(well that hardly narrows it down, could ya' be a fraction more specific?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, please to be availing yourself of the immediate previous post, indeed, pretty-much any post since Magistrate Ian White became involved in my "Malicious Prosecution"...(and by "involved in", you mean 'became an intricate component of' said "Malicious Prosecution"?-Ed)...that's exactly what I mean mate, indeed, his outrageously biased and abusive conduct toward me, and his relentless collusion with the wholly incompetent and corrupt SAPol (police) Prosecutions, self-define the fact that he was appointed/sent to 'Convict' me regardless of what happened in my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018)...and of all the extraordinary attacks on me, abuse of me, ignoring of me, etc, and the open and unambiguous collusion with SAPol, nothing is quite as definitive and/or hilarious as this particular gem...(perhaps best to pop-on that girdle and take a seat on the floor first-Ed)...sorry?...(because one is likely to split one's sides whilst simultaneously falling off one's chair, on account of all the laughage-Ed)...ah yes, all sound advice...

In His Own Words:...and as quoted directly from one of the two 'Trial' Transcripts I have actually been provided...(and hasn't Magistrate White made a huge song-and-dance about that-Ed)...indeed...(bangin'-on about how this illustrates how the Court/he have bent over backwards to help you-Ed)...well quite...(but whilst refusing to acknowledge his own 'bizarre' behaviour in ignoring his own 'Orders' to himself to review your multiple requests for the dozens of other Transcripts and to let you know about it, etc-Ed)...yep, we covered all that in the last post...(Transcripts that you still don't have and never look like getting, despite repeated requests of/to Magistrate White, Chief Magistrate Mary-Louise Hribal, and/or Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed) on as usual Ed...but fortunately I do have this Transcript, albeit I have to do a 'censored' version rather than just paste-and-post the actual pages...(is that because it includes the SAPol officer who you supposedly cannot talk about due to Magistrate White's "reprehensibly vile" 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'?-Ed)...that would be the reason Ed, because "reprehensibly vile" and wantonly corrupt as those 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', I ain't given no-one the opportunity to try and attack you, me, and/or this 'ere blog...besides, that SAPol officer is effectively irrelevant in this context, because the definably false statement is made by SAPol Prosecutions Officer Batten, I immediately challenge it for the lie that it is, and then Magistrate White slogs his own credibility clean outta' the ballpark by confirming what I have just said...

.............(well I'm waiting, we're all waiting-Ed)...yeah, sorry, upon reflection I've out-smarted my self somewhat with what has now become a deeply facetious teaser...(orrrorrror what?!-Ed)...a deeply facetious teaser about a discussion I cannot prove because, whilst there's multiple references in these 2 later transcripts, I've been 'refused' that particular transcript from the rankly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution" hearing of March 8th 2017...(ahhh, I see, well in that case you're forgiven, I s'pose-Ed)...cheers, but here's a quick run-down of that particularly illuminating and entirely unforgettable discussion...(yay-Ed)...on March 8th 2017, before I got to speak to my "Malicious Prosecution" argument and the 100 Documents I had already submitted back in November 2016 at the 'Order' of Magistrate Anderson, etc, SAPol Prosecution's Officer Batten was 'helpfully' providing Magistrate White with a brief summary of my case thus far...Officer Batten went through my original complaint re Mt Gambier City Council corruption, etc, the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raid of my home (May 7th/8th 2014), etc, and then stated that I was charged on 17th December 2014  (but could have said 18th, sorry, I was already standing-up to call-out this absolute lie)...(ok, ok, the 17th, the 18th, whatevs, point being that SAPol Prosecutions were making a statement of fact that you were 'Charged' in December 2014-Ed)...well exactly, 'Mr Fletcher was charged on 17th (18th?) December 2014'...(which is an outright lie-Ed)...indeed, which is an outright lie...

I immediately stood-up and called this lie a lie...('cos that's what it is, calling a lie a lie is truth-Ed)...absolutely, and it was a lie that I had raised repeatedly since my 'Trial' started in February 2015, and both Magistrate White and Magistrate Anderson have said that 'you must have been charged because you're in Court'...(but that's nonsense! you were there because you had to be, and then only  after you're 'Trial' started February 2015 without you being either 'Charged' or even Summonsed-Ed)...well reminisced Ed, indeed and as regular availees are well aware, I found out about my 'Trial' the day after it had already started, and then only via a phone call with an un-associated third party who had read it in The Border Watch...(extraordinary-Ed)...indeed, and the closest I ever got to an actual explanation was again via a phone call, this time with SAPol Prosecutions Ms Diamandi in March 2016, when her boss and head honcho of SAPol Prosecutions Andrew Paesch suddenly bobbed-in unannounced from the peripherins, stating 'I asked someone to Summons you but they couldn't find you'...(bollocks!-Ed)...nah, that's what he said...(no, not you, him, that's absolute bollocks, they knew exactly where to find you to raid you, etc-Ed)...well quite, indeed it is a blatant non-truth from the head of SAPol Prosecutions...

Anyhoos, back to 8th March 2017 and SAPol Prosecution's Batten stating 'Mr Fletcher was charged on 17th (18th?) 2014', and me calling that out as an absolute lie that I had asked about time and time again...(and what did Magistrate White do?-Ed)...he stated that I was wrong because I must have been charged because I was there, and when I repeated my statement that I was never charged, he shuffled through his paperwork, then produced and waved a document, stating that 'you were charged on 7th January 2015'...(were you?-Ed)...well he did have a document stating that, and I conceded exactly that because I knew what he was waving without even seeing it, stating, 'yes, you know that and I know that but I ain't telling them (SAPol) that, I ain't doin' there job for them, but even then, that document states that that is when it, the 'Charge Sheet', was lodged with the Court, it's not about when I was actually 'Charged', or even that I'd been told I'd been charged and/or Summonsed'...

(So let me get this straight, there was a 'Charge Sheet, dated 7th January 2015, which you knew but SAPol apparently didn't?-Ed)...knew it from the day I received it back in May 2015...(sure, but that that 'Charge Sheet' was never sent to you, etc, such that you weren't aware of it until 3-4 months after your 'Trial' had already started in February 2015?-Ed)...confusing I know, but you're right-on it...(and it's SAPol Prosecution's own document but they didn't know about it at 'Trial'?-Ed)...they had no idea, but you're missing the main point...(if you'll let me finish Nick-Ed), pardon...

(Because what I'm seeing here is that first, 1) SAPol Prosecutions apparently/allegedly didn't know about there own document dated 7th January 2015, despite the fact that you'd repeatedly challenged them on this exact point-Ed)...yep, but...(ah ah, hang on, then 2) SAPol Prosecutions have stated as fact, in Court on 8th February 2017, in front of Magistrate White, stated as fact that you were 'Charged' on December 17th (18th?) 2014-Ed)...yeah, but still...(ah! wait for it, wait for it, but most critically 3) Magistrate White himself proved that SAPol were lying by himself producing the actual 'Charge Sheet' dated 7th January 2015-Ed)...b-b-b-bloody bingo mate, spot on...(so 4) Magistrate White has proven to himself that SAPol Prosecutions were/are lying-Ed)...absolutely, and then 5) he did just absolutely bugger-all about it, just let it slide, whatevs mate, on with the show...(wow-Ed)...absolutely...(so the presiding Magistrate catches-out SAPol Prosecutions lying to him, and he just waves it away as irrelevant-Ed)...yep, and in subsequent 'Trial' dates SAPol Prosecutions then changed their 'Charged' spiel to 7th January 2015...(well now there's a surprise-Ed)...   

So there ya' go dear real time, and not just in front of him but actually involving him, Magistrate White confirms my statement that SAPol Prosecution's statement/question that 'Mr Fletcher was charged on December 17th (18th?) 2014' was/is an outright lie...(and of course, given that you have just proved SAPol Prosecution's outright lie to him, in front of him, and indeed involving him, Magistrate White immediately dismissed the supposed 'Charges' and ended your "bizarre trial" there-and-then, again-Ed)...honestly Ed? really?...(well no, that was just my attempt to highlight Magistrate White's openly corrupt collusion with SAPol-Ed)...well indeed, well highlighted, because what Magistrate White actually did was just wave it away as irrelevant and barrel-on regardless, hurtling towards his clearly defined desire to 'Convict' me regardless of what lies SAPol tells, the gaping chasms in their 'evidence', the undefinable Fascism of the bizarre ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, etc, etc, etc... 

And that's why I call Magistrate Ian White "rankly corrupt"...(well for that and multiple other incidents, omissions, abuses, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, pick a 'Trial' date, pin it to the wall and chuck a dart at it, and you're deadset guaranteed to score a bullseye, but to my mind there ain't a more fundamental illustration of Magistrate White's collusion with SAPol and of his associated bias and intent against me...

Tomorrow: Those "Reprehensibly Vile" Suppression/Restraining Orders

And it will literally be tomorrow, because I feel a tad guilty that that's what I set-out to cover today...(before yet again you've digressed, yeah we know, albeit with critically relevant issues-Ed)...well quite Ed, well quite... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and, nearly forgot...

The Ultimate Sucker Punch:...please to be checking-out the 'viral footage' on FaceTube or YouBook or whatevs, of a Kiwi (New Zealander) kayaker getting totally owned up-side the head by a cephalopod-wielding seal...(slaperoo! that seal's heavily armed, 8-armed in fact-Ed)...and how disappointing that none of the morning shows on telly or 'comments' I've seen have spotted what I will therefore call 'my' terrible pun...(orrrr gourd, I missed that until you pointed it out, 'sucker punch', no wonder people hate you-Ed)...cheers mate...(laters-Ed)...laters...

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