Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Reprehensibly Vile Conduct Of The Rankly Corrupt Magistrate Ian White

Howdy dear availees in Poland, Philippines, Bangladesh, and Armenia...(and of course 'Unknown Region', whom-so-ever that may be?-Ed)...well indeed, but they're making their presence felt with some solid numbers in the 'View Statistics'...(and in the 'Comments' section as well, apparently-Ed)...nice one man, but that's for another day and a different post...Ed is referring to the 'person' who has recently gone into the 'Comments' section of this 'ere blog, to mouth-off at me under the witty synonym of 'Unknown'...(mate, if it weren't so sad it'd be hilarious-Ed)...which I believe I'll title that post, based around this latest anonymous stupidity and referencing some of the other bright sparks mouthing-off about me on 'Social Media', If It Wasn't So Sad It'd Be Hilarious...but we digress, to the Vile And Corrupt...

Following on directly from our previous post about Mt Gambier City Council's abusive and corrupt conduct and CEO Mark McShane's lack of response to my official written complaints re the bullying and abuse and harassment and threats, etc, that I have been repeatedly subjected to by multiple Members of this rankly corrupt pack a' stooges...(including Mighty Mark McShenanigan's own extraordinary attempts to harass and provoke and threaten you, eg, "I'll see you at gym"-Ed) on Ed, not a polite pleasantry, but a direct threat to make trouble for me in that context, and following-on only 3 weeks after he walked 'at' me at said gymnasium, trying to engage me and provoke an 'incident'...(I still find it extraordinary that Labor's Local Government Minister at the time, Geoff Brock, and the Local Government Assoc would both deny responsibility for MGCC's outrageous conduct, and then, despite knowing full-well McShenanigan's own outrageous conduct as one of the main offenders, that Geoffo, mate, and the LGA would then both refer you back directly to Marky as being the person responsible for addressing this conduct, it's ludicrous!-Ed) evidenced by McShane's farcical response...

Please to be reading that post in it's entirety dear availees if y'all haven't already, because it includes copies of my official written complaints...(and not least-of-all, complaints about the cowardly and deeply corrupted conduct of MGCC Councillor Josh Lynagh, repeatedly mouthing-off about you/me/TMGI on 'Social Media' and deceitfully and manipulatively winding-up other poor sods to get involved-Ed)...well quite, my mate Joshy, who like MGCC Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello can talk-up a big game when there's no consequences, but cowers like the genuine coward he is when confronted with the physical reality of having me standing right there in front of him...ain't that right Joshy, mate, not so lippy then are ya' mate?...(maaate, I'm immediately reminded of that hilarious li'l encounter earlier this year, just before Easter-Ed)...indeed, that was both typical and hilarious...if I may again briefly digress?...(please do dear heart, please do, I love this story-Ed)...and it goes a little like this...

Was it the Wednesday just prior to Easter?...(yep, sure was-Ed)...and I was driving into town and went to turn into Lawrence St to access the Main St carpark, etc, and there standing right on the corner, just about to cross, was my mate Joshy, on his is my way, rather than drive right next to/past him, I chose to continue on through The Main and go to the Ripley Arcade carpark instead...whatevs...but as I walked back through to Commercial St (The Main) and was about to cross half-way between lights...(which is apparently actually illegal-Ed)...again, whatevs, if you can't cross the road there without gettin' run over, then sure, you need to use the lights, etc, but anyhoos, it was just then that I spotted my mate Joshy standing at the Penola Rd/Commercial St intersection, right in front of The Gambier Hotel, waiting to cross with the lights...and it occurred to me, sod it, I've already driven half-way round town to avoid this idiot, now here he is again, so be rather than cross 'illllleggggallllyyyy', I just continued up to the lights, and stood waiting to cross, and there directly across from me, li'l Joshy mate...(maaate, and wasn't he thrilled to see you-Ed)...oh absolutely...

And in any other circumstance, I would walk away across to one side or the other, as a matter of politeness, etc, clearly indicating to The Approacher that I was conceding/yielding the main crossing area or the footpath or whatevs...(but not this time-Ed)...but not this time, on this occasion I stood at the centre of the crossing, and when commanded by The Ping!, I walked straight across, straight down the middle, smiling gently at my mate Joshy...(and because you're such a big unit he was obliged to walk aways-off to your left side, steadfastly staring-off to his right, refusing to even make eye contact-Ed)...indeed, and the same Keyboard SuperHero who has so much to say about me from the safety of his laptop or his Council computer, wherevs, whatevs, out there in the cold hard light of day, with me right there, not one single word, not a sound, won't even look at me...(what a gutless joke-Ed)...and this despite the fact that he knows full-well that I am not going to respond physically, at all, rather it's the verbal caning he knows he's in for...(Josh Lynagh, a coward and a liar-Ed)...indeed, and the real humour lies in the fact that I didn't need to say anything because he knows exactly what's what, we both know exactly what's what...(and beyond that, you merely saying something to him would undoubtedly result in a screeching bleating about how 'Nick Fletcher confronted and harassed me in the street', etc, etc-Ed)...well quite, it did occur to me that that was a distinct possibility, but ultimately, it doesn't matter...the fact remains, one person walked down the middle of the crossing, head held high, smiling, and the other skulked past off to one side, glaring-off into the middle distance...(classic-Ed)...    

And when I reached the footpath on the other side, I glanced back to be richly rewarded with the icing on this particular cake walk, because there was li'l Joshy mate, with his back turned to me, on his phone, but furiously glaring at me in the reflection of the bank window...(laugh, I nearly shat-Ed)...absolutely, just so, so funny...(but it didn't end there did it?-Ed)...well no, quite, I went to go to the shop I was originally headed for, realised I'd left my cash in the car, and so went up to the next street to go back around to the carpark, and there not 30m ahead of me in that side street was my mate MGCC Councillor Mark Lovett gettin' off his Harley...(that being the same Cr Lovett who tried to threaten and intimidate you at the MGCC Ambush outside their Full Meeting in September 2017, and as covered in your official written complaints-Ed)...aye, that be he, and I was slightly startled by my own excitement at having this idiot hove into view on my horizon, particularly as it was within minutes of gracing Joshy mate with my presence...anyhoos, for a moment I thought that Cr Joshy mate had rung his mate Cr Mark, and maybe that had happened, but whatevs, Mark mate had a go at eyeballing me, which lasted about 2 seconds as my 'Large Angry Hippyness' made itself known, and he 'broke' and looked away...(well indeed, all things being equal, he was talking to someone, but you are a rather large person, certainly large enough that it becomes an issue as you loom only ever larger on the footpath right there-Ed)...sure...

And here's a tip Mark, mate...(maaate-Ed)...if you're gunna' stand there 'intimidating' and threatening someone from only 2 feet away, as you attempted to do to me outside that MGCC meeting in September 2017, then best you don't do it mate...(maaate-Ed)...with you're arms crossed in front of you, because what's gunna' happen, mate, is that one day you're gunna' pick the wrong person and they're gunna' knee you're balls up round your ears for ya' and you'll never see it coming because you're own flabby arms are blocking your line of sight, mate...(mmm, sound advice indeed, I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...only for those of us stupid enough to 1) threaten others whilst 2) standing only feet away with 3) our arms crossed in front of us...and a quick reminder for you Mark, just exactly how 'intimidated' and/or threatened did I look in September 2017, hmmm?...(or Easter this year-Ed)...indeed, when for the second time in only minutes, I found myself happily breaking my own self-imposed rule by walking right down the middle of the footpath, smiling at my mate Mark, whilst he studiously refused to look at me passing-by only a foot away...(hilarious-Ed)...well I for one haven't stopped laughing since...  

And I thank y'all dear availees for indulging me in my hilarious reminisencings, but they are also absolutely relevant to the discussion at hand, namely, this is how I conduct myself despite how I am attacked and threatened and bullied and harassed...also, these are two of the MGCC clowns I specifically identified in my written complaints to the Minister, etc, and that then leads us directly into the reprehensibly vile conduct of the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...(somehow I knew it would-Ed)...'cos when SAPol (police) Prosecutions waited until the bizarre 3 'Hearings' for the 'Verdict/Sentencing' of my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch, March 2018) to make their entirely unsupported and unexplained applications for multiple 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' against me, I raised the issue of my official written complaints and specifically identified that one of these impending 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' related to someone directly identified as a serial harasser and abuser who had repeatedly threatened and abused me and repeatedly attempted to provoke me at Public Meetings, etc...Magistrate White completely ignored my original complaints and submissions to him about those complaints, and then granted these rankly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', 'Orders' that are clearly and definably politically motivated and intended to silence me on issues of institutionalised corruption and/or the gross corruption evident in my "Malicious Prosecution" (Magistrate Teresa Anderson, October 2016)...

And I stand absolutely justified in identifying Magistrate White's conduct as both 1) rankly corrupt, and 2) reprehensibly vile...this is not just whinging about an outcome that I don't like, this a definable statement of fact, provable time-and-again...Magistrate White's conduct is a litany of Gross Abuse of Process, Gross Bias, and Gross Collusion with SAPol Prosecutions...his conduct is a litany of abuse and threats against me, eg, outright threatening to have me "taken into custody" for my supposed 'Contempt of Court" (February 2017), threats he made at literally every 'Hearing' he presided over there-after, albeit whilst constantly back-peddling away from this original "into custody" statement with increasingly vague but unambiguous 'allusions' to this original threat...these threats were made literally every time I tried to hold him to account for his multiple deceits, omissions, and/or increasingly erratic was literally his last statement on the final (3rd) bizarre 'Verdict/Sentencing Hearing', "I'm referring you to the Court Registrar for your 'Contempt of Court' statements on your blog"...(is that where that truly bizarre anonymous 'Threat Letter' from the Crown Solicitor's Office came from?-Ed)...indeed Ed, apparently/probably/possibly...and I note that we all here at TMGI are still waiting for an actual explanation from the Crown Solicitor and/or the Courts Administration Authority as to what that letter actually referred to and whom actually penned it and then sent it, etc...

Further instances of Magistrate White's rank corruption are evidenced in the extraordinary abuse he repeatedly hurled at me from the Bench about "wasting the Court's precious time", particularly through-out the absolutely bizarre November 2017 'Trial' when he, for example, furiously counted-down the clock at me whilst forcing me to question a SAPol witness who wasn't even meant to be there, etc, then the next day was actually literally out of his seat furiously berating me about wasting the Court's and the witness's time, jabbing his finger at said ICAC/SAPol witness, and angrily stating, "they are Major Crime in the middle of investigating 2 murders"...I was asking perfectly appropriate questions about an absolutely critical document that went to the heart of my 'defense', and Magistrate White abused me for 'interfering with murder investigations'...absolutely outrageous conduct from an openly hostile, biased and by definition therefore corrupt was exactly these sort of incidents that led The Border Watch to describe the entire proceedings as a "bizarre trial"...not 'Mr Fletcher's bizarre conduct during the trial ' or anything like that, but a "bizarre trial"...the seriousness of this descriptor/statement is further highlighted by the lengthy 'conflict' between myself and TBW across a range of issues...  

And if that's not 'Corrupt' enough for ya's, how's about Magistrate White's repeated refusal to even acknowledge the multiple 'Court Orders' that SAPol had not complied with, eg, not resolving the Constitutional Law issues as they were 'Ordered' by Magistrate Anderson (February 2016), or even more bizarrely, not notifying me as to the status of their main witness, supposedly absent on Sick Leave (May 2017) but suddenly present back in Court (November 2017), and with Magistrate White refusing to even look at his own 'Orders' about notifying me, etc, and then doubling-down on that refusal by demanding that I ask that witness questions, the 'Clock Counting Incident'...he even refused to look at his own 'Order' to himself when I repeatedly identified his failure to address my multiple requests for my own Transcripts...I was standing there literally begging him and borderline berating him as to why he wouldn't pick up his own 'Orders' literally right there on the desk in front of him, as he just sat there staring blankly at me...truly bizarre and definably corrupt...

And if that's still not enough, what about Magistrate White moving my "Malicious Prosecution" submission to a separate 'Hearing' outside of the 'Trial' proper, and despite the fact that I had already clearly proven that "Malicious Prosecution" to Magistrate Anderson in November 2016, precipitating her sudden withdrawal from that 'Trial' on the second's about Magistrate White's subsequent refusal to allow me to even present my "Malicious Prosecution" argument and supporting 100 Document submission? is that corrupt enough?...but wait, there's more, and here's where Magistrate White's openly corrupt conduct, his definable collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child ABuse Cover-up makes itself absolutely evident, and then rampages straight into the realm of Reprehensibly Vile...having refused me even presenting my argument/evidence, Magistrate White then carefully tried to set me up for 'Defamation' by cherry-picking tiny fragments of only 2 documents, and stating outright that "there is no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up"...and here is the agenda, the fundamental motivation, protect the Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutherans and politicians, police, etc, and not least-of-all by persecuting the one person speaking-out about that Pro-Paedophile Corruption...

As I told Magistrate White, to his face, "who do you think you are to say that there was no abuse at St Martins? you do not get to say that"... 

And that is reprehensibly vile conduct from a definably corrupt Magistrate White, but vile conduct that unfortunately is only the beginning, because what came next is arguably even more vile and more reprehensible and even more corrupt, and that is the issuing of 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' as a political weapon to try and silence factual discourse about the rankly Pro-Paedophile Agenda evidenced by my "bizarre trial", and not least-of-all discussion about those whom I am 'banned' from identifying...indeed, it can be absolutely argued that it is the rankly corrupt conduct of those 3 individuals that has necessitated these reprehensibly vile 'Orders'...and the 'vileness' of these 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' lies not simply in the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution that motivates them, but in the Societal Context where 1,000's of Australians, the vast majority women, rely on 'Restraining Orders' to hopefully protect them from their violent 'ex-partners', and in a context where every week a woman is murdered by an 'ex' in this country...

And that, Magistrate Ian White, that is what makes your conduct Reprehensibly Vile...

And that, mate, is why I will not be silenced by these rancidly corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders'...abuse me and threaten me and try to dismiss the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that's what this entire corrupt 'Trial' is about, it's what you're involvement in my "bizarre trial" is all about, and it does arguably affect every family, every child, in this sad, sick state, but what you have done by issuing these reprehensibly vile 'Orders', that is an abject offense to common decency and an absolute insult to what so many women/families endure as the dominant factor in their lives, their own protection...

Tomorrow: We'll Look At These Reprehensibly Vile 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' In Detail     

I am Nick Fletcher and for all my anger, for all my rage, it passes over me and up I come to fight again against what is definably wrong and must be resisted...this is about me, but this is not about me, yeah?...(unfortunately, that makes bleakly and starkly obvious sense-Ed)...cheers Ed, and cheers y'all and laters...

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