Sunday, October 21, 2018

Nick Fletcher - The Invisible $540,000 Criminal - More SA ICAC Corruption

Howdy dear availees in United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, India, and Pakistan, and to y'all else, welcome to a genuinely super-short post...(ooor gourd no, here we go-Ed)...what?!...(well every time you say that you reel-off into an extended and exuberant uber-rant intimately illustrating every insidious intricacy of whatevs it is you're pissed-off about today-Ed)...yeah, fair point, but today it's a super-short post, promise...(welllll, okayyy-Ed)...with several days of homework /research for availees to do...(and there you have it, I damn well knew it-Ed)...settle petal, I'm just yankin' ya' chain, the reality is that this homework/research is gunna' take just exactly as long as it takes to type-in a couple of specific 'search terms' and peruse the 'zero' responses...(mmm, still not convinced-Ed)...well maybe this will help, here's the 'search terms'...

Dear availees, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission is a sickly cynical manipulation, introduced by the deeply corrupted and Pro-Paedophile compromised Julia Gillard and 'her' Labor government...I remind y'all that, like Liberals's Education Minister Julie Bishop before her, when Julia Gillard was Labor's Education Minister she responded to (then) Liberal Member for Barker Patrick Secker's letters/enquiries about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up with a 'gee-whiz, how sad, but not my responsibility' letter...(is that the one where-in she refused/failed to respond to your letters, sent concurrently to Mr Secker's, and you had to go to Mr Secker's office for a copy of Gillard's 'not my problem, get stuffed' response?-Ed)...that's the SA-based Julia Gillard refused to address the SA-based Lutheran's definably Pro-Paedophile corruption with the St Martins Cover-up, and then Julia, mate, established the Royal Commission, a farcically manipulative and rancidly cynical attempt to say 'all this abuse stuff happened aways back there somewhere in the past and golly we're all really really sorry and everything's fine now, just fine'...(it really is quite sick isn't it-Ed)...definably Pro-Paedophile sick Ed...

And the fundamental defining reality of that deeply cynical agenda is the conduct of the Royal Commission least 3 families involved with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, myself included, provided lengthy written submissions and supporting documentation about the daily abuses our 7 year old children were subjected to by teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins, and the resultant cover-up by the Lutherans and the rankly Pro-Paedophile complicit conduct of SAPol (police), the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the rankly corrupt Teachers Registration Board, the rancidly corrupt Crown Solicitors Office, SA's own Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mulligan, et al, and the Federal Royal Commission rejected our submissions and refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up at all...(wow, that is just extraordinary, and you are quite right, it absolutely defines the true nature of the Federal Royal Commission-Ed)...indeed, and furthermore and even more damning, the FRC went-on to completely ignore the Lutherans, not calling them to give evidence or ask them one single official question...(wow, now that's some serious Pro-Paedophile corruption right there-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and not just the opinion of a deeply traumatised and wildly furious parent, because here's where the homework/research bit comes in...

And we here at TMGI have already requested/directed regular availees to peruse the Federal Royal Commission's various Interim Reports and/or their Final Report and try to find a single mention of the Lutherans...(well I've been doing that ever since it began back in 2012/13, and all I ever found were some Lutheran teachers complaining that they weren't 'safe', and several legalistic Lutheran submissions relating to points of law, etc-Ed)...and one single mention under 'Other Organisations' in the Final Report...(well yeah that-Ed)...but not one actual FRC question to/of the Lutherans...(nah, nuthin'-Ed)...absolutely nuthin'...the Federal Royal Commission has allowed the Lutheran Church, arguably the most powerful religious body in this country...(well certainly powerful enough to be able to organise a FRC that carefully avoids asking them a single question-Ed) point exactly Ed, powerful enough to organise the Gillard Labor government into convening a rancidly corrupt Federal Royal Commission that didn't ask them, the Lutherans, one question...  

And the Australian media is so rampantly complicit that supposedly not one single journalist, not one single media organisation in this country has managed to spot that glaring omission/reality...(well one has-Ed)...what?!...(one has-Ed)...orrr yeah, and where's that mate? I haven't seen it...(ummm, well, it's us isn't it, TMGI-Ed)...oh, beg pardons, of course Ed, sorry, you're absolutely right, there's one 'media organisation' in this country that's spotted and reported the FRC's refusal/failure to ask the Lutherans a single question, and it's TMGI...(and it's exactly that sort of pointin'-out the bleedin' obvious that others refuse to address, it's that sortta' behaviour, that's why you end-up being subject to a rancidly Corrupt "Malicious Prosecution" at the hands of SA's rankly corrupt ICAC-Ed)...well exactly Ed, and I couldn't have imagined a better segue straight into the second round of research/homework for dear availees...

Dear Availees:...My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander has just released his official 2017/18 Report, and take a wild guess who ain't got a guernsey, ain't got a shout-out, ain't even got a passing mention, again...(well I'm guessing you, obviously, not least of all from your tone and the look on your face, but 'again'?-Ed)...I have been the subject of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' since January/February 2014, and officially on 'Trial' since February 2nd 2015...(albeit without being actually Charged or even Summonsed-Ed)...yeah sure, despite all that, but still my 'Trial' commenced February 2015, and ran for nearly 40 Hearing Dates...(not including the actual 11 full-day 'Trial' dates-Ed)...indeed, something around 50 'Trial Dates' all-up, all that starting January 2014 and running multiple Hearing Dates from February 2015, through 2016, 2017, and into April 2018...(arguably the longest 'Trial' in South Australian legal history-Ed)...well quite, and yet I don't rate a single mention in any of my mate Bruce's Annual Reports...(not even after your extraordinary 'Conviction on 18 Counts' and subsequent maximum $30k/count, totalling $540,000 fine?-Ed)...nope, not one word...    

The longest 'Trial' in Sow Strayan history, 3 different Magistrates...(including Her Honour Teresa Anderson who 'recused' herself after reading your 100 Document "Malicious Prosecution" submission, where-in HH had used the term "Malicious Prosecution" when HH 'Ordered' that you do that submission/presentation-Ed)...yep, all that, and not a single mention of li'l ol' moi in any ICAC Annual Report from 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, or even 2017/18...(so in February-April 2018 you've been 'Convicted' of 18 Counts of breaching the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, the precedent Prosecution/Conviction of Section 56, and fined a massive maximum $540,000, and none of that gets a single mention in Bruce's 2017/18 Annual Report?-Ed)...absolutely...oh look, damn it, here's the section from Bruce's 2017/18 Annual Report that covers 'Convictions' from the 2017/18 period... there you have it...and please note 1) that these cases straddle my February-April 2018 'Conviction', and that 2) Frank Templeton, of Mt Gambier, found guilty of multiple counts of de-frauding government contracts, was not even fined, but instead received a Good Behaviour Bond of only $500, money I understand he gets returned after that 18 months...(and that doesn't even take into account the various contractors and/or clients he ripped-off-Ed)...well indeed, continuing to accept monies and run-up debts whilst effectively insolvent, and then just shutting-up shop owing various people various amounts...disgraceful conduct involving outright Fraud gets a $500 GBB, yet that heinous criminal type, Nick Fletcher, is fined $540,000 then commuted to 260hrs Community Service, with a 'Victims of Crime' fee of $2800, and Court Costs of $300...(so actual Fraud is $500 GBB, but telling the truth about a supposed ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council's rank corruption, that's a $540,000 fine?-Ed)...exactly...

And I also note that my 2015-2018 'Trial', subsequent 'Conviction', and $540,000 fine, and all the nonsense involved, that has been repeatedly reported in the local The Border Watch newspaper and on the ABC South East Radio...(both of whom were SAPol Prosecution witnesses in your 'Trial'-Ed)...well quite, but apart from that, and apart from that one article in The Australian in May 2014, my 'Trial/Conviction' has not been mentioned in any media outside of the South East, not even Adelaide, and certainly not interstate...(and that's despite others repeatedly contacting interstate media with your stuff-Ed)...indeed, it's not an ignoring founded in ignorance, it's a straight-out refusal to report it...Australia's media; apparently can't see the gross failings of the Federal Royal Commission in not asking the Lutherans a single question, nor can they see the "Malicious Prosecution" of my "bizarre trial" or it's outrageous outcome...what does that tell ya'?... 

Tomorrow: The Latest Mt Gambier City Council 'Indoor Pool' Deceits

Starring our other bestie, Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin...this whole farcical process is a deeply cynical and manipulative exercise in blatant 'pork-barrelling' deceits and manipulation, with Mt Gambier residents set to pay the price, literally, for decades to come...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, and challenging community leaders on their deeply self-interested deceits and manipulations of the Mt Gambier community, that's not 'talking-down' the community, that's knowingly exposing one's self to constant abuse and putting one's own well-being last in genuinely pursuing the actual best interests of the community...(damn straight it is!-Ed)...and at any time I'm more than happy to take these clowns on téte-a-téte in public debate on any of these issues, and particularly this 'Indoor Pool' debasco (debacle meets fiasco)...(they'll never do it mate, 'cos they know the verbal dismantling they're in for-Ed)...well exactly...anyhoos dear availees, cheers and laters...

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