Because you'll be reading them a lot from here-on-in...howdy y'all in Moldova, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, and Thailand and to y'all else all elsewhere, welcome to TMGI...(so we're still here then?-Ed)...what do you mean "still here"?...(well weren't you in Court again last Friday 20th April 2018?-Ed)...ahhh, right, yes...(and wasn't Magistrate White going to 'Suppress' this 'ere blog?-Ed)...well sure, he did raise the issue during his li'l chit-chat with SAPol Prosecutions (police) back at the end of the second 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing' on 9th March 2018, following on from the farcical first 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing' of 28th February 2018...
I refer to recent posts about these extraordinarily farcical 'Judgement/Verdict Hearings', and here's a brief reminder...on 28th February, Magistrate White finally appeared at 1000hrs via Videolink from Elizabeth Courthouse, a full 30mins late, and with SAPol Prosecution's Batten somewhere unidentified calling-in by phone...he pronounced me 'Guilty on all Counts' before adjourning again until 9th March because we were now 'in Magistrate Anderson's List time'...he didn't read the 'Judgement/Verdict' onto the Court Record, and did not acknowledge my written questions in my submission 21st February 2018, about how the ICAC Act 2012 had been very specifically changed via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act (November 2014), changed to allow me to be prosecuted...even when I questioned him in Court he initially ignored me before just waving me away, saying 'you have my judgement and it's written in there', but again he didn't read it out or even direct me to where he'd supposedly covered the issue...
I was handed that 'Judgement/Verdict' partway into that hearing, therefore being denied any opportunity to read it, then he referred to it but didn't read it...then when the 'Law Change' issue was exposed in The Border Watch on Thursday 1st March, I suddenly received an 'Addendum' via email from Magistrate White the next day (2nd March), where-in he suddenly acknowledges the reality of that ICAC MAA 2014, and how I was correct that the law was changed after my home was raided by SAPol Anti- Corruption Branch (7th/8th May 2014)...(and blames you for not explaining it to him properly-Ed)...indeed, a ludicrous denial of responsibility that is also a provable my submission of 21st February 2018 I thoroughly explain everything about the ICAC MAA 2014...Magistrate White only addressed the ICAC MAA because he was outed in the media...(and wasn't there then a second 'Addendum' only days later?-Ed)...yep, as covered in those recent posts...
In Court Magistrate White tried to ignore the realities of the ICAC Act MAA 2014, changes which are irrefutably motivated by my Legal Eagle's (lawyer's) July 2014 letters to My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, etc, etc...(tried to ignore all that until outed-Ed) on! then blamed me for not explaining it, then acknowledges that I was prosecuted under the wrong definition of 'To Publish'...(and then dismisses it all as irrelevant!-Ed)...indeed, and makes-up his own definition that is actually/partially from 'Defamation Law'...(and says you're guilty anyway-Ed)...indeed...he acknowledges;
1) that my 'Charge Period' precedes the ICAC MAA 2014 changes, and therefore my alleged crime
wasn't actually a 'crime' until November 27th 2014;
2) that I was also therefore prosecuted under the "wrong definition" of 'To Publish', but;
3) then 'Convicts' me anyway...
When we returned 9th March 2018 Magistrate White was again 15 mins late, threatened me yet again with 'Contempt of Court', then had a li'l chit-chat with SAPol's Batten, a chat that introduced farcically corrupt 'Suppression Orders' which involved 3 people and effectively banning me from Mt Gambier City Council meetings...(on what grounds?-Ed) grounds, no explanation, not nuthin', just another randomly incoherent attack on me as fully supported by a Magistrate openly colluding with SAPol Prosecutions...(is this them? these 'Suppression Order Applications' don't even make sense-Ed) they don't Ed, but how is that relevant in my farcical 'Trial'?...(fair point-Ed)...
And if you thought my 'Trial' process had thus-far been a farcically embarrassing indictment of the South Australian Courts system, then hold-on to your horses and bolt your gates...(and put your cart wherever you like-Ed)...absolutely, because Friday was another staggeringly bizarre and fundamentally corrupt display...Magistrate White long-ago gave-up even pretending he was acting in a balanced and respectful manner, openly colluding with SAPol Prosecutions and their list of SAPol witnesses, and has continuously ignored everything I've raised that supports my 'defense'...his undisguised collusion with SAPol is self-evident, and no example more definitive than those bizarre 'Suppression Orders' that were first discussed at the very end of 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing II'...but here's the latest...
I've held back this post just to see what local media The Border Watch and ABC South East reported...(let everyone nail their colours to the mast?-Ed)...exactly, and certainly the ABC SE didn't let me down, not reporting a single word I said in Court, but making multiple references to Magistrate White's latest round of cowardly bullying and vacuous threats about 'Contempt of Court'...(I didn't hear the 'Suppression Orders' mentioned at all-Ed)...nope, nor the issues I raised about how "ludicrous" they are, eg, telling me I must "not allow another person" to breach these 'Orders', and the 'sly sideways attempt' to ban me from Mt Gambier City Council meetings by granting a 'Restraining Order' against a Councillor, whom apparently I cannot name or go near their home/work/whatevs...(well how are you supposed to address the litany of gross Corruption, Nepotism and Insider Trading that defines their involvement with MGCC?-Ed)...well that's the point isn't it, stop me talking about the rank corruption evident in these three people's conduct...
Anyhoos, here's a brief run-down of Friday 20th April 2018, the latest/last? farcical hearing in my rancidly corrupt "Malicious Prosecution", a fundamentally corrupt 'Trial' that has been wholly about 'getting me' with a complete disregard for the Truth or Legal Propriety...
1) as per usual, I rocked-up at 0915hrs for a 0930hrs start;
2) Magistrate White and SAPol Prosecution's Batten were again via Videolink from Elizabeth Court;
3) I argued that the 'Suppression Applications' were/are "ludicrous", identifying a) that there are no reasons/justifications provided, and b) the stuff about how they say that I must "not allow" another person to "do anything forbidden" by these 'Orders';
4) I identified the sly attempt to ban me from MGCC meetings;
5) I also identified that I have current complaints (from October 2017) still pending with the Local Government Minister and the Local Government Assoc and MGCC CEO Mark McShane, about the outrageous bullying, abuse, and harassment that I have been subjected to when I attend MGCC meetings, including identifying specific occasions when the relevant Councillor has harassed and abused me;
6) Magistrate White dismissed this, stating that the 'Applications' don't say I must "not allow", and completely ignoring my points about banning me from MGCC meetings, and my current complaints;
7) he then launched into a sneeringly abusive review of my supposedly awful behaviour.
Magistrate White is a seriously angry and deeply unbalanced individual when it comes to me, and he made no attempt to disguise his hatred for me, banging-on about how I had 'repeatedly been warned', but how I 'didn't like the advice', and how I 'went ahead and did what (I) wanted', and I 'knew what I was doing was wrong', etc, was/is Magistrate White carefully redefining his own rank and relentless bias against me...and he was just getting into his very angry and embittered stride when the sound dropped-out briefly...I stood up and said so, but he just kept going about what a bastard I am, eventually stopping me and having a go at me about how I wasn't to talk...I said it again, 'the sound dropped out and I missed that bit', and he was furious...dripping animosity and hatred, he snarled through literally gritted teeth that he'd start again...and he did...
Off we go, what a bad person I am and I've said not nice things about people, etc, etc, carefully manipulating slivers of Reality into farcically overblown outrage, all whilst carefully ignoring the vast majority of contradictory evidence supporting my defense, and most particularly his own biased and therefore corrupted conduct...and then it happened again, the sound dropped-out, and I stood up and said so...and my mate Magistrate White was absolutely furious, literally speechless for a moment, but clearly gathering himself to hurl yet further abuse at me...and then the Court Sherriffs stepped-in and spoke-up, 'yes, sorry your Honour, but we are having problems at this end with the sound, we'll check it out'...and didn't that improve Magistrate White's mood no end...he was clearly rabid about it, that thin-lipped hatred and fury etched into his countenance, and then he dead-set lost it...
He sat silent for a moment, literally going red, and then something just went sproing! in 'is lí'l mind tank and he quite literally snapped...he furiously stated something about 'another matter to hear', said he was 'calling an adjournment until 1000hrs' (it was about 0945hrs), and then he actually reached over and hung-up/disconnected the link, and the screen went blank...just like that...the Sherriffs and I were left there just looking at each other in disbelief and mild confusion...the Sherriffs/staff then scrambled to re-organise a 'link', stating that whatevs the problem was, it was not uncommon and clearly at the Elizabeth end...we ended-up in a small side room, in the Vulnerable Witnesses Suite, with the TBW and ABC journos sitting only feet behind me...and when we resumed at 1000hrs and Magistrate White yet again graced us with his presence, off he went again...I was frantically trying to scribble down notes, and I'm waiting for the Recordings and Transcripts so I won't try to quote what he said exactly, but it now included 'Sentencing' me to 260hrs of Community Service, delivered with a snide gouge about how I can contribute something positive to the community I've said such nasty things about, etc...
He then approved the farcically corrupt 'Suppression/Restraining Orders', along with further threats about 'Contempt of Court' if I breach them, etc, then stating 'that concludes(?) my involvement with this trial', and then just hung-up, again...his parting shot was one last cowardly threat about how he'd referred me to the Court Registrar (Adelaide? Elizabeth?) about 'Contempt of Court' supposedly on my posts from April 2018...availees will remember no doubt, that on March 9th he threatened and abused me about 'CofC' and 'stuff on the blog' he'd apparently "been shown" and 'assumed was me', but that's all gone now apparently, and he's moved on to April now...regular availees will also remember that from his very first involvement in my 'Trial', Magistrate White has repeatedly used these 'Contempt of Court' threats to bully and harass and intimidate me...literally every single 'hearing', starting with the straight-out threat from February 8th 2017, when he directly threatened to have me "taken into custody"...
Magistrate White has openly abused his position to abuse, harass, threaten and silence me, and there is no better illustration than his outrageous mis-use of 'Contempt of Court'...he has also repeatedly just ignored me and/or talked over me, which by regulation forces the poor Sherriffs to intervene and ask me to sit down, be quiet, etc...Magistrate White has deliberately manipulated this regulation as a tool of his abuse and harassment of me...he has also withdrawn to the relative safety of Elizabeth, from where he has hung-up on me every time, and on 20th April he took this to a bizarre new extreme by hanging-up on me twice in the one brief a purely procedural sense, his conduct of my 'Trial' is farcically unprofessional, and in a practical sense, definably corrupt...
Then on Tuesday 24th April 2018, I learn via The Border Watch that I have also been fined over $3,000 for 'Court Costs and Victims of Crime levies'...this was not mentioned at all in Court, and is yet another example of Magistrate White's gross bias and deliberate incompetence toward is also another instance where-in TBW somehow has access to information that either 1) wasn't discussed in Court, and/or 2) they weren't in Court to does TBW come to be in possession of this info? t'is as though someone from within the Courts system is feeding them info...
Book Ends Of Hilarity:...are that my 'Trial' began with a hearing I wasn't even told about but learned of via TBW the day after, and now ends with their reportage of 'Costs and Levies' never even mentioned in Court...and secondly, Magistrate White's vacuous threats and cowardly bullying re 'Contempt of Court', starting with his first 'hearing' in February 2017 and then his parting threat right at the end of last week, and every 'hearing' in between...
I note that on April 20th 2018 Magistrate White suddenly found
his words when it came to identifying my personal details, albeit
delivered with his trademark snide lies...mid-abusive tirade, he stated
that I have "refused to discuss (my) personal details", which is a
straight-out lie trying to address the deliberately mocking and
derogatory and belittling language he has used before to try and
undermine and discredit and humiliate me...he very quickly mentioned "the DSP" (the
Disability Support Pension) and then actually used the word
"Agoraphobia"...previously he has carefully avoided identifying these
realities in an attempt to diminish/deny what it is I have suffered over
the past 10-15, in his rankly corrupt 'Reasons for Ruling'
about continuing my 'Trial' in my absence in November 2017, he deliberately doesn't
mention the DSP at all and uses the deliberately mocking term "an
Anxious condition"...nasty, spiteful, bitter little word games from a
nasty, spiteful, bitter little man...
I currently find myself in the bizarre situation of trying to define those bizarrely corrupt 'Suppression and/or Restraining Orders', and everyone I've shown agrees that they do (ludicrously) say that I must stop others doing what I'm banned from doing, as farcically undefined as that is, and that I must 'police' these 'Orders' to stop anyone going near or contacting the ABC or Mt Gambier City Council, etc, and that I must monitor the Internet in case something appears on's a farcically corrupt and ludicrous nonsense, and when I clearly identified these problems/faults to Magistrate White, he just angrily waved it away...why is it that everyone who isn't Magistrate White can see those glaring faults, but he cannot?...or rather, will not...
A Bizarre Example:...was Wednesday's ANZAC Day Dawn Service at Vansittart Park, where I stood at the back, but heard MP Tony Pasin and Mayor Andrew Lee mentioned as wreath-layers, and where-in this other MGCC Councillor may well have been do I stay 5metres away from someone who may not even be there, and do so at a Public Function held in a park? I to leave the park and stand across the road 5metres away?'s a farcically Fascist attack on me, ludicrous 'Orders' not backed by a single word of justification and as handed-down by a wholly biased Magistrate who isn't interested in what's 'Just' or even 'Legal Appropriate' and is simply doing what he was clearly sent to do, get me at whatever cost...
Tomorrow: My Latest Official Complaint About Magistrate White
I'll post the long letter I sent Thursday 19th April 2018 to Chief Magistrate Hribal and Magistrate White and Attorney-General Vicki Chapman and my mate Treasurer Rob's a fundamentally fascinating read about the litany of gross corruption that defines every aspect of my "bizarre trial", supported as it is with several critical documents, eg, Rob Lucas stating in Parliament in 2015 that the (then) Weatherill Labor government were using ICAC to attack Public Service 'Whistleblowers''s a direct reference to exactly what has been done to me, a corrupt Labor government utilising it's corrupt ICAC to attack their Political Enemies...welcome to the "Malicious Prosecution" of Nick Fletcher According To Rob Lucas...
And as part of this "Malicious Prosecution", everything has been done to move the discussion to what a bastard I supposedly am, and I say not nice things, etc, etc, moved well-away from the rankly corrupt realities of my 'Political Persecution' and/or the rankly Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and/or pretty much everything that I write about...but never forget dear availees, this is all about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of South Australia as exposed by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and despite raising the issue of "suppressing the blog in it's entirety", at the 9th March 2018 'Judgement/Verdict Hearing', Magistrate White never mentioned any such thing last week...the only 'Suppression/Restraining Orders' that I am aware of are about those 3 individuals, and of course the deliberately sly 'banning from MGCC meetings and/or any other Civic Functions' that I raised with Magistrate White and that he confirmed by not despite and/or because of all that, cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND "" AND ""
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
New Pool - Mt Gambier City Council's Latest Corrupt Lie
Dear Availees and Residents of Mt Gambier,
Howdy y'all, and welcome to a super-short post about the latest farcically corrupt and deeply deceitful manipulation from the rancidly corrupt MGCC...
For the last 2-3 months there has been a huge flurry of absolute bollocks pouring outta' MGCC about an 'All Weather Sporting Facility', based around an 'Indoor Pool'...and it's all an absolute lie from serial liars and frauds and thieves...(what makes you say that?-Ed)...because I've been to their meetings and they are serial liars, frauds, and thieves...(fair enough-Ed)...
Three Words:...this 'Indoor Pool' push is a farcical deceit motivated by 3 words, Local Government Elections in November...(that's 5 words-Ed)...yes, alright, 5 words that are the reality of what's happening here...I've been to the MGCC meetings in recent years where the 'Pool' issue was not just pushed to the back-burners but shoved unceremoniously onto the floor, allowed to congeal, then kicked into a dark corner, never to be discussed again...there is no 'Pool' anywhere in MGCC's various ludicrous 'Plans' until suddenly they need some popular issue to try and garner some sort of credibility where none exists otherwise...
I'll say it again, this is a crass manipulation based on an outright lie...(a $40million lie-Ed)...well indeed, and accompanied with carefully manipulative lies about how the extraordinary cost won't affect Rates...(well denying that is also a way to stir-up opposition-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, the whole thing is a deceitful manipulation yet again using people's genuine desire for Community Improvement to try and project the idea that MGCC give a rat's arse about anyone other than themselves...(whilst actually driving a wedge into the community-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and it's already happening, with some people rightfully skeptical and already copping abuse from those who can't see the realities for the bright lights of Council's disingenuous promises for a 'shiny new plaything'...
And then there's the farcically corrupt and incompetent MGCC projects that precede this latest deceit...remember how these clowns corruptly and incompetently burned $$$millions on the Library, supposedly $5m that went over $12m, the ludicrous Main Corner that was $4.5m and again went past $12m and costs a fortune to run but without any actual purpose, the Helpmann Theatre 're-vamp' that went from $900,000 to nearly $1.5m, and has left major structural damage to the Theatre building, etc, and the mind-numbing Rort-fest that was the Old Hospital Demolition and the pathetically unusable Rail Lands, where MGCC promised a $10m Parklands Concept that included a major 'Sound Shell' and renovated iconic Old Rail Station, neither of which has happened...I understand that Council has already spent that $10m and then some, not least of all due to multiple re-workings of the drainage issues...(or rather lack of drainage-Ed)...indeed...(and of course with all it's associated missing monies, eg, the $345,000 that former CEO Greg Muller stole/defrauded/whatevs from the Main Corner Project-Ed)...exactly Ed, a perfect example...
And now these same corrupt clowns are trying to get their grubby mits on $40m of your money, and the vast majority of it will go directly into the pockets of MGCC family members and/or their mates...(well it's what MGCC does, steal Ratepayer's money-Ed)...that's exactly what they do mate, and if I never attend another MGCC meeting, their definitive litany of previous frauds, lies, and rank Nepotisms clearly flag where they are headed with this deceit...
And on that issue, MGCC is having a 'Special Meeting' tonight but I won't be attending because my rankly corrupt 'Trial' has produced farcically undefinable 'Suppression Orders' that deliberately ban me from attending any 'Civic Functions'...(on what grounds?-Ed) 'grounds', no explanation at all, and ignoring the fact that I still have 'Official Complaints' pending about these rankly corrupt clowns appalling conduct toward me, etc...(so Magistrate White has banned you from all MGCC 'functions', but not provided any explanation as to why?-Ed)...exactly, because that's not Fascism at all is it, using the Courts to pursue a Political Agenda of Punishment and Retribution...(well actually that's the dictionary definition of Fascism-Ed)...yeah, I was being sarcastic...
And why did MGCC pay a 'consultant' $30,000 to do this farcical 'Pool' design? what about Council's vastly bloated and deeply corrupted bureaucracy of highly paid 'Managers'? what are they for? where are they?...(and I don't suppose that that 'consultant' is a Councillor's relative or some-such?-Ed) mean like when Council gave Councillor Des Mutton's son control/operation of the Main Corner for free?...(no, I was referring to when they gave Cr Mutton's grandson $10,000 for 'consulting' about solar panels-Ed)...mmm, my bad...(well it's highly understandable given the relentless litany of corruption from MGCC, the endless supply of Insider Trading and Nepotism and straight-out theft!-Ed)...indeed, my confusion is understandable...
Yet again, MGCC has deliberately left this 'Federal Funding Application' to the last minute, cobbling together a farcically overblown 'project design', and shoving it in before the April 30th deadline...
Pardon my lack of motivation, but I'm finishing here because I'm just so sick-and-tired of watching these corrupt clowns lie and manipulate and steal your/our money...
This 'Pool' is a farcical over-reach designed to self-undermine with it's ridiculous cost, and in the unlikely event that MGCC gets the multiple 'Grants' necessary to make it happen, Mt Gambier will end-up with a $20m embarrassment that actually costs $50m+ whilst the bulk of those monies go into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or friends...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy y'all, and welcome to a super-short post about the latest farcically corrupt and deeply deceitful manipulation from the rancidly corrupt MGCC...
For the last 2-3 months there has been a huge flurry of absolute bollocks pouring outta' MGCC about an 'All Weather Sporting Facility', based around an 'Indoor Pool'...and it's all an absolute lie from serial liars and frauds and thieves...(what makes you say that?-Ed)...because I've been to their meetings and they are serial liars, frauds, and thieves...(fair enough-Ed)...
Three Words:...this 'Indoor Pool' push is a farcical deceit motivated by 3 words, Local Government Elections in November...(that's 5 words-Ed)...yes, alright, 5 words that are the reality of what's happening here...I've been to the MGCC meetings in recent years where the 'Pool' issue was not just pushed to the back-burners but shoved unceremoniously onto the floor, allowed to congeal, then kicked into a dark corner, never to be discussed again...there is no 'Pool' anywhere in MGCC's various ludicrous 'Plans' until suddenly they need some popular issue to try and garner some sort of credibility where none exists otherwise...
I'll say it again, this is a crass manipulation based on an outright lie...(a $40million lie-Ed)...well indeed, and accompanied with carefully manipulative lies about how the extraordinary cost won't affect Rates...(well denying that is also a way to stir-up opposition-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, the whole thing is a deceitful manipulation yet again using people's genuine desire for Community Improvement to try and project the idea that MGCC give a rat's arse about anyone other than themselves...(whilst actually driving a wedge into the community-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and it's already happening, with some people rightfully skeptical and already copping abuse from those who can't see the realities for the bright lights of Council's disingenuous promises for a 'shiny new plaything'...
And then there's the farcically corrupt and incompetent MGCC projects that precede this latest deceit...remember how these clowns corruptly and incompetently burned $$$millions on the Library, supposedly $5m that went over $12m, the ludicrous Main Corner that was $4.5m and again went past $12m and costs a fortune to run but without any actual purpose, the Helpmann Theatre 're-vamp' that went from $900,000 to nearly $1.5m, and has left major structural damage to the Theatre building, etc, and the mind-numbing Rort-fest that was the Old Hospital Demolition and the pathetically unusable Rail Lands, where MGCC promised a $10m Parklands Concept that included a major 'Sound Shell' and renovated iconic Old Rail Station, neither of which has happened...I understand that Council has already spent that $10m and then some, not least of all due to multiple re-workings of the drainage issues...(or rather lack of drainage-Ed)...indeed...(and of course with all it's associated missing monies, eg, the $345,000 that former CEO Greg Muller stole/defrauded/whatevs from the Main Corner Project-Ed)...exactly Ed, a perfect example...
And now these same corrupt clowns are trying to get their grubby mits on $40m of your money, and the vast majority of it will go directly into the pockets of MGCC family members and/or their mates...(well it's what MGCC does, steal Ratepayer's money-Ed)...that's exactly what they do mate, and if I never attend another MGCC meeting, their definitive litany of previous frauds, lies, and rank Nepotisms clearly flag where they are headed with this deceit...
And on that issue, MGCC is having a 'Special Meeting' tonight but I won't be attending because my rankly corrupt 'Trial' has produced farcically undefinable 'Suppression Orders' that deliberately ban me from attending any 'Civic Functions'...(on what grounds?-Ed) 'grounds', no explanation at all, and ignoring the fact that I still have 'Official Complaints' pending about these rankly corrupt clowns appalling conduct toward me, etc...(so Magistrate White has banned you from all MGCC 'functions', but not provided any explanation as to why?-Ed)...exactly, because that's not Fascism at all is it, using the Courts to pursue a Political Agenda of Punishment and Retribution...(well actually that's the dictionary definition of Fascism-Ed)...yeah, I was being sarcastic...
And why did MGCC pay a 'consultant' $30,000 to do this farcical 'Pool' design? what about Council's vastly bloated and deeply corrupted bureaucracy of highly paid 'Managers'? what are they for? where are they?...(and I don't suppose that that 'consultant' is a Councillor's relative or some-such?-Ed) mean like when Council gave Councillor Des Mutton's son control/operation of the Main Corner for free?...(no, I was referring to when they gave Cr Mutton's grandson $10,000 for 'consulting' about solar panels-Ed)...mmm, my bad...(well it's highly understandable given the relentless litany of corruption from MGCC, the endless supply of Insider Trading and Nepotism and straight-out theft!-Ed)...indeed, my confusion is understandable...
Yet again, MGCC has deliberately left this 'Federal Funding Application' to the last minute, cobbling together a farcically overblown 'project design', and shoving it in before the April 30th deadline...
Pardon my lack of motivation, but I'm finishing here because I'm just so sick-and-tired of watching these corrupt clowns lie and manipulate and steal your/our money...
This 'Pool' is a farcical over-reach designed to self-undermine with it's ridiculous cost, and in the unlikely event that MGCC gets the multiple 'Grants' necessary to make it happen, Mt Gambier will end-up with a $20m embarrassment that actually costs $50m+ whilst the bulk of those monies go into the pockets of Councillors and/or their families and/or friends...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, April 16, 2018
Suppressing Nothing But My Laughter - More Court Stuff
Howdy in the USofA, Germany, Poland, and Spain, welcome one-and-all to TMGI...feeling much better thanks, and am looking forward to bangin'-out many more posts on this 'ere blog...(I thought you said that Magistrate White stated that he intended to 'Suppress' this 'ere blog?-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, and I cannot wait to see him try, in what would be the latest crass corruption in the litany of 'Corruptions' that constitute his outrageously Biased conduct in my "bizarre trial"...(ooo, careful mate, he might threaten you with 'Contempt of Court' again-Ed)...what do you mean again?! all he's done, right through-out his 18-month involvement in my (now more than) 3-year long 'Trial', all he's done is harass, abuse and threaten me, including for accurately describing his definably corrupt conduct...(mmm, fair call-Ed)...
Through-out, he has flatly refused to answer my direct questions on;
1) the repeatedly acknowledged but still un-resolved Constitutional Law issues, including him repeatedly refusing to read the multiple references in the Certificate of Record, and most particularly Magistrate Anderson's specific 'Order' to SAPol Prosecutions (made February 2016) that SAPol contact lawyer Ralph Bonig to sort it out;
2) the failure of SAPol (police) to 'Charge' me or even to Summons me to Court (February 2015);
3) the definition of the vastly vague legislation that I've been 'Convicted' of;
4) his own 'Orders' of 19th July 2017 where-in he directs SAPol to notify me about the open-ended Medical Absence of SAPol's Lead Investigator and head-witness Caroline Gardner, and how this then related to her unexpected re-appearance in Court November 2017, and;
5) his 'Order' to himself (also 19th July 2017) to review and notify me about my multiple requests for transcripts of all 30+ hearings.
Then on 28th February 2018 he flatly refused to discuss my questions about the changes to the ICAC Act 2012 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, as put through SA Parliament by Labor's Attorney General John Rau, and reportedly at the specific request of My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, etc...refused, that is, until my questions were reported in The Border Watch the next day, 1st March 2018, and then shazzam! suddenly I get emailed an 'Addendum' that blames me for not explaining these changes to him properly, but now openly acknowledges these ICAC Act changes and how that affects my case, before dismissing all that as 'irrelevant'...(and 3 days later another Addendum-Ed)...indeed, on 5th March 2018, 'Addendum II, Son of Addendum'...(what's next, 'A3: Revenge of the Addenda'?-Ed)...careful what you wish for champ...
On multiple occasions SAPol Prosecutions have failed and/or deliberately refused to follow specific Court Orders, starting with that 'Order' by Her Honour, they have lied, they're 'Charge Sheet' is an embarrassing joke, they didn't 'Charge' or Summons me to Court, etc, etc, and they have been emboldened and supported by Magistrate White's refusal to address any of these 'behaviours', after the farce of the 'Verdict Hearing' of 28th February 2018, and the subsequent re-farce of the 'Sentencing Hearing' of 9th March 2018, we are headed to yet another 'Hearing' regarding this ludicrous 'document' below, as provided by SAPol quickly re-iterate...
At 0915hrs on 9th March 2018 I attended Mt Gambier Courthouse as 'Ordered' (28th Feb), for the 0930hrs Videolink with Magistrate White in Elizabeth (Adelaide), and he finally appeared at 0945hrs, with SAPol Prosecution's Batten standing right in front of him...we discussed the impending (and maximum) $540,000 of fines and Magistrate White didn't reduce that amount but instead changed it to the maximum 300hrs of Community I understand it, that leaves the farcical $540,000 still relevant as the 'precedent sentence' for this alleged crime of 'talking about stuff'...then after pretending to do me that favour, which still wasn't officially ratified and I've received nothing from the Court about Community Service, etc, then Magistrate White led SAPol's Batten in a li'l chat amongst themselves about 'interventions' and/or 'suppressions'...
Those 15 minutes that we all here in Mt Gambier were waiting for his grace and her lady-ship to bestow us with the bountiful gifts of their actual presence, they'd obviously been in Elizabeth discussing these 'interventions' and/or 'suppressions' and how they were going to try and slide those rank corruptions into my "bizarre trial" at the last moment...(but this has always been coming, this is entirely what this rankly corrupt Political Persecution, this "Malicious Prosecution" is all about, attacking you/me/us and this 'ere blog and trying to shut you/us/it all down-Ed)...absolutely, but this is first actual mention of any such 'Interventions/Suppressions' in Court, going into the third 'hearing' in this "bizarre" extended Verdict process, itself now more than 4 months after the "bizarre trial" of Nov 2017, etc....
Just like an old married couple, Magistrate White And SAPol's Batten were finishing each others' sentences, but from what I could hear, he raised the issue of a 'Banning/Restraining Order' to stop me attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings, and he was definitely the one who stated "...and of course an Order suppressing the blog in it's entirety."...crass collusion between Magistrate and SAPol, and so brazenly corrupt that they're not even pretending anymore...Magistrate White asked what SAPol had ready, and they then discussed something about 'Form 12', I think, and than a 'Form 19', and SAPol's Batten said something about 'is it alright on a blank page, not the form?'...I didn't clearly hear, but assumed this 'blank page' wasn't appropriate because at that point Magistrate White called yet another adjournment and gave her until the next Friday, 16th March to produce her 'submission', further 'Ordering' that I pick it up from Mt Gambier Courthouse after 1300hrs...then he hung-up on me it turns-out, as evidenced below, apparently SAPol had nothing written down at all...
SAPol Prosecutions had come into Court arguing for 'Intervention and/or 'Suppression Orders', but supposedly/apparently had not even written it down, and that discussion was referring to what they'd eventually submit, the ludicrous 1-page farce below...given the further adjournment, I assumed that I would be collecting reams of 'case law' and submissions, etc, as has happened before, piles of irrelevant documents but no actual answers, but this here is what awaited after a whole week, a farcical pseudo-document, and clearly with Magistrate White's consent...
This is self-evidently a legal 'joke' in that it;
1) is not on any of the identified forms;
2) tries to ban me from using 'social media', eg, 'blogging';
3) tries to ban me from attending public places, eg, the ABC, Council meetings, etc;
4) includes no justification or reasoning as to why I need to be banned from various places, and;
5) includes the ludicrous 'Order' that I "must not...allow...another person to do anything forbidden by this order."
...(hang on, "not allow another person", that doesn't even make sense, that's saying that you have to 'police' the actions of everyone else, quite literally everyone, to make sure they don't go near Stansfield and/or Perryman, or where they work, and/or write stuff about them, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's an absolute nonsense masquerading as a legal farce...
Whoever actually drafted this has deliberately tried to hide the bit about 'banning me from attending Council meetings', by including that under 'not allowed near Perryman in his Public Officer Duties'...(well that's at least 3 MGCC meetings per year you won't be allowed to attend-Ed) that a hilarious gouge at MGCC and Stevo, mate, about his show-up when he feels like it attitude to meetings, attending less than half in recent years?..(indeed, and I'll further hilaritise by observing, what about all the times he rocks-up 10/15/30 minutes late and/or leaves early? you supposed to suddenly bolt from the building or loiter in the carpark for 45 minutes because then he's definitely not showing-up, or wait until he leaves? or if you lob at some function, any public function, and he's there you gotta' leave again, or even if he's not there his dodgy MGCC mates can call him up and say 'Nick's here, come down so he has to leave''s absolutely ludicrous-Ed)...well precisely Ed, it's a farcical nonsense, just like the rest of it...
I've been backward and forward through both ICAC legislation and SA Magistrates Court stuff and I cannot find 'Section 19A CLSA APPLICATION on Penalty'...(ooo, here t'is I think-Ed), ok, that refers to it maybe, ummm, look, I'm just gunna' paste-across what I found, here t'is...
Self-evidently, this one-page nonsense does not identify who is making these 'Applications', and/or for what reasons...what exactly are the grounds for these 'Suppression/Intervention Orders'? where's the 'Application' to bar me from attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings that Magistrate White mentioned on 9th March 2018? and most importantly what about his statements about "suppressing the blog in it's entirety"...(well you've spotted that 'Council Ban' in the Perryman stuff-Ed)...ah yeah...(but I can't help you with the other stuff, sorry-Ed)...indeed, just another clumsy attempt to deny me any chance to address that stuff, and therefore further undermine me and my 'Right to a Fair Trial'...
Nor is there any documentation provided as per Magistrate White's extraordinary extended 'Contempt of Court' threats and associated attempted cross-examination of 9th March 2018, yet another denial of information with a direct view to undermine and disadvantage me...
I remind availees that I currently have official complaints still pending resolution, about the multiple acts of direct physical intimidation and threats and harassment and abuse that I have been subjected to by numerous members of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, including Stevo's repeated and pathetic efforts at the MGCC 2013/14 Budget Consultations at the library, and including the September 2017 Ambush by Cr Morello, Cr Lovett, Manager Serle, and my mate CEO Mark McShane...(doesn't it also include McShane's li'l stunt at gym only weeks before?-Ed)...yeah, and that, all that's still unresolved and here we have these same clowns trying to ban me from attending things where they harass and attack and abuse me...shreckin' hilarious...
Tomorrow: The Renewables Stuff
Feedback:...cheers for this, and I haven't checked them out my self yet, but if y'all need a good laugh, have a look at the photos on Growing Up In The Mount webpage thingy, where-in someone's posted several photos of the Mount Gambier Rail Lands under water, Saturday 14th April 2018, and not just the grassy-end apparently, whole swathes of paved bits, etc...if it weren't another disastrous waste of Ratepayer's hard-earned, the Rail Lands would just be a bad joke... hear Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell expressing his opposition to Council Rate-Capping...(sweet baby cheeses, has he rolled-over or what?-Ed)...absolutely, and no better example than his rapid self-correction when he was describing the powers of the Local Government Minister, who apparently has the authority to 'sack whole Councils'...(but Minister Geoff Brock sent you back to MGCC CEO Mark McShane with your official complaints about MGCC's outrageous conduct, eg, the September 2017 Ambush, Extended Harassment, Abuse and Threats by Cr Frank Morello, Manager Nick Serle, Cr Mark Lovett, and CEO Mark McShane; and McShane harassing you at gym, etc-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, sent my complaints about McShane back to McShane, and 6 months later I'm still waiting for McShane to respond about McShane's reprehensible actions...but we digress, albeit whilst not holding our breath...
Troy Bell stated that 'there are a couple of rogue Councils"...(aha! meaning the rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...well he obviously thought so himself, because he immediately qualified that with "errr, a couple of rogue Metropolitan Councils"...(ahahahaha-Ed)...well exactly, realised he'd just dropped his dodgy mates at MGCC right in it, and then furiously back-peddled away from that because he knew that people would immediately make that exact association...(hilarious, by quantifying that 'rogue Councils' statement with 'metropolitan Councils' he only managed to further focus that statement on MGCC, no wonder you nearly Fell Off Your (My) Chair Laughing-Ed)...well I'm sure no-one noticed his little faux-pa...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Through-out, he has flatly refused to answer my direct questions on;
1) the repeatedly acknowledged but still un-resolved Constitutional Law issues, including him repeatedly refusing to read the multiple references in the Certificate of Record, and most particularly Magistrate Anderson's specific 'Order' to SAPol Prosecutions (made February 2016) that SAPol contact lawyer Ralph Bonig to sort it out;
2) the failure of SAPol (police) to 'Charge' me or even to Summons me to Court (February 2015);
3) the definition of the vastly vague legislation that I've been 'Convicted' of;
4) his own 'Orders' of 19th July 2017 where-in he directs SAPol to notify me about the open-ended Medical Absence of SAPol's Lead Investigator and head-witness Caroline Gardner, and how this then related to her unexpected re-appearance in Court November 2017, and;
5) his 'Order' to himself (also 19th July 2017) to review and notify me about my multiple requests for transcripts of all 30+ hearings.
Then on 28th February 2018 he flatly refused to discuss my questions about the changes to the ICAC Act 2012 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, as put through SA Parliament by Labor's Attorney General John Rau, and reportedly at the specific request of My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander, etc...refused, that is, until my questions were reported in The Border Watch the next day, 1st March 2018, and then shazzam! suddenly I get emailed an 'Addendum' that blames me for not explaining these changes to him properly, but now openly acknowledges these ICAC Act changes and how that affects my case, before dismissing all that as 'irrelevant'...(and 3 days later another Addendum-Ed)...indeed, on 5th March 2018, 'Addendum II, Son of Addendum'...(what's next, 'A3: Revenge of the Addenda'?-Ed)...careful what you wish for champ...
On multiple occasions SAPol Prosecutions have failed and/or deliberately refused to follow specific Court Orders, starting with that 'Order' by Her Honour, they have lied, they're 'Charge Sheet' is an embarrassing joke, they didn't 'Charge' or Summons me to Court, etc, etc, and they have been emboldened and supported by Magistrate White's refusal to address any of these 'behaviours', after the farce of the 'Verdict Hearing' of 28th February 2018, and the subsequent re-farce of the 'Sentencing Hearing' of 9th March 2018, we are headed to yet another 'Hearing' regarding this ludicrous 'document' below, as provided by SAPol quickly re-iterate...
At 0915hrs on 9th March 2018 I attended Mt Gambier Courthouse as 'Ordered' (28th Feb), for the 0930hrs Videolink with Magistrate White in Elizabeth (Adelaide), and he finally appeared at 0945hrs, with SAPol Prosecution's Batten standing right in front of him...we discussed the impending (and maximum) $540,000 of fines and Magistrate White didn't reduce that amount but instead changed it to the maximum 300hrs of Community I understand it, that leaves the farcical $540,000 still relevant as the 'precedent sentence' for this alleged crime of 'talking about stuff'...then after pretending to do me that favour, which still wasn't officially ratified and I've received nothing from the Court about Community Service, etc, then Magistrate White led SAPol's Batten in a li'l chat amongst themselves about 'interventions' and/or 'suppressions'...
Those 15 minutes that we all here in Mt Gambier were waiting for his grace and her lady-ship to bestow us with the bountiful gifts of their actual presence, they'd obviously been in Elizabeth discussing these 'interventions' and/or 'suppressions' and how they were going to try and slide those rank corruptions into my "bizarre trial" at the last moment...(but this has always been coming, this is entirely what this rankly corrupt Political Persecution, this "Malicious Prosecution" is all about, attacking you/me/us and this 'ere blog and trying to shut you/us/it all down-Ed)...absolutely, but this is first actual mention of any such 'Interventions/Suppressions' in Court, going into the third 'hearing' in this "bizarre" extended Verdict process, itself now more than 4 months after the "bizarre trial" of Nov 2017, etc....
Just like an old married couple, Magistrate White And SAPol's Batten were finishing each others' sentences, but from what I could hear, he raised the issue of a 'Banning/Restraining Order' to stop me attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings, and he was definitely the one who stated "...and of course an Order suppressing the blog in it's entirety."...crass collusion between Magistrate and SAPol, and so brazenly corrupt that they're not even pretending anymore...Magistrate White asked what SAPol had ready, and they then discussed something about 'Form 12', I think, and than a 'Form 19', and SAPol's Batten said something about 'is it alright on a blank page, not the form?'...I didn't clearly hear, but assumed this 'blank page' wasn't appropriate because at that point Magistrate White called yet another adjournment and gave her until the next Friday, 16th March to produce her 'submission', further 'Ordering' that I pick it up from Mt Gambier Courthouse after 1300hrs...then he hung-up on me it turns-out, as evidenced below, apparently SAPol had nothing written down at all...
SAPol Prosecutions had come into Court arguing for 'Intervention and/or 'Suppression Orders', but supposedly/apparently had not even written it down, and that discussion was referring to what they'd eventually submit, the ludicrous 1-page farce below...given the further adjournment, I assumed that I would be collecting reams of 'case law' and submissions, etc, as has happened before, piles of irrelevant documents but no actual answers, but this here is what awaited after a whole week, a farcical pseudo-document, and clearly with Magistrate White's consent...
This is self-evidently a legal 'joke' in that it;
1) is not on any of the identified forms;
2) tries to ban me from using 'social media', eg, 'blogging';
3) tries to ban me from attending public places, eg, the ABC, Council meetings, etc;
4) includes no justification or reasoning as to why I need to be banned from various places, and;
5) includes the ludicrous 'Order' that I "must not...allow...another person to do anything forbidden by this order."
...(hang on, "not allow another person", that doesn't even make sense, that's saying that you have to 'police' the actions of everyone else, quite literally everyone, to make sure they don't go near Stansfield and/or Perryman, or where they work, and/or write stuff about them, etc-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's an absolute nonsense masquerading as a legal farce...
Whoever actually drafted this has deliberately tried to hide the bit about 'banning me from attending Council meetings', by including that under 'not allowed near Perryman in his Public Officer Duties'...(well that's at least 3 MGCC meetings per year you won't be allowed to attend-Ed) that a hilarious gouge at MGCC and Stevo, mate, about his show-up when he feels like it attitude to meetings, attending less than half in recent years?..(indeed, and I'll further hilaritise by observing, what about all the times he rocks-up 10/15/30 minutes late and/or leaves early? you supposed to suddenly bolt from the building or loiter in the carpark for 45 minutes because then he's definitely not showing-up, or wait until he leaves? or if you lob at some function, any public function, and he's there you gotta' leave again, or even if he's not there his dodgy MGCC mates can call him up and say 'Nick's here, come down so he has to leave''s absolutely ludicrous-Ed)...well precisely Ed, it's a farcical nonsense, just like the rest of it...
I've been backward and forward through both ICAC legislation and SA Magistrates Court stuff and I cannot find 'Section 19A CLSA APPLICATION on Penalty'...(ooo, here t'is I think-Ed), ok, that refers to it maybe, ummm, look, I'm just gunna' paste-across what I found, here t'is...
Intervention and Restraining Orders
Section 19A of the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988 (SA) empowers a court to make an intervention order under the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 (SA) or restraining order under the Criminal Procedure Act 1921 (SA) after finding a person guilty of an offence or upon sentencing [see s 19A(1)]. The section allows for the orders to be made against a defendant as if an application was made under these Acts against the defendant [see Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 ss 6, 7, 12 and Criminal Procedure Act 1921(SA) s 99AA and 99AAC]. An order made under s 19A of the Criminal Law (Sentencing) Adct 1988 (SA) has effect as an intervention or restraining order [see s 19A(2)(a)]. An order under s 19A is not a sentence [see s 19A(2)(b)].- intervention order
- An order made by police or on application to the
Court ex parte regulating a defendant's behaviour towards a protected
person. The initial order is interim, followed at a later date by a
hearing at which the defendant may make submission and the Court varies,
confirms or discharges the order. A determination hearing is then held
at which time the Court may vary, confirm or discharge the order.
Intervention orders may be sought to prevent either domestic or
non-domestic abuse.
- restraining order
- An order under section 99A or 99AAC of the Summary Procedure Act 1921 restraining a defendant in his or her behaviour in relation to children generally or to a child or children in particular.
Self-evidently, this one-page nonsense does not identify who is making these 'Applications', and/or for what reasons...what exactly are the grounds for these 'Suppression/Intervention Orders'? where's the 'Application' to bar me from attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings that Magistrate White mentioned on 9th March 2018? and most importantly what about his statements about "suppressing the blog in it's entirety"...(well you've spotted that 'Council Ban' in the Perryman stuff-Ed)...ah yeah...(but I can't help you with the other stuff, sorry-Ed)...indeed, just another clumsy attempt to deny me any chance to address that stuff, and therefore further undermine me and my 'Right to a Fair Trial'...
Nor is there any documentation provided as per Magistrate White's extraordinary extended 'Contempt of Court' threats and associated attempted cross-examination of 9th March 2018, yet another denial of information with a direct view to undermine and disadvantage me...
I remind availees that I currently have official complaints still pending resolution, about the multiple acts of direct physical intimidation and threats and harassment and abuse that I have been subjected to by numerous members of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, including Stevo's repeated and pathetic efforts at the MGCC 2013/14 Budget Consultations at the library, and including the September 2017 Ambush by Cr Morello, Cr Lovett, Manager Serle, and my mate CEO Mark McShane...(doesn't it also include McShane's li'l stunt at gym only weeks before?-Ed)...yeah, and that, all that's still unresolved and here we have these same clowns trying to ban me from attending things where they harass and attack and abuse me...shreckin' hilarious...
Tomorrow: The Renewables Stuff
Feedback:...cheers for this, and I haven't checked them out my self yet, but if y'all need a good laugh, have a look at the photos on Growing Up In The Mount webpage thingy, where-in someone's posted several photos of the Mount Gambier Rail Lands under water, Saturday 14th April 2018, and not just the grassy-end apparently, whole swathes of paved bits, etc...if it weren't another disastrous waste of Ratepayer's hard-earned, the Rail Lands would just be a bad joke... hear Member for Mt Gambier Troy Bell expressing his opposition to Council Rate-Capping...(sweet baby cheeses, has he rolled-over or what?-Ed)...absolutely, and no better example than his rapid self-correction when he was describing the powers of the Local Government Minister, who apparently has the authority to 'sack whole Councils'...(but Minister Geoff Brock sent you back to MGCC CEO Mark McShane with your official complaints about MGCC's outrageous conduct, eg, the September 2017 Ambush, Extended Harassment, Abuse and Threats by Cr Frank Morello, Manager Nick Serle, Cr Mark Lovett, and CEO Mark McShane; and McShane harassing you at gym, etc-Ed)...indeed he did Ed, sent my complaints about McShane back to McShane, and 6 months later I'm still waiting for McShane to respond about McShane's reprehensible actions...but we digress, albeit whilst not holding our breath...
Troy Bell stated that 'there are a couple of rogue Councils"...(aha! meaning the rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council?-Ed)...well he obviously thought so himself, because he immediately qualified that with "errr, a couple of rogue Metropolitan Councils"...(ahahahaha-Ed)...well exactly, realised he'd just dropped his dodgy mates at MGCC right in it, and then furiously back-peddled away from that because he knew that people would immediately make that exact association...(hilarious, by quantifying that 'rogue Councils' statement with 'metropolitan Councils' he only managed to further focus that statement on MGCC, no wonder you nearly Fell Off Your (My) Chair Laughing-Ed)...well I'm sure no-one noticed his little faux-pa...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Dear Google, In His Own Words, Here's How Bill DeGaris Deceives And Manipulates You
Howdy Bahamas, Ukraine, Poland, and Turkey...(Turkey? woohoo, they're back!-Ed)...I know! Turkey had issues with 'Internet Bans' and it's great to see them availees back on this 'ere many Australians, I have an undefinable affinity with Turkey because my great-grandfather landed with the New Zealanders at Gallipoli, in what was us invading them on behalf of the British Empire...anyhoos, further apologies for these breaks in posting, but I have been seriously unwell with a full-on fluey-thing followed by an infection in a busted tooth...whilst I'm over-joyed to be here to whinge about it, all that Chemo 14 years ago really 'rooted' my teeth, and whilst I'm damn lucky to still have as many as I do, I suffer through 'busted teeth' several times a year...I'm also extremely lucky that I can go to my family cap-in-hand for the $350 it cost to save that particular tooth, because most people on the Disability Support Pension or similar, they do not have that emergency familial financial support, and therefore don't get the choice, they suffer until the offending molar gets yanked-out...
Following directly on from the previous post addressed to The Googles, I have received a response from Jonathan Brohier of DeGaris Lawyers to my request for a formal In Camera (recorded) meeting with him and his client/employer Bill DeGaris...and here t'is...
Here, defined in his own words, are the lies, deceits, bullying and threats that Bill DeGaris has been using to manipulate Google and/or threaten me...and here's my response to Billy, mate, emailed to them this morning, Wednesday 11th April 2018...
Following directly on from the previous post addressed to The Googles, I have received a response from Jonathan Brohier of DeGaris Lawyers to my request for a formal In Camera (recorded) meeting with him and his client/employer Bill DeGaris...and here t'is...
Here, defined in his own words, are the lies, deceits, bullying and threats that Bill DeGaris has been using to manipulate Google and/or threaten me...and here's my response to Billy, mate, emailed to them this morning, Wednesday 11th April 2018...
Jonathan Brohier
Wednesday 11th April 2018
c/- DeGaris Lawyers
19 Penola Rd
Mt Gambier SA 5290
Dear Mr Brohier,
I refer to your recent correspondence (28th March 2018)
on behalf of your client and employer, Bill DeGaris; my initial
response of 4th April 2018; and your response to that,
dated 5th April and received by post Monday 9th
Mr Brohier, I do not
understand why you;
- continue to deliberately misrepresent the many unpleasant realities of your client/employer's conduct, as often covered in my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, then;
- continue to threaten me about my supposed 'defamation' of your client/employer, but then;
- refuse to take any action regarding these alleged 'defamations', and;
- also refuse my request to resolve these issues In Camera in a formal meeting at your office.
You have abused and
threatened me and attacked my blog, all apparently because I am
allegedly defaming your client/employer, but when I have requested to
attend at your offices, and put myself officially on your record to
resolve this, you flatly refuse. This is a clear indicator of the
disingenuous nature of your various allegations and threats.
This refusal is a clear
indication that you know the veracity of my statements about Bill
DeGaris's extraordinary conduct, and therefore also understand that a
formally recorded meeting only serves to expose the reality.
Your client/employer
has refused to meet with me because he knows what he has done and
thinks he can simultaneously avoid the repercussions of his
outrageous conduct whilst still trying to attack me and/or my blog
via other means, eg, these constant 'defamation threats' to Google.
Why have you refused to
provide copies of your alleged complaints to Google? This is between
me and you and your client/employer, and you are the ones
manipulating Google. Furthermore, I have still not received a single
'official Google Notification' about your alleged complaints.
Do you not understand,
Bill Degaris was not representing Glyn Dorling, the “text-book
grooming paedophile”* teacher from St Martins Lutheran School, I am
not angry at Bill DeGaris for his conduct whilst acting for and
thereby protecting the paedophile teacher.
(*Flinders Child
Protection Unit, August 22nd 2002)
Bill DeGaris was
supposedly representing us parents and our abused children, he was
supposedly my lawyer. I am irretrievably traumatised by your
client/employer's complicit and deliberate betrayal of us families,
his clients, thereby protecting the paedophile teacher.
You state;
“We note that
you have not apologised for any of your defamatory allegations and
outlined in our letter dated 28 March 2018.”
When I state that 'Bill
Degaris betrayed me and my child', that is not an 'allegation' or an
'implication', that is a definable, provable statement of fact. Bill
DeGaris did betray me and my child, and your client/employer knows
exactly what he has done, and that he has also done it to many other
families, and dozens if not potentially hundreds of children.
I have never “alleged
or at least implied that Mr DeGaris is a paedophile.”, rather, I
have stated across multiple posts that I consider Bill DeGaris's
conduct, his deceits and his betrayal, I consider that to be far
worse than the behaviour of paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling.
Some would argue that
“text-book grooming paedophile” teacher Glyn Dorling was/is
suffering some degree of 'Mental Illness', for lack of a better term,
and therefore was not entirely responsible for his atrocious conduct
at St Martins Lutheran School.
In stark contrast, your
client/employer was a legal professional in full possession of his
faculties and supposedly representing families of abused children,
and he has made multiple conscious decisions to act against us
families and our abused children, to definably betray his own
Your client/employer
knew exactly what happened in that classroom at St Martins in 2002
and several years previous, and then was intimately complicit in
deceiving and manipulating his own clients into a vulnerable
position, causing our 'case' to collapse in chaos.
As your client/employer
is fully aware, in early 2006 Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan
stated to parents that police had approached him expressing concerns
that Glyn Dorling was back teaching in a Lutheran school in Victoria.
Bill DeGaris knows that
as fact because that meeting between his clients and Comm Mullighan
took place in your client/employer's office in his old office
building on Wehl St Sth, with Bill sitting right there. Has your
client/employer not told you this?
Even Comm Mullighan
acknowledged that it was inconceivable that an unrepentant “text-book
grooming paedophile”, who officially blamed the children for the
abuses he committed against them at St Martins, would simply stop
abusing children. Regardless, there is clear evidence of Glyn
Dorling's conduct from his several years at St Martins prior to his
sudden removal mid-2002, let alone conclusive proof of his abuses
against our 7 year old kids.
The ultimate reality is
that a “text-book grooming paedophile” teacher walked away
absolutely unscathed to go and 'teach' elsewhere because of your
client/employer's betrayal of us, his clients.
I fully stand-by and
repeat my assertion that Bill DeGaris's conduct is far worse than
that of the paedophile teacher he conspired to protect. Furthermore,
I have repeatedly explained this position through-out the blog, but
you have tried to take part of a single paragraph from one post of
900+, and then try to say that that it is somehow proof that I have
called Bill DeGaris “a paedophile”;
“At least by
imputation you clearly allege that Mr DeGaris is a paedophile.”
That sentence is
self-contradictory. What does it even mean?
I repeat, Bill
DeGaris's conduct is far worse than the paedophile teacher's, and I
am more than prepared to defend that position In Camera at your
offices or anywhere else of your choice, but I do not believe that
meeting/hearing will happen because your client is aware of what
awaits him in that situation, the explicit reality of his own
You further state
“Mr DeGaris is
limited in pursuing civil defamation proceedings against you as the
remedy for
defamation is an award of damages. As you are a “man of straw”
have no capacity
to pay legal damages) there is no point in pursuing that line of
redress. We will
however, be pursuing alternative legal means to ensure that you
can no longer
make these allegations.”
This is a lie on
multiple levels, and yet further indication of your entirely
disingenuous conduct on behalf of your client/employer. Why have you
mentioned 'civil' but not 'Criminal Defamation'? You have previously
repeatedly accused me of “malicious” actions designed to cause
harm, is this not the legal definition of what constitutes 'Criminal
Bill DeGaris is not
sueing me because he knows that any such legal action serves only to
expose the realities of his betrayal of his clients, to expose his
definably corrupt conduct as an active participant in the cover-up of
the abuse of my child and dozens of other kids at St Martins.
It is absolutely
appropriate and plausible that your client/employer sue me for either
Criminal or Civil Defamation, and having proven that alleged
'defamation' in Court, you can then apply for Suppression Orders to
stop me blogging my supposed falsehoods. Indeed, you yourself have
repeatedly stated and/or threatened exactly that in your original
letter, and I quote;
“This letter
represents a Concerns Notice pursuant to section 14 of the Defamation
Act 2005.”
Why repeatedly threaten
me with 'Defamation Action' in one letter, then in the very next,
dismiss that potential action as being 'pointless'? This is yet
further proof of the disingenuous nature of your various allegations,
threats, deceits and manipulations.
Why do you try to mock
me about my personal situation in trying to justify your lie? All you
have done is identify and acknowledge the extreme trauma that your
client/employer's betrayal has bought into my life and that of my
child and family and the lives of so many others. Indeed, I am a
broken and a broke man, and a good deal of that is directly
attributable to your client/employer's betrayal.
Furthermore, I note
that you have focussed solely on the St Martins Cover-up and have not
included further threats about how your client/employer came to be
the owner of the SERDE building, and/or various other business
relationships he is involved in.
Tell your
client/employer that he is a coward and a liar and a betrayer and
that his own despicable conduct, his deceits and his betrayals, they
never ever go away for him, in the same way that they never go away
for the deeply traumatised children and families he betrayed.
In these two letters
you and your client/employer define your own deceits and
manipulations of Google by refusing to meet In Camera and resolve
this horrendous issue, choosing instead to continue to hide behind
hyperbolic yet undefined bullying and threats and spurious
'defamation' accusations.
I offered you an
appropriate way to resolve the many issues of your clients/employer's
conduct, (ie, via an In Camera meeting at your office) but you have
refused my request because you know that it will only expose your
client/employer. Instead, you have chosen to hurl further base
threats and abuse at me, carefully trying to avoid any possibility of
your client/employer being held to account.
You have clearly chosen
to join your client/employer Bill DeGaris and involve yourself in the
St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and in that context
you have made a mistake, but your persistent blatant attempts to
threaten and bully me, one of the traumatised parents that you know
was betrayed by your client/employer, this shows you to be of the
same calibre as your client/employer.
I am advised that
Google's own 'Complaint Guidelines' direct potential complainants to
first contact the person they wish to complain about and attempt to
resolve the situation before lodging requests for removal of posts.
Making these same bullying threats about 'Concerns Notices' back in
2013 does not constitute 'contacting me to sort it out'. I put my
name on every post and you have my contact details on file since
2005, so why have you not followed that primary Google protocol? Why
have you attacked the blog without contacting me first? Why refuse me
copies of your alleged complaints when that's exactly what Google
tells you to do before lodging complaints with them?
As a result of your
recent actions, and using your own recent letters as evidence,
'official complaint notices' have now been lodged with Google, citing
your deceits, bullying, threats, and the multiple 'defamations' you
have made against me to Google. These 'complaints' include a thorough
explanation to Google of how you and/or your client/employer have
been using 'false defamation allegations' to deceive and manipulate
Ironically, I have been
threatened with defamation so many times by your client/employer and
so many others, that I do not need a lawyer to tell me that your
“malicious” and provably false allegations against me are
'defamation' because you have made these claims to a third party,
namely, Google itself.
You and your
client/employer have acted with deliberate deceit and “malicious”
intent, to a third party, and that is the legal definition of
'Criminal Defamation'. Your “malicious” lies have then been
publicly displayed, technically a further 'Criminal Defamation' of me
by both you and Google, but Google is legally exempt because they
have acted with genuine intent and good faith in response to your
deliberate lies.
I repeat my requests
for you to immediately provide me;
- copies of your alleged complaints to Google, and;
- an In Camera meeting with you and your client/employer.
...and there you have it dear availees...
Tomorrow: More "Bizarre Trial" Stuff And/Or Renewables Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, and apparently it gets in, right in, and that's why there is a definably concerted effort to try and shut me down...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Dear Google, Why Are You Letting Bill DeGaris Manipulate And Bully You With His Vacuous Defamation Threats?
Dear Google,
I thought we had this sorted-out, and I'm mildly disappointed that it's happening again...(mildly disappointed? mildly? wow, man I'd be berko-Ed)...yeah, sure, I ain't exactly celebrating but it's thanks to The Googles that I get to do this 'ere blog at all...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and free of charge mind...(true-Ed)...and Google and their lawyers are being manipulated by wanton deceits from another lawyer, how else are they to respond?...(and gourd knows who else is slingin' abusive threats at them-Ed)...well exactly, eg, ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, infamous as being the Complainant, Judge, and Jury, in unilaterally referring me directly to SAPol's (police) Anti-Corruption Branch without following any of the appropriate processes within his own ICAC...(and all that nonsense with the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' thingy'-Ed)...well if you call a private citizen being the sole subject of their very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation' what's all about them and no-one else, and all for the heinous crime of 'blogging stuff that's actually true', if you call that 'nonsense', well then sure...and of course Bruce is notorious for his use of 'Suppression Orders' and associated threats and retribution...
Beyond that, I only have this letter from Bill DeGaris's office, attached below, claiming that he is responsible for the 'Disappearing Posts, and no proof what-so-ever that it is The Googles doing it on his behalf, after he has supposedly lodged complaints...I have received no 'Google Notifications' of any sort regarding these latest 'removals', and with previous 'removals' back in 2013/14, 1) the Googles have sent me a 'Notification', and 2) the original copy of those posts have remained in this 'ere blog's Drafts/Publish section, and 3) those post's titles remain on this 'ere blog but with an attached notice referring me/availees through to Lumen (originally it was Chilling Effects) for details about the complaint, but these latest removals have been entirely deleted out of the Drafts, gone completely, and no 'Notification' of any sort...I remind dear availees that SAPol (police) still have my laptop, which they seized whilst raiding my home back on 7th/8th May 2014, and can therefore access the internals of this 'ere blog, and can therefore change and/or completely delete any post...
Dear t'is, the latest masterpiece from Bill DeGaris, what I done receive in the post yesterday, Tuesday 3rd April 2018, yet another litany of self-evidently unsubstantiated allegations and empty it's very existence, this 'ere classic exactly proves everything I've been saying about Bill DeGaris's conduct, and here-in lies the ugly bucket of fundamentally irretrievable reality that Bill, mate, has just tipped right on for the alleged author of this extraordinary document, Jonathan Brohier, for all I know he a) had it shoved in front of him and was told to sign-and-send, right through to z) he willingly and knowingly offered to become complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Because that's what you've done, mate, and at any time, let's say this Friday 6th April 2018, let's sayyy, noon? yeah? I am more than happy to meet with you, Mr Jonathan Brohier, in your offices there in that SERDE building and In Camera, that is, fully recorded by me, and by you if you want to, whatevs, but In My Camera we'll have a wee chat about just exactly what it is you've waded into, mate...and we can start our little chat with one of my personal faves, namely, how it is you come to be sitting in that chair, in that office, in that particular building, that particular SERDE building that Bill DeGaris 'purchased' from me, you've got my number, you're apparently readin' this 'ere blog, let's chat, mate...and if you think that clown on telly 'Chats Hard'...oh, and do set out a few chairs, in the big room, and perhaps some refreshments, 'cause I know a coupla' other people wanna' swarm by and have a li'l chat with/about Bill and it will take quite some time...perhaps we should make it 0900hrs...
Anyone For Tea?:...and as much as I'm slingin' furious mocking abuse I am deadset serious, let's get serious, Mr Brohier, mate, and let's sit-down together in a fully recorded discussion, at your offices, at your earliest convenience...Bill DeGaris's office is clearly reading/monitoring this 'ere blog, and I will also now contact Mr Brohier/Bill DeGaris and make this specific offer/ is clearly the only way to resolve this extraordinary situation, a fully recorded meeting will provide final and definitive proof as to which party is being "malicious", who's statements are "baseless", who is making "defamatory allegations", etc...and I was ready to go yesterday, so any time you're ready, Mr Brohier, let's all sit-down together and resolve this, as soon as possible put the billy on, and I'll bring the heat...
Dear Google:...If Bill DeGaris thought he could sue me for 'Defamation', why is he running to you instead?
Dear Google:...Bill DeGaris is a 'lawyer' himself, so why is he attacking me with his unproven statements claiming to be fact, rather than just sueing me for 'Defamation'?
Dear Google:...I have not made "defamatory allegations", I have made provable statements of fact about Bill Degaris's actual conduct, statements that I am quite prepared to defend in an actual 'Defamation Trial', as opposed to this 'Trial By Threat'.
Ooo, And Dear Googles:...I ain't 'yellin' at ya' in bold font, nor you dear availees, I'm just doin' it for dramatic effect, pretty cool huh?
Anyhoos, the screechingly undeniable reality here is that this letter's mere existence proves exactly what I've been saying about Bill DeGaris and his conduct, yet another litany of threats and unsupported claims...and it's 'First Year Student Law Fail-Grade Nonsense', I mean, where are the examples? show me where I've done what, mate, 'cos this letter's got lotsa' threats...(real big on threats-Ed)...and is chockers with 'allegations'...(packed to the gunnels with 'allegations'-Ed)...but not one single actual shreckin' example...just one'd do, but it's all bluff and bluster...
And bang!, straight outta' the gate, an absolute lie...I have never called Bill DeGaris "a paedophile" me, Mr Brohier, exactly where in exactly which post I've stated that...has not happened...and you know that I haven't, Dear Googles, because you're readin' the damn things...(and so's Billy apparently-Ed)...what?...(and so's Billy, apparently-Ed)...not with you...(well apparently Billy's readin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well don't be ridiculous Ed, nobodies readin' this 'ere blog, or talkin' about it, remember? back at that Mt Gambier City Council 2013/14 Budget 'Public Consultation thingy at the library?...(ahhh, when MGCC CEO Mark McShane mockingly said to you "no-one's reading your blog Nick", and you smilingly replied, "Yes they are Mark, and you know they are"-Ed)...yep, that's the one, to which he wittily repartee-ed with uncomfortable silence and an increasingly crimson countenance...ahhh happy days to be sure, but we digress, back to the Bill-mobile...
And when I say that's a lie, Bill DeGaris knows it's a lie, and so does Mr Brohier, and if he doesn't know then he's skated 'ímself right onto the thin ice of Lake Ludicrous, where-in he is technically 'defaming' me by presenting a very specific but false accusation as a statement of fact, either a) in ignorance, having taken no steps to verify the veracity of his statement, or b) where-in he is knowingly lying, and c) where he has defamed me by making these claims to a third party, namely, The Googles...again, Mr Brohier, where have I said that? in which post on what date?...and furthermore, how am I to defend myself against this spurious 'allegation' if you've already pulled-down that post, apparently...
Beyond that specific lie, the rest of this letter is unsubstantiated drivel unsupported by a single example, and I stand by every single thing I have had to say about Bill DeGaris and his deplorable conduct...
Please also find attached right here, a copy of the letter I have today sent to Mr Brohier requesting that In Camera meeting...and it goes a little something like this... I'll see you soon, mate, and we'll get this sorted...
Tomorrow: The Mind-Numbing NIMBY-ism Of Adelaide's Renewables Obsession
Let's have a quick review of the extraordinary and often blinkered obsession with Renewables and batteries and all that other nonsense, where-in supporters blithely ignore all of the compromising realities whilst stampeding toward ludicrous Renewable Targets...for example, where does all this Lithium come from for these ridiculous mega-batteries, or does it just drop out of the sky like Wind Turbines apparently do, supposedly Free Energy with Zero Pollution Footprint, what a load of rot...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
I thought we had this sorted-out, and I'm mildly disappointed that it's happening again...(mildly disappointed? mildly? wow, man I'd be berko-Ed)...yeah, sure, I ain't exactly celebrating but it's thanks to The Googles that I get to do this 'ere blog at all...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and free of charge mind...(true-Ed)...and Google and their lawyers are being manipulated by wanton deceits from another lawyer, how else are they to respond?...(and gourd knows who else is slingin' abusive threats at them-Ed)...well exactly, eg, ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, infamous as being the Complainant, Judge, and Jury, in unilaterally referring me directly to SAPol's (police) Anti-Corruption Branch without following any of the appropriate processes within his own ICAC...(and all that nonsense with the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' thingy'-Ed)...well if you call a private citizen being the sole subject of their very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation' what's all about them and no-one else, and all for the heinous crime of 'blogging stuff that's actually true', if you call that 'nonsense', well then sure...and of course Bruce is notorious for his use of 'Suppression Orders' and associated threats and retribution...
Beyond that, I only have this letter from Bill DeGaris's office, attached below, claiming that he is responsible for the 'Disappearing Posts, and no proof what-so-ever that it is The Googles doing it on his behalf, after he has supposedly lodged complaints...I have received no 'Google Notifications' of any sort regarding these latest 'removals', and with previous 'removals' back in 2013/14, 1) the Googles have sent me a 'Notification', and 2) the original copy of those posts have remained in this 'ere blog's Drafts/Publish section, and 3) those post's titles remain on this 'ere blog but with an attached notice referring me/availees through to Lumen (originally it was Chilling Effects) for details about the complaint, but these latest removals have been entirely deleted out of the Drafts, gone completely, and no 'Notification' of any sort...I remind dear availees that SAPol (police) still have my laptop, which they seized whilst raiding my home back on 7th/8th May 2014, and can therefore access the internals of this 'ere blog, and can therefore change and/or completely delete any post...
Dear t'is, the latest masterpiece from Bill DeGaris, what I done receive in the post yesterday, Tuesday 3rd April 2018, yet another litany of self-evidently unsubstantiated allegations and empty it's very existence, this 'ere classic exactly proves everything I've been saying about Bill DeGaris's conduct, and here-in lies the ugly bucket of fundamentally irretrievable reality that Bill, mate, has just tipped right on for the alleged author of this extraordinary document, Jonathan Brohier, for all I know he a) had it shoved in front of him and was told to sign-and-send, right through to z) he willingly and knowingly offered to become complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Because that's what you've done, mate, and at any time, let's say this Friday 6th April 2018, let's sayyy, noon? yeah? I am more than happy to meet with you, Mr Jonathan Brohier, in your offices there in that SERDE building and In Camera, that is, fully recorded by me, and by you if you want to, whatevs, but In My Camera we'll have a wee chat about just exactly what it is you've waded into, mate...and we can start our little chat with one of my personal faves, namely, how it is you come to be sitting in that chair, in that office, in that particular building, that particular SERDE building that Bill DeGaris 'purchased' from me, you've got my number, you're apparently readin' this 'ere blog, let's chat, mate...and if you think that clown on telly 'Chats Hard'...oh, and do set out a few chairs, in the big room, and perhaps some refreshments, 'cause I know a coupla' other people wanna' swarm by and have a li'l chat with/about Bill and it will take quite some time...perhaps we should make it 0900hrs...
Anyone For Tea?:...and as much as I'm slingin' furious mocking abuse I am deadset serious, let's get serious, Mr Brohier, mate, and let's sit-down together in a fully recorded discussion, at your offices, at your earliest convenience...Bill DeGaris's office is clearly reading/monitoring this 'ere blog, and I will also now contact Mr Brohier/Bill DeGaris and make this specific offer/ is clearly the only way to resolve this extraordinary situation, a fully recorded meeting will provide final and definitive proof as to which party is being "malicious", who's statements are "baseless", who is making "defamatory allegations", etc...and I was ready to go yesterday, so any time you're ready, Mr Brohier, let's all sit-down together and resolve this, as soon as possible put the billy on, and I'll bring the heat...
Dear Google:...If Bill DeGaris thought he could sue me for 'Defamation', why is he running to you instead?
Dear Google:...Bill DeGaris is a 'lawyer' himself, so why is he attacking me with his unproven statements claiming to be fact, rather than just sueing me for 'Defamation'?
Dear Google:...I have not made "defamatory allegations", I have made provable statements of fact about Bill Degaris's actual conduct, statements that I am quite prepared to defend in an actual 'Defamation Trial', as opposed to this 'Trial By Threat'.
Ooo, And Dear Googles:...I ain't 'yellin' at ya' in bold font, nor you dear availees, I'm just doin' it for dramatic effect, pretty cool huh?
Anyhoos, the screechingly undeniable reality here is that this letter's mere existence proves exactly what I've been saying about Bill DeGaris and his conduct, yet another litany of threats and unsupported claims...and it's 'First Year Student Law Fail-Grade Nonsense', I mean, where are the examples? show me where I've done what, mate, 'cos this letter's got lotsa' threats...(real big on threats-Ed)...and is chockers with 'allegations'...(packed to the gunnels with 'allegations'-Ed)...but not one single actual shreckin' example...just one'd do, but it's all bluff and bluster...
And bang!, straight outta' the gate, an absolute lie...I have never called Bill DeGaris "a paedophile" me, Mr Brohier, exactly where in exactly which post I've stated that...has not happened...and you know that I haven't, Dear Googles, because you're readin' the damn things...(and so's Billy apparently-Ed)...what?...(and so's Billy, apparently-Ed)...not with you...(well apparently Billy's readin' this 'ere blog-Ed)...well don't be ridiculous Ed, nobodies readin' this 'ere blog, or talkin' about it, remember? back at that Mt Gambier City Council 2013/14 Budget 'Public Consultation thingy at the library?...(ahhh, when MGCC CEO Mark McShane mockingly said to you "no-one's reading your blog Nick", and you smilingly replied, "Yes they are Mark, and you know they are"-Ed)...yep, that's the one, to which he wittily repartee-ed with uncomfortable silence and an increasingly crimson countenance...ahhh happy days to be sure, but we digress, back to the Bill-mobile...
And when I say that's a lie, Bill DeGaris knows it's a lie, and so does Mr Brohier, and if he doesn't know then he's skated 'ímself right onto the thin ice of Lake Ludicrous, where-in he is technically 'defaming' me by presenting a very specific but false accusation as a statement of fact, either a) in ignorance, having taken no steps to verify the veracity of his statement, or b) where-in he is knowingly lying, and c) where he has defamed me by making these claims to a third party, namely, The Googles...again, Mr Brohier, where have I said that? in which post on what date?...and furthermore, how am I to defend myself against this spurious 'allegation' if you've already pulled-down that post, apparently...
Beyond that specific lie, the rest of this letter is unsubstantiated drivel unsupported by a single example, and I stand by every single thing I have had to say about Bill DeGaris and his deplorable conduct...
Please also find attached right here, a copy of the letter I have today sent to Mr Brohier requesting that In Camera meeting...and it goes a little something like this...
Mr Jonathan Brohier
4th April 2018
c/- DeGaris Lawyers
19 Penola Rd
Mt Gambier SA 5290
Dear Mr Brohier,
I refer to your letter of 28th March 2018, stating that
you are responsible for having 24 articles (posts) removed from my
Google blog, 'The Mount Gambier Independent'.
You have made a series
of very serious but entirely unsubstantiated and unsupported
allegations about my conduct, including the outright falsehood that I
have claimed that “Mr DeGaris is a paedophile”. You know this has
not happened, I have never claimed that, so why have you stated this
as fact?
As I have received no
Google Notifications about these removals, please immediately provide
me with copies of the specific complaints you have allegedly lodged
with Google.
Furthermore, and as you
have identified, Bill DeGaris has been making these same unsupported
claims and/or threats about 'Defamation' since early 2013, but five
years later has yet to make good his multiple threats to sue me.
There is clearly only
one way to resolve this extraordinary situation, and so I will make
myself available, at your very earliest convenience, for an In Camera
(recorded) meeting with you in your offices there in the SERDE
I formally request this
recorded meeting happen immediately, and there is no reason why it
cannot or should not.
I also reserve the
right to have others attend that meeting so that they may also
explain to you their experience of Bill DeGaris.
Please respond
immediately with:
- the copies of your alleged complaints to Google, and;
- the time/date for my requested meeting.
Let's have a quick review of the extraordinary and often blinkered obsession with Renewables and batteries and all that other nonsense, where-in supporters blithely ignore all of the compromising realities whilst stampeding toward ludicrous Renewable Targets...for example, where does all this Lithium come from for these ridiculous mega-batteries, or does it just drop out of the sky like Wind Turbines apparently do, supposedly Free Energy with Zero Pollution Footprint, what a load of rot...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
No, Sam Rothall, This Is Karma
Dear availees in Belgium, Brazil, Niger, and here in Oz, thanks for the heads-up, but I had already spotted that the extraordinarily self-satisfied serial-rorter, Sam Rothall, was/is part of Mt Gambier City Council's Cr Josh Lynagh's angry li'l mob milling about in it's own confusion on his webpage thingy, Limestone Coast Community News...
Cr Lynagh has been waging a selfish political campaign of wanton deceit and manipulation against his own 'followers', deliberately and subserviently trotting-out MGCC Propaganda whilst constantly bleating about how he isn't doing exactly that, and including repeatedly attacking me personally, again as part of the MGCC campaign to hide their Raft of Rank Corruptions...and now Sam Rothall has lobbed her half-witted tuppence onto the page with some snide comment about my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' being "karma"...
No Sam, mate, 'karma' is when you come back to Mt Gambier and are held to account for the multiple corrupt rorts that you are personally involved in...I may be hated in certain circles, but there's a bunch of people here-abouts Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...whom loathe you for the contemptuously self-involved and self-satisfied self-aggrandiser that you are, and would dearly love to see you and your shonky husband back-here to face the's no wonder really that you and your equally cowardly husband have abandoned Mt Gambier and runaway to Adelaide, because your combined litany of rankly corrupt MGCC Contracts is only slightly less offensive and corrupt than your personal aggrandising over your highly-paid position with the Leukemia Foundation...and we'll be getting to that, but first, there's all this other Rothall corruption to wade-through, so let's start here...
Dear Sam, mate, come back to Mt Gambier and let's put SMB Civil's books on the table, alongside the books/accounts from Mt Gambier City Council, and let us all bathe in the glow of this rancidly Nepotistic Bonfire...let's have a good look at the multiple gross irregularities and outright 'corruptions' that you and your husband, former senior MGCC employee and 'mate' of MGCC, have been involved in with SMB Civil...I mean, surely it can't be true that MGCC was awarding Tenders/Contracts to SMB Civil whilst you were 'insolvent', surely that hasn't happened with any Ratepayer-funded Projects...has it Sam, mate, did MGCC award SMB Civil any contracts whilst you were insolvent?...we know the answer, don't we mate...
Let's have a butcher's at the bizarre Harrald St Housing debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(is that those dozen houses jammed on one block on Harrald St, that were spruiked as being for Public Housing and that had Public Money involved for that reason, and then was announced as going wholly to Jazz Academy students, until you pointed at that situation on this 'ere blog, and it all went to heck-in-a-handbasket and those students were 'forced elsewhere'?-Ed)...yep Ed, all of that, dodgy as all get-out, and the Jazz Housing bit goes sproing! just because I point at it, and I've been blamed for that too...(well yes, I can see how that would be your fault, not!-Ed)...indeed...and I openly confess that I've lost track of what exactly did ultimately happen because of the contradictory and convoluted nature of this entire 'Tender/Project' and subsequent multiple/ongoing Sale/Lease attempts...(ahhh whatevs-Ed)...sure, whatevs...
Here is a classic study in how some people will steadfastly refuse to see Realities that they don't want to see, eg, all the definable dodginess of this SMB Civil Housing Estate Issue, and some people will ignore everything they need to to get themselves to where they want to be...(where it's Nick Fletcher's fault?-Ed)...exactly, and not necessarily me, but just whoevs speaks-out about this sort of stuff...whilst I'm clearly the most obvious 'Out-Speaker', there are others in our community who do try and therefore cop similar if not as extreme retribution from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt Local Government and State Government structure...(well just look at what's being done to William Peden out at Robe-Ed)...well indeed, the stench pouring out of Robe Council is positively palatable, a stench involving the rancidly corrupt SA Independent Commission Against Corruption and Comm Bruce Lander just hovering there in the peripherals, trying to hide his involvement behind the Ombudsman's work...and there's no better illustrator of exactly how corruptly compromised that situation is than the way Mr Peden is being vilified, denigrated, blamed, and attacked by a Robe Council that is clearly furiously keen for something very serious to remain seriously unseen...
Tender Machinations:...then Sam, mate, after Harrald St, let's have a good look at the rancidly corrupt Tender process for that farcical Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...again, let's get you and your husband, say, on stage at a public meeting, and you can explain to all those people you've ripped-off why that process isn't just another rancidly corrupt Nepotism from MGCC, another rankly corrupt MGCC Contract awarded in your favour and at the great expense of 1) those other Contractors/Tenders who go through the costly 'Tender' processes but don't have corrupt mates on Council to hand them these Contracts/Tenders, and 2) the ever-suffering Ratepayers of Mt Gambier, yet-again financing you, in yet another example of MGCC's litany of such Contracts/Tenders to MGCC's mates and/or's corrupt from start to finish, and everyone involved knows it is, and you know it is...come on, let's "karma" that Sam, mate...
And then let us all have a jolly good look at the rancidly corrupt Main Corner contract, where-in control of that Ratepayer-financed Commercial Function Facility was handed directly to you from the original operator, Lachlan Mutton, son of MGCC Cr Des Mutton, handed to you at yet another MGCC 'Secret Meeting' without there being any Public Tender, etc, etc...just a litany of rancidly corrupt MGCC Nepotisms, handed from a MGCC Councillor's son to MGCC's mates, and all financed by Ratepayers...sickeningly self-interested corruption...and remember dear availees that the Main Corner utilities, eg, gas and electricity, are still paid for by Ratepayers, and that the 'Leasees' pay a "peppercorn lease" that does not cover those costs, let alone include any actual Rent for that $1m+ Commercial Kitchen in that $12m+ Function Facility...let's "karma" the living shit outta' that Sam, mate...
And hey, while we're there, lets open the books on exactly how much MGCC paid directly to you Sam, mate, for the multiple catered soirees that they put through the Main Corner/Town Hall facility...what vastly exaggerated prices did Mt Gambier Ratepayers fork-out for all those 'events' that we weren't invited to and/or allowed to attend?...and then of course Sam mate...(maaate-Ed)...was using the Commercial Kitchen facilities that Ratepayers finance, using that kitchen to prepare food for her cafe and/or catering business...(so Ratepayers were/are financing Sam's personal businesses?-Ed)...yep...(well that's very generous of us really, isn't it?-Ed)...and twice over when you consider that Sam, mate, was using the Main Corner kitchen for her cafe and/or catering business...(well hurrah-Ed)...
I remind availees that the Main Corner started at $4million, then went to $5m, then leapt to $9m, then $11m, and then I lost track, and a goodly part of that blow-out was $1m for suddenly adding a Commercial Kitchen part-way through the project, one of multiple 'additions' costing nearly $3m that Council approved without any Public Consultation, all done at just one MGCC Full Meeting, without any Public Consultation, etc, and then the 2 Tenders MGCC 'accepted' to run that Function Facility were the (then) Mayor Steve Perryman and Cr Des Mutton's son, and it went to Mutton Jnr, and initially free-of-charge...(wow, that's some rolled-gold Nepotism right there-Ed)...indeed, a litany of gross corruption, and as supposedly investigated and exonerated by the farcical and now notorious 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' ICAC investigation of 2013/14...(is that the farcical ICAC Cover-up that you've been 'Convicted' for talking about?-Ed)...that's the one, a 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' Investigation that I proved in Court did absolutely literally nothing to investigate, nothing recorded, not one document, etc, but then exonerated all and sundry associated with the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...
But what really had me spittin' chips was the interview a coupla' months back on ABC South East Radio, where-in some dude from the Leukemia Foundation stated very specifically that nothing had changed in Mt Gambier just because they've closed their office here, not to re-open anytime in the foreseeable future, no change because it was "purely a fundraising role", and "that position still exists in Adelaide"...(hang-on, that's the opposite to what Sam, mate, had to say about it! she was bangin'-on about how she needed that car, which they bought her with the $23,000 grant they received, because she was required to traverse the district to offer support, etc-Ed)...indeed, that is what she this dude completely contradicted Sam, mate, and then confirmed that she's still on the payroll...(and all whilst very carefully not actually mentioning her name-Ed) spotted that then?...
There has been alot of discussion recently about the 'rorting' of donated funds within 'Charities', and the high-profile surgeon Dr Teoh has got so sick of it that he's started his own charity...(and there's all that stuff about the massive funding boost to Beyond Blue (Depression Charity)-Ed)...well exactly, where-in there's been a massive expansion in the bureaucracy, including a lovely job for former PM Julia Gillard, resulting in a 'Wages' total slightly more than was brought in by 'Fundraising'...(sorry? so all the 'Fundraising' money went to 'Wages'?-Ed) I saw it reported, yep, effectively that's what's happened, and it's a perfect template for Sam Rothall's position with the Leukemia Foundation, where-in it appears that every cent she 'fund-raised' went straight into her pocket...
And I have been gifted the extraordinary good-grace of having survived a massive 'Leukemia' tumour aways back in 2004/05...(I thought it was Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma?-Ed)...well Lymphoma is a 'Blood Cancer', and therefore falls under the heading 'Leukemia'...(fair enough-Ed)...and it's in part because I survived that massive 16cm x 12cm tumour that I genuinely do not wish ill of anyone...(well partly that, but predominantly it is just your gentle nature-Ed)...fair call, and for example, rankly Pro-Paedophile Politician Rory McEwen should rot in gaol for his rancid corruption, particularly for his definable support for the Pro-Paedophile Culture that defines Mt Gambier and South Australia, etc, but that's exactly what I want to see, Rory rot in gaol, for as many years as to 100 Rory mate, you sad sick individual, and do it all in gaol where you belong...
So it's from that position of 'good-grace' that I point-out to Sam Rothall that it's a very precipitous position from which she flings abuse about "karma" at a Lymphoma Survivor...I so want to believe in "karma" so that I can watch a woman who has knowingly rorted the generosity of Cancer sufferers and/or survivors and their friends, families, and supporters, etc, to see that woman held to account for her rank hypocrisy and selfishness...someone who rorts a Cancer Charity for their own personal profit ought to be real careful about inviting "karma" into their li'l House of Cards, Sam, mate...
When Sam Rothall was encouraging young kids to come cut-off their beautiful hair and shave their heads, etc, she did that knowing full-well that every cent was going straight into her own pocket...and I've kept my mouth shut about that one, despite my personal opposition to this often very confronting 'head-shaving culture'...regular availees may well remember that, as a Lymphoma survivor, I'm also the proud owner of a plaited mane that we hacked-off just after my first Chemo aways back in late 2004, now stored in a plastic bag...I genuinely appreciate that people genuinely want to help and show support/solidarity etc, and that is fantastic, but please, if you gotta' do something with your hair, just colour it, please don't cut-off a beautiful head-a-hair, especially not in support of the Leukemia Foundation... if my mud-map calculations are correct, Sam Rothall actually drew more in wages than she 'raised', her 'employment' was a net-loss to the LF!...(and what about the cost of that office space?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and the running costs of that car, etc, etc...come on back to The Mount, Sam, mate, and let's crack a coupla' coldies and have a li'l shufty at your LF books, mate...(maaate-Ed)...
Dear Googles:...because Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed) so loathed by so many here-abouts, it's potentially problematic to just take other people's 'statements' as fact, so I have contacted the Leukemia Foundation, twice, but they declined to discuss/confirm/deny any of the 'allegations' that have been made directly to me about Sam Rothall's employment/conduct, so I'll list some of them here, and if Sam, mate, has a problem with any of it, I'm sure I'll hear about it...
1) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with SMB Civil, eg, the Rail Lands, etc;
2) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with the Main Corner;
3) there was no 'recruitment process' for the Leukemia Foundation, the position was created/organised specifically for Sam Rothall by 'a mate'...(in the same way Mt Gambier City Council created two '$200,000pa Manager' positions specifically for it's mates?-Ed)...exactly like that;
4) is Sam Rothall really getting paid $80,000 per annum as she was heard "bragging" at one of her li'l drinkey soirees she organised for her and her mates?
As I say, I've tried to have this stuff with the Leukemia Foundation confirmed/denied but they declined to answer those questions...also, I currently have no idea who is actually running The Main Corner/Town Hall at the moment because it's shrouded in secrecy, and it could well still be Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...but there may well have been any number of 'secret' Mt Gambier City Council meetings that have secretly transferred that 'Lease' elsewhere...
The shortest, sharpest, most reliable way to resolve all of these extraordinary allegations/situations/issues is for Sam, mate, to come back to Mt Gambier and we'll just flop the lot onto the table next to MGCC's books, the Main Corner's books, SMB Civil's books, the Leukemia Foundation's books, etc, all of Sam's dodgy dealings piled-high, rort-upon-rort, and let us all sort all that out, that'd be Karma...
Tomorrow: More Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, soon to be 'Suppressed' by the rankly corrupt South Australian Magistrates Court via the extraordinarily corrupt Magistrate White, apparently...oh, and apparently I'm not allowed an opinion about Magistrate White's definably corrupt conduct, because me calling him-out about his rancidly abusive and rankly biased and grossly corrupted conduct toward me is apparently something I'm supposed to just put-up with, apparently, and clearly identifying his entirely skewed and biased conduct, well apparently that's 'Contempt of Court'...apparently I'm just meant to just stand/sit there and put-up with it...(and what do we say to that availees? we say "bollocks"-Ed)...indeed Ed, that's exactly what we say...
Magistrate White's conduct is definably well-beyond mere 'Bias', he has acted in a definably 'Corrupt' manner with a clearly pre-conceived outcome in mind...his extraordinary conduct when I was ill during the November 2017 'Trial' dates, is in isolation, 'Grounds for Appeal' on multiple counts...anyhoos, I'm Nick, etc, and cheers and laters...
Cr Lynagh has been waging a selfish political campaign of wanton deceit and manipulation against his own 'followers', deliberately and subserviently trotting-out MGCC Propaganda whilst constantly bleating about how he isn't doing exactly that, and including repeatedly attacking me personally, again as part of the MGCC campaign to hide their Raft of Rank Corruptions...and now Sam Rothall has lobbed her half-witted tuppence onto the page with some snide comment about my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' being "karma"...
No Sam, mate, 'karma' is when you come back to Mt Gambier and are held to account for the multiple corrupt rorts that you are personally involved in...I may be hated in certain circles, but there's a bunch of people here-abouts Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...whom loathe you for the contemptuously self-involved and self-satisfied self-aggrandiser that you are, and would dearly love to see you and your shonky husband back-here to face the's no wonder really that you and your equally cowardly husband have abandoned Mt Gambier and runaway to Adelaide, because your combined litany of rankly corrupt MGCC Contracts is only slightly less offensive and corrupt than your personal aggrandising over your highly-paid position with the Leukemia Foundation...and we'll be getting to that, but first, there's all this other Rothall corruption to wade-through, so let's start here...
Dear Sam, mate, come back to Mt Gambier and let's put SMB Civil's books on the table, alongside the books/accounts from Mt Gambier City Council, and let us all bathe in the glow of this rancidly Nepotistic Bonfire...let's have a good look at the multiple gross irregularities and outright 'corruptions' that you and your husband, former senior MGCC employee and 'mate' of MGCC, have been involved in with SMB Civil...I mean, surely it can't be true that MGCC was awarding Tenders/Contracts to SMB Civil whilst you were 'insolvent', surely that hasn't happened with any Ratepayer-funded Projects...has it Sam, mate, did MGCC award SMB Civil any contracts whilst you were insolvent?...we know the answer, don't we mate...
Let's have a butcher's at the bizarre Harrald St Housing debasco (debacle/fiasco)...(is that those dozen houses jammed on one block on Harrald St, that were spruiked as being for Public Housing and that had Public Money involved for that reason, and then was announced as going wholly to Jazz Academy students, until you pointed at that situation on this 'ere blog, and it all went to heck-in-a-handbasket and those students were 'forced elsewhere'?-Ed)...yep Ed, all of that, dodgy as all get-out, and the Jazz Housing bit goes sproing! just because I point at it, and I've been blamed for that too...(well yes, I can see how that would be your fault, not!-Ed)...indeed...and I openly confess that I've lost track of what exactly did ultimately happen because of the contradictory and convoluted nature of this entire 'Tender/Project' and subsequent multiple/ongoing Sale/Lease attempts...(ahhh whatevs-Ed)...sure, whatevs...
Here is a classic study in how some people will steadfastly refuse to see Realities that they don't want to see, eg, all the definable dodginess of this SMB Civil Housing Estate Issue, and some people will ignore everything they need to to get themselves to where they want to be...(where it's Nick Fletcher's fault?-Ed)...exactly, and not necessarily me, but just whoevs speaks-out about this sort of stuff...whilst I'm clearly the most obvious 'Out-Speaker', there are others in our community who do try and therefore cop similar if not as extreme retribution from a rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt Local Government and State Government structure...(well just look at what's being done to William Peden out at Robe-Ed)...well indeed, the stench pouring out of Robe Council is positively palatable, a stench involving the rancidly corrupt SA Independent Commission Against Corruption and Comm Bruce Lander just hovering there in the peripherals, trying to hide his involvement behind the Ombudsman's work...and there's no better illustrator of exactly how corruptly compromised that situation is than the way Mr Peden is being vilified, denigrated, blamed, and attacked by a Robe Council that is clearly furiously keen for something very serious to remain seriously unseen...
Tender Machinations:...then Sam, mate, after Harrald St, let's have a good look at the rancidly corrupt Tender process for that farcical Drainage Pond on the Rail Lands...again, let's get you and your husband, say, on stage at a public meeting, and you can explain to all those people you've ripped-off why that process isn't just another rancidly corrupt Nepotism from MGCC, another rankly corrupt MGCC Contract awarded in your favour and at the great expense of 1) those other Contractors/Tenders who go through the costly 'Tender' processes but don't have corrupt mates on Council to hand them these Contracts/Tenders, and 2) the ever-suffering Ratepayers of Mt Gambier, yet-again financing you, in yet another example of MGCC's litany of such Contracts/Tenders to MGCC's mates and/or's corrupt from start to finish, and everyone involved knows it is, and you know it is...come on, let's "karma" that Sam, mate...
And then let us all have a jolly good look at the rancidly corrupt Main Corner contract, where-in control of that Ratepayer-financed Commercial Function Facility was handed directly to you from the original operator, Lachlan Mutton, son of MGCC Cr Des Mutton, handed to you at yet another MGCC 'Secret Meeting' without there being any Public Tender, etc, etc...just a litany of rancidly corrupt MGCC Nepotisms, handed from a MGCC Councillor's son to MGCC's mates, and all financed by Ratepayers...sickeningly self-interested corruption...and remember dear availees that the Main Corner utilities, eg, gas and electricity, are still paid for by Ratepayers, and that the 'Leasees' pay a "peppercorn lease" that does not cover those costs, let alone include any actual Rent for that $1m+ Commercial Kitchen in that $12m+ Function Facility...let's "karma" the living shit outta' that Sam, mate...
And hey, while we're there, lets open the books on exactly how much MGCC paid directly to you Sam, mate, for the multiple catered soirees that they put through the Main Corner/Town Hall facility...what vastly exaggerated prices did Mt Gambier Ratepayers fork-out for all those 'events' that we weren't invited to and/or allowed to attend?...and then of course Sam mate...(maaate-Ed)...was using the Commercial Kitchen facilities that Ratepayers finance, using that kitchen to prepare food for her cafe and/or catering business...(so Ratepayers were/are financing Sam's personal businesses?-Ed)...yep...(well that's very generous of us really, isn't it?-Ed)...and twice over when you consider that Sam, mate, was using the Main Corner kitchen for her cafe and/or catering business...(well hurrah-Ed)...
I remind availees that the Main Corner started at $4million, then went to $5m, then leapt to $9m, then $11m, and then I lost track, and a goodly part of that blow-out was $1m for suddenly adding a Commercial Kitchen part-way through the project, one of multiple 'additions' costing nearly $3m that Council approved without any Public Consultation, all done at just one MGCC Full Meeting, without any Public Consultation, etc, and then the 2 Tenders MGCC 'accepted' to run that Function Facility were the (then) Mayor Steve Perryman and Cr Des Mutton's son, and it went to Mutton Jnr, and initially free-of-charge...(wow, that's some rolled-gold Nepotism right there-Ed)...indeed, a litany of gross corruption, and as supposedly investigated and exonerated by the farcical and now notorious 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' ICAC investigation of 2013/14...(is that the farcical ICAC Cover-up that you've been 'Convicted' for talking about?-Ed)...that's the one, a 'Chat-In-A-Cafe' Investigation that I proved in Court did absolutely literally nothing to investigate, nothing recorded, not one document, etc, but then exonerated all and sundry associated with the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council...
But what really had me spittin' chips was the interview a coupla' months back on ABC South East Radio, where-in some dude from the Leukemia Foundation stated very specifically that nothing had changed in Mt Gambier just because they've closed their office here, not to re-open anytime in the foreseeable future, no change because it was "purely a fundraising role", and "that position still exists in Adelaide"...(hang-on, that's the opposite to what Sam, mate, had to say about it! she was bangin'-on about how she needed that car, which they bought her with the $23,000 grant they received, because she was required to traverse the district to offer support, etc-Ed)...indeed, that is what she this dude completely contradicted Sam, mate, and then confirmed that she's still on the payroll...(and all whilst very carefully not actually mentioning her name-Ed) spotted that then?...
There has been alot of discussion recently about the 'rorting' of donated funds within 'Charities', and the high-profile surgeon Dr Teoh has got so sick of it that he's started his own charity...(and there's all that stuff about the massive funding boost to Beyond Blue (Depression Charity)-Ed)...well exactly, where-in there's been a massive expansion in the bureaucracy, including a lovely job for former PM Julia Gillard, resulting in a 'Wages' total slightly more than was brought in by 'Fundraising'...(sorry? so all the 'Fundraising' money went to 'Wages'?-Ed) I saw it reported, yep, effectively that's what's happened, and it's a perfect template for Sam Rothall's position with the Leukemia Foundation, where-in it appears that every cent she 'fund-raised' went straight into her pocket...
And I have been gifted the extraordinary good-grace of having survived a massive 'Leukemia' tumour aways back in 2004/05...(I thought it was Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma?-Ed)...well Lymphoma is a 'Blood Cancer', and therefore falls under the heading 'Leukemia'...(fair enough-Ed)...and it's in part because I survived that massive 16cm x 12cm tumour that I genuinely do not wish ill of anyone...(well partly that, but predominantly it is just your gentle nature-Ed)...fair call, and for example, rankly Pro-Paedophile Politician Rory McEwen should rot in gaol for his rancid corruption, particularly for his definable support for the Pro-Paedophile Culture that defines Mt Gambier and South Australia, etc, but that's exactly what I want to see, Rory rot in gaol, for as many years as to 100 Rory mate, you sad sick individual, and do it all in gaol where you belong...
So it's from that position of 'good-grace' that I point-out to Sam Rothall that it's a very precipitous position from which she flings abuse about "karma" at a Lymphoma Survivor...I so want to believe in "karma" so that I can watch a woman who has knowingly rorted the generosity of Cancer sufferers and/or survivors and their friends, families, and supporters, etc, to see that woman held to account for her rank hypocrisy and selfishness...someone who rorts a Cancer Charity for their own personal profit ought to be real careful about inviting "karma" into their li'l House of Cards, Sam, mate...
When Sam Rothall was encouraging young kids to come cut-off their beautiful hair and shave their heads, etc, she did that knowing full-well that every cent was going straight into her own pocket...and I've kept my mouth shut about that one, despite my personal opposition to this often very confronting 'head-shaving culture'...regular availees may well remember that, as a Lymphoma survivor, I'm also the proud owner of a plaited mane that we hacked-off just after my first Chemo aways back in late 2004, now stored in a plastic bag...I genuinely appreciate that people genuinely want to help and show support/solidarity etc, and that is fantastic, but please, if you gotta' do something with your hair, just colour it, please don't cut-off a beautiful head-a-hair, especially not in support of the Leukemia Foundation... if my mud-map calculations are correct, Sam Rothall actually drew more in wages than she 'raised', her 'employment' was a net-loss to the LF!...(and what about the cost of that office space?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and the running costs of that car, etc, etc...come on back to The Mount, Sam, mate, and let's crack a coupla' coldies and have a li'l shufty at your LF books, mate...(maaate-Ed)...
Dear Googles:...because Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed) so loathed by so many here-abouts, it's potentially problematic to just take other people's 'statements' as fact, so I have contacted the Leukemia Foundation, twice, but they declined to discuss/confirm/deny any of the 'allegations' that have been made directly to me about Sam Rothall's employment/conduct, so I'll list some of them here, and if Sam, mate, has a problem with any of it, I'm sure I'll hear about it...
1) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with SMB Civil, eg, the Rail Lands, etc;
2) all the dodgy MGCC contracts with the Main Corner;
3) there was no 'recruitment process' for the Leukemia Foundation, the position was created/organised specifically for Sam Rothall by 'a mate'...(in the same way Mt Gambier City Council created two '$200,000pa Manager' positions specifically for it's mates?-Ed)...exactly like that;
4) is Sam Rothall really getting paid $80,000 per annum as she was heard "bragging" at one of her li'l drinkey soirees she organised for her and her mates?
As I say, I've tried to have this stuff with the Leukemia Foundation confirmed/denied but they declined to answer those questions...also, I currently have no idea who is actually running The Main Corner/Town Hall at the moment because it's shrouded in secrecy, and it could well still be Sam, mate...(maaate-Ed)...but there may well have been any number of 'secret' Mt Gambier City Council meetings that have secretly transferred that 'Lease' elsewhere...
The shortest, sharpest, most reliable way to resolve all of these extraordinary allegations/situations/issues is for Sam, mate, to come back to Mt Gambier and we'll just flop the lot onto the table next to MGCC's books, the Main Corner's books, SMB Civil's books, the Leukemia Foundation's books, etc, all of Sam's dodgy dealings piled-high, rort-upon-rort, and let us all sort all that out, that'd be Karma...
Tomorrow: More Stuff
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, soon to be 'Suppressed' by the rankly corrupt South Australian Magistrates Court via the extraordinarily corrupt Magistrate White, apparently...oh, and apparently I'm not allowed an opinion about Magistrate White's definably corrupt conduct, because me calling him-out about his rancidly abusive and rankly biased and grossly corrupted conduct toward me is apparently something I'm supposed to just put-up with, apparently, and clearly identifying his entirely skewed and biased conduct, well apparently that's 'Contempt of Court'...apparently I'm just meant to just stand/sit there and put-up with it...(and what do we say to that availees? we say "bollocks"-Ed)...indeed Ed, that's exactly what we say...
Magistrate White's conduct is definably well-beyond mere 'Bias', he has acted in a definably 'Corrupt' manner with a clearly pre-conceived outcome in mind...his extraordinary conduct when I was ill during the November 2017 'Trial' dates, is in isolation, 'Grounds for Appeal' on multiple counts...anyhoos, I'm Nick, etc, and cheers and laters...
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Quick Apology
Dear Availees,
Apologies for the brief break in transmission but I've been laid-low for several days by some Uber-bug or other...and it ain't 'Depression', it went way beyond that, crazy sweats/chills and dizziness that was so bad Friday morning I nearly considered going to the hospital, didn't eat for 2 days, etc, not pleasant...comin' good now, but wow, that was not fun at all at all...will get a coupla' posts up later today, cheers, Nick...
Apologies for the brief break in transmission but I've been laid-low for several days by some Uber-bug or other...and it ain't 'Depression', it went way beyond that, crazy sweats/chills and dizziness that was so bad Friday morning I nearly considered going to the hospital, didn't eat for 2 days, etc, not pleasant...comin' good now, but wow, that was not fun at all at all...will get a coupla' posts up later today, cheers, Nick...
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