Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Rankly Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council Must Be Removed

Hello Romania, Egypt, the Netherlands, and Canada and welcome to TMGI, and man, what a indeed-Ed)...that's what I said!...the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council has exploded into the local media, and whilst I am genuinely generally not one to say shizzle like 'I told you so', I have sure as heck been leapin' up and down screamin' and yellin' about the exact reality of how the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council would behave/is behaving in/with China...

I have repeatedly stated that a Council like Mt Gambier City Council, a Council that functions so corruptly when here right in the middle of the community they are routinely stealing from, here in the community where Council systematically defrauds Ratepayers, if they are this corrupt right here, imagine how corruptly they conduct themselves when aways overseas, behind closed doors, signing deals on behalf of Mt Gambier, deals that no-one here has ever seen, etc, etc...these clowns are rankly corrupt here, and that will only get worse elsewhere...(corrupt is what corrupt does-Ed)...exactly, and corrupt people will act corruptly...(and MGCC, being so wholly corrupt, is inevitably corrupt here, there, wherevs-Ed)...exactly...

Mt Gambier City Council - wholly corrupt and farcically incompetent...Mayor Andrew Lee, CEO Mark McShane, and every single Councillor, you should hang your collective heads in shame and resign en people are a damned disgrace...(yeah, like that's gunna' happen-Ed)...fair call, probably won't, suits me...(suits you? how?-Ed)...well, if they won't resign...(and they won't-Ed)...and they won't, correct, so guess I'll just have to rain down on them like a relentless shower-a-shit, a stinking sluicing saturation they have so thoroughly bought upon themselves...('shower-a-shit'? hey, that's your specialty, your strong suit-Ed)...that's what I'm saying mate, suits me, if they don't quit they'll get what's a comin', bucket loads of it, every day...

And if any ya's wanna' try and undermine mine righteous rage with some drivel about 'trolling' - 'boo, Nick Fletcher's a bastard, look at him 'trolling' poor ol' Council' - well I'm more than happy to discuss any of this with any of these rankly corrupt stooges...(I think they'd all rather you didn't-Ed)...I'd like to think so Ed, and I do take a certain pride in that because it's not about me being particularly rude or offensively abusive or even potentially violent, etc, etc, because those are pretty much none-issues because 1) I'm just not like that...(bloody hippy!-Ed)...but mostly 2) they just don't need to be involved at all...I don't need to bring anything to these 'discussions' other than the reality of these stooges' own behaviours, and they are thusly royally rooted...(here endeth the lesson-Ed) is me, sort of, but it's more the cresting tsunami of potential accountability rearing-up behind me...I have seen this fear run in their eyes, this almost palatable fear hanging heavy in the thick is me and it is what I bring into the room with me...and I have no problem with that, whatsoever...I used to, but not is what it is and so shall it be...but we digress...

(Dude, I thought I'd heard some crassly pathetic, pro-corruption 'Dorothy Dixer' interviews from the sanctimoniously self-praising Australian Broadcasting Corporation, but the Selina Green interview yesterday with Mayor Andrew Lee was a crushing new low in complicit compliance to the pro-corruption agenda of ABC South East, corrupt mates lookin' out for each other via these pathetically transparent exchanges-Ed) mean this stuff where the ABC gets some dodgy mate in, serves them-up a bunch of pathetically ineffectual questions that are merely invitations to the interviewee to trot-out whatever crap they feel like in denying the accusation/claim/whatevs...(exactly-Ed)...mates helping mates cover-up their mutual corruption...there's your 'Public Broadcaster' right there...what a disgrace...

I vividly recall the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile stuff they did with then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, as Stan Thompson, Stuart Stansfield, etc, conspired with Rory to give him a platform to attack us parents in his/their support of the Lutherans and the St Martins School Child Abuse Cover-up...again, that's your ABC right there, willingly complicit in covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year olds...

And I guarantee you Rory, mate, that it never ends for you, the same way it never ends for us...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up will haunt you to your grave and beyond...Rory McEwen will be synonymous with the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, synonymous with Pro-Paedophile Corruption...but again I digress, sorry, and I'll get back to this interview tomorrow...

There is simply so much rankly corrupt conduct here re Mayor Andy/MGCC that it starts to consume itself...I mean, what is this absurd nonsense about Council holding a sudden unscheduled secret "special meeting" yesterday, reportedly/allegedly to decide whether or not to report Mayor Andy to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and then deciding to keep that meeting's outcome a secret...(well that's a farcical joke! it's a requirement of law, under the ICAC Act 2012, for Council/public officers to report potential corruption of a public officer, eg, a Mayor...who the shreck are Council to decide whether or not to make that report?-Ed) you're saying they've had a secret meeting to discuss/decide whether or not to comply with the Law...(spot on...and further more that discussion itself is illegal under ICAC Act 2012 section 56!-Ed)...sorry what?! and how do you know so much about ICAC legislation?...(well, not least of all, I went to the ICAC public meeting in Mt Gambier aways back on November 25th (26th? whatevs) last year (2016)-Ed) tell...

(Yeah, ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander brought his hilarious one-man Comedy Roadshow to Mt Gambier, and I went and listened and learned and laughed, *my how we laughed, hee hee hee, haa haa haa* and apparently Bruce mate was going from that li'l soiree to speak specifically to Council about their responsibilities, etc, etc-Ed) ICAC Commissioner Bruce was in Mt Gambier in November 2016, only months ago, discussing this exact stuff with Council?...(yep-Ed)...and yet we still have this raft of rankly dodgy behaviours and even dodgier responses...and dear availees, I'm just scratchin' the surface with this stuff because it also opens-up the debate on just what exactly 'ICAC' is in South Australia, and just how problematically corrupted 'ICAC' is in it's design, construction, implementation and South Australia 'ICAC' is the pinnacle of rank institutionalised corruption, not the resolution...
    (*The Young Ones - BBC TV)

Because there's so much to cover tomorrow, several articles to attach, etc, I'll end this post, we'll roll this stuff into tomorrow, and then probably the next day as well...and I don't apologise for repeatedly regurgitating the word 'rankly' because there is no phrase let-alone one single word that better quantifies and/or qualifies the corruption rancidly running through everything that MGCC does...crooks operating crookedly...their behaviours form a long list, a long line, a rank...a list of behaviours that absolutely stink of corruption...a list that stinks...a rank rank...

Tomorrow: Taking Out The Trash

(I thought you were going to be showering down, shit-style?-Ed)...nah, I'd like to think I can do both, ya' know? walk and chew gum at the same time, I'm multi-disciplined like that, a multi-tasker...(nice-Ed)...I'm a tool of many functions...(you're like the Swiss Army knife of Large Angry Hippies-Ed)...yeah, and it's always amused me just how similar a Swiss Army knife is to a penis...(indeed, how so?-Ed)...well they're both practical, very useful, and great fun to own, but you probably shouldn't whip them out in public...(I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...

One thing that is for sure, I am Nick Fletcher, and if y'all are reading this right 'ere, then this must be my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...cheers and laters...oh, and don't forget to take a brollie (an umbrella) with you, it could come in handy...(##and it's a hard, hard, and it's a hard, hard, and it's a haa-haaarrr-haaaaard, well it's a haard raaaaaaain's a gunna' fa-aaa-aaall##-Ed Impersonating Bryan Ferry, Poorly)...thankyou my blue-eyed son...laters

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