Monday, February 6, 2017

Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission Is A Corrupt Joke

***it's now early February 2017 and here's a post I started months ago...(one of many-Ed)...indeed, there are several such part-posts...apologies for any sync to you shortly, but first, back we go to last yearearearearearearearear...***

Hello Switzerland, India, Romania, and y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, as proudly not sponsored by anyone other than Aussie taxpayers...(is that a flippant reference to your position as a Disability Support Pension recipient and Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant?-Ed)...well certainly a reference, but hardly a 'flippant' one, in that I've frequently acknowledged this financial support, and indeed only recently moved beyond that related sense of indebtedness, in that I am comfortably confident in my belief that I've contributed to my community far beyond what I have 'earned' via the fact, I've paid a price far beyond the recompense of the DSP...(who'd have thought that a pig-ignorant almost bloody-minded refusal to back-down on issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that that would pay so well-Ed)...well indeed...

What Ed is hilariously albeit facetiously identifying is the massive and costly trauma visited upon myself and other families as the Lutheran Church and it's St Martins School here in Mt Gambier, and SAPol (police), our charmingly corrupt elected officials on Mt Gambier City Council and in both Labor and Liberal parties, our wholly corrupted Crown Solicitor Office and Dept of Public Prosecutions and Attorney General et al, and our extraordinary alleged Child Protection bodies, etc, etc, as they all conspire/collude to protect "text-book grooming paedophile"* teacher Glyn Dorling and by extension the Lutheran Church...(is this where I effervescently hiss 'bastards'?-Ed)...yep, right there'll do nicely...(bastards!-Ed)...thankyou Ed...

*And I keep using this quote because it's what was said directly to parents by Flinders Child Protection Unit/Service (as based at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide) at a meeting at St Martins on 1st August 2002 after FCPU had conducted basic first interviews with a small handful of kids...(so, off the back of only 'get to know the kids' initial interviews/meetings, FCPU had already heard enough to make this statement above?-Ed) a roomful of parents, absolutely, and in a context where they (FCPU) were simultaneously talking about these kid's disclosures as being "tip of the iceberg" stuff...(sorry? so a coupla' very brief 'get-to-know-you' interviews that really only exposed the "tip of the iceberg" re kid's issues/statements of abuse, this led FCPU to identify teacher Glyn Dorling as a "text-book grooming paedophile"?-Ed)...yep...(my gourd! what did the kids say in those brief interviews?!-Ed)...dunno' Ed, because we parents have been refused access to our kids statements/interviews under "patient/doctor confidentiality"...(wow-Ed)...  

Here's some homework if you can be bothered, but if you can't I've already done a 'search' through the Commission's website...(using what 'search terms'?-Ed)...just the one, 'Lutheran'...(any luck?-Ed)...well if you're the Lutherans, yes, because there ain't a single mention of you...not one...(but didn't you and other parents lodge official submissions back in late 2012 when the Commission first kicked-off?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, lengthy submissions carefully spelling-out the litany of institutionalised failings/refusals that define the rank corruption evident in the St Martins Cover-up...(so's if you're a Lutheran, everything's fine, just fine, but if you're in a bitter conflict with the Lutherans as they protect a "text-book grooming paedophile", well then, then you're rooted!-Ed) a nutshell, yes...

Ooo, wait, hey, found one reference, under 'National Council of Churches in Australia Conference', where it mentions in paragraph 17 that the Commission has received '32 (allegations) relating to the Lutheran Church'...I cannot find any further reference to these 'allegations/submissions' in the Commission proper...

***earearearearearearhere we are back 'ere in 2017, and I have had another coupla' searches through the FRCAC stuff on-line, and indeed I found reference to 30 'complaints' re the Lutherans, as part of a list of organisations/religions/whatevs, but no details...and so to the now...

As covered in previous posts, the Federal Royal Commission Into Institutionalised Responses To Child Abuse is a deeply cynical exercise in mass-manipulation, created and controlled by deeply corrupt people who were/are very keen to be seen to rock the moral high-ground on issues of Child Abuse, yet actually act to ensure that many Child Abuse realities remain buried...(you mean realities like the gross institutionalised corruption of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the definable institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of SAPol, the Lutherans, the Labor Party, the Liberal Party, etc, etc, et al?-Ed) on Ed, spot on...

The FRCIRCA knows about St Martins School and the abuses committed in the classroom against dozens of 7 year old kids by their teacher Glyn Dorling (January-June 2002)...the FRCIRCA knows about this because parents, myself included, have written lengthy submissions re St Martins...FRCIRCA knows about the official 'responses' from SAPol, the Lutherans themselves, the Labor state government, it's various Departments and Agencies, etc, etc...the FRC knows, yet nothing...

And now they're at it again, flooding the media with voluminous yet vacuous pseudo-vilification of Catholics, again, whilst the Child Abuse professionals, the Lutherans, march merrily on entirely unencumbered by any sort of semblance of even vague accountability...and Francis Sullivan and his freak-show 'Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Council' continue to pollute my world with his tritely unbelievable pseudo-compassion...(soulless hypocrisy only out-shone by his gushing admiration indeed idolisation of Julia Gillard, 'she should be Sainted for starting this FRC'...he actually said that, 'she should be Sainted'-Ed)...I know, what a sick joke...

It's very simple, the FRC is trawling through and trotting-out mostly historical abuse cases with accompanying statements about how great it is for victims to get to 'talk about it', etc, and roll-out some deeply traumatised person to try and give that credibility, etc, and there's much wailing and gnashing of teeth and other various gesticulations and incantations, but ultimately nothing will happen...

The FRC is what the Gillard Labor government conjured to give the appearance of action and appropriate resolution when the genuine purpose and actual functioning are all about cover-up...

Tomorrow: Mo' Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

And I know exactly how confronting it is to just accept the reality I have described here re the FRCIRCA...and only ever more confronting to consider that if this reality is possible, what possibly lies beyond...(indeed, it's potentially very traumatising-Ed)...well absolutely...(ya' know? to be accepting of the rank pro-paedophile corruption at the heart of a Federal Royal Commission into Child Abuse, that's confronting enough-Ed) don't need to explain it to me mate, I'm right there...(but it's the gaping chasm of undefined but now possible realities that opens-up under every other reality, that right there is un-nerving bordering on scary-Ed)...ya' preachin' to the choir mate...(because here, with  this deliberately corrupt FRC, here is what Labor PM Julia Gillard and her Labor colleagues Don Farrell (Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill) Penny Wong, Jenny Macklin, Nicola Roxon, et al, etc, etc, so-on-and-so-forth, deliberately set-up, and right here is a window straight into the empty soul of the Labor Party-Ed) paint an ugly picture mate...(not my fault-Ed)...

But don't just believe me dear availees, because it's not about me and my version of things being right, whatevs, I'm just calling what I see for what I see it to be, you see?...(ci!-Ed)...beyond that, simply take the template I have provided and place it howevs you like over this FRC shizzle, and you'll see there is no 'version' of this farce, here is the reality...

And just right now, on the ABC, a big spiel about 'ooo, how bad we were', "we have done great wrong", etc, etc'...empty rhetoric of disingenuous mia culpas...(whaaa?-Ed)...they're talking absolute bullshit in that exact 'it's all in the past' context...(I thought that's what you meant, I just wasn't sure-Ed) sure mate, it's just more of the same bullshit, heaped high to hide the actual realities...I guarantee you not one senior Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, whatevs, not one of them will face one charge let alone time in's a sick joke from sick, sick people...(indeed, it's become clear that not one single Lutheran will be asked one single question-Ed)...indeed...

We have a Federal Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Abuse, now running for 3 years at gourd knows what cost, and they're not going to ask the Lutherans one single question...not ask the Lutherans one single question...the massively wealthy and vastly influential Lutheran Church...and despite the multiple submissions re the St Martins Cover-up...not one question...(now that's corrupt-Ed)...

And this latest nonsense (ABC) followed immediately by Francis Sullivan and yet more vacuous lies about the Catholics' handing over documents "tangible expression of openness"...(but even if you get past the fact that these low scum have routinely covered-up child abuse for many decades, it's widely reported that there's a whole bunch of stuff being held and therefore suppressed by the Vatican!-Ed)..."openness", bullshit!...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS:...don't ask me...just quickly searched under 'federal royal commission lutherans', and the first cab off the rank is "LCA receives Royal Commission subpoena"...which relates to a 'Notice to Produce' re a Lutheran School as apparently mentioned in the First Interim Report (or some-such) on the FRC website...can't get these damn documents to open with my computer, dunno', sorry...don't know why this hasn't come up before under similar if not identical 'search terms', including on the FRC website...whatevs, this refers to '2004' not 2002, and the fact remains that the Lutherans have never once been mentioned in the media, haven't been called to the FRC to give evidence, and the FRC isn't even going to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

PPS:...last week I was pulled-over by SAPol traffic cops who did a u-turn, followed me briefly, then flashed me red'n'blue to stop...I reckon one of them was the same guy who pulled me over right outside my house ways back in 2014...(ahhh yeah, I remember, the cops were tryin' to crack-down (pardon the pun) on ice-dealers in the area and if your license didn't match the street, you got some special attention-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, 'he' walked-up, knew who I was, and then politely pointed-out that my headlight was out, gave me a warning, and that was pretty-much it...they clearly already knew who the driver was, that the car was registered, etc, and that was was daytime but still early but as soon as the shops were open I went and bought new globes, as promised...

Is this possibly a polite reminder from the Universe, a reminder of that which I consider that I always consider in all ways?...(whaaa?-Ed)...that when I'm wailing about how everyone's rabidly pro-paedophile corrupt, etc, etc, there is always a raft of people involved who quite possibly aren't because they're just people, often stuck dealing with the same realities I'm screeching about...(yes, I do believe that it's important for a head-kicker to always aim for the head-Ed)...and always to identify that that's what they're doing and that's where they're aimin'...again, cheers and laters...

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