Monday, February 27, 2017

Some Court Stuff With Some Other Stuff

***Dear Availees, welcome to yet another partly finished post from months ago, clumsily goes sumthin'...***

Howdy to Canada, Luxembourg, Mexico and Poland and welcome to TMGI...and as promised, the first in a series of posts about my Court stuff, a Court case now running to 17-19 hearings since it all first kicked-off in February 2015...(wow-Ed)...yeah I know, can't help feeling that I'm just a li'l bit special, what with all the extraordinary effort/expenditure/attention focussed on l'il ol' me...where to start though?...(how's about a quick review of that bizarre legislation?-Ed)...great idea, let the bizarreness explain itself...
      A person must not, except as authorised by the Commissioner or a court hearing proceedings
      for an offence against this Act, publish or cause to be published -
      (a)   information tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be,
             or may have been, the subject of a complaint, report, assessment, investigation or
             referral under this Act; or
      (b)   information that might enable a person who has made a complaint or report
             under this Act to be identified or located; or                        (Club GoGo Bananas Act)

And of course, despite the fact that I've received no specific direction about what I can and can't say re identifying the Banana Lord and/or the Club GoGo Bananas I have to use these pseudonyms, because due to this extraordinarily vast, sweeping, all-encompassing and yet undefinable piece of wildly Fascist legislation that I am being persecuted with, it is "possibly", "potentially" another breach of the CGGB Act for me to even identify the charges I am currently facing and/or actually identify the Authority involved...(I still struggle to get my head around that one, you can't name the charges you're facing, bizarre-Ed)...well not 'can't name', but 'probably shouldn't'...(it's still bizarre-Ed)...indeed...

But because it's been read-out in open Court, by the Magistrate, back in May 2015, here again (above) is the actual legislation/charge that I am currently facing 19 counts there-of...and whilst I'm being very careful to only discuss issues that have been aired in the various Court sessions and/or the media, I am not aware of any 'Suppression Orders' re my case...(except of course for those SAPol documents that you aren't allowed to post-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, but that's a single, very specific 'Order' that SAPol Prosecutions asked for 'cos they're concerned I'll use them on this 'ere blog...(and there was/is that general 'Order' to the media, well, The Border Watch-Ed)...and again, only a general warning about not mentioning the Banana Lord and/or CGGB...    

A Brief History:...back on May 7th and 8th 2014, two Adelaide-based SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch detectives attended (7th) then very politely raided (8th) my li'l ol' abode here in Mt Gambier...when they rocked-up on my doorstep Wednesday afternoon (7th), video camera literally in hand, it was stated to me that I had put something about the Club GoGo Bananas and/or the Banana Lord on my blog, but they refused to tell me what exactly until I was being 'properly interviewed'...(but if they're talking to you about it, with a video camera in hand, aren't you already being interviewed?-Ed)...well I repeatedly asked if I was being recorded (across 7th and 8th), and was repeatedly told "no"...(but what about that brief 'discussion' 0900hrs on the 8th, in that Mt Gambier Police Station interview room? was that recorded?-Ed)...apparently not, but gourd knows... 

Anyhoos, I went straight to the only legal advice I could afford, my (South East) Community Legal Service...actually, the very first time was on the 8th, via the detectives' mobile phone, from that interview room, and then very briefly in person when I was on my way home from there...and that was immediately followed by 'The Raid'...(oh dear, not a wabble of woudy house-waiders?-Ed), just the 2 of them, and it was all bizarrely polite really...whatevs...on 8th May 2014 I/my home was officially raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch and my (borrowed) laptop was 'seized as evidence'...and I ain't seen it since...this stuff is covered in posts from that time, so please to be checking them out now if y'all haven't already, cheers... 

Basically, I went back to SECLS...(long may they advise-Ed)...with the photocopy of the piece of legislation, and the first thing I asked them was, 'given the vague and sweeping language of the CGGB Act, are you (a lawyer) even allowed to talk to me about this stuff'?...(oh come on! what a ridiculous question!-Ed)...SECLS found it necessary to write to the Banana Lord and ask that exact question...(ah, right-Ed) fact, they had to write twice because the Banana Lord's initial response was, 'you're his lawyer, you advise him'...(rrright, so what happened?-Ed)...the second letter generated an official, written Banana Lord 'Authorisation'...(ah yes-Ed)...and here t'is again... 

     Authorisation pursuant to section ?? of the ???? Act ??

     In accordance with section ?? of the ???? Act ('????' Act), I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher
     or a legal practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published,
     information the publication of which is otherwise prohibited by section ?? of the ???? Act,
     to such persons as is necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in
     relation to the current investigation and/or prosecution of Mr Fletcher in relation to an
     alleged breach of section ?? of the ???? Act, or to a person listed below:
          -  A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
          -  A friend of Mr Fletcher; or
          -  A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher.

***...signed and dated July 28th 2014...without any charges being laid, I needed written permission from the Banana Lord to speak to my own family and/or a doctor, and even more concernedly, to even speak to a lawyer...and a leap from there to this next bit, but it's still very relevant***

the cops aren't even in a Court, they're sitting in their own station somewhere in Adelaide, probably recording everything off the AV link...(how is that even legal? why do you have to front-up time-and-again and be brow-beaten in a Courtroom here in Mt Gambier, whilst SAPol Prosecutions are allowed to sit in their own office back in Adelaide?-Ed)...first things first, since when has the conduct of my case got anything to do with what's 'legal' or 'Justice'?...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...I'm still waiting for SAPol to provide me the promised answers re why/how/WTF is going-on with their amazingly inept handling of my case...I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to explain to me how it is that my alleged heinous crimes have somehow landed me in Court, but without me ever being charged or even Summonsed to Court...(but how? how can you be 'in Court' without being charged? or Summonsed? how is any of that even possible?-Ed)...Ed! keep-up mate, this is the South Australian Justice System...(orr right, yeah sorry-Ed)...but to answer your question...

During the bizarre Court-ordered Pre-Trial Conference phone-link conversation with SAPol Prosecutions' Ms Diamandi back in March 4th 2016, her boss, the head of SAPol Prosecutions, Andrew Paesch, suddenly and un-announcedly lobbed-into the conversation from the side because Ms Diamandi was struggling with my refusal to simply 'admit' my heinous crimes, and my constant questioning about the failure to charge and/or Summons me!...Ms Diamandi had not identified that anyone else was present and Andy was clearly 'eavesdropping' on the conversation but just couldn't keep 'is fat trap shut...(wow, dodgy eavesdropping of his own colleague, classy-Ed)'s not eaves-dropping of anyone but me mate!...(fair enough-Ed)...        

***another gap, but still very relevant...part-way into that Court-ordered phone conversation Andy bobbed-in from the peripherals...(how did that work-out for him?-Ed)...not well...Mr Paesch made a series of claims and associated promises to provide a litany of written answers to my many questions...this has been repeatedly discussed in Court, and led to Magistrate Anderson issuing a Summons to SAPol (Commissioner Grant Stevens)...(wow-Ed)...***

 Ms Diamandi has then immediately proceeded in a Perjury direction, stating in writing to the Court that 'no-one else has been present for these calls'...(but that's an outright lie!-Ed)...indeed, that's what Perjury is Ed, lying in Court...(oh yeah-Ed)...and just one in a series of lies, deceits, deliberate omissions, and unexplained gross irregularities...(why didn't you raise this SAPol Perjury with the Magistrate?-Ed)...I did...(and?-Ed)...and the Magistrate dismissed it as irrelevant because 'if Mr Paesch was in the body of the Court, you wouldn't know anyway'...(well yeah you would, because in a Closed Court, as this was again in June 2016 and August 2016 PTC hearings, he'd be the only one there-Ed)...fair point... 

***and one last bit that is indeed quite harsh, but given what's been deliberately done to me by SAPol Prosecutions, the lies of SAPol Prosecutions, the unrelenting contempt for the Court that this conduct has dragged SAPol Prosecutions into, the litany of provable lies in a 2 year long farce that is still going absolutely nowhere...given all that, I'd argue vehemently that the aforementioned and soon to follow harshness is absolutely warranted...(and didn't you say he tried to glare you down at one hearing?-Ed)...indeed he did...(and how did that work-out for him?-Ed)...not well, not well...***

Indeed, Mr Andrew Paesch is exactly the sort of inept, corrupt, plodding mouth-breather that I've encountered time-and-again in dealing with an apparently wholly corrupted and pro-paedophile 'System', people just smart enough to be corrupt and selfish...

***...and that's where I got to...sure there are many decent people and many, many very average peeps, whatevs, but Mr Paesch's unbelievably unprofessional conduct as the head of SAPol Prosecutions is an insult to my intelligence, and nothing short of contempt for the Court!...and I've stated this over and over in Court, and even caught them again at the latest hearing on February 8th 2017...(really? I didn't read that in the The Border Watch report of said hearing-Ed)...well now there's a surprise...(you don't look surprised, in fact, you don't even look pissed-off-Ed)...pissed-off Ed? strewth, it's exactly this sort of 'post-truth reporting' by TBW and the SouthEast ABC that have made me a legend in my own lunchbox...every time they do this pseudo-reporting about me, it just fuels that legend...I'm apparently "notorious" (TBW) don't you know...(you bastard-Ed)...

And I have had people suggestin' that what TBW and SE ABC do is exactly that, just straight-out 'Post-Truth' or 'Fake News'...(well I for one find their reportage to be spotless and without flaw-Ed)...what!?...(it's certainly not contaminated by your opinion-Ed)...aha, an amusing reference to the many, many times that TBW has seen fit to report about me but not actually asked me about it...(like when they printed that article about MGCC/CEO Mark McShane exonerating Councillor Von Stanke for coming to your humble abode with a letter threatening 'defamation'?-Ed)...exactly...(didn't mention what it was he'd been exonerated of, and didn't include contacting you for comment-Ed)...that's some 'A' grade journalism right there...(and why people say things to you like 'I don't read The Border Watch, I come to your blog for what's happening'-Ed)...and it happened again just the other day...(if it weren't so serious, it would truly be hilarious-Ed)...indeed...

(What really concerns me though, is the South East ABC, and the ABC in general-Ed)...indeed, the good ol' ABC what likes to tell me repeatedly that they are my "most trusted news source", apparently 'unaffected by bias or agenda'...well, again Ed, I'd argue that the ABC's lawyers have, in their self-righteous rush to heap shizzle on me, have also acted with contempt for the Court...(well, again, Perjury is Contempt, I'd have thought-Ed)...indeed, Perjury is Contempt Ed...(see, and now you're smiling...ya' startin' to freak me-out a bit, not only are you not pissed-off about the ABC's multiple Perjuries, you appear to actually like them, enjoy them even already, heavens to murgatroyd-Ed)...when Life hands you lemons mate...(make lemonade?-Ed), hold Life down and squeeze lemon juice into it's eyes...(ouch!-Ed)...ouch alright...

As repeatedly discussed in Court and previously posted, it is the Affidavit submitted to the Court by South East ABC, with it's extraordinarily slanderous and entirely unsupported allegations and the multiple glaring and provable omissions, it's that unambiguously biased Affidavit that I used to argue successfully for the Court to issue a Summons to the ABC (in Ultimo, Sydney) fro that supporting info!...(wow-Ed)...indeed...(and in response?-Ed)...the ABC's senior lawyers argued that it was all a bit difficult, "oppressive", and ultimately failed to provide a single actual relevant document, not one letter, not one email, not nuthin'...and that's despite very specific claims in that Affidavit about very specific documents/actions/whatevs...what a farcical joke from clumsily corrupt self-important half-wits, so ensconced in their importance and their corruption they don't even bother to really try...pathetic...I cannot wait to get South East ABC into Court and bend them right-over their own Affidavit...(I'll bring my banjo-Ed)...   
Tomorrow: More Court, And Why Not

And a thundering truck-load of Mt Gambier City Council Corruption...(so we're just going to nibble 'round the edges a bit?-Ed) Ed, but I appreciate the witty alluding to the sheer vastness of MGCC's corruption, such that 'a bit of a nibble' is a 'truckload'...(one tries where one can-Ed)...

Quite possibly several posts in just a few days as I get some stuff organised better, not least of all this Court stuff, MGCC corruption, etc, etc...(I note that the NSW RSL Council has been sacked and the Victorian Parliament Speaker and Deputy Speaker have both resigned, all re 'corruption' issues-Ed)...your point?...(well sometimes these clowns get what they got comin'-Ed) South Australia?...(well no, I can't say I've seen that happen-Ed)...exactly, look how corrupt MGCC is and yet we supposedly have an ICAC (Anti-Corruption Commission) that's gunna' sort-out all that sortta' shizzle...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that the Banana Lord 'authorisation letter' allows you to speak to your doctor, lawyer, family and friends. What stops any one of those people from talking to someone else and potentially identifying those who may, may not, could have been, maybe will be, should have been, probably never will be subject of a complaint to CGGB ? Does that then leave those people subjected to potential prosecution for speaking about a person who supposedly spoke about other persons who may or may not of been or have the potential to be subject of an investigation ??? Looks like malicious / wrongful prosecution to me. On the up side, it would make a great Dr Seuss book ! 😂
