Monday, February 20, 2017

The Gang's All Here

***another post part-written many weeks, possibly months ago, whatevs, briefly tidied-up as best I can, and posted...haven't been coping particularly well with several of the many things I've got goin' on...some have suggested that I shouldn't talk about my failings and thus give succour to those whom persecute me and those whom see fit to criticise the Man...(Bear Stuff-Pig-Ed)...ok, thankyou...those who see fit to criticise me for standing my ground but rarely if ever actually do anything about any of the many unpleasant realities involved...(ahhh, those people-Ed)...yeah, them, well some say I shouldn't give them succour/pleasure/whatevs by talking about how much I struggle/suffer with some of this stuff...(and what do you have to say about that young man!?-Ed)...I say...

Succour On This:...because I splutter, I stall, I fail, I fall, and I Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy (CABIN Fever)...I do all of these things over and over...and then I get up and I go again...and again...and again...and again...until it has become pretty much all I know, and I truly wonder if I can ever know any other way of being...(yay-Ed)...and you shrecks made me this way, I am the Frankenhippy of your lightning...(what?-Ed)...the special effects, the thunder and the lightning thing, remember? for dramatic effect? when I say 'the Fr...(-flash-KRAK-KCRAAAASSHH-BBBOOOMMBOOBOOMBOOMMMMMM-RRRrumbleRRruummbbble....rumble-Ed), not 'as' I say 'the Frankenhippy', aft...(-flash-KRAK-KCRAAAASSHH-BBBOOOMMBOOBOOMBOOMMMMMM-RRRrumbleRRruummbbble...rumble-Ed)...are you quite done?...

(And haven't you chosen some lovely ground to stand on-Ed)...mate! I was just standin' here mindin' my own business when this ship-sized stack of shizzle was dumped right on me! on every level, on every front, this chose me, these clowns chose me...(well I knew somebody regretted choosing something-Ed)...I'll say it again...(if you must-Ed)...all of this, all of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the subsequent institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption exposed in SAPol (police), the Lutheran Church, the South Australian Parliament, etc, etc, it all existed before I even knew about it...and re St Martins and Glyn Dorling, these people, these people who should have sorted-it-out, they chose instead to cover-it-up, and dumped all their corruption on me and the other families...and that's the community I live in, even on a good day...on with the post***

Howdy y'all in Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Switzerland, and Turkey...(welcome back Turkey-Ed)...indeed, lost you there for a while, but glad to see that you're back, albeit intermittently, cheers...regular availees will be aware that Turkey's President Erdogan had/has banned 'Social Media', including stuff like blogs, but we here at this 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, we still get the occasional 'availee'...(always welcome-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...

Please find attached below the front page from The Border Watch, Tuesday 13th September 2016, and associated farcical carry-on...(looks like someone's desperately keen to try and give SAPol some sort of credibility in this town, this corrupted li'l town where SAPol are one of the the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up you say?...(yes, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in dozens (potentially hundreds) of junior primary students (aged 6-8) were systematically groomed and abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, at St Martins, from the late 1990s into June 2002-Ed)...ahhh, that Child Abuse Cover-up...

I also remind availees of Trevor Twilleys' extraordinary comments in TBW back in December 2014, when he was directly quoted as saying that he knew 'people in positions of importance/influence in Mt Gambier who are on/using 'Ice'...(orrr yeah, when TBW went with that hilarious leader/banner, 'Drug Use In High Places'-Ed)...yeah, 'cos there's nothing quite as funny as your local senior cop stating that he knows senior community members/people who are using 'Ice', so why wouldn't you make an atrociously stupid pun about it...(yeah, it's right-up there with TBWs' constant use of the term 'Breaking The Ice'-Ed)...indeed, when they're not helping cover-up the gross paedophile abuse of children in local schools/kindergartens/whatevs, TBW loves nuthin' more than an appallingly inappropriate pun about the nightmare reality that is the 'Ice' epidemic swamping Mt Gambier and Districts...(yay-Ed)...

***hello again, just a quick pre-disclaimer disclaimer to super-clearly identify that the following refers to many rumours that have reached my ears and/or face area re Mr Twilley...(or as we like to call him, T Five-0-Ed)...ranging widely across issues re Mr Twilley's alleged drug use and/or involvement and/or alcoholism, etc/ is rather inevitable that a few people are going to have a few choice things to say about the senior SAPol officer, and even if they're right, not all of them get the luxury of front-page coverage...again, there are/were multiple rumours re Mr Twilley and I don't know and I don't care, because for all I know he asked his boss 'what's this St Martins stuff on that blog?', or he rooted the bishop's wife, whatevs...(it could just be relatively innocuous, ya' know, as presented, SAPol move senior people and T Five 0 don't wanna' go, etc-Ed) presented? look, there's no need to be ridiculous...anyhoos, whatevs 'cos it's the clowns clamouring around to profoundly sound-out their effervescent support for Mr Twilley, that's who I'm lookin' at...and it's this gushing exuberance for T-Five 0 that has surely led to the rumour/joke just below***

And in that context, the hilarious joke on the street, is that these 'people in high places' are desperately keen to not lose their 'connection' to 'Ice', namely Trevor, in a context where the self-same streets are awash with rumours that the SAPol Superintendent was suddenly and inexplicably removed because of his direct specific involvement in the 'Ice' trade...(indeed, whilst I've heard various versions of the same rumour, it is the 'scuttlebutt', it is the word on the street, that Trev got the rocket because of some involvement with 'Ice' and/or an 'Ice bust'-Ed)...indeed, it is the rumour that Supt Twilley was involved in an 'Ice bust', but involved not in his official capacity as the person stopping the 'Ice trade', but rather for his involvement with 'Ice'...I repeat my point that these are the rumours, rumours, that are doing the rounds, and that these rumours have differed somewhat, as rumours do, but the consistent content has been about Supt Twilleys' inappropriate involvement with 'Ice'...

Those are other peoples' rumours/accusations/whatevs and to me that's all they are, rumours, and quite frankly I really don't give a rats-arse, because to me he's just the latest in a series of corrupt SAPol officers who are intimately and irreversibly linked to the St Martins Cover-up...Terry Harbour, Mark Fairney, Trevor Twilley, all the same to me...and it's all the same to me because it's all there right on that page, all of the most critical players in the St Martins Cover-up, SAPol Commissioner and former head of the Paedophile Taskforce, Grant Stevens...(booo!-Ed) Premier Jay Weatherill...(hissss!-Ed)...and Glyn Dorlings' lawyer from the rankly corrupt TRB/CSO hearing, and Jay Weatherills' business partner, Stephen Lieschke...(ummm, boo! hiss!-Ed)...indeed Ed, boo, hiss...

(And wasn't it the head of the SA Police Association, Mr Carroll who was made the lead investigator for Comm Mullighan and his Child Abuse Royal Commission, after notoriously corrupt pro-paedophile lawyer (and now ex-Magistrate) Bill Morris was hounded-off that Commission by Child Protection Activists?-Ed)...indeed...(and doesn't ex-Magistrate Morris's definable criminality specifically involve drink-drive-murderer Eugene McGee and their collusion to steal the Court-seized assets of their mate, convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy?-Ed)...ahh dear, Stevens, Weatherill, Lieschke, Morris, McGee, and Liddy....Adelaide is a funny little town isn't it?...

***me again, and we're briefly back in February 2017...had Court again Wednesday February 8th, 2017, and on the day before I saw Bill Morris in Mt Gambier, and when I commented on this to someone they asked if he was here as my 'fly-in/fly-out' Magistrate, but of course he ain't no Magistrate no more...(he was probably here to visit his mate Liddy out at the Mt Gambier Gaol-Ed)...well that's exactly what I thought Ed...and imagine my surprise to see the Channel 7 Today Tonight program Monday last week (Feb 13th 2017) showing that convicted paedophile Liddy has been writing children's books and smuggling them out of the gaol to a publisher interstate...(I wonder who's been doing that smuggling for him-Ed)...I also wonder......I just love South Australia...***

An Apology Of Sorts:...but in it's context, an unreserved apology because it's simply not my place to tell Ms Kropinyeri how she should go about her business or who to associate with, etc, but to me as a White Australian so deeply mired in the soulless cynicism of the South Australian politic, particularly when it comes to our treatment of Aboriginal peoples, I see this as yet another example of Aboriginal people being dragged into politics when it suits the politicians...bottom-line, I don't know and it's not my business...I apologise to Ms Kropinyeri if I have caused any offence, please understand that I completely exclude her from the criticisms I have levelled at others on this page...            

Moving for this farcical declaration that "the region has seen a 47pc reduction in crime", what a load of absolute bollocks, what town are you clowns living in? sure ain't this one...(well if the Mt Gambier Police Station is closed half the time, that is likely to half your crime statistics!-Ed)...nicely sarcasmed Ed, indeed, whilst fresh reports of a 'closed station' haven't reached me lately, those words are still ringing in my ears from the various examples/claims I've heard over recent years, 'went there but no-one answered the bell', etc...this '47%' is a random nonsense and bears absolutely no resemblance to the reality...

For example, I recently reluctantly had to attend a Housing Trust (Housing SA) Tribunal re the extraordinarily violent ('domestic violence') and disruptive behaviours of an 'Ice'-addicted couple, in a context where I had called SAPol 10-12 times over about 9 months, and was aware that other neighbours had called dozens of times, often multiple times in the same day as the violent behaviours escalated, often at around 0300hrs-0500hrs...(charming-Ed)...indeed, this is/was a definitive study in the lack of and/or rank failure of Mental Health and/or Drug Rehabilitation services in the South East region, and how the Housing Trust are being used as a pseudo-outpatients service for those suffering Drug and/or Mental Health problems...(and the 2 are very often inextricably linked-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and the current situation is only set to worsen as the South Australian Health System continues to be dismantled by a Rann/Weatherill Labor government that has privatised Health Provision in SA via the disastrously corrupt Royal Adelaide Hospital project...(yay-Ed)...but we digress...

Point being, I know roughly how many times SAPol were contacted and/or at least conducted door-knock visits, and that runs to dozens of times, again often multiple times in a day/early morning, and yet when it came to the official Tribunal there we were apparently only a handful of 'official complaints'...(well what happened to all the others? there were dozens-Ed)...well indeed, and that's my point...I know that there were dozens of reports/attendances, yet there were apparently/officially only a few...I don't know why this would be the case, but I'm assuming that police attendance at that address was so frequent that they (police) didn't bother to 'officially' log many of those occurrences...whatevs, the 'official' record was a fifth of the reality, less...'47%' means absolutely nothing...(and didn't SAPol recently contact you about giving evidence against the man involved re the domestic violence stuff-Ed)...that's right Ed, indeed they did, coupla' months ago now, several times...

Police, to their credit, were trying to prosecute this man for his multiple violent assaults of his 'partner', but this woman was refusing to press charges/co-operate/whatevs, and needed us neighbours to give evidence/statements, etc, otherwise SAPol effectively had no I'm going to mention it, then go past it, the extraordinary, and I mean absolutely extraordinary situation where SAPol would contact me and ask me to help them...(wow, I know I say it alot, but that really is just wow-Ed)...I know, right?...what SAPol have done to me and/or other families re the St Martins Cover-up, in particular their extraordinary conduct in the extraordinary Pro-paedophile Political Persecution I am currently being subjected to via this bizarre Court case...and then they want to contact me and ask me to help...I'll say it myself, wow...

Unfortunately, I had not actually specifically witnessed any of the physical assaults because they occurred either inside, or at night, or in my whilst I could offer numerous accounts of the blood-curdling screaming and the violent crashing that had my windows rattling (across the street) and indistinguishable 'people' stuffing-about in the dark out in the street screaming, brawling, etc, at 0400hrs, I'm no good as an eyewitness because I didn't actually witness put it in context though, only a month after these people moved in (August 2015), their brawling/arguments were so frequent that I actually did a 'welfare concern' call to SAPol because I hadn't heard her screeching and/or screaming for 3 days, immediately following the latest violent episode...imagine what it was like for the two elderly ladies stuck either side as immediate neighbours...not the Housing Trusts greatest hour...

And yes, several people have suggested/stated to me that this was done deliberately to upset/stress me, and quite frankly, given what I've experienced and continue to experience of Mt Gambier it really wouldn't surprise me, really it wouldn't, but I personally believe that it was just a massive cock-up from the Housing Trust, combined with the gross failure of Drug and/or Mental Health services, services that in many contexts simply don't exist in the South East...but I digress...      

As stated above, here in this attached article are some of the main players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up... 

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff As Promised

There comes a time when a man has to accept his limitations and accept that despite his best efforts, he is fundamentally screwed, and so it is with the conduct of the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution* that I am being subjected to in the SA Magistrates Court...the entire power of the State, from the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Premier Jay Weatherill, via an equally corrupt Club GoGo Bananas and the Banana Lord, and a wholly corrupt SAPol, and a pro-paedophile corrupt Crown Solicitor, Director of Public Prosecution, etc, etc, et al...     (*quoting myself from Court, as led to the 'Malicious Prosecution' stuff)

I am not a lawyer, yet I am being forced to represent/defend myself, up against a wholly contemptuous SAPol Prosecutions who have regularly perjured themselves, including in writing to the Court, and have repeatedly ignored specific Court Orders re providing documents/explanations/whatevs, and have acknowledged, again in writing, that I wasn't Summonsed to the original hearing way back in February 2015, but have failed to explain why I have never been actually charged...(not charged and not Summonsed-Ed)...yep...(wow-Ed)...I know!...(February 2015? seems like only 18 months and 20 hearings ago-Ed)...heh! I'll do the humour 'round here thanks...(I'm not seeing much evidence of that-Ed)...taboomtish...

Dear availees, given the deeply confronting subject matter in todays' post, horrendous Domestic Violence, the St Martins Cover-up stuff, the 'Ice' problems, the collapse of the Health Service, etc, I feel uncomfortable about even attempting humour in this post, but attempt it I have because 'a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down'...regular availees will appreciate that I am trying very, very hard to not bludgeon people with relentlessly dire commentary, in a context where the subject matter is fundamentally horrendous...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

***and cheers y'all for your continuing patience and support...still trying, and I'll find that other page 4 to this article, but I reckon the main points are here, Jay Weatherill/Stephen Lieschke, Grant Stevens, the Police Association, etc...

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