Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Over The Pension Age Of Entitlement

***further apologies for recent continuing gaps and/or disjointed posts (like this one) in this 'ere blog...started this post a month ago, probably longer, so it's out of date, etc, and I've got several others half-finished, etc, etc...can only say I'm still tryin', and for what it's worth, just quietly, just between you and me, succeeding...but don't tell anyone...***

Howdy again Russia, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Canada, and Singapore, and to everyone else, welcome...given the brief part-post earlier last week, let's get stuck in to it, ay?...

Ways back last week I was 'just listening' to a South Australian Labor Minister Ian Hunter 'post-truthing' his way through an interview re the 'toxic dust cloud' blowing over Pt Augusta, in SA's Mid-North...the dust originates from the recently decommissioned coal-fired power station that is/was a physically imposing, defining feature of the very actual Northern point of Spencer Gulf, where it (the dust) has been exposed when 'recent heavy rains washed away the protective top-layer'...(what, off all 200 hectares of it?-Ed)...indeed, it's a huge area of swampy ground, mangroves, etc, and scrubby saltbush, covered in 50 something years of 'fly ash', ...

Ian stated outright that the gritty shit blowin' all over Pt Augusta was the "top ash" not the "bottom ash" and that there were specific differences as to where they came from in the chimney stack/scrubbers/whatevs, and that this was just "top ash" and therefore there were no potential health issues for affected residents...but then, having made these specific statements vehemently denying any problems or potential for problems he refused to answer specific questions re those statements, saying that he wasn't the expert on those matters so and he'd leave it to those experts (in the Dept of Health and the Environmental Protection Agency) to explain that stuff...and then the EPA guy came on and did the same thing, 'it's safe', followed by 'I'm not a health expert so I can't comment'...

(So, hang on, in the same interview, firstly Minister Hunter made specific statements of fact re 1) the nature and/or type of the ash, and 2) why that meant it was 'safe', which is itself 3) a definitive statement re health issues-Ed)...spot on...(but then refused to answer specific questions re those definitive statements, deferring to Health and EPA 'experts'?-Ed)...yep...(and then the EPA doofus did the same thing specifically re the health issues, stating that it's all safe, but refusing to answer questions, and instead deferring?-Ed)...yes, everything's fine apparently, and subsequent scientific analysis has apparently found there's absolutely no problems contamination wise...(so there's just the immediate chronic health problems associated with chowing-down on lung-fulls of otherwise perfectly fine chimney soot?-Ed)...I'm sensing a degree of sarcastic skepticism from you Ed...(do ya' think?! this is the shit they scrape outta' the chimneys mate!-Ed)...fair point...  

(And who did that testing? was it the South Australian EPA?-Ed)...not sure, why?...(because the Rann/Weatherill Labor governments have made so many nepotistic and politically subservient official appointments, that none of these departments have any genuine credibility anymore...remember, they made Mia Handshin head of the EPA-Ed)...yeah, another fair point...(and only recently Labor/Weatherill dumped independent members off the Economic Development Board and appointed 3 of his/their own-Ed)...mate, you don't have to convince me of Jay Weatherills' lack of credibility on any issue...            

(***dear availees, watch the gap...didn't finish this last bit just there and I haven't got anything to get me to the next topic just down there...(you know, availees could just go back and re-visit one of their favourite amusing Segue Dialogues from our vast catalogue of witty banter in previous posts, and just use it here to fill-in until we get to the next topic-Ed)...you mean like this banter right here, what we're doin' now?...(well no, perhaps not this one-Ed)...hey, here's the next topic now...(oh thank god for that, I got nuthin'-Ed)...me neither to be honest...(move on?-Ed)...it's for the best...***)

Sussin' the Sussan Ley Of The Land:...(tally bally ho! polo anyone?-Ed)...yes well indeed, I'll get back to you Princess Julie...to briefly explain, Federal Liberal Minister for Health Sussan Ley has been in all sortsa' strife for a simple mistake re her travel allowances and one trip to Queensland where she happened to purchase an $800,000 apartment 'on the spur of the moment'...and it was reported that apartment happened to be bought from a major Liberal donor...and Minister Ley did a stern turn at the lecturn for the media about how this purchase was just a "spur of the moment" thing, made after a 10 minute inspection, perfectly appropriate, but she's gunna' stand aside pending an inquiry, but no probs, it's all groovy...unfortunately, there just happened to be 30 other trips with Ms Leys' name on the tickets, including twice for New Years Eve parties...(ouch, not so groovy-Ed)...indeed...this is all covered ad infinitum in mainstream media, including numerous other examples of recent similar rorts by other pollies from both major parties, including Foreign Minister Julie 'Princess' Bishop spending/claiming over $2,000 to attend an exclusive 'polo party' in/near Melbourne...(charming-Ed)...

And while y'all are laughing snidely at these Federal crooks, consider that Mt Gambier City Council continues to function as a corrupt profit-venture for it's constituent members and their families and friends...and so this post segues so neatly into the next, a review of the recent rampage of rampant rorting of Ratepayers' readies, otherwise known as a Mt Gambier City Council meeting...

Tomorrow: Ding, Ding, Next Stop China

MGCC doesn't have one red cent to support public transport in Mt Gambier, but has ample albeit undefined funds to get themselves to China...(well that's public transport-Ed)...how?...(well the Mt Gambier public's paying for Councillors' transport-Ed)...hilarious...(and their accommodation-Ed)...yeah, alright, we get it...(meals-Ed)...you can stop now...(nice bottle of Grange-Ed)...enough!...

And Councillor and former Mayor Steve Perryman thrice declaring a Conflict of Interest re his involvement with his self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier, on the third occasion actually leaving the Chamber (*this refers to the December 2016 meeting)...all this and multiple other truly bizarre developments re this wholly corrupt TMG group...and I say wholly corrupt sure in the knowledge that the 3 main players in this li'l pantomime are rankly corrupt people who I have personally witnessed engage in multiple acts of rank corruption whilst elected public officers in the employ of the citizens of Mt Gambier and South Australia...(and also personally witnessed and then catalogued here on this 'ere blog the extraordinary corruption in Council meetings re TMG-Ed)...well exactly...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...and it's a whole year since Bowie died...(can't believe that-Ed)...no-one can mate... 

***And what a stunningly karmic segue into the next post because this post (above) was started over a month ago, 50% completed, and then finished today (Jan 31st 2017)...Sussan Ley has resigned as Health Minister weeks ago now...the main point I was headed toward was the general attitude of these Class A Crooks, particularly in Federal Politics, bastards to a man, including the women, who are so, so wealthy yet continue to just rort and deceive and be, well, complete arseholes to the disenfranchised and poor, etc...and the latest possibly lowest act of all from these bastards? attacking the Old Age Pension...(you're right, what an act of unbridled arseholeness-Ed)...sorry? did you say 'please Nick, go ape-shaped-bat-shit crazy about this issue'?...(well no, no I didn't-Ed)...well consider it done...(wish you wouldn't-Ed)...no no, don't thank me...

Whilst they haven't actually asked me to, I'd just like to say on behalf of my elderly parents (and the thousands of other Aussies in similar strife), both of whom worked extremely hard their entire lives, and have both just had their OAP savagely cut...(Language Warning-Ed)...damn straight Language Warning...To The Federal Liberal Party...(Language Warning-Ed)...yeah yeah, ok, we get it, there's a Language Warning...(well it's just I've had a quick browse into this next bit, and I thought several Language Warnings were appropriate-Ed)..............fair enough, but I'm not just angry about what's happened to my parents, I'm just rabid full-stop about this...(and fair enough to you mate, you could boil bunnies with my blood right now, it's a bloody disgrace-Ed)...seriously though, if strong language offends, please avoid the next paragraph...(he ain't kiddin' folks-Ed)...

To the Federal Liberal Party,
                                        Dear Arseholes, you low fucking bastards; you low, thieving fuckin' bastards...you steal these peoples money whilst you swan-about on the taxes they're still paying...and then you wonder why people call you low, thievin' fuckin' bastards...and they do...because you are....................................there, I'm done...   

And We're Back:...(what? done? already? wow, that was quick-Ed)...said what I had to say the only way it could be said...(and fair enough, but it's hardly the most eloquent or witty evisceration you've come-up with over the years-Ed)...there's only so many ways to say, well, to say what I said there...(indeed-Ed)...and as far as I'm concerned, those ways number One for there is simply no other way to say it...(well quite-Ed)...in fact, it's actually really quite cathartic to read it through a few times, go on, give it a go...(no, I already have thanks, but I do get what you mean, there is actually something very healing about having a good hard swear at people who really deserve it...arseholes!!!-Ed)...that's the spirit...
Manna From Heaven:...but then, only yesterday/today (January 30th/31st 2017), the local media has been awash with allegations that Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee has 'done deals whilst overseas on Ratepayer-funded Council trips' and 'not declared Conflicts of Interest', and 'not declared business links on the Council Register as required', and 'has received income re those businesses and not declared it either', and so on and so forth...(wow, a Mt Gambier Mayor involved in dodgy dealings and not declaring it, etc, etc, there's something you do see pretty much every day-Ed)...certainly in this sickly corrupt town you do, but he's still got a helluva' ways to go before he catches-up to former Mayor/current Councillor Steve Perryman and his litany of corrupt dealings, not least of all his latest rankly corrupt enterprise, the self-declared Tourism Mount Gambier, as funded by MGCC and therefore Ratepayers, to the tune of $160,000 per annum plus 'in-kind support' (office and a car)...(now that's corrupt!-Ed)...

Tomorrow: The Ongoing Corruption Of Mt Gambier City Council

I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog...Nick Fletcher, Bringin' the Angry as only a very Large Hippy can...cheers and laters...

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