Tuesday, November 5, 2019

More Gaslighting And Whistleblowers

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI for today, Tuesday 5th November 2019...yet again I'm somewhat taken-aback to realise that it's been 8-9 days since the last post...(been sayin' that quite a bit lately-Ed)...I know, it's a constant source of surprise and some concern...have been not well for a coupla' weeks now, thought I was getting better and went a bit too soon and only made it worse, and so back to square two...("square two"?-Ed)...only slightly ahead of square one...(ah, right-Ed)...and have also been struggling with the glaring reality that is the Institutionalised Corruption that is the Liberal/National Party, and the mind-numbing and complicit subservience of the Main Stream Media that not just allows, but in many cases protects the rancidly corrupt LNP, and ultimately emboldens and therefore ensures ever-increasing levels of Fraud, Theft, Nepotism, Fascism, etc, etc, and the stacking of supposedly 'Independent Authorities' like the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, etc...add to that the openly Fascist conduct of police clearly operating in a political context, as political functionaries, eg, their vicious, cowardly thuggery at the recent Mining Convention protests in Melbourne, and one could be forgiven for succumbing to a depressive state of hopelessness and resignation...

And true to his nature, true to that sneering, smirking, god-botherer Authoritarianism he holds so dear, our PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison has launched a cynically disingenuous attack on the protestors as being "Apocolyptic"...(wow, so the deeply concerning Climate Change/Pollution realities, that's not the concern, that's not the looming 'Apocalyse', the actual problem is a handful of protestors getting assaulted by police?-Ed)...yep, and it's well documented that further comments Scummo has made about 'banning secondary boycotts and/or protesting'...(well it's not like we're an actual democracy or anything-Ed)...well indeed, your sarcasm is well justified and bitingly accurate, this is an unabashed threat to deny fundamental democratic 'rights' in a supposedly free society...(and it's also well documented and/or commented on, 1) where were the rampaging police violently assaulting protestors at those 'Franking Credit Inquiry' meetings?-Ed)...you mean those meetings chaired by Liberal Tim Wilson, who moved one of the hearing dates specifically to allow protestors to attend...(yep, and where-in those protestors were organised and led by Tim's relative, who runs a related Financial Advice company, Wilson Asset Management, a company Tim holds shares in-Ed)...well that's just fine...(apparently, if you're in the LNP, that sort of rancidly obvious Conflict of Interest and deliberate manipulation of an official Parliamentary Inquiry, etc, that's all just fine-Ed)...c'est fantastique...(yep, and ne'ery a cop in sight-Ed)...

(And then 2) the self-same Tim Wilson was plastered all over the Oz media marching down the street with protestors in Hong Kong, and Scummo has stated that the Chinese government should sit-down with those protestors and talk with them about their issues, etc-Ed)...whilst here he's calling for protestors to be criminalised...(and have their Social Security payments cut, etc, etc-Ed)...wasn't that Home Affairs Pseudo-Fuhrer Peter 'Spud' Dutton?...(same animal, all headed in the same direction-Ed)..fair enough...(and the MSM's there playing their part with the complicit reporting of "violent protests"-Ed)...but the protests weren't violent, the vicious police response/actions was the only 'violence'...(my point exactly, that's what's so complicit about using that phrasing, it deliberately puts the whole discussion in a false context, it blames the victims of the violence-Ed)...that it does mate, that it does...(and when Scummo's seethingly bleating to the Queensland Mining Meeting about how he's gunna' tell Australians who we can and/or cannot protest about/against, and where and/or when we'll be allowed to do that-Ed)...or not...(or not, yes, do you reckon he was at all aware of the screeching hypocrisy where-in one minute he rants about the positives of small government and government not interfering in people's lives, and reducing regulations, etc, etc, then promptly announces he's gunna' go after 'Apocalyptic Protestors' with new laws, etc?-Ed)...oh he knows alright, and he doesn't give a fat rat's arse, he's just committing to serving the needs of his audience, the Mining Magnates, the same people who got him to PM in the first place...

As per usual, I strongly urge availees to research this stuff for y'allselves because simple words just don't explain the sneering and the look of fury, the almost apoplectic ranting of Herr Scummo in that meeting...just search Morrison At Mining Meeting...he didn't just describe these protestors as "Apocalyptic", he included "indulgent and selfish", and "anarchists" and 'a threat to the nation's economy', etc, etc, but it's the look on his face that is really concerning... 

And now it's reported that the police have 'visited' (raided?) two former employees of travel company Helloworld, trying to find out whom it was that dobbed on poor long-suffering Mathias Cormann for getting those free tickets...(is that the stuff where Matty, mate, personally phoned the head of Helloworld, Andrew Burnes, himself Liberal Party federal treasurer at the time, and then didn't pay for those tickets, and only weeks later Helloworld secured a huge Federal Government contract, etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, all that, and apparently that ain't the only time that Matty mate has called his mate for tickets, and Matty's allegedly also now paid-back a coupla' grand, clearly nowhere near what tickets for his whole family would cost, etc...and Matty is furiously denying that he's responsible for Victorian police now 'visiting' the homes of 2 'Whistleblowers'...(but how did the cops know to go to those 2 people?-Ed)...great question Ed, sorry I can't help you with that...yet again I can only urge dear availees to look-up this stuff, maybe y'all can spot something I've missed...

Anyhoos, whilst the minutiae of this latest attack on 'Whistleblowers' is clearly critical, who did 'complain'? and/or who 'ordered' those 'visits'?, etc, the pattern of behaviours clearly follows the precedent set by the Witness K/Bernard Colleary prosecution, the raids on journo Annika Smethurst and the ABC, the charges and potential 161 year punishment of Australian Tax Office 'Whistleblower' Richard Boyle, and who knows how many other similar cases we aren't allowed to know about due to our charmingly Fascist 'Security Legislation', etc...(well what about your case, your "bizarre trial" under the ludicrously undefinable SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption), what about that?-Ed)...good point, yet another example...(you are a 'Whistleblower' on multiple levels, who has tried to do the correct thing via the appropriate authorities, and been ruthlessly and relentlessly persecuted for speaking-out about SA's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...indeed I have...(persecuted for telling the truth about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, persecuted to the point that you have a 'Criminal Conviction'  for telling the truth about a fake ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...ya' don't need to remind me mate...(where-in 'Authorities' have committed so many resources to that persecution, including your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', and years in Court, etc, etc-Ed)...again, you don't need to remind me, I've been living it mate...

So here I'd just like to remind dear availees of all the other instances where-in LNP Members appear to act with complete impunity, eg, Angus Taylor en masse, Barnaby Joyce getting fake jobs for his 'girlfriend', etc, Michael Roberts rorting expenses and receiving a gold rolex, etc, Michaelia Cash leaking about Australian Federal Police raids, etc, or LNP Members leaking security documents to the media, etc, etc, etc, whilst the AFP go at 'Whistleblowers'...if y'all honestly believe that the AFP is a genuinely Independent Authority operating under it's own auspices, if you believe that the AFP ain't just a thuggish enforcement/intimidation tool of the LNP, if you believe both those things, then I'm sorry, I can't help ya'...(don't think anyone could help mate, the AFP is so obviously and so wholly compromised, to believe otherwise is just, well, ludicrous-Ed)...indeed...

Anyhoos, before we jump to the attached piece about 'Gaslighting and Whistleblowers', I'd just like to chuck-in a brief quote from a Sydney Morning Herald article about these police/Helloworld 'visits'...(which is scythingly relevant to your personal situation and the vast expenditure/wastage of SA Taxpayer's money in the Retributional Frenzy that is your Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...indeed, it unfortunately perfectly summarises my experience...and yet again I urge dear availees to check-out this entire article from 31st October 2019...***        

     Leading Melbourne lawyer Rob Stary, who is representing one of the former Helloworld
     staff members, said the police investigation was an attempt to intimidate whistleblowers.
     Mr Stary said police appeared to be acting on a politically motivated complaint. "When
     police struggle to find the resources to investigate serious crimes against ordinary
     Australians, it is outrageous that any policing agency would dedicate time and money to
     engage in a witch hunt against suspected whistleblowers."

***...(wow, that is exactly your situation, "politically motivated", "time and money to engage in a witch hunt"-Ed)...ain't it though, and now here's some more...***

Minding the Workplace

The New Workplace Institute Blog, hosted by David Yamada

Institutional gaslighting of whistleblowers

If you’re interested in whistleblowing and gaslighting behaviors, then I strongly recommend a piece by Retraction Watch, “How institutions gaslight whistleblowers — and what can be done.” It features an interview with Dr. Kathy Ahern (U. New South Wales, Australia), author of a new journal article on how whistleblowers are traumatized by institutional betrayal and gaslighting.
I’m going to share some snippets of the Retraction Watch interview with Dr. Ahern here, but it’s definitely worth a full look:
Whistleblower gaslighting entails officers of an institution using their authority to deceive a whistleblower so that he stays engaged in a process designed to harm him.  Employees have an expectation of support derived from social norms regarding workplace interactions and formal policies. Whistleblower reprisals have a sting of betrayal that is largely imperceptible to outsiders because gaslighting institutions use deception to exploit the employee’s trust in his employing institutions.  
One gaslighting strategy is to use this trust to force the whistleblower to repeatedly defend himself against bogus disciplinary charges presented as genuine complaints.  Eric Westervelt describes whistleblowers at the U.S. VA who were subjected to investigations of unspecified charges such as “creating a hostile work environment” or “abuse of authority”, although subsequent FOI requests yielded no details of the charges.  As a gaslighting strategy, the dual purpose of false charges is to both discredit and exhaust the whistleblower.
Descriptions of whistleblower experiences and outcomes in the literature show a constellation of symptoms that are very similar to complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) typically found in survivors of child abuse.  It is hypothesized that the abuse by a trusted, more powerful adult leads to a general distrust of self and others. Adults with C-PTSD have trouble regulating intense negative emotions, and feel disconnected to other people. 
The other symptom I see in targets of whistleblower gaslighting is a desperate urgency to be believed.  This looks a lot like an “obsession,” but as with the “paranoia,” it is not the result of a mental disorder.  It is more like the normal response of someone who spent 10 years in jail for crime he didn’t commit. Such a person is indefatigable in pursuit of having his name cleared, as are targets of whistleblower gaslighting who also are intent upon clearing their names and reputations. 
Folks, there’s so much here that will resonate with individuals who have experienced or witnessed institutional responses to whistleblowing. For those who want to read Dr. Ahern’s scholarly take on this, please look at her journal article, “Institutional Betrayal and Gaslighting: Why Whistle-Blowers Are So Traumatized.”
In short, this is very important work.
If you’d like to read more about gaslighting behaviors generally, Dr. Robin Stern’s The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive the Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life, (2018 pb ed. with rev. intro) is the best general treatment of the topic.
And here are some of my previous entries on gaslighting:
Gaslighting at work (2017, rev. 2018)
Is gaslighting a gendered form of workplace bullying? (2013)
Gaslighting as a workplace bullying tactic (2012, rev. 2017)
Hat tip to Dr. Kenneth Pope for the Retraction Watch piece.

***...so there you go...it ain't exactly a stretch to compare/identify this stuff with what I've been subjected to in my "bizarre trial", etc...(again, it exactly describes what you've been through, or should I say, been subjected to-Ed)...yeah, and for the umpteenth time today I'm gunna' urge dear availees to go look at some of that other stuff...for me it relates directly to how us parents have been attacked by 'Authorities' complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...

Tomorrow: More Morrison Academy Sexual Assault Dysfunction

Hard to believe, but James Morrison is yet again embroiled in a scandal about the Sexual Assault (Rape) of a student...(is this the stuff about his mate and Jazz Academy teacher Graeme Lyall?-Ed)...nope...(not about Lyall being allowed to continue working with Academy students at those 'events' as we covered here on TMGI?-Ed)..no, this is a different perpetrator, facing trial here in SA, but who has been allowed to travel with Morrison to Melbourne, etc...it's a fascinating if deeply disturbing insight into how Morrison handles these issues as opposed to how he tries to represent his conduct...said it before and said it again, I find it fundamentally impossible to believe that these are the only 'Assaults', particularly given the way that the Morrison Academy/Generations In Jazz has acted to protect their own best interests and/or their mates...I re-refer dear availees to the New Matilda website and the articles there-in re Lyall, including lawyer Bill DeGaris's vacuous threats, etc...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters... 


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