Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Attorney-General Vicki Chapman Commits To South Australia's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption

Howdy dear availees here in good ol' South Australia, and also in Ukraine, Japan, Singapore, and Switzerland...I refer y'all to the recent post from 18th October 2019, My Latest Letter To Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, Again, where-in I have included, surprisingly, my latest letter to SA's Attorney-General Vicki Chapman...(why?-Ed)...why what? why did I include it?...(no, why did you bother writing to her at all? as you've stated, it wasn't the first time and you haven't had a response to any of your previous letters/emails-Ed)...well, as covered in that recent letter, that's precisely why I had to write again about my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch), and ask her to address the litany of gross irregularities and clearly definable corruption by SAPol (police), Magistrate Ian White, ICAC Bruce Lander, the Labor Party, etc, etc, because 1) she hasn't responded previous, and 2) I ain't got no choice, I've still got all this shizzle hangin' over me, eg, my bizarre 'Criminal Conviction, etc...I refer dear availees to those several letters I've written going back to this time 2 years ago, and again through February-April-October 2018, etc, etc...(yeah, and what's the point, her abject refusal to even acknowledge those letters clearly defines her support for that corruption, the gross "Abuse of Process" and "Malicious Prosecution", etc-Ed)...sure, but I'd suggest that this 'response' I received via email on 6th November 2019 irrefutably defines her support/position, in her own words...(sorry??? a response?-Ed)...oh yeah, but compare this response to what I've actually written...anyhoos, there's a bit of a gap left by the mostly empty page 2, but I'll see y'all below...so here 'tis...

So there you's go, denial, deceit and refusal to act, a promise to 'file' rather than address any further correspondence...(and by 'file' she means 'feed to the shredder'-Ed)...precisely, and all closed-out with a thinly-veiled threat...(yeah, wow, what the shreck does "I advise that this letter is not to be published" even mean?-Ed)...well like I said, it's a vacuous, baseless, thinly-veiled threat...(yeah, I get that, but a threat to do what?-Ed)...well, in my humble opinion, it's a threat to heap yet more Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution on me...(that's just ludicrous, she deliberately misrepresents and/or tries to re-define what it is you've actually said and/or requested, ignores a vast swathe of gross legal irregularities and corruption, and then flatly refuses to act on what the AG is obliged to do, ie, that legally-requisite COAG meeting to investigate any potential Constitutional Law implications of SA's ICAC Act-Ed)...and that's the big one, the Constitutional Law issues were/are a critical part of my whole trial and the exact thing that the SA AG must address, and Labor (and/or the SA Parliament) should have instigated that COAG review before even passing the bizarre ICAC Act into law, etc...(yep, and if that failure/refusal weren't bad enough, she then states 'I'm not going to answer any more letters/questions', and then threatens you-Ed)...neatly summarised sir...(it's a bloody disgrace, a farcically corrupt bloody disgrace-Ed)..indeed it is...(hmmm, ya' know, I fully concur with your observation that this 'response' actually better explains Vicki Chapman's commitment to SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption than her previous refusal/failure to answer-Ed)...don't it though...  

(I've got to say, I find the timing of this 'response' very suspicious indeed-Ed)...how so?...(well, as you've covered/queried in your letter to AG Chapman, the 18 month time frame for doing your Community Service and paying your Fine, as abusively 'Ordered' by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, that 18 months concluded on 20th October 2019, and suddenly Chapman finally answers you, albeit to refuse to act and to deceive and lie and threaten-Ed)...well I don't think there's anything coincidental about the timing, but suspicious is a fair call, it appears to be all about the 18 months...but having said that, I must 'fess-up to something...(do tell-Ed)...well, as much as I'd love to take credit for this 'response', it is my understanding that a third-party may have contacted Vicki Chapman round-abouts the same time I wrote 18th November 2019...(reaaaally?-Ed)...I believe there's a distinct possibility, and it certainly fits the pattern of behaviours I've seen previous with all of this stuff...(for example?-Ed)...Magistrate White corruptly refusing to acknowledge the collusion between Labor's AG li'l Johnny Rau and ICAC Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander and their November 2014 changes to ICAC legislation, changes effectively proving that what I was charged with wasn't a crime during the period I was 'charged', etc, etc...we've covered this in multiple posts...

(Yep, that was a critical factor, and totally inappropriate for Magistrate White to simply ignore-Ed)...indeed, and ignore until he was outed by the issue being raised in The Border Watch, when he suddenly produced and emailed me 2 progressively bizarre Addenda that confirmed my statements/submissions, but blamed me for not explaining it to him properly, then waved it all away as irrelevant, etc, etc...(and those Addenda wouldn't have happened if TBW hadn't written about it-Ed)...exactly, it took a third party to get involved...(another example?-Ed)...when SAPol was coming to my home multiple times in November/December 2018 to harass and intimidate me about supposedly breaching those reprehensibly vile Final Intervention Orders as 'Ordered' by Magistrate White...(what happened to all that?-Ed)...nothing, partly because I very politely 'stared-down' that intimidation and harassment and looked down the cameras they were waving in my face and called it for exactly what it was, etc...(as we've covered in posts from that time-Ed)...indeed, and I did do good Kenny, I did run strong, but the real kicker was when one of the St Martins parents contacted the then Mt Gambier SAPol senior officer Superintendent Grant Moyle and ever-so politely explained to him exactly what it was that had happened with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and how complicit SAPol were/are in that Cover-up, and how everybody was/is reading this ' ere blog and watching what was/is being done to me, etc, etc, etc...within a week Supt Moyle had 'retired' and we got a brand new Superintendent...(hilarious-Ed)...in context, absolutely...

I also refer to a series of incidents related to the St Martins Cover-up where there were similar refusals, failures, and/or 'ignorings', until a Third Party got involved...(I guess you could also include those first letters to ICAC Comm Lander and SAPol in May-June 2014 when your Legal Eagles wrote asking about the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raid of your home, and the bizarrely undefined nature of the ICAC Act 2012, and when and if you were gunna' get charged, etc-Ed)...I don't see the connection...(well if you'd written those letters, you'd have probably been ignored or at best fobbed-off, but because they were written by lawyers and on a proper letter-head, etc, that prompted the responses you did get-Ed)...good point Ed, and critical responses at that...(indeed, proving amongst other things that a private citizen who had not yet actually been 'charged' with anything needed a written Comm Lander 'Authorisation' to be allowed to speak with their own family or a doctor or even with a lawyer-Ed)...indeed, 'Authorisation' to speak with a lawyer...(and that's not at all like Fascism is it?-Ed)...no, that is exactly Fascism...but we digress, slightly...the main point is that if it's true, and I've no reason to suspect it's not, it appears that a Third Party involvement is what triggered this response...

Well that's pretty much it for today, but with all the associated reviewing of previous letters, etc, I'm sure y'all won't mind if we pull stumps here-abouts...(and is one to assume that this ain't quite the end of it yet though?-Ed)...one assumes quite correctly sir, it ain't over by a long shot, not for me, not for Vicki, not for no-one, and y'all dear availees, y'all will be kept fully availed of any and all future developments right here on TMGI...(woo, and I cannot emphasise this enough, hoo-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Keepin' It Real In An Unreal World      

Just imagine if Mt Gambier came to the realisation that it owed it's current 'Main Street Revitalisation' to Nick Fletcher and a coupla' others...(mate, I know exactly what you're talking about, and you are 100% correct, but ain't nobody gunna' admit it, let alone publicly acknowledge it-Ed)...well it's a good thing then that I don't need their approval or accolades, I know what it is, what the truth is, and its a glorious truth that cannot and will not be denied...(it is truly a beautiful thing-Ed)...indeed it is, and dear availees will just have to tune-in next time to learn what it is we're badgering-on about...so until then...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, cheers and laters...

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