Sunday, October 27, 2019

Gas-Lighting: Blowing The Blue-Green Flames Of Contempt

Howdy y'all dear availees in the USofA, Finland, Kenya, and Aotearoa (New Zealand), you attractive, intelligent, inspiring peeps you...(my good gourd, you slavering suck-up!-Ed)'s what ya' do Ed, particularly in Australian politics...(really?-Ed)...oh yeah, it's what our insidious leader Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, the Liar From The Shire, has demonstrated is the basic way to get ahead...(again, really?-Ed)...yeah, suck-up relentlessly to those who are more powerful and/or support and/or agree with you, and viciously smear and denigrate and marginalise those who are vulnerable and/or oppose and/or disagree with you...(but isn't that the near-classic definition of a 'psychopath'?-Ed)...your point sir?...(well I think we've just made it haven't we?-Ed)...indeed, I believe we have just made exactly that point...(oh, and don't forget the glazed-over, glassy-eyed, happy-clapper, bring on The Rapture, god-botherer stuff-Ed)...I ain't...(nor the smug sneering leering smirk of the serial liar-Ed) could I forget when I have you Ed to so helpfully remind me...(even if I ain't actually an actual person, rather, I be a confected literary device utilised to create discussion, set-up jokes, etc?-Ed)...and it's a job you do extremely well if I do say so myself...(well you write all of my stuff, so who else is there to blame?-Ed)...whom else to praise you mean, whom else to praise...(blame, praise, we quibble over terms mate, terms defined by the individual availee's opinion of the content-Ed)...fair enough...

And in recent years I have been doin' a fair bit of apologising on this 'ere blog, and bleating about my own personal Mental Health and how that directly affects my Physical Health, etc, but just 3 points, namely, 1) the fact that I've been doin' this 'ere blog since January 2013, and have carefully exposed by carefully explaining the chronically Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that controls South Australia, that controls our Legislature, our Executive, and our Judiciary, particularly the ongoing IPPC of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc...(fair enough-Ed)...and 2) I ain't gettin' paid to do this, I do it out of a combined sense of obligation and necessity, with a healthy side-serve of guilt...(is that the guilt stuff  about not stopping/resolving the St Martins Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...yeah, all that stuff...(yeah, you ain't gettin' paid but you've surely paid for it-Ed)...indeed, mentally, legally, financially, and mentally I've paid a huge price for simply telling the truth and pursuing appropriate resolution, etc...and so 3) it may be another 8-9 days since my last post, and I sortta' owes ya's posts about St Martins, and the ludicrous FARC, amongst other topics, but the fact remains that I'm still here and still trying, still is par for the course, the massive stress of recent weeks and trying to deal with issues like my rancidly corrupt 'Trial' and the refusal of Attorney General Vicki Chapman to even acknowledge let-alone answer my latest letter/email, etc, etc, all of that has drained me to the point that I've been physically unwell...I'll spare you the gory phlegm-drenched details...(ughhh-Ed)...but I've hardly left the house for a week, etc, and am still recovering...

Anyhoos, we're here now and so here we go, Gas-Lighting, defined as being,
     Manipulating someone by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.
...or more commonly as being a strategy of denial and misinformation and manipulation, etc, to so thoroughly obfuscate and compromise the reality of a situation/statement, that the receiver begins to question their own perception of it...USofA President Donald Trump is the classic example, making rancidly abusive and derogatory comments about whatevs/whoevs, and then immediately denying that he ever said that...Scummo does it, eg, 1) trying to undermine appropriate scrutiny of Liberal politician Gladys Leu's super-dodgy conduct by firstly trying to infer/portray that concern/scrutiny as 'race-based', then 2) stating as fact that he never referred to former Labor politician Sam Dastyari as 'Shanghai Sam'...(even after he was confronted with the reality that he had-Ed)...then trying to shift the focus by stating that he was referring to a different question and a different statement he had made...if you'd seen that original press conference, there was no question that he directly stated 'never said Shangai Sam', but given the way Scummo refused to accept that, then tried to redefine that comment, and was allowed to do that redefining by the pathetically complicit MSM and ABC, etc, one could easily begin to question one's own 'interpretation' of that original comment...that's gas-lighting...        

And the Liberal/National Party are absolutely relentless in their gas-lighting of the Australian public, and are fully empowered and supported by the MSM and ABC...time-and-again they stand up in Parliament or press conferences, etc, and just flat-out lie about the state of the economy, what great economic managers they are, how many jobs they've created, how they've funded all manner of programs/projects, etc, etc, etc, but literally each and every time, careful scrutiny of the facts shows these claims to be the falsehoods that they are...(and then it gets to a point where-in one questions one's own perception/sanity that conflicts so wildly with the relentless deluge of info pouring out of the LNP-Ed)...exactly, and here's just a few recent examples...1) Scummo standing in Parliament and saying that the LNP operates as a party of inclusion not division...(but that's a lie, their whole election strategy was one of vilifying certain social groups and blame and driving wedges into those gaps, etc-Ed)...absolutely it was/is their entire strategy, have no policies and attack and divide and feast off the carcass of the chaos they've created, all fully supported by the Murdoch media and the rest of the MSM and even the supposedly independent ABC, and hence it's gas-lighting...

Scummo also stood there at the Dispatch Box and on the issue of journos being raided and charged under our rankly Fascist 'National Security' laws, etc, he directly stated 1) that "no-one is above the law", and 2) that he wouldn't be involved with a process that gave one person the right/power to decide whether journalists should be charged...(but he's just given AG Christian Porter exactly that power, to be the one person who decides-Ed)...indeed, and that's gas-lighting, completely denying/refuting a known truth...(and LNP Members are clearly entirely 'above the law' in their openly corrupt conduct and total lack of accountability-Ed)...exactly, which brings on another gas-lighting, Scummo stating that the Australian Federal Police are entirely independent and uninfluenced by political agenda and/or pressure, etc...(well that's clearly just another absolute lie, the AFP is wholly compromised, as is the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, etc, etc, but most particularly the AFP, and their  conduct is definably pro-LNP, they openly operate as the strong arm of the LNP agenda-Ed)...of course they do, the politically-fuelled timing of those journo raids, the refusal to act against Liberal Michaelia Cash's corruption with those Union raids, or Barnaby Joyce's corruption, or Angus Taylor's, or Stuart Roberts', etc, etc, etc...there's an irrefutable and definable pattern of conduct from the AFP that shows they are wholly compromised and/or complicit...    

Latest Farticle First:...where-in a 'Farticle' is defined in the TMGI Dictionary of Belligerent Mockery as being, quote, "a farcical article that really stinks"...(I know that's one of ours, but geez that's funny-Ed)...cheers mate, but anyhoos, I refer to an 'article' on ABC News channel just this very morn (Saturday), where-in they fundamentally re-defined 'gas-lighting' by running a long interview about the latest scandal from the House Of Taylor, namely, the clearly fraudulent Travel Expenses Document provided by LNP Minister Angus Taylor to The Daily Telegraph...I'll let y'all dear availees search for yourselves the minutiae of this story, but it's unquestionably a case of Fraud, a clear criminal offense...anyhoos, the ABC 'journos' did their traditional gas-lighting of asking semi-hard questions but letting the Liberal Senator just trample through it with the typical LNP rhetoric...
Liberal Senator Scarr knew all he had to do was not arc-up to the supposedly tough questioning, carefully monotoning his way through his carefully scripted denial and straight on through to blaming Labor for 'playing politics', etc, because he clearly knew that he just had to stonewall because the ABC interviewers had absolutely no intent of holding him to account, which they didn't...and if I wasn't spitting chips already, the final extraordinary question was to the Labor Senator (apologies I didn't recognise him or catch his name, possibly Patrick Watts, sorry)...

The ABC interviewer, having allowed Senator Scarr to lay all the ground work about how this was 'just Labor playing politics', etc, then straight-out asked Senator Watts(???), 'are you prepared to concede that Angus Taylor has done nothing wrong, (hasn't committed a crime)?'...(wow-Ed)...indeed, wow, just asking the question is deliberately seeking to redefine the reality of what has happened...Angus Taylor has clearly committed Fraud, circulating an altered/doctored document, but the ABC question throws all of that away, the very nature and wording of the question states that the ABC's official position is that Taylor has done nothing wrong...(wow, I knew that the ABC was completely compromised, be it personal bias or just running-scared for their jobs, whatevs, but that is absolutely appalling-Ed)..indeed it is, and if you look trustingly to the ABC to inform and educate you about politics, etc, then you'd easily be driven to question your own sanity, your own perception of reality...and that's gas-lighting courtesy of the ABC...(it puts me in mind of that classic line from The Young Ones comedy show, '(brought to you by) the completely independent BBC World Service, on behalf of the Conservative Party'-Ed) on mate, spot on...

And Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin was also hard at it with the gas-lighting crap last week on ABC Radio South East, meticulously sticking to the LNPs agenda of repeating the LNP lies about job creation, etc, and furiously denigrating the unemployed et al as being a costly burden on the community...he directly and grossly misrepresented the figures by stating that 'if you pay tax then 35cents in every dollar you pay goes to (unemployment) welfare' a discussion specifically about unemployment and increasing Newstart, etc, he very carefully attached that figure directly and solely to unemployment support was a cynically manipulative misrepresentation of the fiscal facts...(designed to deliberately vilify and demonise the unemployed and drive-home that 'Us and Them' wedge of the LNP's 'Lifters and Leaners' rhetoric-Ed)...yep, thusly catering to those self-involved and selfish LNP supporters, offering them someone to attack and blame, whilst concurrently defending and/or legitimising the LNP hatred and denigration of the vulnerable...the whole thing was a deliberate misrepresentation, a gross manipulation of both the facts and the listeners...

And I'm gunna' go right 'off-script' here by praising-up the ABC SE...(are you feeling ok?-Ed)...for immediately putting to air a Millicent-based 'social worker', knowing full-well that she was going to challenge Tony Pasin's statements...and that she did, completely dismantling Tony's gross manipulation of the facts and figures, eg, explaining that the '35 cents per dollar' figure encompassed all forms of payments, including pensions...(and Tony would know that-Ed)...of course he does, that's why it's manipulative deceit...(perhaps he was attaching that to the LNP's latest bastardry in stating that retiree-based pensions are 'welfare'-Ed)...bastardry alright, and from people who 1) hugely cut pensions under PM Tony Abbott, and 2) get immediate access to their ludicrously massive superannuation benefits the moment they're outta' Parliament...pardon my language dear availees, what a pack-a-pricks!...(no apology necessary-Ed)...and that brings us to that particular bastardry of Scummo's statements about 'unfunded empathy'...      

Unfunded the simply charming phrase used by Scummo to explain/excuse his relentless denigration of the unemployed or others on welfare, 'we're not going to engage in unfunded empathy'...(I thought his fav saying was "the best form of welfare is a job"?-Ed)...sure, he does love that one too...(which is just nonsensical drivel because a job is employment, where-in you are paid or reimbursed or compensated or whatevs for your time and/or input and/or output, etc, where-as 'welfare' is about everyone chipping in to support people who are struggling to make ends meet, pay the bills, who are 'doing it tough', whatevs, but welfare and 'a job' are clearly two very different things-Ed)...yeah, but what about 'middle-class welfare' issues like Franking Credits, or government subsidies for home owners to get solar panels, all that sort of stuff...(yeah, well I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying there, but I do think that's straying-off into a more political/ideological discussion, rather than a strict definition of what actually constitutes 'welfare', which is what we're specifically discussing-Ed)...fair enough...and the original point I wanted to make was the screeching hypocrisy, the 'gas-lighting' from Scummo when he uses that phrase, 'unfunded empathy', when he himself has had $200,000 worth of 'Empathy Training'...(deadset?-Ed)...yep, well maybe not just him specifically, but certainly the government has had to have 'empathy training' to teach them how to appropriately fake their supposed empathy and support for drought-affected farmers/communities... 

NDIS - It's LNP Speak For 'No Dollars In Sympathy':...moving in that same space as 'Unfunded Empathy', we have just another example of classic LNP gas-lighting that Scummo & Co constantly rant away about how they've 'balanced the Budget', whilst simultaneously claiming to be 'fully funding the NDIS'...(but they're both absolute lies, built on the one reality, that the LNP have taken over $4billion of NDIS funding that hasn't been distributed appropriately, and then slung that at their ludicrous obsession with a 'surplus'-Ed)...exactly, and that's why they're yet another example of gas-lighting, and not the only one related to the NDIS...only last week that rolled-gold class act Stuart Roberts stood up in Parliament and stated that he could officially announce that there was no longer any backlog with NDIS claims...(but that's also a lie, an absolute lie as proven by the extensive reportage about complaints about lengthy delays and under-funding issues, etc-Ed)...and that's the main component of gas-lighting, stand up and brazenly lie, never accept responsibility and/or fault and/or failing, just robotically spew party-line rhetoric by way of shamelessly redefining reality...and I've just read a report that reckons that there are over 90 NDIS 'executives' getting a collective wage of approx $24million, a mean average of just under $250,000 each...("$244,000" was the amount I saw-Ed)...and fair enough, and for what exactly they are being paid is unclear because the NDIS is a disaster, and just another forum for some classic LNP gas-lighting...

IPFA - It's LNP For 'I Produce F***All':...well it's actually the farcically shadowy department set-up by our mate Angus Taylor, the Infrastructure Project Finance Agency, who it appears do the best part of sweet Fanny Adams...(well other than produce glossy reports and brochures chockers full of snazzy pictures of things that the IPFA aren't actually involved with, etc-Ed)...well quite, and we've been lookin' at this stuff on Twitter, etc...(nice, I'm a huge fan of Ronni Salt and absolutely love her work, eg, she was a pivotal player in exposing the $80m+ Watergate Scandal involving LNP bigwigs Angus Taylor and Barnaby Joyce-Ed)...indeed she was, and I/we thoroughly recommend to dear availees that y'all go check-out her Twitter feed and particularly this stuff about the bizarrely opaque IPFA...(hang on, did you say it was set-up by Angus Taylor?-Ed)...apparently...(the same Angus from Watergate, Grassgate, SnowyGate, the super-dodgy Snowy Scheme pt 2, etc, if it's gotta' gate Angus has got a foot in the door?-Ed)...yeah yeah, our new bestie Angus...and in researching this bit I ran across another brilliant article, by Michael West on his website, just Google 'IPFA Michael West' under the article 'PayDaze, etc'...("PayDaze", nice one man-Ed)...indeed, it's a truly hilarious tale about the IPFA and their extraordinarily dodgy wage/employment structure, eg, where IPFA appears to refer to Managing Directors as 'labour hire contractors', and doesn't actually even name 2 of the 3, etc...I absolutely urge dear availees to check-out this article which includes several other links, makes the obvious comparison with the ABC's supposedly satirical political comedy Utopia, and also references/credits Ronni Salt...

Said it before and here we go again, 1) for all it's faults and failings, a huge yay for Social Media like Twitter and Blogspot, et al, where this sortta' stuff can be exposed because the Main Stream Media is so pathetically complicit, compliant and increasingly irrelevant, and 2) I take great strength from the fact that I ain't the only one who goes-at these bastards, cheers to Michael and Ronni et al...just like to conclude with a quote from that Michael West piece,
    "Perplexingly, IPFA claim,
         "It has been determined that there are no related party transactions to be disclosed"
    In short, three contracts with a combined cost of $1.2million awarded to three of IPFA's
    managing directors (or their personal companies) does not require disclosure in the annual report."
...and that's your money people, our money, yet more $$$millions squandered/rorted by the wholly hypocritical and arguably criminal LNP...get on board with this IPFA issue and help make it a big thing such that the pathetic MSM cannot ignore it...(you mean like the Taylor/Joyce Watergate stuff?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...

Tomorrow: More Political Deliberate Deceit And Bare-faced Bastardry

...(well gee whillackers, that certainly narrows it down a bit-Ed)...well is it my fault that lies, deceit, arrogance and corruption are the cornerstones of current Oz politics?...(no, I know, and one assumes that you'll include the latest litany of deceits and outright lies from the Mt Gambier city Council relating to the Fracical Aquatic Recreation Centre-Ed)...absolutely, straight-out lies about the cost of construction and how they'll fund it, how they'll fund the running costs, and now definable lies and deceits and incompetence about how it affects local community groups like the Senior Citizens Group, all of which then folds-back on itself to affect the original lies about costs and funding, etc, etc, etc...(it's a pitiless bottomless pit of Ratepayer-funded corruption just lookin' for somewhere to happen-Ed)...indeed it is Ed, indeed it is, MGCC at it's absolute finest...    

JASL - Is TMGI Speak For 'Just About Shat Laughing' describes that state of being where-in the sufferer doesn't know whether to laugh, or cry, or hurl vile expletives at the telly, so one does all three simultaneously and in the process nearly loses control of one's fundamental bodily functionings...(orrr mate, we've all been there-Ed)...indeed we have mate, if you give even half-a-f*** then you have definitely been there...(it's unavoidable...oh, and what does the title mean? what exactly are "the Blue-Green Flames of Contempt"?-Ed)...glad you asked...

The Blue-Green Flames of Contempt:...refers to the usually drunken party trick of lighting farts, thus blowing the Blue-Green Flames of Contempt...(ahhh, of course, and 'gas-lighting' is doing exactly that, demonstrating absolute contempt for the audience/community, and therefore the metaphor works perfectly-Ed)...indeed, and layer over that the MSM and ABC's sycophantic commitment to the 'farticle' level of alleged journalism, and the metaphor gets even stronger and more appropriate...(well, what a classy post it's been today, a phlegm-drenched, fart-lighting cavalcade of tasteful journalism-Ed)...mate, just callin' it as I see it and/or live it...(and fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere high-brow production is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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