Tuesday, October 1, 2019

As Promised, The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up Review, Part 1

Howdy dear availees in Mexico, Brazil, France and Greece, and elsewhere...today's post is a bit different to most others previous in that we're just gunna' basically list-off the events/facts of the St Martins Cover-up...(and no attempts at humour?-Ed)...probably not, no...(not even some searingly cynical mocking of the alleged 'Authorities' who are supposed to have dealt with this, particularly SAPol (police), and multiple politicians, etc, etc?-Ed)...oh well sure, we'll be doing plenty of that, but only in the context where there's nothing funny about any of it...(fair enough-Ed)...because the St Martins Cover-up is a damning indictment of South Australia...(indeed-Ed)...and a text-book study in the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs this sad, sick state...as implausible and unpalatable as some of it may seem, this post is absolutely accurate, and I refer dear availees to the many previous posts on this issue as proof of the veracity of what I've said...(proof? how so?-Ed)...why is that I can say what I've been saying, for so long and so many times and so specifically, and receive the barrage of 'Defamation Threats', etc, from the Lutheran's lawyers and various politicians and the Crown Solicitor, et al, and yet I continue to say it, apparently without repercussion...(I thought you said that your "bizarre trial" for breaching the Fascist ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, I thought you said that was, and I quote, "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution based on St Martins and the contents of (my) blog"-Ed)...good point, so let's start there...

Through-out my "bizarre trial" (February 2015 - April 2018) I stated that it was actually a Political Persecution motivated by the Rann/Weatherill Labor government's desire to punish me for continuously speaking-out about the deeply complicit role that Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Michael Atkinson, Patrick Conlon, et al, have played in the St Martins Cover-up....during the 9-10 'Pre-Trial Hearings' before Magistrate Anderson (Feb - Oct 2016) I proved enough that Her Honour legally defined my claims as 'Abuse of Process', as identified in the official Certificate of Record, and in her official statement when HH suddenly recused herself mid-trial in November 2016...however, I had several times (Sept - Oct 2016) made the specific statement/accusation that it was a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", which HH defined as "Malicious Prosecution"...in October 2016 HH used this specific term and directed that I prepare my evidence/submission to be presented first at 'Trial' (Nov 2016)...I said it could be hundreds of documents and take ages to present, and HH said that was appropriate, 'it takes as long as it takes'...it took me a week to then compile the 100 Documents Submission, in which I specifically identify/acknowledge that descriptor, "Malicious Prosecution"...it was after reading that submission on the afternoon of Day One, Trial One November 2016, that HH suddenly recused herself first thing Day Two, officially citing 'Abuse of Process'...

(Now see, this is what I don't understand, firstly, that HH didn't use "Malicious Prosecution" in her official withdrawal thingy, but that aside, HH having specifically identified "Abuse of Process" and recusing herself, etc, how then does that "bizarre trial" just continue on regardless with a new, and as it turns out, openly corrupt Magistrate Ian White? how does that happen?-Ed)...great question, but I just dunno', it was never explained to me...of course, Magistrate White then moved that "Malicious Prosecution" hearing to it's own 'separate hearing date' (Feb 2017) outside of the actual 'Trial Two' (March 2017)...he flatly refused to allow me to speak to my submission so I literally just stood up and started speaking, specifically identifying several critical documents, eg, letters where-in Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill stopped Child Abuse Commissioner Ted Mullighan investigating St Martins...Magistrate White was animatedly disrespectful, leaning back in his chair, yawning, repeatedly looking at the clock, rubbing his eyes and/or glasses, before stopping me without acknowledging anything I said...a week later he delivered his 'Verdict', stating that I had presented no evidence of a Child Abuse Cover-up and dismissing my claims of Malicious Prosecution...he had clearly read through those 100 Documents 'cos he made very specific reference to 2-3 tiny fragments of a coupla' documents, carefully trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...several times in ensuing 'hearings' I scathingly berated him for 1) saying there was no Cover-up and therefore no abuse, and 2) for trying to set me up for 'Defamation'...

So that's what my "bizarre trial" was all about, a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution", where-in the St Martins Cover-up and this 'ere blog are the motivators...(well, ultimately, this 'ere blog is itself a product of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...excellent point Ed...anyhoos, the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 was just the vehicle for that PPPP...(albeit a deliberately corrupt vehicle designed and implemented to allow/facilitate exactly this sort of Political Persecution/Retribution-Ed)...well quite, and we've covered that in recent posts...now let's go back to where this whole debasco (debacle/fiasco) kicked-off...some time in the late 1990s, teacher Glyn Dorling was sacked from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and was then 're-employed' at St Martins here in Mt Gambier...there were immediate and frequent parent complaints about Dorling's conduct, eg, issues of drawn blinds and locked classroom doors...early in 2002 parents had made complaints about Dorling's treatment of their child, and then several other parents also made reports/complaints on other issues...this culminated in a meeting between several parents and Principal John Alexander on Friday 7th June, the June long weekend 2002, which itself led to another meeting set-down for that Sunday 9th June...I was volunteering at a school function that Friday and saw Alexander immediately before and after that meeting but he never mentioned it to me, nor did he tell me about the upcoming Sunday meeting...

It could be argued that the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Cover-up started that Friday, or several times earlier in 2002 as John Alexander ignored and/or hid parent complaints...(or at any time during that Mt Gambier period pre-2002-Ed)...sure, but the full extent of the Cover-up clearly goes back to Adelaide and Dorling being moved to Mt Gambier, etc...in 2002 senior Lutheran Barry Kahl claimed to parents that he 'sacked' Dorling in Adelaide, but was allegedly unaware that Dorling was 're-employed' at St Martins, stating that Dorling would never have been 're-employed' if he (Kahl) knew about it...(but there's that formal group photo taken at St Martins that shows Kahl sitting right near Dorling-Ed)...indeed...this reeks of the classic strategy utilised by Corrupt Religious Institutions of protecting Child Abuse Perpetrators by moving them away from their original/latest crimes, and into unknowing congregations/communities, free to commit further abuses...(it's almost like these clowns, the senior Lutherans or Catholics or Anglicans, whoevs, it's like they want children to be abused -Ed)...it most surely looks that way, to the extent that the vast majority of 'Religion' looks exactly like an Organised Paedophile Network...(is it really? is this really who we are as a society, as a species?-Ed)...well if it quacks, craps, waddles, swims, flies and tastes like a shreckin' duck...

On Sunday 9th June 2002 there was a formal meeting held at St Martins, attended by several families, John Alexander, Lutheran Pastor John O'Keefe, and senior Lutheran Peter Heuzenroeder...a parent tried to contact me about this meeting, but I was away fishing and therefore didn't find out about it until Sunday evening...however, after extensive discussion with parents, I am absolutely confident about the facts here-in...it was revealed and discussed that since Friday a child had disclosed to their parents specific acts of physical and psychological abuses committed by Glyn Dorling against multiple kids in the grade 2 class (6-7 year olds)...after initially acknowledging the seriousness of the disclosures and that it was 'abuse', Alexander and O'Keefe repeatedly talked parents out of going to police...as parents left that meeting, Dorling was seen walking down from his classroom area, smiling and waving to parents...(so he was at the school, most likely in that classroom, whilst the meeting was on, and then saw most if not all of the parents who attended?-Ed)...yep, better yet, he was removed from the classroom/school by 'security' at 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday morning...(so he was at the school during the Sunday meeting, then again at 7am on the public holiday?-Ed)...yep, and Alexander had claimed at that meeting that he had 'removed' Dorling on the previous Friday, based on the original complaints...furthermore, Heuzenroeder went to the Lutheran service that Sunday evening and said that it was nothing serious, just parents complaining about "a Christian Cuddle"...

A Christian Cuddle:..is that delightful catch-phrase that Lutherans and politicians and SAPol (police) and the Teachers Registration Board, et al, and even some St Martins parents have used to undermine and belittle and discredit and even dismiss the reality of the abuse of our kids...said it before, here 'tis again, so how's about I come Christian Cuddle a few of you fine upstanding citizens, you leaders in our community, y'all so complicit in the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...(strewth mate, I can feel the love from here, in fact, I reckon I can taste it-Ed)...mmm, the Tang of Wrath...

And this is where I brutally drive-home the grossly inappropriate nature of the carefully orchestrated physical, psychological, and emotional abuses committed by Dorling against our 7 year old kids...(shotgun!-Ed)...what?...(well if we're driving somewhere I'm calling 'shotgun'-Ed)...errr yeah, it's a metaphoric driving mate, about a physical expression of harsh realities, no shotguns involved...(well now I'm confused-Ed)...well it's simple really, as I've done in many previous posts I'm gunna' explain to dear availees just exactly how disgraceful Dorling's conduct was/is, by saying that I'm gunna' visit those exact abuses, that exact Christian Cuddle on those people who know exactly what Dorling was doing and have chosen to be complicit in the cover-up of that abuse, people like Federal Member for Barker, Tony Pasin...(but you can't threaten a politician like that, can you?-Ed)...well that's my specific point mate, if I just state that I'm going to do to Tony what Tony knows Dorling did to those kids, to do to Tony what Tony is absolutely complicit in covering-up, and my declaration is considered to be somehow threatening, then doesn't that vividly explain the nature of those abuses?...(ahhh, I see, right, yes, Tony knows what Dorling did and is apparently more than happy to support/condone/cover-up those behaviours, as committed by a 50 year old teacher against the 7 year olds in his care, so Tony, a grown man, can hardly complain if another grown man does those things to him-Ed)...precisely, that's the whole issue right there...(but given that Tony does know what those abuses were/are, you're metaphoric driving-home drips venomous menace and inferred intimidation-Ed)...spot on mate...

Cuddle This Mofos:...can you just imagine how quickly and thoroughly I'd get crucified if I did to any of these clowns what they know Dorling did to our kids?...(well I've seen how hard they've tried to nail you up just for talking about it, so yes, I can very easily imagine what might ensue should you actually 'Christian Cuddle' someone-Ed)...I'd be facing charges for Assault, Sexual Assault, Acts of Gross Indecency...(Deprivation of Liberty-Ed)...yeah, that too, and probably a raft of other charges...(nail 'im up I say, nail some sense into 'im-Ed)...yes, very amusing, cheers for that blatant Monty Python's Life of Brian reference...(well if the nail fits-Ed)...fair point...but the fact remains, if I were to do to these people what they've knowingly covered-up, I'd be for the right-royal high-jump lickety-split...and I will acknowledge here the control and undeserved respect that other parents, especially the fathers, have shown in this context...(particularly given that SAPol twice told fathers to 'sort him out yourselves', eg, 'take him out in the pines and don't bring him back'-Ed)...indeed, and that said in a context where SAPol failed/refused to even formally interview Dorling let alone actually 'Charge' him, and dumped their 'investigation' after only a few weeks, blaming parents for supposedly not having complained...(wow-Ed)...yep, just fabulous work from SAPol... 

Don't Give The Bastards The Satisfaction:...is a powerful motivation unto itself, obviously, but as stated, that's a metaphoric driving-home, and my conduct across 17+ years of the St Martins Cover-up clearly shows that, whilst I may be a deeply traumatised and very, very angry man, I have always expressed that trauma/anger quietly but vehemently, be it verbally and/or in writing and/or activism, etc, but never once physically, not even close, it is wholly not in my nature...(well, mate, you are the proverbial 'gentle giant'-Ed)...cheers, it has been remarked upon by others, sure...but anyhoos, I ain't gunna' lay an actual finger or a boot or a rusty-nailed 2x4 on anyone, not on Tony or any of his equally corrupt and complicit Liberal colleagues, or the rankly corrupt Labor Party stooges, or the equally corrupt Crown Solicitors Office clowns, or any Lutherans, et al...furthermore, whilst I unashamedly identify as a Hard-Core Head-Kicker who goes after the people running the St Martins Cover-up, I'm a Head-Kicker who can irrefutably state that he's always been absolutely respectful of any receptionist, staffer, Court official, et al, because 1) that's just how I roll, and 2) I know they ain't the problem...(well I'd think a perfect example is how you actually apologised to those SAPol officers who were sent to your home in November and December 2018 to harass and intimidate you-Ed)...indeed I did...(albeit whilst quietly identifying that their visits were all about their superiors complicit conduct in the St Martins Cover-up, etc-Ed)...just being honest...(and what a bluntly passive-aggressive and brutal wielding of such bludgeoning truths-Ed)...well mate, The Truth is what it is...    

And I'm gunna' pull stumps right there, and yes, I know I've digressed a fair bit in this post, but it was never gunna' get done in one, and there's a fair chance it'll take a couple more...(fair enough-Ed)...and quite frankly I've had a solid-gold gut-full of spending another full day dredging through this rancidly corrupt shizzle yet again...(also fair enough-Ed)...with the looming prospect of having to spend the next couple really delving-down into the explicit detail of what Dorling was doing, and then a detailed discourse on how thoroughly that the Lutherans and 'Authorities' have covered-up those abuses...(I do not envy you mate-Ed)...as I've said it before, To The Beast Goes The Burden...

Tomorrow: The St Martins Review, Part II

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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