Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Our Bestie Brews Slander, Part II

Howdy dear availees in Lithuania, Estonia, France, and India, and to y'all everywhere else, bonjour mes ami, bon soir, bon chance...again I am personally stunned that yet another week has skunned past...(sorry? "skunned"?-Ed)...yeah, from the dim, dark recesses of my distant childhood, usually applied to describe the rather un-ceremonial removal of several layers of skin from one's elbows and/or knees, usually as a result of some sort of spill, usually from a push-bike or running 'round a schoolyard, usually on asphalt or gravel, etc...(ouuuuuch, just the thought of that gives me the shivers-Ed)...indeed, as it likely will anyone who's had the displeasure of that experience...anyhoos, it perfectly encapsulates how I feel I'm semi-functioning at the moment, dragging through days, sometimes walking, sometimes crawling, feeling more than a li'l bruised and battered, and just a wee bit sorry for myself...(and always with plenty of skin left in the game-Ed)...beautifully put sir, I do have plenty of skin in The Game, and I've left plenty behind to boot...and again, I ain't particularly seeking sympathy, etc, but it's just a shout-out to those who do struggle a bit...(and often with good reason-Ed)...well quite, that's my point, people often do have good reason, and here's some of mine...

I know I owes y'all a post about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and one about the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre malarkey-Ed)...sure, but I'd just like to do a quick post rounding-out what we covered in the immediate previous post, 'cos it appears that I have not explained clearly enough my well-proven concerns with the deeply compromised, nay wholly corrupted South Australian version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption...(allegedly-Ed)...sorry?...(allegedly 'Independent'-Ed)...well that's the concern, isn't it...(the only concern?-Ed)...hardly, and that is itself further cause for, having referred dear availees to the previous post...(and the several other posts we've done about ICAC issues-Ed)...absolutely, but apparently not specifically enough for some, so let's look closely at what exactly our ICAC is and/or does...and again, I'll make reference to the specific cover-ups of governmental corruption and/or failures, eg, the Gillman Land Sale, the Oakden Nursing Home issue, etc, but we're gunna' stick to my very personal experience of how corrupt the SA ICAC is...

After repeatedly witnessing extraordinary corruption within Mt Gambier City Council, including Nepotism, Insider Trading, and Conflict of Interest, in September 2013 I reported some of these specific issues/incidents to the Ombudsman and our local State government representative, Member for Mt Gambier, Don Pegler...because of the concerns I already had about the implementation and structuring of SA's ICAC I deliberately tried to avoid it/them, but unfortunately the 'catch-all' spider's web nature of ICAC legislation demands that any such report/complaint must be forwarded to the OPI/ICAC...through September-October 2013 I was frequently in contact with the Office of Public Integrity and/or the ICAC, and I was repeatedly 'warned' about the 'Confidentiality Clauses' of ICAC legislation...this included me repeatedly requesting a clarification/explanation of the bizarre one page 'Information Sheet' OPI/ICAC sent me several times, which 'explained' nothing, rather, it just had a copy of the legislation itself, namely, Section 56 of the ICAC Act 2012...(a copy of the legislation, but no actual explanation of it?-Ed)...exactly, and to fully understand why an explanation is required, here again is that specific Section 56...

56—Publication of information and evidence

   A person must not, except as authorised by the Commissioner or a court hearing proceedings for an offence against this Act, publish, or cause to be published— 
(a)  information tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be, or may have been, the subject of a complaint, report, assessment, investigation or referral under this Act; or
(b)  information that might enable a person who has made a complaint or report under this Act to be identified or located; or
(c)  the fact that a person has made or may be about to make a complaint or report under this Act; or
(d)  information that might enable a person who has given or may be about to give information or other evidence under this Act to be identified or located; or
(e)  the fact that a person has given or may be about to give information or other evidence under this Act; or
(f)  any other information or evidence publication of which is prohibited by the Commissioner.
Maximum penalty: 
(a)  in the case of a body corporate—$150 000;
(b)  in the case of a natural person—$30 000.

...and as I repeatedly requested/challenged in September/October 2013...(and repeatedly in Court too-Ed)...indeed, anyone, please, please define that ludicrous nonsense...(well what the shreck does "tending to suggest" mean, let alone "may be"-Ed)...well quite, when I contacted ICAC, I stated that this Section 56 effectively demands that no-one ever says anything about anything because it 'might' end-up in ICAC, and was told "well go with that"...when I cross-examined that person during my "bizarre trial", he admitted that he hadn't actually read that 'Info Sheet' when he pseudo-advised me about it over the phone...(and still hadn't read it before appearing in Court, even though that's exactly what SAPol (police) Prosecutions had him there to give evidence about-Ed)...yep...(strewth mate-Ed)...just another classic incompetence from SAPol Prosecutions...(and he was also a former cop-Ed) were most of SAPol's witnesses, 6 of their 9 'witnesses' were SAPol or formerly SAPol...(wow-Ed)...and Sec 56 is so ridiculously undefinable that Don Pegler himself met with the then Labor Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau and OPI/ICAC, then wrote to me on 1st October 2013, stating,
    "I have been in discussions with the Attorney General, OPI and ICAC about what information
      MPs can give their constituents when they make complaints. It appears that Sec 56 of the act
      is ambiguous and quite wordy and not clear enough on confidentiality. This will be a fairly
      common occurrence..."

Right from the off, and repeatedly through-out, I questioned and challenged that cynically Fascist piece of dross known as Section 56...many times during my "bizarre trial" I requested/demanded/challenged that someone actually define it, but no-one ever did...(not even Magistrate White?-Ed) are joking aren't you?...(absolutely, that was a festeringly-facetious jibe commenting on Magistrate White's openly complicit contribution to your Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution-Ed)...well that's alright then...anyhoos, as I proved in Court, ICAC pretended to investigate MGCC by meeting with me at Metro Cafe (October 2013), for an unrecorded and undocumented 30 minute chat, held within clear earshot of other cafe patrons...(now that's what I call confidential, 'just us and the rest of the English-speaking world are to know'-Ed)...indeed, that line borrowed from Blackadder perfectly describes it...this fake investigation was so 'confidential' it was held in a cafe...ICAC also 'spoke with' the then MGCC CEO Mark McShane in a corridor of the Adelaide Convention Centre, and again nothing recorded or even written down...and that was it...ICAC's investigation of multiple Corruption issues involving MGCC, a 'formal investigation' of multiple issues within an entire Council, was 2 unrecorded 'chats' held in public places, and not one question put to the Corrupt public officials concerned...(well apart from McShane himself-Ed)...oh yeah, fair call...

That farcical cafe chat was enough to tell me that ICAC had absolutely no intention of appropriately investigating MGCC, and I was hardly surprised when I received an ICAC letter, 13th January 2014, with my Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce stating that;
     "All of your allegations have been carefully investigated by my office under my direction.
       Investigators from my office travelled to Mount Gambier and met with you and other
       relevant persons.
       No evidence has been located to substantiate any of the allegations." I proved in Court, "carefully investigated" is an outright lie, as is "other relevant persons" and "no evidence"...(well you provided Don Pegler and the Ombudsman with a copy of MGCC's own Minutes clearly identifying multiple issues of Gross Corruption regarding the Old Hospital Demolition, and ICAC stated in the cafe chat that they had that copy of those Minutes-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, whilst refusing to accept the copy I was pushing across the table at them...and having waited months for this corrupt ICAC farce to play-out and conclude in exactly the manner I had predicted, I then addressed these ICAC lies on this 'ere blog...

When SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home on 7th/8th May 2014, as part of ICAC/SAPol's 'Operation Baritone' that miraculously just 'started' sometime in mid-February 2014 and was about me and this 'ere blog...("was"? still is for all we know-Ed)...well indeed, given that no-one's ever identified an end-date...anyhoos, I went to the South East Community Legal Service (May 2014), and their first action was to write to ICAC Commissioner Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander...(twice, due to Bruce's dismissive non-answers to their first letter-Ed)...yep, specifically asking,
 1) what does 'To publish' mean, because, "...(it) has not been defined within the act."
 2) "Is he entitled to talk to his family and friends so that he can gain their support..."
 3) " he allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and assistance?" which Bruce eventually responded with an official ICAC 'Authorisation', allowing me to speak with a lawyer, my family and/or friends, and a medical practitioner...I remind regular availees that at this time I had not actually been 'Charged' by just review all that...

In May 2014, with my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', but not actually 'Charged' with anything yet, I 'required' official ICAC permission to speak to my family, friends or a doctor, and arguably most concerning, written permission to even speak with a lawyer.  

I further remind dear availees that my mate Bruce then colluded with his mate li'l Johnny Rau to introduce a 'To Publish' definition to the ICAC Act 2012, via the November 2014 ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act, a fact that Magistrate White tried to ignore in Court in February 2018, even when I repeatedly confronted/challenged him about it...(ignored until he was embarrassingly outed in The Border Watch newspaper later that week-Ed)...indeed, when he suddenly produced two Addenda acknowledging my claims that I'd been prosecuted under the wrong definition, etc, but dismissing it all as 'irrelevant' and 'Convicting' me anyways...I was tried and 'Convicted' using the definition from 'Defamation Law', as identified and questioned in those SECLS letters...(wow, just like a real Court-Ed)...there was also another 'Amendment' to the ICAC Act in 2016 that specifically states that an 'accused' can get legal advice, confirming that the original ICAC Act 2012 barred me (or any 'accused') from speaking to a lawyer...(and more wow-Ed)...the original ICAC Act 2012 went through SA Parliament with that ludicrous Sec 56 (above), deliberately not defining any of it, and with the resultant criminalisation of legal advice/representation...and that right there is Fascism...I urge dear availees to Google search those Amendments for y'allselves, read those realities for y'allselves...    

And that, that definable Fascism, that's why it is so important that I carefully explain the rank corruption evident in the structure and conduct of SA is specifically designed and legislated to shut-down any appropriate discussion and/or investigation of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines SA, and to threaten, and scare 'Whistleblowers' into silence, and if that doesn't work, where necessary, to persecute/punish/prosecute anyone who speaks-out about that Corruption...(well that's exactly what's happened to you, you spoke-out about the rank Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption you have witnessed with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the conduct of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, etc, and you have been relentlessly officially attacked for doing so-Ed)...exactly, and there's plenty a' people involved in both St Martins and MGCC, hence the necessity for the ICAC to shut-down any appropriate review of MGCC and protect those who have helped protect the Lutherans/St Martins and/or the broader Pro-Paedophile Corruption that rules South Australia...

(I mean, what the shreck is goin' on in this sad, sick state when ICAC/SAPol instigate a full 'Operation Baritone' and a 3+year 'trial', etc, and change ICAC legislation, etc, and all about some rabidly punitive obsession with gettin' some dude and his humble li'l blog?-Ed)...indeed...(in a context where they've got 2 chats-worth to investigate mind-numbingly obvious corruption in MGCC, but a literal, actual fortune to come after you-Ed)...yep...(it's almost like what you say in this 'ere blog is such a factually accurate discourse of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines SA, that 'Operation Baritone' and the associated brazenly corrupt "bizarre trial", etc, it's the only way they've got to attack you about it-Ed)...well quite...and that's why my rankly corrupt 'Conviction' is such a disturbing and critical development, it ratifies the openly Fascist ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 without actually defining what any of it means, meaning that it means whatevs ICAC/SAPol/Government wants it to mean when and as it suits them, openly criminalising Free Speech, and furthermore quantifies the retribution for daring to speak-out at the maximum possible of $30,000 per 'Count', for anyone, including private citizens...

The ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 is solely about threatening and silencing 'Whistleblowers' and/or journalists, anyone who would speak-out about any sort of Corruption in SA, and punishing those who do...I'll say it again 'cos some people do seem to struggle with the reality,
                           this is unambiguous text-book Fascism
 ...what does it say about South Australia when the supposed monitor 'against Institutionalised Corruption' is definably the most 'Corrupt Institution' in the State?...(Language Warning: well what it says is that we're all  right royally fucked, that's what it says, End Language Warning-Ed) on, we are done like the proverbial dinner...and of course, further recent changes now puts Bruce, mate...(maaate-Ed) charge of complaints about the Judiciary and Police, with the same Section 56 restrictions if you make a complaint about the Legislature (politicians/public servants/etc), and/or the Executive (police/public servants/etc), and/or the Judiciary (judges/Courts/etc) it all falls to Bruce, and it can and will be duly buried beneath the 'Confidentiality Provisions' of that Fascist legislation...(yay-Ed) who you gunna' run to when the North wind blows?...(whaaa?-Ed)'s just an expression, you know, when the metaphoric hits the fan, who you gunna' go to to sort it out?...(exactly, who?-Ed)...damned if I know...

Tomorrow: The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Of course, whilst the St Martins Cover-up is definitively illustrative of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of South Australia, the corruption evident in ICAC and it's deliberate dysfunctionings completely compromises any potential action on more good ol'-fashioned grass-roots issues of 'Vanilla Corruption', eg, the extraordinary corruption evident in the Grant District Council's re-zoning of Heavy/Light Industry lands on Millicent Rd so that the (then) serving GDC Councillor who owned that site could build the now-empty Bunnings complex there, and sub-divide the remainder into Residential zones, etc, thusly and completely rooting appropriate Zoning all around Mt Gambier, for ever...(and of course MGCC and GDC then colluded to change Council Boundaries to bring all that re-zoned land into the City of Mt Gambier, a rezoning process that saw former MGCC Councilor and current Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin get some very favourable re-zonings done specifically on his properties-Ed) I said mate, good ol'-fashioned grass-roots corruption...(yay-Ed)...and of course Tony is intimately complicit in the St Martins Cover-up too, both originally as a MGCC Councillor, and now even more specifically as a Member of Federal Parliament who regularly pops-by to hand the Lutherans yet more cash for their precious shreckin' school...(all just mates lookin' after mates, mate, so what if it's riddled with Child Abuse Corruption?-Ed)...indeed, certainly seems to be Tony's attitude...

And I was deeply dismayed but hardly surprised to learn that the many of the same players who were involved in that definably corrupt GDC Re-Zoning Debasco (debacle/fiasco), are now also involved in the very questionable approval and construction of a 'truck stop' petrol station on the city side of the Heavy Traffic route designed to divert trucks away from Mt Gambier...(but won't that truck stop mean trucks will miss the turn-off for that route and end-up in/near Mt Gambier instead?-Ed)...indeed...I'll open with a more detailed account of this next post, but it's another classic instance of who ya' gunna go to to address this? ICAC? good luck... 

I am Nick Fletcher, and I may be a very broken and very, very angry man, but it just seems to be that that's what it takes and that that's what someone needs to be...(and apparently that someone seems be thee-Ed) ain't nuthin' but a thang...anyhoos, see y'all back here next time for that St Martins Cover-up review...(and until then?-Ed)...well, y'all Speak Truth To Power...(solidarity brother-Ed)...sure, and beyond that, well, it's just cheers and laters...

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