Monday, September 2, 2019

Wallowing In The Theocratic Kleptocracy Stuff

Howdy dear availees in Morocco, Serbia, Belgium, and Greece, and to y'all else all elsewhere...just a quick post today and then hopefully one tomorrow and so-on and so-forth...still coming to terms with my own deeply debilitating demi-demons of depression, and yet again quietly stunned that it's been 8 days since the last post...also realised that I hadn't adequately explained the title of the previous post, as re-visited above, so here 'tis...a Theocracy is a State run by a religion, eg, Israel is a Jewish Theocracy or Iran is a Muslim that is a very specific definition that doesn't cover any of the very relevant issues of religious influence/interference in supposedly democratic systems, eg, the influence of the Catholic church in Australian politics...(or the Lutherans here in South Australia-Ed)...indeed, and I remind dear availees of the ABC Lateline interview from about 8-9 years ago I've mentioned previous on this 'ere blog, and where-in the interviewee referred to SA as a Theocracy controlled by the Lutherans...(alongside identifying Iran as one-Ed)...indeed, it was an extraordinary statement that I and other families have endured the reality of, namely the trauma of the ongoing St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...but I digress...(well not really, SA is by definition a Lutheran-controlled Pro-Paedophile Theocratic Kleptocracy!-Ed)...well, when you're right Ed, you are inevitably very, very right...

SA Is A Pro-Paedophile Lutheran Theocratic Kleptocracy:...where-in the theft includes the lives of countless children, stolen from them at the hands of the complicit SA Parliament, itself riddled with Paedophile Perpetrators...(well there's that hilarious game we play in SA, where we try to guess the name of the last State Premier who wasn't a Paedophile-Ed)...oh what fun we do have...and of course there's also the hilarity of the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that flatly refused to even look at the St Martins Cover-up and ultimately didn't ask the Lutherans a single question...(a FCARC set-up by the SA-based Labor PM Julia Gillard, herself absolutely complicit in the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, as Labor's Education Minister, before then setting-up a rancidly corrupt FCARC that was/is clearly designed to protect her Pro-Paedophile Corrupt mates in SA Labor and/or the Lutheran church...(yay for Julia-Ed)...indeed, and a yay for Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill and Michael Atkinson and Rory McEwen, etc, etc et al...(and haven't they all profitted nicely from their Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...and so enters the Kleptocracy, namely, Institutionalised Theft of Public Monies by Members of Government...

No Accounting For Angus:...a perfect example of this is the extraordinary corruption exposed by Ronni Salt and her colleagues via Twitter, irrefutable evidence of the relentless rorting of the Murray-Darling Water Buyback scheme by Liberal MP Angus Taylor and his family and business colleagues...(and involving former Water Minister, National Party MP Barnaby 'Barnyard' Joyce-Ed)...indeed, and Federal Parliament clearly has no intention of holding Angus to account for his multiple business involvements and off-shore accounts and associated denials, etc, etc...(or going after Barnaby, it's all just mates looking after mates-Ed)...and as part of this Federal Parliamentary Protection Racket, in rides the Australian Federal Police with media raids that suit the Liberals but no investigation of pro-Liberal leaks and assorted other dodginess...only this week it was exposed that Home Affairs Dept Secretary, Michael Pezzullo, Mikey-boy contacted AFP Deputy Commissioner Neil Gaughan the evening of the Annika Smedhurst raid to congratulate him/them for raiding the journo's home and ratting through her stuff for 7 hours...(bloody disgraceful!-Ed)...and a clear indicator of the complicit nature and insidiously intimidatory intent of those raids, there is a very clear agenda at play here, attack 'Whistleblowers' and silence the media...there's a plethora of 'National Security' legislation that seeks to intimidate and silence all-and-sundry, and now there's some very concerning new legislation before Parliament that reeks of that exact same agenda...

An Animal Farm more than appropriate here...(referencing the classic novel?-Ed)...yep, and how it illustrates how creeping 'Security Legislation' can deliberately quash personal freedoms and hide official corruption and avarice, etc, etc...there's been much discussion of 'Farm Invasions' by 'Pro-animal Activists' and/or other assorted like-minded protestors, and particularly about a website that lists farms, etc, and allegedly/supposedly incites trespassers, etc, etc...I'm being deliberately vague here because there's a wide range of personal positions relevant to the identification and description of these various actors and their motivations and actions, etc, etc, but the Liberal/National Party's response is to openly vilify all involved and stamp-about demanding 'tough new laws to protect producers'...(but aren't there already specific 'Trespassing Laws'  that can and should be applied?-Ed)...indeed, and that's the concern raised by many who oppose these 'new laws', why are they necessary and what's the real intent?...(good questions-Ed)...aren't they though, and questions that remain not reasonably answered and further heighten concerns raised by the wording of the proposed legislation, the Agricultural (Farm) Protection Bill...

Which Brings Us To The Meat Of The Issue:...the language and intent of the Bill...I am deeply concerned when I see the words "sedition" and "incitement" included ...("sedition"? really? but doesn't that mean, hang on, I've got it here, the Oxford Dictionary states, "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch"-Ed)...well exactly, it blunders quite deliberately into 'National Security' and grossly over-criminalises actions already covered by other aligns very neatly with the gross over-kill of other legislation that allows lengthy gaol terms for relatively minor breaches, eg, minor even accidental damage to government infrastructure can lead to extensive gaol time...these words are also very vague in their application and open to wide-ranging interpretation upon application...this is further exacerbated by the extraordinary 'Reverse Onus Provisions' within the legislation...("Reverse Onus"?-Ed)...yeah, you can get slammed with a charge for doing whatevs, and it's not down to the government to prove it's case/accusation, it's legally the responsibility of the slammee to prove they ain't guilty...(but that's the exact same ludicrous bastardry of the Centrelink Robodebt disaster!-Ed)...indeed it is, only with this stuff it's not just about attacking and vilifying and punishing vulnerable people who have no way of retaliating, this is even more insidious...

And insidious because it all relates rather neatly to the Ronni Salt expose of the Angus Taylor corruption...(how so?-Ed)...well, Ms Salt's work could be said to directly encompass issues of "sedition" and "incitement" because 1) it goes to the very heart of exactly how corrupt the LNP is, and therefore undermines the supposed credibility of this rancidly corrupt government...(like their own corrupt conduct doesn't do that!-Ed)...well quite, but this is about silencing exposure of that corruption...(I see your point-Ed)...and 2) Ms Salt's actions may cause others to engage in those issues and take action, eg, protest at the Minister's office or the properties involved or even just discuss on 'social media' which spreads that news, if Ms Salt is malicious or even genuinely erroneous, there's plenty of legislation that covers those issues, eg, 'Criminal Defamation', etc, but where the reportage is accurate and damning...(as with Ms Salt's-Ed)...yep, then it could be very effectively silenced by utilising the Agriculture Protection Act to sling bogus charges at Ms Salt and try to break her with years of Legal Persecution and massive Court costs, etc, in an 'un-winnable' battle to prove her innocence in the 'Guilty Until Self-Proven Innocent' climate of the Act...(and aren't we very, very well aquainted with being persecuted for years via dodgy, vague legislation and being found guilty despite the facts, etc-Ed)...indeed we are Ed, that's exactly what's happened in my "bizarre trial" for supposedly breaching the undefinable ICAC Act 2012 Section 56...

To my personal experience of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of Australia and my associated Political Persecution via Section 56, etc, it's a very short, thick, dark line from the Agriculture Protection Act straight to attacking and silencing people like Ms Ronni Salt and other very committed and genuine 'Activists'...and it's an equally short and thick circular line from that 'persecution'  directly back to the Game of Mates conduct of the Federal Parliament...I can't see the deeply complicit and fundamentally non-functional Labor Party doing anything to stop this very problematic legislation...and if you think I'm being overly paranoid and making non-relevant connections, just take a step back and consider the realities I have identified...yet again I'd love to be wrong, but I ain't, this is yet another plank in the raft of Fascist legislation that increasingly defines Australian politics...

Game Of an increasingly popular phrase and hashtag that encapsulates this Kleptocracy, the current bare-faced theft of Public Monies by a series of politicians, eg, Angus Taylor and the Murray-Darling Watergate scandal, corruption where-in the Labor supposed-Opposition just marches hand-in-hand with the perpetrators because they're all as crook as each other...(are you referring to Labor leader Anthony 'Eggs Over' Albanese and his recent statements that he's never seen any corruption in Federal politics?-Ed) the most obvious example, sure, but there's the entire Labor silence on a whole range of issues leading into the May 2019 Federal Election that underlines that one ludicrously corrupt statement...(you mean the way Labor didn't touch the $440m Paladin stuff or Stuart Roberts litany of personal corruptions or Peter 'Spud' Dutton's sudden and massive unexplained wealth or the farcically corrupt $420m to the Barrier Reef Foundation, etc, etc, etc?-Ed)...absolutely, there is literally a litany of definably corrupt issues that Labor barely even mentioned that defines the reality of The Game Of Mates, the current state of affairs where they're all as crook as each other so everyone's got something to lose...(and everyone's got heaps to gain, albeit corruptly-Ed)...well exactly...and this is the system of government we currently have in Australia, one of organised large-scale theft by the elected government, with the complicit support of the Opposition...

And that is exactly what we have been subjected to regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a bipartisan Cover-up where-in the SA Liberals have such a rich and recent history of paedophiles operating in their ranks that they were never going to help us hold the equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government to account...(instead they lied to you and manipulated you all by repeatedly promising support and action, etc, but always with an intention of betraying you and breaking you and forcing you all to give-up, etc, operating in absolute collusion with the rancidly corrupt Rann/Weatherill government-Ed)...absolutely, good ol' Rob Kerin and Rob Lucas and current Attorney-General Vicki Chapman, etc, etc, all intimately aware of the realities of the St Martins Cover-up and all intimately complicit...(Vicki responded to any of your emails yet, you know, about your definably corrupt "bizarre trial" stuff and trying to 'Appeal' it, and Labor and ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander changing the law so as to prosecute you, etc?-Ed), no response, and I'll soon have to write again whilst fully expecting exactly the same level of corrupt ignorance...(yay-Ed)...yep, she knows exactly what the issues are and how it all stems from the St Martins Cover-up and that's why the AG and Corrections et al have been ignoring me...(because if they engage with you they're gunna' get absolutely hammered by a blizzard of bitter realities that none of them want to acknowledge-Ed)...exactly, it's all rather depressing really...       

Wallowing In Depression:...(oh nice one man, given that a 'wallow' is by definition a 'depression' in the ground-Ed)...well that was the pun I was going for, but the subject matter is genuinely serious...regular availees will no doubt remember 1) my personal issues of Agoraphobia, etc, and the Disability Support Pension, etc, and how that all relates to 2) the farcical shenanigans that the SA Correctional Services put me through back in August-October 2018...(remind me-Ed)...when Corrections refused to accept that diagnosis, etc, and demanded I get a 'current' diagnosis, etc...(oh yeah, when they refused to accept Centrelink's renewal of your DSP out until November 2020, etc, and insisted that you get a 'certificate' from a local GP, etc, not least of all because there was/is no local appropriately qualified psychologist services-Ed)...yep...(just another case of sub-standard Health Service provision in regional SA-Ed)...well quite...and that successive local GPs flatly refused to provide that 'certificate' saying they weren't qualified, etc...(but Corrections insisted that the GPs were qualified and repeatedly sent you back, etc-Ed)...yeah, and for weeks I bounced back and forward between those Correction's demands and those GP's refusals, and eventually managed to organise via the GP some 'counselling'...(I still don't understand why someone who is suffering these issues of Depression, etc, why the 'patient' is the one forced to organise this stuff?-Ed)...great point Ed, and one I regularly raised during that time...

 Anyhoos, the 'counselling' was of a very generic and minimal form, no offence to the provider...(no no, they were quite professional and respectful, etc, just that they weren't even in the ball-park qualifications-wise when it came to a new 'certificate'-Ed)...exactly, they treated me very respectfully and indeed took it very well when I politely stated my position with it all, namely 1) that I was there because I had been ordered to by Corrections, and 2) they (the counsellors) wouldn't be able to provide the 'certificate' that Corrections continued to demand, etc, and 3) ultimately there wasn't a single thing that they, the counsellors, could do to address the fundamental realities of Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption at the centre of my depression and dysfunction, etc...(yeah, regardless of how calm and polite and respectful you were in chucking that stuff at them, it's gotta' be a fairly confronting menu of professional impotence-Ed)...well quite, and they very professionally took it all on board, considered it, and responded after a coupla' sessions that they concurred, and we co-operatively worked to address relatively minor issues of diet, sleep patterns, etc...(all very valid issues with achieving general good health, mental and physical-Ed)...exactly... 

But, as part of this counselling process, the counsellor quite appropriately and respectfully challenged me on various issues/statements around my assertions about the Pro-Paedophile Corruption stuff and how it runs SA Parliament and SAPol (police) and SA Judiciary, etc...these discussions inevitably led to me re-visiting a whole range of issues/incidents that I really don't need to, and in a degree of detail that I really didn't need to, and in many respects would rather not, and that has driven me into another deeply debilitating bout of Not Leave The House Depression...again, I don't blame the counsellor, just doing what they should do, and I cannot blame them for the resultant depressive episode...(and besides, there's also been all the stuff about the Jazz Academy Cover-up, and the 17th anniversary of the St Martins Cover-up, and recently yet more stuff about George Pell, etc, etc-Ed)...absolutely true Ed, so many other issues impacting, but from my privileged position within the maelstrom, it was this counselling that has really dragged me down again...the counselling for Depression itself has proven to be extremely 're-depressing'...having discussed this with a coupla' people who have had similar experiences, I am somewhat buoyed to know that it's not my 'weakness'...(well I'd liken it to the advice/warnings that you've been given about things like addiction or adverse reactions, etc, with things like pain medication and/or anti-depressants, etc-Ed)...excellent point Ed, sometimes valid medical treatment can become problematic addiction or exacerbate psychological problems, etc...          
I canvas these topics not in search of pity or quarter, no apologies sought or given, this is simply an exercise in exorcising mine own demi-demons, but it hopefully serves also to offer empathy, support, and someone who has been subjected to the St Martins Cover-up, I fully empathise with the multitude of victims of the Catholic church and how this recent saturation reportage of the George Pell Appeal must re-fresh trauma and re-open old wounds, etc...just want to shout-out my support and empathy, because, relatively speaking, it's perfectly normal and absolutely ok to be traumatised and depressed by your experiences and by the constant re-hashing of those incidents/issues...(some would argue that that's part of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption stuff, constantly re-traumatising victims/survivors so that they are eventually 'broken' and give-up, etc-Ed)...well quite Ed, it's exactly what's been done to us re the St Martins Cover-up, an endless stream of empty promises and deeply corrupted disingenuous Inquiries, etc, etc, designed to cause us maximum trauma and break us and make us give-up...and that's why we're going to skip past the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre stuff next post, and instead...  

Tomorrow: A Review Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

And It's Child Protection South Australia...again...what a sad sick joke...that's all I have to say about that...

For those dear availees whom have, like myself, been following the experiences and/or work of former Morrison Jazz Academy student Matilda Duncan on websites New Matilda and Independent Australia, Ms Duncan has a new article further exploring the funding quagmire that saw the MJA established back in 2014, just search Matilda Duncan - Morrison - don't pretend to understand some of it, but it's absolutely clear that 1) Ms Duncan is at least trying to be scrupulously accurate via appropriate Freedom Of Information applications, requests for comments from relevant parties, etc, albeit with apparently limited success, and 2) that many involved, eg, Mt Gambier City Council, had been acting to support and/or fund the MJA long before it was suddenly announced just prior to the November 2014 Local Government Elections...there are also clearly issues/questions to be explained and/or answered regarding how the program/contract was moved from Tennyson Woods College and the relevant $500,000 Funding Process, etc...I look forward to further articles on this issue from Ms Duncan and potential clarification/resolution of these many issues/questions...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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