Monday, January 8, 2018

No Problem Folks, Nothing To See Here, Move Along, Everything's Fine, Just Fine

Howdy y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand), the USofA, Ukraine, and Bangladesh, and to y'all else as well...welcome to the first proper post for 2018, and it ain't necessarily anything like a 'New Years Resolution', but I have resolved to keep on keeping-on...admittedly I have all-but shut-down again across Christmas/New Years, but it's been a long coupla' months, it's all there in previous recent posts...anyhoos, in many ways it is still a-ways back for me personally, still tired, etc, but constantly moving forward in many ways as well...(well, when you've got a lotta' stuff goin' on it's easy to be headed in many directions at once whilst remaining unmoved-Ed)...well indeed, and it's a long year ahead to be sure...(a long year of stuff-Ed)...indeed, a long year of stuff...

Anyhoos, there's this dude standing in the street, yeah?...(sure, who?-Ed)...just a dude, there's just this dude just-a standin' there, people goin' past...(errr, yeah, your point?-Ed)...stay with me, just paintin' a Mind-Scape picture...(mmm-Ed) there's this dude, people goin' past, nobody really looks and/or cares, right?...(sure, dude in street, disinterested passers-by, got it-Ed)...but then the dude starts waving 'is arms and saying, 'no problem folks, nuthin' to see here, move along please, everything's fine, just fine'...(what's fine?! more to the point, what's wrong?! what's happening?! what doesn't he want me to see?!-Ed)...exactly, now if you just phhhhmp!...(get outta' my way idiot! I must see what it is! I must know what's wrong! is this the End, beautiful friend, the End?!-Ed)...stop that, he's a metaphoric dude, there isn't a 'thing' to see, you know that...(just tryin' to get involved in my role-Ed)...fair enough, but let's stick to the unpleasant realities...('Realities'? but I thought you said it was a metaphor?-Ed)...well it's kinda' both, yet also neither really...(now you stop it 'Reality' or not?-Ed)...let me explain it like this...

It's creating a Mind-Scape...(sure-Ed)...put yourself on that street, walking by, etc...(got my eyes closed and I'm right there-Ed)...super...(hey, there's that dude over there-Ed)...rrright, now pretend that otherwise innocuous dude over there starts waving his arms about and saying, 'nuthin' to see here', etc, etc...(well obviously I'm gunna' stop and look, I mean, look, everyone's stopping to look now...are you sure something isn't actually happening?-Ed)...nooo! well, yes, but not in the Mind-Scape, there's no actual 'thing', the Mind-Scape's a descriptor/metaphor for what happens when someone starts waving their arms and saying 'nuthin' to see', but I am setting the stage for an actual occurrence of this...(you wouldn't care to explain a little further?-Ed)...sure...

I refer to what is a classic case of Thou Dost Protesteth Too Much Me Thinks...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, I'm just having so much fun with this that "I've gone all boogie-woogie down stairs"...(what?!-Ed)...sorry, sorry, that's a line from The Thick Of It, just being stupid...(well could you please rapidly 'Un-Stupid' yourself and explain what the shreck is going on in this 'ere post!-Ed)...sure, sorry, I am just trying to illustrate with that Mind-Scape thingy, an actual situation where-in Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane appears to be defending publicly that which MGCC/he has not been publicly accused of, least not that I'm aware of...(ok, now it's getting interesting, MGCC and CEO McShane you say?-Ed)...indeed I do say, committing a classic case of protesting their 'innocence' regarding a 'crime' no-one's actually accused them of yet!...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...

Now it ain't a 'crime' exactly, but Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans has been in The Border Watch, attached just below, denying that there's 'Morale Problems' with certain 'staffing issues', etc, but I don't recall seeing where and/or even if it was reported in the first instance...(ooo I can think of somewhere, like, right 'ere fr'instance!-Ed)...well indeed, and I'm missing a coupla' TBWs from across the holidays, could be in there I s'pose, but no-one's mentioned it to me and I only saw this 'denial' mentioned late last week on WIN TV's lavish 'Two News Items Then Sport And Weather, In An Ad Break' news service, as sourced from TBW, etc...(and even if it is in response to some article or discussion, whatevs, that just means that it's an issue somewhere, certainly issue enough that either way, either as 1) a response to an actual 'accusation', or 2) or as an unsolicited denial, either way CEO McShenanigans has seen it necessary to deny this 'morale' stuff publicly-Ed)...exactly...

I'll check TBW if I can, but I get the feeling that there's such genuine feeling from within MGCC that CEO McShane's response may well simply be generated by that genuine undercurrent of unhappiness, and CEO McShane's looking to counter what is a very Real Problem in Council...and I know that it's a Real Problem because they tell me Mark, mate...(maaate-Ed) know they know they tell me how unhappy they are, they tell me how you lot always talk about me and this 'ere blog, etc, etc, they tell me about the vastly bloated and overpaid MGCC bureaucracy draining literally $$$millions from Ratepayers every year, and the $$$squillions syphoned-off to friends and/or family of serving MGCC Councillors and/or Officials, mostly via vastly 'blown-out projects' like the Main Corner or the farcical Railway Lands, or the rankly corrupted 'Pavers Obsession', whilst Mt Gambier itself looks like a run-down hole with a crap part-time pool, etc, etc, etc...

Obviously, 1) not every-or-even-any-one specific MGCC employee is secretly feeding me crucial and damning documents, and/or crying on my shoulder, whatevs, and 2) I'm not exactly aware of every nuance of every employees circumstance/motivation/whatevs, but 3) I've witnessed for myself and heard more than enough from enough, to know as fact that there is a very genuine substance to this 'Morale Issues', errr, issue, and 4) whoevs/whatevs/whyevs has caused this to break publicly, MGCC CEO McShane agrees that it's something that's real enough to require some very official denying indeed...(well I'd reckon it's a combination of genuine public/MGCC staff concerns fueled in part by public and MGCC staff discussion, a discussion itself partly informed and fueled by this 'ere blog, itself apparently a major 'issue' within MGCC and widely discussed across the town don't 'cha know?-Ed)...apparently, and good call, I'd reckon that this 'ere blog is partly responsible for 'exposing problematic issues' with the conduct of Mt Gambier City Council, particularly of the Elected Members, and the rest is just the natural response of reasonable people, including of course those within the Council structure itself, responses to MGCC's rankly corrupt conduct, ... 

Whilst CEO McShane very carefully keeps this in a very narrow focus about 'job security', I am not being mischievous in suggesting that everyone knows what the real issues are, and that the 'Morale Issue' is a very real situation, a situation in no small part driven by the rank and usually Nepotistic Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council...ladies and gentlemen, I didn't see any smoke smoke, but here's CEO McShane putting out a fire that apparently ain't burnin', enjoy...

Tomorrow: Stuff All About Me Or Stuff-All About Me

 I Have Nothing To Declare Apart From Donald Trump's Genius:...deadset, he actually declared his own genius...(wow-Ed)...I just love how good Don makes me feel as a human being...(even if it's just by comparison?-Ed)...well exactly, I've been known for occasional mild self-aggrandising and even for being a 'womaniser' on occasions, etc, etc, but wow, the President of the USofA, undisguised Rascism, open bigotry, assaulting woman, etc, etc, and then declaring your own genius?...mate, wtf?...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a Monkey-Genius, which is still a genius of sorts...(pah!-Ed)...well it is! sort of, a bit...(well I for one am totally convinced by your flawless rationale-Ed)...and this 'ere, this 'ere is my blog...(now that I do believe-Ed)...cheers and laters...

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