Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Documents For Previous Post

Dear t'ís, the series of documents as promised in the last post...a lot of it's been in previous posts, even recently, and it is putting the lead-up to the last post after 'the last post', but it all makes such fascinating reading in that exact context...(even if you do say so yourself!-Ed)...well they're not my letters mate, or rather, they are mine and about me and I did pose many of these questions to my Leagle Eagles at the South East Community Legal Service who have then put some of those main concerns, in writing, with the respective responses...(and fair enough then-Ed)...but apart from all of that, they are 'official legal documents' drafted by others...(hurrah!-Ed)...

Dear Availees:...all I can tell you is that these are genuine documents, they are effectively all the documents I have for this period and/or these exchanges, I think, and because there's a few, I'm just gunna' let the letters explain themselves, with minimal interference...(sure you are-Ed)...apart from a coupla' very minor explanatory notes...(here we go-Ed)...come on, don't be like, Dear Availees, here are the letters leading-up to what I have previously described as The Collusively Corrupt ICAC and SA Parliament Changing The Law To Come Get Nick Fletcher...(I'll never remember that...the what?-Ed)...which is why I've written it down for you...(orrr yeah, cheers-Ed)...basically, my Leagles have written to Comm Lander asking very specific questions about the ICAC Act 2012, and then ICAC Comm Lander and Attorney General John Rau have addressed those exact issues through the South Australian Parliament...(and then you were 'Charged' after they'd changed the Act-Ed)...never actually 'Charged' or Summonsed, but yes, they've changed the Act, via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendments Act 2014, passed on 27th November 2014, and then suddenly I'm somehow on 'Trial' in February here's the first letter, please enjoy...

And here below is Comm Lander's extraordinarily facetious even mocking response,'you're his lawyer, you explain this íncoherent nonsense to him'...(I like the bit about 'discovering corruption', you haven't committed 'corruption'-Ed)...indeed, and Bruce also states that he;
      '...must refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions for prosecution."
...this is the second specific reference to the DPP from this time, the first being by SAPol Det Gardner during the "attempt to interview" on 8th May 2014, at Mt Gambier SAPol Station, when I asked her 'what does this mean?', referring to the photocopy of Section 56 - ICAC Act 2012, that she'd just handed me...Det Gardner responded, 'I don't know, we're just here to collect evidence on behalf of the DPP', and that's damn near a quote, she definitely stated "on behalf of the DPP"...

Please note, because I certainly consider it an extraordinary 'absence', that I haven't had a single communication of any sort with the DPP, nor have I seen any document officially identifying any involvement of the DPP in my case...I don't think there's even a mention in the wad of pointless internal emails that SAPol provided me in response to my Court-Ordered Summons for all info...indeed, ignoring all of his own protocols/procedures, ICAC Comm Lander unilaterally referred me directly to SAPol, allegedly without a single document...(strewth mate-Ed)...indeed, strewth...(but you have had extensive contact with the DPP on another issue, haven't you?-Ed)...indeed I have Ed, many, many contacts regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (please see numerous previous posts)...

And I don't have to tell y'all just exactly how impressed I was with that particular response, but I let cooler heads prevail, and my Leagles drafted this second letter, again at my direction and with my involvement and approval, etc...

And next is the now near-infamous response from My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...(maaate-Ed)...yes, indeed Ed, maaate, Comm Lander very carefully being very clever indeed by-half I'm quite sure, by very specifically acknowledging and then addressing without actually identifying-by-name the original question from my Leagles...(which isss?-Ed)...from the letter just above;
     " he allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and assistance?"
...this is literally the first thing I asked my Leagles in May 2014, they looked at the ICAC Act 2012, and as identified, felt it necessary to write these letters...yes I asked them to, yes much of it is my direct questions, yes I approved these drafts, and yes there's stuff not in there that I wanted, etc, etc, whatevs, Leagles (lawyers) perused this stuff and Leagles then saw fit to write these letters and as proven in the final attached email (below), this was all happening before I had even been 'Charged' with anything...I/you need specific written permission from the ICAC Commissioner to be allowed to get legal advice, even if not 'Charged' with anything...  

And here's the final 'document' I have from my other New Bestie, SAPol Prosecutions 'Operations Coordinator' Andrew Paech, and I'm still waiting for Andrew mate...(maaate-Ed) get back to me with that info-as-promised as to why I and/or my Leagles were not contacted ever again from there, 12th August 2014, and I was never 'Charged', never 'Summonsed, etc, before my 'Trial' suddenly began without my knowledge, on 3rd February 2015...

And there ya' go...(smashing!-Ed)...indeed, tally-bally-ho...and in just doing this post I now want to dis-assemble each letter a li'l bit better, and there's still a ton of 'Trial' stuff  to get at, etc, etc, but with all of that, my 'Trial' is just gunna' happen however it happens because history teaches us that it doesn't matter what I say and/or do it's just gunna' happen anyway...(I wish that sentence didn't make so much sense-Ed)...indeed, and here's another...with these documents, the events back then, etc, with all that I feel that here's something 1) I can actually engage with, and 2) with all this Nick Xenophon gibber-jabber about 'a Federal ICAC', and/or how he's here to sort-out 'Whistleblower Protections', etc, etc, what is being done to me, all this, this is a critically current case-study in just exactly how corrupted South Australia's Body Politique really is...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Stuff and Nonsense

Cheers y'all, I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog, laters alligators...

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