Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Lines Clearly Defines Fine Line By Clearing Lee

Howdy y'all out there in the real world, in Algeria, Singapore, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, and everywhere else...welcome to TMGI, comin' at ya' outta' Mt Gambier...Mt Gambier, which apparently isn't in Australia, let alone South Australia, well not anymore anyway, and therefore, one would assume, anyone in Mt Gambier is not subject to the law of this State, least-ways, that's according to the SA Ombudsman Wayne Lines...(whaaa?-Ed)...I'll explain, but first, it was only a few short weeks ago that I was subjected to horrendous abuse and outright corruption in the Magistrates Court and then openly betrayed by my 'doctor', etc, and I did suffer for it, not gunna' pretend I didn't, and it's all still very much 'current', etc, etc, but one tries to maintain one's sense of humour in all of this...(sorry, which one?-Ed)...me...(oh right-Ed)...but I for one haven't stopped laughing for a week now, and then this.........(then what?-Ed)...I'll get to it...

First it started with that hilarious letter of disingenuous ignorance and denial from 'Minister' Geoff Brock, referring me back to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane, one of the very persons I've written to Geoff about...(shreckin' hilarious-Ed)...well exactly it is, because he thinks he's bein' a funny li'l fella', don't ya' Geoff, but it's exactly the same situation as with Magistrate White's extraordinary, outrageous, self-contradictory, and beyond Biased to the point of Definably Corrupt conduct toward me in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court (27th-28th November 2017)...Geoff's response is self-evidently self-defining, I just gotta' stand here and point at how this deliberately and deceitfully facetious response 1) defines him and his position as a Labor stooge, 'Minister' for 2) a Local Government system without any genuine accountability...

First that, then it was MGCC CEO Mark McShane furiously denying the entirely un-alleged Council Staff Low Morale issue, in a carefully manicured manner that very neatly keeps away from the actual issues of bloated and corrupt bureaucracy that define Mt Gambier City Council...and then, in literally the same week as those two, we have this, Ombudsman Wayne Lines completely clears MGCC Mayor Andrew Lee...it's a farcical re-defining of the Institutionalised Corruption that defines South Australia and all of it's alleged 'Authorities' like the wholly pro-paedophile Corrupt South Australian Parliament, SAPol, Crown Solicitors Office, the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, the Ombudsman, etc, etc...if you're in the Pro-Paedophile Gang, you're golden mate, and Mt Gambier City Council in it's entirety is absolutely Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...

I can walk into any Council Meeting, and assuming Steve Perryman bothers to turn up, I can start with him and then keep quietly chatting to numerous specific people complicitly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and then when I'm done with that, I'll start-in on the legion of rankly Corrupt Nepotistic deals and questionable 'Tenders' I've witnessed...(to steal your joke, I'd just like to acknowledge that MGCC have announced the Herbert/Dycer Perpetual Tender-Ed)...oh yes, for what project?...(oh it doesn't matter, the Tender goes to Dycer Builders and Herbert Architects, and I use those terms in their loosest plausible definition-Ed)...indeed, the Main Corner is a laughing-stock White Elephant, a vastly over-budget, vastly over-engineered disgrace panned by locals as defining the incompetence of all involved, Council and Dycer and particularly Herbert...

And Dear Googles:...again, I am only repeating, albeit with a fair degree of wit...(if you do say so yourself, Wilde-Ed)...well ok, fair enough, how's about, ummm, how's about 'with the usual attempt at humour?...(I think that's probably more reasonable, don't you?-Ed)...no, I liked 'degree of wit'...(get on with it-Ed)...in crackin'-wise about the Dycer/Herbert Perpetual Tender, etc, I am merely re-covering widely reported and widely ongoing public criticisms about certain projects, eg, the Main Corner, and of the widely not-appreciated-by-other-businesses Reality that Council have awarded 'the Main Corner' and numerous other major projects to Herbert and/or Dycer, and that several if not every one of these projects has gone massively Over-Budget, huge blow-outs that Mt Gambier City Council have very carefully denied and/or deliberately misrepresented and deceitfully minimised...these are facts...  

Stout Yeomen One And All:...are me and MGCC and Dycer and Herbert, dear Google, and I'm sure that they care not a jot what I thinkuth, but I'm equally sure we all would look forward to any opportunity to formerly discuss these matters in a formerly recorded context, for us all to get our books out on the table and just see exactly who got paid what for what and why, etc, etc...and beyond that, there's a whole bunch of contractors, subbies (sub-contractors), employees, apprentices, etc, who this ain't about...but don't get me wrong, I loath every ugly inch of The Main Corner, not least of all because it represents to me every aspect of the crassly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, and it's a short sharp slope from there straight into the St Martins stuff...(dude-Ed)...and I'll justify that...(mate, you don't have to, you do not have to justify anything, to anyone, and most particularly about St Martins-Ed)...alright, I'll 'quantify' that...(nice-Ed)...

Love Me Tender:...I'll quantify that, by reminding regular availees that after Mt Gambier City Council started at $4.5million, they eventually spent well over $12million of Ratepayer's money on the Main Corner/Riddoch/Town Hall, adding/installing a $1million Commercial Kitchen mid-project, without any Public Consultation, thus creating a brand new Function Facility entirely funded by Ratepayers, which MGCC then 'Tendered', choosing the then Mayor Steve Perryman or MGCC Councillor Des Mutton's son as the only 'Tenderers', before finally giving the entire Main Corner/Town Hall to Lachlan Mutton for free...MGCC chose the Mayor and a Councillor's son, before settling-on the Councillor's son...rancidly corrupt Nepotism accompanied by all the usual corruption in MGCC meetings, etc, etc...

And of course, as soon as you talk about Steve Perryman you're talking about his rankly complicit role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...he personally and/or all the other associated Main Corner corruption simply reminds me of the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corruption behind which Mt Gambier City Council hides, there-in to conduct it's rankly corrupt business...you people are a deadset disgrace...

People have caned the 'quality' of the Main Corner to me, and described the multiple faults, whinged about the rankly Nepoitistic Tenders, etc, and some business owners have stated directly to me that they have 'given up' applying for MGCC Tenders 'because it always goes to Dycer/Herbert'...(haven't they also stated outright that MGCC Cr Frank Morello uses his position with Country Arts SA to syphon-off 'artists' to his mate Cr Steve Perryman's motel, denying that custom to all other accommodation providers?-Ed)...indeed Ed, that's exactly what they say to me...all quite hilariously corrupt I'm sure, but we digress...

(Over Lander Joke Under Done-Ed):...and I was already chuckling my way through this post when bam! on the ABC/BBC Radio just now (1600hrs), and how shreckin' hilarious is this...my mate Nick Xenophon reckons he wants Sow Stray'n (South Australian) 'Whistleblower' public servants to be eligible for compensation because of the 'potential career repercussions' for disclosing serious corruption...but wham! hosin' Nick's Buzz right down...(orrr dude! not the Buzz!-Ed)...I know! but anyhoos, there's My New Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...(urghh, I'm so over Lander-Ed)...mmm, you're right, that joke is a little underdone...but anyhoos, apparently, during and/or in the 2014 Parliamentary Review of the SA ICAC Act 2012, Comm Bruce 'Over' Lander reportedly warned against exactly that, No Compo Says 'Overs'...reportedly he stated something about 'we'd need to see some strong evidence of very serious institutionalised corruption'...(someone get that man a mirror-Ed)...taboomtish!...(ah thankyou thankyou -Ed)...     

And of course, regular availees will recognise the '2014 ICAC Review'...(nope! I got nuthin'-Ed)...as being the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014...(ohhhh-Ed)...yes, 'ohhhh'...(the ICAC MAA 2014 where-in Labor's Attorney General John Rau added a very, very specific definition, added that to a very, very specific Section of the ICAC Act 2012, being the exact definition in the exact Section that exactly addressed that exact question from your Legal Eagles-Ed)...well, errr, exactly...(the exact definition that then allowed you to be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court in February 2015-Ed)...spot on, I was raided by SAPol in May 2014, my Leagles wrote to Comm Lander in May/June 2014, asking him to please explain the ICAC Act, especially the 'to publish' bit, which led to Comm Lander issuing me his extraordinary written 'Authorisation' (July 2014) allowing me to speak to a lawyer, a doctor, and/or my family and/or friends...(wow, it's still just 'wow'-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's hugely 'wowish', even though I wasn't actually charged with anything at that time, I apparently needed Written ICAC Approval/Authorisation to speak to a lawyer and/or my family and/or a doctor...

Written Permission To Speak To A Lawyer:...charged or otherwise, my Leagle wrote to Comm Lander, twice, after his first deeply facetious and openly mocking first 'denial response'...'you're his lawyer, you advise him, love Bruce'...so it took a second letter, and Comm Lander eventually responded with his 'Authorisation', having decided that he and his ICAC Act 2012 required that I  apparently needed written permission to speak to a lawyer...it is extraordinarily definitive of the deliberately and rankly Fascist nature of the SA ICAC and how it functions...so that was July 2014, then in October 2014 li'l Johnny Rau changes/adds that exact 'publish' definition, specifically and repeatedly stating that it is at the request of Comm Lander, then the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 is ratified by Parliament on 27th November 2014, and then my 'Case' is lodged with Mt Gambier Courthouse on 7th January 2015, and my 'Trial' commenced 3rd February 2015, albeit without me being 'Charged' or Summonsed...(I never tire of that extraordinary tale, not 'Charged' or even Summonsed, hilarious-Ed)...hilarious...     

***ooo ooo, they're on again, my mate Nick and the 2014 Review...damn, missed it, something about ICAC Comm Lander saying 'unintended consequences', but I've yet to hear what they are exactly***

So all that extraordinarily corrupt conduct from the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and John Rau and changing the ICAC Act specifically to get me, etc, and ludicrous and openly Fascist 'Authorisations', etc, and then on to the farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco) of Local Government CEOs castigating themselves, where-in MGCC CEO Mark McShane has clearly been over-flagellating himself to the forehead with a short plank, Monty Python-style, in penance for his trespasses...(after having a good hard talk to himself, and asking himself some very probing questions indeed, BlackAdder-style-Ed)...absolutely, so he's nuded-up in the Room of Mirrors and had a good hard look at himself, Roy and Hg-style, then decided the best course of action is to completely deny a Council Staff Morale Problem no-one's actually accused him of...in a 'soon post' I'll whack-up the interim response I've received from CEO McShane, hilariously listing-off half the Council in an attempt to make my complaint look ludicrous...

But following all that comes this...

Can I Borrow Some Words? Buy Several Vowels?:...because I just don't have the words, so here's Ed...(don't look at me mate, don't you usually do some joke about,'oh wait, here come some words now', or something like that?-Ed)...sure, and even if I hadn't used that joke previous, it ain't gunna' get me out of this...(well how's about, ummm, we start with something simple, like, err, ooo, why isn't Ombudsman Wayne Lines identified?-Ed)...he's identified repeatedly...(not by name, read it again-Ed)...hang on.........hey! you're right! what's goin' on there?...(dunno', whatevs, but also,  'Ombudsman' is a title and should therefore always be a capital-Ed)...really?...(well as a 'title' for a specific person, yeah, I think so-Ed)...interesting...(sort of, but I then skip to the end, and "Mr Lee declined to comment yesterday", now that's interesting-Ed)...it's a farcical joke, that's what that is...

Who gave evidence at this alleged 'investigation'? Who gave evidence about the entirely self-serving nature and corrupt premise of these Ratepayer-funded China junkets for Councillors, it's a fundamental rort without genuine justification...this is Chinese business partners Mark McShane and Andrew Lee using Ratepayers money to fund their personal business interests...it's bare-faced Corruption of the First Order and it's exactly the sort of Institutionalised Rorting of Ratepayers monies that defines Mt Gambier City Council...only last week, Mayor of Marion Council, Chris Hanna, was publicly stating that there was absolutely no reason for anyone in Local Government to be going on these sort of overseas 'business trips', and that no-one from Marion Council would be doing any such thing......

I also remind availees of the farcical alleged ICAC 'Investigation' of Mt Gambier City Council back in October 2013, an 'investigation' that comprised speaking to me at a cafe for 30 minutes, and chatting to CEO McShane in a corridor at the Adelaide Convention Centre, with nothing written down or even recorded, no documents accessed and/or assessed, etc, etc, before Comm Lander completely exonerated Steve Perryman and former CEO Greg Muller and MGCC en masse, exonerated them of multiple definable acts of Corruption without conducting any 'hearing' at all...this is Comm Lander and ICAC acting with the same rank Corruption that they are excusing/covering-up...following this came Comm Lander's unilateral personal decision to have SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch 'charge me' for supposedly breaching the farcically Fascist ICAC legislation, and my home raided, my very own 'Operation Baritone', etc, and back we come to November 2014 when Lander/Rau definably changed ICAC legislation specifically to come get me, followed by more than 3 years of 'Trial', etc, etc, etc... 

And Mr Lines' extraordinary comments require such attention as to warrant a second short post on this issue, so's I'll finish-up here and return...

Tomorrow: What Shreckin' Line?

***ooo, on again, 1800hrs and a different story this time...Xenophon wants 'bounties' for public servants who expose corruption, as part of his alleged 'broader' approach to protecting Whistleblowers, ICAC, etc...Comm Lander reckons it's 'not an appropriate ethos of the public service' to encourage Whistleblowing, but Xenophon reckons public servants (specifically) should be entitled to claim loss of wages, etc...there was no comment from Comm Lander 'cos he's currently on leave...***

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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