Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dear Availees, Happy New Year And All That

Howdy y'all and I hope that your Yuletide, Christmas, holidays, New Years, whatevs, that it went as you would have it be, and I shan't bore y'all with the the tale of the Large Angry Hippy who's glad to see the back of it all...

I never lose sight of the realities around how not everybody is a complete bastard...(that's mighty generous of you-Ed)...well it is the season to be jolly and all that, but I still do find myself availed of such a fundamental 'un-like' for 'my community' that most days I just don't even want to look at it, let-alone go out into it in a context where I have always felt 'un-safe', and try to pretend that I 'like' it and feel that there's anything to 'celebrate'...these are fundamental realities of chronic depression, etc, and the Agrophobia stuff flows in and out of that, occasionally 'Symptom', sometimes 'Condition', etc, etc, etc...

And I clearly cannot stop Mt Gambier being Mt Gambier, despite my best efforts...(and that statement alone really goes-to your state of emotion/mind on this issue, albeit a state driven/fueled by the unpleasant realities-Ed)...well my experience of Mt Gambier has not been a great one, and that's my own stuff before we get to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...whilst that has had a devastating effect on my life, my health, etc, etc, there's a raft of others who have suffered as much and worse...and it has literally driven me to not want to leave the house and have to look at this town, let-alone celebrate it, but even then it's not just about my issues, because I can unfortunately rely on dickheads making trouble for me in contexts where I wouldn't consider it appropriate, eg, Council Members starting confrontations at Public Meetings...

And An Example:...because it was the right thing to not go, I did not attend the Mt Gambier City Council-sponsored Community Christmas Lunch at the Main Corner/Town Hall, for all the people like myself who didn't have another option, etc, and instead spent Christmas by myself...the 'Chef-de-Jour' was my mate and alleged master chef Kirby Shearing, mate...(maaaate, really? Kirby 'Carp Cooker' Shearing? maaate-Ed)...well exactly...and not just him, there were others present who I didn't want to have to put-up with, but I'm naming him specifically because it's exactly the sort of cynical pseudo-caring stunt I'd expect from Kirby mate...(maaate-Ed)...and his kin...(you mean this stuff like Rory McEwen is notorious for, eg, being rancidly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and thusly betraying every child and every family in this State, but then constantly involving himself in 'Children's Charities' and 'Children's Debating', and constantly going onto the equally Pro-Paedophile complicit ABC South East Radio to spruik his wonderful work what he's doing for the kiddies because he's such a great guy and all that, you mean like that?-Ed)...exactly like that, exactly like Rory McEwen, rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt for his own benefit, and hide behind a huge facade of public good-deeds for the kiddies...

And I cannot go to Xmas Luncheon because I don't want to be responsible for the unpleasant reactions my mere presence can and will generate from some others, and how they'll have no problems making it everybody's problem, in a dual-context where 1) this is some people's real highlight, be it as diner or volunteer, and I will not be involved in screwing that up for these people, and secondly, I can most surely go without seeing those other clowns like Kirby at all...yes, part of me gets very 'confrontational' about this stuff, and I do want to go just to piss-off certain people because me just showing-up will be enough to upset them, eg, my mate Kirby, but at what price my petty victories if it causes a ruckus for everyone else? what's the point of that?...and so I don't go to so many of these things...  

(And can I just say how spectacularly predictable yet still wonderfully well-crafted is that massive gouge at the Lutherans, the ABC, Rory McEwen, et al...only 2 days and a few paragraphs into the New Year and it's straight into it again-Ed)...well this is the Reality I have experienced of Mt Gambier, from successive rankly corrupt Elected Officials and the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that is defined by the St Martins Cover-up, through to the extraordinary bizarreness of my ICAC 'Trial', culminating in a frenzy of rank improprieties from the ICAC and the South Australian Magistrates Court and State Parliament, etc, etc...(nah nah mate, you've not got to convince me, nor I'd guess too many other regular availees of this 'ere blog-Ed)...well indeed, and there was a bit of a crescendo-thing going on toward the end of 2017...

And I won't go into it any further 'cos it ain't mine, other than to say that I've taken-on some other/more stuff, along with the associated Anger, lots of Anger, and Deep Grief, etc, that comes from knowing this sortta' stuff...it is what it is, and yes, I too find that phrase glibly annoying, but hey, wha'cha gunna' do? sometimes it's just it is what it is...(ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...well exactly, that what he said, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

And whilst I may well be back at a 'Functioning' level of existence, many harsh lessons over many long years have learned me about looking after my health a bit better, eg, eating better, sleeping more appropriately if not actually a whole lot 'less', plus regular exercise, etc, literally trying to 'enjoy' by acknowledging simple luxuries like hot showers, having 2 toilets, my garden, my shitty li'l car, etc...seriously, what luxury it is to have hot running water, what luxury my own toilet just for me, let-alone a spare in the laundry, what luxury a garden, what luxury any sort of car...see, it's simple to find some extraordinary luxuries in the basic elements of what many consider givens and even their 'Right'...

A Simple Health/Stress Tip:...buy and eat fresh when you can, or even make and freeze your own stuff, grow stuff if you can, it's fantastic to Graze Meditate around your own backyard, whatevs, but good quality frozen food is fine when you're struggling 'cos it's quick and it's easy, chuck it in a pan and heat and eat...even if you're having one of those less-than-wonderful 'food has no taste, cannot be bothered' days, it's healthy to push some re-heated quality produce down ya' cake-hole...feeling depressed? can't be bothered? would slap a Masterchef if you got half a chance? join me on a Culinary Revolution of eating healthy for those who just cannot be arsed really, for whatevs reason, no judgements here...(nice-Ed)...and in the finest Epicurean Traditions of 'Degustation', I'm calling it 'Defrostation'...(mmm, you are an idiot-Ed)...mmm, but a tasty idiot...  

Tomorrow: Me Me Me

Another hilarious traipse through what appears to be the SA State Parliament changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to come get me...(well hurrah!-Ed)...yeah I'm not sure that's a cause for celebration...(depends, is it your opinion or is it fact?-Ed)...well chronologically it is fact that I was raided by SAPol in May 2014, thusly my Legal Eagles/lawyers wrote to ICAC Comm Bruce Lander in June/July 2014 asking him to 'please explain' the ICAC Act 2012, then in October/November 2014 SA Parliament changed that specific 'Section/Definition' of the ICAC Act 2012 in a way that exactly addressed the issues raised by my Leagles, and then I was supposedly 'Charged' at some point in December 2014/January 2015, and my 'Trial' started February 2015, albeit without me having been either 'Charged' or 'Summonsed' to appear, etc, etc...this stuff is covered extensively in recent/future posts, which is why most of it has ''''''these'''''' everywhere...

(So whilst there isn't a specific document that says 'we gotta' change this ICAC Act so we can get Nick Fletcher', the timing of events seem to indicate that when ICAC/SAPol first tried to get you with their precious ICAC Act 2012, it all went spro-oing! in a most comically-dysfuctional manner, and a few springs sprang out of the sides and the gaskets hissed steam, etc, and then Comm Lander went to Attorney General John Rau, and said 'change this bit so's we can get the bloody hippy', and li'l Johnny Rau said, in Parliament in October 2014, 'no probs mate, here's the legislation/definition you required as requested', and Parliament passed the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 on 27th November 2014, and then they started your 'Trial'-Ed)...yes...(what is it with you?-Ed)...not sure...(it's always about you isn't it?-Ed)...not always, but this is, I'm pretty sure this is...

What I do know is that I'm Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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