Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Documents For Previous Post

Dear t'ís, the series of documents as promised in the last post...a lot of it's been in previous posts, even recently, and it is putting the lead-up to the last post after 'the last post', but it all makes such fascinating reading in that exact context...(even if you do say so yourself!-Ed)...well they're not my letters mate, or rather, they are mine and about me and I did pose many of these questions to my Leagle Eagles at the South East Community Legal Service who have then put some of those main concerns, in writing, with the respective responses...(and fair enough then-Ed)...but apart from all of that, they are 'official legal documents' drafted by others...(hurrah!-Ed)...

Dear Availees:...all I can tell you is that these are genuine documents, they are effectively all the documents I have for this period and/or these exchanges, I think, and because there's a few, I'm just gunna' let the letters explain themselves, with minimal interference...(sure you are-Ed)...apart from a coupla' very minor explanatory notes...(here we go-Ed)...come on, don't be like, Dear Availees, here are the letters leading-up to what I have previously described as The Collusively Corrupt ICAC and SA Parliament Changing The Law To Come Get Nick Fletcher...(I'll never remember that...the what?-Ed)...which is why I've written it down for you...(orrr yeah, cheers-Ed)...basically, my Leagles have written to Comm Lander asking very specific questions about the ICAC Act 2012, and then ICAC Comm Lander and Attorney General John Rau have addressed those exact issues through the South Australian Parliament...(and then you were 'Charged' after they'd changed the Act-Ed)...never actually 'Charged' or Summonsed, but yes, they've changed the Act, via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendments Act 2014, passed on 27th November 2014, and then suddenly I'm somehow on 'Trial' in February here's the first letter, please enjoy...

And here below is Comm Lander's extraordinarily facetious even mocking response,'you're his lawyer, you explain this íncoherent nonsense to him'...(I like the bit about 'discovering corruption', you haven't committed 'corruption'-Ed)...indeed, and Bruce also states that he;
      '...must refer the matter to the Director of Public Prosecutions for prosecution."
...this is the second specific reference to the DPP from this time, the first being by SAPol Det Gardner during the "attempt to interview" on 8th May 2014, at Mt Gambier SAPol Station, when I asked her 'what does this mean?', referring to the photocopy of Section 56 - ICAC Act 2012, that she'd just handed me...Det Gardner responded, 'I don't know, we're just here to collect evidence on behalf of the DPP', and that's damn near a quote, she definitely stated "on behalf of the DPP"...

Please note, because I certainly consider it an extraordinary 'absence', that I haven't had a single communication of any sort with the DPP, nor have I seen any document officially identifying any involvement of the DPP in my case...I don't think there's even a mention in the wad of pointless internal emails that SAPol provided me in response to my Court-Ordered Summons for all info...indeed, ignoring all of his own protocols/procedures, ICAC Comm Lander unilaterally referred me directly to SAPol, allegedly without a single document...(strewth mate-Ed)...indeed, strewth...(but you have had extensive contact with the DPP on another issue, haven't you?-Ed)...indeed I have Ed, many, many contacts regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (please see numerous previous posts)...

And I don't have to tell y'all just exactly how impressed I was with that particular response, but I let cooler heads prevail, and my Leagles drafted this second letter, again at my direction and with my involvement and approval, etc...

And next is the now near-infamous response from My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...(maaate-Ed)...yes, indeed Ed, maaate, Comm Lander very carefully being very clever indeed by-half I'm quite sure, by very specifically acknowledging and then addressing without actually identifying-by-name the original question from my Leagles...(which isss?-Ed)...from the letter just above;
     " he allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and assistance?"
...this is literally the first thing I asked my Leagles in May 2014, they looked at the ICAC Act 2012, and as identified, felt it necessary to write these letters...yes I asked them to, yes much of it is my direct questions, yes I approved these drafts, and yes there's stuff not in there that I wanted, etc, etc, whatevs, Leagles (lawyers) perused this stuff and Leagles then saw fit to write these letters and as proven in the final attached email (below), this was all happening before I had even been 'Charged' with anything...I/you need specific written permission from the ICAC Commissioner to be allowed to get legal advice, even if not 'Charged' with anything...  

And here's the final 'document' I have from my other New Bestie, SAPol Prosecutions 'Operations Coordinator' Andrew Paech, and I'm still waiting for Andrew mate...(maaate-Ed) get back to me with that info-as-promised as to why I and/or my Leagles were not contacted ever again from there, 12th August 2014, and I was never 'Charged', never 'Summonsed, etc, before my 'Trial' suddenly began without my knowledge, on 3rd February 2015...

And there ya' go...(smashing!-Ed)...indeed, tally-bally-ho...and in just doing this post I now want to dis-assemble each letter a li'l bit better, and there's still a ton of 'Trial' stuff  to get at, etc, etc, but with all of that, my 'Trial' is just gunna' happen however it happens because history teaches us that it doesn't matter what I say and/or do it's just gunna' happen anyway...(I wish that sentence didn't make so much sense-Ed)...indeed, and here's another...with these documents, the events back then, etc, with all that I feel that here's something 1) I can actually engage with, and 2) with all this Nick Xenophon gibber-jabber about 'a Federal ICAC', and/or how he's here to sort-out 'Whistleblower Protections', etc, etc, what is being done to me, all this, this is a critically current case-study in just exactly how corrupted South Australia's Body Politique really is...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Stuff and Nonsense

Cheers y'all, I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog, laters alligators...

Monday, January 22, 2018

SA ICAC And Parliament Conspire To Persecute Nick Fletcher

Howdy y'all in Sweden, Poland, Ireland, and Turkey, and of course here in per recent posts, I know that I directed y'all to read this stuff from SA Parliament's Hansard (official recording of proceedings) if y'all wanted to, but I reckon it deserves a little dissecting courtesy of moi...(well it really does appear to be 'about you', so why shouldn't you have a bit of a go at it?-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, there is always the remote possibility that it's not just about trying to get me, a possibility that there is some other ICAC and/or SAPol and/or whoev's investigation or process that this 'Amendment' relates to...(really? you really believe that?-Ed), I'm saying it's a possibility, but what I absolutely believe is that this 'Amendment' is/was exactly about me and/or relates to me and this 'ere blog and the combined ICAC/Parliament/SAPol attempt to persecute/prosecute me for doing this 'ere blog...

And a quick self-contradiction in that it's not just about me...(whaaa?-Ed)...well it looks like it is, and most certainly from where I'm standing it absolutely looks exactly like it's all about me...(and fair enough-Ed)...and it is likely about me because of stuff I've done and/or written on this 'ere blog, etc, etc, all that stuff is absolutely relevant, but ultimately I just happen to be the bunny in this particular set of 'legal' headlights..(a bunny doing a most excellent impersonation of a guinea-pig-Ed)...well indeed, I'm pretty much a 'legal guinea-pig' with regard to the ICAC Section 56 stuff...  

Regardless of whatever else is or isn't happening with ICAC/SAPol/Parliament at this time (October 2014), this proposed 'Amendment' directly addresses the issues raised by my Leagle Eagles at the (then) South East Community Legal Service, issues often pointed-out/raised by me with my Leagles and then put officially in writing by SECLS to My New Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...I'll dig those out and post next time...(is that where SECLS write asking Bruce mate to explain his precious shreckin' ICAC Act 2012, including such classics as 'hey, are we even allowed to talk to this guy even though he hasn't been charged with anything yet?'-Ed)...yeah yeah, all that hilarious stuff, exactly like that, like, is a lawyer allowed to discuss 'ICAC Stuff' with their client, even if their client hasn't actually been charged with anything yet?...

I pointed that out to my Leagles at my first appointment with them after SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home on May 7th/8th 2014...I took the copy of the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 that SAPol had provided me that day, took that to SECLS, and then SECLS took my question, 'are you lawyer types even allowed to talk to me, because that seems to say you aren't, even though I ain't been charged', etc, etc, and SECLS listened to my questions, looked at the ICAC Act 2012, and then felt compelled to write to Comm Bruce Lander asking for specific clarification/definition...Bruce mate...(maaate-Ed)...responded in deeply facetious tones, stating 'you're his Leagles, you explain it to him', which necessitated a second letter of enquiry from SECLS, which finally generated the now notorious 'Bruce's Official Authorisation' letter that allows me to talk to a lawyer and/or a doctor and/or even my own family...

The ICAC Act 2012 meant that even though I hadn't been charged with anything yet (July 2014), I still needed written 'Authorisation' to even speak to a lawyer, a doctor, or even to my own family.    

So, dear availees, here's a chunk a' Hansard that I've pasted directly across, a chunk that exquisitely explains exactly what's happening with the South Australian ICAC/Parliament collusion as it pertains to the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher...(yay-Ed) here's my mate li'l Johnny Rau, in Parliament 29th October 2014, furiously dog-whistling to all the Pro-Paedophile Politicians in the SA Parliament...*** 

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill

Introduction and First Reading

The Hon. J.R. RAU ( EnfieldDeputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations) (12:02): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012; and to make related amendments to the Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act 2009 and the Crown Proceedings Act 1992. Read a first time.

Second Reading

The Hon. J.R. RAU ( EnfieldDeputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations) (12:03): I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.
This bill amends the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2012. The amendments are made in response to specific requests from the commissioner to clarify some provisions and to facilitate some operational aspects of the legislation. This bill should not be seen as an opportunity to re-agitate the introduction of the 'reality TV' model of ICAC operating in New South Wales. The government would rather lose this bill than permit such an outcome.
The commissioner has urged the passage of this bill, in its current construction, as a matter of urgency. The commissioner has had the benefit of 12 months of operational experience with this legislation, so it is timely and appropriate to make amendments that will refine and improve some areas of the act. I seek leave to have the remainder of the second reading explanation inserted in Hansard without my reading it.
Leave granted.

***...please note dear availees, the self-perpetuating, mutually-aggrandising language used by li'l Johnny Rau, 'this is really important because Bruce says so, and Bruce is like just so imports, and I'm doing Bruce's bidding so I'm like totes imports as well', etc, etc...(stop being so facetiously picky-Ed)...but it's true! he's trying to puff as much importance as possible into himself, Bruce, and this 'Amendment'...

To Facilitate Some Operational li'l Johnny-speak for 'we need to do this to be able to go get that dirty hippy Nick Fletcher because our ICAC Act 2012 is a farcically undefined Fascist joke'...(and don't forget that first bit, 'Clarify Some Provisions'-Ed)...indeed, or 'Amendments That Will Refine And Improve', etc, it's all the same animal, its all stating that 'we need to change/define the ICAC Act', in a manner that directly addresses Nick Fletcher's enquiries and 'Charges'/'Trial'/'Persecution'...and of course, li'l Johnny is desperately keen to belittle the (original) New South Wales ICAC that held open hearings that led to the resignations and/or gaoling of multiple senior NSW politicians like Premier Barry O'Farrell...(yeah, who wants a publicly accountable process that actually has definable results?-Ed)...well certainly not the SA Parliament or ICAC!...but anyhoos, back to li'l Johnny...***
Most importantly, the Bill will clarify the confidentiality provisions of the Act. It is fundamental to the operation of the Act that information provided to the Commissioner and the Office for Public Integrity is dealt with on a strictly confidential basis. However, the confidentiality requirements of the Act have made administration of the Act difficult for the Commissioner and the OPI and has caused some confusion for inquiry agencies, public authorities and public officers. Two areas of the Act will be amended to address this. First, the Bill amends the definition of 'publish' because upon a broad interpretation of that definition, information could not be communicated person to person. The intention, which is to prevent information becoming public, will be clarified by the new definition of 'publish', consistent with the definition of 'publish' in the Evidence Act 1929 where the emphasis is on communication to the public. The second amendment to clarify the confidentiality provisions will simplify sections 54(1) and (2) to remove any doubt about when information can be disclosed without the Commissioner's authorisation.

***...and there you have it, 'Confidentiality Requirements Of The Act Have Made Administration Difficult...And Has Caused Some Confusion', followed by a very tortuous attempt to prop-up this 'Amendment' by saying this is in response to confusion within Public Officers, etc, and how it will 'clarify' and is 'consistent' with previous legislation, etc, but it doesn't mention either private citizens and/or lawyers...this is a deliberate act of Plausible Deniability on multiple levels, eg, by identifying only 'Public Officials' he deliberately continues that deceit, not acknowledging that Private Citizens in SA are subject to ICAC legislation, whilst simultaneously not identifying that there is a 'live/current matter' that involves this specific 'Clarification', namely me, whilst also ignoring/deleting/omitting that 'Person To Person' also includes a lawyer speaking to their ICAC-'Charged' client...(or as in your case, with a client who hasn't even been 'Charged' with anything yet!-Ed)...well indeed...but back to Johnny...*** 
The Bill will also amend a number of other provisions to put the intent beyond doubt. These include inserting a new subsection into section 14 of the Act to clarify that police officers, whilst seconded to assist the Commissioner, retain their full police powers and new definitions of 'private place' and 'private vehicle' to make clear what was intended as to who has the authority to issue such warrants. The Bill will also amend section 36 to make it clear that the Commissioner may disclose to the relevant law enforcement agency or public authority information that the Commissioner has in respect of a matter. The amendment will also enable the Commissioner to issue directions and guidance to a public authority on a referral under section 36.

***...and here I've skipped the actual mention of the various 'Amendments', and gone through to the closing comments...if y'all want to read this 'Amendments' bit, please just check the Hansard...herrrrre's Johnny...***

The Bill will also amend the Criminal Investigation (Cover Operations) Act 2009 to allow for an ICAC investigator to apply to the Commissioner to approve undercover operations for the purpose of an investigation under the ICAC Act and will amend the Crown Proceedings Act 1992 to remove the requirement for an examiner to give notice to the Crown Solicitor before issuing a summons to a Minister of the Crown to appear at an examination. Under the Crown Proceedings Act no subpoena or other process may be issued requiring a Minister of the Crown to appear, in the Minister's official capacity, to give evidence, or to produce documents, without the permission of the court, tribunal or other authority and permission may be granted only after the Crown Solicitor has been given reasonable notice in writing of the application for the subpoena or other process and a reasonable opportunity to be heard on the application. Clearly this process does not transfer comfortably into the examination process, where the summons for an examination is issued only for the purposes of an investigation into corruption in public administration where there are no parties, and the examination is conducted in private.

Finally, the Bill will amend Schedules 1 and 2 of the Act. The reference to employees under the Technical and Further Education Act 1975 will be removed from Schedule 1 because, as a resu lt of the enactment of the TAFE  Act SA 2012, which came into operation after the commencement of the relevant sections of the ICAC Act, these officers are now covered 'in the Schedule by reference to' an officer or employee of a statutory authority or statutory office holder and clause 3(9) of Schedule 2 will be amended to clarify the nature of the confidentiality orders that can be made by an examiner in relation to evidence or information given or received during an examination.

The Commissioner's well considered comments and suggestions have resulted in a set of amendments that will fine tune what has already proved to be a very successful legislative scheme.

I commend the bill to members.

***...and that last bit's a bit off-topic, but there it is, the debate/statement from Labor's Attorney General John Rau...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and just to put it all in it's correct chronological context, here's a coupla' brief quotes from my Leagle's letters to ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, letters that irrefutably generated these 'Clarifications'...from the first letter, South East Community Legal Service, to Bruce Lander, 2nd July 2014,
     "There has not been any judicial consideration of Section 56 as yet and I note that the
       important term 'published' has not been defined within the act...a great deal of uncertainty
       about what can and cannot legally be published...What are the limits of this prohibition? Is
       he entitled to talk to his family and friends so that he can gain their support in relation to his
       investigation and is he allowed to talk to a lawyer for the purpose of legal advice and

Now that's a coupla' paragraphs crammed together, but it's all there, particularly the bit about needing permission to speak to a lawyer...(wow-Ed)...and here's a bitta' Bruce's response of 14th July 2014?...
     "I am also unable to give legal advice and therefore cannot answer the questions that you
      have raised in your letter.
      I think they are matters that Mr Fletcher must consider upon advice given to him by you."
...that's just the end bit, but deadset, my Leagles have to write to Bruce asking for basic clarification of fundamentally important but obviously undefined and even problematic aspects of the ICAC Act 2012, in this the Precedent Prosecution of said Act, and he facetiously writes back, 'you're his lawyer, you figure it out and tell him'...and by necessity, this ludicrous response generated a second letter at my behest and on my behalf, from SECLS, to Bruce, 18th July 2014, namely...
     "The term publication is not clearly defined within the Act and at this stage there is no case
       law that sheds light on this term."
...and goes on to discuss Mt Gambier City Council putting the whole 'ICAC Investigation/Exoneration of MGCC' on their website and therefore into the public domain, etc, so does that mean I can 'publish'? etc...

I'll post these letters in their entirety later this arvo 'cos they're a bit long with all this Hansard stuff, but there it is, mid-February 2014 ICAC Comm Lander unilaterally referred me directly to SAPol (police), without going through any of the requisite processes within his own ICAC/OPI, and then supposedly directly to SAPol not to the Director of Public Prosecutions, etc, then SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch raided my home on 7th/8th May 2014, etc...that led to several discussions between me and SECLS's Leagles, meaning that in July 2014 my SECLS Leagles were asking specific questions of ICAC Comm Lander about 'Publish' and then ICAC Comm Lander has got his li'l mate AG Johnny Rau to shove that exact stuff through SA Parliament in October/November 2014, and then I'm on 'Trial' on 3rd February 2015, without actually being 'Charged' or even Summonsed...

No apologies for a complete lack of attempt at humour, nor that tomorrow we'll be running over the same old ground, but it is absolutely critical to my 'Trial'...(and in a broader sense, it's a fundamental indictment of the rank corruption and collusion operating between South Australia's rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Labor Party and it's Political Tool, the SA ICAC, a rankly Fascist ICAC endorsed by a fundamentally rancid SA Parliament-Ed)...well of course, there is that, but I was referring specifically to SAPol's repeated attempts to 'go around' the issue of me not being 'Charged'...(you mean those times that SAPol Prosecution's Batten and SAPol's Lead Investigator Gardner lied in Court (March 2017) that you'd been charged 17th/18th December 2017?-Ed) no, not those lies, the stuff where-in SAPol, particularly Gardner, tried to say that I had been 'reported' back in May 2014, when they raided my home, etc, said they didn't know what it was about (the copy of the ICAC Act they showed me), and said, 'we're just here to collect evidence on behalf of the DPP'...

I know we've been over this frequently recently, but what can I say, it's been an extraordinary coupla' weeks of watching public exposure of the rank corruption of Local Government non-accountability, particularly the extraordinary Mayor Lee stuff, whilst simultaneously 'existing' through my own 'Trial' stuff, eg, what we're discussing right now, changing legislation to come get me, etc, as we all furiously Freakshow Freight Train toward the March 2018 State Election...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...
Tomorrow: Plodding Down This Same Path To Nowhere

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Lines Clearly Defines Fine Line By Clearing Lee

Howdy y'all out there in the real world, in Algeria, Singapore, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, and everywhere else...welcome to TMGI, comin' at ya' outta' Mt Gambier...Mt Gambier, which apparently isn't in Australia, let alone South Australia, well not anymore anyway, and therefore, one would assume, anyone in Mt Gambier is not subject to the law of this State, least-ways, that's according to the SA Ombudsman Wayne Lines...(whaaa?-Ed)...I'll explain, but first, it was only a few short weeks ago that I was subjected to horrendous abuse and outright corruption in the Magistrates Court and then openly betrayed by my 'doctor', etc, and I did suffer for it, not gunna' pretend I didn't, and it's all still very much 'current', etc, etc, but one tries to maintain one's sense of humour in all of this...(sorry, which one?-Ed) right-Ed)...but I for one haven't stopped laughing for a week now, and then this.........(then what?-Ed)...I'll get to it...

First it started with that hilarious letter of disingenuous ignorance and denial from 'Minister' Geoff Brock, referring me back to Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane, one of the very persons I've written to Geoff about...(shreckin' hilarious-Ed)...well exactly it is, because he thinks he's bein' a funny li'l fella', don't ya' Geoff, but it's exactly the same situation as with Magistrate White's extraordinary, outrageous, self-contradictory, and beyond Biased to the point of Definably Corrupt conduct toward me in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court (27th-28th November 2017)...Geoff's response is self-evidently self-defining, I just gotta' stand here and point at how this deliberately and deceitfully facetious response 1) defines him and his position as a Labor stooge, 'Minister' for 2) a Local Government system without any genuine accountability...

First that, then it was MGCC CEO Mark McShane furiously denying the entirely un-alleged Council Staff Low Morale issue, in a carefully manicured manner that very neatly keeps away from the actual issues of bloated and corrupt bureaucracy that define Mt Gambier City Council...and then, in literally the same week as those two, we have this, Ombudsman Wayne Lines completely clears MGCC Mayor Andrew's a farcical re-defining of the Institutionalised Corruption that defines South Australia and all of it's alleged 'Authorities' like the wholly pro-paedophile Corrupt South Australian Parliament, SAPol, Crown Solicitors Office, the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, the Ombudsman, etc, etc...if you're in the Pro-Paedophile Gang, you're golden mate, and Mt Gambier City Council in it's entirety is absolutely Pro-Paedophile Corrupt...

I can walk into any Council Meeting, and assuming Steve Perryman bothers to turn up, I can start with him and then keep quietly chatting to numerous specific people complicitly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and then when I'm done with that, I'll start-in on the legion of rankly Corrupt Nepotistic deals and questionable 'Tenders' I've witnessed...(to steal your joke, I'd just like to acknowledge that MGCC have announced the Herbert/Dycer Perpetual Tender-Ed)...oh yes, for what project?...(oh it doesn't matter, the Tender goes to Dycer Builders and Herbert Architects, and I use those terms in their loosest plausible definition-Ed)...indeed, the Main Corner is a laughing-stock White Elephant, a vastly over-budget, vastly over-engineered disgrace panned by locals as defining the incompetence of all involved, Council and Dycer and particularly Herbert...

And Dear Googles:...again, I am only repeating, albeit with a fair degree of wit...(if you do say so yourself, Wilde-Ed)...well ok, fair enough, how's about, ummm, how's about 'with the usual attempt at humour?...(I think that's probably more reasonable, don't you?-Ed), I liked 'degree of wit'...(get on with it-Ed) crackin'-wise about the Dycer/Herbert Perpetual Tender, etc, I am merely re-covering widely reported and widely ongoing public criticisms about certain projects, eg, the Main Corner, and of the widely not-appreciated-by-other-businesses Reality that Council have awarded 'the Main Corner' and numerous other major projects to Herbert and/or Dycer, and that several if not every one of these projects has gone massively Over-Budget, huge blow-outs that Mt Gambier City Council have very carefully denied and/or deliberately misrepresented and deceitfully minimised...these are facts...  

Stout Yeomen One And All:...are me and MGCC and Dycer and Herbert, dear Google, and I'm sure that they care not a jot what I thinkuth, but I'm equally sure we all would look forward to any opportunity to formerly discuss these matters in a formerly recorded context, for us all to get our books out on the table and just see exactly who got paid what for what and why, etc, etc...and beyond that, there's a whole bunch of contractors, subbies (sub-contractors), employees, apprentices, etc, who this ain't about...but don't get me wrong, I loath every ugly inch of The Main Corner, not least of all because it represents to me every aspect of the crassly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, and it's a short sharp slope from there straight into the St Martins stuff...(dude-Ed)...and I'll justify that...(mate, you don't have to, you do not have to justify anything, to anyone, and most particularly about St Martins-Ed)...alright, I'll 'quantify' that...(nice-Ed)...

Love Me Tender:...I'll quantify that, by reminding regular availees that after Mt Gambier City Council started at $4.5million, they eventually spent well over $12million of Ratepayer's money on the Main Corner/Riddoch/Town Hall, adding/installing a $1million Commercial Kitchen mid-project, without any Public Consultation, thus creating a brand new Function Facility entirely funded by Ratepayers, which MGCC then 'Tendered', choosing the then Mayor Steve Perryman or MGCC Councillor Des Mutton's son as the only 'Tenderers', before finally giving the entire Main Corner/Town Hall to Lachlan Mutton for free...MGCC chose the Mayor and a Councillor's son, before settling-on the Councillor's son...rancidly corrupt Nepotism accompanied by all the usual corruption in MGCC meetings, etc, etc...

And of course, as soon as you talk about Steve Perryman you're talking about his rankly complicit role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...he personally and/or all the other associated Main Corner corruption simply reminds me of the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corruption behind which Mt Gambier City Council hides, there-in to conduct it's rankly corrupt people are a deadset disgrace...

People have caned the 'quality' of the Main Corner to me, and described the multiple faults, whinged about the rankly Nepoitistic Tenders, etc, and some business owners have stated directly to me that they have 'given up' applying for MGCC Tenders 'because it always goes to Dycer/Herbert'...(haven't they also stated outright that MGCC Cr Frank Morello uses his position with Country Arts SA to syphon-off 'artists' to his mate Cr Steve Perryman's motel, denying that custom to all other accommodation providers?-Ed)...indeed Ed, that's exactly what they say to me...all quite hilariously corrupt I'm sure, but we digress...

(Over Lander Joke Under Done-Ed):...and I was already chuckling my way through this post when bam! on the ABC/BBC Radio just now (1600hrs), and how shreckin' hilarious is mate Nick Xenophon reckons he wants Sow Stray'n (South Australian) 'Whistleblower' public servants to be eligible for compensation because of the 'potential career repercussions' for disclosing serious corruption...but wham! hosin' Nick's Buzz right down...(orrr dude! not the Buzz!-Ed)...I know! but anyhoos, there's My New Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander...(urghh, I'm so over Lander-Ed)...mmm, you're right, that joke is a little underdone...but anyhoos, apparently, during and/or in the 2014 Parliamentary Review of the SA ICAC Act 2012, Comm Bruce 'Over' Lander reportedly warned against exactly that, No Compo Says 'Overs'...reportedly he stated something about 'we'd need to see some strong evidence of very serious institutionalised corruption'...(someone get that man a mirror-Ed)...taboomtish!...(ah thankyou thankyou -Ed)...     

And of course, regular availees will recognise the '2014 ICAC Review'...(nope! I got nuthin'-Ed) being the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014...(ohhhh-Ed)...yes, 'ohhhh'...(the ICAC MAA 2014 where-in Labor's Attorney General John Rau added a very, very specific definition, added that to a very, very specific Section of the ICAC Act 2012, being the exact definition in the exact Section that exactly addressed that exact question from your Legal Eagles-Ed)...well, errr, exactly...(the exact definition that then allowed you to be prosecuted in the Magistrates Court in February 2015-Ed) on, I was raided by SAPol in May 2014, my Leagles wrote to Comm Lander in May/June 2014, asking him to please explain the ICAC Act, especially the 'to publish' bit, which led to Comm Lander issuing me his extraordinary written 'Authorisation' (July 2014) allowing me to speak to a lawyer, a doctor, and/or my family and/or friends...(wow, it's still just 'wow'-Ed)...indeed Ed, it's hugely 'wowish', even though I wasn't actually charged with anything at that time, I apparently needed Written ICAC Approval/Authorisation to speak to a lawyer and/or my family and/or a doctor...

Written Permission To Speak To A Lawyer:...charged or otherwise, my Leagle wrote to Comm Lander, twice, after his first deeply facetious and openly mocking first 'denial response'...'you're his lawyer, you advise him, love Bruce' it took a second letter, and Comm Lander eventually responded with his 'Authorisation', having decided that he and his ICAC Act 2012 required that I  apparently needed written permission to speak to a is extraordinarily definitive of the deliberately and rankly Fascist nature of the SA ICAC and how it that was July 2014, then in October 2014 li'l Johnny Rau changes/adds that exact 'publish' definition, specifically and repeatedly stating that it is at the request of Comm Lander, then the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 is ratified by Parliament on 27th November 2014, and then my 'Case' is lodged with Mt Gambier Courthouse on 7th January 2015, and my 'Trial' commenced 3rd February 2015, albeit without me being 'Charged' or Summonsed...(I never tire of that extraordinary tale, not 'Charged' or even Summonsed, hilarious-Ed)...hilarious...     

***ooo ooo, they're on again, my mate Nick and the 2014 Review...damn, missed it, something about ICAC Comm Lander saying 'unintended consequences', but I've yet to hear what they are exactly***

So all that extraordinarily corrupt conduct from the ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and John Rau and changing the ICAC Act specifically to get me, etc, and ludicrous and openly Fascist 'Authorisations', etc, and then on to the farcical debasco (debacle/fiasco) of Local Government CEOs castigating themselves, where-in MGCC CEO Mark McShane has clearly been over-flagellating himself to the forehead with a short plank, Monty Python-style, in penance for his trespasses...(after having a good hard talk to himself, and asking himself some very probing questions indeed, BlackAdder-style-Ed)...absolutely, so he's nuded-up in the Room of Mirrors and had a good hard look at himself, Roy and Hg-style, then decided the best course of action is to completely deny a Council Staff Morale Problem no-one's actually accused him a 'soon post' I'll whack-up the interim response I've received from CEO McShane, hilariously listing-off half the Council in an attempt to make my complaint look ludicrous...

But following all that comes this...

Can I Borrow Some Words? Buy Several Vowels?:...because I just don't have the words, so here's Ed...(don't look at me mate, don't you usually do some joke about,'oh wait, here come some words now', or something like that?-Ed)...sure, and even if I hadn't used that joke previous, it ain't gunna' get me out of this...(well how's about, ummm, we start with something simple, like, err, ooo, why isn't Ombudsman Wayne Lines identified?-Ed)...he's identified repeatedly...(not by name, read it again-Ed)...hang on.........hey! you're right! what's goin' on there?...(dunno', whatevs, but also,  'Ombudsman' is a title and should therefore always be a capital-Ed)...really?...(well as a 'title' for a specific person, yeah, I think so-Ed)...interesting...(sort of, but I then skip to the end, and "Mr Lee declined to comment yesterday", now that's interesting-Ed)'s a farcical joke, that's what that is...

Who gave evidence at this alleged 'investigation'? Who gave evidence about the entirely self-serving nature and corrupt premise of these Ratepayer-funded China junkets for Councillors, it's a fundamental rort without genuine justification...this is Chinese business partners Mark McShane and Andrew Lee using Ratepayers money to fund their personal business's bare-faced Corruption of the First Order and it's exactly the sort of Institutionalised Rorting of Ratepayers monies that defines Mt Gambier City Council...only last week, Mayor of Marion Council, Chris Hanna, was publicly stating that there was absolutely no reason for anyone in Local Government to be going on these sort of overseas 'business trips', and that no-one from Marion Council would be doing any such thing......

I also remind availees of the farcical alleged ICAC 'Investigation' of Mt Gambier City Council back in October 2013, an 'investigation' that comprised speaking to me at a cafe for 30 minutes, and chatting to CEO McShane in a corridor at the Adelaide Convention Centre, with nothing written down or even recorded, no documents accessed and/or assessed, etc, etc, before Comm Lander completely exonerated Steve Perryman and former CEO Greg Muller and MGCC en masse, exonerated them of multiple definable acts of Corruption without conducting any 'hearing' at all...this is Comm Lander and ICAC acting with the same rank Corruption that they are excusing/covering-up...following this came Comm Lander's unilateral personal decision to have SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch 'charge me' for supposedly breaching the farcically Fascist ICAC legislation, and my home raided, my very own 'Operation Baritone', etc, and back we come to November 2014 when Lander/Rau definably changed ICAC legislation specifically to come get me, followed by more than 3 years of 'Trial', etc, etc, etc... 

And Mr Lines' extraordinary comments require such attention as to warrant a second short post on this issue, so's I'll finish-up here and return...

Tomorrow: What Shreckin' Line?

***ooo, on again, 1800hrs and a different story this time...Xenophon wants 'bounties' for public servants who expose corruption, as part of his alleged 'broader' approach to protecting Whistleblowers, ICAC, etc...Comm Lander reckons it's 'not an appropriate ethos of the public service' to encourage Whistleblowing, but Xenophon reckons public servants (specifically) should be entitled to claim loss of wages, etc...there was no comment from Comm Lander 'cos he's currently on leave...***

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, January 8, 2018

No Problem Folks, Nothing To See Here, Move Along, Everything's Fine, Just Fine

Howdy y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand), the USofA, Ukraine, and Bangladesh, and to y'all else as well...welcome to the first proper post for 2018, and it ain't necessarily anything like a 'New Years Resolution', but I have resolved to keep on keeping-on...admittedly I have all-but shut-down again across Christmas/New Years, but it's been a long coupla' months, it's all there in previous recent posts...anyhoos, in many ways it is still a-ways back for me personally, still tired, etc, but constantly moving forward in many ways as well...(well, when you've got a lotta' stuff goin' on it's easy to be headed in many directions at once whilst remaining unmoved-Ed)...well indeed, and it's a long year ahead to be sure...(a long year of stuff-Ed)...indeed, a long year of stuff...

Anyhoos, there's this dude standing in the street, yeah?...(sure, who?-Ed)...just a dude, there's just this dude just-a standin' there, people goin' past...(errr, yeah, your point?-Ed)...stay with me, just paintin' a Mind-Scape picture...(mmm-Ed) there's this dude, people goin' past, nobody really looks and/or cares, right?...(sure, dude in street, disinterested passers-by, got it-Ed)...but then the dude starts waving 'is arms and saying, 'no problem folks, nuthin' to see here, move along please, everything's fine, just fine'...(what's fine?! more to the point, what's wrong?! what's happening?! what doesn't he want me to see?!-Ed)...exactly, now if you just phhhhmp!...(get outta' my way idiot! I must see what it is! I must know what's wrong! is this the End, beautiful friend, the End?!-Ed)...stop that, he's a metaphoric dude, there isn't a 'thing' to see, you know that...(just tryin' to get involved in my role-Ed)...fair enough, but let's stick to the unpleasant realities...('Realities'? but I thought you said it was a metaphor?-Ed)...well it's kinda' both, yet also neither really...(now you stop it 'Reality' or not?-Ed)...let me explain it like this...

It's creating a Mind-Scape...(sure-Ed)...put yourself on that street, walking by, etc...(got my eyes closed and I'm right there-Ed)...super...(hey, there's that dude over there-Ed)...rrright, now pretend that otherwise innocuous dude over there starts waving his arms about and saying, 'nuthin' to see here', etc, etc...(well obviously I'm gunna' stop and look, I mean, look, everyone's stopping to look now...are you sure something isn't actually happening?-Ed)...nooo! well, yes, but not in the Mind-Scape, there's no actual 'thing', the Mind-Scape's a descriptor/metaphor for what happens when someone starts waving their arms and saying 'nuthin' to see', but I am setting the stage for an actual occurrence of this...(you wouldn't care to explain a little further?-Ed)...sure...

I refer to what is a classic case of Thou Dost Protesteth Too Much Me Thinks...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, I'm just having so much fun with this that "I've gone all boogie-woogie down stairs"...(what?!-Ed)...sorry, sorry, that's a line from The Thick Of It, just being stupid...(well could you please rapidly 'Un-Stupid' yourself and explain what the shreck is going on in this 'ere post!-Ed)...sure, sorry, I am just trying to illustrate with that Mind-Scape thingy, an actual situation where-in Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane appears to be defending publicly that which MGCC/he has not been publicly accused of, least not that I'm aware of...(ok, now it's getting interesting, MGCC and CEO McShane you say?-Ed)...indeed I do say, committing a classic case of protesting their 'innocence' regarding a 'crime' no-one's actually accused them of yet!...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...

Now it ain't a 'crime' exactly, but Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans has been in The Border Watch, attached just below, denying that there's 'Morale Problems' with certain 'staffing issues', etc, but I don't recall seeing where and/or even if it was reported in the first instance...(ooo I can think of somewhere, like, right 'ere fr'instance!-Ed)...well indeed, and I'm missing a coupla' TBWs from across the holidays, could be in there I s'pose, but no-one's mentioned it to me and I only saw this 'denial' mentioned late last week on WIN TV's lavish 'Two News Items Then Sport And Weather, In An Ad Break' news service, as sourced from TBW, etc...(and even if it is in response to some article or discussion, whatevs, that just means that it's an issue somewhere, certainly issue enough that either way, either as 1) a response to an actual 'accusation', or 2) or as an unsolicited denial, either way CEO McShenanigans has seen it necessary to deny this 'morale' stuff publicly-Ed)...exactly...

I'll check TBW if I can, but I get the feeling that there's such genuine feeling from within MGCC that CEO McShane's response may well simply be generated by that genuine undercurrent of unhappiness, and CEO McShane's looking to counter what is a very Real Problem in Council...and I know that it's a Real Problem because they tell me Mark, mate...(maaate-Ed) know they know they tell me how unhappy they are, they tell me how you lot always talk about me and this 'ere blog, etc, etc, they tell me about the vastly bloated and overpaid MGCC bureaucracy draining literally $$$millions from Ratepayers every year, and the $$$squillions syphoned-off to friends and/or family of serving MGCC Councillors and/or Officials, mostly via vastly 'blown-out projects' like the Main Corner or the farcical Railway Lands, or the rankly corrupted 'Pavers Obsession', whilst Mt Gambier itself looks like a run-down hole with a crap part-time pool, etc, etc, etc...

Obviously, 1) not every-or-even-any-one specific MGCC employee is secretly feeding me crucial and damning documents, and/or crying on my shoulder, whatevs, and 2) I'm not exactly aware of every nuance of every employees circumstance/motivation/whatevs, but 3) I've witnessed for myself and heard more than enough from enough, to know as fact that there is a very genuine substance to this 'Morale Issues', errr, issue, and 4) whoevs/whatevs/whyevs has caused this to break publicly, MGCC CEO McShane agrees that it's something that's real enough to require some very official denying indeed...(well I'd reckon it's a combination of genuine public/MGCC staff concerns fueled in part by public and MGCC staff discussion, a discussion itself partly informed and fueled by this 'ere blog, itself apparently a major 'issue' within MGCC and widely discussed across the town don't 'cha know?-Ed)...apparently, and good call, I'd reckon that this 'ere blog is partly responsible for 'exposing problematic issues' with the conduct of Mt Gambier City Council, particularly of the Elected Members, and the rest is just the natural response of reasonable people, including of course those within the Council structure itself, responses to MGCC's rankly corrupt conduct, ... 

Whilst CEO McShane very carefully keeps this in a very narrow focus about 'job security', I am not being mischievous in suggesting that everyone knows what the real issues are, and that the 'Morale Issue' is a very real situation, a situation in no small part driven by the rank and usually Nepotistic Institutionalised Corruption of Mt Gambier City Council...ladies and gentlemen, I didn't see any smoke smoke, but here's CEO McShane putting out a fire that apparently ain't burnin', enjoy...

Tomorrow: Stuff All About Me Or Stuff-All About Me

 I Have Nothing To Declare Apart From Donald Trump's Genius:...deadset, he actually declared his own genius...(wow-Ed)...I just love how good Don makes me feel as a human being...(even if it's just by comparison?-Ed)...well exactly, I've been known for occasional mild self-aggrandising and even for being a 'womaniser' on occasions, etc, etc, but wow, the President of the USofA, undisguised Rascism, open bigotry, assaulting woman, etc, etc, and then declaring your own genius?...mate, wtf?...

I am Nick Fletcher and I am a Monkey-Genius, which is still a genius of sorts...(pah!-Ed)...well it is! sort of, a bit...(well I for one am totally convinced by your flawless rationale-Ed)...and this 'ere, this 'ere is my blog...(now that I do believe-Ed)...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Dear Availees, Happy New Year And All That

Howdy y'all and I hope that your Yuletide, Christmas, holidays, New Years, whatevs, that it went as you would have it be, and I shan't bore y'all with the the tale of the Large Angry Hippy who's glad to see the back of it all...

I never lose sight of the realities around how not everybody is a complete bastard...(that's mighty generous of you-Ed)...well it is the season to be jolly and all that, but I still do find myself availed of such a fundamental 'un-like' for 'my community' that most days I just don't even want to look at it, let-alone go out into it in a context where I have always felt 'un-safe', and try to pretend that I 'like' it and feel that there's anything to 'celebrate'...these are fundamental realities of chronic depression, etc, and the Agrophobia stuff flows in and out of that, occasionally 'Symptom', sometimes 'Condition', etc, etc, etc...

And I clearly cannot stop Mt Gambier being Mt Gambier, despite my best efforts...(and that statement alone really goes-to your state of emotion/mind on this issue, albeit a state driven/fueled by the unpleasant realities-Ed)...well my experience of Mt Gambier has not been a great one, and that's my own stuff before we get to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...whilst that has had a devastating effect on my life, my health, etc, etc, there's a raft of others who have suffered as much and worse...and it has literally driven me to not want to leave the house and have to look at this town, let-alone celebrate it, but even then it's not just about my issues, because I can unfortunately rely on dickheads making trouble for me in contexts where I wouldn't consider it appropriate, eg, Council Members starting confrontations at Public Meetings...

And An Example:...because it was the right thing to not go, I did not attend the Mt Gambier City Council-sponsored Community Christmas Lunch at the Main Corner/Town Hall, for all the people like myself who didn't have another option, etc, and instead spent Christmas by myself...the 'Chef-de-Jour' was my mate and alleged master chef Kirby Shearing, mate...(maaaate, really? Kirby 'Carp Cooker' Shearing? maaate-Ed)...well exactly...and not just him, there were others present who I didn't want to have to put-up with, but I'm naming him specifically because it's exactly the sort of cynical pseudo-caring stunt I'd expect from Kirby mate...(maaate-Ed)...and his kin...(you mean this stuff like Rory McEwen is notorious for, eg, being rancidly complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and thusly betraying every child and every family in this State, but then constantly involving himself in 'Children's Charities' and 'Children's Debating', and constantly going onto the equally Pro-Paedophile complicit ABC South East Radio to spruik his wonderful work what he's doing for the kiddies because he's such a great guy and all that, you mean like that?-Ed)...exactly like that, exactly like Rory McEwen, rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt for his own benefit, and hide behind a huge facade of public good-deeds for the kiddies...

And I cannot go to Xmas Luncheon because I don't want to be responsible for the unpleasant reactions my mere presence can and will generate from some others, and how they'll have no problems making it everybody's problem, in a dual-context where 1) this is some people's real highlight, be it as diner or volunteer, and I will not be involved in screwing that up for these people, and secondly, I can most surely go without seeing those other clowns like Kirby at all...yes, part of me gets very 'confrontational' about this stuff, and I do want to go just to piss-off certain people because me just showing-up will be enough to upset them, eg, my mate Kirby, but at what price my petty victories if it causes a ruckus for everyone else? what's the point of that?...and so I don't go to so many of these things...  

(And can I just say how spectacularly predictable yet still wonderfully well-crafted is that massive gouge at the Lutherans, the ABC, Rory McEwen, et al...only 2 days and a few paragraphs into the New Year and it's straight into it again-Ed)...well this is the Reality I have experienced of Mt Gambier, from successive rankly corrupt Elected Officials and the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that is defined by the St Martins Cover-up, through to the extraordinary bizarreness of my ICAC 'Trial', culminating in a frenzy of rank improprieties from the ICAC and the South Australian Magistrates Court and State Parliament, etc, etc...(nah nah mate, you've not got to convince me, nor I'd guess too many other regular availees of this 'ere blog-Ed)...well indeed, and there was a bit of a crescendo-thing going on toward the end of 2017...

And I won't go into it any further 'cos it ain't mine, other than to say that I've taken-on some other/more stuff, along with the associated Anger, lots of Anger, and Deep Grief, etc, that comes from knowing this sortta' is what it is, and yes, I too find that phrase glibly annoying, but hey, wha'cha gunna' do? sometimes it's just it is what it is...(ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...well exactly, that what he said, ain't nuthin' but a Thang...

And whilst I may well be back at a 'Functioning' level of existence, many harsh lessons over many long years have learned me about looking after my health a bit better, eg, eating better, sleeping more appropriately if not actually a whole lot 'less', plus regular exercise, etc, literally trying to 'enjoy' by acknowledging simple luxuries like hot showers, having 2 toilets, my garden, my shitty li'l car, etc...seriously, what luxury it is to have hot running water, what luxury my own toilet just for me, let-alone a spare in the laundry, what luxury a garden, what luxury any sort of car...see, it's simple to find some extraordinary luxuries in the basic elements of what many consider givens and even their 'Right'...

A Simple Health/Stress and eat fresh when you can, or even make and freeze your own stuff, grow stuff if you can, it's fantastic to Graze Meditate around your own backyard, whatevs, but good quality frozen food is fine when you're struggling 'cos it's quick and it's easy, chuck it in a pan and heat and eat...even if you're having one of those less-than-wonderful 'food has no taste, cannot be bothered' days, it's healthy to push some re-heated quality produce down ya' cake-hole...feeling depressed? can't be bothered? would slap a Masterchef if you got half a chance? join me on a Culinary Revolution of eating healthy for those who just cannot be arsed really, for whatevs reason, no judgements here...(nice-Ed)...and in the finest Epicurean Traditions of 'Degustation', I'm calling it 'Defrostation'...(mmm, you are an idiot-Ed)...mmm, but a tasty idiot...  

Tomorrow: Me Me Me

Another hilarious traipse through what appears to be the SA State Parliament changing the ICAC Act 2012 specifically to come get me...(well hurrah!-Ed)...yeah I'm not sure that's a cause for celebration...(depends, is it your opinion or is it fact?-Ed)...well chronologically it is fact that I was raided by SAPol in May 2014, thusly my Legal Eagles/lawyers wrote to ICAC Comm Bruce Lander in June/July 2014 asking him to 'please explain' the ICAC Act 2012, then in October/November 2014 SA Parliament changed that specific 'Section/Definition' of the ICAC Act 2012 in a way that exactly addressed the issues raised by my Leagles, and then I was supposedly 'Charged' at some point in December 2014/January 2015, and my 'Trial' started February 2015, albeit without me having been either 'Charged' or 'Summonsed' to appear, etc, etc...this stuff is covered extensively in recent/future posts, which is why most of it has ''''''these'''''' everywhere...

(So whilst there isn't a specific document that says 'we gotta' change this ICAC Act so we can get Nick Fletcher', the timing of events seem to indicate that when ICAC/SAPol first tried to get you with their precious ICAC Act 2012, it all went spro-oing! in a most comically-dysfuctional manner, and a few springs sprang out of the sides and the gaskets hissed steam, etc, and then Comm Lander went to Attorney General John Rau, and said 'change this bit so's we can get the bloody hippy', and li'l Johnny Rau said, in Parliament in October 2014, 'no probs mate, here's the legislation/definition you required as requested', and Parliament passed the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 on 27th November 2014, and then they started your 'Trial'-Ed)...yes...(what is it with you?-Ed)...not sure...(it's always about you isn't it?-Ed)...not always, but this is, I'm pretty sure this is...

What I do know is that I'm Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...