Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "" AND
"" AND
Howdy dear availees everywhere, just a shortish post to alert ya's to the fact that this morning Thursday 27th December 2018 I done have SAPol (police) on my doorstep yet again, again 'reporting' me and 'interviewing' me whilst 'videotaping' me, again about an alleged breach of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders (Suppression/Restraining Orders) put in place by the "rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White" following the "bizarre trial" of my "Malicious Prosecution", all of which was originally courtesy of the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and SA Labor government operating in absolutely definable collusion with the rankly Pro-Paedophile corrupt SAPol...(well you could have put "Pro-Paedophile Corrupt" in front of all those other 'quotes' because this ongoing Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution all stems from the original Pro-Paedophile Conspiracy of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well that's a most excellent observation and explanation thanks Ed, mate, and here's a coupla' others...
For recent/new availees of this 'ere blog, most of that opening paragraph may well sound like the rampant rantings of a wildly unhinged individual wallowing in a sumptuous sump of paranoid self-pity...(paranoid?!!! tell them about your very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone'! tell them about 'Operation bloody Baritone'!-Ed)...yeah yeah, cool ya' jets champ, start at the start, get to the middle, bring it on home...(what? like the cops are constantly doing at the moment, repeatedly bringing it to your home?-Ed)...well sortta', yeah, but slow down a sec...dear availees, if y'all are not aware of the many issues and/or incidents at play, as referenced in the opening paragraph, please to be availeeing ya'selves of a fistful of previous posts...even just the last half dozen will be a good start, but as you can see, this 'ere blog goes aways back to January 2013, and is motivated by one main issue...(the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...exactly, the cover-up of the abuse of my child and dozens of other 7 year-old grade 2 students by their teacher Glyn Dorling in 2002 at St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier, South Australia...
The Lutherans had moved Glyn Dorling from Adelaide to Mt Gambier in the late 1990s following "an incident" at his/their previous school, and there were many complaints about his conduct at St Martins from then until 2002...repeated complaints in 2002 went un-addressed until several children disclosed deeply concerning conduct by Dorling, at which time he was suddenly immediately removed on the June long weekend...Dorling later received a $250,000 'Unfair Dismissal' compensation payment from the Lutherans, with multiple 'Confidentiality Clauses' attached, and he was moved to a school in took parents organising/lobbying to get Child Protection Services involved at all, and they described Dorling as "a text-book grooming paedophile" who had "placed himself (well) within the system to abuse kids and get away with it"...this is exactly as they said it to me, explaining that he was 'safe' because he was "the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...I'll say it again, Glyn Dorling, the Teachers Union representative at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002, was/is a "text-book grooming paedophile"...
CPS directly identified the breadth and very specific nature of Dorling's daily regime of physical and/or psychological and/or emotional abuses committed against the 7 year olds in his care, as being proof that he had "researched" this regime; they felt it was just not possible that he was doing so many "specific grooming behaviours" by accident...hence their use of the descriptor "text-book grooming paedophile"...I have repeatedly made the observation that no-one knows exactly the extent of these abuses because no-one ever fully investigated the situation...even CPS only spoke to a handful of kids and their parents, and we parents were refused our own kid's CPS statements, we received vastly redacted mini-versions...and these redacted copies were of the reports that Lutheran lawyers had already had access to and redacted/censored themselves...(that is just extraordinary, that Labor's Attorney-General Michael Atkinson would take those reports off CPS and hand them to the Lutherans-Ed)...indeed Ed, just another undeniable indicator of the Pro-Paedophile control of SA's Parliament...if Michael Atkinson is not himself a paedophile, and I'm not venturing an opinion either way, his actions clearly show a deeply complicit and conspiratorial desire to participate in and/or direct the Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the St Martins Cover-up...
This Pro-Paedophile Corruption is evident in the definable actions of former Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, multiple Labor Ministers including their Mt Gambier based stooge Rory McEwen, and by association, the Rob Kerin led Liberal Party...I and/or other parents have met with literally dozens of SA politicians and/or public servants...(for example, Speaker of Parliament Peter Lewis, 2005-Ed)...for example...(and Nick Xenophon, 2006 and repeatedly since-Ed)...indeed, him and the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitor reps (2003-04), the Public Prosecutor (DPP), and Child Abuse Royal Commissioner Ted Mullighan (2005-06), and so on and so forth, ad infinitum...everybody knows and they're either actively complicit or complicit by inaction...(well they're mostly 'actively complicit', particularly people like Rory McEwen and other Mt Gambier politicians-Ed)...well indeed, Rory is a spectacularly rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt individual, outstanding even in a vast field of like-minded crooks...
And what an extraordinary coincidence that I might run into my mate Rory today...(oh this is a beauty...I mean, I know you like to big-up ya'self, bangin'-on about how the Universe sometimes gives you a li'l pat on the head for your efforts, etc, but today was truly wondrous-Ed)...just a quick aside dear availees, if y'all will please indulge me...(indulge? mate? if you haven't earned the occasional tangential and meandering 'indulgence', I'm not a confected literary device called 'Ed'-Ed)...but you are a confected literary device called Ed, an imagined individual whom I utilise to discuss issues rather than lecture at people, to self-question rather than self-contradict, to help set-up jokes, etc, etc...(yeah, that's my exact point-Ed)...ahhh, right, and a fair point it is...anyhoos, after the cops were at my home again this morning, and due to the excessive heat, and because my li'l car is sort-of fixed and not leaking furiously everywhere, etc, with all those li'l ducks neatly aligned, I drove to the beach for as to get the heck outta' Mt Gambier for a brief respite and soak my saggy carcass in the salty brine, like what I ain't done for nearly 2 years...(has it been 2 years? really? wow-Ed)...I know, at least 18 months, closer to 2 years...(well that's Chronic Depression for ya'-Ed)...indeed it is mate, indeed it is...but we digress...
Feeling the need for a li'l pre-plunge sustenance, I stopped-by the Pt McDonnell supermarket, and happy happenstance found me parking right next to my mate Rory, standing as he was at the open rear of his vehicle and engaging a young girl about his dog there-in...and I pulled-up right behind Rory as he engaged and then chatted to the child; "he's 11 years old, that's about 77 in (our years?)"...that's right Rory mate, I was right there behind and then beside you, only metres away, and you were so involved with this small girl that you didn't even see me standing right there, mate...I've never actually accused Rory of being an actual paedophile because I have never witnessed him touch a child, etc, but I have repeatedly identified him as a rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt person who has publicly acted to attack and denigrate us parents as part of his deeply complicit role in protecting Glyn Dorling and the Lutherans and his Labor pay-masters, etc, etc, and someone who spends large amounts of time involved with small children through various programs and/or organisations and/or events...I and other families have been ruthlessly subjected to his criminally corrupt conduct regarding the abuse of our children and the subsequent cover-up, etc, and the reality of his actions re the St Martins Cover-up completely counter and contradict his supposed public support of kids...
Even without knowing what I do about Rory and his rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corruption, what I witnessed today in the Pt McDonnell supermarket carpark was rather unnerving...then the girl's mother walked around the corner from the street, coincidentally as Di McEwen walked-out of the shop and right past me, fully focused on her hubbie and the girl...(wow-Ed)...indeed, and you know it happened Rory, mate, exactly as I have described it, and you know I was parking/standing right there to witness it...anyhoos, I didn't say a word, he/they never saw me, and I just walked into the store...(again, wow-Ed)...and just to round-out the day, after a brief and very bracing swim, I headed home and stopped through a Mt Gambier supermarket for further supplies, and immediately ran into my other good friend, Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane...(ahoy! Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans! sing it everyone, "it's raining friends, hallelujah, it's rainin' friends, amen"-Ed)...stop that, but yes, that be he, and I reckon he did spot me approaching 'cos he shot-off across the store like a scalded cat...(huzzah!-Ed)...and that's life in a small town...(well technically, 2 small towns-Ed)...oh alright, sure, life in 2 small towns...
And the beautiful irony of this latest Rory encounter, the third in as many weeks, is that whilst I found it 'disturbing' because of the context, him engaging with a young girl, on a coupla' occasions I have found myself effectively defending Rory when others have stated that he is a paedophile...(wow, that is most assuredly ironic-Ed)...ain't it though...I have put it to those people, 'have you seen him do anything, touch a kid, etc?', and they've said 'no', and I've said 'then you can't say he's a paedophile', and gone on to explain my experience of Rory and the fact that I refer to him as 'Pro-Paedophile Corrupt' but have never stated he is a paedophile, etc, not on this 'ere blog, not privately, not well-stated position has however not stopped others from claiming that I have...(well multiple people, particularly Mt Gambier City Councillors have claimed you've called them 'paedophiles', but what you've actually said is that they're 'Pro-Paedophile Corrupt'-Ed)...absolutely, I may have been deeply traumatised by 16 years of the St Martins Cover-up, but I am not just slingin' wild abuse at random people or seeing things that don't exist, I'm just fundamentally versed in the reality of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that is South Australia...
And to quickly revisit Rory's complicit role in the St Martins Cover-up...parents first went to our then Member for Mt Gambier and alleged Independent, Rory McEwen, in early August 2002 when we found out by accident that SAPol had in mid-July "closed the file" on Dorling/St Martins but not told us parents or even CPS or even interviewed Dorling, etc...Rory was all piss-'n'-vinegar about how brave we parents were and how he was gunna' help us "fix a broken system", etc, etc...immediately there-after he officially sided with the Rann Labor government, was richly rewarded with a Minister position, and immediately withdrew his supposed support from is my personal opinion that Rory used the St Martins Cover-up to bargain his way into a massive pay-rise if no actual genuine influence, and I'd be more than happy to discuss it with May 2005 he openly attacked us parents on the front page of The Border Watch, accusing us of having "actually hounded the teacher", and lying through his teeth about multiple alleged 'investigations' that he already knew were complicit or never actually happened...and that's why I am entirely justified in asking the question, is Rory McEwen actually a paedophile, or is he just plainly insanely Pro-Paedophile Corrupt?...(well either way, he's definably complicit in knowingly and willingly covering-up the abuse of dozens, potentially hundreds of kids at St Martins-Ed) point exactly, who Rory actually is is actually irrelevant as is his motivations, etc, it is his actions that speak for themselves and define who he is...
And this is current and relevant because when SAPol were videotaping me at my home again this morning, yet another act of outright harassment and intimidation, I repeatedly explained to them that that is what they were doing, and that the original motivation was/is the St Martins Cover-up...(so you're suggesting that SAPol are repeatedly coming to your home so as to traumatise and stress you and make you feel unsafe in your personal space-Ed)...exactly, whilst simultaneously trying to get me to say and/or do something that can actually be used against me...this entire 'breach' carry-on is about trying to establish a 'genuine criminality' off the back of the rank Pro-Paedophile corruption of the original "bizarre trial" and "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders...(yeah, fair enough, but does this mean that we've now moved-on from the SAPol lies and manipulation and bullying and threatening of this 'DNA swab and fingerprinting' nonsense, and you've now been 'charged' and/or Summonsed?-Ed)...mate, this latest visit wasn't about that at all, and when I identified/asked about my recent letters to Supt Grant Moyle regarding those lies, threats, the general conduct of Sen Const (***name removed***), etc, I was told that he (Moyle) wasn't required to respond to me...(but he did, albeit ignoring all your questions and repeating those lies, threats, etc-Ed)...sure, he did respond to that first letter, but remember my second letter received an anonymous one-line response from SAPol Information Services...
(Well I for one am very confused, so what is happening with that alleged 'breach' then?-Ed)...dunno', the 2 new and unidentified officers wouldn't/didn't discuss it...(hang on, I thought you said that they were here about the alleged breach of the FIO-Ed)...oh sorry, they were, but a different alleged breach...(a different breach? about the same person?-Ed), a different breach about another person, supposedly from 5th October 2018...(and SAPol didn't come to your home until 27th December 2018?-Ed)...yep...(and the first breach was supposedly the end of August 2018 but SAPol didn't come to your home until 2nd November 2018?-Ed)...exactly...(why the huge delays?-Ed)...dunno', whatevs, apparently I have breached a second FIO by talking about the ABC because this person is an ABC employee...(slow down, what's happening with the alleged breach about a Mt Gambier City Councillor?-Ed)...I said, dunno', only that SAPol says I can refer to 'a rancidly corrupt MGCC Councillor' but nothing more beyond that, and now apparently I'm not allowed to talk at all about the ABC...(what?!-Ed)...yeah...(but isn't that "reprehensibly vile" FIO about a specific person who just happens to be an ABC employee, not about the ABC en masse?-Ed)...well exactly, and I've explained that very specifically in my previous posts, which is what I assume they're referring to, but when I explained it again to the SAPol officer, she stated outright that I'm "not allowed to (blog) about the ABC at all"...
(Hang on, SAPol told you that you're not allowed to write/blog about the ABC "at all"?-Ed)...that's what she said...(but that's absolutely nonsense-Ed)...that's what I said...(so you can't comment on some story on the TV and/or news and/or current affairs, or repeat some joke from an ABC show, etc?-Ed)...according to Officer Anon, yep, and it simply confirms everything I've said about these "reprehensibly vile" FIOs, the FIOs are about stopping me talking about these people's definable corruption, it's all about protecting them not from me, but from the reality of their own conduct...(is that even legal, to tell you you can't say anything about the ABC "at all"?-Ed)...I don't think so, like I said, this entire routine is about harassing me and bullying me and threatening me and trying to stress me out, particularly at my home...(and all as part of the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed) indeed I repeatedly explained it to these 2 anonymous officers, along with repeatedly apologising to them that they were the latest officers dragged into the ongoing harassment and intimidation of parents re St Martins, etc, etc...(did you mention the multiple SAPol lies and harassment of the last coupla' months?-Ed)...yeah, like I said, they wouldn't/didn't respond...
Whilst I'm not particularly surprised at this ongoing abuse, harassment, intimidation, etc, and this ludicrous nonsense about not being allowed to discuss the ABC "at all", I was extremely concerned about one thing Officer Anon said...I asked if this new alleged breach meant that she was about to say that she was required to 'DNA swab' me, as per the recent SAPol lies/deceits/threats on that issue, and her response was, no, because it's "already up on the system"...(what? but I thought you had appealed that 'DNA swab' stuff, or were still trying to appeal, whatevs, but that either way you hadn't been 'swabbed' or fingerprinted yet?-Ed)'re right, I have questioned/declined/appealed/whatevs, and I have not done a 'DNA swab' or been fingerprinted...(but how then can it be "already up on the system"?-Ed)...dunno', didn't get an answer to that...(so, apparently, you can't talk about the ABC, and SAPol reckon they've already got your 'DNA' from an unidentified source?-Ed)...well that's the basics, yeah...(wow-Ed)...indeed, it's extraordinary...
Officer Anonymous was getting increasingly upset/annoyed with me for repeatedly identifying the St Martins Cover-up, the current round of SAPol lies/harassment/threats, etc, and eventually stated I would be Summonsed to Court at some unidentified time, and then to her partner, 'ínterview terminated', before storming-off...(is it legal to keep interviewing you without you having any legal representative present?-Ed)...aha, nice one man, SAPol have clearly indicated that will do whatevs they like when it comes to me, lie/threaten/harass/abuse, and not just on my doorstep but in Court, etc, etc, whatevs it is that's actually legal and/or appropriate is absolutely irrelevant...(mmm-Ed)...anyhoos, I repeatedly asked Officer Anon for but was refused any paperwork what-so-ever, and that's it...(wow, so what now?-Ed)...dunno', I guess I write to Supt Moyle again and ask him to explain exactly where SAPol claim to have accessed my 'DNA', whilst fully expecting to get another anonymous non-response from some random SAPol dept...(hang on, they haven't tried to use your laptop what SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch seized/stole from your home when they raided you aways back on 7th/8th May 2014 and still have?-Ed)...yeah I can see what you're saying, but that wouldn't be a 'DNA swab', and numerous people have touched that laptop, not least of all the 2 SAPol ACB officers who seized it, they weren't wearing gloves...(so even if that's what they've done, any 'result' would be highly contaminated with multiple 'DNAs'?-Ed)...I guess, yeah...
(And what about this conflicting info from SAPol regarding these 3 FIOs and what you supposedly can and/or can't say?-Ed)...dunno'...(but as you've identified, one SAPol officer says you can say 'MGCC Councillor' because that doesn't identify a specific individual-Ed)...well I actually jokingly said to that officer, 'so I can say "rancidly corrupt MGCC Councillor" because that doesn't narrow it down', and he said "yes"...(fair enough, but speaking about MGCC non-specifically is alright, even though that situation is identified in the relevant FIO and it does effectively ban you from any MGCC meetings, etc, because that FIO is about an individual who happens to be an MGCC Councillor, but not an FIO about MGCC itself?-Ed)...yep, apparently, that's how SAPol explained it to me back on 2nd November 2018...(but now you've been told, albeit by a different SAPol officer, that you can't speak about the ABC "at all" because that FIO, which doesn't identify the ABC at all, is about an individual who happens to be an ABC employee?-Ed)...that is what Officer Anon said...(so the third FIO, that's about a specific SAPol officer involved in your "bizarre trial", etc, yeah?-Ed)...yep...(so, ignoring the obvious contradiction of the two 'advices/directions' from SAPol, by the logic of Officer Anon, that would mean that you can't/blog about anything 'SAPol', eg, any aspect of SAPol's rancidly corrupt conduct during your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...yeah, I see what you're saying...(including not even talking/blogging about these recent repeated SAPol harassmentings on your own doorstep?-Ed)...well your logic is flawless, albeit based on a non-logical premise, a premise SAPol themselves have self-contradicted...
I remind availees that I currently have multiple outstanding unanswered communications with;
1) SA Attorney-General Vicki Chapman re my resultantly stalled but ongoing attempt to
'Appeal' the outcome of my "bizarre trial";
2) the Dept of Corrections re my Court-'Ordered' 260hrs of Community Service and the
issues of (a) said 'Appeal', and (b) my Disability Support Pension and Agoraphobia, etc,
and how all that relates to serving that 260hrs, etc; and
3) my letter from early November 2018 to the Fines Enforcement office re my fines, etc.
...(and of course 4) your 2 recent letters to SAPol Supt Moyle-Ed)...well yeah, them too...I have also received multiple and often conflicting 'legal advice' about the SAPol attempts/threats to 'DNA swab' and fingerprint me, but it remains my understanding that I do have the right to an official Judicial review, and so that process also continues...
So that's where we are me paranoid, but it looks like all concerned are just going to ignore me until a certain point, and then they'll collectively sling multiple combined accusations at me about how I haven't done such-and-such, or refused to do so-and-so, and have breached whatevs, etc, etc...(nah yeah, I see what you mean, sling you into Court again, and try to pile this stuff up to try and create that 'genuine criminality' you referred to earlier-Ed)...exactly...(but it could well be that it's all just far too difficult and definably corrupt, etc, and they all just want it to go away-Ed)...yeah, could be, whatevs, the reality is that I have done exactly what I've been told to do and/or sought clarification and/or action on these issues, and I am currently being collectively ignored...(except when it suits SAPol and then they wanna' repeatedly lob on your doorstep to harass, deceive, threaten, and intimidate you-Ed)...well quite...
Tomorrow: And Just When You Thought MGCC Couldn't Get Any More Corrupt
This is what they are, corrupt, and this is what they do, corruption...and just for the record, again, because some people are apparently still struggling with the Reality, I am not in trouble for slandering or defaming or for lying or even for misrepresenting or even for being wrong, I am in trouble for telling absolute and accurate truths about the 16 years of rank Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption I have personally witnessed and/or experienced...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and it's the one place in Mt Gambier, dare I say it South Australia, potentially even Australia, that you will get anything near an accurate reportage of what actually goes on in Mt Gambier/SA...(that is really rather sad-Ed)...better that than it not happening at all...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...and so on that note, upwards and onwards, and cheers and laters...
PS:...this was finished this morning Friday 28th December 2018, and if we don't have y'all looking at us again until 2019, Happy New Year and all that...(yeah, cheers y'all-Ed)...
Howdy Germany, Russia, the USofA, and India, welcome one and all to TMGI and another semi-brief sortta' stop-gap post...apologies for the ten day hiatus, but I just lost track and to a lesser degree interest, and have been couch-snoozing 8hrs/day and all that other terrific 'Depression' shizzle...I am dead-seat knackered after several long weeks of running in small circles chasing people whom, when held to account for their lies and harassment, etc, well then they suddenly 'disappear' and instead I get anonymous pseudo-responses...(are you referring to that nonsense from SAPol in the last few weeks, including that rather bizarre 'anonymous' response from 'SAPol Information Services' to your very specific letters to Mt Gambier SAPol Supt Grant Moyle?-Ed)...absolutely exactly like that, and as covered in recent posts, and as also segues beautifully straight into...
STOP PRESS:...SAPol Supt Grant Moyle 'retires'...(whaaa?-Ed)...orrrr yes, my mate Moylesy has suddenly decided that now is the time...and here from the top right-hand corner of page 4 of The Border Watch is the entire story...(mmm, one could be excused for missing that tiny little thing aways-up in the corner there as being just an ad-Ed)...well quite, and indeed many people have, but anyhoos, here 'tis... Regional police leader announces retirement
Limestone Coast Superintendent Grant Moyle has signalled his retirement as he prepares
to end a long career with the South Australian Police.
The Adelaide-based SAPol media unit said fellow veteran officer Superintendent Phil Hoff
would be taking his place in the new year, but the date has yet to be determined.
Superintendent Moyle has spent over two years based in Mount Gambier.
...and that, as they say, is that...without going into specifics, I am aware that I'm not the only person who has been on Supt Moyle's case since he moved here...(what, about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and/or the institutionalised corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and/or the "Malicious Prosecution" of your "bizarre trial", and/or how many people are, via this 'ere blog, watching his/SAPol's current actions?-Ed)...yes and/or yes and/or yes and/or yes, but I find it an extraordinary coincidence that just recently I and/or TMGI has been the renewed focus of a rankly Pro-Paedophile complicit SAPol...(you mean these recent multiple visits to ya' home and repeatedly videotaping you on ya' own doorstep and straight-out lying to ya' to try and trick and bully and harass you into agreeing to farcically irrelevant 'DNA swabs and fingerprinting', etc, etc-Ed)...yep, all that, with all of that goin' on I find it an extraordinary coincidence that Supt Moyle has suddenly decided to bail...
(And when they say "spent over two years based", do they mean, 'living and working in', or rather 'zonked outta' his little skull after freebasing cocaine'?-Ed)...mmm, interesting question Ed, I'm gunna' go with the former, but ultimately it's irrelevant, the current reality is that Supt Moyle has suddenly had a nasty Nick Fletcher-shaped boil develop on his career...(aha, nice one man-Ed)...and equally suddenly he's decided it's time to shoot-through...and what do you mean "nice one"?...('boil on his ca-rear'-Ed)...ah, yes, unintended puns are truly the best...anyhoos, all joking aside, whilst other recent 'retirements' may be aligned with content of this 'ere blog because that's the stuff and/or the people we write about...(you mean like Mt Gambier City Council CEO Mark McShane suddenly 'retiring' 4 years early?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...(or Labor's Jay Weatherill and li'l Johnny Rau suddenly resigning/retiring?-Ed)...yeah, them too...(and not forgetting Robe CEO Roger Sweetman 'retiring'-Ed)...mate, who could forget Roger 'Whim and Fancy' Sweetman?...(well not us, obviously-Ed)...indeed, but all of those co-inkydinks aside, this sudden departure by Supt Moyle is a huge coincidence relative to what has just been happening re SAPol lying and threatening and harassing me about these farcical 'DNA swabs and fingerprinting'...
Bur we digress from the ICAC stuff, albeit it's all the same Institutionalised Corruption, just to set the tone, here's another cut-'n'-paste from some website...(is it In Daily?-Ed)...reckon it might be, sorry, didn't save the source...(yeah, it is, just checked, but anyhoos-Ed)...anyhoos, it's another account of the farcical faux-fight between the rankly corrupt My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander and his pay-masters in the South Australian Parliament...***
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Bruce Lander says it’s not for him to say whether Attorney-General
Vickie Chapman broke the law, but concedes the ongoing controversy has
“reflected badly” on his organisation.
Bruce Lander arrives parliament earlier this week.
Photo: Kelly Barnes / AAP
Lander and the ICAC Act have been in the public spotlight
since September, when Chapman publicly linked his office to questions
about the whereabouts of senior Renewal SA executives in a statement
distributed to media, prompting questions as to whether she had breached
the law – a suggestion she denies.
Her statement followed a tense exchange in a parliamentary estimates
hearing, during which Labor frontbencher Tom Koutsantonis grilled
Planning Minister Stephan Knoll about a bizarre public statement he
issued, unsolicited, to TheAdvertiser newspaper about the missing executives. Koutsantonis also raised the spectre of ICAC in his questions.
Neither Koutsantonis’s questions nor Chapman’s statement relating to
ICAC were reported by media, on legal advice, until Lander issued his
own statement authorising publication of the Attorney-General’s release.
In an interview on ABC Radio Adelaide today, Lander conceded he was
“more concerned” about Koutsantonis’s questions in parliament than he
was about the Attorney-General’s public statement, but he refused to say
whether he believed she had breached the ICAC Act.
“Nobody is allowed to break the law… we all must comply with the law,
but it’s not for me to pass an opinion as to whether she has,” he said.
“What I’m concerned about is if members exercise that right of
parliamentary privilege in a way that impacts upon the operation of the
Act under which I work – that’s my concern.”
He reiterated his point made in evidence to a parliamentary committee
this week that the use of privilege to seek information about an
ongoing investigation was “novel” and “hasn’t occurred before in the
last five and a half years of the operation of my office”.
“The effect of what [Koutsantonis] has done is to change the
landscape in relation to the operation of the Act and as a consequence
of that, we’ve got to look at how the Act works and how it’s going to
work in the future,” he told presenter David Bevan.
“You’ve said that the ‘wheels have fallen off’ and I think that’s a
fair description… I think the events of the last six or so weeks have
been very unfortunate and have reflected rather badly… perhaps badly on
my organisation.
“I think what has happened is the spirit of the Act… that I carry out
my investigations quietly and unobtrusively, has been compromised.” Earlier this week,
he flagged a broader debate about the use of parliamentary privilege in
relation to ICAC and police investigations, adding today that “if
parliamentarians insist upon the right to continue to bring allegations
of that kind into the public through the parliament, then something has
to be done about the Act”.
Asked whether politics had “trumped principle” in the recent
controversies, he said, “possibly [but] I think there are a number of
decisions that have been made over the last few years in response to my
claims for public hearings in relation to maladministration that had
been driven by politics rather than principle”.
Lander has long called for the right to hold public maladministration
hearings, a request that was frustrated by the former Labor government.
He had previously welcomed the Liberal Government’s Bill to allow
public hearings, but recent changes to the legislation giving witnesses
Supreme Court appeal rights have seen him deem it effectively unworkable
and providing merely the “illusion” of transparency.
“It seems to me absurd that I can publish a public report identifying
the issues which I’ve investigated, but the public can’t see the way in
which I’ve investigated it,” he told the ABC today.
“My view is that if there’s an appeal process, parties and lawyers
will use it to stultify the investigation and to obtain evidence to
which they’re not otherwise entitled at that stage of the investigation…
it’ll be used as a tactic for the purpose of persons obtaining an
advantage to which they’re not entitled.”
Lander conceded SA had “considerable” maladministration issues due to
“poor governance”, which was allowing corruption to flourish.
He said this included “procurement corruption, corruption in the use of credit cards [and] in the exercise of power”.
“I’ve said publicly a number of times, I think maladministration in
South Australia is more important that corruption because I think the
existence of maladministration allows for the exercise of corruption but
I think there is significant evidence of poor governance amongst some
of the larger agencies in South Australia,” he said.
Interviewed on the same station, Premier Steven Marshall said
Koutsantonis was “probably technically perfectly entitled” to ask
questions about ICAC under parliamentary privilege, but added: “Do I
think he was reckless? Yes.”
But Koutsantonis said he had no regrets about his line of questioning
and that “the Opposition is always going to ask difficult questions”.
“The Government runs a number of government businesses – SA Water,
Renewal SA, the South Australian Financing Authority – that on our
behalf go out and borrow hundreds of millions of dollars, if not
billions of dollars… we are going to ask difficult questions about the
management of those agencies, because we want to protect the taxpayers,”
he said.
***...and that may be from late November 2018 but it's still really relevant...(particularly that farcical pantomime of Bruce mate whinging about his mate Tommy, particularly given how hard Bruce worked to cover-up for Tommy on the rankly corrupt Gillman Land Sale fiasco-Ed)...well quite, it's all an absolute pantomime designed and presented for the consumption of a hopefully ignorant public, and as conducted by the rankly corrupt ICAC Commissioner and the corrupt clowns who appointed him and have subsequently made him also Judicial Conduct Commissioner and Police Complaints Commissioner...(and SAPol Complaints Commissioner?-Ed)...yep...(but that means if ya' make a complaint about a Magistrate/Judge, and/or the cops, and/or any public official and/or politician, it all ultimately goes to the same one person, Bruce-Ed)...yep...(and that one person has already defined himself as being wholly and absolutely corrupt-Ed)...indeed he has Ed, indeed he has...
I also note again with great amusement that the SA Attorney-General Vicki Chapman has transgressed re the exact piece of legislation that I have been 'Convicted' of, namely ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 (a), proving just exactly how convoluted and confusing and unworkable that piece of ludicrous legislation truly is...(and beyond that, having clearly breached Section 56, the AG then gets a Retrospective Approval Letter from Bruce-Ed)...well indeed, but when I was raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch in May 2014, I didn't get a RAL from Bruce mate...(maaate-Ed)...all I got was an official ICAC Comm Authorisation to be allowed to speak to a lawyer, my family, friends, and even a medical practitioner...(and wasn't ICAC legislation later changed to allow a 'suspect' to be allowed to speak to a lawyer without specific permission from Bruce?-Ed)...indeed it was, in 2016 I think it was...(and that of course followed the November 2014 ICAC Miscellaneous Amendments Act where-in Bruce and Labor's Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau colluded to change the ICAC Act 2012 to included specific definitions/changes that would allow for you to be prosecuted-Ed)...yep, all that, and it does bear repeating because it's a fundamental proof as to the attitude and conduct of SA's rankly corrupt ICAC, and now we're apparently gunna' get a Federal ICAC...(oh boy-Ed)...indeed...
Having flatly refused/rejected the idea of a FICAC, or National Integrity Commission, PM Scott 'Snake-handler' Morrison is now spruiking one, and it's guaranteed to be just as bad as SA's if not far worse...(is that possible?-Ed)...well it's got to involve input from the same rankly corrupt Labor Party who installed the rankly corrupt SA ICAC...(oh strewth, I see what you mean-Ed)...and sans Labor, the proof is in who they're puttin' in charge of creating this supposed Federal ICAC...(do I really want to know?-Ed)...probably not, but here goes's former Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty...(oh gourd-Ed)...WA public servant Mal Wauchope...(who?-Ed)...just look him up on Google mate, and it don't look good...and then there's notorious 'lawyer' Margaret Cuneen...(omg, not Cuneen, for gourd's sake not Cuneen, she is a dead-set shocker, she's the sort of person who should be the subject of ICAC, not in charge of establishing one-Ed)...well quite, and it was her involvement in previous ICAC investigations that is the cause for concern...I don't need to trawl through all this here, it's all readily available across the Interweb, so check it out for yourselves...also check-out where she was the supposed prosecutor for a 'paedophile swimming coach' and her extraordinary work there in dropping the charges and justifying that by saying that '11-year olds can't be molested because they don't have breasts' Ed said, she's an absolute shocker...
Her appointment alone is clear indication of what sort of 'ICAC' we are likely to get from any Liberal government...(and Bruce Lander and the SA ICAC are clear indicators of what we're likely to get from any Labor government-Ed)...absolutely, damned if we do and even more damned if we don't...even Scott Morrison's version is already set to officially exonerate anything the Liberals have done in the past 5 years, and then you have people like Cuneen set to draft/influence the's an absolute con-job from a rancidly corrupt governing structure, and I guarantee it will come with a raft of exciting new 'Suppression Orders' legislation...(like the farcically undefinable and openly Fascist SA ICAC Act 2012 Section 56?-Ed)...yep Ed, exactly like that...
SA ICAC is about protecting the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia, and achieving that by threatening and attacking and criminalising genuine 'Whistleblowers' like myself. It is absolutely apparent that that is exactly where we are headed with this farcical FICAC model.
I note that this follows on from our marvellous new Security/Encryption Laws and the current suppression of a story about a very serious criminal conviction of a high-profile public figure, a story that is front-page news across the globe but entirely suppressed here in Oz...and I defer to comedian Charlie Pickering who made the hilarious observation, 'if there's a major story but we're not allowed to discuss it, how come you all know what I'm talking about'?'... Tomorrow: I'll Think Of Something
Again apologies for the break between posts, but that was a fully full-on fortnight of daily SAPol visits and/or threats and/or letters, etc, all apparently culminating in the SAPol Supt Moyle bolting...(ya' know, if you can't look after your SAPol Superintendents, you shan't be allowed to have one-Ed)...what?...(well, if you insist on breaking them, you won't get any more-Ed)...what the shreck are you on about?...(well there was Supt Mark Fairney, and that time he was shaking so hard he bounce-threw his phone along the ABC's front counter and into their bookshelf-Ed)...oh I'd forgotten about that, absolutely hilarious, he came into the ABC foyer when I was standing there and said to him 'gidday, we've spoken on the phone', and although we'd never met, he dead-set shat 'ímself and was shaking so hard that when he went to the counter and tried to pick-up his phone, all he achieved was violently bounce-skipping it across the counter, into the bookshelf, and onto the floor...(and Supt Twilley always looked extremely uncomfortable in your presence-Ed)...true, but he apparently had a 'nervous disposition', so it wasn't all me...(but it definitely was you on occasion-Ed)...yeah, fair call...(for example, at Council that time when he and his colleague both looked truly 'spooked' when you hove into view from just around the corner-Ed)...indeed, I have my moments...(and so do others when you're around-Ed)...nice...
And is so often the case, it's not so much 'me' that causes this massive discomfort, rather, it's the huge and very base load of issues that I haul along with me, issues that my presence reminds and/or invokes...(yeah, but it's because of your 'activism', for lack of a better word, and the strength and/or commitment you've shown, etc, it's all that stuff, it's a combination of who you are, what you've done, and how you've conducted ya'self whilst doing it-Ed)...well when you put it like that, sure, it is about me...
In closing, I note with extreme concern and a sense of dawning deja-vu, that the current case of 'extended sexual exploitation of a child' in Mt Gambier has quietly slipped onto page 6 or 7 of The Border Watch and a very small article...this looks exactly like yet another Mt Gambier Child Abuse Cover-up in the making...I have had several people ask me about this and several others tell I've stated previously, I ain't gunna' give rankly corrupt Pro-Paedophile authorities like SAPol and the Crown Solicitor the opportunity for corruptly dropping the case and blaming me for that because I discussed it, etc...(you mean like SAPol repeatedly did with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, repeatedly pretending to investigate "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and repeatedly dumping their faux-investigations whilst blaming you's parents for discussing things, etc?-Ed)...yep, that exact template of rancid Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile corruption from SA police and related 'authorities' like Premier Mike Rann, his successor Jay Weatherill, their corrupt stooge Rory McEwen, the Crown Solicitor, etc, etc, et al...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees and profusest apologies...(whaaa? what for now?-Ed)...last post I promised this post that arvo, that is, on Monday 10th December 2018, I posted in the morning and was gunna' do another that afternoon...(with you thus far-Ed)...but when I switched my computer box on again later that day, my monitor went all red and then several lovely shades of rainbow...(ahhh, knackered-Ed)...yep, and then it decided to have a good lie down for a while, and I've had to organise another monitor, namely, this second-hand one what I'm using now...(hurrah!-Ed)...indeed, so, anyhoos, here we go with the post...
And it's all fairly straight forward, and follows-on from our previous post about Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin's blatant Threat-Bribe of 'accept $15m for this project or you get nothing' re the '$40m Recreation Hub', and Mt Gambier City Council's rabid assault on Ratepayers as they (MGCC) rampantly ram the project down Ratepayer's throats...(and using Ratepayer's rate-money to do it with-Ed)...indeed, as we've frequently covered previously, every cent that passes through MGCC, no matter how they come to be in receipt of those monies, be it Rates, grants, borrowings, whatevs, every single cent of it is Ratepayer's money, not as Council treats it, their personal piggy-bank to be pilfered and poured into each other's rankly corrupt pockets...(and they do-Ed)...indeed they do Ed, how many times have we sat silently in the Public Gallery and witnessed those rabidly corrupt clowns hand each other Ratepayer's money?...(quite literally dozens of times-Ed)...indeed, dozens...(but not recently because of course you're 'banned' from attending any MGCC meetings and/or any 'Civic Function' where a certain rankly corrupt MGC Councillor might attend-Ed)...well quite, as a result of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders put in place by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White...and again, I can say "reprehensibly vile" and "rankly corrupt Magistrate" because I can thoroughly prove that in any legal forum...
There have been literally dozens of letters in The Border Watch newspaper about the 'Recreation Hub', and MGCC CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane has repeatedly been on ABC South East Radio relentlessly deceiving listeners with a series of increasingly hyperbolic bollocks...(what was it last week?-Ed)...last Saturday 8th December it was about how this 'Hub' would directly motivate people to move to Mt Gambier...(bollocks-Ed)...oh it gets better, and it would 'stop Mt Gambier's youth leaving the town'...(absolute bollocks, people of all ages, but particularly many of our 'youth' leave because they have to if they want to pursue higher education options and/or career opportunities, etc-Ed)...absolutely, it's a fundamental given, as covered in a separate discussion about dumping immigrants into Regional communities and saying that that will help all concerned, namely, it is far easier to move people to existing jobs than move jobs to where the people are...(so obvious, so true-Ed)...indeed, but that didn't stop Marky Mark barking madly up that completely wrong tree...(and don't forget all his stuff about how you hate Mt Gambier if you vote against this-Ed)...indeed, all the usual manipulation and thinly-veiled abuse about being bad citizens who want Mt Gambier to fail, etc...
But Mighty McShenanigans really brought it home this time with his extraordinary concluding observation that 'Mt Gambier "will die" if you don't vote for this'...(wow, there's nothing like hyperbolic hyperbole to really take one's breath away-Ed)...yep, said it a coupla' times, "will die"...(and what was it a coupla' weeks before that?-Ed)...ummm, that time it was about how this was designed to address Mt Gambier's alarming rates of Heart Disease and related health issues, but also with the 'if you vote no you hate Mt Gambier' stuff...(so from 'you hate Mt Gambier and want people to die', to 'you hate Mt Gambier and want the entire town to die'-Ed)...yep, there's no bridge too far for McShenanigans when it comes to ramping-up the abusive vitriole about being 'Bad Citizens' and what community ailments this 'Hub' won't cure...(and all washed down with a lovely glass of lies about how this won't affect Rates-Ed)...well virtually nobody outside of Council believes that, it's a farcical non-reality...even if everything runs to optimum capacity/usage and nothing goes wrong and there's no cost blow-outs, etc, etc, it means that every cent of Council's income will go toward running the 'Hub', with literally nothing left for anything else...(well except for MGCC's rankly corrupt, bloated, top-heavy bureaucracy of wholly unjustifiable $200,000pa 'Managers' and assorted other highly paid stooges-Ed)...indeed, basic City Maintenance is not getting done, etc, and Council itself voted to reduce Councillor numbers from 10 to 8 so as to save money...I was there and that was the sole reasoning...
And plenty of high-profile locals are calling for a 'No' vote, often in TBW, clearly identifying the way that MGCC has railroaded the debate from a simple, relatively cheap 'Covered Pool' proposal to this vast '$40m Hub', and then installed it's own selection of supporters as part of the 'Community Consultation Group', and the issues with Council's disastrous mis-handling of other projects with resultant massive cost blow-outs, eg, the %100+ blow-outs on the Library and Main Corner projects...(well it's just a farcical non-reality to make allowance for an "8% contingency" when previous projects have blown-out by more than %100-Ed)...indeed...(and look at the Rail Lands fiasco, albeit that's a definably deliberate debasco (debacle meets fiasco) motivated by MGCC's desire to expand the Centro shopping centre onto that site-Ed)...well quite, but the motivation is almost irrelevant in the context of the reality...MGCC promised a Covered Plaza and a massive Sound Shell, neither have happened, and of course, the iconic Old Rail Station remains an embarrassingly un-renovated blight on the landscape...
And with that well identified history of Gross Incompetence and the related rank Nepotism and Insider Trading, etc, all that traditional MGCC corruption...(and with the as yet unfunded $25m portion of the basic cost-Ed)...yep, all of that, and even if we get that as-yet not-even-promised $15m from the State Government to match the supposed 'promise' of $15m from the Federal government, it's still $10m Ratepayers will be paying-off, etc, etc...(and with the high likelihood that the project will blow-out by many $$$millions beyond $40m-Ed)...indeed, every cent of which Ratepayers will be burdened with, etc, etc...with all of that quite literally 'up in the air', it is just fundamentally bizarre that MGCC is so hell-bent on ramming this through without any actual secured funding...and that leads nicely to the attached TBW article by Graham Greenwood...regular availees will be well aware that we here at TMGI have intermittently 'hung shizzle' on GG about various things, but he has had several fairly sound goes at the unpleasant realities of this proposed 'Hub'...(and has been duly vilified and mocked by MGCC for his troubles-Ed)...indeed...
It is a basic measure of the debate that those opposed have been very respectful, measured and factual in expressing their concerns, and in response have been openly and repeatedly denigrated and mocked and abused...(and as you say, not least of all, directly by MGCC-Ed)...absolutely...and it's another farcical part of the debate that MGCC have openly stated their unwavering support for the 'Hub' and repeatedly put letters in TBW, etc, but then try to somehow quantify and distance themselves from that support by saying 'this is my personal opinion, not that of Council'...(but they're Councillors supporting what Council en masse openly supports anyway-Ed)...I know, I know, it's just a sad joke...anyhoos, here's GG's latest effort, and unless he's straight-out lying, there's a lot of concern here to be sure...(well he's not the only person to be expressing these exact same concerns, they've been circulating in the community prior to this article being published-Ed)...well quite, along with all the stuff about the unavoidable Rate rises that MGCC say won't happen, here 'tis...
...and imagine my surprise that MGCC CEO Mark McShane had a letter in yesterday's TBW furiously refuting this, thusly...
...(pah! this vast and costly raft of supposedly "independent and objective specialists" are employed by MGCC and clearly have no experience of MGCC's gross incompetence if they only allow 8% "contingency"-Ed) was my concern that GG was setting-up the debate for MGCC to then address and swat-away genuine concerns, as has sort of happened here, but the fundamental premise of the original article remains...(along with the many other concerns raised in GG's previous articles and the many letters to TBW, particularly about the deeply problematic 'consultation' process and MGCC's crass vilification of anyone who dares to question and/or oppose-Ed)...yep, all that stuff...people are particularly concerned about the small fortune of their money, of Ratepayer's money, that MGCC have splurged on pursuing/promoting this project, eg, employing architects/accountants/consultants/whatevs, and big colourful banners all over town, and lengthy 'fly-through' animations, and copious media advertising, especially on TV, and multiple info sessions, including renting a shopfront in The Main and staffing it with $200kpa 'Managers' and/or other Council staff, and etc, and etc, and etc...(and every cent of it Ratepayer's-Ed)...absolutely, every bloody cent...(and the crowning glory, this farcical Postal Vote-Ed)...indeed...
In conclusion, this whole 'Hub' is a deluded and very dangerous Nepotistic Rort looking for somewhere to happen...I have no faith that this farcical Postal Vote will deliver anything other than exactly what Council has paid a fortune for, exactly what they want...(a 'Yes' vote come what may, and regardless of what people actually want?-Ed)...absolutely...even this Postal Vote process is a carefully designed manipulation, where-in the 'majority' vote is only relative to the returned Votes, ie, if only 30% of the 19,000 people respond, only 15% + one need to reply 'Yes' and that's 'Community Support' for this process...(in a context where a non-response is effectively a 'No' vote, because if people can't be bothered responding then clearly they ain't that interested-Ed)...absolutely...beyond that, I'm looking at a raft of rankly corrupt people who can't wait to get their snouts into a $40m+ trough, so I'll be voting 'No' and encourage others to do so, but I have absolutely no faith in any part of this process, let-alone this farcically unaccountable Postal Vote...
Don't believe the lies, there will be further Funding Applications/Rounds, we do not need to vote 'Yes' right now for this ludicrously over-priced and appallingly poorly planned piece of massive infrastructure that will cost Mt Gambier literally for generations...
Tomorrow: The Ship Must Be Sinking, All The Rats Are Getting Off
I am of course referring to the raft of political resignations/retirements, particularly that of Jay Weatherill, li'l Johnny Rau, and my mate Mark McShane...I'm sure it's not just about their regular appearances here on TMGI, but I'd very much like to believe that we're in the mix somewhere...(even if it's just a li'l bit-Ed)...indeed, just a bit...(that'd be fine-Ed)...that'd be just fine...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...(this new secondhand monitor is really very wide, it's freakin' me out a bit-Ed)...hang in there big fella', you'll get used to it...cheers and laters y'all...
Howdy to Kyrgyzstan, Czechia, Lithuania, and Germany, and to y'all else dear
availees, and welcome to TMGI...two main topics today, being recent
comments left on this 'ere blog, and of course, the latest in what's
happening with SAPol's latest round of deceit, harassment, and
intimidation, as recently covered in the post Police's Pugnaciously Persistent Perpetual Pro-paedophile Political Persecution of Nick
Fletcher...(is that because it's motivated by your ongoing attempts
to get someone to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School
Child Abuse Cover-up?-Ed)...well other than help to continue it, sure, yep, and it's exactly what I argued in
Court during my "bizarre trial" (quote - The Border Watch)...(what, that the
entire trial was motivated by an 'official' desire to punish you for
blogging about St Martins, and also the institutionalised corruption in state
and/or local government, etc, etc?-Ed)...yep, my repeated claims that Her
Honour Teresa Anderson legally defined as "Abuse of Process" before
upgrading that to "Malicious Prosecution", which I then subsequently
proved to HH at trial in November 2016, etc, etc, etc...
availees will be well aware of all that stuff, but it bears mentioning
ahead of any discussion of the latest Comments people have left on this
'ere blog, and is fundamentally important when it comes to explaining
why SAPol is so obsessed with harassing and abusing me...(speaking of "obsessed", is the ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' still going? I don't see where it has been concluded-Ed)...well
quite, and I do cover that stuff in my previous letter to Mt Gambier
SAPol Supt Grant Moyle, and attached below is my latest letter to Supt Moyle and also the bizarre and anonymous
response from SAPol...(anonymous? didn't the Crown Solicitor 'anonymously' threaten you back in April 2018?-Ed)...indeed
he/she/they did, and when I wrote to the Crown Solicitor Mr Wait, I
received an even more bizarre response from an anonymous
'Receptionist'...(it's almost like they all want to threaten and
harass and abuse you but don't want to be held to account by actually
putting their names to any of it-Ed)...that's exactly what it's like mate, and that's a beautiful segue right into Comments...
a year ago, a certain Mr Cameron Horsburgh left a Comment having a bit
of a go at me about me havin' a go at my li'l mate Mt Gambier City
Councillor Josh Lynagh...(former-Ed)...sorry?...(former Councillor, he didn't make the cut at the November 2018 Local Government elections-Ed)...ah right you are...(and
the beautiful irony of that is that he and former Cr Ian Von Stanke
would have been Councillors 9 and 10 if, as Councillors, they hadn't
voted to reduce Councillor numbers two years ago, from 10 down to 8-Ed)...that sir, is indeed ironic...(and
furtherly ironic in that they did that to 'save money', ironic in the
sense that MGCC is currently furiously spending a literal fortune trying
to ram the '$40m Recreation Hub' down people's throats, what we will cover
tomorrow on this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...because Mr
Horsburgh actually had the common human decency to put his name to his
Comments, I ain't gunna' get stuck into him about that
stuff...obviously I disagree and feel that I have repeatedly covered all
of the issues he raises, etc, but as I say, at least he had the
gumption to put his name to his Comments...(good on you Mr
Horsburgh-Ed)...indeed, it stands in stark contrast to some other
recent efforts...and here they are...***
The very next time I read a blog, I hope that it does not disappoint me
as much as this particular one.Happy New Year Greetings I mean, I know
it was my choice to read, but I truly thought you would probably have
something useful to say. All I hear is a bunch of crying about something
that you could possibly fix if you were not too busy searching for
Thanks on (7th Dec 2018)
Merry Christmas,
You are so interesting! I don't believe I've truly read
through anything like that before. So wonderful to discover another
person with a few unique thoughts on this issue. Seriously.. many thanks
for starting this up. This website is something that is required on the
internet, someone with a bit of originality! If you want to read
Christmas Quotes For Husband you have to see the link
Thank you, on (6th Dec 2018)
Imagine if you put as much effort into getting your life together as you
do with being obsessed with all these people.
Running for mayor again? Not well enough to work but well enough to run a
council you call regularly call corrupt?? I wonder what centrelink
would think about that....
In the decades I've known you you've never actually done
anything productive. Try that for a change. Your blog will end up being
your downfall.
Your obsessive traits and inability to let things go is consuming you.
This isn't healthy. You need a friend to tell you to get off
here and get some fresh air.
Also please stop welcoming random countries at the start of your posts.
Nobody from these countries are actually reading your posts.
They're bots. Every blog gets them.
You'd also be surprised how many people just don't read
blogs. Get on social media and express your views there where people can
actually challenge your warped sense of reality. on (9th Sept 2018)
***so there you go...I've left out a coupla' others 'cos they are potentially 'spam' style semi-ads for businesses, etc, and that middle one actually says nice things, which isn't entirely unusual, but the other 2 are far more typical...and what do they have in common?...(they're all Comments on this 'ere blog?-Ed)...well yeah, of course, but what else?...(dunno'-Ed)...they are all signed 'Unknown', or in other words, anonymous...(ahhh, right-Ed)...and I can fully understand why someone wouldn't want to be associated with saying something supportive about this 'ere blog, particularly in such an insular and retributional community, but it's the rank cowardice of anonymous criticism that is genuinely sad...(well they're not just sad, they're fundamentally incoherent, I mean, if these people have actually read the blog at all, their various criticisms/abuses are all addressed previously-Ed)...well quite, and either they are not actually reading the blog and just slingin' abuse at me, or they're just part of that sad group who flatly refuse to see the unpleasant realities because it's all a bit confronting and a bit difficult, etc...(or they're just corrupt stooges trying to undermine this 'ere blog, but cannot actually address the issues because, as you say, the realities we raise/discuss here-in are far too unpleasant-Ed)...indeed...
Regular availees understand exactly why I started this 'ere blog...(because of the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia, as defined by the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...absolutely, and it was after more than a decade of families trying to get 'Authorities' to so something, etc, I say, I don't need to explain myself to anyone who's actually read the blog, TMGI is about trying to get things addressed/resolved in a context where SA's Institutionalised Corruption is absolute and wholly supported by a rankly corrupt more than I wishes that there was nothing to go on this 'ere blog and no need to do it...sure, there's a degree of my own guilt and sense of failure re the unresolved St Martins Cover-up, but then again, if the St Martins Cover-up didn't exist, none of us would be here now...apart from that stuff, some of that Comment from 9th Sept 2018 is just plain stoopid, I mean, 'nobody's reading the blog'...(well yes they are, it's why you cop so much official flak for it, because 'Authorities' are reading it and aren't happy about you discussing/exposing their rank corruptions-Ed)...well quite...and at the very least, these Commentors are reading it...
But the crowning stoopidity is the closing statement of the 9th September Comment...(but the blog is on Social Media, and this clown has left a Comment, albeit 'challenging' what they then seem to concede are 'realities'-Ed)...oh yeah, it's all good stuff...'go onto social media so that more gutless clowns can anonymously abuse you without actually addressing one single issue', what a great idea...and as Ed says, the blog is on Social Media, and this person has abused if not actually challenged me on anything...and dear dickhead from 7th December, how's about, instead of slingin' gutless anonymous abuse, how's about you go and sort out the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption irrefutably defined on this 'ere blog...(you mean the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption of SAPol (police), the SA Parliament (Labor and Liberal alike), the SA Judicial system that has people like Bill Morris presiding, the Crown Solicitor, the Teachers Registration Board, the Dept Public Prosecutions, the SA media, the ABC, the Lutherans, Rory McEwen, Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, etc, et al?-Ed)...yep, all that...go on, off you trot anonymous champ, and y'all let me know when you've got all that sorted...shouldn't take long for someone of your towering intellect...
And that brings us to my latest exchange with SAPol about their deceit-laden attempts to force me to undergo Forensic Procedures (DNA swab and finger-printing) re an alleged breach of my "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention I understand is my 'legal right', I am currently pursuing a Judicial Review of this forensic farce, and on Thursday 6th December 2018 I wrote the attached letter to Supt Grant Moyle, emailed at 0830hrs, and at 1420hrs Friday 7th received the attached anonymous emailed response...***
As per our previous
correspondence, I am currently still in the process of getting legal
advice regarding SAPol's repeated demands that I undergo two Simple
Identity (Forensic) Procedures.
In you letter of 30th
November 2018, hand-delivered to my home by two SAPol officers, you
acknowledge that I am pursuing and have the right to a “Judicial
Review” of the proposed SIPs.
The attached copy of my
letter and emails with the Higher Courts Registry show that that
process is ongoing, and I am advised that SAPol cannot/should not
conduct any SIP given that this Judicial Review process is underway.
I have had trouble
getting legal advice on this issue because I have been forced to
access 'free' advice like the Community Legal Service, the Legal
Services Commission phone line, and the Courts Registry, and as late
as 1800hrs Tuesday evening (4th December) was on the phone
talking to a local lawyer who was good enough to talk to me briefly
for free.
Getting advice has been
further complicated because I have not been able to explain why SAPol
officers have repeatedly been to my home videotaping me and
interviewing me, etc, but have not charged me, and how/why any SIP is
“relevant” to the alleged offence.
My 'advisors' have all
expressed confusion and/or concern about this 'non-charging' and
particularly the “relevance” of any SIPs.
It would greatly
improve my chances of getting succinct and appropriate advice if you
would provide me with answers to those two specific questions,
why am I being
repeatedly interviewed, taped, etc, but not charged, and;
why/how is any SIP
specifically “relevant” to the alleged offence of 'blogging'.
At my home on Monday
26th November, SAPol Sen Const (***name removed) repeatedly stated
that there is a specific time limit within which I must undergo the
SIPs, insisting that it must be done by/on Friday 30th
November 2018, which you then moved to today Thursday 6th
December, but I am advised that there is apparently no specific time
Why have I been told by
SAPol that there is a specific 'time limit' if that is not the case?
If my 'advisors' are incorrect, please direct me to where that time
limit is legislated and/or identified.
Given that this
Judicial Review process is still underway, and there is no apparent
time limit, I will not be attending Mt Gambier Police Station today
to undergo any SIP as per your second 'Officer's Direction To
I am advised that,
given the ongoing Judicial Review process, this is not considered a
'refusal to comply' with the 'Officer's Direction', but is my 'legal
right' and 'legally appropriate'.
I therefore request
that any further 'Direction' not be issued until this entire Judicial
Review process is completed/concluded, and potentially
allows/approves the SIPs.
Furthermore, given the
Judicial Review process, I am advised that it would not be
appropriate for SAPol to seek a Magistrate's Warrant to allow me to
be arrested and forced to submit to any SIP, as identified/threatened
on the 'Officer's Direction' form and in your letter.
I expect that you will
respect the Judicial Review process, etc, and not apply for this
As a matter of
courtesy, and to advise them of the situation, I have provided the
Magistrate Courts Registry with a copy of this letter and attached
Again, I request
specific answers to the specific questions in my original letter 29th
November 2018, particularly regarding the multiple errors and/or
deceits in SAPol's conduct of this SIP process.
It appears that this
Judicial Review process may yet take some time to conclude/resolve so
I request that you postpone any further attempts to conduct these
proposed SIPs.
Please respond
immediately to this letter/email, indicating that you have received
and understand it, and that you will accordingly postpone any further
attempt to force me to undergo these SIPs until such time as this
Judicial Review process has concluded.
When I have any further
specific information I will notify you.
Yours, Nick Fletcher.
*** emailed at 0830hrs 6th December 2018, and as stated, a copy went to the Magistrates Court Registry, who responded at 1130hrs, stating they had forwarded it to the Mt Gambier Registry...(fair enough-Ed)...sure, but SAPol eventually responded mid-afternoon Friday 7th December, thusly...***
Re: SAPol v
Fletcher MCMTG-15-72
07/12/2018 2:51
Good afternoon Sir
will not be taking any action to alter the direction that was given
to you. No further correspondence will be entered into on this
Service Officer
Information Release
Angas Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
information contained in this message and any attachment is
confidential and may also be the subject of legal, professional
privilege or public interest immunity. If you are not the
intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this document
and or its attachments is unauthorised.
advise us by reply and then delete it from your system. Any views or
opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
necessarily represent those of SAPOL.
***...(wow, what does that even mean? what has it got to do with the Information Release Unit? why is it anonymous? why hasn't Supt Moyle responded? what about your questions about the SAPol deceits and associated threats? WTF?-Ed)...all very valid questions Ed, particularly the last, and one's I will myself be asking Supt Moyle when I write to him again, of noon today Monday 10th December 2018 I am still waiting for clarification/information about the Judicial Review process...(and answers from Attorney General Vicki Chapman-Ed)...sure...(and Dept of Corrections-Ed)...yep...(and the Fines Enforcement people-Ed), nearly forgot, yeah, them too...(in fact, is anyone actually answering your letters?-Ed)...ummm, can I get back to you on that one...(sure, no rush, apparently-Ed)...
Tomorrow: MGCC's Relentless Lies And Abuse About The $40m Recreation Hub
And because it's so important, I'll actually do that one this arvo'...(2 posts in one day? not falling back into bad, obsessive habits?-Ed) no, just for today, and it'll be mostly a cut-'n'-paste post too...(welllll, okay, so long as we're not goin' off the deep end into twice-daily posts again, like you were doing back when you started TMGI-Ed)..back before you even existed you confected literary device you...(well quite, but I still think a coupla' times a week is healthier than a coupla' posts a day-Ed)...althoughhhh, with former Labor Premier Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill and his Attorney General li'l Johnny Rau both retiring/resigning, we might just be back tomorrow with that...(mmm, fair enough, it is an extraordinary situation that reasonably demands a prompt post-Ed)...right on...
I am Nick Fletcher, and that is Ed...(cheers-Ed)...who is as I said, not actually an actual person but a literary device utilised to discuss issues rather than lecture...(and set-up jokes, don't forget the setting-up of the jokes-Ed)...well we try, don't we, but humour ain't always that appropriate or even accessible...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but anyhoos, this is TMGI, and cheers and laters...
Howdy dear availees in Colombia, France, Thailand, and Spain, and y'all else, and welcome to another stop-gap cut-'n'-paste post, albeit a very poignant and relevant one given what I've had to say recently about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption evidenced in the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission...regular availees of this 'ere blog will not need to be reminded that the reason I'm so rabidly furious about the FCARC is that 'they' refused to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...I remind availees that the FCARC rejected myself and other parents who submitted lengthy submissions with extensive supporting documentation...(but not just rejected you lot, they failed/refused to even ask the Lutherans a single official question-Ed)..indeed...(and barely mentions them at all in their Final Report-Ed)...hardly a word...(in a context that indicates that there's never been a 'paedophile issue' in a Lutheran school or other Lutheran institution-Ed)...yep, that's exactly what the FCARC says...
And as per the most recent post on this 'ere blog, I'm very much pre-occupied with the latest and current SAPol (police) deceits, harassment, and intimidation re my alleged partial breach of the "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders put in place by the definably corrupt Magistrate Ian White...and again, regular availees will be well aware of why it is and how I can justifiably refer to Magistrate White as "rankly corrupt"...(well because you can prove that his outrageous conduct toward you goes far beyond mere bias-Ed) most surely does...(and straight into definable collusion with SAPol-Ed)...yep...(including admitting that you were incorrectly prosecuted under changed legislation, but then waving that away as irrelevant-Ed)...and only admitting that after he was 'outed' by local media The Border Watch...(and he himself also confirmed/identified SAPol Prosecutions repeated attempts to lie about when you were allegedly 'charged'-Ed)...yep, and then dismissed that as irrelevant...(and that's just a coupla' points from a literal litany of defining incidents-Ed)...absolutely, there is no doubt that Magistrate White acted to ignore any and/or all evidence, SAPol conduct, etc, that in any way compromised his agenda of finding me guilty come what may...
For the record, I repeatedly lodged official complaints and tried to have Magistrate White's bias addressed during my "bizarre trial" (TBW), but I was repeatedly sent back to him to have him rule on his own bias...(wow, how is that even plausible, let alone possible, let alone official policy? how is it a Magistrate gets to rule on their own bias?-Ed)...I know, and when I've pursued my official complaints with Chief Magistrate Hribal, she has deferred me to Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bruce Lander, even after I identified that as ICAC Commissioner, he was responsible for my "bizarre trial" and changing the legislation that I was retrospectively prosecuted with, etc, etc...
Then there's the ludicrously worded and "reprehensibly vile" Final Intervention Orders, 'Orders' worded and issued in such a manner as to deliberately effectively ban me from attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings and/or any public event...(and from the ABC-Ed)...yep...(and from discussing the SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch's raid of your home in May 2014, their subsequent lies in Court, etc-Ed)...yeah, and that's why I use the term "reprehensibly vile", because FIO's are meant to protect (mostly) women and children from violence and abuse, and Magistrate White has used them to try and protect corrupt public officials and censor/quash discussion of that corruption, and that is a "reprehensibly vile" thing to do...(and doesn't the wording of those FIOs also state that you are to monitor other people and indeed the entire Internet so as to prevent or "not allow" others to breach these FIOs?-Ed) I said, ludicrous...
And now I'm again being harassed and intimidated by SAPol re my alleged breach of one of these "reprehensibly vile" FIOs, where-in they've been repeatedly showing-up at my house to video-tape me on my doorstep and lie to me to try and intimidate me into agreeing to undergo farcically irrelevant Simple Identity Procedures, namely a DNA mouth-swab and finger-printing...(although I note they didn't video you last Monday 26th November 2018 when they came to your house to issue that 'Officer's Direction To Attend' form about having to go to Mt Gambier Police Station and submit to those SIPs, etc-Ed)...indeed, they seem almost determined to try to get me to me to react in a way that can actually be used against me, but to not actually charge me with anything, instead using deceit and intimidation to harass and bully me, and shove a video camera in my face as part of that, but not video me when it's about their supposed/alleged failure to SIP me, etc, etc, I'm currently goin' round in small circles with that...
Only yesterday I spoke with a local lawyer I was referred to by the Law Society, and that lawyer either had no idea what they were talking about, or they were straight-out lying to me...for example, even after I explained exactly what was on the 'Officer's Direction' form about how, in the event I fail/refuse to comply, then police can/may go to a Magistrate and apply for a warrant for my arrest to then force me to undergo these SIPs, the lawyer insisted that police could just come get me and arrest me...(yeah, find an honest lawyer in Mt Gambier, good luck with that-Ed)...well maybe such a wondrous creature does exist, indeed, my dealings with the Community Legal Service have been excellent when/where they could help, but this person was the one that the Law Society 'recommended', and they were useless at best, potentially deliberately deceitful...
But I digress, because today's post is about the FCARC, and other people's perspective...I reckon this was taken from The Chronicle...(well that's what that blue 'link' thingy says when you click on George Helon-Ed)...well quite, that's what I'm going by 'cos I can't remember, but anyhoos, here 'tis, and I'll see y'all at the end...***
On Monday 22 October 2018, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon
Scott Morrison MP, delivered the National Apology to Victims and
Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse at Parliament House in
I was very fortunate to have been one of the 800 'Wonka' gold ticket
holders invited to Canberra to attend at the Great Hall of Parliament
House as the Apology was conveyed.
Albeit a good intention might have been there, many of those attending
felt aggrieved and angered by the government's lack of compassion and
understanding of their personal situations.
Indeed, some were infuriated by the lack of consultation with victims
in the organization of the event, particularly the logistics involved in
the co-ordination of travel arrangements, which in some cases were made
with little or no notice by the National Apology Secretariat.
Once again victims and survivors of systemic abuse in institutions
found themselves helpless and at the whims and mercy of yet another
The government just doesn't get it, victims and survivors are fed up
with having to navigate, and stressed to the hilt when it comes to
negotiating political and bureaucratic systems; after all it was a
system that allowed the abuse to happen, a system that covered-up the
abuse, the system that accepts no responsibility for the abuse, the
system that has minimized accountably, and the system that created
another system to deal with the system to lessen any culpability or
responsibility of the system for what that system did!
And just as the former PM, Mr Turnbull ignored victims and survivors in
developing the National Redress Scheme, so too had our latest PM, Mr
Scott Morrison who had ignored the views, wishes, concerns and the most
basic expectations of victims and survivors in facilitating the National
Many victims - most with no support persons - were expected to travel
from interstate the day before; there were no contingency arrangements;
many missed connecting flights because of cancellations and re-routing
caused by inclement weather conditions, and some were delayed in transit
and arrived the next day, after the National Apology!
Many felt that the PM's heart wasn't really in it, that he was arrogant
and just pandering to the moment and paying lip service to abuse
victims and survivors.
The PM was booed and heckled during his address in the Great Hall; to many, his words were scripted and hollow.
At one point the PM said he understood the anger and hurt felt by
survivors of childhood sexual abuse, but then he asked those present to
stand together and hold hands in solidarity.
The PM might have thought his action as some sort of empathetic and
symbolic support, but nothing could have been further from the truth as
many in the Great Hall were gobsmacked and took offence!
Obviously the PM is oblivious, doesn't fully understand, or could never
comprehend that the traumatic effects and impact of sexual, physical,
mental, emotional and other abuse shapes a person's life, makes them who
they are and prevents them from being who or what they could have been.
Sexual abuse affects victims, their families, and associates every day
of their existence, in all that they do, in any company they are in, and
in any undertaking they might endeavor.
Asking victims and survivors to hold hands might have seemed like a
touching gesture, but many sexual assault victims aren't comfortable
with touching, or being touched by members of their own families, let
alone strangers.
When the Leader of the Opposition the Hon Bill Shorten MP delivered his
speech many were of the opinion that his address was much more relevant
and poignant.
There was resounding applause for mentions of, and when pictures of
Julia Gillard and the Leader of the Opposition shown, more so when they
entered the Great Hall.
The National Apology was supposed to have been a watershed moment in
Australia's social history, but alas many abuse victims and survivors
are bitterly cynical and suspicious of its long term results.
It feels to many as if the National Apology was just another system
hiccup, another Clayton's apology where much is promised but the reality
is naught!
And interestingly, once off the stage our PM was generally inaccessible
because he was surrounded by his goon squad and corralled by the media.
The whole thing about the occasion of the Apology was that it was
supposed to be about the victims and survivors - their day - not about
politicians, not about point scoring, and certainly not a popularity
contest to see who could get more media attention.
For the government the day in Canberra ended with a deep sigh that they got away with it again!
For abuse victims and survivors the day ended just like it did at the
sunset of the Royal Commission: everybody left in limbo with no support
or clue what to do, or where to go next?
Now as for the National Redress Scheme, it was suggested by many
victims and survivors that the benefits of any redress scheme should be
without favor or prejudice; that any financial recompense should be
equal across the board - not discriminatory.
It was put forward to the Federal government that victims should not
feel that they are being singled-out and classed into bands, tiers, or
grades; that the severity of the abuse perpetrated against them, and the
effects suffered between them should in no way be reduced, minimized,
diminished, or exclusionary.
It was proposed by myself and others that it would be more just and
fair to all victims - and of benefit to the Federal government too - for
no lump sum to be paid because lump sums can be squandered in an
instant, but rather a fortnightly benefit payment similar to a tax-free
pension for life.
But alas - the government had already made its mind up with victims and
survivors now being financially sodomized by the Redress Scheme.
The Morrison government seems oblivious to the fact that the Royal
Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse received
over 68 thousand enquiries.
If you consider each enquirer represents a voting family of four, the
government is at odds with over 272 thousand people who could well
decide marginal seats come the next Federal election.
So what next?
After years of cover-up, denial, and inaction by institutions victims
are very angry and so frustrated at their treatment by the system.
After years of emotional trauma, anger and disappointment welling up,
many victims feel they have nothing to lose; how long before a survivor
explodes and goes berserk?
The government is playing with unstable gelignite that could well blow-up in its face in more ways than one.
It is time to take victims and survivors seriously.
***...and because in this post I'm deferring to this person's experience and perspective, I'm just gunna' sign-off and let their words tell the story...(well you've already had a good whinge at the top there-Ed)...indeed I have... Tomorrow: Court Stuff? Probably...Maybe
(At the very least, this process of perpetually persecuting you for speaking-out about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and/or Institutionalised Corruption, etc, it is a very effective strategy in distracting you away from other issues we'all might otherwise be covering on this 'ere blog-Ed)...yeah, but not really, 'cos all it really does is further define the reality of my various statements and claims, eg, this ridiculous DNA/finger-printing stuff is to my understanding widely viewed as undisguised harassment, and it just draws more people to this 'ere blog, and they then go back through the 950+ posts and look at the many issues I've previously covered...(well I s'pose-Ed)...and in a context where a lot of that stuff simply hasn't changed, eg, the definable Fascism of un-challengeable Wind Turbine legislation in South Australia...
Of course, there'll always be those people who choose to blame me for whatevs, and willingly refuse to look at the realities, no matter how simply or thoroughly this stuff is explained to better example, one of the people recently mouthing-off about me on social media, that person's child was in the class of 7 year olds abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School in 2002...(wow-Ed)...oh yeah, not only was that person entirely wrong about what my "bizarre trial" was about, etc, but they know exactly why I do this 'ere blog, and yet they still choose to attack and abuse me...also, I'm aware there was recently a heated discussion in a local business where-in another parent with a child from that 2002 class was furiously criticising me...(I love people, really I do-Ed)...I just think it's really sad, and my thoughts as always are with the child...
Apologies that there's no humour in this post, but I'm just really tired, and very, very pissed-off because this latest SAPol harassment and intimidation is causing immense stress, most particularly to my family, following-on as it does from 16 years of stress and anger from the abuse and harassment and intimidation of a police force clearly controlled by Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and particularly as that relates to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...