Friday, October 13, 2017

Just More ABC Stuff

Yo! Poland, Spain, the USofA, and Ukraine, what-up mofos?...(you are so White-Ed)...yes well, be that as it may, today, just to change it up for a bit, I'm going to go nut-sack crazy ballistic at a coupla' regulars here on TMGI, namely, the ABC South East Radio interview with my mate and also Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, and then more ABC with my other pals at Mt Gambier City Council...(I'm lovin' it already-Ed) haven't read it yet...(don't care, tour-de-force, a triumph of modern literature-Ed)...idiot...(the only thing it's missing is plot, characters, dialogue, and style-Ed)...but beside that...(but beside that it's a tour-de-force, etc, etc-Ed)...cheers...

Peter Gandolfi Is Responsible For South East Forestry Sale:...(ooo, I love these ones-Ed)...what 'ones'?...(you know, these ones where you make boisterously outrageous accusations at peoples-Ed)...that's not an accusation, it's a statement of fact mate!...(yeah yeah, let me finish-Ed)...and I can and will draw a very short, sharp line directly from my mate Peter to the SEFS...(absolutely, that's what I'm saying, you'll make an otherwise extraordinary 'allegation'-Ed)...they're not allegations mate! they're facts! how many times I gotta' say it?...(I know! that's what I'm saying! you sling apparently ludicrous statements about, and then calmly rationalise it all with irrefutable facts-Ed)...well yes, that is what we pride ourselves on here at TMGI, it is a bit of a thing that we do, or at least try to do...(so to the facts then?-Ed)...sure, oh, and I forgot to mention, when we head down that short, sharp line,  we'll be passing right through the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and Mr Gandolfi's explicitly complicit duplicity in that...(well yay-Ed)...

I know I've covered this before, but every time one of these rankly corrupt clowns bobs-up, I'm havin' a good ol' slap at ' was in February 2006, I went with another St Martin's father, to the then Liberal Campaign Office in Ferrers St, here in Mt Gambier, to meet said Liberal candidate for the looming March 2006 South Australian State Election, Mr Peter Gandolfi, and also his senior Liberal colleague MLC David Ridgway (Member of Legislative Council, SA's Upper House)...this meeting lasted just on/over an hour, and was almost exclusively about the St Martins Cover-up, including us parents providing multiple documents, and carefully explaining the leading role in the St Martins Cover-up of the then current and supposedly Independent Member for Mt Gambier (and Labor Minister), Rory that meeting, we handed the Liberals, Gandolfi and Ridgway et al, we handed them Rory's political head on a shreckin' platter, we even explained how they could use this stuff...(well don't keep us all in suspense, what happened?-Ed) know what happened! shreckin' nothing, not a word...

Of course, the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Labor Minister/Stooge Rory McEwen won that 2006 election, ensuring the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Rann/Weatherill Labor government retained power, leading eventually but directly to the SEFS or 3-Rotation Lease being implemented, after good ol' Rory suggested it...even Rory briefly apologised for what he acknowledged was originally his idea, the 3-Rotations Lease, before changing tack and now denying any responsibility...and equally of course, the Liberals have stated outright that they would never do/have done the Sale/Lease at all...(so let's see if I've got this right, you're saying that Peter Gandolfi is responsible for the SEFE because he, Peter, maaate, knowingly and willingly engaged in the St Martins Cover-up?-Ed)...yes and yes...(which allowed Rory McEwen a virtually unchallenged run?-Ed)...well, a run certainly unencumbered by the realities of his rank corruption as a key player in the St Martins Cover-up...

(But you're also stating, and/or asking us to believe, that the Liberals wouldn't have done the Lease/Sale if they'd got in in 2006 and/or 2010?-Ed)...not asking anyone to believe anything, it is a fact that that's exactly what the Liberals said then and repeatedly with all this stuff, peel back the smoke and mirrors, ditch the red herrings, and there it's a fact 1) that I (we) personally explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and Rory McEwen's rank pro-paedophile corruption to Pete, mate...(maaate-Ed)...and my other mate, Dave...(Daaave, I mean maaate-Ed)...and provided them a stack of documents, etc...then 2) despite being in receipt of this damning information and documentation that would have destroyed Rory's election hopes, neither Pete nor Dave uttered one single word from thing I heard was when Dave mate...(maaate, no I mean wait, maa...hang-on a sec-Ed)...never mind...Davo stood-up in Parliament in late 2007 re us parents' attempts to get an Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, and he said 'we've been looking at this for quite some time'...(lookin' at it, but not actually doing anything?-Ed)...well unless of course you count the Liberals complicit silence on the St Martins Cover-up as being a 'thing'...

Fact Three:...Rory won, and Labor was returned with his support...4) Rory originally admitted the Forestry Lease was his idea, and of course 5) Labor then won again in 2010, using the same pseudo-Independent/Labor-stooge candidate tactics they had with Rory, and then sold-off the South East Forestry Estate for at least $1.3billion less than it was worth...and of course it's absolutely true that Davo waited 18 months from that original meeting to then suddenly weigh-into the debate, and then a debate only being conducted off the back of what we parents had organised to get Nick Xenophon to raise in Parliament...(so, not one word from February 2006 until late 2007, then when the issue is forced right in front of him in Parliament by you parents, via Nick Xenophon, then he's all 'oh yeah, we know all about that stuff', but afterwards again it's nuthin'?-Ed) on...(good work Dave, Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill must be so grateful to you for your unwavering support with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, top work Dave, mate...          

Alright look, admittedly, there is a mild degree of facetiousness in my pagey-rage about this stuff, but it's a very plausible and realistic scenario based on a raft of deeply unpleasant facts...but yeah sure, there's a second raft of ifs, buts, and/or maybes that could have potentially affected the outcome of the March 2006 Election...(for example, rancidly corrupt pro-paedophile betrayer Martin Hamilton-Smith-Ed)...a perfect example Ed, the rancidly corrupt pro-paedophile betrayer Martin Hamilton-Smith, former Liberal leader and Liberal's 2014 State Election endorsed candidate, then elected Member, before betraying everyone who voted for him by crossing the floor straight into a Labor Ministry position...(he could have done that in 2006?-Ed), Marty mate, you are a bloody disgrace...remember me Marty, mate, 'cos I sure-as-shreck remember you...remember, mate, when you, I and Mitch Williams had our long chat about the St Martins Cover-up? in the Mt Gambier Library carpark? aways back when you were Liberal leader? ringin' any bells for ya', mate?...

And this is the critical fact of course, that Gandolfi/Ridgway/Liberals conciously and deliberately chose to ignore the St Martins Cover-up, and never used it against Rory...(and not just not against Rory, but not at all-Ed)...well quite...(Liberals knew about it for years before that too, so they'd already effectively been helping Labor and the Lutherans cover-up that abuse for years by being silently complicit-Ed)...before then, then, and many times since, for example...
Perhaps Rob's Luc' 'As Run Out:...because I remind availees that I and several other parents provided detailed written submissions, extensive documentation and lengthy personal testimony (in Adelaide) to that Parliamentary Inquiry we organised with Nick Xenophon, John Darley, Dennis Hood, etc...(you mean the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry no.54 into the Teachers Registration Board, 2008-2011, that Inquiry?-Ed) on Ed, the good ol' SARC, of which Liberal MLC Rob Lucas was (is?) a Sitting Member, whatevs, and it was he whom I gave my testimony to, face to face, albeit across a large room...but I was a lot closer to my mate Rob in February 2014 when I went to then Liberal candidate for the March 2014 State Election, Mr Troy Bell, I went to Troy's li'l meet-and-greet at the Main Corner, and I was approached and politely asked to keep myself to myself (about St Martins) and I could speak to Rob afters, etc, and I politely suggested that I might like to speak to him before 'cos I wasn't gunna' sit there all evening and say nought...

SARC On This, Mate:...because when I was granted this precious pre-soiree pow-wow with Rob, mate, it didn't go well...(well I'd suggest that the fact that you can walk into that situation, 1) good on ya', particularly with the Agrophobia stuff-Ed)...well that was part of why I wanted now instead of later, but I wasn't gunna' tell them that!...(and fair enough, but 2) that you get immediate priority, that speaks volumes-Ed)...well I'd reckon that it was more that they were concerned that I'd be speakin' volumes in their meeting...(exactly what I'm saying-Ed)...indeed, a very valid observation...anyhoos, then I politely insisted that Troy join us, and we three spent the next 5 minutes discussing all things St Martins...and when I say 'us 3', really I mean Me and my mate Robbo, 'cos Troy I don't think said one was Troy's first exposure to much of the detail of the St Martins Cover-up stuff, and he was clearly shocked at both what I was saying and the response from his senior colleague...I know, 'cos I was watching him out the corner of my eye, it's just a thing I tend to do these days...Rob, on the other hand, had heard it all before...   

SARC It Up Big Fella:...'cos I am furious, rabidly furious with you Rob, mate...look at me will you, with those cold, dead, soulless, corrupt eyes and tell me there's nothing we parents have done, no documents we've provided you, etc, etc, that there's nothing you can use to bring Labor to account for the St Martins Cover-up...gutless, corrupt, pro-paedophile liar...

And so sure, it's a bit of a stretch to heap sole responsibility for the Forestry Sale/Lease on Pete, mate, but it's him and it's Rob and it's Marty and it's Mitch and it's Liberal leader Rob Kerin, Steve Perryman, et al, they all are equally complicit in the St Martins Cover-up as Rory McEwen, Labor, the Lutherans, etc, and so when I hear one of these clowns mouthing-off in the media, and I just don't care what it's about, I'm gunna' get them by the metaphoric scruff of their corrupt collars and drag them right back into the shit-storm that is the St Martins Cover-up...(give them a jolly blog-floggin'-Ed)...indeed, a thorough word-purgin'...

This interview was immediately followed by another ABC South East Radio corker, with Mt Gambier City Council sending one of their four new $200,000pa 'Managers' Barbara Cernovskis, to spruik the MGCC Children's Charter...(omg, Peter Gandolfi immediately followed by MGCC?-Ed)...oh yeah, and last week it was up to St Martins with the ABC to ask the Lutherans about the importance of male teachers in primary schools...(yeah, that's just so offensive on so many levels, coming from the Church/school that has covered-up the gross abuse of dozens of junior primary children by teacher Glyn Dorling-Ed)...yes, well, regular availees will not need it explained to them why it is I can walk into Mt Gambier City Council and start pointing at certain people and stating, 'you are pro-paedophile corrupt', and why I could spend quite a bit of time doing quite a bit of pointing and associated stating before I ran out of suitable candidates...

In Fact:...if you are on Mt Gambier City Council and you don't consider yourself to be pro-paedophile corrupt, then bully for you...this Council, the one before that, the one before that...  

You're In For A Shock:...if you want to piss in my ear with this torrent of hypocrisy that is MGCC's Children's Charter, then don't complain when I empty my spleen right back at ya' in a renting venting that hails down on you like a shower of pain...(that's from The Mighty Boosh ya' thievin' bastard!-Ed)...homaging Ed, homaging, not thievin', no copyright infringements to see here my darling...(you smug prick-Ed) I don't really care who it is they trot-out to spew this vilely hypocritical dross, it's the sick sub-plot of even having a supposed Children's Charter, coming as it does from a rancidly corrupt Council, a corruption mired in pro-paedophile attitudes and actions...

Tomorrow: Verbosely Speaking Frankly About Verbally Spanking Frank And Lee

(You sir, are an idiot...that or a monkey genius, I really can't make-up my mind some time-Ed)...have you tried jamming lipstick in your ear?...(well actually you'd go in via a nostril because the olfactory areas up ya' snout are effectively exposed brain bits-Ed)...well, thanks for the biology lesson, you've managed to really suck the humour out of that then haven't you?...(alright, well how's about, ummm, you're Frankenstein to their Frank'n'Lee, you know, that stuff about how you're a monster of their own creation what's turned on them, etc-Ed)...orrr yeah, I s'pose, that's not bad...(cheers-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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