Friday, October 13, 2017

Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just Some Cat With A Page

Howdy y'all in Germany, where despite everyone else's efforts, your leader is basically holding together Europe and/or Western Credibility...not my opinion, just parrotting opinions of those whom know far more about it than I, and who's opinions I obviously calm down the rest of ya's, my ignorance of Euro/Asian/World Politics means that I do actually have to accept some people's opinions on stuff, and I very clearly know what I know, and do what I can with that, but I'm not a politician and frankly politics bores as much as it confuses and annoys me, so forgive me my ignorances please, legion though they may be, and let's all just have a li'l gander at what it is I do do and have done...("do do and have done"? way to use ya' words mate-Ed)...cheers, here's some more...
But First In Fashion News:...things that are very, very, very big will be huge this season...(does my But First look big in this font size?-Ed)...ummm,I love that colour on you?...(not the question I asked-Ed)...errr, ooo look, the rest of the post...(where?-Ed)  

And now, I know I did this one sortta' recently, and people do regularly ask me about it...(and are regularly stunned-Ed)...indeed, 'why have we not seen/heard this stuff in the media?', etc, but today I'm re-doing it just because I promised someone, in fact, this whole post is for them and what they've cheers mate for ya' work, that feedback, etc, just for you and the rest of the planet, here t'is...(here tís' what?-Ed)...mate! we're standing on it!...(oops-Ed)...

And that, of course, is the official statement from Mt Gambier City Council as self-evidently taken from their own Minutes on their own website, and it was still there last time I checked...(and that says 'Motions Without Notice'-Ed)...yeah?...(well I thought ya' said that they kicked you out under the Exclusion of Public stuff before this was discussed?-Ed)...ummm, reckon that was the stuff about Councillor Ian Von Stanke coming to my house with a threatening 'defamation' letter in April 2011, and when CEO Mark McShane finally dismissed that outrageous conduct, they kicked me out before tabling that and then reporting it in The Border Watch the next day/day after/whatevs, which is where/how I found out...(mmm, whatevs, still seems that MGCC runs an awful lot of critical stuff under Motions Without Notice, this ICAC stuff for example-Ed)...because then it's not on the Agenda, which has to be published on the Monday for the Tuesday evening Full Council Meeting, so it keeps matters away from prying eyes until the very last moment, right in the Meeting...

(Whatta' ya' mean "keeps matters away from prying eyes"?! mate, it's a shreckin' Public Meeting where-in Publicly elected and funded Public Officials discuss how they're gunna' spend Ratepayers/The Publics damn money, what they the shreckin' Council demand be paid!...and beyond that-Ed)...I know, I'm the only one who goes anyway...(exactly! you're usually the only Public in attendance anyway, so who's hiding what from whom and for what reason?-Ed)...just sayin', I've watched far too many critical issues not appear in the Agenda, nor on occasion even be mentioned in the Full Meeting under that section for MWNs at the beginning, this happens so often as to be self-obviously a strategy not a tardiness...   

(And why didn't The Border Watch, present at that May 2014 meeting, report this huge ICAC story? I mean to say, 1) the entire Council investigated by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and then 2) duly exonerated, which proves conclusively that 3) Nick Fletcher must be wrong about everything that he's flung at MGCC-Ed)...and your point?...(I said, each of these is stand-alone a huge story, and combine the '1)', the alleged precedent investigation of a Council by SA ICAC, with the '2)', the exoneration, that's huge mate-Ed)...fair enough...(and then '3)', why hasn't MGCC and/or TBW, who operate in tandom, why haven't they used this 'Official ICAC Exoneration' to shutdown this 'ere blog?-Ed)...'cos, as we discussed just recently, this OICACE is so fundamentally hollow that all they need to do is rub it up against some prick...(like you-Ed) me, and it's gunna' go POP!...(that is such a beautiful metaphor, 'so hollow, if you rub it up against some prick it pops!-Ed)...well indeed, but the blunt reality is, that this ICAC Exoneration is so unreliable, so precarious, so hollow, that it can't even be used for it's carefully designed purpose...

Now I'm not saying that it's all about this 'ere blog, other people blog/facebook/whatevs about Mt Gambier, corruption, etc, but I'm dead-set takin' 51% of the credit and genuinely believe it's a good deal more than that to boot...(mate, how many times have others said that it is all about you because you're the only one really doing this stuff, that it is all about negating and potentially stopping this 'ere blog?-Ed)...errr, 3...(no no, it's a rhetorical question, I don't need a number-Ed)...well I was joking anyway, because literally everyone I've spoken to about this reckons it's about li'l ol' moi...whoevs, whyevs, whatevs, this was/is entirely about ICAC pretending to investigate corruption at Mt Gambier City Council, corruption ICAC knew/know to be happening, and the moment there's a shred of scrutiny on that alleged ICAC investigation it all goes right in the fan, right in it...

I remind availees that ICAC responded to that Court-Ordered Summons for Information, in Court in August 2016, that my claims re this pseudo-investigation were irrelevent, stating via Videolink from Adelaide that 'it's irrelevant whether we've done an investigation or not because Mr Fletcher is charged with talking about a person subject to a complaint, not with talking about that investigation'...this is my paraphrasing that's damn near a quote, but it's the best I can manage 'cos I have requested these transcripts many, many times, and I'm still waiting...  

And here also are the responses/denials from Labor's Deputy PM (soon to be PM) Julia Gillard, former Labor SA Premier Mike Rann, and current Labor Premier Jay Weatherill...(now that's what I call 'Laboring-the-point'-Ed)...nice...regular availees will know these documents also, and that us parents had met Commissioner Mullighan several times before and after these refusals to 'expand his terms of reference'...(but that's bollocks! he was a shreckin' Commissioner with all the associated powers, and parents had already provided reams of documents, officially met him at his office, met with him again down here, etc, he was already officially investigating-Ed)...yeah, that's why I describe these Rann/Weatherill letters as 'closing-down Mullighan's Inquiry into the St Martins Cover-up, an Inquiry clearly already well under way'...I gave-up on Comm Mullighan after about a year of more promises, no action, etc, etc, but other parents met with him several more times...

I further remind availees, as evidenced below, that these later parent/Mullighan meetings here in Mt Gambier (after the 2 initial ones in Adelaide in February 2005) were conducted at Bill DeGaris's Chambers with Billy-boy in attendance, least-ways, he was at the 2 Mullighan meetings I went to...I think the eventual and complete lack of action from Comm Mullighan says everything about his motivations and his conduct...conduct where promises all become lies, conduct where promises all go to die...but whatevs, even if these clowns were in collusion, even if these letters are effectively lies in a long series of letters that are lies, they still say what they say, 'you cannot investigate what you're already investigating'...

Tomorrow: The Frank'n'Lee's Monster Post 

(I think I'll bring the larger of my two pitchforks-Ed)...and I'll get the marshmellows...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and this post is for you, ya' li'l legend, you know who you are...cheers and laters...    

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