Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Jay Weatherill - The Pro-Paedophile Premier's Complicit Role In The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy to Serbia, Brazil, India, and yoohoo Peru...look, I know I'm basically re-inventing my own wheel with this topic/title, and it is a rather a long title, but then again, The Shiny Man has such an extensive portfolio of Pro-Paedophile Corruption, what with a series of vacuously corrupt Royal Commissions, eg, the farcical Debelle Inquiry that tracked emails directly to Jay Weatherill's computer, but then allowed for the ludicrous outcome that those emails had just 'disappeared'...(and how many other 'Child Abuse' Royal Commissions or similar farces have we had in SA?-Ed)...well, 4 or 5 under this Rann/Weatherill Labor government, but we haven't had one for at least 6 months, so we're about due...(overdue I'd say-Ed)...indeed...

Premier Jay Weatherill is a rankly corrupt pro-paedophile egomaniac, who is so far-gone, so enamoured with the wonder of his own being, that even the deeply embarrassing and wholly corrupt disaster that he's been for South Australia, that won't stop him furiously advertising himself all over the SA media...all day, every day, I simply cannot avoid it, so here we are again dear availees, railing against him and his corruption...Truth and Reality and Conscience are not things that impose themselves upon The Shiny Man's sense of Jay, mate, are fully responsible for the ongoing St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and it defines you and the rank pro-paedophile corruption that runs South Australia and it's entire Parliament, but most particularly you and your Labor Party...

South Australian Labor Party - Proudly Supporting Paedophilia In SA:...oh, and where's the Liberal Party when it comes to the St Martins Cover-up?...(ummm, completely corruptly complicit?-Ed)...well let's just ask, ummm, I dunno', mmm, ooo yes I do, let's ask Steve Perryman, Peter Gandolfi, Rob Lucas, David Ridgway, Vicki Chapman, Michelle Lensink, Mitch Williams, etc, and not least of all former leaders Rob Kerin or Isobel Redmond and even that rancid turncoat, Martin Hamilton-Smith...(disgraceful betrayal of both the Libs and the Electorate-Ed)...indeed...and remember of course that former Member for Barker, Liberal Patrick Secker wrote to various persons, including the then Deputy-Prime Minister Julia Gillard...dear availees, I just recently posted some of that correspondence between Mr Secker and Ms Gillard...of all the Liberals I/us parents spoke to about this, Mr Secker stands glowingly alone as the one Liberal who actually did something, anything...(the Liberals you say? mmm, I know who we should ask-Ed)...whom?...(Tony-Ed)...of course... 

Liberal's Federal Member for Barker, Tony as absolutely complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up as any of the rankly corrupt Labor stooges involved, eg, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler, Julia Gillard, etc...Tony has taken his rank corruption as a Councillor with the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, taken all that corruption with him into Federal politics, and with him has gone the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse I've stated many times before, Tony Pasin has known about the St Martins Abuse and associated Cover-up since it first happened...furthermore, I was looking at him...(right at 'im?-Ed)...right at 'im when I named/identified "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling's lawyer, as being Stephen Lieschke, business partner of Jay Weatherill (law firm)...(that's right! at that March 2010 Election Forum when the issue of St Martins was raised by a question from the floor, and Tony was so excited about your revelations that he dead-set levitated himself out of the chair!-Ed)...right out of it?...(well certainly clear of the seat, so sure, right out of it-Ed)...I can fly!... 

Speaker Of SA Parliament Micheal Atkinson:...I rarely if ever comment on people's physical appearance in a denigrating manner, but I do have my moments, and Mikey-boy's corruption is etched into his deeply-disturbing, Mike, mate, are one creepy looking dude and you genuinely make my skin crawl because your greed, your avarice, your rank pro-paedophile corruption is etched deep...(yeah, but is that purely about what a creepy looking dude he is, and he most surely is, or is your 'experience' of his physical appearance, an experience deeply distorted by your knowledge of who he is and what he's done?-Ed)...fair call, he looks effectively 'rancid' even 'evil' to me, because when I look at him I see his rancid/'evil' actions...(mmm, I thought you were supposed to put the decaying portrait in the attic and carry your contracted countenance with you about the town? you know? Dorian Grey and all that-Ed)...indeed, what's the point of making a deal with the Devil if you're gunna' wear the 'evil' portrait face 'round the town, and stick the smooth youthful face somewhere outta' sight?...  

Been reading a bunch of 'Comments' on various news websites, and it seems that people are not as stupid as Jay Weatherill thinks...(but that's simply not enough to get Labor outed at the March 2018 Election though, because the Liberal 'Opposition' are just un-inspiringly a Political unit, we in South Australia are fundamentally rooted, out alleged Democracy forfeit to the rank Pro-Peadophile Corruption that defines our Parliament and therefore us-Ed)...unfortunately true Ed... 

The Pork-Barrelling Trough Of Taxpayer's finalists have been announced, apparently, for the $40million Fund My Neighbourhood, with $20million to be doled-out now, and then another $20m 'early' next year...and in another exemplary 'Dorothy Dixer' ABC South East Radio interview, Labor's Russell Wortley was spruiking this massive Pre-Election Bribe or PBTOTM, whatevs, this irrefutably transparent piece of self-interested Political Stunting...(pah!-Ed)...and there's the weasel-words about how these 1600 'projects' had to be "sponsored"...(where-in 'sponsored' means 'approved by Council'-Ed)...exactly, and that's why it is that, of the '250 finalists' who we are being encouraged to support via the 'important community-based voting', etc, something like 25 projects 'sponsored' for a share, up to $150,000 per 'project', with a local funding pool of $750k due to population, etc...a few examples were sport clubs like West (I think) Gambier, Casadio Pk Lights, improved (more?) bike tracks and/or 'bmx track', and/or 'a fitness track', 'seating in Wehl St Theatre', etc... 

Rusty Doorknocks:...'Claire and I went to Mt Gambier's schools, and after we spoke to them they all put in for FMN cash', says Russell ...(what does that even mean?-Ed) means that they went to schools to directly promote this crass bribery and drag schools, etc, into trying to justify this rank Political Stunt...this is absolute bullshit, rolled-gold pork-barrelling from a wholly grandstanding Labor Party who have all-but dismantled Regional communities like Mt Gambier, before suddenly introducing this FMN less than a year before the March 2018 State Election, and where-in the money will still go to 'projects' that are 'MGCC sponsored' and therefore likely to be family and/or mates of Councillors, etc...(is that why you didn't bother to submit any ideas?-Ed)...well exactly, a complete waste of time, 'cos the moment I put my name to some idea, no matter how positive or productive that it might be for everyone, that idea will be officially jumped-on and buried and sure-as-shreck ain't gunna' get no money from these clowns...  

Wake In Plight:...of the recent demise of Holden at Elizabeth (in Adelaide), which also brings to an end Car Manufacturing in whilst I can understand the 'Wake-style' proceedings of last week, this is an unmitigated disaster, so even for me, even for one so accustomed to the deeply corrupted lies of Premier Jay, even I found it just mind-boggling to see The Shiny Man, with that automaton muppet Minister Kyam Maher bobbing-about over 'is shoulder like one of them inflated kite-people advertising thingies...(you don't like Kyam much, do you?-Ed)...not my fault mate, I look at him and all I see is the rank pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA, because that's what he is, and that's what he does, that's how he got there, etc, etc...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but that aside, even I was stunned to see Ray Jay describe the Holden closure with it's associated massive job losses across many suppliers, etc, well according to Jay this is a 'fantastic foundation to build on for the future'...(wow-Ed)...indeed..(well nah but hang-on, it's a great foundation if one is building a funeral cairn, or a memorial monument of some description, etc-Ed)...well indeed... 
Just look at these people, the lights are on, the engine's running, but there isn't a single original thought between them, it's 100% rehearsed catch-phrase, professional denial and/or institutionalised faux-ignorance...and in SA it isn't a race to the bottom...(ooo that sounds the cue for a really rude joke, doesn't it Nick?-Ed)...not now, yes, but not now...('butt knot now', teeheeheehee-Ed)...riiight, mate, I'm trying to launch into a vaguely un-hinged and probably vastly verbose, certainly viciously vindictive and expletive-laden excoriation of the State of the Nation, and most particularly this sad, sick Pro-Paedophile State we all call home, so's I'd appreciate it if you stopped with the 'arse humour' for just a bit...("arse humour", teehee, sounds a bit like 'arse humour'...oh wait-Ed)...quite finished? isn't a race to the bottom, because you have to have run and won that particular race to get into the Labor Team...(are you referring to rankly corrupt official appointments like Grant King being made simultaneous Head Honchos for the Health Advisory Committee thingy and Regional Development Australia?-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like that, and exactly like Kyam Maher, straight-out of the rankly corrupt Crown Solicitors Office and straight into Labor Cabinet as a Minister with several important portfolios...

Labor's Peter Malinauskas and Penny Richardson were just on ABC Radio about the Renal Dialysis Unit funding,'s an endless cavalcade of absolutely disgraceful pro-Labor stoogery redefining the realities we experience as Mt Gambier residents...much more tomorrow...
Tomorrow: Verbosely Speaking Frankly About Verbally Spanking Frank

I can't quite recall whether Mt Gambier City Councillor Frank Morello said 'stop writing about me on your blog', or whether he actually said 'write about me every single post and carefully explain to availees just what a corrupt pro-paedophile sack-a'-alleged human being that I am, mate'...(I'm pretty sure it was the second one, 'cos I recall him saying, "you're not well Nick, you're not well", indicating that indeed, he wished to be the subject of daily mentions for his rankly pro-paedophile corruption and deeply complicit involvement in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yeah, I thought that's what he was saying when he deliberately ambushed me outside MGCC's Full Meeting back in September 2017, started babbling about me allegedly calling him "a paedophile", and then sought to upset me with the attempted denigration about my Mental Health issues...see you tomorrow Frank, mate...

Robe 2040-Oh:...and the question apparently being posed by Robe Council is, 'Where will Robe be in 2040?'...(well, about 200m offshore in 10-15 feet of water, if current erosion rates continue-Ed)...nice one man, a hyperbolic over-exaggeration of an actual issue, 'cos erosion and/or rising sea levels are very relevant issues for a very flat area that was only recently itself entirely a shallow sea...(and hence the South East is referred to as the Limestone Coast, 'cos the Limestone we all are a' settin' on, from here in Mt Gambier right up through Naracoorte, Keith, etc, up-to and possibly including Murray Bridge, all that Limestone is the bones and carapaces and other assorted gristly bits of millions of sea critters from across millions of years, all packed-down and compressed into 'stone'-Ed) on Ed, indeed, it is incorrect to refer to 'fossils in Limestone', because every bit of Limestone is technically a fossil...(well hurrah!-Ed)...indeed...(and what ever happened about that $1million Marina 'Loan' that Robe Council appeared to have 'misplaced', requiring an 'Audit' to find it again?-Ed)...I don't recall Ed, was that ever resolved? whatevs, I'm sure I'll hear about it if it ain't...(sweet-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...still trying to get those other blogs happenin', slowly, and some are set to go, etc...cheers and laters...oh, and PS, just go back a coupla' posts to see those letters from Weatherill, Mike Rann, and Julia Gillard re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

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