Friday, October 6, 2017

Australian Broadcasting Corporation (not Commission, sorry) Re-Commits To It's Pro-Paedophile Corruption

***held back this post for a coupla' days due to terrible shooting in Las Vegas, seemed a little trite to whinge about other inane stuff like dodgy remains my position that we must never lend more weight to a 'Western disaster/massacre' than to any like man-made horror, or even natural disaster, but this apparently random 'un-motivated' shooting is is already widely reported that every time one of these shootings occurs in the USofA, sales of guns and 'leading gun company' shares go up for various reasons, eg,  people are scared and want to protect their families, etc, so they go get what guns they can, or gun owners/enthusiasts are concerned about the debate being raised in the media/Congress/wherevs, and that there will be restrictions imposed in response, so they go shopping, etc...earlier this year this issue was raised in conversation, and I made the point that, if I were a 'leading gun company' concerned about sales and shares and the like, I'd be doing my best to make sure that there was quite regularly some sort of hullabaloo in the Congress and/or media because it's guaranteed to boost sales...not accusing anyone of anything illegal or of anything that hasn't been repeatedly reported before, namely, 1) this is the trend, every time there is a political/media debate, gun sales/shares go up, and 2) 'the Gun Lobby', actively engage in USofA politics...these are clearly facts, not accusations...  

I do not understand 'USofA Gun Culture' and therefore will not comment beyond that, so's I'm going to stick to what it is that I do here on TMGI, and try to sort some other stuff...(so on with the whinging about dodgy umpiring, etc? it's what we do-Ed)...indeed, cheers***

Howdy to Spain, Indonesia, Brazil, and United Arab Emirates, and of course to y'all else, thanks for joining us again here at TMGI...(and when he says 'us', he actually means 'him', because I'm just a confected literary device-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed 'we' are just 'me', that is the way that it is...more feedback/comments stuff to address and a coupla' moments that are contextually fantastic...(that 'context' being that these things shouldn't be happening at all in the first place, but given that they are, the way they're working-out is relatively 'fantastic'?-Ed)...well quite Ed, shouldn't be an issue, shouldn't be happening, but given that it is, couldn't be working-out better really...firstly...    

On Friday 29th September 2017 the ABC South East Radio put to air a story about 'official concerns  that there will be no Male Primary School Teachers within 10 years...(because of all the Child Abuse stuff?-Ed)...well I didn't hear that mentioned, but we'll get to it, but a main part of that story was an interview with St Martins Lutheran School Principal Dianne Eckermann, who replaced John Alexander, the Principal when teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly removed from the classroom and school on the June long weekend 15 years ago...15 years of living in and watching this Paedophile Ring masquerading as a town called Mt Gambier...

Ms Eckermann was holding-forth in that sanctimonious holier-than-thou tone that senior Lutherans always do, so comfortable in the knowledge that they are just better people than us grubby plebs because, well, well just because they are...for everything I contributed to that shreckin' school, this 'tone' never disappeared, indeed, if anything it got worse! disrespect to their parents, but half the kids in my child's year could read as well as they did/do because I and another 'part-time father' spent so many hours at Reader Time, and I did hundreds of hours at whatevs 'Working Bee', etc...and that tone never changed...(so when Dianne, mate, started into her li'l spiel about how 'children from single-parent families need a strong male role model', she's talkin' right-at you as a parent of a St Martins student, a 'part-time father', and someone who was providing that strong male role model, both in the classroom and in the working bees?-Ed)...well exactly... 

***still tripping-over myself a bit with infrequent blogging and other stuff crammed in this 'ere post, sorry, will do this Lutheran/ABC stuff properly tomorrow, managed to grab some of the audio on my phone, and will transcribe some, etc...regular availees will have a very good idea of where this will go, the Lutherans, on the importance of male teachers, on the ABC...cheers***
There was also a story re the 'new On-line Tool for the Legal Services Commission', where-in people will get 'on-line' advice from 'a very reputable source'...(so this 'reputable source', they're not going to be under any pressure to get people to plead 'Guilty' to try and reduce the massively bloated Court back-log?-Ed)...well one certainly hopes not, but it is a widely-held concern just in general re the massive backlog you mentioned...again, the issue for me is one of justifying phone services as replacement for actual face-to-face services, eg, what's just happened with the closure of the most excellent South East Community Legal Service, as replaced with a part-time physical service and 'phone appointments' via Adelaide, etc...first priority every time must be about expanding personal face-to-face services, including then for those services to be greatly enhanced by supplementary phone options, not replaced by them...this is fundamentally critical with Health and Law...

Malcolm 'Turntables' Turnbull Slips A Disc:...(he can't keep his hands off his discs-Ed)...indeed, well he just about exploded with self-delight when he managed to string together several rhyming words in the same sentence, and apparently that's a 'rap'...(you're not referring to that ludicrous display on The Project tv show thingy?-Ed)...yep, apparently MCDJPM is as one wif the yoof...(was he taking requests?-Ed)...I've got a coupla' requests for him...

***was gunna' pull this next bit, it's a bit of a whinge and I'm largely re-inventing the wheel, in that writing about 'bias and/or favouritism in the AFL' is hardly a new topic, but then I see that apparently Crows players have been getting 'Trolled' somethin' awful, and given what I witnessed in that Grand Final, no Adelaide player needs to think anymore than what their demeanour showed on the day, they didn't know what was happening and eventually gave-up, largely because they weren't getting free kicks and/or Richmond were, in a massively biased manner...***

It's A Fairytale Alright:...namely, the wholly confected Australian Football League 'Richmond Fairytale' played-out to it's highly predictable conclusion on Saturday 31st September 2017, when Richmond were escorted to the Premiership by the most rankly biased umpiring that the AFL could muster...this game ran exactly as I'd personally predicted, and I actually started to feel a li'l bit sorry for the Adelaide Crows and their supporters...(of whom you used to be one?-Ed)...used to be...just before half time, when the alleged 'Richmond legend' illegally held-down his opponent but then himself received yet another free kick inside Richmond's 50m (near the goals), I swore, switched-off, and went gardening for a bit and didn't watch but maybe 2 minutes of the second half...sad, sick, corrupted...don't believe me? re-watch the game and watch the relentless Richmond shirt-pulling, grabbing of players, multiple off-ball incidents, etc, that Richmond get away with, and the sheer number of free kicks that Richmond got inside their 50m, predicted, atrociously biased umpiring kept Richmond in the game, twice, then ultimately delivered them the lead, and eventually Crows players gave-up, you can see it in their demeanours...furthermore, look at the Richmond player's faces when they get some of those free kicks, their is 'a shadow on their triumph' 'cos they know The Fix is on and they're right in it...

Better still, go back and watch the previous finals and watch the relentless pro-Geelong umpiring against Adelaide, it was even covered officially in the media after the game, and similarly, check-out the identical pro-Richmond umpiring in the other final...furthermore, I struggle to believe that it is mere coincidence that the likely winner of the major personal award, the Brownlow Medal, was ruled inadmissible only weeks before the finals, courtesy of a dodgy report for a rough-ish tackle...not mine, but I've been reading 'Comments' on media reports, etc, and there's a whole bunch of very disgruntled peeps who say that the fav was 'robbed mate', etc, and even at the official event there was mutterings about why it was the fav failed to score any points in the late round...whatevs, it's not me that's saying all this, it's being widely and officially reported...but I'll be damned if I'm gunna' sit back and watch that ludicrous display, and then allow it to be said that that was a fair final, 'cos it wasn't...   

AFL - More WTF Than The WWF:...'cos nothing that the AFL does is valid as being 'fair', the entire 'business' is carefully manipulated to provide consumers with their heroes and their villains and to build fake legends, etc, etc...and it's nothing new, yet again I'm just pointing at the bleedin' obvious and sayin', there it is, the bleedin' obvious...regular AFL availees will remember with great affection the years of extraordinary pro-Collingwood bias, a bias still largely in effect, eg, the entire AFL schedule is organised around making sure that Collingwood are in supposedly 'Classic Traditional Games' at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, because, and the AFL itself has officially acknowledged this, because it gets 'bums on seats, matey, bums on seats'...(sorry?-Ed)...more people through the gate to come see the game, makes more money for the AFL...(ah-Ed)...and accusations of this 'Official Favouritism' stuff goes back decades and has been levelled at various interstate teams too, including Adelaide itself, as the AFL sought to support new franchises, etc...

I am a deeply cynical and untrusting person, sure...(but by necessity rather than by nature-Ed)...absolutely, and, loathe as I am to admit it, I do still allow myself the odd moment of whimsy and wonderment, and dare I say it, even manage to distract myself from the grinding realities just long enough to crack actually funny jokes here on this 'ere blog, etc, but even with all that, I simply cannot summon the willing suspension of disbelief necessary to engage with the AFL wanna' belief that shizzle's for real, good luck to ya'...   

Tomorrow: Follow-Up Post On ABC Stuff Adelaide whips itself into a coma waiting for 2 grubby backpackers in panda suits, Wang Wang and Funi, to get it on, because apparently they only mate once a year and that time is now!...(really? once a year?-Ed)...yeah, it says only for 36 hours annually...(ah right, well that's why they don't get pregnant then, you'll never get preggas that way-Ed) no, 'annually', only 36 hours annually, per year...(oh right, oops, that makes my comment look a little bit like purile schoolboy humour then doesn't it?-Ed)...what, as opposed to your usual Wilde-ean Word Wizardry?...(they do realise it's 2 boy pandas they've got there?-Ed)...probably not, are they? 2 boys?...(I dunno', just talkin' nonsense-Ed)...and writing about talkin' about nonsense...

Musk Ducks Battery Of Criticism:...basically 'cos no-one asked him I think, about work conditions at his Tesla factories/workplaces, and this ludicrous 100 Megawattevs Lithium Battery that will apparently 'be in place in 100 days or it's free', or 'where does all this shreckin' Lithium come from?' and/or 'what's the Environmental Footprint of a Lithium battery then mate?'...(and how's that goin' then? we must be near 100 days?-Ed)...well that 'contract hasn't been signed yet', apparently, so therefore, apparently, the 100 Days hasn't actually even started yet...(but Labor is still saying that everything's going ahead, and some installation/preparation works have allegedly already started at the Jamestown Wind Turbine Industrial Estate where this battery is to be installed-Ed)...mate, every crass manipulation, every hyperbolic deceit about future Energy Supply, Jay Weatherill couldn't lie straight in bed...this 'World's Biggest Battery' is already half-constructed and the '100 Day Stunt' hasn't even started...

(Oh but we've got a Space Agency-Ed)'re really trying to provoke me, aren't you?...(shreck no! I've seen what happens when people try to provoke you, you go all 'scary-calm' and start verbally dismantling them!-Ed) that's not strictly my fault mate, if people wanna' get all up in my grill and shizzle and leave me literally no choice, what am I supposed to do?...(like what happened at Mt Gambier City Council's last meeting when Cr Frank Morello ambushed you immediately outside the MGCC Chamber, and then Cr Mark 'Larry' Lovett,  MGCC Manager Nick 'Mo' Serle, and MGCC CEO Mark 'Curly' McShane joined-in?-Ed)...yes Ed, exactly like that?...(and again, how'd that exactly work out for them?-Ed)...about as well as might be expected...and speaking of bright sparks...  

It's exactly one year since the State-wide Blackout of 29th September 2016...personally, only had a coupla' minor outages here at Chez TMGI in that 12 months, and one expects that that shizzle's just gunna' happen, no Electricity Grid is entirely impervious to faults and/or failings...however, the entire state 'blacking-out' is entirely unacceptable, eg, it is reported that that one dark day cost SA between $350-$400million lost in production, with damage to major smelters that shutdown production, etc...   

Had A Comment:...and I agree that everybody in the Electricity Market, from production to distribution to government, they're all 1) manipulating/deceiving consumers with a view to 2) gettin' in for their slab of a vulnerable consumer's 'Leccy Dollar, a vulnerability that is massively exacerbated by the rankly corrupt and often Fascist legislation from the wholly incompetent Rann/Weatherill Labor government...and again, think 'Fascist' is being alarmist? check-out the Wind Turbine Development Plan Amendment 2011, generated by South East farmer Richard Paltridge's win in the Environment, Resources and Development Court, when Mr Paltridge stopped the lunacy of the Allendale Wind Turbine Industrial Estate, 40+ Turbines right on top of Allendale East, etc...I've covered this repeatedly here on TMGI...

And apparently everyone has just visited Jamestown, and 'it looks fantastic', and 'it will bring people   as a tourist thing', etc, and back in Adelaide it's the lunacy (pun intended) of Space Jam/Week/Whatevs...come to Mt Gambier Mr Elon Musk, and see how we're being used as Adelaide's paedophile toilet, with another massive Mt Gambier Gaol expansion allegedly lurking just over the horizon...yes availees, I'm hopefully very, very wrong about this, but I understand that there is already a 'signed agreement' re a further 'doubling' of the privately operated Mt Gambier Gaol...(doubled from where it was say, 5 years ago before all these recent expansions, or double that final total?-Ed)...double the final total, so double the current capacity, out to nearly 1,000 here in the South East, it's the Forestry Sale, lack of jobs, almost no government services, months for even basic medical appointments and years for basic dental appointments, no public transport on weekends/public holidays, roads coming apart and bridges crumbling (reportedly to the tune of $200million+), and over the top of that, the rank Pro-paedophile Corruption that defines and decides South Australian Politics, Labor and Liberal...(yay-Ed)...

So that's who 'the Space Industry' and/or Mr Elon Musk is doing rankly corrupted business with...(corrupted?-Ed)...well it's deliberately deceitful for personal gain as far as Weatherill/Labor are concerned...(yes, but it is just possible that Mr Musk actually genuinely believes his own farcical fantasies about what SA is and/or can do, and is not just in it for the money that the rankly corrupt Weatherill Labor government is clearly obsessed with throwing at him-Ed)...whatevs Ed, I don't know and I really don't care, it's a fundamentally farcical frivolity to be babbling about mounting Martian Men mission-style with a massive probe...(I think you mean mounting a manned mission to Mars with a giant ship/probe-Ed)...whatevs Ed, just whatevs, because back here on Earth where we actually is, our basic Electricity Reality will seek us all out this Summer, both here in South Australia and potentially also in Victoria...(unless of course we can afford home-based solar generation with large storage and a generator to back that-up-Ed)...well indeed, welcome to the exciting new Age of Renewables in SA, can't keep the lights on, but we're going to Mars apparently...
Labor have spent at least $550million on Stop-Gap Measures that by design and implementation are only to be used when our entire State is by definition already 'in crisis', it's a sick joke...oh, and another 2 senior Health Dept officials have just quit as the SA Health Service continues to hemorrhage high-ranking officials, not least of all Labor's dual Health Ministers, Jack 'The Rat' Snelling and Lisa 'I Reckon I'm Still Well Enough To Head This Well-Paid Committee, Cheers' Vlahos...and in response, here comes the latest mono-tonal automaton moron from Labor, Mr Malinauskas, sayin' everything's fine, just fine...straight-out of a Union, straight onto the Labor front bench, and about as believable as the two Ministers he 'replaced'...(sweet baby cheeses-Ed)...I know mate, I know...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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