Monday, February 27, 2017

Some Court Stuff With Some Other Stuff

***Dear Availees, welcome to yet another partly finished post from months ago, clumsily goes sumthin'...***

Howdy to Canada, Luxembourg, Mexico and Poland and welcome to TMGI...and as promised, the first in a series of posts about my Court stuff, a Court case now running to 17-19 hearings since it all first kicked-off in February 2015...(wow-Ed)...yeah I know, can't help feeling that I'm just a li'l bit special, what with all the extraordinary effort/expenditure/attention focussed on l'il ol' me...where to start though?...(how's about a quick review of that bizarre legislation?-Ed)...great idea, let the bizarreness explain itself...
      A person must not, except as authorised by the Commissioner or a court hearing proceedings
      for an offence against this Act, publish or cause to be published -
      (a)   information tending to suggest that a particular person is, has been, may be,
             or may have been, the subject of a complaint, report, assessment, investigation or
             referral under this Act; or
      (b)   information that might enable a person who has made a complaint or report
             under this Act to be identified or located; or                        (Club GoGo Bananas Act)

And of course, despite the fact that I've received no specific direction about what I can and can't say re identifying the Banana Lord and/or the Club GoGo Bananas I have to use these pseudonyms, because due to this extraordinarily vast, sweeping, all-encompassing and yet undefinable piece of wildly Fascist legislation that I am being persecuted with, it is "possibly", "potentially" another breach of the CGGB Act for me to even identify the charges I am currently facing and/or actually identify the Authority involved...(I still struggle to get my head around that one, you can't name the charges you're facing, bizarre-Ed)...well not 'can't name', but 'probably shouldn't'...(it's still bizarre-Ed)...indeed...

But because it's been read-out in open Court, by the Magistrate, back in May 2015, here again (above) is the actual legislation/charge that I am currently facing 19 counts there-of...and whilst I'm being very careful to only discuss issues that have been aired in the various Court sessions and/or the media, I am not aware of any 'Suppression Orders' re my case...(except of course for those SAPol documents that you aren't allowed to post-Ed)...yeah, fair enough, but that's a single, very specific 'Order' that SAPol Prosecutions asked for 'cos they're concerned I'll use them on this 'ere blog...(and there was/is that general 'Order' to the media, well, The Border Watch-Ed)...and again, only a general warning about not mentioning the Banana Lord and/or CGGB...    

A Brief History:...back on May 7th and 8th 2014, two Adelaide-based SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch detectives attended (7th) then very politely raided (8th) my li'l ol' abode here in Mt Gambier...when they rocked-up on my doorstep Wednesday afternoon (7th), video camera literally in hand, it was stated to me that I had put something about the Club GoGo Bananas and/or the Banana Lord on my blog, but they refused to tell me what exactly until I was being 'properly interviewed'...(but if they're talking to you about it, with a video camera in hand, aren't you already being interviewed?-Ed)...well I repeatedly asked if I was being recorded (across 7th and 8th), and was repeatedly told "no"...(but what about that brief 'discussion' 0900hrs on the 8th, in that Mt Gambier Police Station interview room? was that recorded?-Ed)...apparently not, but gourd knows... 

Anyhoos, I went straight to the only legal advice I could afford, my (South East) Community Legal Service...actually, the very first time was on the 8th, via the detectives' mobile phone, from that interview room, and then very briefly in person when I was on my way home from there...and that was immediately followed by 'The Raid'...(oh dear, not a wabble of woudy house-waiders?-Ed), just the 2 of them, and it was all bizarrely polite really...whatevs...on 8th May 2014 I/my home was officially raided by SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch and my (borrowed) laptop was 'seized as evidence'...and I ain't seen it since...this stuff is covered in posts from that time, so please to be checking them out now if y'all haven't already, cheers... 

Basically, I went back to SECLS...(long may they advise-Ed)...with the photocopy of the piece of legislation, and the first thing I asked them was, 'given the vague and sweeping language of the CGGB Act, are you (a lawyer) even allowed to talk to me about this stuff'?...(oh come on! what a ridiculous question!-Ed)...SECLS found it necessary to write to the Banana Lord and ask that exact question...(ah, right-Ed) fact, they had to write twice because the Banana Lord's initial response was, 'you're his lawyer, you advise him'...(rrright, so what happened?-Ed)...the second letter generated an official, written Banana Lord 'Authorisation'...(ah yes-Ed)...and here t'is again... 

     Authorisation pursuant to section ?? of the ???? Act ??

     In accordance with section ?? of the ???? Act ('????' Act), I authorise Mr Nick Fletcher
     or a legal practitioner acting for Mr Nick Fletcher to publish, or cause to be published,
     information the publication of which is otherwise prohibited by section ?? of the ???? Act,
     to such persons as is necessary for the purposes of advising or assisting Mr Fletcher in
     relation to the current investigation and/or prosecution of Mr Fletcher in relation to an
     alleged breach of section ?? of the ???? Act, or to a person listed below:
          -  A member of Mr Fletcher's family;
          -  A friend of Mr Fletcher; or
          -  A medical practitioner who is providing care to Mr Fletcher.

***...signed and dated July 28th 2014...without any charges being laid, I needed written permission from the Banana Lord to speak to my own family and/or a doctor, and even more concernedly, to even speak to a lawyer...and a leap from there to this next bit, but it's still very relevant***

the cops aren't even in a Court, they're sitting in their own station somewhere in Adelaide, probably recording everything off the AV link...(how is that even legal? why do you have to front-up time-and-again and be brow-beaten in a Courtroom here in Mt Gambier, whilst SAPol Prosecutions are allowed to sit in their own office back in Adelaide?-Ed)...first things first, since when has the conduct of my case got anything to do with what's 'legal' or 'Justice'?...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...I'm still waiting for SAPol to provide me the promised answers re why/how/WTF is going-on with their amazingly inept handling of my case...I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to explain to me how it is that my alleged heinous crimes have somehow landed me in Court, but without me ever being charged or even Summonsed to Court...(but how? how can you be 'in Court' without being charged? or Summonsed? how is any of that even possible?-Ed)...Ed! keep-up mate, this is the South Australian Justice System...(orr right, yeah sorry-Ed)...but to answer your question...

During the bizarre Court-ordered Pre-Trial Conference phone-link conversation with SAPol Prosecutions' Ms Diamandi back in March 4th 2016, her boss, the head of SAPol Prosecutions, Andrew Paesch, suddenly and un-announcedly lobbed-into the conversation from the side because Ms Diamandi was struggling with my refusal to simply 'admit' my heinous crimes, and my constant questioning about the failure to charge and/or Summons me!...Ms Diamandi had not identified that anyone else was present and Andy was clearly 'eavesdropping' on the conversation but just couldn't keep 'is fat trap shut...(wow, dodgy eavesdropping of his own colleague, classy-Ed)'s not eaves-dropping of anyone but me mate!...(fair enough-Ed)...        

***another gap, but still very relevant...part-way into that Court-ordered phone conversation Andy bobbed-in from the peripherals...(how did that work-out for him?-Ed)...not well...Mr Paesch made a series of claims and associated promises to provide a litany of written answers to my many questions...this has been repeatedly discussed in Court, and led to Magistrate Anderson issuing a Summons to SAPol (Commissioner Grant Stevens)...(wow-Ed)...***

 Ms Diamandi has then immediately proceeded in a Perjury direction, stating in writing to the Court that 'no-one else has been present for these calls'...(but that's an outright lie!-Ed)...indeed, that's what Perjury is Ed, lying in Court...(oh yeah-Ed)...and just one in a series of lies, deceits, deliberate omissions, and unexplained gross irregularities...(why didn't you raise this SAPol Perjury with the Magistrate?-Ed)...I did...(and?-Ed)...and the Magistrate dismissed it as irrelevant because 'if Mr Paesch was in the body of the Court, you wouldn't know anyway'...(well yeah you would, because in a Closed Court, as this was again in June 2016 and August 2016 PTC hearings, he'd be the only one there-Ed)...fair point... 

***and one last bit that is indeed quite harsh, but given what's been deliberately done to me by SAPol Prosecutions, the lies of SAPol Prosecutions, the unrelenting contempt for the Court that this conduct has dragged SAPol Prosecutions into, the litany of provable lies in a 2 year long farce that is still going absolutely nowhere...given all that, I'd argue vehemently that the aforementioned and soon to follow harshness is absolutely warranted...(and didn't you say he tried to glare you down at one hearing?-Ed)...indeed he did...(and how did that work-out for him?-Ed)...not well, not well...***

Indeed, Mr Andrew Paesch is exactly the sort of inept, corrupt, plodding mouth-breather that I've encountered time-and-again in dealing with an apparently wholly corrupted and pro-paedophile 'System', people just smart enough to be corrupt and selfish...

***...and that's where I got to...sure there are many decent people and many, many very average peeps, whatevs, but Mr Paesch's unbelievably unprofessional conduct as the head of SAPol Prosecutions is an insult to my intelligence, and nothing short of contempt for the Court!...and I've stated this over and over in Court, and even caught them again at the latest hearing on February 8th 2017...(really? I didn't read that in the The Border Watch report of said hearing-Ed)...well now there's a surprise...(you don't look surprised, in fact, you don't even look pissed-off-Ed)...pissed-off Ed? strewth, it's exactly this sort of 'post-truth reporting' by TBW and the SouthEast ABC that have made me a legend in my own lunchbox...every time they do this pseudo-reporting about me, it just fuels that legend...I'm apparently "notorious" (TBW) don't you know...(you bastard-Ed)...

And I have had people suggestin' that what TBW and SE ABC do is exactly that, just straight-out 'Post-Truth' or 'Fake News'...(well I for one find their reportage to be spotless and without flaw-Ed)...what!?...(it's certainly not contaminated by your opinion-Ed)...aha, an amusing reference to the many, many times that TBW has seen fit to report about me but not actually asked me about it...(like when they printed that article about MGCC/CEO Mark McShane exonerating Councillor Von Stanke for coming to your humble abode with a letter threatening 'defamation'?-Ed)...exactly...(didn't mention what it was he'd been exonerated of, and didn't include contacting you for comment-Ed)...that's some 'A' grade journalism right there...(and why people say things to you like 'I don't read The Border Watch, I come to your blog for what's happening'-Ed)...and it happened again just the other day...(if it weren't so serious, it would truly be hilarious-Ed)...indeed...

(What really concerns me though, is the South East ABC, and the ABC in general-Ed)...indeed, the good ol' ABC what likes to tell me repeatedly that they are my "most trusted news source", apparently 'unaffected by bias or agenda'...well, again Ed, I'd argue that the ABC's lawyers have, in their self-righteous rush to heap shizzle on me, have also acted with contempt for the Court...(well, again, Perjury is Contempt, I'd have thought-Ed)...indeed, Perjury is Contempt Ed...(see, and now you're smiling...ya' startin' to freak me-out a bit, not only are you not pissed-off about the ABC's multiple Perjuries, you appear to actually like them, enjoy them even already, heavens to murgatroyd-Ed)...when Life hands you lemons mate...(make lemonade?-Ed), hold Life down and squeeze lemon juice into it's eyes...(ouch!-Ed)...ouch alright...

As repeatedly discussed in Court and previously posted, it is the Affidavit submitted to the Court by South East ABC, with it's extraordinarily slanderous and entirely unsupported allegations and the multiple glaring and provable omissions, it's that unambiguously biased Affidavit that I used to argue successfully for the Court to issue a Summons to the ABC (in Ultimo, Sydney) fro that supporting info!...(wow-Ed)...indeed...(and in response?-Ed)...the ABC's senior lawyers argued that it was all a bit difficult, "oppressive", and ultimately failed to provide a single actual relevant document, not one letter, not one email, not nuthin'...and that's despite very specific claims in that Affidavit about very specific documents/actions/whatevs...what a farcical joke from clumsily corrupt self-important half-wits, so ensconced in their importance and their corruption they don't even bother to really try...pathetic...I cannot wait to get South East ABC into Court and bend them right-over their own Affidavit...(I'll bring my banjo-Ed)...   
Tomorrow: More Court, And Why Not

And a thundering truck-load of Mt Gambier City Council Corruption...(so we're just going to nibble 'round the edges a bit?-Ed) Ed, but I appreciate the witty alluding to the sheer vastness of MGCC's corruption, such that 'a bit of a nibble' is a 'truckload'...(one tries where one can-Ed)...

Quite possibly several posts in just a few days as I get some stuff organised better, not least of all this Court stuff, MGCC corruption, etc, etc...(I note that the NSW RSL Council has been sacked and the Victorian Parliament Speaker and Deputy Speaker have both resigned, all re 'corruption' issues-Ed)...your point?...(well sometimes these clowns get what they got comin'-Ed) South Australia?...(well no, I can't say I've seen that happen-Ed)...exactly, look how corrupt MGCC is and yet we supposedly have an ICAC (Anti-Corruption Commission) that's gunna' sort-out all that sortta' shizzle...(yeah, fair point-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Gang's All Here

***another post part-written many weeks, possibly months ago, whatevs, briefly tidied-up as best I can, and posted...haven't been coping particularly well with several of the many things I've got goin' on...some have suggested that I shouldn't talk about my failings and thus give succour to those whom persecute me and those whom see fit to criticise the Man...(Bear Stuff-Pig-Ed)...ok, thankyou...those who see fit to criticise me for standing my ground but rarely if ever actually do anything about any of the many unpleasant realities involved...(ahhh, those people-Ed)...yeah, them, well some say I shouldn't give them succour/pleasure/whatevs by talking about how much I struggle/suffer with some of this stuff...(and what do you have to say about that young man!?-Ed)...I say...

Succour On This:...because I splutter, I stall, I fail, I fall, and I Crash And Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy (CABIN Fever)...I do all of these things over and over...and then I get up and I go again...and again...and again...and again...until it has become pretty much all I know, and I truly wonder if I can ever know any other way of being...(yay-Ed)...and you shrecks made me this way, I am the Frankenhippy of your lightning...(what?-Ed)...the special effects, the thunder and the lightning thing, remember? for dramatic effect? when I say 'the Fr...(-flash-KRAK-KCRAAAASSHH-BBBOOOMMBOOBOOMBOOMMMMMM-RRRrumbleRRruummbbble....rumble-Ed), not 'as' I say 'the Frankenhippy', aft...(-flash-KRAK-KCRAAAASSHH-BBBOOOMMBOOBOOMBOOMMMMMM-RRRrumbleRRruummbbble...rumble-Ed)...are you quite done?...

(And haven't you chosen some lovely ground to stand on-Ed)...mate! I was just standin' here mindin' my own business when this ship-sized stack of shizzle was dumped right on me! on every level, on every front, this chose me, these clowns chose me...(well I knew somebody regretted choosing something-Ed)...I'll say it again...(if you must-Ed)...all of this, all of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and the subsequent institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption exposed in SAPol (police), the Lutheran Church, the South Australian Parliament, etc, etc, it all existed before I even knew about it...and re St Martins and Glyn Dorling, these people, these people who should have sorted-it-out, they chose instead to cover-it-up, and dumped all their corruption on me and the other families...and that's the community I live in, even on a good day...on with the post***

Howdy y'all in Slovenia, Turkmenistan, Switzerland, and Turkey...(welcome back Turkey-Ed)...indeed, lost you there for a while, but glad to see that you're back, albeit intermittently, cheers...regular availees will be aware that Turkey's President Erdogan had/has banned 'Social Media', including stuff like blogs, but we here at this 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, we still get the occasional 'availee'...(always welcome-Ed)...indeed, but we digress...

Please find attached below the front page from The Border Watch, Tuesday 13th September 2016, and associated farcical carry-on...(looks like someone's desperately keen to try and give SAPol some sort of credibility in this town, this corrupted li'l town where SAPol are one of the the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up you say?...(yes, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, where-in dozens (potentially hundreds) of junior primary students (aged 6-8) were systematically groomed and abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, at St Martins, from the late 1990s into June 2002-Ed)...ahhh, that Child Abuse Cover-up...

I also remind availees of Trevor Twilleys' extraordinary comments in TBW back in December 2014, when he was directly quoted as saying that he knew 'people in positions of importance/influence in Mt Gambier who are on/using 'Ice'...(orrr yeah, when TBW went with that hilarious leader/banner, 'Drug Use In High Places'-Ed)...yeah, 'cos there's nothing quite as funny as your local senior cop stating that he knows senior community members/people who are using 'Ice', so why wouldn't you make an atrociously stupid pun about it...(yeah, it's right-up there with TBWs' constant use of the term 'Breaking The Ice'-Ed)...indeed, when they're not helping cover-up the gross paedophile abuse of children in local schools/kindergartens/whatevs, TBW loves nuthin' more than an appallingly inappropriate pun about the nightmare reality that is the 'Ice' epidemic swamping Mt Gambier and Districts...(yay-Ed)...

***hello again, just a quick pre-disclaimer disclaimer to super-clearly identify that the following refers to many rumours that have reached my ears and/or face area re Mr Twilley...(or as we like to call him, T Five-0-Ed)...ranging widely across issues re Mr Twilley's alleged drug use and/or involvement and/or alcoholism, etc/ is rather inevitable that a few people are going to have a few choice things to say about the senior SAPol officer, and even if they're right, not all of them get the luxury of front-page coverage...again, there are/were multiple rumours re Mr Twilley and I don't know and I don't care, because for all I know he asked his boss 'what's this St Martins stuff on that blog?', or he rooted the bishop's wife, whatevs...(it could just be relatively innocuous, ya' know, as presented, SAPol move senior people and T Five 0 don't wanna' go, etc-Ed) presented? look, there's no need to be ridiculous...anyhoos, whatevs 'cos it's the clowns clamouring around to profoundly sound-out their effervescent support for Mr Twilley, that's who I'm lookin' at...and it's this gushing exuberance for T-Five 0 that has surely led to the rumour/joke just below***

And in that context, the hilarious joke on the street, is that these 'people in high places' are desperately keen to not lose their 'connection' to 'Ice', namely Trevor, in a context where the self-same streets are awash with rumours that the SAPol Superintendent was suddenly and inexplicably removed because of his direct specific involvement in the 'Ice' trade...(indeed, whilst I've heard various versions of the same rumour, it is the 'scuttlebutt', it is the word on the street, that Trev got the rocket because of some involvement with 'Ice' and/or an 'Ice bust'-Ed)...indeed, it is the rumour that Supt Twilley was involved in an 'Ice bust', but involved not in his official capacity as the person stopping the 'Ice trade', but rather for his involvement with 'Ice'...I repeat my point that these are the rumours, rumours, that are doing the rounds, and that these rumours have differed somewhat, as rumours do, but the consistent content has been about Supt Twilleys' inappropriate involvement with 'Ice'...

Those are other peoples' rumours/accusations/whatevs and to me that's all they are, rumours, and quite frankly I really don't give a rats-arse, because to me he's just the latest in a series of corrupt SAPol officers who are intimately and irreversibly linked to the St Martins Cover-up...Terry Harbour, Mark Fairney, Trevor Twilley, all the same to me...and it's all the same to me because it's all there right on that page, all of the most critical players in the St Martins Cover-up, SAPol Commissioner and former head of the Paedophile Taskforce, Grant Stevens...(booo!-Ed) Premier Jay Weatherill...(hissss!-Ed)...and Glyn Dorlings' lawyer from the rankly corrupt TRB/CSO hearing, and Jay Weatherills' business partner, Stephen Lieschke...(ummm, boo! hiss!-Ed)...indeed Ed, boo, hiss...

(And wasn't it the head of the SA Police Association, Mr Carroll who was made the lead investigator for Comm Mullighan and his Child Abuse Royal Commission, after notoriously corrupt pro-paedophile lawyer (and now ex-Magistrate) Bill Morris was hounded-off that Commission by Child Protection Activists?-Ed)...indeed...(and doesn't ex-Magistrate Morris's definable criminality specifically involve drink-drive-murderer Eugene McGee and their collusion to steal the Court-seized assets of their mate, convicted paedophile Magistrate Peter Liddy?-Ed)...ahh dear, Stevens, Weatherill, Lieschke, Morris, McGee, and Liddy....Adelaide is a funny little town isn't it?...

***me again, and we're briefly back in February 2017...had Court again Wednesday February 8th, 2017, and on the day before I saw Bill Morris in Mt Gambier, and when I commented on this to someone they asked if he was here as my 'fly-in/fly-out' Magistrate, but of course he ain't no Magistrate no more...(he was probably here to visit his mate Liddy out at the Mt Gambier Gaol-Ed)...well that's exactly what I thought Ed...and imagine my surprise to see the Channel 7 Today Tonight program Monday last week (Feb 13th 2017) showing that convicted paedophile Liddy has been writing children's books and smuggling them out of the gaol to a publisher interstate...(I wonder who's been doing that smuggling for him-Ed)...I also wonder......I just love South Australia...***

An Apology Of Sorts:...but in it's context, an unreserved apology because it's simply not my place to tell Ms Kropinyeri how she should go about her business or who to associate with, etc, but to me as a White Australian so deeply mired in the soulless cynicism of the South Australian politic, particularly when it comes to our treatment of Aboriginal peoples, I see this as yet another example of Aboriginal people being dragged into politics when it suits the politicians...bottom-line, I don't know and it's not my business...I apologise to Ms Kropinyeri if I have caused any offence, please understand that I completely exclude her from the criticisms I have levelled at others on this page...            

Moving for this farcical declaration that "the region has seen a 47pc reduction in crime", what a load of absolute bollocks, what town are you clowns living in? sure ain't this one...(well if the Mt Gambier Police Station is closed half the time, that is likely to half your crime statistics!-Ed)...nicely sarcasmed Ed, indeed, whilst fresh reports of a 'closed station' haven't reached me lately, those words are still ringing in my ears from the various examples/claims I've heard over recent years, 'went there but no-one answered the bell', etc...this '47%' is a random nonsense and bears absolutely no resemblance to the reality...

For example, I recently reluctantly had to attend a Housing Trust (Housing SA) Tribunal re the extraordinarily violent ('domestic violence') and disruptive behaviours of an 'Ice'-addicted couple, in a context where I had called SAPol 10-12 times over about 9 months, and was aware that other neighbours had called dozens of times, often multiple times in the same day as the violent behaviours escalated, often at around 0300hrs-0500hrs...(charming-Ed)...indeed, this is/was a definitive study in the lack of and/or rank failure of Mental Health and/or Drug Rehabilitation services in the South East region, and how the Housing Trust are being used as a pseudo-outpatients service for those suffering Drug and/or Mental Health problems...(and the 2 are very often inextricably linked-Ed)...absolutely Ed, and the current situation is only set to worsen as the South Australian Health System continues to be dismantled by a Rann/Weatherill Labor government that has privatised Health Provision in SA via the disastrously corrupt Royal Adelaide Hospital project...(yay-Ed)...but we digress...

Point being, I know roughly how many times SAPol were contacted and/or at least conducted door-knock visits, and that runs to dozens of times, again often multiple times in a day/early morning, and yet when it came to the official Tribunal there we were apparently only a handful of 'official complaints'...(well what happened to all the others? there were dozens-Ed)...well indeed, and that's my point...I know that there were dozens of reports/attendances, yet there were apparently/officially only a few...I don't know why this would be the case, but I'm assuming that police attendance at that address was so frequent that they (police) didn't bother to 'officially' log many of those occurrences...whatevs, the 'official' record was a fifth of the reality, less...'47%' means absolutely nothing...(and didn't SAPol recently contact you about giving evidence against the man involved re the domestic violence stuff-Ed)...that's right Ed, indeed they did, coupla' months ago now, several times...

Police, to their credit, were trying to prosecute this man for his multiple violent assaults of his 'partner', but this woman was refusing to press charges/co-operate/whatevs, and needed us neighbours to give evidence/statements, etc, otherwise SAPol effectively had no I'm going to mention it, then go past it, the extraordinary, and I mean absolutely extraordinary situation where SAPol would contact me and ask me to help them...(wow, I know I say it alot, but that really is just wow-Ed)...I know, right?...what SAPol have done to me and/or other families re the St Martins Cover-up, in particular their extraordinary conduct in the extraordinary Pro-paedophile Political Persecution I am currently being subjected to via this bizarre Court case...and then they want to contact me and ask me to help...I'll say it myself, wow...

Unfortunately, I had not actually specifically witnessed any of the physical assaults because they occurred either inside, or at night, or in my whilst I could offer numerous accounts of the blood-curdling screaming and the violent crashing that had my windows rattling (across the street) and indistinguishable 'people' stuffing-about in the dark out in the street screaming, brawling, etc, at 0400hrs, I'm no good as an eyewitness because I didn't actually witness put it in context though, only a month after these people moved in (August 2015), their brawling/arguments were so frequent that I actually did a 'welfare concern' call to SAPol because I hadn't heard her screeching and/or screaming for 3 days, immediately following the latest violent episode...imagine what it was like for the two elderly ladies stuck either side as immediate neighbours...not the Housing Trusts greatest hour...

And yes, several people have suggested/stated to me that this was done deliberately to upset/stress me, and quite frankly, given what I've experienced and continue to experience of Mt Gambier it really wouldn't surprise me, really it wouldn't, but I personally believe that it was just a massive cock-up from the Housing Trust, combined with the gross failure of Drug and/or Mental Health services, services that in many contexts simply don't exist in the South East...but I digress...      

As stated above, here in this attached article are some of the main players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up... 

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff As Promised

There comes a time when a man has to accept his limitations and accept that despite his best efforts, he is fundamentally screwed, and so it is with the conduct of the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution* that I am being subjected to in the SA Magistrates Court...the entire power of the State, from the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Premier Jay Weatherill, via an equally corrupt Club GoGo Bananas and the Banana Lord, and a wholly corrupt SAPol, and a pro-paedophile corrupt Crown Solicitor, Director of Public Prosecution, etc, etc, et al...     (*quoting myself from Court, as led to the 'Malicious Prosecution' stuff)

I am not a lawyer, yet I am being forced to represent/defend myself, up against a wholly contemptuous SAPol Prosecutions who have regularly perjured themselves, including in writing to the Court, and have repeatedly ignored specific Court Orders re providing documents/explanations/whatevs, and have acknowledged, again in writing, that I wasn't Summonsed to the original hearing way back in February 2015, but have failed to explain why I have never been actually charged...(not charged and not Summonsed-Ed)...yep...(wow-Ed)...I know!...(February 2015? seems like only 18 months and 20 hearings ago-Ed)...heh! I'll do the humour 'round here thanks...(I'm not seeing much evidence of that-Ed)...taboomtish...

Dear availees, given the deeply confronting subject matter in todays' post, horrendous Domestic Violence, the St Martins Cover-up stuff, the 'Ice' problems, the collapse of the Health Service, etc, I feel uncomfortable about even attempting humour in this post, but attempt it I have because 'a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down'...regular availees will appreciate that I am trying very, very hard to not bludgeon people with relentlessly dire commentary, in a context where the subject matter is fundamentally horrendous...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

***and cheers y'all for your continuing patience and support...still trying, and I'll find that other page 4 to this article, but I reckon the main points are here, Jay Weatherill/Stephen Lieschke, Grant Stevens, the Police Association, etc...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Mt Gambier City Council Tries To Hide Their Corruption In SA ICAC

...(because that's what South Australia's ICAC is designed for after all-Ed)...well exactly Ed, exactly...and a big TMGI howdy in Bulgaria, the USofA, Bangladesh, and Latvia, and cheers to y'all else all's a very short, sharp post today because the game is as obvious as it is afoot...(whaaa?-Ed)...the game is afoot, the game is currently being played-out...(oh oh, right, I get it, it's happening as we converse-Ed)...yeah, and by it's very existence makes itself immediately obvious...('as obvious as it is afoot', nice, I'm going to use it in conversation-Ed) my guest...

Another bludgeoning week just passed, what with yet another Court appearance, mini-heatwave, extended family visitationing...(is this where I say 'we love them 'cos they're family, but sometimes...'-Ed)...indeed, or as I like to say, 'we love to see them back, but eventually we love to see them backs'...(you ol' poet you-Ed)...and there's the physical reality of being occupied effectively all day every day with said visitationings...(and of course the bizarre Court stuff continues-Ed)...indeed, and I surely don't handle the heat at all well these days either...(what I can't understand is how The Border Watch newspaper had direct quotes from your latest Court hearing, 'cos I didn't see a TBW person in the Court proper or even in the building-Ed)...yes, I'm keen to learn myself just exactly how that is done, so how's about...

Tomorrow: Holding Court With Notorious N.I.C. 

But as for today's simple post, well, it's simple...just over two weeks ago Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee was in the news re some seriously dodgy dealings with his Chinese business partner whilst in China on a Ratepayer funded trip in early 2016, the Mayor's subsequent part-purchase of a Coonawarra winery, and failings by Mayor Lee to disclose ownership and/or income, etc, etc, ad infinitum...sus' as all get-out...and this was reported in The Advertiser, and then 'responded' to in the Mt Gambier media...(and like, wow!-Ed)...not 'like wow!' Ed, exactly wow! of the worst, arguably the most pathetically inept 'Dorothy Dixer', armchair-ride interviews I've ever heard on the wholly corrupted Mt Gambier ABC Radio...     (sus' - suspect)

Mayor Lee repeatedly contradicted himself to the point that I actually lost track of what he was saying...first and most critical was 'I've got rid of my business (restaurant?) to concentrate on being Mayor', a statement that appeared to go entirely unchallenged by the ABC...(but the whole thing was about Lee buying into a business?-Ed)...well exactly, so why wasn't he held to account on that?...(and doesn't he have other businesses as well?-Ed)...apparently, but he doesn't want to talk about that/those...(oh well that's ok then, if he doesn't want to talk about them, I'm sure it's because that's all fine, just fine-Ed)...indeed, just super-fine I'm sure...and then it was an incoherent ramble through Mr Lee's various assertions about his own honesty and integrity...(well if he says so-Ed)...and I've no idea what was going on re the meeting in China, because Mr Lee seemed to say he wasn't there, but then that he was, but purely socially, and that he didn't speak to his business partner about the winery they co-owned only months later...(wow! with a strewth! chaser-Ed) gets better...

Mayor Lee, having been outed for not declaring income from said winery, stated 1) that he didn't realise that he needed to declare it...(I find that very hard to believe-Ed) and every other actual person in Mt Gambier...and then 2) that it wasn't actually a breach because he still had 5 days left to declare...(so he'd been sitting on it for several weeks, but hadn't declared it?-Ed)...apparently, but the real jewel in this crown of interviews was Andrew's attempts to laugh-it-up by stating that he wanted to 'thank the journo for pointing-out to me my careless omission because otherwise I would have forgotten to declare that income'...(I personally cannot stop laughing-Ed)...again, you and every other actual person in this town...

But even more bizarre...(how did I know, how did we all know that you were going to say that?-Ed)...were Mayor Lee's statements re that reportage in The Advertiser, because he seemed to be saying that they had contacted him for comment, that he had then corrected and/or explained the situation/allegations, but that The Advertiser had proceeded to print the story they did, with those allegations...(but if he'd spoken to The Advertiser and explained the supposedly appropriate 'facts' and the newspaper then went ahead and knowingly printed those non-truths, then isn't that defamation of Mayor Lee by the paper?-Ed)...well quite, Mayor Lee clearly stated that The Advertiser had printed things he had told them were untrue, things that clearly bring the Mayor's reputation and credibility into question...and that right there's 'Defamation 101'...

The entire interview was one long infomercial for Explain-Away, it neatly white-washes over those nasty allegations and unsightly improprieties, Explain-Away...a mind-numbing traipse through accountability and away out the other side entirely unscathed...pathetic...and then comes the truly, truly bizarre response from Mt Gambier City Council to this extraordinary conduct by the Mayor...(here we go, you're smiling, this'll be good-Ed)...only if you call the crassly conspiratorial collusion of carefully constructed criminality to completely cover-up City Council corruption good, if you call that good, because apart from that it's exactly as I just described it...(yeah yeah, 'Mt Gambier City Council acting corruptly', whatevs dude, we've heard it all before and it's like saying 'this steak is beefy'-Ed), this isn't them just being corrupt amongst themselves with the litany of corrupt Tenders often involving the rankly criminal Nepotism stuff, the raft of Councillors 'Conflict of Interest' issues, usually ignored, etc, etc, what they've done this time directly breaches the ICAC Act 2012...(as I said before, yeah yeah, Mt Gambier City Council acting with wantonly corrupt disregard for legislation, what's new?-Ed)...this is different, this is very different, this is the ICAC...(let's pretend like I don't understand what that means exactly, and explain it to me-Ed)...sure...

Corrupt, Nepotistic Tenders and various other internal rorts and corruptions, are all very much against the law, supposedly, but the Independent Commission Against Corruption and associated ICAC Act 2012 specifically governs elected and other public officials, and includes very specific sections/directions stating that any public official/politician/whatevs, they are all absolutely obliged to report any concerns re corruption, malfeasance, etc, and that there is not to be any discussion of those allegations, the report, who's involved, etc, etc...(who are you sir, so learned in the ways of ICAC?-Ed)...I'm the dude who went to ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander's totes-hilarious One Man Comedy Roadshow, ways back in November 2016, where-in The Big Bruce-kowski clearly stated that this is how it was to be so...(clear as mud-Ed)...simple, if you're a politician/Councillor/public servant/whatevs you are obliged under the ICAC Act 2012, you are obliged to report any concerns/suspicions/incidents/whatevs, to the ICAC, possibly via the Office for Public Integrity, whatevs, but you are obliged to report, bound by law to report, and then obliged to shut-the-hell-up, bound by law to shut-the-hell-up...(I think I can see the problem here-Ed)...away you go champ...(cheers-Ed)...

(Well, in it's broadest sense, the allegations should have gone straight to the OPI/ICAC, and then no-one should say anything about it-Ed)...that is exactly accurate mate...(it's way out-of-bounds for Mt Gambier City Council to do what they've done and hold a 'secret meeting' to discuss this-Ed)...absolutely in direct contradiction of the ICAC Act 2012...(there is no discussion to be had, MGCC and/or individual Councillors were/are obliged to report, it's not open to debate, and then it's not to be discussed-Ed)...and leading on from that, why did MGCC put this 'secret meeting' in their official 'Minutes', for it then to be reported by TBW, itself a further breach of ICAC Act 2012?...(the whole thing really reeks mate, and I mean like really reeks-Ed)...and welcome to The Game...

The about taking the rank corruption of the Mt Gambier City Council and burying it for years in the wholly corrupted SA ICAC...SA ICAC is where SA corruption goes to hide...just look at the rankly corrupt 'Gillman Land Sale' farce from SA ICAC...(and the 2 year pseudo-investigation and exoneration of Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine and her subsequent outrageous outburst in State Parliament, using Parliamentary Privilege to rail against a journalist and call directly for SAPol (police) to arrest him!-Ed)...that's the one, right there...(now that's corrupt!-Ed)...and that's The Game we are playing now...(ahhh, I get it now-Ed)...go on then...

(Well we don't know who tipped-off The Advertiser, but it's likely one of 2 things, namely, 1) a very disgruntled employee has had a gutful, and apparently MGCC is currently festooned with angry soon-to-be-ex-employees and others abundantly under-whelmed by Council and it's wholly Nepotistic corruption, etc, etc-Ed)...well, it's certainly possible..(but it's far more likely that, 2) someone from within Council has deliberately exposed these relatively minor infractions by Mayor Lee, as a way of getting in front of the current wave of community fury, etc, and shutting-down any further discussion on any of Council's multiple corruption-related issues/allegations-Ed)!...(and that's why they had to have that meeting, and the wholly complicit The Border Watch reported it, to get that discussion point out into the public consciousness, 'it's gone to the ICAC'-Ed) on Ed, but still one more step...(ummm, because now McShane et al can and will unofficially refer/defer to this alleged ICAC investigation, whilst officially stating that he/they cannot comment-Ed)...cannot comment until?...(until he/Council gets official written permission from the ICAC Commissioner that they're allowed to talk about it, then it'll be 'we're allowed to say that we cannot talk about it'-Ed)...and here endeth the lesson...

And CEO Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans is gunna' have to be known as CEO Mark 'Sgt Shultz' McShane because he apparently 'knows nothing' about any of it...(and neither does Wattle Range Mayor Peter Gandolfi, even though he was at that same dinner party in China-Ed)...whatta' joke...this whole thing is a reeking, rotten set-up, be it right from the beginning or in response to a genuine complaint, whatevs, this is now 100% about burying Mt Gambier City Council's corruption in the ICAC for years...and this is exactly what the SA ICAC is designed to do, threaten genuine Whistleblowers and make genuine Whisleblowing effectively illegal, whilst providing a haven for the rankly corrupt, people the like of Mt Gambier City Council...(mmm, indeed that does smell very Gamey-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, February 6, 2017

Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission Is A Corrupt Joke

***it's now early February 2017 and here's a post I started months ago...(one of many-Ed)...indeed, there are several such part-posts...apologies for any sync to you shortly, but first, back we go to last yearearearearearearearear...***

Hello Switzerland, India, Romania, and y'all in Aotearoa (New Zealand) and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent, as proudly not sponsored by anyone other than Aussie taxpayers...(is that a flippant reference to your position as a Disability Support Pension recipient and Housing Trust (Housing SA) tenant?-Ed)...well certainly a reference, but hardly a 'flippant' one, in that I've frequently acknowledged this financial support, and indeed only recently moved beyond that related sense of indebtedness, in that I am comfortably confident in my belief that I've contributed to my community far beyond what I have 'earned' via the fact, I've paid a price far beyond the recompense of the DSP...(who'd have thought that a pig-ignorant almost bloody-minded refusal to back-down on issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, that that would pay so well-Ed)...well indeed...

What Ed is hilariously albeit facetiously identifying is the massive and costly trauma visited upon myself and other families as the Lutheran Church and it's St Martins School here in Mt Gambier, and SAPol (police), our charmingly corrupt elected officials on Mt Gambier City Council and in both Labor and Liberal parties, our wholly corrupted Crown Solicitor Office and Dept of Public Prosecutions and Attorney General et al, and our extraordinary alleged Child Protection bodies, etc, etc, as they all conspire/collude to protect "text-book grooming paedophile"* teacher Glyn Dorling and by extension the Lutheran Church...(is this where I effervescently hiss 'bastards'?-Ed)...yep, right there'll do nicely...(bastards!-Ed)...thankyou Ed...

*And I keep using this quote because it's what was said directly to parents by Flinders Child Protection Unit/Service (as based at Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide) at a meeting at St Martins on 1st August 2002 after FCPU had conducted basic first interviews with a small handful of kids...(so, off the back of only 'get to know the kids' initial interviews/meetings, FCPU had already heard enough to make this statement above?-Ed) a roomful of parents, absolutely, and in a context where they (FCPU) were simultaneously talking about these kid's disclosures as being "tip of the iceberg" stuff...(sorry? so a coupla' very brief 'get-to-know-you' interviews that really only exposed the "tip of the iceberg" re kid's issues/statements of abuse, this led FCPU to identify teacher Glyn Dorling as a "text-book grooming paedophile"?-Ed)...yep...(my gourd! what did the kids say in those brief interviews?!-Ed)...dunno' Ed, because we parents have been refused access to our kids statements/interviews under "patient/doctor confidentiality"...(wow-Ed)...  

Here's some homework if you can be bothered, but if you can't I've already done a 'search' through the Commission's website...(using what 'search terms'?-Ed)...just the one, 'Lutheran'...(any luck?-Ed)...well if you're the Lutherans, yes, because there ain't a single mention of you...not one...(but didn't you and other parents lodge official submissions back in late 2012 when the Commission first kicked-off?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, lengthy submissions carefully spelling-out the litany of institutionalised failings/refusals that define the rank corruption evident in the St Martins Cover-up...(so's if you're a Lutheran, everything's fine, just fine, but if you're in a bitter conflict with the Lutherans as they protect a "text-book grooming paedophile", well then, then you're rooted!-Ed) a nutshell, yes...

Ooo, wait, hey, found one reference, under 'National Council of Churches in Australia Conference', where it mentions in paragraph 17 that the Commission has received '32 (allegations) relating to the Lutheran Church'...I cannot find any further reference to these 'allegations/submissions' in the Commission proper...

***earearearearearearhere we are back 'ere in 2017, and I have had another coupla' searches through the FRCAC stuff on-line, and indeed I found reference to 30 'complaints' re the Lutherans, as part of a list of organisations/religions/whatevs, but no details...and so to the now...

As covered in previous posts, the Federal Royal Commission Into Institutionalised Responses To Child Abuse is a deeply cynical exercise in mass-manipulation, created and controlled by deeply corrupt people who were/are very keen to be seen to rock the moral high-ground on issues of Child Abuse, yet actually act to ensure that many Child Abuse realities remain buried...(you mean realities like the gross institutionalised corruption of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the definable institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption of SAPol, the Lutherans, the Labor Party, the Liberal Party, etc, etc, et al?-Ed) on Ed, spot on...

The FRCIRCA knows about St Martins School and the abuses committed in the classroom against dozens of 7 year old kids by their teacher Glyn Dorling (January-June 2002)...the FRCIRCA knows about this because parents, myself included, have written lengthy submissions re St Martins...FRCIRCA knows about the official 'responses' from SAPol, the Lutherans themselves, the Labor state government, it's various Departments and Agencies, etc, etc...the FRC knows, yet nothing...

And now they're at it again, flooding the media with voluminous yet vacuous pseudo-vilification of Catholics, again, whilst the Child Abuse professionals, the Lutherans, march merrily on entirely unencumbered by any sort of semblance of even vague accountability...and Francis Sullivan and his freak-show 'Truth, Reconciliation and Healing Council' continue to pollute my world with his tritely unbelievable pseudo-compassion...(soulless hypocrisy only out-shone by his gushing admiration indeed idolisation of Julia Gillard, 'she should be Sainted for starting this FRC'...he actually said that, 'she should be Sainted'-Ed)...I know, what a sick joke...

It's very simple, the FRC is trawling through and trotting-out mostly historical abuse cases with accompanying statements about how great it is for victims to get to 'talk about it', etc, and roll-out some deeply traumatised person to try and give that credibility, etc, and there's much wailing and gnashing of teeth and other various gesticulations and incantations, but ultimately nothing will happen...

The FRC is what the Gillard Labor government conjured to give the appearance of action and appropriate resolution when the genuine purpose and actual functioning are all about cover-up...

Tomorrow: Mo' Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

And I know exactly how confronting it is to just accept the reality I have described here re the FRCIRCA...and only ever more confronting to consider that if this reality is possible, what possibly lies beyond...(indeed, it's potentially very traumatising-Ed)...well absolutely...(ya' know? to be accepting of the rank pro-paedophile corruption at the heart of a Federal Royal Commission into Child Abuse, that's confronting enough-Ed) don't need to explain it to me mate, I'm right there...(but it's the gaping chasm of undefined but now possible realities that opens-up under every other reality, that right there is un-nerving bordering on scary-Ed)...ya' preachin' to the choir mate...(because here, with  this deliberately corrupt FRC, here is what Labor PM Julia Gillard and her Labor colleagues Don Farrell (Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill) Penny Wong, Jenny Macklin, Nicola Roxon, et al, etc, etc, so-on-and-so-forth, deliberately set-up, and right here is a window straight into the empty soul of the Labor Party-Ed) paint an ugly picture mate...(not my fault-Ed)...

But don't just believe me dear availees, because it's not about me and my version of things being right, whatevs, I'm just calling what I see for what I see it to be, you see?...(ci!-Ed)...beyond that, simply take the template I have provided and place it howevs you like over this FRC shizzle, and you'll see there is no 'version' of this farce, here is the reality...

And just right now, on the ABC, a big spiel about 'ooo, how bad we were', "we have done great wrong", etc, etc'...empty rhetoric of disingenuous mia culpas...(whaaa?-Ed)...they're talking absolute bullshit in that exact 'it's all in the past' context...(I thought that's what you meant, I just wasn't sure-Ed) sure mate, it's just more of the same bullshit, heaped high to hide the actual realities...I guarantee you not one senior Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, whatevs, not one of them will face one charge let alone time in's a sick joke from sick, sick people...(indeed, it's become clear that not one single Lutheran will be asked one single question-Ed)...indeed...

We have a Federal Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Abuse, now running for 3 years at gourd knows what cost, and they're not going to ask the Lutherans one single question...not ask the Lutherans one single question...the massively wealthy and vastly influential Lutheran Church...and despite the multiple submissions re the St Martins Cover-up...not one question...(now that's corrupt-Ed)...

And this latest nonsense (ABC) followed immediately by Francis Sullivan and yet more vacuous lies about the Catholics' handing over documents "tangible expression of openness"...(but even if you get past the fact that these low scum have routinely covered-up child abuse for many decades, it's widely reported that there's a whole bunch of stuff being held and therefore suppressed by the Vatican!-Ed)..."openness", bullshit!...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

PS:...don't ask me...just quickly searched under 'federal royal commission lutherans', and the first cab off the rank is "LCA receives Royal Commission subpoena"...which relates to a 'Notice to Produce' re a Lutheran School as apparently mentioned in the First Interim Report (or some-such) on the FRC website...can't get these damn documents to open with my computer, dunno', sorry...don't know why this hasn't come up before under similar if not identical 'search terms', including on the FRC website...whatevs, this refers to '2004' not 2002, and the fact remains that the Lutherans have never once been mentioned in the media, haven't been called to the FRC to give evidence, and the FRC isn't even going to look at the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

PPS:...last week I was pulled-over by SAPol traffic cops who did a u-turn, followed me briefly, then flashed me red'n'blue to stop...I reckon one of them was the same guy who pulled me over right outside my house ways back in 2014...(ahhh yeah, I remember, the cops were tryin' to crack-down (pardon the pun) on ice-dealers in the area and if your license didn't match the street, you got some special attention-Ed)...exactly...anyhoos, 'he' walked-up, knew who I was, and then politely pointed-out that my headlight was out, gave me a warning, and that was pretty-much it...they clearly already knew who the driver was, that the car was registered, etc, and that was was daytime but still early but as soon as the shops were open I went and bought new globes, as promised...

Is this possibly a polite reminder from the Universe, a reminder of that which I consider that I always consider in all ways?...(whaaa?-Ed)...that when I'm wailing about how everyone's rabidly pro-paedophile corrupt, etc, etc, there is always a raft of people involved who quite possibly aren't because they're just people, often stuck dealing with the same realities I'm screeching about...(yes, I do believe that it's important for a head-kicker to always aim for the head-Ed)...and always to identify that that's what they're doing and that's where they're aimin'...again, cheers and laters...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Rankly Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council Must Be Removed

Hello Romania, Egypt, the Netherlands, and Canada and welcome to TMGI, and man, what a indeed-Ed)...that's what I said!...the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council has exploded into the local media, and whilst I am genuinely generally not one to say shizzle like 'I told you so', I have sure as heck been leapin' up and down screamin' and yellin' about the exact reality of how the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council would behave/is behaving in/with China...

I have repeatedly stated that a Council like Mt Gambier City Council, a Council that functions so corruptly when here right in the middle of the community they are routinely stealing from, here in the community where Council systematically defrauds Ratepayers, if they are this corrupt right here, imagine how corruptly they conduct themselves when aways overseas, behind closed doors, signing deals on behalf of Mt Gambier, deals that no-one here has ever seen, etc, etc...these clowns are rankly corrupt here, and that will only get worse elsewhere...(corrupt is what corrupt does-Ed)...exactly, and corrupt people will act corruptly...(and MGCC, being so wholly corrupt, is inevitably corrupt here, there, wherevs-Ed)...exactly...

Mt Gambier City Council - wholly corrupt and farcically incompetent...Mayor Andrew Lee, CEO Mark McShane, and every single Councillor, you should hang your collective heads in shame and resign en people are a damned disgrace...(yeah, like that's gunna' happen-Ed)...fair call, probably won't, suits me...(suits you? how?-Ed)...well, if they won't resign...(and they won't-Ed)...and they won't, correct, so guess I'll just have to rain down on them like a relentless shower-a-shit, a stinking sluicing saturation they have so thoroughly bought upon themselves...('shower-a-shit'? hey, that's your specialty, your strong suit-Ed)...that's what I'm saying mate, suits me, if they don't quit they'll get what's a comin', bucket loads of it, every day...

And if any ya's wanna' try and undermine mine righteous rage with some drivel about 'trolling' - 'boo, Nick Fletcher's a bastard, look at him 'trolling' poor ol' Council' - well I'm more than happy to discuss any of this with any of these rankly corrupt stooges...(I think they'd all rather you didn't-Ed)...I'd like to think so Ed, and I do take a certain pride in that because it's not about me being particularly rude or offensively abusive or even potentially violent, etc, etc, because those are pretty much none-issues because 1) I'm just not like that...(bloody hippy!-Ed)...but mostly 2) they just don't need to be involved at all...I don't need to bring anything to these 'discussions' other than the reality of these stooges' own behaviours, and they are thusly royally rooted...(here endeth the lesson-Ed) is me, sort of, but it's more the cresting tsunami of potential accountability rearing-up behind me...I have seen this fear run in their eyes, this almost palatable fear hanging heavy in the thick is me and it is what I bring into the room with me...and I have no problem with that, whatsoever...I used to, but not is what it is and so shall it be...but we digress...

(Dude, I thought I'd heard some crassly pathetic, pro-corruption 'Dorothy Dixer' interviews from the sanctimoniously self-praising Australian Broadcasting Corporation, but the Selina Green interview yesterday with Mayor Andrew Lee was a crushing new low in complicit compliance to the pro-corruption agenda of ABC South East, corrupt mates lookin' out for each other via these pathetically transparent exchanges-Ed) mean this stuff where the ABC gets some dodgy mate in, serves them-up a bunch of pathetically ineffectual questions that are merely invitations to the interviewee to trot-out whatever crap they feel like in denying the accusation/claim/whatevs...(exactly-Ed)...mates helping mates cover-up their mutual corruption...there's your 'Public Broadcaster' right there...what a disgrace...

I vividly recall the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile stuff they did with then Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen, as Stan Thompson, Stuart Stansfield, etc, conspired with Rory to give him a platform to attack us parents in his/their support of the Lutherans and the St Martins School Child Abuse Cover-up...again, that's your ABC right there, willingly complicit in covering-up the gross abuse of a class of 7 year olds...

And I guarantee you Rory, mate, that it never ends for you, the same way it never ends for us...the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up will haunt you to your grave and beyond...Rory McEwen will be synonymous with the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, synonymous with Pro-Paedophile Corruption...but again I digress, sorry, and I'll get back to this interview tomorrow...

There is simply so much rankly corrupt conduct here re Mayor Andy/MGCC that it starts to consume itself...I mean, what is this absurd nonsense about Council holding a sudden unscheduled secret "special meeting" yesterday, reportedly/allegedly to decide whether or not to report Mayor Andy to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and then deciding to keep that meeting's outcome a secret...(well that's a farcical joke! it's a requirement of law, under the ICAC Act 2012, for Council/public officers to report potential corruption of a public officer, eg, a Mayor...who the shreck are Council to decide whether or not to make that report?-Ed) you're saying they've had a secret meeting to discuss/decide whether or not to comply with the Law...(spot on...and further more that discussion itself is illegal under ICAC Act 2012 section 56!-Ed)...sorry what?! and how do you know so much about ICAC legislation?...(well, not least of all, I went to the ICAC public meeting in Mt Gambier aways back on November 25th (26th? whatevs) last year (2016)-Ed) tell...

(Yeah, ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander brought his hilarious one-man Comedy Roadshow to Mt Gambier, and I went and listened and learned and laughed, *my how we laughed, hee hee hee, haa haa haa* and apparently Bruce mate was going from that li'l soiree to speak specifically to Council about their responsibilities, etc, etc-Ed) ICAC Commissioner Bruce was in Mt Gambier in November 2016, only months ago, discussing this exact stuff with Council?...(yep-Ed)...and yet we still have this raft of rankly dodgy behaviours and even dodgier responses...and dear availees, I'm just scratchin' the surface with this stuff because it also opens-up the debate on just what exactly 'ICAC' is in South Australia, and just how problematically corrupted 'ICAC' is in it's design, construction, implementation and South Australia 'ICAC' is the pinnacle of rank institutionalised corruption, not the resolution...
    (*The Young Ones - BBC TV)

Because there's so much to cover tomorrow, several articles to attach, etc, I'll end this post, we'll roll this stuff into tomorrow, and then probably the next day as well...and I don't apologise for repeatedly regurgitating the word 'rankly' because there is no phrase let-alone one single word that better quantifies and/or qualifies the corruption rancidly running through everything that MGCC does...crooks operating crookedly...their behaviours form a long list, a long line, a rank...a list of behaviours that absolutely stink of corruption...a list that stinks...a rank rank...

Tomorrow: Taking Out The Trash

(I thought you were going to be showering down, shit-style?-Ed)...nah, I'd like to think I can do both, ya' know? walk and chew gum at the same time, I'm multi-disciplined like that, a multi-tasker...(nice-Ed)...I'm a tool of many functions...(you're like the Swiss Army knife of Large Angry Hippies-Ed)...yeah, and it's always amused me just how similar a Swiss Army knife is to a penis...(indeed, how so?-Ed)...well they're both practical, very useful, and great fun to own, but you probably shouldn't whip them out in public...(I think there's something in that for all of us-Ed)...

One thing that is for sure, I am Nick Fletcher, and if y'all are reading this right 'ere, then this must be my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...cheers and laters...oh, and don't forget to take a brollie (an umbrella) with you, it could come in handy...(##and it's a hard, hard, and it's a hard, hard, and it's a haa-haaarrr-haaaaard, well it's a haard raaaaaaain's a gunna' fa-aaa-aaall##-Ed Impersonating Bryan Ferry, Poorly)...thankyou my blue-eyed son...laters