Monday, April 18, 2016

Which Covery? Discovery

***what can I say that's not another apology because it's taken 6 days to write this shreckin' post, including a coupla' days of logging-in, looking without seeing, then logging-out again without having added a single word...I can only say that I'm still trying in a context where I can't even write this apology without the issues covered below pouring-in from the sides, flooding-in via an ABC Local Radio interview (currently on) with senior SA Liberal Vicki Chapman about Domestic Violence September (October?) 2004 I and another parent personally explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up to the Parliamentary Legislative Review Committee into Sexual Assault Conviction Rates when they held a hearing in Mt Gambier, and that evening I/we were at the Liberal party soiree held at a local motel, where I further/again explained St Martins to Ms Chapman and a table of other Liberal Illuminati including 'surgeon' Barney McCusker...had that same conversation several times that night, including with (then) Liberal leader Rob Kerin and (then) Grant District Mayor Don Pegler, who was Member for Mt Gambier 2010-2014...

I and another parent spent all day either giving personal testimony to the Select (LR) Committee Inquiry and/or members of the Liberal Party, and the result?... 

Can't walk out the door, can't go shopping, can't turn on the radio, can't do sweet shreck-all and there's a direct reminder of the St Martins Cover-up and what that defines in us as a community...and it's not good...literally everyone knows it's happened, and literally everything about political corruption in this sad, sick State directly relates to how the people involved have conducted themselves re St Martins, particularly SAPol (police), the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, it's equally complicit alleged 'Opposition' the SA Liberal Party, a critically corrupt Public Sector, eg, the Director Public Prosecutions, the Crown Solicitor, etc, and a litanous list of local luminaries all desperately trying not to know what they do...hang your heads in shame...***   Monday 18th April 2016  ***

Hello India, Ukraine, Poland, and Thailand, and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...still writing promises about more frequent 'posting'...(promises that your attitude and abilities can't cash?-Ed)...something like that, it's more of the Tiredness of Sadness stuff really, you know, re CABIN Fever...(is that the 'Crash-And-Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy' stuff?-Ed)...indeed, very little 'Cash' but lots of 'Crash', following a very long week with family, another Court appearance, etc...and a quick note to availees, I do have stuff happening in my life that doesn't appear on this 'ere blog other than it might affect my mood/attitude/whatevs...(for example?-Ed)...just stuff, but stuff that in-and-of-itself is often impacted/affected/motivated by the main issues covered here-in...(like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up stuff?-Ed)...exactly, or even just doing this 'ere blog itself and the huge social fall-out that incurs...

It's All About Context:...because it's all about how there's all but nought that crosses my path without all roads leading directly to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...everyday there's a stream of constant reminders and it ain't a question of just building a bridge and gettin' over it...for me, it's right there, all day, every day, whether I'm doin' this 'ere blog or not...and right in my happy place right now...this morning* on ABC Radio it's been Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire mouthing-off about how we need even tougher Child Protection laws to drug test/rehabilitate parents, etc, then Wattle Range Councils' Mayor Peter Gandolfi, just on his way back from a lovely junket to China and blushingly gushing about just how fantastic China is, etc, and then Labor MLC Ian Hunter in his Minister of Water role re South-East Drainage System and who should pay for desperately needed maintenance, etc...  (*several days ago when I started this post)

And of course, just in listening to the ABC I inevitably encounter a litany of similarly complicit characters, and not least of all from these rankly hypocritical, self-aggrandising stooges they interview, but the ABC of the biggest hurdles that I/parents have encountered in trying to get resolution re St Martins is the rankly complicit refusal of the ABC to acknowledge and cover the St Martins Cover-up...(and of course that collusion and pro-paedopohile corruption is personified by the rank corruption of the former ABCs head in SA, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst-Ed)...indeed, she who in 2007 officially told me/parents to 'piss-off, we're not touching that St Martins paedophile stuff, my career's far too important to me'*...(and whos' husband was recently appointed to the Dept of Premier and Cabinet, receiving over $450,000pa-Ed)...indeed Ed, corruption pays very well in SA...(but none pays better than the pro-paedophile corruption of our Parliament-Ed)...indeed, it certainly pays the Winter-Dewhirsts very well...   (*obviously my rabidly raging paraphrasing of the official email, but technically accurate)

And In Mine Simple Life:...I've had the frequent and dubious pleasure of personally explaining the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, at length and in detail and often in person, to each and every one of these rankly corrupt stooges, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, Gandolfi, Brokenshire, Hunter, Chapman...not a single day passes that I don't encounter in some way some corrupt Public Official directly linked to the St Martins Cover-up...just last week, following the death of Child Protection 'expert' Frida Briggs, there was an interview repeated from 3 years ago with the ABCs' doyen Ian Henschke...I have personally explained the St Martins Cover-up to both of these people, and both of them, both supposedly eminently respected in their fields, both just turned their backs on this terrible issue, turned their backs on us, our children, and the suffering of all involved...  

Feedback, Sort as usual greatly appreciated, including the continuing advice to 'ease-up' on myself and do the blog as best I can, etc, all of which itself raises the question...(often self-asked-Ed)...indeed, the question 'why do you apologise for your struggles with doing the blog? you've been going so hard for so long and you ain't getting paid for doing it, and very few people are thanking you for doing it'...(all very good questions and ones I've asked yourself myself mate-Ed)...indeed...I do it because I don't know how not to, because I feel driven/committed/whatevs to addressing these horrendous corruptions, and fundamentally, payment or thanks are irrelevant...(it ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...The Thang...(sorry, "the Thang"-Ed) many respects, if I knew how to let it go, I would, but I don't, so I don't...(so it's not just because you're a vain, arrogant, stubborn bastard who won't be told not nuthin' about nuthin'?-Ed), that just helps me deal with the broader reality...(nice-Ed)...

I apologise because of the guilt, because of the relentless, haunting, deep-seated sense of failure, of failing my child and all of the other children abused at St Martins, and then by extension, all of the children that "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling has abused since, and he will have...beyond that, someone needs to do something genuine about protecting kids in this sad, sick Paedophile State run by paedophiles for paedophiles...(I know, let's have another Royal Commission again, we haven't had one of those for months-Ed)...well quite...South Australia, you are a sickening disgrace and Mt Gambier is the epitome of that disgrace...and so to hear these 3 prize clowns on the radio this morning*, that might be just voices via a radio to y'all dear availees, but to me that's a daily grind through a decade of mind-numbing trauma at the hands of South Australias' institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption...and then on the Afternoon program, 2 more hours of Ian Henschke...(yay-Ed)...           (*the other day)

But I digress, back to Court, on Monday 11th April the hearing 2nd February 2016 the Magistrate 'Ordered' that a Pre-Trial Conference process commence...(again-Ed)...indeed, my Leagles (Legal Eagles) from South East Community Legal Service went through this back in 2015...anyhoos, on 2nd February this year, the Magistrate denied/refused my requests for 1) a 'Permanent Stay' of proceedings, 2) withdrawing my Leagles-directed plea of 'Not Guilty'...(something about, 'no, and if you refuse to plea 'then the Court enters a Not Guilty on your behalf, so you've pleaded Not Guilty', something like that?-Ed)...something exactly like that, it's almost as though you were there mate...(but how can you be told to do the PTC stuff again, but be told that you've already pleaded Not Guilty? doesn't the PTC process involve negotiating any agreed facts, leading to a subsequent plea and potentially reduced Court time, etc?-Ed)...well I thought so mate, but you tell me...(it's like putting the horse in the cart and then telling it to start pushing-Ed)...nice...

Anyhoos, having originally refused 'Discovery', Magistrate Anderson reversed her decision at the hearing 7th March 2016 and Ordered that SAPol (police) Prosecutions make 'Discovery' of all relevant documents...(well not exactly, you were ordered to write to SAPol requesting any documents-Ed)...well true, and it does seem odd that I'm ordered to do what Prosecutions should automatically be doing, namely, providing all of the statements, evidence, etc, that they intend to rely upon in gettin' me...(and haven't you been refused a bunch of stuff?-Ed)...we'll get to that...(isn't this fun? just like a real trial-Ed)...well not really no, that's the professionalism, propriety, and justice have been brusquely escorted to the window and unceremoniously shown to the footpath 3 stories down...(out the window?-Ed)...and gone, fully gone...everything that supports my defense and/or quantifies the ridiculously unprofessional conduct of my case by SAPol Prosecutions, etc, any and/or all of that is being repeatedly dismissed as irrelevant...(like I said, just like a real SA trial-Ed)...well quite...

I remind availees that this trial, upon my conviction, will give the State government. in this already massively Fascist State of South Australia, will give the government absolute control over 'social media', particularly 'blogging'...any opinion they don't like, any corruption that needs covering-up, it will all be entirely at the mercy of this bizarre legislation...("upon my conviction"? not feeling confident then?-Ed)...confidence has nothing to do with it, nor does reality or Justice..I've won every battle thus far and will win every one to come and then I'll lose the war...nobody believes for a moment that the wholly corrupt State of South Australia isn't forcing this case toward a predetermined outcome, indeed the very conduct of the hearings self-define as quite extraordinarily biased and fixed on achieving a destiny already written...    

Basically, I went to the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, again...(isn't that like 14 hearings/adjournments now?-Ed)...yeah, 14 or 15...(starting on 3rd  February 2015-Ed)...yep...(without you being either charged or Summonsed to the original hearing?-Ed)...yeah...(and 14-15 hearings and 15 months later the 'trial' proper hasn't actually started yet?-Ed)...yep, this is still the second round of 'Discovery' re the second round of Pre-Trial Conference...(second?-Ed)...yeah, I'll explain...anyhoos, went there on Monday 11th April, went in...(clever-Ed)...not really, I have no choice...(sorry, I was being facetious-Ed)...fair enough...anyhoos, went in, we started, and yet again l'il ol' Nick Fletcher was forced to self-represent...(ah yes, Nick Fletcher the Court-Appointed Constitutional Lawyer-Ed)...indeed, the case proceeded without the defendant (me) having any legal representation in this hugely important precedent case re this massively powerful piece of legislation...(proceeded in a 'Closed Court', 450kms from Adelaide, and where-in allegedly nothing is being recorded-Ed)...just as you say Ed, just like a real trial...

I'll have to do a dot point summary of the hearing because it won't fit here, but here's a coupla' minor spoilers to tide ya's over...1) we, being me what is being forced to self-represent and SAPol Prosecutions, we were Ordered by the Court to undergo this latest 'Discovery', where-in I was Ordered to write to SAPol within 7 days, which I did, on 16th March 2016...SAPol finally responded by email mid-afternoon Friday 8th April 2016...(hang on, wasn't the hearing on the Monday following, the 11th April?-Ed)...exactly...(so SAPol took over 3 weeks to reply and then waited until the Friday afternoon before the hearing Monday?-Ed)...yep...(what the shreck is that?! do they think they're being funny or something? is that some attempt at being clever?-Ed)...gourd knows Ed, but even then they've refused to provide half the stuff I've asked for...

But 2) they did provide a bizarre 'new' Affidavit from SAPol 'Electronics Branch', supposedly dated February 2015, weeks after my case was already in Court...SAPol Prosecutions have been Ordered to explain why this Affidavit has only surfaced now...(wow-Ed)...mate, these are just a couple of the latest bizarrenesses to be inflicted upon my case...3) SAPol Prosecutions have also perjured themselves in writing to the Court, a fact confirmed and acknowledged by the Court in the hearing (11th April 2016) via extensive discussions on this extraordinary deceit, a discussion that concluded with the Magistrate observing that it was also 'irrelevant'...(yay-Ed)...    

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff whomever planned/ designed/ invented/whatevs the new steps on Mt Shank...interlocked blocks about 12(?) inches/300mm wide with a 2(?) inch/50mm dip between, that creates a ramp more than stairs and makes the ascent much easier than regular steps...coming back down was still a knee-wrenching bastard of a proposal and I was sore for a week, but my weak-kneed whinging aside, the idea/execution of the step-ramp is excellent...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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