Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Humblest Apologies

For not posting for a week...(it's been a very long week though-Ed)...well indeed Ed...(what with further and extensive familial visitationings-Ed)...absolutely...(and we love them because they're family but that doesn't mean that it ain't heavy going sometimes-Ed)...yep, can be, and particularly when you're used to spending all your time by yourself, etc...(agh, for sure, and of course there was yet another stellar Court appearance-Ed)...exactly, another Court appearance yesterday, Monday 11th April 2016...(it has a certain ring to it ya' know-Ed)...what does?...('Nick Fletcher - Court Appointed Constitutional Lawyer'-Ed)...you're just hilarious...(speak for yourself-Ed)...I think I just did...

Again, apologies, and I'll do a proper post by later today, and then there's likely to be several days of posts each day while I catch-up on a coupla' things...(a post-a-day, for a while? that sounds ominous-Ed)...I've gotta' coupla' things to say...(I've heard that about you-Ed)...so have you...(I've also heard that you're a "miscreant"-Ed)...cheers...(and a troublemaker-Ed)...yeah, you've made your point...(really just a complete and utter bastard-Ed)...charming...(in fact, I'd suggest that you've got so much to say that you're the man who put the 'utter' in 'complete and utter bastard'-Ed)...witty Wilde, witty...(where 'utter' means both 'total', and 'to say'-Ed)...yeah yeah, we get it, don't labour the point...and now, in Entertainment News...

Lights, Camera, Dickhead:...apologies if I scribbled down this rego number incorrectly, but I was a ways back up Penola Rd, North of the spanky new traffic lights at the Penola Rd/Wireless Rd intersection, headed South toward town, when I saw aforementioned "Dickhead" drop a 'Uey' at aforementioned lights...(what? he shot a sheep? right in the intersection?-Ed)...no...(did he end a relationship with his sheep?-Ed), no, you idiot, no sheep involved...(just a "Dickhead"?-Ed)...that's right, a "Dickhead" who did a U-turn from the 'turn right' lane on Penola Rd, and went back Southwards toward Mt Gambier, and then into McDonalds...it was a large black four-wheel drive thingy, couldn't tell what from that distance, probably wouldn't know if I was standing next to it, I'm not a car person, whatevs, it was a black 4WD car thingy with the rego probably XX272R...

I've always said that this should be (have been) a round-about as at Penola Rd/Jubilee Hwy, and there are some major problems with the design/engineering of the new intersection, but this incident is hardly the intersections' fault...(well it sort of is-Ed)...how?...(because if it was a round-about, "Dickhead" wouldn't have had a 'turn right lane' to do a U-turn from, and would instead have had to go right around the round-about, and back the way they came-Ed)...well that in itself is not appropriate, it's very dangerous if it's not actually illegal, dunno', have to check that one...(fair enough, but a 'U-turn' at lights is an absolute shocker...are there cameras on that intersection?-Ed)...not sure, not that I immediately recall, again, I'll have to check that...surely there would be...anyhoos, my point was actually that you cannot plan/engineer for stupidity...

This happened mid-morning on Thursday 7th April 2016, less than 24 hours after the lights were officially switched-on...and a fortnight before that I had the distinct pleasure of being amongst the first to catch a red light there when they were testing the damn things...(you are special aren't you-Ed)...in the next post I'll be getting stuck into that planning...(or lack of-Ed)...re that intersection, particularly how businesses on that corner have had their access badly affected...more laters...        

I am Nick Fletcher and this is The Mount Gambier Independent, a blog, my blog...cheers and laters...

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