Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Hyper-crises In A Hypocracy - The Redefinng Of Hypocrisy

Hello Brazil, Austria, Portugal, and of course, here in good ol' Australia...and in writing this posts' title just realised that I misspelled 'Hypocracy' in the title of the last post...(misspelling your own word you just made-up?-Ed)...consider it corrected...and welcome to a semi-perpetual rolling post about the rank hypocrisies self-evident in the relentless corruption of the Mt Gambier City Council, and most particularly in the conduct of former Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perryman...("semi-perpetual?"...isn't something either 'perpetual' or it's not?-Ed)...true, but I'm using this in the context that almost everything that Council does is a rankly corrupt hypocrisy, so bloggin' about any of that stuff unavoidably produces posts that tend to run that same dialogue...(fair enough-Ed)...in the last post I tinkered around the edges of what I really think about Steve mate and most particularly his extraordinary hypocrisy in putting this meme (attached below) on his personal Facebook page (14th February 2016)...

(Dude! "tinkered around the edges"? really? have you read your last post?-Ed)...dude, I wrote it...(oh yeah-Ed)...yeah, and I'm telling you that it really, really only strayed briefly onto the periphery of the Field of Blossoming Furies that this particular hypocrisy plowed into me...(but dude, you called him a 'pro-paedophile corrupt politician who has made his career off the back of supporting the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up'...I do not call that 'tinkering around the edges'-Ed)...yeah, but I didn't call him that in a context where I just don't like him and it's just me slinging slanderous sludge 'cos I'm pissed-off, Mr Perrymans' own actions define him for exactly what he is, and what he has done is what he has done, and it makes him exactly who he is...I didn't write the book that is Steve, I'm just quoting the text...

Careful What You Wish For:...because I've recently been lamenting the loss of anger and it's empowering motivation, replaced by energy-sapping sadness, but good ol' Steve has helped me back to my happy-angry place with this extraordinary piece of work...it's still going to be a long climb back to 'enjoying' doing this 'ere blog, and doing a daily post, etc, but here I am and here we go...

And in my own defense, I'm extremely annoyed with myself for letting this particular hypocrisy make me so angry and affect me so fundamentally...(angry you say, I hadn't noticed-Ed)...careful what you sarcastically wish for Ed, 'cos there's some real rage comin' to this 'ere page and couched in such confronting terms that it becomes it's own unproven threat...(what? what the shreck are you on about?-Ed)...all will be made clear assgroper...(that's 'grasshopper' to you thanks champ-Ed)...sorry?...(it's 'grasshopper'-Ed)...that's what I said...(no, you said "assgroper"-Ed)...and now so have you...and now you availee have also said "assgroper" twice...make that thrice...(are you quite done?-Ed)...sorry, just trying to humour-it-up a bit from a place of anger and sadness and so it's going to be a bit forced...(and then we're probably gunna' end-up in the 'Dead Laugh Area', again-Ed)...exactly!...and then we'll just have to jarringly and disjointedly wrench the whole thing back to this...

Now I know y'all have just read that, but I'm going to write it out again because it's just so very unbelievable,
   "If dogs are put to sleep for attacking children, why aren't we doing the same to pedophiles?"

Now I ain't proffering no opinion on the sentiment in-and-of-itself, but this is very clearly calling for the execution of paedophiles, this is about Capital Punishment for paedophiles, this is about killing paedophiles...(mate, this is very nearly an incitement to vigilantism-Ed)...sorry, not with you...(well, here we have a supposedly respected public figure, the former Mayor and current Councillor, posting something that says 'why aren't we killing paedophiles?', in a context where we here in Oz don't have Capital Punishment-Ed)...oh, I see what you mean, it's laden with layers of direct criticism of our Courts/Laws/whatevs, and implied incitement and inferred direction...(spot on...this strays from commentary, through criticism, and on to directive-Ed)...indeed, and particularly given 1) the highly emotive subject matter, and 2) the finality of the proposition...   

Cue Hypocrisy One:...and the latest first...given the current bunfight...(is that a fight with Currant buns?-Ed)...no, no it isn't...given the current stoush within Council re Councillors inappropriate use of 'social media', etc, it's a hypocrisy for Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...to be posting such graphically inappropriate material...(you mean the inferred/incited vigilantism stuff?-Ed)...exactly...it's one thing to have an opinion about critical issues like Child Protection/paedophilia/whatevs, and to calmly and clearly provide accurate commentary...(like on this 'ere blog, for example-Ed)...well perhaps that's not a perfect example, but yes, I do try to be accurate if I'm not always exactly 'calm'...(and fair enough too, given what you've been through and all-Ed)...and I ain't the former Mayor/current Councillor either...(yes, one does expect something a little less 'unhinged' from ones' duly elected officials-Ed)...one does, and apart from that, there remains the original hypocrisy of doing this on 'social media'...

Then there's the latest The Border Watch newspaper front page afforded Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...where-in Stevo spruiks the alleged massive benefits of Council paying to move the Millicent Rd Tourist Info Bay thingy for approx $150,000...not a hypocrisy relative to the rank corruption of Stevo's pro-paedophile behaviour and this extraordinary meme, but a beauty all the same...just thought I'd drop it in as a quick spoiler for a future post...more rank Nepotism, Insider Trading, Conflict of Interests, and howling 'Media Hypocrisy'...laters...back to Steve and his meme, and Hypocrisy Two...

So Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...what should we do with pro-paedophile Mayors? what to do with a pro-paedophile Council? a pro-paedophile State Government/Parliament? should we take these rankly corrupt pro-paedophile stooges down to the Vets for a quick spot of vigilantee justice?...what do you think Stevo?...what should parents do when they learn a teacher has abused their children? should they go to their State Authorities and Elected Public Officials and ask them to sort it? or should they take the lesson that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has taught us all, and apply your meme?...(so you're asking the vaguely rhetorical question, 'should parents, knowing that State Authorities are likely to cover-up the abuse and protect the paedophile, should those parents put the paedophile to sleep themselves?'-Ed)...a very neat summation thankyou Ed... 

And the extraordinary irony inherent in this statement is that SAPol (police) officers at Mt Gambier SAPol Station twice told parents from St Martins to 'sort it out yourselves, take him ("text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling) out in the pines and don't bring him back'...SAPol then failed/refused to even interview Dorling, dumping the case only weeks later...

And what's worse Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...what's worse than an 'actual paedophile who it may potentially be argued suffers from an 'illness' and commits an albeit heinous crime, what's worse than that Steve?...(well I'm not Steve and I can't answer for him, but I'd suggest that a supposedly sane and allegedly moral high-ranking public official conducting themselves in a manner to protect and support and foster paedophilia, that that's worse, and given that Mt Gambier City Mayor/Councillor Steve Perryman has behaved exactly like that, that makes Stevos' behaviours worse-Ed)...I'm with you Ed, and chuck-in Stevos' political pal Rory McEwen and a few dozen others when it comes to behaviours worse than the perpetrators'...

And I ain't just slingin' vitriole for the joy of it, I'm also doing it because it's real...Glyn Dorling abused dozens of junior primary children at St Martins and will have further abused since leaving, and it's all horrendous, but Messrs Perryman, McEwen, Rann, Weatherill, etc, etc, et al, have by their actions (or lack of) condemned all children in South Australia to complete vulnerability at the hands of a wholly corrupt pro-paedophile System...and when the System's wholly corrupt, who fixes the System?...and then we get this clown putting this bullshit on Facebook...and again, the question asks itself, what should we do with rankly corrupt pro-paedophile public officials?...anyone?...Steve?...

(Well they've built a lovely wall right there in the middle of town at the Main Corner there, how's about we stand a few rankly corrupt pro-paedophile politicians up in front of that?-Ed)...see, there you go Ed, embrace your fury, it's good for what ails ya'...(come to the Dark Side Ed, I am your father-A Lucas Films Character Not Specifically Identified To Avoid Copyright Complications)...(ALFCNSITACC? wow, we get some fascinating cameo characters on this 'ere blog-Ed)...don't we though...and you yourself Ed, you're a fascinating study in the manipulative power of words and the individuals' willingness to suspend disbelief and engage with a character...(you called me a character-Ed)...indeed, you're far more to me Ed than just a confected literary device I utilise to create dialogue, set-up jokes, etc, you are a character, in fact, a character with character...(oh stop it already-Ed)...think nothing of it Ed 'cos when I flatter you I flatter myself...(oh yeah, cheers mate, just charming-Ed)...shut it!...

And A Thorough Disclaimer:...that all allusions to violence, be it 'appropriately' legally sanctioned or otherwise, these are merely observations on my part, observations riddled with facetiousness and sarcasm and other poor humours, albeit all fuelled by a very real anger...so y'all think what y'all want re how y'all would feel/behave/react in my position, but my personal position remains as always that Capital Punishment is wrong for the very basest of legal realities, we make mistakes and we convict innocent people...Courts and juries and the whole shebang, it's all just people and people make mistakes...but I digress...  

I'll go further and say that Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...hasn't just failed and/or refused to engage with the St Martins Cover-up, in support of this pro-paedophile nightmare he has run a campaign of denigration and harassment and attempted intimidation of parents, particularly me...I've covered this in many previous posts, eg, with the Councils' 2013/14 Budget meetings where-in Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...twice physically harassed me and tried to pick fights with me...(extraordinary!-Ed)...well quite, but that's what happened, and he continues to 'confront' me with faux-friendly greetings, eg, outside Council meetings, as also cited in recent posts...(very odd behaviour-Ed)...indeed, I'm not sure exactly what he's after, but he'd want to be careful that he doesn't find it...(I think he wants to find himself on the receiving end of a 'Christian Cuddle'-Ed)...oh Ed, you monkey genius, the good ol' Christian Cuddle... 

When one talks 'St Martins Cover-up', inevitably we come to the 'Christian Cuddle'...(ah, the 'Christian Cuddle', as utilised by St Martins/the Lutherans/whoevs to try and assimilate the realities of some of the physical abuses committed against 7 year old children by their "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling-Ed)...indeed Ed, the phrasing used quite specifically to try and confront then 'own' then redefine the realities of St Martins...(where-in the school/Lutherans tried to address the physical realities they couldn't refute by firstly identifying/acknowledging these behaviours but then diluting them as being merely "cuddles"-Ed)...with the added dilution of making those cuddles "Christian", itself a further attempt to raise-up the credibility of the paedophile...(whilst also inviting the receiver of this info to be a good and understanding 'Christian' and therefore support the teacher/school/Church-Ed)...yeah, all of that...      

This is exactly what the Lutherans did to us at St Martins...we were/are portrayed as unstable trouble-makers who were/are damnedly and incorrectly denigrating a good man and a great school/Church...and this is the phrase they used/still use, a "Christian Cuddle"...bad parents, everything's fine...(just fine-Ed)...it was just a Christian Cuddle...a perfectly harmless act of pious and appropriate affection...between a 50 year old man and 7 year old students...everything's just fine, just a cuddle, how could that be a problem?...Steve, mate, how might a Christian Cuddle be considered other than fine, how might it be considered 'problematic'?...(well, I'd suggest the tone you're using right now and the look on your face are both fair indicators of the potential 'problematicnous' of giving someone a Christian Cuddle-Ed)...indeed Ed, I know we've covered this ground before, but I ain't writing the script, I'm just scrawling angry critique in the margins...

(And it's just so 'you' to make such stark criticism, with your big red angry blog-pen, here where we dwell in The Margins, to take a lovely phrase like 'Christian Cuddle' and make it drip with implied intimidation and unsettling intent, with undefined threat and ominous menace-Ed)...cheers...(and I just bet that you're now going to make the observation that this implication and/or intent define themselves-Ed)...argh ya' got me...(because ultimately, any implied threat says everything about the realities of those 'Christian Cuddles'-Ed)...absolutely Ed...('cos you merely alluding to the possibility of giving Steve mate a good ol' CC, if that is deemed in any way to be intimidating or threatening, or whatevs, then that says everything about those contacts as they occurred in that St Martins classroom-Ed)...spot on...

If all I have to do to invoke a sense of intense intent and impending unpleasantness is joke about giving Steve mate a good ol' Christian Cuddle, if that simple albeit heavily sarcastic joke can provoke such potential for concern, then what does it say about those cuddles?...(yeah, most people smile when they're joking...you are joking, aren't you?...Nick? you are joking?-Ed)...see the Disclaimer below...

Disclaimer 2:...anyone who knows me knows that I'm an often intense, sometimes angry, but always gentle person and that I ain't touching no-one...(well not without their express permission-Ed)...oh why is it always sex, sex, sex with you?...this whole CC spiel is entirely about confronting Cr Perryman's meme hypocrisy, and highlighted by the context of the 'Christian Cuddle' excuse/explanation from the Lutherans...      
Tomorrow: (Let Me Guess, Hypocrisy?-Ed)...Correct...

And then, back to Venice and more f...(whoa whoa, slow down, this is not a gondola-laden, expletive-swamped pseudo-travelogue from the original cinema screenings of Monty Pythons' Life Of Brian movie-Ed)...that was truly hilarious...as was the trend of the time (early 1980s), movies often had a travelogue or other brief pre-feature item, and when we went to see LOB, we youngish lads (13/14 years) were amongst the many members of the audience who immediately 'tuned-out' and started chatting amongst ourselves...literally everyone missed the occasional 'odd' line, but we were uniformly jerked-back to reality about 9 minutes in, during a carriage ride through New York, when the commentary turned 'violent' before suddenly returning to Venice and "more f***ing gondolas"...it'd be fair to say that there was a stunned silence in the cinema as the f-bomb dropped, followed closely by the penny...this is available on Youtube...it seems a little trite now, knowing that it's MP doing it, what's coming, etc, but in the moment in that cinema, it was hilariously effective...

Thankyou for allowing me the indulgence of ending this very angry post on a deliberately random note, in this attempt at a slightly more pleasant tone...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Which Covery? Discovery

***what can I say that's not another apology because it's taken 6 days to write this shreckin' post, including a coupla' days of logging-in, looking without seeing, then logging-out again without having added a single word...I can only say that I'm still trying in a context where I can't even write this apology without the issues covered below pouring-in from the sides, flooding-in via an ABC Local Radio interview (currently on) with senior SA Liberal Vicki Chapman about Domestic Violence issues...in September (October?) 2004 I and another parent personally explained the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up to the Parliamentary Legislative Review Committee into Sexual Assault Conviction Rates when they held a hearing in Mt Gambier, and that evening I/we were at the Liberal party soiree held at a local motel, where I further/again explained St Martins to Ms Chapman and a table of other Liberal Illuminati including 'surgeon' Barney McCusker...had that same conversation several times that night, including with (then) Liberal leader Rob Kerin and (then) Grant District Mayor Don Pegler, who was Member for Mt Gambier 2010-2014...

I and another parent spent all day either giving personal testimony to the Select (LR) Committee Inquiry and/or members of the Liberal Party, and the result?... 

Can't walk out the door, can't go shopping, can't turn on the radio, can't do sweet shreck-all and there's a direct reminder of the St Martins Cover-up and what that defines in us as a community...and it's not good...literally everyone knows it's happened, and literally everything about political corruption in this sad, sick State directly relates to how the people involved have conducted themselves re St Martins, particularly SAPol (police), the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, it's equally complicit alleged 'Opposition' the SA Liberal Party, a critically corrupt Public Sector, eg, the Director Public Prosecutions, the Crown Solicitor, etc, and a litanous list of local luminaries all desperately trying not to know what they do...hang your heads in shame...***   Monday 18th April 2016  ***

Hello India, Ukraine, Poland, and Thailand, and welcome to The Mount Gambier Independent...still writing promises about more frequent 'posting'...(promises that your attitude and abilities can't cash?-Ed)...something like that, it's more of the Tiredness of Sadness stuff really, you know, re CABIN Fever...(is that the 'Crash-And-Burn Intermittent Narcolepsy' stuff?-Ed)...indeed, very little 'Cash' but lots of 'Crash', following a very long week with family, another Court appearance, etc...and a quick note to availees, I do have stuff happening in my life that doesn't appear on this 'ere blog other than it might affect my mood/attitude/whatevs...(for example?-Ed)...just stuff, but stuff that in-and-of-itself is often impacted/affected/motivated by the main issues covered here-in...(like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up stuff?-Ed)...exactly, or even just doing this 'ere blog itself and the huge social fall-out that incurs...

It's All About Context:...because it's all about how there's all but nought that crosses my path without all roads leading directly to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...everyday there's a stream of constant reminders and it ain't a question of just building a bridge and gettin' over it...for me, it's right there, all day, every day, whether I'm doin' this 'ere blog or not...and right in my happy place right now...this morning* on ABC Radio it's been Family First MLC Robert Brokenshire mouthing-off about how we need even tougher Child Protection laws to drug test/rehabilitate parents, etc, then Wattle Range Councils' Mayor Peter Gandolfi, just on his way back from a lovely junket to China and blushingly gushing about just how fantastic China is, etc, and then Labor MLC Ian Hunter in his Minister of Water role re South-East Drainage System and who should pay for desperately needed maintenance, etc...  (*several days ago when I started this post)

And of course, just in listening to the ABC I inevitably encounter a litany of similarly complicit characters, and not least of all from these rankly hypocritical, self-aggrandising stooges they interview, but the ABC itself...one of the biggest hurdles that I/parents have encountered in trying to get resolution re St Martins is the rankly complicit refusal of the ABC to acknowledge and cover the St Martins Cover-up...(and of course that collusion and pro-paedopohile corruption is personified by the rank corruption of the former ABCs head in SA, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst-Ed)...indeed, she who in 2007 officially told me/parents to 'piss-off, we're not touching that St Martins paedophile stuff, my career's far too important to me'*...(and whos' husband was recently appointed to the Dept of Premier and Cabinet, receiving over $450,000pa-Ed)...indeed Ed, corruption pays very well in SA...(but none pays better than the pro-paedophile corruption of our Parliament-Ed)...indeed, it certainly pays the Winter-Dewhirsts very well...   (*obviously my rabidly raging paraphrasing of the official email, but technically accurate)

And In Mine Simple Life:...I've had the frequent and dubious pleasure of personally explaining the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, at length and in detail and often in person, to each and every one of these rankly corrupt stooges, Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, Gandolfi, Brokenshire, Hunter, Chapman...not a single day passes that I don't encounter in some way some corrupt Public Official directly linked to the St Martins Cover-up...just last week, following the death of Child Protection 'expert' Frida Briggs, there was an interview repeated from 3 years ago with the ABCs' doyen Ian Henschke...I have personally explained the St Martins Cover-up to both of these people, and both of them, both supposedly eminently respected in their fields, both just turned their backs on this terrible issue, turned their backs on us, our children, and the suffering of all involved...  

Feedback, Sort Of:...is as usual greatly appreciated, including the continuing advice to 'ease-up' on myself and do the blog as best I can, etc, all of which itself raises the question...(often self-asked-Ed)...indeed, the question 'why do you apologise for your struggles with doing the blog? you've been going so hard for so long and you ain't getting paid for doing it, and very few people are thanking you for doing it'...(all very good questions and ones I've asked yourself myself mate-Ed)...indeed...I do it because I don't know how not to, because I feel driven/committed/whatevs to addressing these horrendous corruptions, and fundamentally, payment or thanks are irrelevant...(it ain't nuthin' but a Thang-Ed)...The Thang...(sorry, "the Thang"-Ed)...in many respects, if I knew how to let it go, I would, but I don't, so I don't...(so it's not just because you're a vain, arrogant, stubborn bastard who won't be told not nuthin' about nuthin'?-Ed)...no, that just helps me deal with the broader reality...(nice-Ed)...

I apologise because of the guilt, because of the relentless, haunting, deep-seated sense of failure, of failing my child and all of the other children abused at St Martins, and then by extension, all of the children that "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling has abused since, and he will have...beyond that, someone needs to do something genuine about protecting kids in this sad, sick Paedophile State run by paedophiles for paedophiles...(I know, let's have another Royal Commission again, we haven't had one of those for months-Ed)...well quite...South Australia, you are a sickening disgrace and Mt Gambier is the epitome of that disgrace...and so to hear these 3 prize clowns on the radio this morning*, that might be just voices via a radio to y'all dear availees, but to me that's a daily grind through a decade of mind-numbing trauma at the hands of South Australias' institutionalised pro-paedophile corruption...and then on the Afternoon program, 2 more hours of Ian Henschke...(yay-Ed)...           (*the other day)

But I digress, back to Court, on Monday 11th April 2016...in the hearing 2nd February 2016 the Magistrate 'Ordered' that a Pre-Trial Conference process commence...(again-Ed)...indeed, my Leagles (Legal Eagles) from South East Community Legal Service went through this back in 2015...anyhoos, on 2nd February this year, the Magistrate denied/refused my requests for 1) a 'Permanent Stay' of proceedings, 2) withdrawing my Leagles-directed plea of 'Not Guilty'...(something about, 'no, and if you refuse to plea 'then the Court enters a Not Guilty on your behalf, so you've pleaded Not Guilty', something like that?-Ed)...something exactly like that, it's almost as though you were there mate...(but how can you be told to do the PTC stuff again, but be told that you've already pleaded Not Guilty? doesn't the PTC process involve negotiating any agreed facts, leading to a subsequent plea and potentially reduced Court time, etc?-Ed)...well I thought so mate, but you tell me...(it's like putting the horse in the cart and then telling it to start pushing-Ed)...nice...

Anyhoos, having originally refused 'Discovery', Magistrate Anderson reversed her decision at the hearing 7th March 2016 and Ordered that SAPol (police) Prosecutions make 'Discovery' of all relevant documents...(well not exactly, you were ordered to write to SAPol requesting any documents-Ed)...well true, and it does seem odd that I'm ordered to do what Prosecutions should automatically be doing, namely, providing all of the statements, evidence, etc, that they intend to rely upon in gettin' me...(and haven't you been refused a bunch of stuff?-Ed)...we'll get to that...(isn't this fun? just like a real trial-Ed)...well not really no, that's the point...legal professionalism, propriety, and justice have been brusquely escorted to the window and unceremoniously shown to the footpath 3 stories down...(out the window?-Ed)...and gone, fully gone...everything that supports my defense and/or quantifies the ridiculously unprofessional conduct of my case by SAPol Prosecutions, etc, any and/or all of that is being repeatedly dismissed as irrelevant...(like I said, just like a real SA trial-Ed)...well quite...

I remind availees that this trial, upon my conviction, will give the State government. in this already massively Fascist State of South Australia, will give the government absolute control over 'social media', particularly 'blogging'...any opinion they don't like, any corruption that needs covering-up, it will all be entirely at the mercy of this bizarre legislation...("upon my conviction"? not feeling confident then?-Ed)...confidence has nothing to do with it, nor does reality or Justice..I've won every battle thus far and will win every one to come and then I'll lose the war...nobody believes for a moment that the wholly corrupt State of South Australia isn't forcing this case toward a predetermined outcome, indeed the very conduct of the hearings self-define as quite extraordinarily biased and fixed on achieving a destiny already written...    

Basically, I went to the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, again...(isn't that like 14 hearings/adjournments now?-Ed)...yeah, 14 or 15...(starting on 3rd  February 2015-Ed)...yep...(without you being either charged or Summonsed to the original hearing?-Ed)...yeah...(and 14-15 hearings and 15 months later the 'trial' proper hasn't actually started yet?-Ed)...yep, this is still the second round of 'Discovery' re the second round of Pre-Trial Conference...(second?-Ed)...yeah, I'll explain...anyhoos, went there on Monday 11th April, went in...(clever-Ed)...not really, I have no choice...(sorry, I was being facetious-Ed)...fair enough...anyhoos, went in, we started, and yet again l'il ol' Nick Fletcher was forced to self-represent...(ah yes, Nick Fletcher the Court-Appointed Constitutional Lawyer-Ed)...indeed, the case proceeded without the defendant (me) having any legal representation in this hugely important precedent case re this massively powerful piece of legislation...(proceeded in a 'Closed Court', 450kms from Adelaide, and where-in allegedly nothing is being recorded-Ed)...just as you say Ed, just like a real trial...

I'll have to do a dot point summary of the hearing because it won't fit here, but here's a coupla' minor spoilers to tide ya's over...1) we, being me what is being forced to self-represent and SAPol Prosecutions, we were Ordered by the Court to undergo this latest 'Discovery', where-in I was Ordered to write to SAPol within 7 days, which I did, on 16th March 2016...SAPol finally responded by email mid-afternoon Friday 8th April 2016...(hang on, wasn't the hearing on the Monday following, the 11th April?-Ed)...exactly...(so SAPol took over 3 weeks to reply and then waited until the Friday afternoon before the hearing Monday?-Ed)...yep...(what the shreck is that?! do they think they're being funny or something? is that some attempt at being clever?-Ed)...gourd knows Ed, but even then they've refused to provide half the stuff I've asked for...

But 2) they did provide a bizarre 'new' Affidavit from SAPol 'Electronics Branch', supposedly dated February 2015, weeks after my case was already in Court...SAPol Prosecutions have been Ordered to explain why this Affidavit has only surfaced now...(wow-Ed)...mate, these are just a couple of the latest bizarrenesses to be inflicted upon my case...3) SAPol Prosecutions have also perjured themselves in writing to the Court, a fact confirmed and acknowledged by the Court in the hearing (11th April 2016) via extensive discussions on this extraordinary deceit, a discussion that concluded with the Magistrate observing that it was also 'irrelevant'...(yay-Ed)...    

Tomorrow: More Court Stuff

Kudos:...to whomever planned/ designed/ invented/whatevs the new steps on Mt Shank...interlocked blocks about 12(?) inches/300mm wide with a 2(?) inch/50mm dip between, that creates a ramp more than stairs and makes the ascent much easier than regular steps...coming back down was still a knee-wrenching bastard of a proposal and I was sore for a week, but my weak-kneed whinging aside, the idea/execution of the step-ramp is excellent...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Humblest Apologies

For not posting for a week...(it's been a very long week though-Ed)...well indeed Ed...(what with further and extensive familial visitationings-Ed)...absolutely...(and we love them because they're family but that doesn't mean that it ain't heavy going sometimes-Ed)...yep, can be, and particularly when you're used to spending all your time by yourself, etc...(agh, for sure, and of course there was yet another stellar Court appearance-Ed)...exactly, another Court appearance yesterday, Monday 11th April 2016...(it has a certain ring to it ya' know-Ed)...what does?...('Nick Fletcher - Court Appointed Constitutional Lawyer'-Ed)...you're just hilarious...(speak for yourself-Ed)...I think I just did...

Again, apologies, and I'll do a proper post by later today, and then there's likely to be several days of posts each day while I catch-up on a coupla' things...(a post-a-day, for a while? that sounds ominous-Ed)...I've gotta' coupla' things to say...(I've heard that about you-Ed)...so have you...(I've also heard that you're a "miscreant"-Ed)...cheers...(and a troublemaker-Ed)...yeah, you've made your point...(really just a complete and utter bastard-Ed)...charming...(in fact, I'd suggest that you've got so much to say that you're the man who put the 'utter' in 'complete and utter bastard'-Ed)...witty Wilde, witty...(where 'utter' means both 'total', and 'to say'-Ed)...yeah yeah, we get it, don't labour the point...and now, in Entertainment News...

Lights, Camera, Dickhead:...apologies if I scribbled down this rego number incorrectly, but I was a ways back up Penola Rd, North of the spanky new traffic lights at the Penola Rd/Wireless Rd intersection, headed South toward town, when I saw aforementioned "Dickhead" drop a 'Uey' at aforementioned lights...(what? he shot a sheep? right in the intersection?-Ed)...no...(did he end a relationship with his sheep?-Ed), no, you idiot, no sheep involved...(just a "Dickhead"?-Ed)...that's right, a "Dickhead" who did a U-turn from the 'turn right' lane on Penola Rd, and went back Southwards toward Mt Gambier, and then into McDonalds...it was a large black four-wheel drive thingy, couldn't tell what from that distance, probably wouldn't know if I was standing next to it, I'm not a car person, whatevs, it was a black 4WD car thingy with the rego probably XX272R...

I've always said that this should be (have been) a round-about as at Penola Rd/Jubilee Hwy, and there are some major problems with the design/engineering of the new intersection, but this incident is hardly the intersections' fault...(well it sort of is-Ed)...how?...(because if it was a round-about, "Dickhead" wouldn't have had a 'turn right lane' to do a U-turn from, and would instead have had to go right around the round-about, and back the way they came-Ed)...well that in itself is not appropriate, it's very dangerous if it's not actually illegal, dunno', have to check that one...(fair enough, but a 'U-turn' at lights is an absolute shocker...are there cameras on that intersection?-Ed)...not sure, not that I immediately recall, again, I'll have to check that...surely there would be...anyhoos, my point was actually that you cannot plan/engineer for stupidity...

This happened mid-morning on Thursday 7th April 2016, less than 24 hours after the lights were officially switched-on...and a fortnight before that I had the distinct pleasure of being amongst the first to catch a red light there when they were testing the damn things...(you are special aren't you-Ed)...in the next post I'll be getting stuck into that planning...(or lack of-Ed)...re that intersection, particularly how businesses on that corner have had their access badly affected...more laters...        

I am Nick Fletcher and this is The Mount Gambier Independent, a blog, my blog...cheers and laters...

Monday, April 4, 2016

Hypocracy - Governance By Hypocrisy

Hello to Romania, Portugal, China, and Aotearoa (New Zealand)...and straight-off I'd like to own the very many and varied ways in each-and-every day that I'm potentially/probably/actually a hypocrite...("potentially/probably"? well that's a bit of a cop-out, isn't it?-Ed)...no, I included 'actually'...(fair enough, but it's still a cop-out to own that stuff then dismiss it as irrelevant anyway, which you're just about to do-Ed)...just have done, mate, but only because ultimately that is the truth, and lined-up beside this mountain of institutionalised corruption, I am all but imperceivable, a mere speck...and in none of this what I does, not none of this 'ere blog stuff, the politicking/activism shizzle, etc, none of it's about me trying to be thought of as a nice person or availees liking me for the top bloke I clearly am, or any of that Cult of Personality shizzle, it's about the fundamental realities here-in...(forget you-Ed)...yeah, forget me...(forget you and focus on the realities-Ed)...absolutely...

Language Warning:...but there's just no avoiding some simple truths...trust me when I say, there's been plenty of times in mine own life where I've asked myself the simple question, 'am I fucked-up, or just fucked?'...and end language warning...(well that was quite reserved and constrained, I was expecting nay bracing for an expletive-riddled rant running to several paragraphs...feeling a little let-down actually-Ed)...no, in self-reference, I think those few words sum it up perfectly...and, given a choice, I of course choose the former, because the latter offers no optimism...("optimism"?, what is optimism?-Ed)...it's a sense of hope for the future, that things will improve, goals will be achieved, etc...(oh, you mean as in, 'a cynic is what an optimist calls a realist'?-Ed)...can't think of a better example, Ed, that's spot-on...(I used my words-Ed)...yes, yes you did...

Ever since the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (June 2002-present) kicked-off, I and other parents have been relentlessly attacked, both openly and surreptitiously, attacked as being the only genuine problem in what is irrefutably an organised, systemic, institutionalised cover-up of Child Abuse...I/we have been wholly denigrated in the ever-loving community that is Mt Gambier...(yay-Ed)...a community that seems more than happy to accept the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old kids by the teacher...(yay for Mt Gambier-Ed)...and then further accept the States' commitment to covering-up that abuse...(yay for South Australia-Ed)...and for nearly 14 years now I've effectively chosen to destroy my own life in this heavily bigotted and insular town...(yay and strewth-Ed)...as I have continued to bear the brunt of the majority of that denigration, denigration motivated by and/or mired in the rank corruption of the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up...

And the St Martins Cover-up hangs heavy on me every day that it remains unresolved, remains a Cover-up...there is no escaping it...not for me, not for you, and most definitely not for Mt Gambier...there is no escaping the brutal realities that St Martins presents us about who we are as a community, let alone as a State, let alone as a species...a species/community that attacks those who genuinely try to address the pro-paedophile corruption evident in such horrendous events as the St Martins Cover-up...(sorry, explain optimism to me again will you-Ed)...indeed...    

And these 'attacks' are why I felt left no choice but to step-up and own the problematic person I am...and I am, I truly am...and to do it publicly...and I have...time and time and time again I've hung myself out to dry, pointed at myself and said, 'what the shreck's goin' on there then?'...for years now, I've quite literally got up on the stage and said, 'well here I am and here's what I've got to say, and whatta' y'all got to say to me then?'...(and in response?-Ed)...I've been met by a deafening wall of deathly silence, whilst behind my back continues the perpetual howling storm of protest about what a prick I am...(yay and charming-Ed)...time and again I've put their shreckin' hammer in their shreckin' hands and climbed up on their shreckin' Cross and screamed, 'come on, shreckin' nail me up you bastards'...(nail 'em up I say! nail some sense into 'em!*-Ed)...and time-and-again they've just dropped the hammer and scurried back over the horizon to hold forth from there about how they're gunna' get me, get me for being the complete and utter bastard that I am...(you bastard!-Ed)...                       (*Life of Brian - Monty Python)

And as ironic as irony can be, exactly that amount of 'ironic' describes how this relentless and massive trauma and all the associated stress, etc, has made me a far better person than I could ever hope to have achieved if left to mine own devices...(so you're saying that whilst the abuse and hatred and derision and bigotry and ignorance and all that crap, all the stress and trauma deliberately heaped on you and other parents by a pro-paedophile Lutheran Church/community and the pro-paedophile State Government/Parliament and it's various Authorities and Departments, whilst all that's taken a massive toll on your physical and mental health, it's ultimately made you a better person-Ed)...that is what I said, yes...(I reckon that is irony ya' know-Ed)...I know, and here's some more...

Ironic Feedback About Steely Resolve:...and thankyou to that someone whom recently observed laughingly that my current Court case fundamentally defines that classic line, 'The Irresistible Force Meets The Immovable Object', namely, neither I nor those prosecuting/persecuting me will ever give-up on it...said sayer was unable to define which it was that I is, but I found the general sentiment certainly very flattering...(well I'd suggest that, given that the State and it's various Authorities are coming after you and you are therefore forced to defend yourself, then that self-defines the State as being 'The Irresistible Force'-Ed)...of course...(and you're just standing there defending yourself, therefore you sir, you are 'The Immovable Object' -Ed)...way to use your words again Ed...(penguin!-Ed)...  

Why Facebook Terrifies Me:...because when former Mt Gambier City Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perrymans' Facebook page bobbed-up in my 'Do You Know These People?' thingy bit...("thingy bit"?-Ed)...whatevs!...it was a very short hop, skip and click onto said page, and attached (below) 'meme' about killing paedophiles...(wow-Ed)...and another quick click straight onto Cr Perrymans' mothers' page...(how is good ol' Cherylynn?-Ed)...where-from it was the same quick click to Cherylynn's 'friend' Karina Regali...I understand but don't use Facebook, and I sure as heck wasn't seeking this info or researching these people or anything even remotely similar, it just literally bobbed-up click-by-click...without me even really looking, it was terrifyingly efficient at bringing me copious info about these people...and paedophiles are after your children...(with direct access, in your home, via this 'social media' stuff-Ed)...in the society/town that brought you the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

I name Karina Regali because she's the teacher who immediately replaced "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling in June 2002...she was a close friend of the then St Martins Deputy Principal, Elouise Brigden-Anderson, herself a key player/driver behind the Glyn Dorling/St Martins Cover-up...when I spoke to Ms Regali in June 2002 about why she had been suddenly employed, why the kids were behaving the way they were, etc, she replied 'don't know and don't want to know'...and of course Cherylynn was/still is a senior staffer at St Martins, and who repeatedly berated me in the street and/or the supermarket, several times in front of my young child...(well that's just charming...how does that make you look to your own child when a supposedly respected and trusted figurehead from their school abuses and derides you in the street for your allegedly heinous and unfounded actions re Dorling and St Martins?-Ed)...indeed, fascinating question Ed...and it was these abusive tirades from Cherylynn and several others that fuelled my rapid descent into Agoraphobia...(wasn't it when a St Martins grandparent abused you on the public bus home one day, wasn't that the final straw?-Ed)...with the infinite wisdom of hindsight, yeah, pretty much...

But I digress, albeit with a highly relevant litany of extraordinary public attacks, a series of deeply traumatic abuses and conflicts that are all still very much in play in my life when Facebook shows me this clown Steve mate...(maaate!-Ed)...posting such mind-numbingly hypocritical dross...as I ended the last post, so I conclude this...Steve Perryman is one of the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and has made his career from supporting the gross institutionalised paedophilia that underpins his entire political 'success'...he has acted with gross and unrelenting corruption, all the while hiding from the consequences of his corrupt actions, hiding in his supposedly protected position as Performing Monkey for the Vested Interests that run this sick State...Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...knows full well that he can be absolutely as corrupt as he likes so long as he continues to help cover-up paedophilia, not least of all, at St Martins Lutheran School...(and well done Steve-Ed)...

Steve Perryman is just another South Australian pro-paedophile politician who has made his fortune off the back of his pro-paedophile corruption...again, I have a crystal-clear recollection of that March 2010 State Election Forum when Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...sat on stage, on my left, as fellow candidate, snidely mouthing-off in my ear as a parent asked the very last question of the evening re the St Martins Cover-up, but then Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...didn't have a single word to say about St Martins and/or me and my role/actions or anything else even vaguely related...even if one ignores the extraordinary importance of the issue itself...(and he did-Ed)...at the very least, here was his perfect opportunity to publicly hold me to account and deconstruct my 'allegations' and humiliate me for my allegedly delusional slanderings...instead, he just sat there, head bowed, staring at the table, arms and legs tightly crossed, as did the other candidates Viv Maher, Don Pegler, and Henk Bruins...(those hilarious zombie meat-pretzels-Ed)...    

Some Other Quick Hypocrisies:...Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has threatened a Double Dissolution Federal Election based on the Senate (Upper House) finally accepting or again rejecting legislation to re-establish the ABCC (Australian Building and Construction Commission), a Commission allegedly designed to monitor/oversee what is currently supposedly an industry so consumed by it's own corruption that it needs, well, needs it's own Commission...(so does senior Liberal Arthur Sinodinos get his own Commission then?-Ed)...you mean because of his rankly corrupt conduct re Australian Water Holdings, or his rankly corrupt conduct as Treasurer of the New South Wales Liberal Party?...(ummm, yes? because of all of that-Ed)...and perhaps they could include in that Commission the raft of senior Liberals who have quit or been sacked in the last few months because of their dodgy dealings across a range of issues...one doesn't have to travel any further than 'Google Search' for the truth about these Liberals' conduct...Jamie Briggs, Mal Brough, Stuart Robert, Glenn Brookes, etc...the more you look the more you find...

So after the gutting of true Democracy with 1) the introduction of a non-refundable $3,000 'Nomination Fee' in 2013, then 2) the recent changes to Senate Voting structures, now the Liberals are further trying to shank what remains by 3) jamming-through massively biased legislation backed by threats to force a DD Election, an election that would immediately remove several of the uncooperative cross-bench Senators, a jamming made to look the hypocritical joke that it irrefutably is by utilising 'anti-corruption legislation' that doesn't include the corruption evident in the Liberals themselves!...(hoorah! now bring it home big fella'-Ed)...absolutely...ladies and gentlemen, presenting my hypocrisy in slamming this hypocrisy...

NSW Liberals/Arthur are in strife for refusing to reveal their donors from their 2011 NSW Election win, and it's cost them over $4million in Electoral Allowances...(and?-Ed)...and I have recently received yet another officially polite written 'threat' from the South Australian Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley, demanding that I submit a 'Donations' form for the October 2014 Mayoral Election...(but didn't you refuse to submit that form because it is addressed to the CEO of the relevant Council?-Ed)...yep...(which in your case is Mark McShane, or as availees may better know him, Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans?-Ed)...that be him...(and your justification for failing/refusing to lodge that form?-Ed)...because of the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council and their thuggish and retributional conduct against/toward people they don't like...(like you?-Ed)...no, they don't..(no no, not 'do they like you?', people 'like you', Council is thuggishly retributional toward people 'like you'-Ed)...ah right, well then yes, exactly, thuggish toward people like me...(and that's the excuse you offered Ms Mousley?-Ed)...over the phone and in writing...(with prolific examplings attached?-Ed)...with multiple prolific examplings...

(And isn't it just so, so 'you' to start a whinge about the Liberals' corruption, then turn it into a 'mia culpa' that itself then immediately wrenches back around to a scathing scything of the rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council-Ed)...ta', one does what one can...    

Tomorrow: Believe It Or Not, More Hypocrisy

(What?! more?!-Ed)...yeah yeah, there's plenty more where that came from...tomorrow we're gunna' have a long, loving look at Stevos' latest mass hypocrisy, including slagging-off Council decisions via the media...(what? after all the carry-on re Councillors feuding on 'social media' re the Rail Lands 'Art' thingy?-Ed)...yep, and it's far, far worse than some newby Councillors just jumping on Facebook or whatevs and saying silly things, this shows the complicit corruption of the local media, a complicit corruption intimately responsible for the St Martins Cover-up...(indeed, a Cover-up the size of the St Martins Cover-up simply cannot happen unless the media is absolutely, corruptly complicit-Ed)...exactly...

And that pro-paedophile corruption evident in the Mt Gambier media is yet another raft of screeching hypocrisies waiting to be explored, because these self-same people routinely self-aggrandise as the truthful, trustworthy moral compasses operating responsibly at the heart of the community for the betterment of the community...    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...