Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Confronting The Front Of Cons

Hello Ireland, Czech Republic, the USofA, and (the) Ukraine...you'll imagine my surprise that it's been a full week since the last post, but no-one's more surprised than I that I'm even here to do it today...no apologies for not wanting to blog, have sat down day after day for a week and just couldn't do it, just didn't want to do it, and it is just what it is...and not wanting to drag myself back into this stuff day after day is just a reasonably sane response to my own life...(heavy, man-Ed)...a life lived being so fundamentally confronted and subsequently underwhelmed by the community I live in, and most specifically the behaviour of it's so-called leaders, and the bare-faced hypocrisy of these professional con-men, the front of these cons...having said that, this 'ere post is the first of a series, a series made necessary by the sheer volume of cons and hypocrisy that has unfurled itself recently... 

No apologies that even this 'ere post is done somewhat under sufferage...(just get on with it-Ed)...because everyday I live with the glaring reality that these 'leaders' I'm dealing with are inevitably intimately involved with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and so it is, the struggle I have with just trying to be reasonably balanced when dealing with any issue, but particularly regarding Mt Gambier City Council, and most particularly former Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perryman...(in my dictionary, the Mt Gambier City Council have dragged 'lead' back-up the page, back across across the fine line between 'lead' and 'leach', as in 'suck the blood out of'...not a joke, literally...laterally literally...literally laterally literally-Ed)...are you quite finished?... 

Welcome y'all to what again looks like quite a long post, but several articles attached...first is from The Border Watch, Thursday 17th March, and the issue itself, The Rail Lands 'Artwork' as pictured, and discussion there-of as conducted on 'Social Media'...(was it on Cr Lynaghs' 'Limestone Coast News' Facebook page thingy?-Ed)...think so/dunno'/partly?/whatevs...then thirdly (sorry) is Mayor Lees' comments supposedly explaining that funding/expenditure (TBW Tuesday 22nd March 2016)...second letter (sorry) is Cr Perryman havin' 'is two-bobs worth the next day (TBW 23rd March 2016)...and finally Cr Morello has another good whinge (TBW 24th March 2016)...note that the original TBW story doesn't mention Cr Morello's attempted 'Motion'...(nor does Councils' Minutes from that meeting, doesn't even mention it-Ed)...

I'll skip the usual attempted humour, except of course to hilariously utilise my confected literary device 'Ed' to roundly berate myself for the rank hypocrisy of me calling someone else a hypocrite......uhhhh, Ed?...um, Ed!?...(no way mate...you're on your own with this one...and you've said it already-Ed)...fair enough...(and you know I wanted to do that joke-Ed)...sorry, well go on then...(nah, it's too late now-Ed)...come ooon...(no!...and I had a great spiel all about how 'everyone's a hypocrite and it takes one to know one but it takes 2 to know you'-Ed)...well there you go, you've got to do it anyway...(it's not the same-Ed)...I know, but let's do the post, yeah?...(alright-Ed)...ta'...(I'm still not happy-Ed)...I know... 

Perhaps It's Just For My Entertainment:...given I was the only one there*...(taboomtish-Ed)...but Tuesday evening 15th March 2016, Council put on a stellar show, the calibre of 50cent fireworks wheezily whizzing about in small circles on the floor...and that farcical performance has since played itself through via the local media...please read these The Border Watch articles attached below, and consider it all in a context where these clowns are absolutely as thick as thieves and particularly when it comes to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (June 2002-current) and their collectively profitable and complicitous corruption around this and many other issues...  (*there was actually a second 'public' present)

And please note that I can say these things about 'corruption' as bluntly as that because of the raft of rank realities that would be exposed should any of these clowns actually follow through on their many and varied 'defamation' threats...why haven't the Lutherans/St Martins followed through on their multiple written threats?...(and beyond that, there are those who are so tainted that they try to not even acknowledge these things at all-Ed)...great point Ed, why isn't Mt Gambier City Council at least threatening me for my relentless and apparently salacious slanderings of this august body?...("raft of rank realities"?-Ed)...exactly, an absolute shipload of rank realities...(would a line of gondolas in Venice be a rank of rafts?-Ed)...this is no laughing matter Ed...(no probs, I don't think anybody's laughing at that joke mate-Ed)...but speaking of jokes...

Late in the meeting 15th March 2016, under Motions Without Notice but not recorded/mentioned on Councils' Agenda or subsequent Minutes, Cr Frank Morello, former Editor of The Border Watch  and husband to TBW alleged journalist Sandra...Frank who was given the very plum role of Helpmann Theatre Manager straight from that extraordinary stint as TBW Editor...(a stint stained irretrievably by the sickly stench of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, Councillor Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From It's Ivory Tower' Morello reared-up out of his seat like some demonic blancmange, said something about wanting a Motion about a Code of Conduct issue, and then verbally launched himself at Cr Greco like a nerf exocet, giving young Christian a vicious tongue-lashing....(vicious lashing? it was like being caressed with a natural yoghurt*-Ed)...indeed...  (*credit- The Mighty Boosh BBC TV)

From my position directly behind Cr Morello, what I thought I saw and heard was him ask for some sort of official Council reprimand of Cr Greco via some sort of 'Motion' re the 'Code of Conduct'...Frank then made a series of intensely facetious and purile statements...(hey! hey! that's my shtick! I do the intensely purile stuff 'round here !-Ed)...I know! the gall of the man!...Frank had a massive hissy-fit from his li'l Ivory Tower about how Cr Greco must have been asleep at such-and-such meeting or was snoozing at so-and-so and can't remember Council invested in this-that-and-the-other, did whatevs about whatevs, etc, all of the things listed in his own letter (below)...then he suddenly withdrew his Motion and sat down...(I have not laughed so hard in so long-Ed)...well quite, and we weren't the only ones...(you can see why I thought it was a stageshow/performance piece starring the monologuing hilarity of Cr Steve Perryman, with side-splitting cameos from various other clowns-Ed)...nah, I can see how one might make that mistake...

So's Frank stood up, asked for a 'Motion', had his little vent at Cr Greco, then withdrew his 'Motion', then sat down, and then Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...stood-up to hold forth about how it was 'the lowest point in Councils' history' and himself 'Motion' some Code of Conduct training for Councillors...(wow, not unlike the extraordinary hypocrisy of Stevo making a big scene of being seen to excuse himself from the second Budget Special Meeting on Monday 21st March 2016, re a Conflict of Interest re Councils' funding of Stevos' self-appointed 'Tourism' group, see previous post-Ed)...indeed, it's exactly that hypocritical...

And as for this little tit-for-tat tete-a-tete in The Border Watch, it's a fundamentally faux-furore confected by strictly collusive co-conspirators, designed to create a false sense of independence within Council, and to distract from real issues of corruption and maladministration and deceits that define the entire Rail Lands Project...and for Cr Perryman to stand-up and hold forth about how he's "...sought only to defend the integrity of council and the chamber."...wow...(mmm, we're gunna' need more hypocrites-Ed)...what? more?...(well if I'm one hypocrite, and you're 2 more, that's 3, so we're gunna' need more 'cos three's clearly not enough to know Cr Perryman-Ed)...I'll get the phonebook...

Tomorrow: More Hypocrisy

(Orrr, not more!?-Ed)...sorry mate, we've literally just scratched the surface today...(I know, but still, don't you find it so depressing to see this sea of corruption? gourd knows I do! and angry too, ooo I'm angry, aren't you?-Ed)...I wish! angry would be an improvement at this point, it all just makes me sad...this is what I was saying last post, I almost miss being angry 'cos at least anger fuelled me to go forward, do this 'ere blog, etc, and sad is just sad and sad saps your energy...(passion swamped by depression is a glutinous quagmire from which it can be quite difficult to extract oneself-Ed)...indeed, it would appear to be the case...(and this 'ere blog becomes a confronting burden even given it's history as cathartic release-Ed)...indeed, from release to burden, nicely put Ed... 

Just stunned to see former Mt Gambier Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perryman posting on his own Facebook page (14th February 2016) a meme about 'we put down dogs that hurt children so why not put-down paedophiles'...(wow-Ed)...I know...this from one of the key players in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, this from a man who has profitted profusely, indeed made his political career off the back of ignoring/protecting/supporting paedophilia...

And every time I think of Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...I'm right there back on the stage of the Sir Helpmann Theatre at the March 2010 State Election Forum, with the last audience question of the night referring to St Martins, as asked by a parent involved, whilst my fellow candidate Stevo was muttering away in my left ear, "Is there a question in this (parents' name)?", but then Stevo failed to even address the issue, never leaving his chair, just sitting there, arms and legs tightly crossed, head bowed, staring down at the table...(as were the 3 other candidates, Don Pegler, Viv Maher, and Henk Bruins, all settin' there like zombie meat pretzels, staring at the table-Ed)...what an inspiring display of laudible leadership... 

For Steve Perryman to comment on what another persons' conduct has done to the integrity of Mt Gambier City Council...wow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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