Tuesday, March 22, 2016

...(Just Farts Ache-Ed)...

(When ones' hemorrhoids are playing-up ahahahhaaahhhaah ahh%##***""{-Ed)...^{+%@! what the shreck?!! give me that keyboard@@~"<((*%...(ahahaaahahaaaha just farts ache ahahaa>|^$@-Ed)...##}]&^^*give me that!##@_]%...give...me...that's it mate! that's the last time, the first and last time I let you do the title to a post...(ahahahaaaa ahhh-Ed)...dear availees, I am so, so sorry for this brutish and purile hijacking of the otherwise pristine and cultured content of this 'ere blog...today's post was intended to be a quick showcase of my vague attempts at 'Art', namely some photos and maybe a bitta' poetry...(orrr come on, don't sell ya'self short, this 'ere blog's a bit of a work of Art-Ed)...mate, flattery will get you absolutely nowhere after that little opening effort...

I've been planning some of these 'Arty' posts for a while, but have fallen foul of my own recalcitrance re doing this 'ere blog only once a week, and it seems a bit silly and self-indulgency...but it's been a very long week, again, and I commented to some-one that whilst I've had pretty much the most full-on year of my life and achieved some extraordinary things, it's sort of like, having lived for so long in the Grey (Agoraphobia/depression) that my recent expeditions into the Light and the Colour (that vague sense of achievement/self esteem/happiness) have served only to remind me of how much I've lost to the Grey...(and then when you're back in the Grey, it's now even 'greyer' because you have a current reference point of Light and Colour-Ed)...well exactly...(and then one has moments regretting ever leaving the Grey because now one has seen the contrast/possibilities/optimism/whatevs, that from back in the Grey now seem so far away again-Ed)...Ed, it's like you're in my head mate...(well there, yes, and here on this page in this 'ere blog, for they truly are the only 2 places that I actually exist, what with me being a confected literary device and all, not an actual separate person-Ed)...well you're real to me Ed...(that's what concerns me-Ed)...

Coupla' people have said to me re my Grey/Colour/Light metaphor that they saw a drought-stricken farmer woman interviewed re her extraordinary struggles, and she made the same observations about her mental health, and consequently made a point of taking photos every day and  looking for/being aware of the colour in simple things, etc, I think the example was clothes pegs...so I'm going to do whatevs it takes to keep rolling forward with this 'ere blog, and today that's this stuff...my name is Nick Fletcher and I write this 'ere blog, just me, and ain't no-one else responsible for what I says, what I does, or whatevs I whatevs...(and I'm also here-Ed)...oh yeah, and there's Ed...and I'll continue to make an absolute effort to be as present and as correct and as accountable as possible, and make stupid hopefully mildly offensive jokes most likely at someone elses' expense...(and I'm also here-Ed)...indeed...anyhoos, let's get to it...but before you have ya' puddin' (the Art) you need to have some fibre, so here's the roughage as we cross to our Entertainment reporter, Ed...

TMGI Theatrical News:...(and former Mt Gambier City Mayor and current City Councillor Steve Perryman is a triumph with his hilarious one man show, the progressive performance piece, 'Have Ya' Heard This Hypocrisy?', now into it's second week and packing them in at the Helpmann Theatre...in a series of lengthy monologues of scything socio-political commentary, Cr Steve highlights the corruption and dysfunction of local government by having his character rail against the exact behaviours his character has executed/exhibited...this modern take on age-old themes of public corruption, self-importance, and self-aggrandisement had the public weeping..."laugh out loud funny" said one man...so there you go Nick, 'Have You Heard This Hypocrisy?' looks set for an extended run-Ed)...ummm, Ed, mate, that's ummm, that's not a show you've attended there, that's ya' standard Council meetings, not a hilarious comedic review...(what?!-Ed)...yeah, that's standard meetings of Mt Gambier City Council...(but, but, it's been going for weeks, it must be a show...and he couldn't possibly be saying those things in reality-Ed)...sit down mate...

When Cr Perryman twice got up last evening (Monday 21st March 2016) at Council's latest 'Budget Special Meeting' and made a big song-and-dance about his "Non-Pecuniary Conflict of Interest" re the $160,000 ($180,000?, possibly more) that Council has agreed to hand to Cr Perryman's self-appointed 'Tourism Taskforce', that wasn't a play, that right there's reality Mt Gambier City Council Style...(but?...but?...-Ed)...I know, I know, I wish it was a staged comedic tour-de-force, but at the first Budget meeting, when he was profusely holding forth about cuts to other Council Budget items/services like footpath maintenance and tree-lopping, cutting back on other stuff to make-up the shortfall created by this $160,000(?more) to his Tourism thingy, all that's reality, not a play...(but it's been running for weeks...and it's always him, the character Steve-Ed)...indeed, but that's just 3 Council meetings in 2 weeks, and Steve ain't no character and he sure as shreck never tires of his own voice...(not a show? wow-Ed)...indeed...

And the real humour in Stevo's little pantomime is most unfortunately derived from the fact that Steve mate...(maaate-Ed)...he's absolutely notorious for his multiple Conflict of Interest rorts, eg, the extraordinary, nepotistic corruption of the Main Corner leasing process, the Old Hospital Demolition, etc...(I thought that was just the character's back-story, I couldn't have imagined it were all real-Ed)...well I'm just tellin' it as I see it happen, and as the only 'public' person to attend these 3 meetings*...(3 meetings in a fortnight?-Ed)...yeah, Budget meeting on Wednesday 9th March 2016 then Council meeting last Tuesday 15th, then last evening a second Budget meeting...(strewth, no wonder you're so depressed-Ed)...indeed, I somewhat preferred it when it just made me angry, now it's just all so sad, so very, very sad...(hang on! you're the 'public' who said "laugh out loud funny" in my interview thingy-Ed)...mate! I was the only person there...(oh, fair enough-Ed)...and I didn't say that, in the moment, as Stevo's spewing these rank hypocrisies, that I don't laugh at these audacious attempts to reconstruct the realities that define who he is!...(and also fair enough...I still just can't believe it's not a show-Ed)...      
       (*sorry, there was one other person at the general meeting 15th March)           

I guarantee that I'll be teeing-off again real soon on this latest Budget process farce and the extraordinary conduct of Cr Steve Perryman...but now, out of the Grey and into the Art, sort of...

These first photos are sunrise Monday 19th January 2015, taken from Gladigau Rd near the Gun Club, looking East of course...not sure if that's a rainbow in the thin, low cloud or some sort of upper atmospheric 'ice halo' thingy...please remember that these are taken with an $80 phone so the quality ain't great 'cos it's difficult if not impossible to get the self-focus right, but still worth the effort of taking I reckon...cheers...

(Those are some freaky atmospherics right there...it's sort of Art I guess...and now that you've calmed down about that unpleasant business with the title, perhaps I could have a go at doing the intros for some of these photos-Ed)...orrr, I dunno'...(come on, how could it hurt?-Ed)...ok then, don't let me down...(you won't regret this-Ed)...I already am...

(The Blue Lake Shows It's Support For Marriage Equality-Ed):...you idiot...this is actually a rainbow coming out (no pun intended) of the Blue Lake, 18th July 2014... 
 (And This Street Supports Marriage Equality-Ed)...or it's a sunrise rainbow from May 2014...
(And These Trees Support Marriage Equality-Ed)...I think we've probably done that joke enough now...(but the real joke is that dude from Western Australia who has quit the Labor Party because they were going to make him vote to support, in his words, "homosexual marriage"-Ed)...you mean WA Senator Joe Bullock...(that's him-Ed)...indeed, commitment to his bigotry as so deftly defined by the deliberately derogatory language, saying "homosexual" instead of "equality"...(we won't miss you Joe-Ed)...indeed we won't...

And so there we go, hardly the best post ever on this 'ere blog, but onward and upward and all that...a few photos, a scathing diatribe about the rank corruption of Mt Gambier City Council, and a very amusing gouge at Mr Bullock that doubles as a re-affirmation of my personal support for Equality, full-stop...(not so keen on marriage?-Ed)...my opinion of marriage is irrelevant in a context where genuine 'Equality' makes anything else a peripheral irrelevance, including the issue of marriage...(because genuine 'Equality' automatically makes any quantifiers like 'marriage' redundant?-Ed)...indeed, because true 'Equality' should be a given where-in the individual gets to define for themselves what those 'Equalities' are...(and if they choose to get married, it's their problem?-Ed)...exactly...

 Tomorrow: Probably My Court Stuff, Probably

(You haven't corrected the title bit yet-Ed)...ah damn, it's too late now...(well you better tell them what the hilarious joke is I've made there-Ed)...ummm, sorry availees, the original and correct title for this post is/was Just For Arts Sake...(and I made it into 'Just Farts Ache'-Ed)...yeah yeah, we can all see what you did, hope you're proud...(and you are, as always, my inspiration, my muse-Ed)... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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