Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Justice Just is What Justice Just Does

Howdy y'all in Argentina, the Netherlands, France, and Spain, and to y'all else...and no pretense today of good humour, no progression of digressions, here 'tis...

Can only say again the same stuff I have before about my life of relative comfort and privilege for being born a White man in this stolen land, Australia...equally relevant, my poverty-line existence as a Disability Support Pension recipient and Housing SA (Housing Trust) tenant...(yay-Ed)...well quite, it's the minimal support you get that's way, way better than none-at-all, but I continue to be concerned about those effectively 'below' me financially on NewStart Allowance (the Dole/Unemployment), Youth Allowance, other pensions, etc, in a context where the 'Privatisation of South Australia' is all-but done, and as inevitably happens, it would appear that the 'bottom' 1/4-1/3 of the population are being consigned to the scrapheap...(and double-yay, who got-up on the sunshiny side of the bed this morning?-Ed)...mate, the State's falling apart and their having months of shreckin' Festivals and Car Races and Whizz and Bang...(yeah, I know-Ed)...

You don't have to know much about the history of Rome to understand the fundamental principles of 'Bread and Circuses' governance as practised by the Roman Emporers...endless games in the Colosseum and slingin' supposedly 'free' bread to the 'mob' (the crowds) all to distract said mob from the unpleasant realities crowding-in from the unruly frontiers...and the worse it got financially/security-wise/whatevs, the bigger the Games, the more the carnage, and lotsa' 'free' bread...(I didn't know we were talking about the Rail Lands again today-Ed)...nice tangential reference to the furious flurry of forced fakery being jammed onto the Rail Lands as Mt Gambier City Council tries to justify/deny/ignore the multiple issues of Council's deceit, corruption, malfeasance, maladministration and incompetence re that site, but I was referring specifically to the blizzard of bollockry that goes on in Adelaide this time a' year...(all the same thing though isn't it?-Ed)...pretty much...but we digress...    

On Monday, 7th March 2016, in the Mt Gambier Magistrates Court, 450kms from our charming State capital Adelaide, the seat of Law and Order, my case had it's 13th hearing in as many months...the latest installment in this precedent prosecution of an extraordinarily powerful piece of legislation with defined Constitutional issues/implications was held in a closed Court room with no media or public allowed/present, and allegedly unrecorded by the Court and/or SAPol (police) Prosecutions, and without the defendant having any legal representation...(sorry what!? slow down...closed Court, no public/media, no official recording, you the defendant without legal representation, in the biggest legal case in South Australia's recent legal history, that's now been running since February 2015?-Ed)...yes, we're talking about the same case...(wow!-Ed)...yep, a large angry hippy was yet again forced to represent himself but was also refused recording anything...(you're not allowed to record either?-Ed)...nope...(but how are you meant to keep track of anything if nothing's being recorded?-Ed)...I think that's the point isn't it Ed?...

This massively important case is being rammed unaccountably through a closed Court as far from Adelaide as possible...hide it, bury it, ram it through with a complete disregard for propriety and appropriate procedure and completely ignoring the Constitutional herd of elephants stampeding up-and-down the room...(Justice be hanged but not before Nick Fletcher-Ed)...well quite...this is a farcical pro-paedophile political persecution, an act of absolute retribution for what I've covered on this 'ere blog...and consider please that I have no choice but to defend these ludicrous charges/counts because, Retribution Agenda aside, if I were to just roll-over and plead 'Guilty' then the rankly corrupt South Australian Parliament, Labor and Liberal alike, would have the precedent conviction they want/need to be able to shut-down any 'social media', particularly 'blogging' such as this 'ere...(but also with huge implications for mainstream journalists/media/whatevs-Ed)...indeed Ed... 

(Oo oo, tell 'em about the phone call on Friday before Court-Ed)...with SAPol prosecutions in Adelaide?...(yeah yeah, that's the one, hilarious-Ed)...you have a very odd sense of humour Ed, I must say...(just tell 'em!-Ed)...okey dokes, basically, at the hearing 2nd February 2016 I was ordered/directed by the Court to 1) self-represent on Constitutional Law, and 2) go back to the Pre-Trial Conference process...and even though they're meant to be part of the PTC, I was refused Discovery of documents and withdrawing/re-entering my previous plea of 'Not Guilty' made back in May 2015 after the South East Community Legal Service (here-in to be known as my Leagles, my Legal Eagles) had already been through this PTC process with SAPol Prosecutions who initially refused to budge on any of the 20 charges/counts, but then dropped one...(one?-Ed)...one...(of 20?-Ed)...yep...anyhoos, with this second round of PTC, when I read through the Court-provided but very poorly photo-copied PTC pamphlet, it said that I, being self-represented, I had to contact SAPol Prosecutions even prior to the PTC...so I did (Friday 4th March 2016)...

Ms Diamandi of SAPol Prosecutions, the young woman who was made to look so foolish by her own side when she was unceremoniously shoved-out into the firing line completely unprepared at the hearing 2nd February 2016 re this bizarrely shambolic prosecution, she was apparently unavailable, but called me back within about an hour...apparently we were meant to discuss the 'Document of Agreed Facts' where-in SAPol provides me a list of things that I have apparently done, and we are to negotiate what is 'agreed' and what I (the defendant) might choose to plead 'Guilty' to, etc, all with a view to greatly reducing the actual time in Court...(but you're not a lawyer, how are you meant to know what to agree to or not? from what I'm looking at, SAPol Prosecutions is effectively requiring you to 'agree' with what you are charged with, that is, effectively plead 'Guilty'-Ed)...and this is the problem I have as forced on me by the Court, I don't know what to agree to or not, or to ask for or not...(yeah yeah, but tell 'em about the call-Ed)...sure...

I declined to agree with anything beyond the fact that I write this 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...(and they know that already anyway because you put your name on the blog and on every post and that's why the 2 SAPol Anti-Corruption detectives from Adelaide knew where find you when they 'raided' your home back in May 2014-Ed)...indeed...so 'yes' TMGI is me/mine, and given that I was doing daily posts at that time, 'yes' I would have posted something on those dates...beyond that I declined to agree to anything and the discussion degenerated into stuff about how I'm not a lawyer, my not being charged/Summonsed, the Constitutional issues involved, etc, etc...yet again I was repeatedly arguing this wholly bizarre prosecution to a standstill, whilst Ms Diamandi stated that SAPol Prosecutions cannot/do not deal with Constitutional issues...and my apologies that I can't remember anything more specific than that, but I was suddenly and bemusedly distracted about 5 minutes in by a second voice on the phone, 'Hello Mr Fletcher, this is (head of SAPol Prosecutions) Andrew Paesch speaking'...(what? where'd he spring from then? I didn't know he was there-Ed)..neither did I Ed, neither did I...

Enter Stooge Right:...Mr Paesch's presence was news to me because when she rang me back Ms Diamandi didn't identify that there were any other people present and listening...(is that legal?-Ed)...maaate, we're talking about SAPol and the pro-paedophile political persecution that I'm being subjected to!...'is that legal?', really Ed...(yeah sorry, don't know why I was even surprised-Ed)...you're surprised because it's respectfully standard procedure to identify all persons present, not have a discussion with others secretly listening-in!...I'm also assuming there were others present, and that this call was recorded, and that the 'not available/return call' was about setting-up this little attempted ambush...(charming-Ed)...and that the same anonymous attendees were likely present but not identified for the 2 'Video links' of the hearings 02/02/2016 and 07/03/2016, 'links' required because SAPol Prosecutions are running their case from Adelaide...   

I asked Mr Paesch about his sudden appearance and he stated, 'I'm here to support my colleague'...(what? the same support he showed when he dumped her into the middle of this massive debasco (debacle/fiasco) back on 2nd February 2016?-Ed)...indeed Ed, support just like that...he continued to stonewall on the issues of when/if I was charged and why I wasn't Summonsed, 'you must have been charged because you're in Court'...(wow, isn't that the same hugely facetious response as from the Magistrate back in the hearing 2nd February 2016?-Ed)...literally verbatim, and I gave him the same brusque response that I gave then, with the added directive, 'don't play word games with me'...we went 'round and 'round with this stuff about the failure to charge and/or Summons me, and I incrementally herded him to a series of admissions that made one cumulative statement, namely, 'I asked someone at Mt Gambier to Summons you, but they couldn't find you'...(but the 2 detectives from Adelaide could find you alright-Ed)...indeed, as I reminded Mr Paesch...

When I reminded Mr Paesch of his email of 12th August 2014 that stated that I would be informed 'when and if' I was to be charged, he replied that that email was 'to (my) lawyer'...(and here's me thinking that we do the facetious stuff-Ed)...indeed Ed, but this is the sort of smart-arse attitude that I've been subjected to through-out this farcical prosecution, a clear indication that SAPol Prosecutions is in disarray re this case...I have asked for specific details about this alleged 'request and attempt' because I reckon it's an outright lie...beyond that, SAPol have all my contact details, home and mobile phones, email, and of course my home address...until otherwise conclusively proven, SAPol made no attempt what-so-ever to Summons me...and I'm still waiting for someone, anyone to respond to my repeated questions/assertions re not being charged, by providing me with an actual date that it happened...I've raised this point multiple times in Court, starting in March 2015, and still no-one has provided me that date...

At one point 04/03/2016, when discussing my lack of legal representation, Ms Diamandi asked if I'd 'heard of JusticeNet SA', and I stated that I'd tried that already and that it had been a disaster, etc, to which she stated 'perhaps they've had advice about the Constitutional issues being not relevant'...I immediately shut her down on this nonsense by identifying that SAPol is monitoring this 'ere blog and is therefore exactly aware of what has and hasn't happened re JusticeNet SA and Ralph Bonig because I've blogged about it!...(hang on, wasn't JusticeNet SA also discussed repeatedly at the hearing 2nd February 2016?-Ed)...indeed it was Ed...(and that as part of the extensive discussion about the Constitutional issues and/or alleged involvement of that rankly corrupt lawyer Ralph Bonig?-Ed)...yep...(a discussion you've described as being wholly about trying to get Ralph's super-dodgy alleged 'legal advice' onto the official record so that it can be used against you-Ed)...that's the one...JusticeNet SA was a central part of that debate in that hearing, and then on 04/03/2016 Ms Diamandi mentions it as though it were some new idea she's just thought of...what a joke...(and you felt sorry for her getting betrayed/set-up by her own side-Ed)...did, not so much anymore...    

Ultimately, Mr Paesch directed me to put in writing my various requests for information/Discovery/whatevs and the discussion ground to a halt, with virtually nothing properly resolved...however, 2 things were established, namely 1) that Mr Paesch claimed that he had requested that I be Summonsed, but that no-one could 'find' me, and 2) SAPol cannot handle the clearly defined Constitutional issues...furthermore, having been initially denied my request for Discovery, I have now been SAPol directed and then Court ordered to provide a written list of requested documents/recordings/whatevs...(well good luck with that-Ed)...

In Closing:...just listening to Sam Rothall on the ABC Local Radio re the Leukemia Foundation and what they raised at the latest Rail Lands 'Bread Circus' on Sunday 13th March 2016...and it's all about how they (LF) help support people travel to Adelaide, etc, and the head-shaving or colouring, etc, and that approx $8,000 was raised...(any mention of the cost of employing Ms Rothall to this unnecessary position, running the LF office here, etc?-Ed)...not that I heard...and as per previous post on this issue, I maintain that sick feeling in my gut that comes with my maintaining that this office/Ms Rothall's position is a cynical manipulation of a deeply emotive issue...

Tomorrow: Gidget Goes To Rome
(Gidget?-Ed)...did I say 'Gidget?', sorry, I meant the Federal Royal Commission Into Child Abuse...

Just In Closing:...this little gem from the Lutheran Church, as taken from their
            'Response to the Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse  
                                   Constitutional Paper - Redress and civil litigation'

   "An underlying principle of this response is that the needs of victims must be paramount at all times."

...(with what I've seen of the Lutherans, they routinely take the 'nunder' outta' 'An underlying principle', but never more so than in that very sentence right there-Ed)...indeed, and then amply and equally apply both 'principle' and it's prestigious pal, 'Principal'...and I hope I'm being none too subtle here in what I'm so seethingly saying about the Lutherans and their Principals, and their collective 'principles'...(no I think you've said it right there, 'the Lutherans and their Principals, and their principles'-Ed)...you can almost feel the love...(I am definitely feeling something, but I'm not real sure it's 'love'-Ed)...well passion ain't always beautiful Ed...(fair enough-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher, Court-Appointed Constitutional Lawyer, and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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