Thursday, February 25, 2016

Nick Xenophon - The Judas Goat Of Aussie Politics?

Hello Czech Republic, Singapore, India, and the United States of America, and brief apology for another week-long non-blog, but a non-blogging that relates directly to feedback...had expected at least a minor storm of feedback abuse re the recent post about the manipulations evident in the Rail Lands Karaoke Thingy, but I've been shocked about how supportive the response has been...I was so 'traumatised' about attacking this Cancer related event that I spoke to a coupla' people about it, and their almost identical responses revolved around the 'Charity Bureaucracy' issues, the nepotism and corruption, etc, and used as an example what's just happened with the closure/collapse of cricketer Shane Warne's 'Charity/Foundation/Whatevs'...beyond that, I was again told/encouraged to 'let-up' on myself and do this 'ere blog as often as I feel like it/need to/whatevs, because 1) it's important that TMGI continue, and 2) I've already fought so long and so hard that I ain't gotta' prove not nuthin' to no-one...(damn straight!-Ed)...

With my child recently returned to Uni, and no other familial visits on the horizon, I'll no longer be indulging in long hazy days of just hangin'-out together, etc, and focussing instead on my exasperations and aspirations re this 'ere blog...also, I'm a tad overwhelmed by the personal support I've received in recent months and pleased with myself that whilst this 'ere blog remains a bit of a bit-piece enterprise at the moment, my very hard work off-blog has paid enormous dividends...can't prove either the hard work or the results other than to say that them peeps what do know me say that I'm not quite the vaguely ominous, intense bucket-a'-happiness I was only a year ago...apparently my carriage, disposition and temperament have all markedly improved, as most evidenced by my new-found ability to have conversations that don't entirely revolve around the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(there's an 'off-blog'?-Ed)...yeah, I'll tell you 'bout it later...

Beyond that, feedback has been less than complimentary about a range of the actual issues stemming from that Rail Karaoke post, for example, criticism about the veracity of TV Talent Shows, etc...don't watch them myself so I wouldn't know exactly what happens, can't comment, don't really care, and the bottom-line remains for me that it doesn't matter what musician Ms Louise Adams does or doesn't know about the raft of rank corruptions evidenced in the Rail Lands Retail Agenda and the $5million development as it currently exists, and/or this vacuous agenda of propaganda to try and 'Activate the Rail' and give this costly mess some sort of credibility, etc, her knowledge or ignorance of any and/or all of that stuff is basically irrelevant in the context that her 'celebrity' is being used by others re this Propaganda Agenda...and whilst we're on the Rail Lands...

DUCK! And Another Duck:...and a third duck...and a Masked Lapwing/Hooded Plover/Whatevs...down on the Bijou? deep in the Everglades? on the repeatedly re-trenched, re-plumbed, really-rooted Eastern end of the Rail Lands where Council laid-out $200,000 of Rolled-Gold Turf?...(ummm, I'll take 'Dodgy Nepotistic Council Contracts' for 200,000 thanks Nick-Ed)...congratulations Ed, you've won the right to stand in the baking sun/pissing rain due to the complete lack of appropriate shelter and splash-about in Council's multi-million dollar Eastern Insta-Swamp...deadset, hasn't rained for months and then one half-decent downpour and it's Swamp Time, again, and this despite the costly multiple drainage re-workings of that site/area by teams of Council workers...please note that there's an algae-choked rock-pool and adjacent 2m deep concrete Death Pit of Stupidity (drainage pond) only 200m West, yet the ducks prefer this...for your viewing pleasure...

You can also just pick-up the water streaming from the swampy Rail Lands out across the footpath and onto Railway Tce...the second photo is taken just to the right of the first...both fortuitously show the buildings on the Southern boundary, buildings that would be the perfect and instant back-stop for a North-facing Sound Shell...(can't help seeing some irony in this frenzy of 'musical events' being pushed onto the Rail Lands, when the cornerstone of Mt Gambier City Council's $10million November 2011 Parklands Concept Plan was/is a "Sound Shell"-Ed)...nicely observed Ed, that 'Shell' has repeatedly bobbed in-and-out of Council's plans and promises, eg, the recent 'Stage 4' deceit where Council suddenly invented a whole new 'Stage' that included the 'big ticket' items that Council has repeatedly promised but clearly has no intention of providing, namely 1) that Sound Shell, 2) access through to Margaret St/the Aquatic Centre precinct, etc, and the most glaringly obvious, 3) the complete failure/refusal to do any work to renovate the iconic Old Rail Station building...but we digress...
Dear Nick,
                 Hello and welcome to your very own dedicated post, Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...and of course, if indeed that's where this post ends-up, with you requiring a Right of Reply, then you're more than welcome to come onto this 'ere blog and attempt to defend/explain yourself...(well good luck with that, given that Mr X is currently avoiding/ignoring you and the other parents that he so profusely promised to support with all that St Martins stuff, promised support like appearing with y'all to support y'all when y'all gave evidence to the Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry (no.54) into the Teachers Registration Board, but then failing to do so?-Ed)...excellent statement/question Ed, and furthermore...

That SARC Inquiry no.54:...and an apology that a coupla' times in other posts I reckon I've referred to "Inquiry no.52", my bad, and shows that no matter how hard I check/try, there'll be some minor errors in TMGI, but these are made remarkable by their infrequency, I hope...(well one thing you can guarantee is that any errors are genuine and not deliberately malicious-Ed)...indeed Ed, I'm far too concerned about pushing these various issues in a positive direction to compromise the realities with deliberate 'mistakes'...and I'd go further than that and say that I've established a degree of credibility, via both this 'ere blog and by personal attendance/application, that would allow me to make-up a fair bit of shizzle, yet I don't and won't...(well given the unrelenting bizarreness of these realities, I'd reckon you don't need to make shizzle-up-Ed) on Ed...

I note that this official State Parliament Inquiry by a Standing Committee, the SARC Inquiry no.54, self-identifies as being based on the St Martins/Glyn Dorling issue and the related TRB/Crown Solicitor Inquiry into Dorling's behaviours/conduct that ran from March 2003-November 2004, an 'Inquiry' that completely exonerated Dorling...that TRB/CSO Inquiry and outcome was so problematic that it justified/forced the SARC Inquiry no.54... 

I also note that Mr Xenophon never took this issue to the media outside of Mt Gambier, another unfortunate similarity to others whom have appeared/spoken in Mt Gambier, but ne'ery a pathetic whimper outside of the area, not even in that Sorry Sack of Backwater, Adelaide...(and haven't The Advertiser flatly refused to run anything on this St Martins stuff?-Ed)...absolutely!...(except of course for the January 2005 article that The Advertiser ran to undermine/dismiss the story from the Melbourne-based Channel 10 TV news that ran on 3rd January 2005, where-in the parent interviews in that story were recorded at this 'ere house what you call your home-Ed)...indeed, that's 11 years ago...11 years since parents lobbied and negotiated and organised with TV10 for a balanced and reasonably lengthy story re St Martins that included statements from the then Principal John Alexander...

And I think the strength of the TV10 story was it's impartiality, which initially I wasn't that happy about, but when viewed beyond my personal space/mindset/agenda/whatevs, still shows that something definitely has happened at St Martins...even a 'soft' story shows that something happened, eg, it has John Alexander stating that he did everything correctly, eg, notify SAPol (police)...but excuse me, yet again I digress, guess that all this George Pell/Child Abuse Royal Commission mallarchy has got me all hepped-up re that Commission's informed refusal to act on my/parents' submissions and look at St Martins or even come to Mt Gambier, and failure to even mention the Lutherans in 3 years of supposedly forensic investigations...(I can see how that might be on your mind-Ed)...but it's still digressing from the topic, Mr Xenophon, so shall we?...(yes, let's-Ed)...    

In August 2013, just weeks prior to the September 2013 Federal election I bailed-up Nick mate...(maaate-Ed) a local car dealership when he lobbed there for a campaign stunt/photo-op, and he immediately recognised me...(dude, of course he remembered you, strewth!-Ed)....recognised me and asked me to wait 'til afters his stuff, and I did, and then we sat there across a small table in that dealership's reception, and to my face, from only feet away, he asked me to 'back-off and wait until after the election' and 'give him a clear run', etc, and all in reference to the St Martins stuff...and from there? absolutely nothing, including ignoring other parents who have tried to contact him... 

(Didn't you also contact him re these bizarre charges you're currently facing in Court?-Ed)...indeed I did Ed, emailed him and then rang his office and was rudely told 'Nick doesn't do State issues' before being hung-up on...(charming!-Ed)...indeed, and told that in the exact time-frame when Nick mate...(maaate-Ed)...was all over the local media re some people/residents getting kicked out of an Adelaide seaside caravan park...(well that's clearly more important than either the St Martins Cover-up or this massively powerful legislation that you're currently being persecuted/prosecuted with-Ed)...indeed, an issue/legislation awash with Constitutional Conundrums and pungent overtones of Political Persecution...(indeed yourself, because I would argue, how is this not Mr Xenophon's responsibility? political persecution by the State via legislation that fundamentally eviscerates Federal Constitutional is this not his problem as the elected Federal representative of all South Australians?-Ed)...all excellent points Ed...

Those questions aside, I don't understand why Mr X has chosen to support these almost Fascist changes to Federal Voting/Preference Distribution, because 1) it appears to be support for stopping people like himself getting elected into any office Federally, and 2) he didn't need to go anywhere near it because the Liberals who are pushing this change already have the support of The Greens, and therefore the numbers...I can't figure-out why Mr Xenophon would work so hard to promote himself as a viably independent alternative standing apart from the major Parties, and then openly support this a context where all involved are considered to be inclusively collusive, this bipartisan attack on the Xenophon Party in South Oz is potentially the good ol' 'reverse psychology' strategy/manipulation that makes Mr X look good in the eyes of voters, ie, 'oo look, both major Parties are attacking him, therefore he must be independent, etc, and therefore he'll get my vote 'cos I hate the major Parties'...(oh yeah? how much?-Ed)...alot!...(right, you're in-Ed)...with appropriate nods to Monty Python's - Life Of Brian...(I love that movie-Ed)...     

Is Nick Xenophon truly the solution to our problems re uncaring, unaccountable major Parties, or is he just a slick personification of the rank corruption that potentially has supported/protected his success? Mr X the genuinely independent alternative to a political system massively dominated by the Liberal/Nationals and Labor, or is he the Judas Goat being proffered as a 'false prophet' if you will, presented as being a strong and genuine alternative so as to give a jaded and un-trusting public the false hope that we actually have some choice and/or chance? Nick completely genuine and playing The Long Game, The Very Long Game Indeed, and I just can't see it 'cos I ain't got the political smarts, or is he little more than a puppet just stringing us along? tell me...

Did Mr Xenophon deliberately lead us parents into an inescapable ambush in the form of this clearly corrupted SARC Inquiry no.54, or did he get us the only investigation/Inquiry he could in a genuine attempt to help us? tell me 'cos I couldn't tell you definitively, and I've been living this reality since it first kicked-off in September /October 2006 when Mr X travelled to Mt Gambier and first met myself and other parents...the reality that continued through late 2007 when Mr X tabled a motion calling for the SARC Inquiry, literally his last act as a State politician before going Federal...and a reality that continued from the final vote to establish the Inquiry (October 2008) through to it's farcical conclusion in July 2011...did Nick betray us or support us?...

Is Mr Xenophon's success as a politician a genuine testament to his personal abilities, commitment, etc, or is it evidence of the support/reward he's received for supporting the St Martins Cover-up and potentially other issues? he the light at the end of a 2-Party Tunnel, or is he just another manifestation of the political Gravy Train?...      

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff, And Why Not?'s...names...(oh gourd, here we go-Ed)...''s...disrespect...ful...and...purile...and...Steely Dan The Man Combi-van Holster Pelicans...(you idiot-Ed)...I can't help it! it's just what goes on in my head when I hear names like Dan van Holst Pellikaan, a SA politician...(ya' still an idiot-Ed)...yeah, fair cop...

Anyhoos, maybe I'm completely wrong about Nick, or maybe, by taking such a bipartisan almost scattergun approach I've fortuitously grazed the reality or at least one of the realities, and maybe, just maybe, I've nailed-it by hammering every head I this point in time I still haven't completely committed to one, any and/or all of these stubborn refusal to write-off Mr X is evident in the title itself...(the question mark?-Ed) you're good Ed, indeed, the question mark...regular availees will be well aware that I've slung the Judas Goat Millstone 'round a few necks previous in this 'ere blog, but never with a question mark attached...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...  

1 comment:

  1. Please provide your email address to Would like to have a private chat. Thanks
