Thursday, February 4, 2016

Brief Court Post

Hello availees one and y'all and welcome to a very brief post re my Court case...please find attached right just there the article from yesterday's The Border Watch, Wednesday 3rd February 2016...

Given that I've given TBW such a thorough bloggy kickin' on so many occasions, it is absolutely incumbent of me to be acknowledging this very positive article...(ooo, that's gotta' hurt-Ed)...well not really, I'm genuinely pleased to see this case/issue get any attention/reportage, and indeed the attention/reportage it deserves, because ultimately it's not about me, I'm just the bunny currently in the Legislative Headlights, these are genuine issues of Freedom of Speech and Constitutional Law, etc, that must be handled ...(bunny? looks more like a very angry moose to me, possibly a bear-Ed)...

For reasons I'll explain later, I'm not currently disposed to blog more today probably, but I did want to get at least something posted today...(well, at least we know what you've been upto this week-Ed)...well for about half an hour of it anyway, yes...anyhoos, whilst this article is a good place to start and does cover many of the points/issues raised/discussed, there are still several critical errors and important omissions that need to be addressed...(oh here we go, I thought you said you weren't going to put the boot into TBW this time!?-Ed)...if you'll let me finish Ed, there are mistakes and omissions, but given that 1) the hearing/"debate" went for 30-35 minutes, and 2) traipsed backwards and forwards across various issues of Constitutional Law, the conduct of my case by Prosecutions, etc, etc, as evidenced in the article itself, and 3) given the confusion between the Court and Prosecutions on so many issues, it's 4) hardly surprising indeed understandable indeed inevitable that the poor journalist has made a coupla' errors..

(Sorry, did you just apologise on behalf of a TBW journalist?-Ed)...well not apologise exactly, but try to identify the realities for everyone involved, and that is that it was a very circular, complex, and confusing "debate" for everyone involved...(well you seemed to do alright, you clearly weren't confused-Ed)...well thankyou Ed...(in fact, I thought you were a Monkey Genius-Ed)...high praise indeed, and yes, I was/am a bit proud of myself that I did so well...(high praise? is that when the mayonnaise goes off? what with Praise being a brand name for mayo here in Oz-Ed)...yeah nah, I get the joke, or what there is of it...moving on...

Just quickly 'cos I will cover it all again tomorrow, I note the descriptor of "intense debate" as being respectfully accurate in that it perfectly encapsulates the seriousness of the issue and the 'quality' of the wasn't an argument or a dispute, it was an "intense debate" across issues of Constitutional Law and Free Speech, etc, as conducted between SAPol Prosecutions, the Court/Magistrate, and a large angry hippy...(get in my son-Ed) "intense debate" where said hippy repeatedly argued the Magistrate and the Prosecutions to a standstill, and if we were scoring it as an actual debate, was clearly a run-away winner...

Also, re the confusion, etc, of the SAPol Prosecutions woman (sorry, didn't catch her name properly), can I just quickly mention my 1) genuine and absolute empathy/sympathy for her in that her own side was betraying her by pushing her out into the firing-line almost entirely unprepared...not her fault...not being sanctimonious or facetious, etc, just identifying the harsh reality of 2) the gutless cowards who pushed her out there to cop that flak...and you can rest assured that in tomorrow's post I'm gunna' give those cowards such a blog floggin'...(and well deserved too from what I'm looking at-Ed)...I can be a very angry man Ed, but this sort of rank cowardice wrapped as it is in pro-paedophile corruption, that shizzle really punches my buttons...

Tomorrow: Hippy Goes A Courtin' 

Apologies for stalling on the Rail Lands stuff, but Council's clearly not wavering from the agenda of deceits and propaganda so's there'll be plenty of opportunities to cover that stuff...also, have started (nearly) a separate blog for the Rail Lands stuff and some other issues and will be working them in amongst this here the original, The Mount Gambier Independent...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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